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Journal of Digital Imaging logoLink to Journal of Digital Imaging
. 2013 Apr 4;26(5):843–849. doi: 10.1007/s10278-013-9597-4

Content Analysis of Reporting Templates and Free-Text Radiology Reports

Yi Hong 1, Charles E Kahn Jr 2,
PMCID: PMC3782601  PMID: 23553231


The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) has developed a set of templates for structured reporting of radiology results. To measure how much of the content of conventional narrative (“free-text”) reports is covered by the concepts included in the RSNA reporting templates, we selected five reporting templates that represented a variety of imaging modalities and organ systems. From a sample of 8,275 consecutive, de-identified radiology reports from an academic medical center, we identified one corresponding imaging procedure code for each reporting template. The reports were annotated with RadLex and SNOMED CT terms using the BioPortal Annotator web service. The reporting templates we examined accounted for 17 to 49 % of the concepts that actually appeared in a sample of corresponding radiology reports. The findings suggest that the concepts that appear in the reporting templates occur frequently within free-text clinical reports; thus, the templates provide useful coverage of the “domain of discourse” in radiology reports. The techniques used in this study may be helpful to guide the development of reporting templates by identifying concepts that occur frequently in radiology reports, to evaluate the coverage of existing templates, and to establish global benchmarks for reporting templates.

Keywords: Radiology, Reporting, Structured reports, Narrative (free-text) reports, Reporting templates, Biomedical ontologies, RadLex, SNOMED CT, BioPortal Annotator


Despite remarkable advances in medical imaging technologies, the form and content of radiology reports has changed relatively little since the inception of radiology [1]. Unstructured (“free text”) radiology reports remain the most common approach for radiology reporting. Structured radiology reports present information in a consistent format, employ standardized terminology, and allow reported information to be extracted efficiently for indexing and reuse [1]. Although some technological challenges have yet to be overcome [2], referring physicians have a strong preference for structured radiology reports [36]. In specialty areas such as cardiovascular imaging, policy statements have signaled a move to structured reporting [7].

To promote structured radiology reporting, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) has developed a large, freely accessible online library of radiology reporting templates ( [8]. Radiologists and other users can browse, retrieve, and download templates in text format or encoded in the Extensible Markup Language. An application programming interface allows one to search template metadata and download reporting templates as a web service. Because information in a structured reporting template adheres to a consistent format and vocabulary, it is easier to integrate that information with generalized knowledge-based resources and incorporate the structured reporting process with clinical guidelines and decision support.

As of January 2013, the RSNA report template library contained 200 reporting templates in English and 45 templates translated into several other languages. The templates are intended to serve as examples of “best practice” to guide radiologists in formulating reports [8]. Each reporting template has associated metadata, including information about the template’s title, creator, subject, description, and date. The elements of the reporting templates have been mapped to corresponding terms in standardized biomedical ontologies such as the RadLex® radiology lexicon and the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) vocabulary [9].

RadLex® is a unified language of radiology terms for standardized indexing and retrieval of radiology information resources [10, 11]. RadLex® has more than 34,000 terms, including diseases, radiologically pertinent anatomy, and imaging observations. It is organized as an ontology and includes subsumption (“is-a”) relationships to demarcate superclass–subclass relations among its terms. SNOMED CT®, an ontology of more than 310,000 terms, is considered to be the most comprehensive, multilingual clinical healthcare terminology in the world [12, 13]. SNOMED CT® is widely used in clinical information systems.

The National Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO) BioPortal web site ( provides access to an open repository of biomedical ontologies via web services, and allows users to browse, search, and visualize ontologies. It contains ontologies that cover a broad range of biomedical topics, including anatomy, phenotypes, experimental conditions, imaging, chemistry, and health. BioPortal allows users to utilize ontologies for annotation of biomedical data on their sites in order to facilitate interoperability, search, and translational discoveries. Both RadLex® and SNOMED CT® can be accessed through NCBO BioPortal.

Standardized terminologies are used to reduce ambiguity and improve the clarity of radiology reports and image annotations, and provide a uniform means of indexing radiological materials in a variety of settings [9]. In this study, we sought to evaluate how well the RSNA reporting templates covered the “domain of discourse” of actual radiology reports. We measured how frequently terms from the reporting templates appeared in conventionally dictated, narrative (“free-text”) radiology reports. Our hypothesis was that the reporting templates included the more frequently used terms in clinical radiology reports.

Material and Methods

Five reporting templates for frequently performed procedures (computed tomography (CT) brain, chest X-ray, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging spine, nuclear medicine (NM) bone scan, and ultrasonography (US) abdomen) were chosen from the RSNA reporting template library. The templates represented a variety of imaging modalities, such CT, MR imaging, radiography, NM, and US, and a variety of body areas and organ systems (thorax, brain, abdomen, and skeletal system). To identify the concepts that appeared in the templates, we extracted the reporting elements from each template. These reporting elements—terms such as “left kidney,” “hydronephrosis,” and “mild”—described potential report content that could appear in encoded form within a structured report based on the specified template.

A series of 8,275 consecutive, de-identified radiology reports from an academic medical center served as the test set for this investigation. The study protocol received Institutional Review Board approval and the study was performed in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. All of the reports were created by voice dictation, and were transcribed either manually or using a speech recognition system. The report text represented final, approved report content, and consisted of the procedure name, narrative (“findings”) section, and report impression. The reports and the reporting templates were created independently. The reports were created about 2 years before the templates were developed; the reporting templates were developed by national committees without access to a specific set of radiology reports.

For each reporting template, we identified a single corresponding radiology procedure name from the institution’s charge master. For example, the “Chest Xray” template was matched with the “DX CHEST XRAY PA-LAT” procedure code. Other chest radiographic procedures, such as single-view chest examinations, were not included in this analysis. The reporting templates and corresponding radiological procedure codes are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

The five reporting templates and corresponding imaging procedure names, selected from the chargemaster of the participating institution

Report description Template name Procedure name
Two-view chest radiography Chest Xray DX CHEST PA-LAT
Non-contrast head CT CT Brain CT HEAD W/O CONT
Non-contrast spine MRI MR Spine MR L SPINE W/O CONT
Radionuclide bone scintigraphy NM Bone Scan NM BONE WHOLE BODY
Complete abdomen ultrasound examination US Abdomen US ABD COMPLETE

We applied the NCBO BioPortal Annotator [14] ( to identify matching concepts from the RadLex and SNOMED CT vocabularies with terms in our sample of reporting templates and free-text reports. The Annotator processes text submitted by users through a RESTful web interface, uses string-matching to recognize terms from specified biomedical ontologies within the given text, and returns the annotations to the user [15].

First, we applied BioPortal Annotator to identify RadLex and SNOMED CT concepts from each reporting template. Then, for each clinical radiology report, BioPortal Annotator was used to annotate the clinical reports with matching RadLex and SNOMED CT concepts. Report annotation was automated completely through the NCBO Annotator’s web service, and results were stored in a database. In our analysis, the number of “Unique Concepts” represents the number of distinct concepts from these two ontologies that appear in at least one of the clinical reports for a specific radiology procedure. We defined “Concept Occurrences” as the sum of the number of reports in which each of the unique concepts occurs. For all of the reports of a specific procedure, we tallied the number of unique concepts identified by the annotation process and the total number of clinical reports in which each concept occurred. We compared the concepts that appeared in the report templates (“template-based concepts”) with the concepts that appeared in free-text reports.


The five reporting templates are shown in Table 2 with the number of elements and concepts for each template. The number of reporting elements indicates how many predefined terms such as section headings (e.g., “Findings”), anatomic sites (e.g., “Left kidney”), observation descriptors (“Hydronephrosis”), and predefined values (e.g., “Severe”) appear in the reporting template. Each element may have mapped to zero, one, or more than one term in a vocabulary; the total number of annotations is shown in the rightmost column. For example, the 25 elements of the chest radiograph reporting template were mapped to 41 concepts (“Appendices” section).

Table 2.

The number of reporting elements and associated RadLex® and SNOMED CT® concepts for the five selected reporting templates

Template name Template ID No. of reporting elements No. of concepts
Chest Xray 0000102 25 41
CT Brain 0000004 61 152
MR Spine 0000071 200 254
NM Bone Scan 0000079 53 130
US Abdomen 0000087 97 222

The annotation results of the full-text reports are shown in Table 3. The 860 chest radiograph exam (“DX CHEST PA-LAT”) reports, for example, contained 2,360 unique concepts, of which 33 (1.4 %) matched the 41 concepts generated from the corresponding reporting template (“Chest Xray”). As expected, this result indicates the reporting template contains far fewer terms than those found in actual radiology reports. Of the 53,624 concept occurrences for this procedure’s reports, however, 9,931 (17.2 %) were related to concepts that appeared in the reporting template.

Table 3.

For each procedure, the table indicates the number of reports analyzed and their number of unique concepts

All concepts Template-based concepts
Procedure name No. of reports No. of concepts No. of occurrences Mean occurrences per concept No. of concepts No. of occurrences Mean occurrences per concept Coverage, % Relative frequency
DX CHEST PA-LAT 860 2,360 53,624 22.7 33 9,231 279.7 17.2 14.7
CT HEAD W/O CONT 323 2,041 39,314 19.3 127 9,971 78.5 25.4 5.1
MR L SPINE W/O CONT 35 766 4,407 5.8 155 1,808 11.7 41.0 2.7
NM BONE WHOLE BODY 26 505 2,571 5.1 50 586 11.7 22.8 2.7
US ABD COMPLETE 57 757 7,552 10.0 146 3,708 25.4 49.1 4.0

The number of concept occurrences is the sum of number of reports in which each concept appears

“Coverage” indicates the percentage of concept occurrences related to template-based concepts. The “Relative Frequency” is the ratio of mean occurrences per concept for template-based and non-template-based concepts

As shown in Table 3, the template-based concepts appeared significantly more frequently. The 33 concepts in the “Chest Xray” template appeared 14.7 times more frequently in actual reports than concepts that did not appear in the reporting template. For all five of the procedures studied here, the template-based concepts appeared in actual reports at least 2.5 times more frequently than non-template-based concepts. The chi-squared test for each report type showed a significant difference at a threshold of p < 0.00001.


The RSNA reporting templates have been created to represent “best practice” in radiology reporting [8], rather than as a normative standard. In general, the templates were crafted by national committees of subspecialty experts or as “time-tested” examples of reporting templates used at individual institutions. That the reporting templates adequately capture the salient aspects of corresponding radiology reports is an untested hypothesis. The experiment described here sought to evaluate the extent to which the RSNA reporting templates covered the content of corresponding free-text reports.

The RSNA reporting templates that we examined accounted for no fewer than 17 % and up to 49 % of the concept occurrences in a sample of corresponding radiology reports. Although the reporting templates contained a small number of unique concepts, their concepts appeared with high frequency in radiology reports. For all reports in this study, template-based concepts appeared in actual reports at least 2.5 times more frequently than non-template-based concepts.

This study had several limitations. We examined a small number of reporting templates, and explored reports of only one procedure type for each template. The reports were obtained over a relatively brief period (1 week) from a single institution, and hence may reflect individual biases. The NCBO Annotator often identified multiple concepts for a specific term. For example, the phrase “right kidney” was mapped to annotations for “right,” “kidney,”, “right kidney,” “entire kidney,” “kidney structure,” and “right kidney structure.” Such redundancy may artificially increase the percentage of matching terms.

Despite these limitations, we believe that our results provide useful estimates of how well the reporting templates capture the concepts that appear frequently in radiology reports. A more “complete” template may be desirable, but it is likely to be more complex and possibly more difficult to use. Even a relatively simple template, such as “Chest Xray,” addressed almost one-fifth of the concepts that appeared in two-view chest radiograph reports. The techniques used here may be helpful to determine the appropriate complexity of radiology reporting templates, and to identify those concepts that appear most frequently and should be considered for inclusion in the templates. Such techniques may be incorporated into automated approaches to construct reporting templates that optimally model the content of clinical radiology reports.


The reporting templates analyzed in this study yielded 17 to 49 % of the concept occurrences in actual radiology reports, and contained concepts that appeared significantly more frequently than others. This finding suggests that the RSNA reporting templates provide useful coverage of the “domain of discussion” in radiology reports. The techniques used in this study can guide the development of reporting templates by identifying concepts that occur frequently in radiology reports. These techniques also can help evaluate the coverage of existing templates and establish global benchmarks for reporting templates.


This research was supported in part by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB). We thank the RSNA Radiology Informatics Committee for leading and supporting the radiology reporting initiative, and we acknowledge the many RSNA volunteers who helped develop the reporting templates.

Appendix A

Table 4.

Reporting elements from the “Chest Xray” template, shown in order of appearance. Indentation is added to show the elements’ hierarchy

 Clinical information
   Shortness of breath
   Preoperative exam
 No acute disease
 Degenerative changes
   No acute disease

Appendix B

Table 5.

The 41 concepts derived from the “Chest Xray” template’s reporting elements

Concept name Ontology Concept ID
Acute SNOMED CT 53737009
acute RadLex RID5718
Acute disease SNOMED CT 2704003
anteroposterior view RadLex RID28784
Breath SNOMED CT 11891009
Clinical SNOMED CT 58147004
clinical information RadLex RID13166
comparison RadLex RID28483
Cough SNOMED CT 49727002
cough RadLex RID39051
Disease SNOMED CT 64572001
Dyspnea SNOMED CT 267036007
Dyspnea SNOMED CT 49233005
Entire bony skeleton SNOMED CT 128530007
Entire heart SNOMED CT 302509004
Fever SNOMED CT 386661006
fever RadLex RID39083
heart RadLex RID1385
Heart structure SNOMED CT 80891009
impression section RadLex RID13170
Increased body temperature SNOMED CT 64882008
Lateral SNOMED CT 49370004
lateral RadLex RID39121
lateral view RadLex RID5821
lungs RadLex RID13437
none RadLex RID28454
Normal SNOMED CT 17621005
normal RadLex RID13173
observations section RadLex RID28486
Preoperative RadLex RID28815
posteroanterior view RadLex RID28625
Procedure SNOMED CT 71388002
procedure RadLex RID1559
Pyrexia SNOMED CT 248425001
Report SNOMED CT 229059009
report RadLex RID28487
Report procedure SNOMED CT 308561006
set of bones RadLex RID28569
shortness of breath RadLex RID39265
View SNOMED CT 246516004
view RadLex RID12243

Appendix C

Sample narrative (free-text) chest radiography report


Chest. Comparison: 03/06/07. AP upright and left lateral upright views of the chest reveal a transverse cardiac diameter that is within normal limits. There is mild tortuosity and ectasia of the thoracic aorta which is unchanged. Mediastinal width and pulmonary vasculature is normal. The lung fields are free of infiltrate, consolidation, or effusion. There is evidence of hyperinflation with increased AP chest dimension. One questions if patient has an element of obstructive pulmonary disease. Again noted is a sending device overlying the left midlung field. An electrode lead extends cephalad into the cervical area on the left. This is essentially unchanged from the previous films.


(1) Aortic tortuosity and ectasia with no acute cardiopulmonary disease. (2) Lung field changes suggestive of obstructive pulmonary disease.

Appendix D

Table 6.

Concepts identified by NCBO Annotator for the example report in Appendix C, listed alphabetically by concept name. Of the 72 concepts identified in this report, 10 appear in the corresponding report template

Concept name Ontology Concept ID Appears in template
Abnormally hard consistency SNOMED CT 19730000
Acute SNOMED CT 53737009 X
acute RadLex RID5718 X
anteroposterior view RadLex RID28784 X
aorta RadLex RID480
Aortic SNOMED CT 261051005
Aortic structure SNOMED CT 15825003
Area SNOMED CT 42798000
Cephalic SNOMED CT 66787007
Cervical SNOMED CT 261064006
Chemical element SNOMED CT 57795002
comparison RadLex RID28483 X
Consolidation SNOMED CT 9656002
Device SNOMED CT 49062001
Diameter SNOMED CT 81827009
diameter RadLex RID13432
Dilatation SNOMED CT 25322007
dilation RadLex RID4743
Disease SNOMED CT 64572001 X
Disorder of lung SNOMED CT 19829001
Effusion SNOMED CT 41699000
Effusion SNOMED CT 430869004
effusion RadLex RID4872
Electrode SNOMED CT 16470007
electrode RadLex RID5456
Entire aorta SNOMED CT 181298001
Entire lung SNOMED CT 181216001
Entire thoracic aorta SNOMED CT 302510009
Evidence of SNOMED CT 18669006
Free of SNOMED CT 37837009
Hyperdistention SNOMED CT 73578008
impression section RadLex RID13170 X
Increased SNOMED CT 35105006
increased RadLex RID36043
Infiltration SNOMED CT 47351003
Is a SNOMED CT 116680003
Lateral SNOMED CT 49370004 X
Lead SNOMED CT 88488004
lead RadLex RID11924
Left SNOMED CT 7771000
left RadLex RID5824
lung RadLex RID1301
Lung field SNOMED CT 34922002
Lung structure SNOMED CT 39607008
Mediastinal SNOMED CT 264099006
Mild SNOMED CT 18647004
Mild SNOMED CT 255604002
mild RadLex RID5671
Morphology within normal limits SNOMED CT 125112009
No status change SNOMED CT 260388006
Normal SNOMED CT 17621005 X
normal RadLex RID13173 X
Normal limits SNOMED CT 260394003
observations section RadLex RID28486 X
Over SNOMED CT 21481007
Overlying behavior SNOMED CT 32102004
Patient SNOMED CT 116154003
Previous SNOMED CT 9130008
previous RadLex RID5726
Pulmonary SNOMED CT 264164005
Suggestive of SNOMED CT 7196007
Thoracic SNOMED CT 261179002
thoracic aorta RadLex RID879
Thoracic aorta structure SNOMED CT 113262008
Thoracic structure SNOMED CT 51185008
thorax RadLex RID1243
Tortuosity SNOMED CT 15690004
Transverse SNOMED CT 62824007
transverse RadLex RID5854
upright position RadLex RID10455
vasculature RadLex RID15989
Width SNOMED CT 103355008


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