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Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN logoLink to Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN
. 2013 Aug 29;8(10):1670–1678. doi: 10.2215/CJN.00510113

Efficacy and Safety of a Citrate-Based Protocol for Sustained Low-Efficiency Dialysis in AKI Using Standard Dialysis Equipment

Enrico Fiaccadori *,, Giuseppe Regolisti *, Carola Cademartiri *, Aderville Cabassi *, Edoardo Picetti , Maria Barbagallo , Tiziano Gherli §, Giuseppe Castellano , Santo Morabito , Umberto Maggiore **
PMCID: PMC3789332  PMID: 23990164


Background and objectives

A simple anticoagulation protocol was developed for sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED) in patients with AKI, based on the use of anticoagulant citrate dextrose solution formulation A (ACD-A) and standard dialysis equipment. Patients’ blood recalcification was obtained from calcium backtransport from dialysis fluid.

Design, setting, participants, & measurements

All patients treated with SLED (8- to 12-hour sessions) for AKI in four intensive care units of a university hospital were studied over a 30-month period, from May 1, 2008 to September 30, 2010. SLED interruptions and their causes, hemorrhagic complications, as well as coagulation parameters, ionized calcium, and blood citrate levels were recorded.


This study examined 807 SLED sessions in 116 patients (mean age of 69.7 years [SD 12.1]; mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score of 23.8 [4.6]). Major bleeding was observed in six patients (5.2% or 0.4 episodes/100 person-days follow-up while patients were on SLED treatment). Citrate accumulation never occurred, even in patients with liver dysfunction. Intravenous calcium for ionized hypocalcemia (< 3.6 mg/dl or < 0.9 mmol/L) was needed in 28 sessions (3.4%); in 8 of these 28 sessions (28.6%), low ionized calcium was already present before SLED start. In 92.6% of treatments, SLED was completed within the scheduled time (median 8 hours). Interruptions of SLED by impending/irreversible clotting were recorded in 19 sessions (2.4%). Blood return was complete in 98% of the cases. In-hospital mortality was 45 of 116 patients (38.8%).


This study protocol affords efficacious and safe anticoagulation of the SLED circuit, avoiding citrate accumulation and, in most patients, systematic calcium supplementation; it can be implemented with commercial citrate solutions, standard dialysis equipment, on-line produced dialysis fluid, and minimal laboratory monitoring.


Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapies (RRTs), commonly denominated as sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED), are increasingly used in critically ill patients with AKI (16).

SLED, usually lasting 8–12 hours, shares most advantages of both the conventional intermittent (4 hours) and the continuous forms of RRT (4,711).

Finding the best compromise between the risks of circuit coagulation (12) and bleeding (13) still represents a major challenge of AKI treatment. In the last 20 years, citrate has emerged as a safe and efficacious alternative to heparin for extracorporeal circuit anticoagulation (12,14). Citrate chelates ionized calcium (Ca++), the most important cofactor of the coagulation cascade, causing ionized hypocalcemia and impaired thrombin generation (12). The low molecular weight citrate anion is removed by diffusion/convection, with the patient’s citrate load eventually resulting from the balance between citrate administration and its removal by RRT (12). Longer circuit survival with lower bleeding rates (15,16) and improved biocompatibility (1720) are recognized advantages of the citrate-based continuous RRT modalities.

Although regional citrate anticoagulation has also been recommended by the recent Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes guidelines (21), several physicians are still reluctant to adopt this technique because of the following: (1) the heterogeneity and complexity of most of the available protocols, based on dedicated machines and circuits; (2) the need for customized and expensive citrate solutions and replacement fluids; (3) the fear of metabolic complications (particularly hypocalcemia and metabolic alkalosis); and (4) difficulties in predicting and preventing citrate accumulation, especially when liver function is impaired (12).

The reported incidence of clotting within the extracorporeal circulation during SLED is 26%–46% when no antihemostatic agent is administered, but it decreases to 10%–26% with the use of prostacyclin or unfractionated heparin (911,2224). The incidence of hemorrhagic complications in patients with AKI on RRT ranges from 4% to 30%–50% (2530).

Currently, few data are available about citrate use for SLED in critically ill patients with AKI.

Here we report safety and efficacy data of a new protocol for citrate anticoagulation in SLED, aimed at providing the following advantages over the previously published strategies: (1) simple implementation by using standard dialysis machines, circuits, and filters, without any software modification; (2) use of the low-cost anticoagulant citrate dextrose solution formulation A (ACD-A) commonly utilized for apheresis, rather than the more expensive customized or commercial citrate solutions; (3) exploitation of the naturally occurring backtransport of calcium from standard dialysis fluid to achieve recalcification of the blood returning to the patient, thus obviating the need for systemic calcium administration; and (4) no need for complex laboratory monitoring to avoid citrate accumulation, even in patients with liver dysfunction.

In this study, prospectively studied indicators of safety and efficacy of our simplified citrate protocol are reported for 807 SLED sessions in 116 consecutive patients with AKI admitted to the four adult intensive care units (ICUs) of our university hospital. Citrate levels were also measured in a subgroup of the same patients, in order to gain insights about the risk of citrate accumulation.

Materials and Methods


SLED with citrate is the standard-of-care RRT modality for critically ill patients with AKI at our institution since May 2008. The indications are as follows: hemodynamic intolerance to previous intermittent 4-hour hemodialysis, fluid overload (>10% of usual or ideal body weight at the time of RRT initiation), severe catabolism, concomitant neurologic problems, or neurotrauma. Patients with a platelet count <20,000/mm3 usually receive SLED without any antihemostatic agent.

For this study, we considered eligible all patients undergoing SLED because of AKI at the four adult ICUs (general/trauma, surgical, heart surgery, renal) at our university hospital starting from May 1, 2008 to September 30, 2010.

SLED Procedure and Antihemostatic Technique

SLED was performed using the AK200S Ultra type 1 machine (Gambro, Medolla, Italy) and polysulfone filters (F8HPS, 1.8 m2, Kuf 18 ml/mmHg per hour; Fresenius Italia, Palazzo Pignano, Italy), with a blood flow of 200 ml/min, on-line generated ultrapure dialysate (cocurrent flow, 300 ml/min), and dialysate Ca++ 1.25 mmol/L (5 mg/dl). We used ACD-A (3% citrate, 0.8% citric acid, 2.2% trisodium citrate, 112.9 mmol/L total citrate anion in 2.5% dextrose; Fresenius Italia) as an anticoagulant, infused before the filter, initially at 400 ml/h, then at 300 ml/h (200 ml/h at discretion of the attending nephrologists in the case of possible liver dysfunction). Because blood flow rate was invariably set at 200 ml/min, citrate levels in the whole treated blood can be predicted to be approximately 4 mmol/L with an ACD-A infusion rate of 400 ml/h, 3 mmol/L with 300 ml/h, and 2 mmol/L with 200 ml/h on the basis of the following formula:

graphic file with name CJN.00510113equ1.jpg

where CACD-A is the citrate concentration in the ACD-A solution (mmol/L), QACD-A is the infusion rate of ACD-A solution (L/h), and Qblood is the blood flow into the circuit (L/h).

Initially, treatment monitoring involved serial Ca++ (ABL800 Flex Hemogasanalyzer; Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark) and activated coagulation time (ACT) (Hemochron Signature Elite; ITC, Edison, NJ) measurements at SLED start, every 2 hours, and at SLED end. Circuit sampling points were set as follows: patient’s blood before the filter (i.e., before blood mixing with ACD-A, “systemic ACT”), circuit blood before the filter (after blood mixing with ACD-A), and circuit blood after the filter (i.e., blood returning to the patient). In 91 sessions, serum citrate levels in the patient’s blood were measured by commercially available ultraviolet test kits for enzymatic spectrophotometric analysis (Enzyplus EZA785+; Biocontrol Systems, Rome, Italy) at the same circuit sampling points.

In the day-by-day routine, sampling for monitoring was limited to the patient’s blood before the filter at SLED start (systemic ACT), at 2 hours from SLED, and at the end of SLED. Calcium gluconate 10% infusion (calcium 0.24 mmol/ml) was started by the nephrology nurses at 5 ml/h whenever Ca++ fell below 0.9 mmol/L in the blood coming from the patient and/or below 0.60 mmol/L in the blood returning to the patient; Ca++ was rechecked in 30-60 min calcium gluconate infusion was in case increased to 10 ml/h (see the Supplemental Material for the detailed ACD-A protocol).

Data Collection

Data regarding SLED monitoring and treatment complications were extracted from sheets routinely filled in by nurses and nephrologists, as previously described (10).

Demographic and clinical data were taken from the clinical and administrative database of the ward, including the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) score in version II (31) at RRT start (32), and the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score (33). MELD is a prospectively developed and validated liver disease severity scoring system that uses a patient's laboratory values for serum bilirubin, serum creatinine, and the international normalized ratio for prothrombin time.

The study was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and was approved by the Review Board of Parma University. Informed consent to RRT was obtained from either the patient or a close relative.

Safety Measures

Safety was evaluated as follows. The incidences of major bleeding episodes during RRT comprised all bleeding episodes actually occurring during the day of SLED session, or in the ensuing 48 hours, were considered hemorrhagic complications of treatment. Because SLED was performed with a daily or alternate-day schedule, the incidence of major bleeding was obtained by computing person-days as the time period (days) between the first and the last SLED treatment. Major bleeding was defined as overt bleeding leading to either hypotension or transfusion of at least two packed red cell units (10). Additional parameters included ACT levels in the patient’s blood during RRT; Ca++ concentration in the patient’s blood, in which we calculated the number of treatments with Ca++ decrease below 0.90 mmol/L after SLED start, whatever the time point of the Ca++ measurement was; and serum citrate levels in the patient’s blood during RRT.

Efficacy Measures

As previously reported (10), we measured efficacy as the proportion of nonprematurely interrupted treatments, and the proportion of blood return at the end of each SLED session. Reasons for session interruption were usually represented by unexpected clotting of the filter and/or the lines, or by an increase in transmembrane pressure exceeding the maximum value recommended by the filter manufacturer. In some cases, interruptions were due to urgent procedures or diagnostic tests, or to impending death of the patient. Blood return after each circuit discontinuation was also recorded. The volume of blood returned to the patient was defined on the basis of visual inspection of the extracorporeal circuit by the nurses; complete return was defined by a complete rinsing from blood of the lines and the filter at the end of SLED; no blood return was defined by complete occlusion of the air traps by visible clots rendering blood flow not possible; and intermediate conditions were defined as partial return. The urea reduction ratio was calculated according to standard methods (34).

Statistical Analyses

Nonrepeated continuous and categorical unpaired data were compared by Mann–Whitney and Fisher's exact tests, respectively. The 95% confidence interval (95% CI), as well as the P value for estimates of premature interruption of the SLED circuit and of the difference between prescribed and obtained weight loss, were computed using logistic and linear regression analysis with a sandwich estimator of the variance that takes into account the within-patient correlation between observations (35). We expressed the frequency of hemorrhagic complications as the cumulative incidence to the first episode of bleeding and as the rate per 100 days of SLED. To account for the presence of unbalanced and missing data, we analyzed citrate, calcium, bicarbonate, and ACT data with repeated-measures linear mixed models using restricted maximum likelihood (36,37). We used random coefficient regression models to estimate linear changes over time in the presence of unbalanced data (36,37). Dependent variates were log-transformed to improve normality whenever appropriate. For the computation of the MELD score, creatinine was set to 4 mg/dl for all patients. A P value <0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. All analyses were performed using GenStat (release 15.0; VSN International, Hemel Hempstead, UK) and the Stata Statistical Software package (release 12.0; StataCorp, College Station, TX).


Patients Characteristics and Follow-Up

The average APACHE II score was 23.8 (Table 1). AKI was oliguric in 90 of 116 patients (77.6%). Two thirds of the patients were mechanically ventilated by invasive mechanical ventilation. Many patients showed hypotension and/or hemodynamic instability. Previous RRT in the form of conventional intermittent hemodialysis had been attempted in 40 of 116 patients (34.5%). Eleven patients (9.5%) had a history of recent major bleeding (<48 hours before SLED start). Seventy-five patients (64.7%) received dalteparin as thromboprophylaxis (median daily dose 2500 IU; interquartile range, 1250–5000). Seventy-one patients survived to be discharged from the hospital; thus, the overall in-hospital mortality was 38.8%.

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients at SLED start (first session)

Characteristic Value
Age, yr 70 (12.1)
Male 61 (52.6%)
Body weight, kg 79.4 (14.2)
APACHE II score 23.8 (4.6)
Serum creatinine, mg/dl 4.8 (2–11)
BUN, mg/dl 67 (17–184)
Oliguria 90 (77.6%)
Conventional intermittent dialysis before SLED 40 (34.5%)
Sodium, mEq/L 138 (4.4)
Potassium, mEq/L 4.7 (0.8)
Bicarbonate, mEq/L 21.3 (3.6)
Total calcium, mg/dl 8 (0.8)
Phosphorus, mg/dl 4.6 (1.94)
Magnesium, mg/dl 1.9 (0.5)
Lactate, mg/dl 18 (17)
Total bilirubin, mg/dl 2 (2.9)
Serum albumin, g/dl 2.2 (0.6)
Mechanical ventilation 111 (95.7%)
 Noninvasive 33 (29.7%)
Postoperative status 63 (54.3)
 Urgent surgery 42 (36.2%)
 Heart surgery 29 (25%)
Hypotension/hemodynamic instability 92 (79.3%)
Use of vasopressors 65 (56.0%)
Sepsis, comorbidity 38 (32.8%)
MELD score 23.3 (16–41)
Recent major bleeding 11 (9.5%)
Platelet count <100,000/mm3 57 (49.1%)
Platelet count <50,000/mm3 18 (15.5%)
Prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin 75 (64.7%)
Therapy with heparin 7 (6.0%)
Artificial nutrition 106/116 (91.4%)
 Enteral 18 (15.5%)
 Parenteral 26 (22.4%)
 Enteral + parenteral 62 (53.4%)
Chronic comorbidities
 Ischemic heart disease 41 (35.3%)
 Heart failure 39 (33.6%)
 CKD 66 (56.9%)
 Diabetes mellitus 34 (29.3%)
 Severe malnutrition (SGA class C) 38 (32.2%)
ICU mortality 41/116 (35.3%)
In-hospital mortality 45 (38.8%)

Categorical variables are presented as n (%), and continuous variable as mean (SD) or median (range). SLED, sustained low-efficiency dialysis; APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; MELD, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease; SGA, subjective global assessment of nutritional status; ICU, intensive care unit.


Six of 116 patients (5.2%; 95 CI, 2.4 to 10.8) had major bleeding (upper gastrointestinal tract, 2 patients; lower gastrointestinal tract, 2 patients; lung, 1 patient; central nervous system, 1 patient); the incidence rate was 0.4 episodes per 100 person-days follow-up while patients were on SLED treatment (95% CI, 0.2 to 0.9). No patient with a history of recent hemorrhage had new bleeding episodes or required urgent surgery for bleeding control. ACT levels during the course of SLED are reported in Figure 1; they were similar in patients with MELD above and below the median value of 25 (Figure 1). Serum ionized calcium was slightly reduced during SLED (Table 2), and systemic intravenous calcium administration was needed in 28 of 807 sessions (3.5%); the average dose of calcium gluconate was 63.7 ml per treatment (SD 6.6). However, in 8 of the 28 sessions (28.6%), ionized hypocalcemia was already present at SLED start. As expected, citrate levels in the blood before the filter approximated 4 mmol/L with ACD-A infusion rates of 400 ml/h, about 3 mmol/L with 300 ml/h, and about 2 mmol/L with 200 ml/h (Figure 2). Although systemic citrate levels increased during SLED (P<0.001; Figure 3), they remained at least 10 times lower than the average target levels commonly aimed for circuit anticoagulation (i.e., 2–4 mmol/L). No major differences were found in patients’ blood citrate levels over the course of SLED according to the different doses of ACD-A administered (from 200 to 400 ml) (Figure 3). In patients with more severe liver dysfunction (i.e., MELD above the median value) receiving ACD-A infusion rates of 400 ml/h, there was a nonstatistically significant trend toward a greater increase of citrate levels compared with the other patients (P=0.15; Figure 3). However, even these values were well below the levels known to produce anticoagulation (Figure 3). Citrate concentration drop in the blood returning to the patients was about two thirds of the prefilter levels (Table 2). Metabolic alkalosis was observed in eight patients (1%), yet no patient had venous serum bicarbonate levels >34 mmol/L. Clinically relevant hypotension was documented in 191 of 807 treatments (23.7%).

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Systemic ACT values. Systemic ACT values at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours of SLED in patients with a MELD score below (left panel) and equal to or above (right panel) the median value of 25. The total number of ACT values used for the plot is 2892. The numbers in percentages reported on the top of each panel represent the proportion of ACT values >300 seconds at each time point. ACT values are plotted on a log-scale. ACT, activated clotting time; SLED, sustained low-efficiency dialysis; MELD, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease. The dots represent outside values, defined as values that are larger than the upper quartile plus 1.5 times the interquartile range, or values that are smaller than the lower quartile minus 1.5 times the interquartile range.

Table 2.

Intradialytic variables related to regional anticoagulation with citrate

Variable Before SLED SLED 2 h End SLED P Value
Citrate, mmol/L 0.14 (0.05) 0.26 (0.11) 0.33 (0.14) <0.001a,b,c
Citrate postfilter, mmol/L 1.07 (0.37) 1.22 (0.55)
Citrate reduction ratio, % 68 (8.3) 65 (12.8)
Ionized calcium, mmol/L 1.06 (0.11) 0.99 (0.09) 0.98 (0.07) <0.001a,c
Ionized calcium, <0.90 mmol/L 5.7 9.5 4.0
Sodium, mEq/L 136 (4.3) NA NA
Bicarbonate, mEq/L 24.0 (3.3) 25.2 (2.9) 26.8 (2.7) <0.001a,b,c

Data are presented as mean (SD) or the percentage of patients. Values are intended as measured on patients’ blood if not otherwise indicated. P values refer to test for trend across all of the available sample times (which were unbalanced between patients). The analysis for time trend was performed using 383, 2907, and 2592 measurements of citrate, ionized calcium, and bicarbonate, respectively. SLED, sustained low-efficiency dialysis; NA, data not available.


Significant (P<0.05) pairwise comparison of before SLED versus SLED 2 hours.


Significant (P<0.05) pairwise comparison of SLED 2 hours versus end SLED.


Significant (P<0.05) pairwise comparison of before SLED versus end SLED.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Citrate levels in the blood before the filter at 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours of SLED with ACD-A infusion rates of 200 ml/h, 300 ml/h, and 400 ml/h. The total number of citrate measurements used for the plot is 166. SLED, sustained low-efficiency dialysis; ACD-A, anticoagulant citrate dextrose-formulation A. The dots represent outside values, defined as values that are larger than the upper quartile plus 1.5 times the interquartile range, or values that are smaller than the lower quartile minus 1.5 times the interquartile range.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Systemic citrate levels stratified by MELD score. Systemic citrate levels at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours of SLED in patients with a MELD score below (left panel) and equal to or above (right panel) the median value of 25, receiving ACD-A infusion rates of 200 ml/h, 300 ml/h, and 400 ml/h. There were no citrate levels available in the patients with MELD score above the median receiving an intermediate infusion rate of ACD-A (300 ml/h). The total number of citrate measurements used for the plot is 290. SLED, sustained low-efficiency dialysis; MELD, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease; ACD-A, anticoagulant citrate dextrose-formulation A. The dots represent outside values, defined as values that are larger than the upper quartile plus 1.5 times the interquartile range, or values that are smaller than the lower quartile minus 1.5 times the interquartile range.


Overall, 807 SLED sessions were carried out. The median number of SLED sessions per patient was 4 (range, 1–33; interquartile range, 2–10). Planned duration was 8, 10, and 12 hours, respectively, in 789 (98.9%), 12 (1.5%), and 6 (0.7%) of the sessions. Of the 807 sessions performed, 60 (7.4%; 95% CI, 5.8 to 9.6) were prematurely interrupted (Table 3). Impending or irreversible clotting occurred in 19 sessions (2.4%). No difference was observed in the rate of premature interruptions according to the use of low molecular weight heparin (P=0.78). Blood return was accomplished in the vast majority of the patients on SLED; in fact, it was complete in 791 sessions (98.1%) and partial in 10 sessions (1.2%); total loss of circuit blood complicated 6 sessions (0.6%).

Table 3.

Causes of SLED interruption

Cause Value
Prescribed time elapsed 747 (92.6)
Circuit clotting
 Irreversible 4 (0.5)
 Impending 15 (1.9)
Technical problems
 Central venous catheter malfunctioning 15 (1.9)
 Dialysis machine 2 (0.2)
Clinical reasons
 Urgent diagnostic procedure or surgery 6 (0.7)
 Arrhythmias/refractory hypotension 15 (1.9)
 Impending death 3 (0.4)

Data are presented as n (%) of the 807 sessions.

Average percent urea reduction at the end of treatment was 67% (SD 6.4). Patient weight was available in 610 of 807 sessions (75.6%); 40 of 807 sessions (5.0%) were performed without weight loss. In the remaining sessions, the median weight change was −2.5 kg (range, −6.5 to +1; interquartile range, –3 to –1.5), without any difference between the prescribed and obtained weight loss (P=0.88).


Our regional anticoagulation protocol for SLED based on ACD-A, standard dialysis equipment, and dialysis fluid with calcium was simple, safe, and efficacious. Compared with previous reports in AKI patients on RRT, the incidence of major bleeding was similar or even lower (15,16,2530). Systemic coagulation remained unchanged, with rare occurrence of ionized hypocalcemia during SLED requiring calcium supplementation; metabolic and fluid control was easily achieved.

We acknowledge two major limitations of our study. First, even though the lack of a control group precluded a direct comparison between our ACD-A–based protocol and the others, clotting rate compared very favorably either with our own SLED retrospective series without antihemostatic agents (10), and with previous reports based on heparin or prostacyclin (9,10,2224).

Second, this is a single-institution study. Because our results were obtained in a wide cohort of unselected patients consecutively admitted to four different clinical settings of adult ICUs, they might be cautiously generalized to adult critically ill patients. Furthermore, we used standard dialysis equipment, being that SLED practice at our institution is not substantially different from that of other centers caring for AKI patients in the ICU (1,7,9,11,2224).

On the other hand, our study highlights several important issues about safety and efficacy of citrate in SLED. Safety of citrate versus unfractionated heparin has been recently demonstrated for continuos RRT (15,16), and confirmed in high hemorrhagic risk AKI patient categories, such as those liver dysfunction (3841), burns with septic shock (42), and heart surgery (43). Two major issues of our approach deserve discussion: the hemorrhagic risk and the complications associated with citrate accumulation.

The reported incidence of hemorrhage in patients with AKI on RRT ranges from 4% to 30%–50% (15,16,2530). Data on SLED are scanty: no bleeding was reported in 56 sessions with heparin on 24 patients in one series (23), whereas 2 of 37 patients (5.4%) had bleeding during SLED in another series (11). The use of prostacyclin for SLED was associated with a slightly higher hemorrhagic risk (5.7% of patients, corresponding to 1.1 episode per 100 person-days) (10). Thus, data on hemorrhagic complications in our patient series seem to compare favorably with those reported in the literature.

As to the citrate toxicity, we did not document any clinically relevant citrate accumulation. This was not unexpected, owing to the operational characteristics of our RRT modality. In fact, in the case of SLED, most of the citrate is removed by diffusion, with an average citrate reduction ratio that was numerically close to the urea reduction ratio, including patients with liver dysfunction. The lack of citrate accumulation was mirrored by the very low incidence of both ionized hypocalcemia and metabolic alkalosis. In this regard, albeit rapid onset metabolic alkalosis can be potentially associated with dangerous ionized hypocalcemia, in our study the average initial change in serum bicarbonate levels was only mild, averaging +1.2 mmol/L after the first 2 hours of SLED (from 24.0 to 25.2 mmol/L).

As to the treatment efficacy, thanks to the adequate anticoagulation of the extracorporeal circulation, in our study nearly all SLED sessions were completed as planned, and the effective dose of RRT reflected that prescribed in most treatments.

Although no extracorporeal circuit clotting has been reported with unfractionated heparin in SLED (9), other series reported clotting in 17%–26% of treatments (11,2224); clotting rates are 29%–46% without any anticoagulation (11,2224). Few data are currently available in the literature on extended RRT modalities with citrate (Table 4) (8,42,44,45). With the use of citrate-based dialysis concentrate (Citrasate), a clotting rate of 15% has been reported for 6- to 8-hour SLED in critically ill patients (Madison et al., unpublished data, 2005). In extended high-volume hemodiafiltration (6–23 hours) in 21 ICU patients (258 sessions with unfractionated heparin and 31 with citrate) with septic multiple organ failure and AKI (8), the reported clotting rate of 15 of 289 sessions (0.51%) was close to the frequency of interruptions due to irreversible clotting in our study (0.5%), but separate data for heparin and citrate were not available in that article. In the most important series of diffusive prolonged intermittent modalities available thus far (45), (117 SLED in 30 patients) circuit clotting never occurred. However, only 19 patients had AKI, only a few were critically ill patients, and the average treatment duration was 6.7–7.3 hours. Moreover, the protocol required zero calcium dialysis fluid and calcium supplementation (45). Thus, our protocol seems to be at least as simple, safe, and efficacious as those in the literature.

Table 4.

Citrate-based anticoagulation for SLED in AKI

Reference Study Sessions and Patients (n) Targeted and Achieved
SLED Duration Citrate Protocol and
Dialysis Machine Routine Ca Infusion Extracorporeal Circuit
Clotting Rates Hemorrhagic Complications
Morgera et al. (44) Crossover with standard heparin 42 sessions in 21 patients with AKI in the ICU Targeted duration 4–6 h; mean achieved duration 5.4 h with citrate versus 4.6 with heparin 4% sodium citrate in the arterial line, average rate 199 ml/h; blood flow 200 ml/min; dialysis fluid calcium 1 mmol/L, Genius machine No Not reported in detail: “no differences in filter longevity between citrate and heparin” Not reported
Madison et al. (unpublished data, 2005) Observational 59 sessions in 14 patients with AKI in the ICU Targeted duration 6–8 h; achieved duration not reported Dialysis fluid (Citrasate) with citrate 0.8 mmol/L and calcium 1.3 mmol/L Not reported 9/59 (15%) No adverse events reported
Clark et al. (45) Observational 117 sessions in 30 patients (19 with AKI) Targeted duration 8 h with three different protocols of citrate administration; achieved duration: 6.78±1.85 first protocol, 6.71±1.94 second protocol, 7.32±1.34 third protocol 4% sodium citrate in the arterial line at 231–261 ml/h; blood flow 250 ml/min; dialysis fluid at 300 ml/min; zero calcium dialysis fluid, Fresenius 2008H machine Yes 0/117 (0%) No hemorrhage
Mariano et al. (42) Observational AKI with severe burns, 54 sessions with citrate in 8 patients, 460 sessions with standard heparin in 32 patients Median achieved duration 8 h with citrate, 8 h with heparin ACD-A in the predilution replacement fluid; average citrate load 21 mmol/h multifiltrate Fresenius machine, zero calcium dialysis fluid Yes Not reported Not reported separately for citrate and heparin treatments
Kron et al. (8) Observational 289 sessions in 21 patients with AKI in the ICU (268 sessions with standard heparin, 31 with citrate) Targeted duration 6–23 h; achieved median duration 10.15 h Citrate protocol not reported; hemodiafiltration, Gambro AK 200 Ultra S machine in the predilution mode Yes 15/289 (5.1%); no separate data for citrate and heparin Not reported
Fiaccadori et al. (this study) Observational 807 sessions in 116 patients with AKI in the ICU, including patients with liver dysfunction and/or high hemorrhagic risk Targeted duration:8 h in 98.9%, 10 h in 1.5%,12 h in 0.7%; median achieved duration 8 h ACD-A at 300 ml/min in the arterial line; blood flow 200 ml/min; dialysis fluid at 300 ml/min, cocurrent flow, calcium 1.25 mmol/L, Gambro AK 200 Ultra S machine No Median duration 8 h; early interruption due to circuit clotting 19/807 (2.4%) 6/116 (5.2%)

SLED, sustained low-efficiency dialysis; ICU, intensive care unit; ACD-A, anticoagulant citrate dextrose.

Although citrate as an anticoagulant for SLED in critically ill patients with AKI has been demonstrated to be safe, two important aspects are stressed in the case the present protocol is implemented in other institutions. First, the same length of SLED treatment and operational characteristics (blood and dialysis fluid flow rates, filter characteristics, ACD-A dose, etc.) are to be applied. Second, Ca++ measurements are to be used for monitoring. Ca++ should be measured more frequently in the implementation phase (i.e., for the first 20–30 sessions) then, at least before SLED start, after 1 hour of SLED and at the end of the treatment.

In conclusion, although the ideal anticoagulant for SLED remains to be found, the use of ACD-A in the context of a mainly diffusive prolonged intermittent modality could represent an easy method to maintain extracorporeal circuit. In this regard, it is likely that SLED with near-automated regional citrate anticoagulation protocols optimized for very low blood flows and low citrate loads (46), as well as the availability of routine citrate measurements (47), could represent important developments, in order to improve the safety and efficacy of the citrate-based “hybrid” extracorporeal modalities.



Supplementary Material

Supplemental Data


The authors thank Dr. Dante Tagliavini and Mrs. Gabriella Fanti for their contribution to the study.

Financial support for the study was provided by institutional departmental funds and by the Association for Kidney Research “Parma per il Rene ONLUS.”


Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at


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