NEUROSCIENCE Correction for “Identification of a μ-δ opioid receptor heteromer-biased agonist with antinociceptive activity,” by Ivone Gomes, Wakako Fujita, Achla Gupta, Adrian S. Saldanha, Ana Negri, Christine E. Pinello, Edward Roberts, Marta Filizola, Peter Hodder, and Lakshmi A. Devi, which appeared in issue 29, July 16, 2013, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (110:12072–12077; first published July 1, 2013; 10.1073/pnas.1222044110).
The authors note that Christina Eberhart should be added to the author list between Christine E. Pinello and Edward Roberts. Christina Eberhart should be credited with having performed research and analyzed data.
The authors also note that the author name Adrian S. Saldanha should instead appear as S. Adrian Saldanha.
The corrected author line, affiliation line, and author contributions appear below. The online version has been corrected.
Ivone Gomesa, Wakako Fujitaa, Achla Guptaa, S. Adrian Saldanhab, Ana Negric, Christine E. Pinellob, Christina Eberhartb, Edward Robertsd, Marta Filizolac, Peter Hodderb, and Lakshmi A. Devia
Departments of aPharmacology and Systems Therapeutics and cStructural and Chemical Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029; bScripps Research Institute Molecular Screening Center, Lead Identification Division, Translational Research Institute, Jupiter, FL 33458; and dDepartment of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037
Author contributions: P.H. and L.A.D. designed research; I.G., W.F., A.G., S.A.S., A.N., C.E.P., C.E., and E.R. performed research; E.R. and M.F. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; I.G., W.F., S.A.S., C.E.P., C.E., M.F., P.H., and L.A.D. analyzed data; and I.G. and L.A.D. wrote the paper.