Fig. 4. IL-6 promotes peripheral T cell homeostasis.
(A) LN T cell numbers in IgHKO and IgHKOIL6Tg mice. Data show the mean +/− SEM of five independent experiments with a total of seven IgHKO and eight IgHKOIL6Tg mice.
(B) LN cell analysis of IgHKO and IgHKOIL6Tg mice. Histograms show TCRβ expression of total LN cells (top). Contour plots show CD4/CD8 profiles of TCRβ+ gated LN T cells. Results are representative of five independent experiments with seven IgHKO and eight IgHKOIL6Tg mice.
(C) CD4/CD8 ratio of LN T cells. Data show mean +/− SEM of four independent experiments with a total of seven IgHKO and six IgHKOIL6Tg mice.
(D) Cytokine receptor expression on IgHKO and IgHKOIL6Tg T cells. Surface IL-6Rα and IL-7Rα levels were quantified in MFI. Bar graphs show the mean +/− SEM of four independent experiments with seven IgHKO and six IgHKOIL6Tg mice.