(A–H) GRID2 immunofluorescence (green) in the human cerebellar cortex at 98 days (A, B), 308 days (C, D), and 25 years (E, F) of age, and Grid2 immunofluorescence in the adult mouse cerebellar cortex (G, H). Sections are counterstained with TOTO3 (blue) in A and C, and costained for Purkinje cell marker Car8 (red) in E and G. (I, J) Double immunofluorescence for GRID2 (green) and VGluT1 (red in panel I) or VGluT2 (red in panel J) in the adult human cerebellar cortex. (K, L) Double immunofluorescence for Car8 and VGluT2 in the cerebellar cortex of adult human (K) and mouse (L). Scale bars = 50 μm (A–F), 20 μm (G, H, K, L), 5 μm (I, J). Dn = shaft dendrite; EGL = external granular layer; IGL = internal granular layer; ML = molecular layer; PCL = Purkinje cell layer.