In the German EvAKuJ observational cohort study, changes in the body mass index standard deviation score (BMI–SDS) of overweight and obese children and adolescents as primary outcome of multimodal (short, inpatient or long, outpatient) weight-loss interventions are difficult to interpret. Published intention-to-treat (ITT) and per protocol data obtained at the end of the intervention (T1), one year (T2), and two years (T3) after its end were used for sensitivity analysis of treatment success rates. The odds ratio and the number needed to treat (NNT) for BMI–SDS reduction of at least −0.2 (successful treatment) and at least −0.5 (good treatment success) were related to spontaneous BMI-SDS reduction rates in a hypothetical control group (control event rate, CER). At T1, treatment seems to be effective up to a CER of 10% in inpatients and of 5% in outpatients. ITT analysis, compromised by a loss to follow-up of 81 to 90% (inpatients) and 57 to 66% (outpatients), indicated that treatment may become less effective at a CER above 1% in inpatients (e.g., successful treatment at T2: NNT=106, at T3: NNT=51), and above 5% in outpatients (successful treatment at T2: NNT=7, at T3: NNT=8; good treatment success at T2 and T3: NNT=25). Positive short-term effects of inpatient treatment of overweight and obese children and adolescents may not be maintained in the long term. Long-term effectiveness of outpatient treatment may depend on age and the degree of overweight.
Key words: patient education, rehabilitation, body-mass-index, STROBE statement
According to the German KiGGS study,1 8.7% of children and adolescents with an age between 3 and 17 years are overweight, and an additional 6.3% are obese. Thus, approximately 1.1 million overweight and 800,000 obese children and adolescents are actually living in Germany. Several different interventions of obesity treatment and secondary and tertiary prevention of obesity-related diseases are routinely applied to these patients.2 In recent years several studies on elements of care of overweight and obese children and adolescents have been performed and results of these trials have recently been summarised.3,4 Despite the considerable differences found in the level of available external evidence between these elements, the reviews recommend multimodal interventions which include parents and members of the family or the community (such as schoolmates, teachers and caterers in schools). The interventions should simultaneously address aspects of nutrition (including food quality) and physical activity (aiming at a change from a sedentary to a more active lifestyle including sports). To reach these aims, the interventions should use behavior management principles and techniques and rely upon parents and school teachers as agents of change.5 Before the intervention begins, motivation of the child, adolescent, and the family should be assessed and eventually enhanced.
In Germany, inpatient treatment of 4 to 6 weeks’ duration is offered in pediatric rehabilitation clinics and is financed by the German Pension Funds (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) and by the German Statutory Health Insurance Funds (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, GKV). Allocation to inpatient treatment of overweight and obese children and adolescents follows criteria based on the bio-psychosocial model of overweight and obesity in youth.6 The GKV additionally offer structured patient education and training programs of 6 to 12 months duration as part of outpatient treatment for overweight and obese children.7 Access to such a program is usually granted according to a national consensus statement of representatives of GKV, health care providers, and federal health authorities in the following circumstances:8 i) for extremely obese patients with a BMI above the 99.5th percentile; ii) for obese patients with a BMI above the 97th and up to the 99.5th percentile, if additional risk factors (insulin resistance, hypercholesterolemia, family disposition for diabetes mellitus type 2, myocardial infarction, or stroke) or illnesses related to increased body weight (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, disturbed glucose tolerance, premature onset of puberty, polycystic ovary syndrome, orthopedic symptoms) are involved; iii) for overweight patients with a BMI above the 90th and up to the 97th percentile with one or more of the previously listed illnesses if they require specific treatment.
The Federal Centre of Health Education in Germany (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA) had calculated in 2004 and 2005 that each year an estimated number of 44,000 children, adolescents, and their care-givers participated in more than 700 intervention programs for inpatients and/or outpatients.2 These programs are complex health interventions,9 whose long-term effectiveness has not yet been convincingly demonstrated.3,4 In 2005, the BZgA therefore initiated a project for evaluation of obesity treatment in children and adolescents in Germany (Evaluation der Adipositastherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland; EvAKuJ). The study project was aiming at longitudinal observation of a cohort of overweight and obese children and adolescents receiving therapeutic interventions by randomly selected providers (see Appendix for the complete list of publications).10 The study was planned and organized by the EvAKuJ Study Group (Appendix), who performed analysis and published reports of all available data in yearly intervals. The study was solicited, financed, registered, and monitored by the BZgA. Study protocol and results as well as contact data of the participating health care providers (Appendix) had been made available to the public (http://www.bzgakinderuebergewicht.de).
The study recruited patients from July 2005 until September 2006 with the intention to follow them up for 2 years thereafter. The baseline characteristics of the study cohort have been extensively described (Appendix) and outcome data at the end of the intervention (Appendix) and at least one year after the completion of the intervention (Appendix) have been published by the EvAKuJ study group.10 Concentrating on the primary outcome variable, we present a detailed analysis of short-term, mid-term and long-term changes of body-mass-index (BMI) standard deviation scores (SDS) from baseline until approximately two years after the end of the intervention, in the inpatient and the outpatient treatment setting. Sensitivity analysis of the data collected by the EvAKuJ Study group allowed us to present these results according to criteria of evidence-based reporting of observational studies and to discuss them using a model for implementation of complex health interventions that has recently been refined.9-14
Materials and Methods
The EvAKuJ study was conducted by a multi-disciplinary research team (EvAKuJ Study Group, Appendix) as an observational multi-center cohort study. Out of 477 providers of multimodal weight reduction interventions, who had in part been identified during a preceding study and who were contacted by the research team,2 135 declared their interest to participate in the study and to recruit patients without any financial benefit or other incentives. Of these, 52 providers were chosen by chance. These providers were classified as belonging to one out of six clusters of treatment (see glossary in the Appendix). It was initially estimated that at least 300 patients had to be recruited into interventions in each cluster. Thus, a sample size of 1800 was assumed to be sufficient for assessment of treatment success rates and their comparative analysis between clusters.
Each provider independently included patients into the study if they were between 8 and 16 years old and had a BMI above the 90th percentile for sex and age at baseline.15 Furthermore, at least data from one of the psychometric questionnaires (Appendix) – assessing aspects of health-related quality of life, eating behavior and food frequency, physical behavior and leisure activity – had to be provided at baseline, i.e. before entering the study. At baseline (time point T0), at the end of the intervention (time point T1), and approximately one year after the end (time point T2) and two years after the end (time point T3), each patient’s actual body height and weight were either measured or obtained from files together with information on blood pressure, blood glucose, and lipid status. In addition, psychometric questionnaires had to be completed as described (Appendix).
Recruitment was oriented at 300 patients per cluster and was open for all clusters between July 2005 and September 2006. However, the estimated sample size of 300 patients was reached only in two clusters. In retrospect, the short half-life of providers of weight-loss interventions for children and adolescents in Germany was identified as one potential cause of this observation: each year, approximately 10% of the providers included in the assessment of the BZgA in 2004 and 2005 had ceased their activities mostly due to economic reasons (Appendix).2,10 Thus, comparative cluster analysis was not possible. Therefore, during post hoc analysis, those 48 providers who actively participated in the study were allocated to either the inpatient or the outpatient treatment setting, using the duration of the intervention as denominator. A duration of less than 3 months (short therapy) indicated inpatient treatment in a rehabilitation clinic, while duration of more than 3 months (long therapy) corresponded to outpatient treatment usually by a multidisciplinary team.
The timeline of the study and the typical interventions and processes in both treatment settings are described in the Appendix. Since data on structures and processes in the different treatment centers were lacking, in the Appendix we used a published blueprint for standard treatment schemes in order to describe the two treatment modalities which were compared post hoc.6 According to Perera et al.,16 components of complex interventions are regarded either as objects of fixed nature (Appendix, squared brackets), or as activities with a certain flexibility (represented by parentheses). As further specified in the Appendix, a behavioral weight control program corresponding to current national guidelines was offered in both settings.17 The general aims were to reduce energy intake, diminish sedentary behavior, and increase physical activity of overweight and obese children and adolescents. Intervention methods included behavior modification techniques such as self-monitoring with food and activity diaries, goal setting, stimulus control and positive reinforcement. In the outpatient setting, children, adolescents, and their families were targeted, while in the inpatient setting the instruction of parents in behavior management principles was not the main focus of the interventions.
As reported before (Appendix),10 1916 patients had finally been recruited into the EvAKuJ study and had been allocated to one of the two treatment settings. Comparison of baseline data had shown significant differences between both patient groups: outpatients were slightly younger and had lower BMI-SDS values than inpatients (Appendix).10 Patient allocation and follow-up is summarized in Figure 1. The number of patients who did not complete the assigned treatment or who did not participate in the final assessment (or whose data were not transmitted to the study center) at the end of the intervention (T1) is labeled as drop-out. The number of patients who did not participate in the assessments one (T2) or two (T3) years after the end of the intervention – or whose data were not transmitted to the study center – is labeled as loss-to-follow-up. At the end of the intervention there were no significant differences in age, gender distribution, and BMI-SDS at baseline (T0) between patients who completed the intervention and those who dropped out, whereas patients who completed the intervention and participated in the follow-up assessments were slightly younger and had a significantly lower BMI-SDS at baseline than those lost to follow-up (Appendix).10
In the EvAKuJ Study, treatment success had been defined according to the national consensus statement as a reduction in the body-mass-index standard deviation score (BMI–SDS) of at least −0.2;8 good treatment success had been defined as a reduction in BMI-SDS of at least −0.5. Treatment success rates in both settings at different time points have been published by the EvAKuJ Study Group10 (Appendix) both per protocol (pP; complete-case analysis) and as intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis (Appendix for definitions); these data are summarized in Figure 2. The following calculations had been performed separately for both treatment settings: i) short-term treatment success at the end of the intervention as the difference between the measurements at time points T0 and T1; ii) mid-term treatment success approximately one year after the end of the intervention as the difference between the measurements at time points T0 and T2; iii) long-term treatment success approximately two years after the end of the intervention as the difference between the measurements at time points T0 and T3.
All ITT calculations included patients who either dropped out (and did not complete the assigned intervention) or did not respond to the request for data communication and were thus lost to follow-up. All pP calculations included only completers, i.e., patients whose baseline and follow-up data at a defined time point were available. Due to a high loss to follow-up of patients at T2 and T3 the results of both calculations indicated different success rates:10 when analyzed pP, 60% of the patients were successful at the end of the intervention (T1), 45% one year later (T2), and 50% after two years (T3). In the corresponding ITT analysis, 56% of the originally recruited 1.916 patients successfully completed the assigned intervention with a BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2 at T1, but only 13% and 14% continued to show this reduction one (T2) or two (T3) years later, respectively. In addition, the design of the EvAKuJ Study did not allow to document the spontaneous development of BMI-SDS over time in untreated overweight and obese children and adolescents – a fact which renders interpretation of study results by both ITT and pP analysis difficult.
In order to compensate for the large proportion of patients with missing data (drop-out and loss to follow-up at mid-term: 90% of the inpatients and 57% of the outpatients; drop-out and loss to follow-up at long-term: 81% of the inpatients and 66% of the outpatients) and to overcome the lack of an appropriate control group, we performed sensitivity analysis to describe possible health policy implications of the study results published by the EvAKuJ Study Group. To this purpose we calculated the odds ratio (OR) for successful treatment (BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2 and −0.5, respectively) using the odds ratio calculator available at http://www.hutchon.net/ConfidORnulhypo.html, under the following assumptions: i) crude numbers of successful and unsuccessful participants at T1, T2 and T3 were given separately for inpatients and outpatients and for the two modes of calculation (ITT and pP); ii) a hypothetical control group with identical numbers of observations as the treatment groups was included; iii) in the hypothetical control group of untreated patients, a reduction of BMI-SDS of at least −0.2 or −0.5 was thought to occur spontaneously in 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 5%, 10% and 20% at T1, T2 and T3 (control event rate, CER).
This method allowed us to depict the OR for successful treatment together with its 95% confidence interval – obtained from data published by the EvAKuJ Study Group – as a function of the CER in the hypothetical control group. Calculations were performed using Microsoft Excel 2003 for Windows.
The number of patients who had to be exposed to the intervention in order to see a reduction in BMI-SDS of at least –0.2 or –0.5 in one additional patient (number needed to benefit from treatment; NNT) was calculated as described,18,19 using the same crude numbers of successful and unsuccessful participants and hypothetical control event rates for BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2 or −0.5 which were used for calculation of the OR for each time point and setting. The absolute risk of not reducing BMI-SDS was calculated for the treatment group and the respective hypothetical control group (for example, 20% for inpatients at T1, using the ITT approach for successful treatment = RT; 95% for the hypothetical controls without treatment at a CER of 5% = Rw/oT). The absolute risk reduction (ARR) due to treatment was calculated as the difference between Rw/oT and RT (in our example: 75) and the NNT was calculated as 100/ARR (in our example: 1.33). The number needed to benefit from treatment is depicted as a function of the CER in the hypothetical control group. Calculations were performed using Microsoft Excel 2003 for Windows.
Sensitivity analysis of published outcome data of the EvAKuJ study is summarized separately for inpatients and outpatients in Figure 3 (OR for BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2, successful treatment), Figure 4 (OR for BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.5, good treatment success), and in Figure 5 (the respective NNT), each variable as a function of the CER in the hypothetical control group (0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 5%, 10%, and 20%) at the different time points of follow-up (T1, T2 and T3).
At the end of the intervention (T1), only few patients had dropped-out (88 inpatients and 114 outpatients) and ITT and pP analysis gave similar results in both treatment settings. OR for successful treatment are considerably higher in inpatients than in outpatients over the whole CER range (Figure 3A, B). OR for good treatment success, however, are nearly identical (Figure 4A, B), indicating that short inpatient treatment of overweight and obese children and adolescents is more effective than longer outpatient treatment in reducing BMI-SDS of at least −0.2 but does not lead to a higher proportion of patients with a BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.5 (good treatment success). As shown in Figure 5, this translates into similar NNT for good treatment success both in inpatients (Figure 5A) and outpatients (Figure 5B), while NNT for BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2 were lower in inpatients.
OR decrease and NNT increase with CER above 1% in the hypothetical control group. This reflects the interdependency between the calculated treatment success rate and the background risk in the population.18 At the end of the intervention (T1) the lower estimate of the 95% confidence interval (lower 95% CI) of the calculated OR for a BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.5 (Figure 4A, B) falls below 1.0 (indicating absence of effectiveness) at a CER of 20% (which seems to be a rather unrealistic estimation of the CER in the real life situation). Under the assumption of a CER of 10% in inpatients (another unrealistic estimation in the real life situation of an intervention of 4 to 6 weeks’ duration), the calculated NNT for successful treatment is still considerably low (ITT: 14, pP: 12; Figure 5A). In outpatients after approximately one year of treatment a CER of 10% would, however, cause a steep increase of the NNT for a BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2 (Figure 5B). The NNT resulting from ITT analysis (n=96) would be rather high and the NNT resulting from pP analysis (n=41) would at least cast doubts on the effectiveness of such a treatment.19
Sensitivity analysis of mid-term (T2) and long-term (T3) treatment success rates shows much larger differences between ITT and pP results than the short-term success rates. One and two years after the end of the interventions, the majority of patients was lost to follow-up or had dropped-out (Figure 1). While ITT analysis was based on 875 inpatients and 1041 outpatients, pP analysis relied on 88 inpatients and 452 outpatients at T2, and 167 inpatients and 358 outpatients at T3. Thus, both methods of data analysis give different results in sensitivity analysis, either in terms of OR for successful treatment or good treatment success (which are considerably lower using ITT analysis, Figures 3 and 4), or in terms of NNT (which are much higher in ITT analysis and increase steeply or even loose statistical significance at a CER above 1%; Figure 5). Data analysis pP yields significant positive OR for successful treatment (lower 95% CI above 1.0) over the whole CER range in both treatment settings (with the exception of BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.5 in inpatients at T2, assuming a CER of 20%; Figure 4C). ITT analysis at T2 reveals that the lower 95% CI of the calculated OR for a BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2 (Figure 3C, D) decreases below 1.0 (indicating absence of effectiveness) at a CER of 5% in inpatients and of 20% in outpatients; for a BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.5 they decrease below 1.0 at a CER of 5% in inpatients and of 10% in outpatients (Figure 4C, D). Similar results are obtained at T3 (Figures 3 and 4).
The EvAKuJ study aimed at longitudinal observation of overweight and obese children and adolescents in Germany for at least two years after exposure either to a hospital-based (short, inpatient) treatment for less than 3 months, or to an extended ambulatory (long, outpatient) education and training program for approximately 12 months. Assessment of the patients directly after the end of the intervention suggested that especially inpatient treatment has the potential to effectively influence body weight leading to a clinically significant decrease in BMI-SDS. Yet, 11% of inpatients and 54% of outpatients had either no relevant decrease or even an increase in BMI-SDS at the end of the intervention.16
According to the EvAKuJ Study Group (Appendix), the study provides data on short term changes after lifestyle interventions for overweight and obese children and adolescents in Germany under real-life conditions, but long term outcomes cannot be examined because of the high loss to follow-up. The EvAKuJ Study Group concluded that: i) single overweight or obese children or adolescents may benefit in terms of weight loss from current lifestyle interventions in both treatment settings; ii) single interventions, which differ considerably in the way they are organized and financed, may yield distinct patterns of outcome; iii) differences in results between single providers may be influenced by available resources (e.g., personnel, space, equipment), therapeutic processes (e.g., frequency and intensity of treatment sessions, skills and preferences of specific providers), and patient case mix (different age, degree of overweight, socioeconomic background of the family, and general motivation for treatment); iv) reliable conclusions regarding the importance of inpatient and outpatient interventions (or elements thereof) and the different treatment modalities outlined above cannot be drawn, due to the design of the EvAKuJ study.
A major problem is that 80% of the inpatients and 51% of the outpatients had dropped out or were lost to follow-up approximately one year after the end of the intervention. Another year later (i.e., two years after the end of the intervention), combined drop-out and loss to follow-up were 71% among inpatients and 61% among outpatients. Such a loss of information on individual outcomes after treatment seriously jeopardizes any conclusion, including ITT analysis of treatment success rates. The fact that missing data in clinical trials on overweight and obese subjects make analysis of trial results unreliable has been repeatedly discussed in the literature.20,21 Whenever possible, outcome data should be analyzed using the intention-to-treat (ITT) approach. The alternative statistical approach, using complete case or per protocol (pP) analysis, does not allow a scientifically sound conclusion from the EvAKuJ trial. Imputation of missing values in longitudinal data analysis is not an option either. Lack of data precludes researchers to complete empty cells in the data matrix by model-driven plausible values, because they cannot be predicted from empirical evidence.22 However, neither the assumptions of the model nor the mechanism leading to missing values can be verified in real life data or field study settings. All statistical approaches for post-hoc handling of missing data in clinical trials leave uncertainties about the scientific soundness of the conclusions.23 Given the very high rate of drop-out and loss-to-follow-up in both treatment settings, the EvAKuJ Study Group therefore refrained from using any model based imputation method for data analysis. Employing sensitivity analysis with standard methods of clinical epidemiology,18,19 we were able to assess the relevance of the treatment success rates previously reported by the EvAKuJ Study Group and to assess robustness of the conclusions drawn from the study despite high proportions of missing data at mid-term and long-term follow-up. Calculation of hypothetical OR in favor of successful treatment and the respective NNT in each setting also helped to compensate for the lack of an untreated control group in the design of the EvAKuJ study. Precise data on BMI-tracking in German youth are not available and the natural course of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents aged 8 to 16 years has not been assessed in detail. Indirect evidence for spontaneous resolution of overweight in children below 12 years of age is available in the literature. As reported by Oude Luttikhuis et al.3 in untreated (waiting list) controls observed for 12 months, a mean ±1 SD reduction of BMI–SDS was seen in the range of −0.15±0.47,24 −0.18±0.28,25 or -0.1±0.3.26 Due to possible differences in the methodology of BMI-SDS calculations (the LMS method used by German research groups may yield lower age-related changes than other methods)15 it is difficult to estimate how many children may reduce BMI-SDS spontaneously by more than −0.2 in one year. In a randomized controlled trial of family-based behavioral treatment of childhood obesity in the United Kingdom it was not possible to identify a specific treatment effect after 6 months due to similar reductions of BMI-SDS both in the treatment group and in waiting-list controls.27 On the other side, Reinehr et al.28,29 showed that the lifestyle intervention Obeldicks light, based on 6 months of physical activity training, nutrition education, and behavior counseling for children and their parents, caused a significant mean reduction of BMI-SDS by −0.26±0.22 in a group of 34 overweight children (mean age, 11.6±1.6 years), while BMI-SDS increased by 0.05±0.19 in the control group of 32 overweight children (mean age, 11.4±1.7 years). Thus, it remains unclear which CER most accurately reflects spontaneous changes in BMI-SDS with age in German children and could therefore be used in sensitivity analysis for BMI-SDS reduction of at least −0.2 in this age group.
Nevertheless, the chance that older children and adolescents with higher BMI-SDS may spontaneously loose their overweight seems to be low.30,31 Studies analyzed by Oude Luttikhuis et al.3 in untreated (waiting list) controls above 12 years of age who were observed for 12 months revealed a mean ±1 SD change in BMI-SDS in the range of 0.0±0.1129 or −0.02±0.10.32,33 Assuming that BMI-SDS values are normally distributed, these data indicate that less than 5% of older children and adolescents may reduce BMI-SDS spontaneously by at least −0.2 in one year. Obese adolescents may remain obese without specific treatment and seem to benefit less from behavioural treatment.31 A significant proportion of overweight children and adolescents may spontaneously loose overweight when getting older (approximately 6% in 6 months during the study of Reinehr et al.;28,29 unpublished data) or may increase BMI-SDS over time (approximately 22% in 6 months during the study of Reinehr et al.;28,29 unpublished data).
The observation that younger and less overweight participants of the EvAKuJ study seem to benefit most from treatment in the short term (Appendix) may actually reflect both the spontaneous reduction of BMI-SDS which occurs over time in a subgroup of patients as well as better results of behavioural treatment using parents as agents of change in this age group.34 Especially pP analyses of these data are therefore difficult to interpret. Because the EvAKuJ study did not assess spontaneous changes of BMI-SDS in a control group of overweight and obese children and adolescents over time, the observed reductions in BMI-SDS (which were attributed to treatment effects in previous publications of the study group) may have occurred also due to age-specific physiologic development or by chance and may not completely be related to treatment.
One must admit weaknesses in study design (no control group), data analysis (the unit of analysis, i.e., the individual patient, differed from the unit of assignment, i.e., the health care provider – but no statistical method was used to account for a potential cluster effect; post-hoc change in the plan for data analysis switching from 6 clusters to 2 settings), as well as study performance (uncontrolled allocation of patients to the different clusters, no process control of the interventions, no screening whether the assigned intervention was delivered as planned, and – most importantly – a very high proportion of patients who were lost to follow-up).35 Yet, the methods used to collect data represent validated instruments, content and time course of the interventions have been described, and recruitment and characterization of patients in the treatment settings as well as drop-out and follow-up rates have been provided in a transparent manner (Appendix).10 Patients’ baseline data have been extensively presented and the main outcome (BMI-SDS reduction at time points T1, T2, and T3) as well as the secondary outcomes have been calculated and reported using an intention-to-treat approach.
According to the model of stepwise implementation of complex health interventions into an existing health care system proposed by Campbell et al.,9 an evaluation study should provide information on constant and variable elements of obesity treatment offered in Germany at that time (phase III). As outlined by Pfaff et al.,13 during such a study acceptability and feasibility of the intervention should be assessed, its design adapted, and the relevant outcome parameters and treatment in the control group should be determined – in order to prepare phase IV, the definitive randomized controlled effectiveness study. Should such a study be initiated now? The EvAKuJ study was initiated after analysis of the published evidence for effectiveness of interventions to treat obesity in children in the year 2004,8,36 and after the available treatment options in Germany had been assessed in 2005.2 Given the limited evidence about success of treatment from the EvAKuJ study and taking into account the low reliability of its outcome data due to the known but accepted problems with study design and performance, the BZgA came to the conclusion that the necessary prerequisites for such a confirmative study are lacking – at least in the context of the German health care system.10 As Campbell et al.12 pointed out, the implementation process of complex health interventions into such a system has to be viewed as an iterative process of developments, appraisals, and re-appraisals in parallel. In retrospect, refraining from accurately organizing and appropriately financing long-term patient follow-up appears as the main pitfall in study design, being a probable cause of extensive loss to follow-up and impeding reliable long-term analysis of treatment success rates. Another aspect of the study which has been discussed in a previous publication of the EvAKuJ Study Group is the apparent heterogeneity of treatment results between single providers – at least in the outpatient setting (Appendix).10 One might speculate about the reasons of this variability and might try to find out how to learn from the best. However, before analyzing what is done differently in the most successful treatment centers, it is necessary to precisely identify those centers through benchmarking using outcome data which are adjusted for the existing baseline risk for treatment failure. Treatment success rates of different providers cannot be appropriately compared if confounders such as age and BMI-SDS before treatment are not taken into consideration.
Before a new study is planned, the following open questions should be answered: i) how is BMI-SDS in untreated overweight and obese children and adolescents tracking forward?; ii) how are effectiveness-related treatment processes put into clinical practice by each provider?; iii) how can appropriate indicators of long-term success of any treatment be ascertained and reliably assessed?
In the meantime, German pediatricians will continue to offer weight-reduction interventions to each child or adolescent with a relevant burden of disease due to obesity as outlined in the national consensus statement.8 Statutory Health Insurance Funds or Pension Funds in Germany will continue to pay for inpatient rehabilitation of these children or offer outpatient education and training programs as outlined 8 years ago.8,36 However, there will be a closer look on how to individualize obesity treatment in German youth. Is it still reasonable to deliver a standardized complex intervention to every child or adolescent above a certain BMI-SDS limit? Both age and degree of overweight and obesity seem to influence results of lifestyle interventions in the long term,3,37 and the benefit of such a treatment seems to be rather limited especially in extremely obese adolescents.30 Certain elements of outpatient education and training programs may be sufficient for reaching individual treatment aims in younger children and less overweight patients. The interventions may become shorter or could be used in a modular way – which might help to increase motivation of the patients and their families. It should be investigated which treatment approaches yield the best outcome for certain patient subgroups and what characterizes effective delivery of care. Most importantly, documentation of treatment outcomes, especially of long-term results, should be required and budgeted appropriately at least in clinical studies – in order to avoid extensive loss to follow-up which is typical for obesity studies all over the world.20
In sum: while outpatient treatment of overweight children and adolescents might fit the needs of many families, intensive inpatient treatment of obese children and adolescents could be seen as a powerful tool helping these patients to effectively reduce BMI-SDS in a relatively short period. This tool, however, has to be used carefully: the patients should be prepared for this treatment phase, and follow-up must be organized in the family and community setting in order to include all stakeholders. The discussion, how to implement such an even more complex health intervention into the existing health care system in Germany is ongoing.38-40
the EvAKuJ Study was funded by the BZgA. Its results were obtained by the members of the study group in collaboration with providers of treatment programs listed in the Appendix (Study Group and Treatment Centers). Interim results of the study have been presented in yearly intervals at the meeting of the German Obesity Society (Deutsche Adipositas-Gesellschaft) and were published as shown in the Appendix (Publications of the Study Group). A glossary lists definitions of frequently used terms and abbreviations in the Appendix. Components of the interventions for inpatients and outpatients are shown in the Appendix.
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