Manhattan plot and Q–Q plot for the GWAS in the female sample from DNHS.
The chromosomes are presented in order and color coded for ease of
identification. The individual SNP p-values are represented by circles and are
plotted according to –log10 scale. Three lines identify different
significance threshold: green for p-value < 0.001, blue for p-value < 1
× 10−5 and red for p-value < 5 ×
10−8 (i.e., genome-wide significance threshold). In the
upper right corner, Q–Q plot of GWAS analyses with correction for
population stratification (y-axis: observed –log10(p-value); x-axis:
expected –log10(p-value). Lambdagc = 0.99, indicating
adequate control of bias. For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.