J. Clin. Invest. 107:835–844 (2001)
During the preparation of this manuscript for publication, errors were introduced in Figure 3. The correct version, accompanied by the legend, appears below.3
Figure 3.
Immunophenotype of isolated thymic DC subsets analyzed by flow cytometry. Thymic DCs were sorted into Lin- (PE-Cy5) HLA-DRint (FITC) and Lin- HLA-DRhi subsets. Anti-CD13-PE-Cy5 labeling of HLA-DRint cells clearly resolved two distinct populations. CD13+ HLA-DRint, CD13- HLA-DRint, and CD13+ HLA-DRhi DCs were analyzed using PE-conjugated mAb’s for the expression of a number of lymphoid, myeloid, costimulatory, and adhesion markers. Data shown are representative of three experiments. Ag, antigen.