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. 2011 Aug 31;3(3):601–614. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics3030601

Table 2.

Crystallographic Information.

(DC)·(AP) (DC)·(AMP) (DC)·(ACMP)
Formula moiety (C14H11NO2Cl2), (C4H5N3) (C14H11NO2Cl2), (C6H9N3) (C14H11NO2Cl2), (C5H6ClN3)
Empirical formula C18H16Cl2N4O2 C20H20Cl2N4O2 C19H17Cl3N4O2
Molecular weight 391.25 419.30 439.72
Color, Habit colourless prism colourless cube colourless rod
Crystal system triclinic monoclinic Monoclinic
Space group P-1 P2(1)/c P2(1)/c
Z 2 4 4
a, Å 7.4961(7) 22.270(2) 22.3435(14)
b, Å 8.7028(8) 4.6992(5) 4.7003(3)
c, Å 13.8697(12) 20.494(2) 20.4210(14)
α, ° 76.747(2)
β 87.392(3) 114.562(7) 115.092(3)
γ 86.408(2)
Volume, Å3 878.54(14) 1950.6(4) 1942.2(2)
Crystal dimensions 0.28 × 0.22 × 0.14 mm 0.28 × 0.08 × 0.04 mm 0.22 × 0.12 × 0.08 mm
X-ray wavelength 0.71073 0.71073 0.71073
μ, mm−1 0.391 0.357 0.496
Absorption corr multi-scan multi-scan multi-scan
Rint 0.0361 0.0952 0.0571
Trans min/max 0.8985 / 0.9473 0.9066 / 0.9859 0.8988 / 0.9614
collected 27648 19020 35367
independent 6204 5670 7404
observed 4910 3166 5098
Threshold expression >2σ(I) >2σ(I) >2σ(I)
R1 (observed) 0.0406 0.0787 0.0427
wR2 (all) 0.1072 0.2152 0.1059
Goodness of fit 1.088 1.114 1.097