Consideration of Rat Chronic Progressive Nephropathy in Regulatory Evaluations for Carcinogenicity
Gordon C. Hard, Marcy I. Banton, Robert S. Bretzlaff, Wolfgang Dekant, Jefferson R. Fowles, Anthony K. Mallett, Douglas B. McGregor, Kathleen M. Roberts, Robert L. Sielken Jr, Ciriaco Valdez-Flores, and Samuel M. Cohen
The authors regret that the originally published article contained errors in the Funding statement. The correct and updated text is shown below in bold.
Tetrahydrofuran Task Force; the European Chemistry Industry Council (CEFIC) 1,4-Butanediol and Derivatives Sector Group; the CEFIC Fuel Oxygenates Association; the CEFIC Styrenics Steering Committee; Lyondell Chemical Company; the Toxicology Forum.