Fig. 5.
AMs exhibiting high to moderate efficiency in reduction of oxLDL uptake (left column) have their aliphatic arms in an extended conformation while less effective polymers (right column) form more compact globular structures with aliphatic arms pointing in the direction opposite to the cell membrane. These snapshots of AMs were obtained after 400 ns of CG MD simulation and additional 2 ns of AA MD simulation over the surface of membrane bilayer. For simplicity, hydrogen atoms are omitted. The hydrophobic heads of the AMs are highlighted as white sticks and the PEG tail is shown as a trace attached to the AM “head”. For visual comparison, the top three rows show stereo pairs of polymers that have distinctive behavior in reduction of oxLDL uptake: [−1]M12P5K/[−1]S12P5K, [−1]TMeso12P5K/[−1]TD12P5K, and [0]G12P5K/[0]GL12P5K.