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. 2013 Aug 31;29(22):2859–2868. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt512

PyroHMMvar: a sensitive and accurate method to call short indels and SNPs for Ion Torrent and 454 data

Feng Zeng 1, Rui Jiang 1,*, Ting Chen 1,2,*
PMCID: PMC3888126  PMID: 23995392


Motivation: The identification of short insertions and deletions (indels) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from Ion Torrent and 454 reads is a challenging problem, essentially because these techniques are prone to sequence erroneously at homopolymers and can, therefore, raise indels in reads. Most of the existing mapping programs do not model homopolymer errors when aligning reads against the reference. The resulting alignments will then contain various kinds of mismatches and indels that confound the accurate determination of variant loci and alleles.

Results: To address these challenges, we realign reads against the reference using our previously proposed hidden Markov model that models homopolymer errors and then merges these pairwise alignments into a weighted alignment graph. Based on our weighted alignment graph and hidden Markov model, we develop a method called PyroHMMvar, which can simultaneously detect short indels and SNPs, as demonstrated in human resequencing data. Specifically, by applying our methods to simulated diploid datasets, we demonstrate that PyroHMMvar produces more accurate results than state-of-the-art methods, such as Samtools and GATK, and is less sensitive to mapping parameter settings than the other methods. We also apply PyroHMMvar to analyze one human whole genome resequencing dataset, and the results confirm that PyroHMMvar predicts SNPs and indels accurately.

Availability and implementation: Source code freely available at the following URL:, implemented in C++ and supported on Linux.

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The most prevalent variants on the human genome are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Abecasis et al., 2012; Levy et al., 2007; Wheeler et al., 2008). The second most prevalent variants are insertions and deletions (indels) that occur every 7.2 k bp (Mills et al., 2006). Among them, >84% are short indels (<5 bp) (Bhangale et al., 2005). At present, the next-generation sequencing technology facilitates the direct detection of SNPs and short indels by resequencing a personal genome (Nielsen et al., 2011). After sequencing, reads are mapped against the reference genome by read-mapping programs (Chen et al., 2009; Homer et al., 2009; Langmead and Salzberg, 2012; Li and Durbin, 2010; Li et al., 2009; Ning et al., 2001; Rumble et al., 2009), and variants are called by hypothesis testing methods on the piled-up reads (DePristo et al., 2011; Li et al., 2008; Marth et al., 1999). However, accurate variant detection depends on the ability to discriminate true variants from sequencing errors. Particularly, for Ion Torrent and 454 data, indels are the most common sequencing errors causing incorrect alignments and thus posing a major roadblock to the accurate detection of variants. Ion Torrent and 454 can uniquely sequence homopolymers by quantifying the number of released by-products in the process of DNA synthesis (Margulies et al., 2005; Rothberg et al., 2011). At the same time, however, these techniques are prone to homopolymer sequencing errors, either overcalling or undercalling the number of homopolymer bases (Balzer et al., 2010; Huse et al., 2007). Moreover, the carry forward and incomplete extension effects, which happen as a few template copies may grow in desynchronization with the population, also raise insertions in reads. However, existing mapping methods do not include models to tackle homopolymer errors; therefore, alignments around homopolymers can be incorrect, resulting in calling false variants (Fig. 1). Therefore, a comprehensive method is necessary to improve the accuracy of variant calling for Ion Torrent and 454 data.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Example of false alignments from 1000 Genome Project resequencing data. True variant is an insertion ‘AATT’ at locus 120 754. Because that homopolymers ‘AAAA’ in top five reads are sequenced to be ‘AAA’, the read mapper produces false alignments. These false alignments will raise the false positive variants: a false insertion ‘CA’ at locus 120 749 and a false SNP ‘C/T’ at locus 120 750. If false alignments were adjusted correctly, these two false variants would not be called

Most of the existing methods detect SNPs and indels independently. The general strategy is to establish an accurate error model for the specific sequencing platform. For example, Atlas-SNP2 (Shen et al., 2010) developed a logistical regression model relying on sequence context to discriminate true SNPs from sequencing errors. Realignment has been proven as an efficient method to improve accuracy by adjusting raw mappings. In response, Samtools (Li et al., 2008), for example, deploys a concept termed base alignment quality (Li, 2011), which is calculated by realigning a read against a reference to decrease false SNPs caused by nearby indels. Meanwhile, GATK (DePristo et al., 2011) adjusts the alignments of reads spanning over indels by performing local multiple sequence alignment. However, as noted above, most of these methods are not designed to engage the problem of homopolymer errors and incorrect alignments around homopolymers. We previously proposed a method termed PyroHMMsnp (Zeng et al., 2013) for Ion Torrent and 454. This method implements a hidden Markov model (HMM) to formulate homopolymer errors and trains the HMM by an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm using resequencing data. Then, the trained HMM is used to realign reads against the reference sequence around homopolymers to improve the performance of SNP calling.

Identification of indels in the reference is a more challenging problem in short-read sequencing. One of the major obstacles is to identify potential genome positions where indels are located. Strategies for identifying indels are different. Specifically, long insertions can only be found through sequence assembly, either local assembly (Li et al., 2013) or global assembly (Iqbal et al., 2012; Li, 2012), whereas deletions can be found through either sequence assembly or sequence alignments (Albers et al., 2011; Emde et al., 2012). Strategies for identifying short and long indels are also quite different. In principle, short indels, sometimes even long deletions, can be found by aligning one read against the reference, as long as a reliable read-mapping program is used. However, because the read length is short, such mapping generally produces many false alignments with various kinds of indels and mismatches. To confirm the existence of an indel, we would have to examine multiple pieces of evidence, such as multiple aligned reads, read coverage and constraints of paired-end reads. To the best of our knowledge, robust indel detection remains unsettled.

In this article, we propose a method termed PyroHMMvar to call SNPs and short indels for both Ion Torrent and 454 resequencing data. Two distinct features are highlighted in PyroHMMvar. First, we introduce an HMM to formulate homopolymer errors. The HMM can accurately distinguish real signals from sequencing errors and thus improve the alignment of reads against the reference. The parameters of HMM are trained directly from raw mapping results through an iterative EM algorithm. Second, we propose a graph data structure that merges multiple aligned reads at a given locus into a weighted alignment graph from which we reconstruct the consensus sequence(s). The use of the weighted alignment graph provides the following advantages. First, it enables the straightforward construction of the haplotype(s), which may contain both SNPs and indels. In comparison, Dindel (Albers et al., 2011) infers indels separately from SNPs. Second, we propose an efficient traversal algorithm over the weighted alignment graph to avoid the exhaustive and computationally complex enumeration of candidate haplotypes.

We simulate SNPs and short indels in the diploid genome and use them to test the performance of PyroHMMvar. Compared with two state-of-the-art methods, Samtools (Li et al., 2008) and GATK (DePristo et al., 2011), PyroHMMvar gives more accurate results. We also test the effect of the raw alignments produced by mapping programs to indel/SNP-calling accuracy by varying the scoring function of BWA-SW (Li and Durbin, 2010) to produce different mappings. The test results show that PyroHMMvar is less sensitive to the variation of the scoring function than the other programs. Finally, we apply PyroHMMvar to analyze one human whole genome resequencing dataset, and the results confirm that PyroHMMvar predicts SNPs and indels accurately.


As shown in Figure 2A, the workflow of PyroHMMvar includes the following steps. (i) We build and train an HMM model directly from the raw mapping of the resequencing data or the spike-in data using an iterative EM algorithm. (ii) We use a sliding window to scan the genome. If the sliding window contains one or more candidate variants, we collect the short reads aligned within the sliding window and realign them against the reference using the HMM. (iii) We then merge all the alignments (paths in HMM) to build a weighted alignment graph and traverse the graph to reconstruct the top candidate haplotypes. (iv) Finally, we use a Bayesian method to infer the genotype from the set of candidate haplotypes and the short reads, followed by alignment of the genotype to the reference to determine the alleles and coordinates of variants. Details of these four steps are described in the following paragraphs.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

(A) The schematic diagram depicts the workflow of PyroHMMvar. (B) The cartoon shows the topological structure of the HMM, the homopolymer sequence and the hidden state transition. (C) An example of the weighted alignment graph that is established from the pairwise read–HMM alignments

2.1 Homopolymer HMM

An appropriate error model can facilitate the correct alignments of reads against the reference. We previously proposed an HMM (Fig. 2B) to formulate homopolymer sequencing errors in both Ion Torrent and 454 data (Zeng et al., 2013). The HMM accepts a nucleotide sequence as input, and then converts the sequence into units of homopolymers using the run length encoding rule (Vacic et al., 2008). As shown in Figure 2B, ATTTTGGCCCC becomes a sequence of four homopolymers <A,1><T,4><G,2><C,3>. For each homopolymer, there are two hidden states Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Inline graphic means that the corresponding homopolymer is being sequenced, whereas the length of the output homopolymer could be varying because of overcalling or undercalling errors. Inline graphic represents that the homopolymer is not being sequenced in case that either the homopolymer may be deleted or the flow signal is too weak to be detected. A third hidden state Inline graphic sitting between two consecutive homopolymers is used to model random insertions. Two hidden states Inline graphic are added into the model to represent the beginning and ending of the alignment because (i) the quality at the beginning and ending of a read may be low and (ii) sometimes the exact boundaries (the beginning and ending) of the corresponding reference substring that produces the read are not clearly defined. Thus, the HMM model represents a local, rather than global, alignment. Based on the above notation, a hidden state Inline graphic can take values from the set Inline graphic. For each read that is mapped to the reference, we use Viterbi’s algorithm to compute a hidden state path Inline graphic, which represents a unique alignment between the read and the corresponding reference substring.

2.1.1 Hidden State Emission

In the above HMM, each hidden state can emit a homopolymer. Let Inline graphic represent the homopolymer input to a stateInline graphic, and let Inline graphic where Inline graphic represent the homopolymer emitted by the state, where Inline graphic. However, in sequence comparison, we need a special homopolymer, a null homopolymer Inline graphic, to represent homopolymer indels. For a read homopolymer Inline graphic, each compositional nucleotide Inline graphic has a quality score Inline graphic. We, therefore, define the quality score of the homopolymer as the average over the compositional nucleotides, as,

graphic file with name btt512m1.jpg (1)

Hence, the probability that state Inline graphic emits output Inline graphic given input Inline graphic is modeled as,

graphic file with name btt512m2.jpg (2)

The base call rate Inline graphic represents the probability that an input base Inline graphic is sequenced to an observed base Inline graphic during nucleotide incorporation. The length call rate Inline graphic reflects the probability of observing Inline graphic consecutive bases when a Inline graphic bp homopolymer is given, and it is represented by a hierarchical model of the sequencing and base-calling procedures (Zeng et al., 2013). Inline graphic formulates the quality score assigned by the base-calling procedure.

2.1.2 Parameter Estimation

To use the HMM to perform the realignment, the parameters of the HMM will be inferred from the following iterative EM algorithm. Parameters in the above HMM include the hidden state transition matrix, the base call rates, the length call rates and the quality score distribution. The training data can be the resequencing data from one or more genomic loci, with no variants, or few variants or the spike-in data, which are sequenced through the control lane of a sequencing platform to assess sequencing quality. The estimation of these parameters would be simple if the ground-truth alignments that represent the procedure of generating read sequences from templates were known. However, because the ground-truth alignments are not available, we propose an iterative strategy inspired by the EM algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977) to train the HMM without the ground-truth alignments. In this strategy, the learning procedure is divided into two successive processes. First, given a read and its mapped reference sequence, the best alignment is computed and simultaneously assigned a posterior probability conditional on the previously learned parameters using the forward–backward algorithm (Durbin et al., 1998). Next, occurrences of the state transitions and state emissions are counted from the probabilistically weighted alignments, and parameters of the HMM are updated according to the occurrences by using the maximum likelihood estimation. This procedure iterates until the likelihood value converges.

2.1.3 Pairwise Read–HMM alignment

After parameter estimation, the HMM is used to adjust a read mapping by realigning the read to the reference through the HMM. Given a read Inline graphic and the corresponding reference sequence Inline graphic that is located through read-mapping, we first transform the reference Inline graphic into homopolymer sequence Inline graphic, where Inline graphic. Then, we apply the HMM to search for the optimal alignment between the read Inline graphic and the template Inline graphic using the Viterbi algorithm (Durbin et al., 1998). We define the Viterbi variable Inline graphic as the probability of the optimal alignment between the read prefix subsequence Inline graphic and the homopolymer prefix subsequence Inline graphic ending with the hidden state Inline graphic, and, simultaneously, the suffix of Inline graphic is a homopolymer of length Inline graphic. We use the following recursion to calculate the Viterbi variable for Inline graphic, Inline graphic, as

graphic file with name btt512m3.jpg (3)

where Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic is the maximum length of the homopolymer ended at read position Inline graphic, Inline graphic is the maximum length of the homopolymer at read position Inline graphic and Inline graphic is the transition probability between two states. Based on the recursion, we can use dynamic programming to compute the Viterbi variables, starting with the boundary conditions Inline graphic and Inline graphic, where Inline graphic, and ending with the Viterbi score Inline graphic Inline graphic.

2.2 Weighted alignment graph

Given all the pairwise read–reference alignments within a scanning window, we propose a graph data structure, termed weighted alignment graph, to merge all these alignments. Each read-reference alignment is represented by a path from Inline graphic to Inline graphic in the hidden space of the HMM (Fig. 2C). Stacking up all the paths in this window, we construct a weighted alignment graph, which is a directed acyclic graph with a starting node at the hidden state Inline graphic and an ending node at the hidden state Inline graphic. In this graph, the same hidden states and transition edges in multiple paths are merged and represented by one node and one directed edge, respectively. Each edge is weighted by the number of paths in which it appears. An example is shown in Figure 2C.

In this weighted alignment graph, a diploid genome should have one consensus path if the two underlying haplotypes are identical, or two different paths if the two underlying haplotypes are different. However, because each path in the graph represents a haplotype candidate, the number of paths grows exponentially by the number of branches in the graph. In regions where either the read quality or the alignment quality is low, the graph can be so complicated that an exhaustive search for all haplotype candidates is a computational burden. Fortunately, for most cases, true haplotypes correspond to paths with high weights in the graph. Therefore, we traverse the graph using a modified depth-first search (DFS) algorithm. For each node, we define an array to store the top Inline graphic weighted paths from the starting node to this node. The algorithm consists of the following two steps:

  1. Topological sort. We traverse the graph using the DFS algorithm to produce a topological sort. The topological sort is a sorted order of the nodes from the left to the right such that every edge in the graph points from the left to the right. The topological sort takes Inline graphic time, where Inline graphic is the number of nodes and Inline graphic is the number of edges.

  2. Graph traversing. We traverse the nodes from the left to the right in the topological order. For each node, we compute the weights of all incoming paths, rank them and store the top Inline graphic weighted paths. The graph traversing takes Inline graphic time.

This algorithm reduces the computational complexity.

2.3 Bayesian variant detection for diploid genome

We use the Bayesian method to infer the underlying genotype from the observed short reads and the candidate haplotypes generated by traversing the weighted alignment graph. Let Inline graphic be a haplotype sequence. A read subsequence Inline graphic is aligned against Inline graphic by using the Viterbi algorithm. The alignment score is used as the likelihood that Inline graphic generates Inline graphic, as

graphic file with name btt512m4.jpg (4)

The haplotype likelihood that Inline graphic generates all read subsequences Inline graphic is calculated by assuming that every read is sequenced from the haplotype independent of others, as

graphic file with name btt512m5.jpg (5)

For diploid genome, the sequencing procedure can be considered as a two-stage model, shown in the following

graphic file with name btt512m6.jpg (6)

At the first stage, a haplotype Inline graphic is randomly sampled from the genotype Inline graphic. At the second stage, a read Inline graphic is sequenced from the Inline graphic. Based on the Bernoulli model, the genotype likelihood that Inline graphic generates the data Inline graphic is calculated by

graphic file with name btt512m7.jpg (7)

where by default Inline graphic. With genotype prior Inline graphic, the posterior that all reads are sequenced from Inline graphic is computed by

graphic file with name btt512m8.jpg (8)

We use a multinomial distribution to model the prior of a haplotype pair Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Let Inline graphic be the length of the alignment between Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Given the mismatch probability Inline graphic and indel probability Inline graphic, the prior probability of a genotype is defined as the probability that observing Inline graphic mismatches and Inline graphic indels in the alignment, calculated by,

graphic file with name btt512m9.jpg (9)

This prior setting is used to penalize a genotype of which two haplotypes are largely different from each other. The genotype Inline graphic with the maximum posterior probability will be selected as the most possible underlying genotype.

A predicted variant is assigned a quality score, which is defined by how well the predicted variant explains the data. Specifically, a variant is of high quality if the best genotype explains the observed short reads well with the variant, but poorly without it. Therefore, the quality score for a variant Inline graphic is defined as the following log-likelihood ratio:

graphic file with name btt512m10.jpg (10)

where Inline graphic is the set of genotypes having the variant Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is the complement set of Inline graphic.

The previously proposed variant calling method works under the assumption of the reliable mappings, i.e. a read should be mapped back to the original genomic locus, at which there are a few false aligned positions or it is a correct alignment. However, this assumption cannot be guaranteed in practice. Therefore, we recalibrate the aforementioned variant quality score Inline graphic by integrating the mapping quality Inline graphic. The recalibrated variant quality score is calculated as the geometric mean of the above quality scores,

graphic file with name btt512m11.jpg (11)

where Inline graphic is defined as the median mapping quality score of short reads within the sliding window.

2.4 Aligning genotype with reference

The inferred genotype Inline graphic contains the variant allele(s), but without such explicit information as a locus. For the example shown in Figure 2C, the haplotype sequence reconstructed by the weighted alignment graph gives two insertions <C,1><T,3> followed by a homopolymer sequencing error of undercalling. Therefore, to explicitly determine the variant(s), we use the standard dynamic programming for multiple sequence alignment to align the genotype against the reference. In our case, we have three sequences, including two haplotype sequences and one reference sequence, so the running time is Inline graphic where Inline graphic is the length of the sequences.

2.5 Computational complexity

The computational complexity of PyroHMMvar arises from two components. The first component is the pairwise read–HMM alignment. Suppose there are Inline graphic reads of length Inline graphic bp within a sliding window. The Viterbi algorithm, which is used to perform the pairwise alignment, achieves the time complexity Inline graphic. As a consequence of traversing the weighted alignment graph, Inline graphic paths are generated as candidate haplotype sequences. Inline graphic short reads are aligned pairwise against a candidate haplotype to calculate the data generation likelihood. Therefore, the computational complexity within a sliding window before we perform the Bayesian inference is Inline graphic. The second component is the alignment between the inferred genotype against the reference. This alignment is done through a standard dynamic programming for multiple sequence alignment. In our case, we have three sequences, including two haplotype sequences and one reference sequence; therefore, the running time is Inline graphic where Inline graphic is the length of the sequences. Hence, the total computational complexity within a sliding window is Inline graphic. When PyroHMMvar is applied to a genome of size Inline graphic bp, the complexity will be Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the number of the sliding windows in the genome. To reduce the complexity, we use the banding technique to avoid the computation of the entire dynamic programming table for both the pairwise and multiple sequence alignment.


3.1 Datasets

We used two simulation datasets and one human whole genome resequencing data to compare the performance of PyroHMMvar with Samtools and GATK. We used the human chromosome 21 (chromosome size 48 129 895 bp) to generate the first simulation data. We randomly chose 35 110 SNP sites (SNP rate 0.1%) and 4409 indel sites (indel rate 0.01%; indel size 1–5 bp) on chromosome 21 to generate a pair of haplotypes. A variant site has a probability of two-third to be heterozygous and one-third to be homozygous. Next, we used the Ion Torrent simulator DWGSIG (https://github/com/nh13/dwgsim) to simulate the sequencing reads which are, on average, 400 bp long with an error rate of 2%. Six datasets were generated by the simulator to assess the performance of variant calling programs at the 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25- and 30-fold sequencing depths. The simulated short reads were mapped against human chromosome 21 by using the BWA-SW (Li and Durbin, 2010) with the default parameter setting.

The second simulation dataset was used to evaluate the effect of the mapping parameter setting on the performance of PyroHMMvar and other variant calling programs. Different parameter settings could produce different mappings and/or raw alignments of reads. We used the aforementioned simulation strategy to generate the sequencing reads (read length 400 bp) with 10× depth from a 5 Mbp segment on human chromosome 20 (Chr20:1000000–6000000). The simulated short reads were mapped against human chromosome 20 by using the BWA-SW with different mismatch penalties varying from 1 to 9.

We also applied PyroHMMvar and other variant calling programs to call SNPs and short indels in the human genome by using the whole genome resequencing data produced by an Ion Torrent PGM machine (National Center for Biotechnology Information SRA Accession: ERX016676). The dataset consists of 859 757 279 reads, with an average length of 183 bp at roughly 6× coverage.

3.2 Performance criteria

Three evaluation criteria were used: sensitivity, specificity and F1 score. Sensitivity is defined as the fraction of the annotated variants called by the program, specificity as the fraction of the called variants that are correct. Sensitivity measures the performance of a method in detecting true variants, and specificity assesses whether a method is capable of reporting few false-positive variants. F1 score is the harmonic mean of sensitivity and specificity. The formulas are shown in the following:

graphic file with name btt512m12.jpg (12)

3.3 Diploid simulation with various sequencing depths

We used the DWGSIM simulator to generate six sets of sequencing reads from human chromosome 21 with varying coverage depths: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30×. PyroHMMvar, Samtools and GATK were applied to call SNPs and short indels. A called SNP is regarded as correct or true positive if the called locus is exactly the same as the simulated locus and the called genotype is concordant with the simulated genotype; otherwise, it is incorrect or false positive. An indel is regarded as a correct call if the called locus is within 5 bp of the simulated locus, and the called genotype is concordant with the simulated genotype. These concepts, as applied to true and false positives, were applied to both SNPs and indels. A comparison of the performance of these three variant calling programs is shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Performance evaluation of variant calling programs on the simulation of short reads generated from human chromosome 21 at various sequencing depths. The numbers in Bold are the best performances

Depth Method SNP
Runtime (hour)
TP FP SEN (%)d SPE (%)e F1 (%) TP FP SEN (%) SPE (%) F1 (%)
PVa 15 739 722 44.8 95.6 61.0 838 37 19.0 95.7 31.7 0.53
GAb 15 740 2 996 44.8 84.0 58.5 759 52 17.2 93.6 29.1 0.10f
STc 14 948 1 257 42.6 92.2 58.3 745 993 16.9 42.9 24.2 0.37
10× PV 28 393 325 80.9 98.9 89.0 2 608 92 59.2 96.6 73.4 1.07
GA 23 071 2 898 65.7 88.8 75.5 2 467 101 56.0 96.1 70.7 0.21
ST 26 486 917 75.4 96.7 84.7 1 741 1 340 39.5 56.5 46.5 1.10
15× PV 32 757 96 93.3 99.7 96.4 3 778 80 85.7 97.9 91.4 1.10
GA 25 430 2 288 72.4 91.7 81.0 3 672 157 83.3 95.9 89.1 0.32
ST 31 453 439 89.6 98.6 93.9 2 466 1 528 55.9 61.7 58.7 2.13
20× PV 34 202 46 97.4 99.9 98.6 4 180 69 94.8 98.4 96.6 1.12
GA 27 539 1 855 78.4 93.7 85.4 4 124 174 93.5 96.0 94.7 0.45
ST 33 618 235 95.8 99.3 97.5 2 904 1 566 65.9 65.0 65.4 3.42
25× PV 34 681 37 98.8 99.9 99.3 4 347 70 98.6 98.4 98.5 1.14
GA 29 462 1 497 83.9 95.2% 89.2% 4 302 179 97.6% 96.0% 96.8% 0.57
ST 34 470 129 98.2 99.6% 98.9% 3 238 1 748 73.4% 64.9% 68.9% 4.78
30× PV 34 861 19 99.3 99.9 99.6 4 380 52 99.3 98.8 99.1 1.25
GA 30 003 1 289 85.5 95.9 90.4 4 345 161 98.5 96.4 97.5 0.64
ST 34 796 84 99.1 99.8 99.4 3 418 1 765 77.5 65.9 71.3 6.37

aPV is PyroHMMvar.

bGA is GATK (v2.4-9).

cST is Samtools (v0.1.19).

dSEN is Sensitivity.

eSPE is Specificity.

fThe runtime of GATK is the runtime of IndelRealigner plus the runtime of UnifiedGenotyper.

Across different coverages, PyroHMMvar called more true-positive SNPs and fewer false-positive SNPs, when compared with GATK and Samtools. For the high-coverage (30× depth) sequencing data, PyroHMMvar called 34 861 true-positive SNPs, which implies a sensitivity of 99.3%, whereas GATK called 30 003 true-positive SNPs (sensitivity 85.5%) and Samtools called 34 796 true-positive SNPs (sensitivity 99.1%). Relative to its counterparts, PyroHMMvar called 16.2% more true-positive SNPs than GATK and 0.2% more true-positive SNPs than Samtools. Moreover, PyroHMMvar called only 19 false-positive SNPs (99.9% specificity), whereas GATK called 1289 false-positive SNPs (95.9% specificity) and Samtools called 84 false-positive SNPs (99.8% specificity). At the other sequencing depths, Samtools called slightly fewer true-positive SNPs and slightly more false-positive SNPs than PyroHMMvar. Overall, GATK predicted the fewest true-positive SNPs and the most false-positive SNPs at various sequencing depths. The results imply that PyroHMMvar and Samtools performed better in detecting SNPs than GATK in terms of both sensitivity and specificity.

The results also show that PyroHMMvar is accurate at detecting short indels. Overall, PyroHMMvar had the best performance in all three criteria (sensitivity, specificity and F1) across all sequencing depths. PyroHMMvar predicted more simulated indels, as well as PyroHMMvar had the highest specificity. It is worth noting that the number of false-positive indels called by PyroHMMvar decreases as the sequencing depth increases, whereas GATK and Samtools called more false-positive indels along with the increase of sequencing depth. Across all sequencing data, the performance of Samtools’ indel calling is well below that of PyroHMMvar and GATK. Overall, PyroHMMvar achieved the best performance in detecting both SNPs and short indels.

We also demonstrated the runtime of the three programs, which were performed at a single thread of a computer with a 3.4 GHz CPU and 16 GB of memory. GATK achieved the fastest speed across all datasets. PyroHMMvar was slower than GATK, but faster than Samtools. These three programs can all be accelerated by using the parallel computing technique.

3.4 Diploid simulation with varying scoring function

BWA-SW deploys a Smith–Waterman algorithm (Smith and Waterman, 1981) to perform local alignment of long reads. In general, different scoring functions will produce raw alignments, and may thus affect the performance of variant calling. Therefore, it is desirable that a variant calling method be less sensitive to the scoring function of the mapping programs to produce robust results. To assess this performance, we varied the mismatch penalty of BWA-SW from 1 to 9 and applied it to map the second simulated dataset at 10× depth. At a high mismatch penalty, the mapping program prefers indels over mismatches and produces different raw alignments. After applying PyroHMMvar, GATK and Samtools to these datasets, we computed the sensitivity, specificity and F1 measure, and the results are shown in Figure 3. Clearly, PyroHMMvar achieves consistent sensitivity and specificity across all parameter settings in detecting short indels. In contrast, the sensitivity of GATK increases when the mismatch penalty increases. We also noticed that the behavior of Samtools is different from other programs in that both the sensitivity and specificity increase as the mismatch penalty increases. This is because Samtools relies more on raw alignments to call indels.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Sensitivity, specificity and F1 measure when tuning the mismatch penalty from 1 to 9. Different scoring settings generate different mapping results, which then affect downstream variant calling. This figure shows the performance changes of three methods by using different penalty scores

Because the mapping program prefers indels over mismatches, the sensitivity in detecting SNPs decreases as the mismatch penalty increases. PyroHMMvar selects a variant locus as an SNP candidate when there are at least two reads supporting the variant. If the original mismatches are replaced by indels in the alignments, evidence is insufficient to support a variant locus as a candidate site. For the same reason, the sensitivity of SNP detection decreases in GATK and Samtools. However, although the specificity of PyroHMMvar and Samtools is consistent between them, the specificity of GATK is quite low at low mismatch penalty. Thus, with a small mismatch penalty, some indels appear like SNPs in the raw alignments, in turn causing GATK to call false-positive SNPs. These results show that PyroHMMvar is more robust than the other tools.

3.5 Application to whole genome resequencing data

We downloaded a human whole genome resequencing dataset (National Center for Biotechnology Information SRA Accession: ERX016676), which was generated by an Ion Torrent PGM machine (Rothberg et al., 2011). We used the BWA-SW to map the short reads back to the human reference hg19 with the default parameter setting and then applied the three variant calling programs to call SNPs and short indels. The called variants with a prediction error rate of higher than 0.1% (quality score <30) were eliminated. As demonstrated in Table 2, these results suggest that PyroHMMvar provides an accurate prediction of SNPs and short indels on human genome.

Table 2.

Performance comparison of variant calling programs based on human whole genome resequencing data at the prediction accuracy >99.9% (variant quality score >30)

Method PyroHMMvar GATK Samtools
Total predicted SNPs 1 181 972 1 103 003 734 398
Validated (%) 1 173 633 (99.3%) 1 093 986 (99.2%) 731 859 (99.7%)
Ts/Tv ratioa 2.17 2.18 2.19
Homozygous SNPs
    Predicted 687 985 752 994 597 993
    Validated (%)b 687 278 (99.9%) 750 428 (99.7%) 597 195 (99.9%)
Heterozygous SNPs
    Predicted 493 987 350 009 136 405
    Validated (%) 486 385 (98.5%) 343 558 (98.2%) 134 664 (98.7%)
    Predicted 5 671 9 339 3 552
    Validated (%) 5 583 (98.4%) 8 597 (92.6%) 3 266 (91.9%)
    Predicted 19 304 101 602 11 530
    Validated (%) 6 683 (34.6%) 13 510 (13.3%) 3 259 (28.3%)
Runtime (hour) 66.9 22.6c 36.4

aTs/Tv ratio is the transition-to-transversion ratio.

bThe validation database is the dbSNP 137.

cThe runtime of GATK is the runtime of IndelRealigner plus the runtime of UnifiedGenotyper.

PyroHMMvar predicted 1 181 972 SNPs, among which 687 985 were homozygous and 493 987 were heterozygous. In all, 99.9% of the predicted homozygous SNPs (687 278) and 98.5% of the predicted heterozygous SNPs (486 385) could be validated by the dbSNP 137. The predicted transition-to-transversion (Ts/Tv) ratio is 2.17. In comparison, GATK predicted less SNPs with a similar Ts/Tv ratio (2.18). The number of the predicted homozygous SNPs was larger (752 994), but the number of the predicted heterozygous SNPs was smaller (350 009). Their validation ratios are slightly lower than those of PyroHMMvar, at 99.7% for the homozygous SNPs and 98.2% for the heterozygous SNPs. Samtools made considerably fewer SNP predictions (734 398), but its validation ratios and Ts/Tv ratio are similar to the other two programs.

PyroHMMvar predicted 5671 insertions for which the validation rate was 98.4%, and 19 304 deletions for which the validation rate was 34.6%. GATK called many more indels, but with lower validation rates: 9339 insertions with 92.6% validation rate, and 101 602 deletions with 13.3% validation rate. Samtools predicted the fewest number of indels, only 3552 insertions and 11 530 deletions. The validation rates of the indels were 91.9 and 28.3%, respectively. The running times of PyroHMMvar, GATK and Samtools were 66.9, 22.6 and 36.4 h, respectively.

3.6 The contribution of the HMM and the alignment graph in PyroHMMvar

To evaluate the contribution of the HMM in PyroHMMvar, we implemented a program, named PyroHMMvar-SW, which replaces the HMM by a homopolymer-aware Smith–Waterman alignment method, resembling PanGEA (Kofler et al., 2009). In PyroHMMvar-SW, we assign a score +5 to a match and −3 to a mismatch. For an insertion or a deletion, we assign a score −4 to the gap opening penalty, and −1 to each gap extension penalty. For each pair of aligned homopolymers, in which a k-mer polynucleotide stretch is aligned to an l-mer polynucleotide stretch with identical nucleotide bases, we penalize the difference by −1×|k-l| in the following scoring function,

graphic file with name btt512m13.jpg (13)

We simulated a diploid genome sequencing dataset with 10-fold sequencing coverage, and applied both PyroHMMvar and PyroHMMvar-SW to this dataset. The results are shown in Table 3. Both programs show a similar performance in SNP calling, but the HMM clearly out-performs the Smith–Waterman method in the detection of indels. PyroHMMvar called less false indels and achieved a higher specificity (96.6%) than PyroHMMvar-SW (89.7%). This improvement is due to the contribution of the HMM in modeling the homopolymer errors.

Table 3.

The performance comparison of PyroHMMvar with PyroHMMvar-SW, which replaces the HMM with a homopolymer-aware Smith–Waterman alignment method, and PyroHMMvar-Unique, which uses the unique read sequences as the consensus sequences instead of the weighted alignment graph

Method SNP
TP FP SEN (%) SPE (%) F1 (%) TP FP SEN (%) SPE (%) F1(%)
PyroHMMvar 28 393 325 80.9 98.9 89.0 2 608 092 59.2 96.6 73.4
PyroHMMvar-SW 28 297 340 80.6 98.8 88.8 2 285 263 51.8 89.7 65.7
PyroHMMvar-Unique 21 224 126 60.5 99.4 75.2 1 723 018 39.1 99.0 56.0

To evaluate the contribution of the weighted alignment graph method, we implemented a program called PyroHMMvar-Unique, which identifies potential haplotypes by using short reads instead of the weighted alignment graph and the DFS-based algorithm implemented in PyroHMMvar. Similarly, we simulated a diploid genome sequencing dataset with 10-fold sequencing coverage, and applied both PyroHMMvar and PyroHMMvar-Unique to this dataset. The results are shown in Table 3. PyroHMMvar has higher F1 scores for both the SNP calling (89.0%) and the indel calling (73.4%) than PyroHMMvar-Unique (75.2% for the SNP calling and 56.0% in the indel calling). This proves that the weighted alignment graph method significantly improves the performance of variant calling.


The Ion Torrent and 454 sequencing machines are the routine benchmark next-generation sequencing platforms with the leverage of affordable sequencing cost, low error rate and long read length. These sequencing machines are commonly used in microbiology and virology research. However, short reads generated by both Ion Torrent and 454 machines are contaminated by homopolymer errors, which invariably raise indels in data, thereby decreasing the accurate detection of SNPs and indels from resequencing data. In this article, we introduced a computational framework that includes four components: (i) an HMM to model homopolymer errors; (ii) a pairwise read–HMM realignment method by which scoring parameters are estimated from resequencing data; (iii) a weighted alignment graph to reconstruct the underlying haplotype sequences; and (iv) a Bayesian method to call the genotype. Based on the simulation experiments and application to real human whole genome resequencing data, the proposed realignment approach combined with the weighted alignment graph was demonstrated to be an effective strategy to increase the accurate detection of SNPs and short indels on both Ion Torrent and 454 resequencing data.

Although the method introduced in the article is designed for Ion Torrent and 454 sequencing technologies, we believe that this computational framework conveys the following insights on the future development of variant calling method. Frist, it demonstrates a method of establishing an appropriate error model for a specific sequencing platform by (i) training the error model using the resequencing data and (ii) applying the error model to realign the mappings. Second, it demonstrates the use of the alignment graph technique to reconstruct haplotype sequences. The alignment graph technique has also been shown to be effective in constructing high-quality consensus sequences from the long reads generated by the third-generation single molecular sequencing technology (Chin et al., 2013). Furthermore, the alignment graph technique dramatically reduces the computational time of the otherwise exhaustive haplotype enumeration strategy, which was used in previously published works (Albers et al., 2011; Zeng et al., 2013). Overall, by replacing the homopolymer error model with an appropriate error model, the proposed computational framework can also benefit the detection of single nucleotide variants from resequencing data generated by other sequencing technologies, such as Illumina or Pacific Biosciences.


The authors thank Professor Xuegong Zhang for his support and helpful suggestions. The authors also thank the two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.

Funding: National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB316504) (in part), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2012AA020401), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61175002 and 60805010), Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, Center of Excellence of Genome Sciences: Genomic Analysis of the Genotype-Phenotype Map (NIH/HG 2 P50 HG002790-06), Robust and Portable Workflow-based tools for mRNA and Genome re-sequencing (NIH/NHGRI 1U01 HG006531-01) and Computational Analysis of Metagenomic Sequencing Data (NSF/DMS ATD 7031026).

Conflict of Interest: none declared.


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