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. 2014 Jan 13;9(1):e81424. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081424

A Model of Two-Way Selection System for Human Behavior

Bin Zhou 1,2, Shujia Qin 3, Xiao-Pu Han 4, Zhe He 1, Jia-Rong Xie 1, Bing-Hong Wang 1,5,*
Editor: Matjaž Perc6
PMCID: PMC3890283  PMID: 24454687


Two-way selection is a common phenomenon in nature and society. It appears in the processes like choosing a mate between men and women, making contracts between job hunters and recruiters, and trading between buyers and sellers. In this paper, we propose a model of two-way selection system, and present its analytical solution for the expectation of successful matching total and the regular pattern that the matching rate trends toward an inverse proportion to either the ratio between the two sides or the ratio of the state total to the smaller group's people number. The proposed model is verified by empirical data of the matchmaking fairs. Results indicate that the model well predicts this typical real-world two-way selection behavior to the bounded error extent, thus it is helpful for understanding the dynamics mechanism of the real-world two-way selection system.


Human-initiated systems always run in a complex way. In the past ten years, related work mainly focused on the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of human activity patterns. Because of the complexity of human behavior, many underlying mechanisms have not been discovered yet. The two-way selection scenario among humans is one of the complicated but common phenomena in daily life. It happens in the processes like choosing a mate between men and women, making contracts between job hunters and recruiters, and trading between buyers and sellers. In a sense, two-way selections can be regarded as the base of building many social relationships. Generally, the participants in a two-way selection process are first classified into two groups by their natural status. Then they observe, study the factors of the people on the other side, and finally make their choices. For instance, in the case of marriages, one's appearance, personality, wealth, and sense of humor, are prevalently taken into consideration. Besides the individual characters, impersonal factors also exert an influence, e.g. the member totals on each side and their ratio. How many characters will be inspected and chosen deeply affects the result of a selection process. However, usually it is difficult to compare and to distinguish these characteristics quantitatively even qualitatively through traditional methods, such as psychological tests and social surveys.

The well-known marriage game in statistical physics has been researched in these papers [1][6], whose main novel concept is the stability of marriages. This view point aims to find a stable matching between the two sets of men and women. Such a model results in the destiny that every one in the sets gets married and the final marriage relationships are “stable”. However, the internal mechanism of a two-way selection system can be modeled in another way: not all of the participants have to get married in one trial of the processes, i.e. some of them would be successful in matching but the others not. This mechanism would render assistance to some social problems, such as the prediction of the total of friendships or other gregarious relations [7][15]. In this paper, we present a model for two-way selections to investigate the factors influencing the matching rate. The data of matchmaking fairs are analyzed to support our model. Based on this model, the method of estimating the number of factors impacting people's decisions is also proposed.

The Model and Analytical Results

Our model of the two-way selection is stated as follows:

  1. The system has two sets of agents, A and B, respectively amounting to Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

  2. The ith agent in set A (or set B) has its own character denoted by Inline graphic (or Inline graphic). Correspondingly, the character the ith agent attempts to select is denoted by Inline graphic (or Inline graphic).

  3. The agents' characters are denoted by integers without loss of generality. Assume the characters has n types, i.e. Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic. In one trial of the model, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic pick an element in S following the uniform distribution.

  4. The condition of successful matching of two agents Inline graphic and Inline graphic is Inline graphic and Inline graphic. That is, when agent Inline graphic's character meets agent Inline graphic's requirement and vice versa, agent Inline graphic and agent Inline graphic have a successful matching.

For given Inline graphic, Inline graphic and n, the expectation E of the total number of matching pairs in the model is

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e028.jpg (1)

According to

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e029.jpg

where Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are the modified Bessel functions of the first kind, the expectation in (1) can approximate to

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e033.jpg (2)

where Inline graphic, Inline graphic.

Due to the symmetry of Inline graphic and Inline graphic in (1), without loss of generality, we just study the Inline graphic case under three conditions: Inline graphic, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. When Inline graphic, resulting in Inline graphic, calculating the zeroth power term and the first power term of (2) obtains

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e044.jpg (3)

When Inline graphic or Inline graphic, according to

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e047.jpg (4)

Equation (2) can be simplified as

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e048.jpg (5)

Because in this case Inline graphic is very large, Equation (5) can be further simplified as

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e050.jpg (6)


graphic file with name pone.0081424.e051.jpg (7)

where η denotes the ratio of Inline graphic to Inline graphic; Inline graphic denotes the ratio of Inline graphic to Inline graphic; P denotes the estimated ratio of successful matching pairs to the average number of two type agents. Then Equation (2) can be transformed into

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e057.jpg (8)

Equation (3) can be written as:

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e058.jpg (9)

Equation (6) can be written as:

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e059.jpg (10)

Figure 1 shows the comparison between the analytical predictions of (1) and the simulation results. Figure 2(a) shows the comparison between the analytical predictions of (9) and the simulation results under the condition Inline graphic and displays a power-law relation with the exponent −1 between P and Inline graphic. Figure 2(b) shows the comparison between the analytical predictions of (10) and the simulation results under the condition Inline graphic and displays a power-law relation with the exponent −1 between P and η; Figure 2(d) shows the comparison between the analytical predictions of (10) and the simulation results under the condition Inline graphic and displays the same power-law relation to the result in Figure 2(b). The above analytical predictions and simulation results are consistent with each other. That is to say all analytical results are reliable.

Figure 1. The comparison between the analytical predictions and the simulation results.

Figure 1

In the two sub-figures, the parameter Inline graphic; η is assigned to values from 1 to 1000; Inline graphic is assigned to values from 0.1 to 1000. (a) shows analytical predictions of (1); (b) shows the simulation results.

Figure 2. The comparison between analytical predictions and the simulation results in the log-log plots.

Figure 2

In the four sub-figures, the parameter Inline graphic; the squares are the simulation data; the solid lines are analytical predictions. In (a), Inline graphic; Inline graphic is assigned to values from 100 to 1000; the solid line is obtained from (9). In (b), Inline graphic; Inline graphic is assigned to values from 10 to 1000; the solid line is obtained from (10). In (c), Inline graphic; Inline graphic is assigned to values from 10 to 100; the solid line is obtained from (11). In (d), Inline graphic; η is assigned to values from 10 to 1000; the solid line is obtained from (10).

Consider a special case Inline graphic, resulting in Inline graphic. On the one hand, Equation (9) can be simplified as

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e076.jpg (11)

The relation between P and Inline graphic approximates a power law with the exponent −1, and this case is shown in Figure 2(c). Equation (10) can be simplified as Inline graphic, suggesting that almost all of the agents can match successfully under the condition Inline graphic. On the other hand, because the condition Inline graphic results in Inline graphic, from (5) we can obtain

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e082.jpg (12)

The second term of (12) is the number of the agents that can not successfully match in type A or type B. The larger k is, the smaller Inline graphic is. In reality, this is a result of fluctuation. The total combinations of the “own” state and the “expecting” state for an agent have Inline graphic possibilities in the model. In theory, the expected times of each state appearance is Inline graphic. However, due to the fluctuations, almost all frequencies of every state appearance deviate around Inline graphic. As a result, some agents can not successfully match. The number of times that each state may appear obeys the binomial distribution. The fluctuation is closely related to the standard deviation, according to the binomial theorem and standard deviation formula, we can obtain that the standard deviation equals Inline graphic, which is directly proportional to Inline graphic. Thus, the number of the agents that can not successfully match is also proportional to Inline graphic. It explains the relationship between the second item of (12) and Inline graphic. From (12), we know that the proportionality coefficient is Inline graphic.

The Verification Between the Model and Experimental Data

As the mate choosing between men and women is a typical real-world two-way selection system, eighty-two reported records of matchmaking fairs are analyzed to verify our model. Due to the uncertainty of approximation in these reports, we classify the data into three categories with specified possible ranges according to their descriptions: i) “nearly x” (possible range Inline graphic); ii) “about x” (possible range Inline graphic); iii) “over x” (possible range Inline graphic). The full list of the data records is shown in Table 1. All data of matchmaking fairs are collected from the websites shown in Table 2.

Table 1. The data of matchmaking fairs.

Website no. Original descriptions Total participants K Matched pairs E Matching ratio P
joined matched
01 13 3 13 3 Inline graphic
02 18 6 18 6 Inline graphic
03 20 1 20 1 Inline graphic
04 21 6 21 6 Inline graphic
05 25 5 25 5 Inline graphic
06 26 3 26 3 Inline graphic
07 26 4 26 4 Inline graphic
08 30 2 30 2 Inline graphic
09 32 4 32 4 Inline graphic
10 36 6 36 6 Inline graphic
11 36 6 36 6 Inline graphic
12 38 6 38 6 Inline graphic
13 40 8 40 8 Inline graphic
14 >40 3 Inline graphic 3 Inline graphic
15 >50 3 Inline graphic 3 Inline graphic
16 ≈60 5 Inline graphic 5 Inline graphic
17 >60 4 Inline graphic 4 Inline graphic
18 >60 5 Inline graphic 5 Inline graphic
19 >60 ≈10 Inline graphic 10±1 Inline graphic
20 72 11 72 11 Inline graphic
21 80 5 80 5 Inline graphic
22 80 10 80 10 Inline graphic
23 80 13 80 13 Inline graphic
24 80 18 80 18 Inline graphic
25 ∼100 5 95±5 5 Inline graphic
26 99 8 99 8 Inline graphic
27 100 5 100 5 Inline graphic
28 ≈100 7 100±5 7 Inline graphic
29 >100 16 110±10 16 Inline graphic
30 150 7 150 7 Inline graphic
31 ∼200 8 Inline graphic 8 Inline graphic
32 ∼200 22 Inline graphic 22 Inline graphic
33 ≈200 4 Inline graphic 4 Inline graphic
34 206 10 206 10 Inline graphic
35 >200 7 Inline graphic 7 Inline graphic
36 >200 8 Inline graphic 8 Inline graphic
37 >200 38 Inline graphic 38 Inline graphic
38 216 19 Inline graphic 19 Inline graphic
39 >240 22 Inline graphic 22 Inline graphic
40 ≈258 >10 Inline graphic 11±1 Inline graphic
41 ∼300 4 Inline graphic 4 Inline graphic
42 ≈300 8 Inline graphic 8 Inline graphic
43 >300 >10 Inline graphic 11±1 Inline graphic
44 >300 32 Inline graphic 32 Inline graphic
45 400 ∼20 Inline graphic 19±1 Inline graphic
46 >500 3 Inline graphic 3 Inline graphic
47 >500 8 Inline graphic 8 Inline graphic
48 >500 >10 Inline graphic 11±1 Inline graphic
49 ∼600 ∼40 Inline graphic 38±2 Inline graphic
50 >600 >78 Inline graphic 78 Inline graphic
51 ∼800 58 Inline graphic 58 Inline graphic
52 >800 >20 Inline graphic 21±1 Inline graphic
53 ∼1000 ≈20 Inline graphic 20±1 Inline graphic
54 ∼1000 58 Inline graphic 58 Inline graphic
55 ∼1000 64 Inline graphic 64 Inline graphic
56 ≈1000 12 Inline graphic 12 Inline graphic
57 ≈1000 15 Inline graphic 15 Inline graphic
58 ≈1000 ∼100 Inline graphic 95±5 Inline graphic
59 >1000 3 Inline graphic 3 Inline graphic
60 >1000 4 Inline graphic 4 Inline graphic
61 >1500 48 Inline graphic 48 Inline graphic
62 >1500 >100 Inline graphic 105±5 Inline graphic
63 >1600 31 Inline graphic 31 Inline graphic
64 >2000 ∼100 Inline graphic 95±5 Inline graphic
65 >2000 >113 Inline graphic 119±6 Inline graphic
66 ∼3000 ∼100 Inline graphic 95±5 Inline graphic
67 ≈3000 186 Inline graphic 186 Inline graphic
68 >3000 >200 Inline graphic 210±10 Inline graphic
69 >4000 >500 Inline graphic 525±25 Inline graphic
70 ∼5000 108 Inline graphic 108 Inline graphic
71 >5000 218 Inline graphic 218 Inline graphic
72 >5000 231 Inline graphic 231 Inline graphic
73 >5000 237 Inline graphic 237 Inline graphic
74 >6000 >270 Inline graphic 284±14 Inline graphic
75 ∼10000 28 Inline graphic 28 Inline graphic
76 ∼10000 ≈100 Inline graphic 100±5 Inline graphic
77 ∼10000 ∼2000 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
78 >10000 ≈400 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
79 >10000 >1000 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
80 ≈16000 >700 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
81 >16000 >600 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
82 >50000 >3000 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic

Note: ≈ denotes “about”, ∼ denotes “nearly”, and > denotes “above”.

Table 2. Data sources of matchmaking fairs.

Website no. Website name of matchmaking fairs

In our model, n is an internal parameter needed to be measured. Because a news report (descried as an experiment below) generally includes only the total of participants and the number of successful matching pairs, the male–female or female–male ratio η defined in (7) should be estimated first. Under the assumption Inline graphic, the lower bound of η is Inline graphic, and once the total of participants Inline graphic and the number of matching couples E is determined, the upper bound of η in that experiment is known: Inline graphic. Let N be the number of experiments, Inline graphic be the upper bound of η in the ith experiment, and Inline graphic be the set of all upper bounds. By processing Inline graphic experiments in Table 1, we obtain Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Consider the least square criterion for fitting the model and the experimental data

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e249.jpg (13)

where Inline graphic denotes the experimental data in the ith experiment and Inline graphic denotes the corresponding theoretical value calculated by (8), and the reality that in a matchmaking fair the numbers of males and females would not differ over some extent. We narrow the range of η to [1], [2] and solve this optimization problem

graphic file with name pone.0081424.e252.jpg (14)

Finally we obtain the estimation Inline graphic.

Figure 3 shows the relationship between the experimental data and the analytical predictions of our model. The red curve and olive curve are obtained from (8). The parameters of red curve are Inline graphic, Inline graphic; the parameters of olive curve are Inline graphic, Inline graphic. According to (7), when Inline graphic is equal to the minimum 1, Inline graphic takes the maximum value 225. The error bars of ordinate P of round dots represent the ranges of empirical data P in Table 1. Because Inline graphic is unknown and Inline graphic is undetermined, the bound for Inline graphic in the ith experiment is Inline graphic, and the bound for corresponding Inline graphic is Inline graphic. Therefore, the ranges of abscissa Inline graphic of round dots are relatively wide and the middle points lie in Inline graphic.

Figure 3. The relationship between the experimental data and analytical predictions in the log-log plots.

Figure 3

The red curve and the olive curve are obtained from (8), and the parameters of red curve are Inline graphic, Inline graphic; The parameters of olive curve are Inline graphic, Inline graphic. The round dots represent the empirical data in Table 1. The Inline graphic represents the maximum value 225 of Inline graphic.

Figure 3 also shows when Inline graphic is relatively small and corresponding Inline graphic is big, all empirical data are enclosed between two curves; when Inline graphic is relatively big and corresponding Inline graphic is small, some empirical data are enclosed between the two curves, but other empirical data lie above the red curve and the trend of the empirical data is opposite to the analytical predictions. The possible reasons are: on the one hand, organizers of some matchmaking fairs select only a few participants meeting their requirements from a large number of applicants, so a participant is easier to find the right man or woman; on the other hand, when the number of participants is small in a matchmaking fair, they understand the difficulty of finding an ideal object so compromise to a goodish choice. The two reasons above cause that the fewer the participants are, the higher the matching probability P is. Based on these effects, the deviation of experimental data from the model is acceptable.


We propose a model of the two-way selection system and provide its analytical solution. Under several conditions, the compact approximations are derived analytically and verified by the simulation results. In the model, the parameter n that denotes the number of characters directly determines the probability of the successful match – due to its importance, we propose a rough method to estimate its value by fitting the empirical data collected via the Internet and the result is Inline graphic. Under some artificial assumptions, most of the experimental data fall into the range predicted by our model, so this model is helpful for understanding the dynamics mechanism of the real-world two-way selection systems, and provides a starting point for researching the nature of real-world two-way selection systems. We believe our model could enlighten readers in this rapidly developing field.

Funding Statement

This work was funded by the National Important Research Project (Grant No. 91024026), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11205040, 11105024, 11275186), the Major Important Project Fund for Anhui University Nature Science Research (Grant No. KJ2011ZD07) and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20093402110032). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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