Figure 5. Impaired BM exit of Ly6C+ blood monocyte affects the Ly6C− cell compartment.
(A) Flow cytometric analysis of mixed [Ccr2−/−:Cx3cr1gfp/+ (CD45.2) / Ccr2+/+:Cx3cr1gfp/+ (CD45.1) > wt] BM chimeras. Distribution of cells within the mononuclear compartment were analysed for percentage of CD45.2+ cells. Cell definitions for gating: MP (Lin CD135+ CD115 CD117+) MDP (Lin CD135+ CD115+ CD117+ CDP (Lin CD135+ CD115+ CD117) PreDC (Lin CD11cint MHCIICD135+ CD172a CX3CR1+) monocyte (CD11b+ CD115+). Results are representative of 6 analyzed mice.
(B) Analysis of mixed [Ccr2−/−:Cx3cr1gfp/+ (cd45.2) / Ccr2+/+:Cx3cr1gfp/+ (CD45.1) > wt] BM chimeras. Representative result of two experiments involving 3–5 mice per group.