Endocrine-disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity (EA) or anti-EA (AEA) have been extensively reported to possibly have many adverse health effects. We have developed robotized assays using MCF-7:WS8 cell proliferation (or suppression) to detect EA (or AEA) of 78 test substances supplied by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods and the National Toxicology Program’s Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods for validation studies. We also assayed ICI 182,780, a strong estrogen antagonist. Chemicals to be assayed were initially examined for solubility and volatility to determine optimal assay conditions. For both EA and AEA determinations, a Range-Finder assay was conducted to determine the concentration range for testing, followed by a Comprehensive assay. Test substances with potentially positive results from an EA Comprehensive assay were subjected to an EA Confirmation assay that evaluated the ability of ICI 182,780 to reverse chemically induced MCF-7 cell proliferation. The AEA assays examined the ability of chemicals to decrease MCF-7 cell proliferation induced by nonsaturating concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2), relative to ICI or raloxifene, also a strong estrogen antagonist. To be classified as having AEA, a saturating concentration of E2 had to significantly reverse the decrease in cell proliferation produced by the test substance in nonsaturating E2. We conclude that our robotized MCF-7 EA and AEA assays have accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values at least equivalent to validated test methods accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Key Words: estrogen, estrogenic activity, endocrine disruptor
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals mimic or otherwise alter the activities of hormones such as estrogens. Many scientists have reported (Adewale et al., 2011; Calafat et al., 2005; de Cock et al., 2012; Gray, 2010; Hall and Korach, 2012; Heindel and vom Saal, 2009; ICCVAM, 2010, 2011; National Research Council, 1999; NIEHS, 2010; Swan et al., 2005; Talsness et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2009; Vandenberg et al., 2012; vom Saal et al., 2005) that chemicals having estrogenic activity (EA) or anti-EA (AEA) in vitro can produce adverse effects in vivo in laboratory animals and humans, including decreased sperm counts, ovarian and uterine disorders, reduced fertility, abnormalities in male reproductive organs, obesity, abnormal brain maturation, learning disabilities, attention disorders, increases in immune and autoimmune diseases, some neurodegenerative diseases, emotion and cognitive development, and increased incidence of some cancers. (In vitro assays do not assess in vivo toxokinetic effects.) Fetal, infant, and juvenile mammals are especially sensitive to very low dosages (nanomolar to < picomolar concentrations, or ppb to < ppt levels) of chemicals having EA, although adverse health effects may not appear until much later in life (Gray, 2010; National Research Council, 1999; Vandenberg et al., 2012).
Many scientists and consumers are concerned about the potential public health effects of chemicals having EA or AEA that are released from plastics or present in industrial solvents, pesticides, herbicides, and other commonly used products (Gray, 2010). The Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) and the National Toxicology Program’s Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM) are tasked to coordinate the development, validation, and acceptance of toxicological tests, including estrogen receptor (ER)–dependent transactivation assays to assess the EA and AEA of chemicals (ICCVAM, 2003, 2006).
The 2 EA or AEA assays currently validated, or undergoing validation, by ICCVAM/NICEATM for regulatory use are the BG-1Luc transactivation assay and the MCF-7:WS8 (MCF-7) cell proliferation assay, respectively. Our MCF-7 assay is a robotized, modified version of the E-SCREEN MCF-7 cell proliferation assay that has been used in manual versions for many years to quantify the EA of test chemicals or extracts relative to 17β-estradiol (E2: positive control) and a vehicle control (VC: negative control) (Soto et al., 1995). Robotizing the assay decreases the variance and increases the repeatability of concentration-response curves of test substances.
We describe herein our use of a robotic MCF-7 EA assay to evaluate 78 test substances supplied by ICCVAM/NICEATM as coded substances and ICI 182,780 (ICI), a strong antiestrogen. These test substances were evaluated as having strong (eg, diethylstilbestrol [DES]), moderate (eg, bisphenol A [BPA]), weak (eg, p-n-nonylphenol), or no detectable EA (eg, atrazine). The ability of a test substance to induce MCF-7 cell proliferation was first examined over a wide range of concentrations in a Range-Finder assay. A Comprehensive assay was then performed over an optimum concentration range determined by the results of the Range-Finder assay. For test substances identified as possibly active for EA in the Comprehensive assay, a Confirmation assay was conducted using the EA antagonist ICI to assure that induced cell proliferation was ER dependent. For AEA, in a Range-Finder assay followed by a Comprehensive assay, we evaluated the ability of the test substances to suppress cell proliferation in the presence of a nonsaturating E2 concentration (Low E2) relative to a positive control, raloxifene (RAL). In a Confirmation assay, we verified that any reduction of cell proliferation in Low E2 was indeed due to AEA, rather than a nonspecific effect (eg, cytotoxicity), by using a 1000× higher (saturating) E2 concentration (High E2) to significantly reverse AEA-induced suppression in Low E2.
These MCF-7 EA and AEA assays have a 100% concordance with meta-analysis classification for the 39 and 25 test substances most recently recommended by ICCVAM (2011) to assess the accuracy of EA and AEA assay accuracy, respectively. Therefore, this assay is at least as accurate as the validated test methods accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
We used an MCF-7:WS8 breast cancer cell line obtained from Dr Vernon Craig Jordan (Georgetown University Medical Center) to detect EA and AEA in 78 test substances supplied by NICEATM as coded chemicals. The MCF-7:WS8 cell line has mostly (~95%) ERα, some ERβ, and other ER-related subtypes with no detectable AR or other steroidal receptors (Chen et al., 2005). Chemicals having EA (or AEA) bind to the ERs, producing (or inhibiting, if AEA) genomic estrogen activation, leading to subsequent MCF-7 cell proliferation (or suppression, if AEA) (ICCVAM, 2003; National Research Council, 1999; Yang et al., 2011). Our MCF-7 EA assays evaluate the ability of test substances to provoke cell proliferation, relative to an E2 positive control. Cell proliferation by a test substance is verified as via ER by the ability of ICI to interfere with test substance–induced cell proliferation (ie, to displace EA-containing chemicals from binding to ERs). Our AEA MCF-7 assays evaluate the ability of test substances to decrease MCF-7 cell proliferation induced by lower, nonsaturating (2.0×10−12M) and higher, saturating (2.0×10−9M) concentrations of E2, relative to the decrease in cell proliferation produced by RAL, as our AEA positive control.
As described previously, we used a Labconco Class II Biosafety Hood (Kansas City, Missouri) with a 254-nm fluorescent fixture to enclose an EpMotion 5070 robotic workstation (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) for serial dilutions of test chemicals, cell seeding, and media changes in 96-well plates (Yang et al., 2011). Cell maintenance media for the cells was Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI)-1640 with nonessential amino acids, 10 µg/ml phenol red, 4mM L-glutamine, 6ng/ml insulin, 100 units/ml penicillin, 100 µg/ml streptomycin, and 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Estrogen-free media (EFM) consisted of phenol red–free RPMI with nonessential amino acids, 4mM L-glutamine, 6ng/ml insulin, 100 units/ml penicillin, 100 µg/ml streptomycin, and 5% CCi-S4C1FS (charcoal-stripped sera containing 4% calf serum and 1% FBS). Media and media supplements were purchased from Invitrogen (Grand Island, New York). The VC was 1% ethanol (EtOH) in EFM. Every 2–3 months, MCF-7 cells were replaced with stocks from the same MCF-7 primary source to maintain more uniform MCF-7 cell characteristics throughout the study. DNA was quantified by a modified diphenylamine (DPA) assay using a Bio-Tek PowerWavex 96-well plate reader spectrophotometer, as previously described (Yang et al., 2011). Briefly, the DPA assay was used to measure DNA content in each well of 96-well plates using a DNA standard curve between 0 and 3 µg DNA/well. After incubating the 96-well plates and DNA standard plate 24h at 37°C, the absorbance was measured as the difference between OD590 and OD690 using a Bio-Tek ELx 808 plate reader. The output was converted to µg DNA/well by using a third degree polynomial curve fit of the DNA standard curve; the correlation coefficient of the DNA standard curve fit was typically greater than 0.99. Each experimental run included a DNA standard curve for calibration. The DNA concentration of MCF-7 cells accurately estimates the number of cells (Yang et al., 2011).
Solubility test.
An initial stock solution for each test substance was prepared in 100% EtOH at 100mg/ml or at the highest soluble concentration. We diluted the initial stock solution 100× in EFM as the VC and added 200 µl of the diluted stock to culture plate wells to visually evaluate the presence of precipitates. If precipitates were observed, the initial stock solution was then diluted 10× with 100% EtOH and then diluted 100× in EFM to again search for precipitates. The dilution steps were repeated until no precipitates were observed. The solution having the highest concentration and no precipitates was used as the initial stock solution. For repeated tests, a new stock solution was prepared at a concentration determined as described above.
Volatility test.
For EA volatility effects, the initial stock solution of each test substance was diluted 100× in EFM. Test substances were placed in wells surrounded by wells containing the VC consisting of 1% EtOH in EFM. Media was changed every other day for 6 days prior to measuring DNA content using a modified DPA assay (Yang et al., 2011). If the DNA µg/well in VC wells adjacent to a test chemical was > 20% greater than the average of all VC wells, the test substance was classified as volatile and tested on its own plate. For AEA volatility effects, test substances were diluted 100× in Low E2 in EFM, placed in wells surrounded by wells containing Low E2 in EFM, and media was changed every other day for 6 days as described above. If the DNA µg/well in Low E2 wells adjacent to a test chemical was > 50% less than the average of all Low E2 wells, the test substance was classified as volatile and tested on its own plate.
Cytotoxicity test.
After cell treatment with any test substance, and before removing cell culture medium in each Range-Finder, Comprehensive, and Confirmation assay for EA or AEA described below, a visual inspection of cell morphology to assess cell health was performed by staff extensively trained in morphological evaluations of MCF-7 cultures using the following parameters: Normal cell morphology was scored as 1. Low cytotoxicity (≥ 50% of cells have altered morphology) was scored as 2. Moderate cytotoxicity (≥ 90% of cells had altered morphology) was scored as 3. High cytotoxicity (few or no cells visible) was scored as 4. Any precipitate in the wells was also noted. If a tested concentration had a cytotoxicity score of ≥ 2, that concentration was considered as cytotoxic and removed from data analyses.
Protocol summary for EA Range-Finder assay.
After determining that the cell density of stock MCF-7 solutions, a solution of 25000 cells/ml was prepared so that the cells were seeded onto 96-well plates at 5000 cells/well in 200 µl. All subsequent steps (seeding, test substance dilution, solution transfers, etc.) were robotically performed as previously described (Yang et al., 2011). We seeded 5000 MCF-7 cells per well in 200 µl EFM in 96-well plates. Following a 72-h incubation period, cells were treated with E2 or a test substance for 6 days, with solutions changed every other day. Test substances were dissolved in 100% EtOH at the initial stock concentration as determined by the solubility test and then diluted 100× with EFM for the first (highest) testing concentration. The highest concentration was then diluted 7 times with VC at a 10× dilution factor to provide 8 concentrations of a test substance. A stock of 2.0×10−7M E2 in 100% EtOH was similarly diluted to produce 8 concentrations of E2 ranging from 2.0×10−9 to 2.0×10−16M as the positive control. Each concentration of a test substance and of E2 was placed in 3 wells in different regions of 96-well plates and data points on graphs are the (normalized) EA ± SD for those 3 wells (see below). The (normalized) VC mean and SD were calculated from all VC wells of a given assay run (typically 8 VC wells/plate). After 6 days, a cytotoxicity test was performed and cell proliferation was assessed by DPA to measure the amount of DNA in each well containing VC, VC + a given concentration of test substance, or VC + a given E2 concentration.
The (percent) normalized EA of a test substance (NEATS) relative to the EA of E2 was calculated as follows:
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for which ADNATS was the average µg DNA/well for 3 wells treated with a given concentration of a test substance (DNATS) and adjusted for the mean background VC (DNA µg/well: DNAVC) for that particular run of an assay. That is, ADNATS = DNATS − DNAVC. The AMaxDNAE2 was the maximum E2-induced cell proliferation averaged for 3 wells (MaxDNAE2) and adjusted for the mean background VC for that particular run of an assay: AMaxDNAE2 = MaxDNAE2 − DNAVC.
For an EA Range-Finder assay to be acceptable, the VC and E2 induction had to meet acceptance criteria. That is, the mean VC (DNA µg/well) in each experimental run had to be no more than our historical control VC mean + 3 SD [0.13 µg/well + 3(0.04 µg/well) = 0.25 µg DNA/well]. The maximum proliferation induced by E2 had to be at least 3× the VC for that assay. If all acceptance criteria were not met, the EA Range-Finder assay was rerun. The results of an EA Range-Finder assay for a given test substance were used to determine the range and dilution factor for the EA Comprehensive assay for that test substance.
Protocol summary for EA Comprehensive assay.
MCF-7 cells were seeded and grown as described for the EA Range-Finder assay, except that 12 concentrations of test substances were used for an EA Comprehensive assay. Test substances were usually serially diluted by a factor of 2.5× when the Range-Finder dose-response curve showed potential EA over a range of < 4 log units and a 5× dilution factor was used in most other cases, starting at one log concentration higher than the highest concentration giving potentially positive EA. Wells containing MCF-7 cells in serially diluted test substances or E2 were grown for 6 days in VC. A cytotoxicity test was performed and the NEATS was calculated by equation 1. The acceptance criteria for the VC and E2 induction were as for the Range-Finder assay. In addition, E2 EC50 and E2 r 2 for Comprehensive assays had to meet acceptance criteria. That is, the E2 EC50 had to be no more than our historical E2 EC50 mean ± 3 SD [3.38×10−12M + 3(2.99×10−12M) = 1.2×10−11M] and the E2 concentration-response curve had to have a positive slope that included at least 3 points on its linear portion. Lastly, the E2 concentration-response curve had to have an E2 r 2 ≥ 0.9 as calculated by Hill kinetics. We used GraphPad Prism (San Diego, California) for these and other calculations and graphical displays.
For the EA Comprehensive assay, test substances were classified as potentially EA positive if at least one data point was greater than the assay mean VC + 3 SD. Preferably, the concentration-response curve had a positive slope consisting of 3 data points with nonoverlapping error bars greater than the assay mean VC + 3 SD, as calculated using equation 1. (If only 2 data points from the EA Comprehensive assay were greater than VC + 3 SD, the assay was rerun using a smaller dilution factor.) Data points forming the baseline were excluded, but one or more points on the top plateau or peak could be included. Any test substance that had a potentially positive classification was further examined by an EA Confirmation assay. If possible, an EC50 value was calculated from the EA Comprehensive assay concentration-response curve for each confirmed EA-positive test substance.
Protocol summary for EA Confirmation assay.
MCF-7 cells were seeded and grown as described for EA Comprehensive assays, except that 6 concentrations of test substances were serially diluted in VC or in VC to which the ER antagonist (ICI) was added at 1.0×10−8M to suppress any EA-induced cell proliferation. The NEATS and NEATS in ICI were calculated for all test substances using equation 1. The cytotoxicity test and acceptance criteria for VC were as described for the EA Range-Finder assay, except that the linear portion of E2 concentration-response curve required at least 2 data points.
For a test substance to be classified as positive for EA, at least 2 of the 3 data points whose EA response was ≥ 3 SD of the assay VC had to be significantly (p < .05, paired t test) suppressed by ICI at 1.0×10−8M by at least 30% calculated as follows:
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for which NEATS in ICI = [ADNATS in ICI ÷ AMaxDNAE2] × 100%, where NEATS in ICI is the normalized EA of a test substance in a given concentration of ICI, relative to the E2 positive control that produced the maximum proliferation. Test substances were classified as negative for EA if EA positive criteria were not met. Substances that we not clearly positive or negative, even after repeated runs, were classified as indeterminate (I).
Overview of AEA assay protocol.
Solubility and cytotoxicity tests were performed as described for EA assays. For the volatility test, test substances in Low E2 were added to wells surrounded by wells containing Low E2. Test substances were examined for their ability to reduce the cell proliferation produced by the nonsaturating Low E2 concentration. Test substances classified as potentially positive in AEA Comprehensive assays were subjected to an AEA Confirmation assay to determine if a saturating E2 concentration could reverse the inhibition of cell proliferation observed in nonsaturating Low E2.
Protocol summary for AEA Range-Finder assay.
We seeded 5000 MCF-7 cells per well in 200 µl EFM in 96-well plates. Test substances were dissolved in 100% EtOH and diluted in VC plus Low E2 (2.0×10−12M) at the highest soluble concentration. Following a 72-h incubation period in VC, cells were treated with different RAL or ICI concentrations or dilutions of test substances in Low E2 for 6 days, with solutions changed every other day. Test substances were diluted 7 times in VC plus Low E2 for a total of 8 test concentrations. For AEA test substances, the positive control was RAL diluted for a total of 8 test concentrations ranging from 1.6×10−9 to 9.8×10−13M, each added to Low E2 in VC. After 6 days, a cytotoxicity test was performed and cell proliferation was measured using the DPA assay to quantify the DNA in each well. Data from 3 wells with a given RAL concentration, test substance dilution, and VC wells were averaged and adjusted as described for the EA assay.
The normalized AEA of a test substance in Low E2 (NAEATS in Low E2) relative to the greatest reduction in proliferation due to RAL was calculated as follows:
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for which ADNALow E2 is the mean µg DNA/well for wells treated only with Low E2 and adjusted for mean VC µg DNA/well. ADNATS in Low E2 is the mean µg DNA/well for wells treated with a test substance at a given concentration in Low E2 adjusted for the mean VC µg DNA/well. The least ADNARAL in Low E2 (or least ADNAICI in Low E2) is the mean µg DNA/well for the RAL wells having the least µg DNA/well adjusted for the mean VC µg DNA/well. The quantity (ADNALow E2 − least ADNARAL in Low E2) is the maximum reduction (inhibition) of proliferation produced by RAL in Low E2 and is normalized to equal 100% reduction of proliferation. The normalized inhibition produced by a test substance (NAEATS in Low E2) is 100% if the inhibition by the test substance at a given concentration equals the greatest inhibition by RAL adjusted for the VC.
For an AEA Range-Finder assay to be acceptable, the assay VC had to meet all criteria described for EA assay. In addition, for test substances, RAL had to reduce the Low E2 proliferation by at least 1.5×, calculated by dividing DNALow E2 by the least value of DNARAL in Low E2. Low E2 (µg DNA/well) induction also had to be within the mean + 3 × SD of our historical Low E2 [0.65 µg/well + 3(0.20 µg/well) = 1.3 µg/well]. Finally, the RAL concentration-response curve needed to have a negative slope that included at least one data point on its linear portion.
If all acceptance criteria for an AEA Range-Finder assay were met, then a test substance was classified as potentially positive for antagonist activity if NAEATS in Low E2 was ≥ 3 SD of Low E2 as calculated for that experimental run. Any data points associated with observations that showed cytotoxicity were eliminated from this assessment of potentially positive classification. If all acceptance criteria were not met, the AEA Range-Finder assay was rerun. Results of AEA Range-Finder assays were used to determine dilution factors and concentration ranges of AEA Comprehensive assays.
Protocol summary for AEA Comprehensive assay.
MCF-7 cells were seeded and grown as described for the AEA Range-Finder assay, except that 12 concentrations of test substances were used for an AEA Comprehensive assay. The lowest cytotoxic concentration or one log concentration higher than the maximum AEA effect was chosen for the highest concentration of the test substance. The acceptance criteria for VC, Low E2, and RAL reduction in AEA Comprehensive assay were as described for the AEA Range-Finder assay. In addition, NAEARAL in Low E2 (equation 3) had to be greater than 50% for RAL as the positive control for at least 2 testing concentrations of RAL. For the AEA Comprehensive assay, test substances were classified as potentially AEA positive if their concentration-response curve consisted of a baseline followed by a negative slope as plotted using values calculated by equation 3. Any test substance that had a potentially positive classification was further examined by an AEA Confirmation assay. For ICI or test substances to eventually be classified as AEA positive if confirmed by an AEA Confirmation assay, the line defining the negative slope of the AEA concentration-response curve of a test substance preferably contained at least 3 data points with nonoverlapping error bars. Data points that formed the top plateau (low concentrations of a test substance) of the concentration-response curve were not used, but data points on the linear portion of the curve and on the bottom plateau (high concentrations of test substance or other chemical) could be used. An eventual positive classification also required a NAEATS in Low E2 value of at least 50% calculated using equation 3 for at least 2 testing concentrations that were not associated with cytotoxicity.
Protocol summary for AEA Confirmation assay.
The AEA Confirmation assay was designed to confirm whether any antiproliferative effects of a test substance on a nonsaturating (2.0×10−12M) Low E2 due to an ER antagonism were reversed by at least 100× higher concentration of saturating E2 (eg, 2.0×10−9M). MCF-7 cells were seeded and grown as described for the AEA Comprehensive assay. Six concentrations of a test substance (concentrations on the slope portion of the concentration-response curve in the AEA Comprehensive assay) were treated with Low E2 and with High E2, separately, in VC. The NAEA of a test substance in the presence of Low E2 and in the presence of High E2 was calculated as described by equation 3 (NAEATS in High E2 was calculated using equation 3 by substituting ADNATS in Low E2 for ADNATS in High E2). The % Recovery of RAL or any other test substance is the increase in cell proliferation produced by High E2 relative to Low E2:
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NAEATS in High E2 is the normalized AEA of a test substance in High E2 with respect to RAL in Low E2 such that NAEATS in High E2 = [(ADNALow E2 − ADNATS in High E2) ÷ (ADNALow E2 − least ADNARAL in Low E2)].
A positive classification of ER antagonist activity for a test substance had to satisfy all the criteria defined above for AEA Comprehensive assay. In addition, at least 2 concentrations must have had a % Recovery greater than 50% calculated using equation 4. Test substances were classified as negative for AEA if all of the above criteria for an AEA positive classification were not met.
MCF-7 EA Assays of Test Substances
As described in Materials and Methods section, 78 test substances originally supplied by NICEATM as unknown (coded) chemicals were first tested for solubility and volatility. The solubility test determined the maximum testing concentration, or the starting concentration for serial dilutions, to be used in the Range-Finder assay. An EA and an AEA volatility test was performed to detect substances that might outgas and contaminate adjacent wells. 6 volatile EA test substances were run on separate plates: 6-nonylphenol, o,p′-DDT, di-n-butylphthalate, 2-sec-butylphenol, 6-cumylphenol, and 4-tert-octylphenol. No AEA test substances were volatile.
EA Range-Finder and EA Comprehensive assays were performed on all 78 test substances listed in Tables 1 and 2. The EA Comprehensive assay examined more test substance concentrations (12) than the EA Range-Finder assay (8) over a concentration range determined by the positive slope of Range-Finder assay results (see Materials and Methods section). When Range-Finder results showed a potential EA concentration range of less than 4 log units, a 2.5× serial dilution factor was usually used in the Comprehensive assay starting from a concentration one log unit higher than the highest Range-Finder concentration indicating potential EA. For example, the selected concentration range for the EA Comprehensive assay was 1.8×10−9 to 4.4×10−5M for BPA and 1.9×10−9 to 4.5×10−5M for p-n-nonylphenol, each having a 2.5× serial dilution factor (Figs. 1B and 1C). Each test chemical was run in triplicate for each assay and symbols on concentration-response curves plot the mean ± SD of those 3 trials for each concentration. (In large part due to robotizing assay protocols, the SD variation was often so small that it was hidden by the symbol for the mean on the concentration-response graph.)
Table 1.
ICCVAM Test Substances Meta-analysis Data Used to Assess BG-1Luc EA and AEA Assays Undergoing ICCVAM Validation—and ICCVAM BG-1Luc Data and MCF-7:WS8 Data for Those Same Test Substances
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The first column gives the name of the ICCVAM (I/N) test substance. The second and sixth columns give the published median I/N meta-analysis EC50/IC50 values (2011) and EA and AEA classification as follows: S+: test substance was strongly active (EC50/IC50 value < 1.0×10−9M); M+: moderately active (EC50/IC50 value 1.0×10−9 to 1.0×10−7M); W+: weakly active (EC50/IC50 value > 1.0×10−7M); −: no detectable EA/AEA; I (inadequate): test substance positive in one assay but negative in one or more other assays; +: test substance positive in a single assay or in the majority of assays. The third and seventh columns give BG-1 EC50 or IC50 molar values, respectively, as published by I/N (2011) for the BG-1 assay undergoing I/N validation. The fourth and eighth columns give the mean EC50 or IC50 molar values as determined by our MCF-7:WS8 EA or AEA assays, respectively. All values are for single trials, unless specified by a number given in square brackets indicating the number of trials. The EC50 or IC50 is then the mean of those trials. The fifth and ninth columns give % Suppression values (equation 2) or % Recovery values (equation 4) from EA or AEA Confirmation assays, respectively (see Materials and Methods section). Values are for a single trial. Light gray highlighted data data for test substances used for I/N concordance analyses of BG-1Luc EA or AEA assays, respectively.
aThree resveratrol EA Comprehensive assays did not show a good top plateau and hence an EC50 could not be calculated.
Table 2.
ICCVAM Test Substances and Meta-analysis Data Not Used to Assess BG-1Luc EA and AEA Assays Undergoing ICCVAM Validation—and ICCVAM BG-1Luc Data and MCF-7:WS8 Data for Those Same Test Substances
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Data in columns 1–9 as described for Table 1. Light gray highlighted data are for I/N test substances that gave a MCF-7 false negative EA or AEA classification according to I/N meta-analysis data in columns 2 or 6. Black highlighted data with white font are for I/N test substances that gave an MCF-7 false positive according to ICCVAM meta-analyses data in columns 2 or 6. Abbreviations: 2,4,5-T, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; TPA, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate.
a4-Androstenedione AEA Comprehensive assay did not show a good top plateau and hence an IC50 could not be calculated.
Fig. 1.
MCF-7 EA assays of test substances. Concentration-response curves plotted as log concentration in molarity (abcissa, bottom axis) or µg/ml (abcissa, top axis) versus normalized EA (equation 1, see Materials and Methods section) for Range-Finder (RF), Comprehensive (Comp), and/or Confirmation (Conf) EA assays as given in the key for different test substances as labeled in each panel A–I. Normalized VC set to 0% and maximum normalized EA of E2 (positive control) set to 100% in all panels. VC + 3 SD: normalized EA value for 3 SDs of the VC for that experimental run. Each data point represents the normalized EA of triplicate wells. Error bars display SD of mean that often is smaller than the space taken up by the symbol. Some panels (A–C) show multiple assays (Comp, Conf) of the same test substance. “T” denotes toxicity observed in cytotoxicity test for MCF-7 cells at the concentrations identified by arrows. Graphed data in panels show that EA for (A) E2 having strong EA, (B) BPA having moderate EA, (C) p-n-nonylphenol having weak EA, (D) DES having strong EA, (E) diadzein having moderate EA, and (F) DDT having weak EA. EA is not detected for (G) progesterone, (H) atrazine, (I) ICI or RAL. Note that ICI at very low concentrations inhibits more background EA in 96-well plastic plates compared with RAL. H, TAM is classified as indeterminate for EA, having data points on or slightly above the VC + 3 SD dotted line, but no positive slope. Abbreviations: BPA, bisphenol A; DES, diethylstilbesterol; EA, estrogenic activity; RAL, raloxifene; TAM, tamoxifen; VC, vehicle control.
Figures 1A–C illustrates typical EA Range-Finder, Comprehensive, and/or Confirmation assay dose-response curves for 3 test substances: E2, BPA, and p-n-nonylphenol having strong (EC50 ≤ 1.0×10−9M), moderate (1.0×10−9M < EC50 < 1.0×10−7M), and weak (1.0×10−7M ≤ EC50) EA, respectively. (An example of Range-Finder data are shown only for E2 in Figure 1A because such data were primarily used to determine the concentration ranges for Comprehensive assays.) E2 was used as the EA positive control (Fig. 1A) and the maximum normalized EA of E2 was set to 100% (Fig. 1A, also see Supplementary Table 1). The normalized VC was set to 0% NEATS (equation 1) and any data point ≥ 3 SD of the assay VC for that experimental run was defined as detectable EA.
An EA Confirmation assay was performed for test substances when EA Comprehensive assay results showed at least one NEATS (equation 1) data point ≥ 3 SD of the assay VC. To be classified as positive for EA and to calculate an EC50, Comprehensive assay results (preferably) had at least 3 NEATS (equation 1) data points ≥ 3 SD of the assay VC located on the positive slope or on the top peak of the response curve (see Materials and Methods section). Six test concentrations within a concentration range were chosen based on the results of the Comprehensive response curve (eg, 3.8×10−13 to 3.7×10−11M for DES (Fig. 1D) and 1.3×10−10 to 3.9×10−7M for daidzein (Fig. 1E)). To confirm a test substance as EA positive, the addition of 1.0×10−8M ICI (negative control) had to suppress cell proliferation induced by the test substance by at least 30% as calculated by equation 2 at 2 concentrations (see Materials and Methods section). If not reversible by ICI, the cell proliferation could be due to many other mechanisms, although we did not find any such examples in the test chemicals examined in this study. Figures 1A, 1D–F, 2A (17β-trenbolone only), and 2B and 2C show that the addition of ICI suppressed NEATS (equation 1) by at least 30% for at least 2 of 6 tested concentrations for each test substance, confirming EA (see Materials and Methods section). Tables 1 and 2 show that 36 of the 78 test substances were classified as positive for EA.
Fig. 2.
MCF-7 EA and AEA assays of test substances. A–D, EA plotted as described for Figure 1 above. Graphed data in panels show that EA is confirmed for (A) 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) and 17β-trenbolone having no detectable EA, (B) DBP having moderate EA, (C) apigenin having weak EA, and (D) fluoranthene having weak EA. E and F, Plot data for DBP and apigenin having no detectable, confirmed AEA. For AEA, concentration-response curves plotted as log concentration in molarity (abcissa, bottom axis) versus normalized AEA (equation 3, see Materials and Methods section). Symbols for Comp and Conf AEA assays are given in the key as labeled in panels E and F. Normalized AEA of Low E2 set to 0% and maximum normalized AEA of RAL (positive control) set to 100% plotted as a downward “suppression.” Low E2 + 3 SD plotted as a dotted line. High E2 does not sufficiently reverse inhibition of cell proliferation induced by DBP or apigenin Low E2. Therefore, any potential AEA is not confirmed. Abbreviations: AEA, antiestrogenic activity; DBP, di-n-butylphthalate; EA, estrogenic activity; RAL, raloxifene; VC, vehicle control.
No detectable EA.
Figure 1G graphs concentration-response data for an EA Comprehensive assay of progesterone that shows no detectable EA at any concentration. Hence, an EA Confirmation assay was not performed (see Materials and Methods section). Atrazine, ICI, and RAL also showed no detectable EA (Figs. 1H and 1I). As shown in Tables 1 and 2, 39 of the 78 test substances were classified as EA-negative: 2,4,5-T, 2-sec-butylphenol, 4-androstenedione, 4-OH-androstenedione, 4-hydroxytamoxifen, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, actinomycin D, ammonium perchlorate, apomorphine, atrazine, bicalutamide, corticosterone, cycloheximide, cyproterone acetate, dexamethasone, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, finasteride, flavone, fluoxymestrone, flutamide, haloperidol, hydroxyflutamide, ketoconazole, linuron, medroxyprogesterone acetate, mifepristone, morin, nilutamide, oxazepam, phenobarbital, pimozide, procymidone, progesterone, propylthiouracil, RAL, reserpine, sodium azide, spironolactone, and vinclozolin.
Strong EA.
Test substances having a confirmed EC50 of ≤ 10−9M were classified as having strong EA. The natural hormone E2 (Fig. 1A) and DES (Fig. 1D), a synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen that often binds to ERs with a comparable or greater affinity than E2 (Okulicz and Johnson, 1987), were 2 such examples. Figure 1A plots Range-Finder, Comprehensive, and Confirmation EA data for E2 as given in Supplementary Table 1. The EA Range-Finder and Comprehensive assays for both E2 and DES (and all other positive or negative substances shown in Figures 1–4 or Tables 1 and 2) met all acceptance criteria. In the case of E2 and DES, each having at least one data point on the Range-Finder response curve ≥ 3 SD of the assay VC (dotted line in Figures 1–3) and having 3 data points ≥ 3 SD of the assay VC on the positive slope of the Comprehensive assay concentration-response curve. The mean EC50s from at least 2 EA Comprehensive assay runs were 2.9×10−12M for E2 and 2.9×10−12M for DES (Table 1). EA Confirmation assays for at least 2 data points had an ICI suppression (equation 2) of > 30% (eg, 75% and 63% for E2 and 79% and 65% for DES) (Table 1). As shown in Table 1, 8 of 36 confirmed EA-positive test substances were classified as having strong EA: E2, 17α-estradiol, 17α-ethinyl estradiol, butylbenzyl phthalate, DES, estrone, meso-hexestrol, and norethynodrel.
Fig. 4.
Scatter plot comparisons of mean MCF-7, median BG-1Luc, CERI, and median ICCVAM meta-analysis EC50s. r 2: regression analysis correlation coefficient, p: significance level of correlation. A, Scatter plot of rank order of 24 mean MCF-7 EC50s versus median EC50 rank order of the same test substances from ICCVAM (2011) meta-analyses (Table 1). B, Scatter plot of 24 mean MCF-7 EC50s versus median ICCVAM (2011) meta-analysis EC50s (Table 1). C, Scatter plot of 24 mean MCF-7 EC50s versus median EC50s (ICCVAM, 2011) for the BG-1Luc assay (Table 1). D, Scatter plot of 22 mean MCF-7 EC50s (Table 1) versus mean EC50s for the CERI assay (ICCVAM, 2011). Abbreviations: EA, estrogenic activity; ICCVAM, Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods.
Moderate EA.
Test substances having a confirmed EC50 between 1.0×10−9M and 1.0×10−7M were classified as having moderate EA. Three such examples, BPA (Fig. 1B), daidzein (Fig. 1E), and di-n-butylphthalate (DBP: Fig. 2B) had EA Range-Finder and Comprehensive assays that met all acceptance criteria. Subsequent EA Confirmation assays for at least 2 concentrations of BPA, daidzein, and DBP showed that ICI suppressed cell proliferation by > 30% (eg, 72% and 66% for BPA, 100% and 69% for daidzein, and 55% and 52% for DBP) (see Figs. 1B, 1E, 2B, and/or Table 1). Figure 1B graphs 3 Comprehensive EA assays for BPA, showing data reproducibility for a test substance with moderate EA. Similar data are shown for genistein in Supplementary Figure 1. As shown in Tables 1 and 2, 13 of 36 confirmed EA-positive test substances were classified as having moderate EA: 19-nortestosterone, 4-cumylphenol, 4-tert-octylphenol, BPA, bisphenol B, chrysin, coumestrol, daidzein, diethylhexyl phthalate, DPB, fenarimol, genistein, and kaempferol.
Weak EA.
Test substances such as p-n-nonylphenol (Fig. 1C), o,p′-DDT (Fig. 1F), and apigenin (Fig. 2C) having a confirmed EC50 ≥ 10–7M were classified as having weak EA. EA Confirmation assays for at least 2 concentrations showed > 30% ICI suppression (eg, 79% and 78% for p-n-nonylphenol, 87% and 79% for o,p′-DDT, and 61% and 58% for apigenin) (Table 1). Figure 1C graphs 3 Comprehensive EA assays for p-n-nonylphenol, showing high data reproducibility even for a test substance with weak EA. As shown in Tables 1 and 2, 14 of 36 confirmed EA-positive test substances were classified as having weak EA: 5α-dihydrotestosterone, apigenin, dicofol, ethyl paraben, fluoranthene, kepone, methyl testosterone, norethynodrel, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-methoxyclor, p,p′-DDE, phenolphthalein, p-n-nonylphenol, and testosterone. For one other test substance classified as EA positive (resveratrol, see Table 1), an EC50 could not be calculated because its comprehensive concentration-response curve had no top plateau in 3 separate trials (Supplementary Figure 2). This cell proliferation induced by resveratrol was suppressed by ICI in an EA Confirmation assay (Supplementary Figure 2).
Indeterminate EA.
Three (clomiphen citrate, L-thyroxine, tamoxifen [TAM]) of 78 test substances were indeterminate for clearly detectable EA, even after repeated trials. Figure 1H shows that TAM has some concentration-response data points that are slightly above or below the VC ± SD line in 1 Comprehensive EA assay. This result was repeated in 2 other assays. Similar data were obtained for clomiphene citrate (Supplementary Figure 3) and L-thyroxine (Supplementary Figure 4), also classified as indeterminate (I) in Table 1. As shown in detail in Supplementary Table 3, TAM has previously been classified as “+, inconclusive (I), and +” by ICCVAM 2003–2011 (ICCVAM, 2006, 2010) and clomiphene citrate classified as “no relevant data were identified (n.d.)” until 2011 (ICCVAM, 2011). L-thyroxine was twice classified as negative for EA and twice as n.d. by ICCVAM (2011).
MCF-7 AEA Assays of Test Substances
Similar to EA assays, AEA tests and assays consisted of a solubility and volatility test and Range-Finder, Comprehensive, and Confirmation assays for each test substance. The AEA assays assessed whether a test substance could inhibit MCF-7 cell proliferation stimulated by Low E2 (2.0×10−12M) versus High E2 (2.0×10−9M).
The AEA Range-Finder and Comprehensive assays determined the ability of a test substance to reduce cell proliferation, relative to RAL (positive control), normalized to 100% (Supplementary Table 2). The concentrations and dilution factors for AEA Range-Finder and Comprehensive assays were determined as described for EA Comprehensive assays. If at least one concentration of a test substance reduced cell proliferation in Low E2 by at least 3 SD, that substance was considered to potentially have EA. That is, the difference between NAEATS in Low E2 and NAEALow E2 was ≥ 3 SD of Low E2 (see equation 3), where Low E2 is set to have 0% NAEA. Test substances eventually confirmed as positive for AEA had Comprehensive assays having concentration-response curves consisting of a baseline followed by a negative slope preferably containing 3 data points, of which at least 2 not associated with cytotoxicity had an NAEATS in Low E2 ≥ 50% (equation 3). A test substance was confirmed as AEA positive when those same 2 concentrations (equation 4) had a % Recovery ≥ 50% in an AEA Confirmation assay.
Figure 3A shows a RAL AEA Range-Finder curve having at least one data point below the dotted line designating “NAEALow E2 + 3 SD,” AEA Comprehensive data having at least 3 data points on the negative slope, at least 2 data points with an NAEATS in Low E2 ≥ 50%, and an ≥ 50% Recovery (equation 4) in High E2 for those same 2 concentrations. As shown in Table 1, 7 of 78 test substances were classified as having confirmed AEA: 4-androstenedione, 4-hydroxytamoxifen, clomiphene citrate, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, hydroxyflutamide, RAL, and TAM. ICI was not an ICCVAM/NICEATM test compound for this study; ICI also exhibited AEA.
Fig. 3.
MCF-7 AEA assays of test substances. Concentration-response curves plotted as log concentration in molar units versus normalized AEA (equation 3, see Materials and Methods section). Symbols for RF, Comp, and/or Conf AEA assays as given in the key as labeled in panels A–I. AEA plotted as described in Figures 2E and 2F. Graphs show that AEA is confirmed for (A) RAL, (B) ICI, (H) 4-hydroxytamoxifen, and (I) hydroxyflutamide all having strong AEA as well as for (C) TAM having moderate AEA. In contrast, AEA is not detected for (D) vinclozolin, (E) morin, (F) fenarimol, and (G) flavone. Abbreviations: AEA, antiestrogenic activity; RAL, raloxifene; TAM, tamoxifen.
No detectable AEA.
Vinclozolin, a common fungicide used on food crops, showed no potential AEA in the presence of Low E2 at any concentration in the AEA Range-Finder and Comprehensive assays (Fig. 3D), so a Confirmation assay was not performed. A Comprehensive assay for morin (Fig. 3E) indicated potential AEA because at least one data point was below the 3 SD NAEA line. However, Figure 3E shows that morin in the presence of High E2 had a % Recovery of ≤ 50% (equation 4) for the 2 concentrations located on the negative slope of the concentration-response curve for the AEA Confirmation assay. Therefore, morin was not confirmed as having AEA. Although fenarimol and flavone have both been classified as AEA positive by most recent ICCVAM (2011) meta-analyses (although no IC50 is given), neither exhibited AEA in the MCF-7 AEA Confirmation assay (Figs. 3F and 3G and Tables 1 and 2). Tables 1 and 2 show that 71 test substances were classified as having no confirmable AEA.
Strong AEA.
Test substances having a confirmed 50% (half maximal) inhibition of cell proliferation (IC50) of ≤ 10–9M were classified as having strong AEA. AEA Comprehensive results for RAL (Fig. 3A, Table 1, and Supplementary Table 2) showed a mean IC50 of 4.2×10−11M and an NAEATS in Low E2 ≥ 50% for at least 2 concentrations located on the negative slope of the concentration-response curve. Recovery in High E2 (166% and 146% as calculated by equation 4) confirmed that RAL was positive for AEA. One other test substance with a strong AEA was 4-hydroxytamoxifen with an IC50 of 2.6×10−11M (Table 1). ICI was not an ICCVAM (2010, 2011) test substance but had a mean IC50 of 1.1×10−9M and an NAEATS in Low E2 ≥ 50% for at least 2 tested concentrations located on the negative slope of the response curve in Figure 3B. Recovery in High E2 (122% and 121% as calculated by equation 4 in Fig. 3B) confirmed a classification of ICI as positive for AEA. ICI consistently suppressed EA leaching from plastic wells more effectively, at lower concentrations, than RAL (Fig. 1I). For multiple AEA assays performed on ICI (n = 33) and RAL (n = 34), the IC50 for ICI was 1.1×10−9M ± 9.3×10−10M (mean ± SD) with a median of 8.4×10−10M and the IC50 for RAL was 4.0×10−10M ± 1.1×10−9M (mean ± SD) with a median of 5.1×10−11M.
Moderate AEA.
Test substances having a confirmed IC50 from 1.0×10−9 to 1.0×10−7M were classified as having moderate AEA. Figure 3C illustrates AEA results for TAM having an IC50 of 3.3×10−9M (mean IC50 for TAM = 5.7×10−9M, Table 1). The Comprehensive NAEATS in Low E2 was ≥ 50% for at least 2 concentrations and AEA Confirmation assay showed ≥ 50% recovery in High E2 (79% and 78% as calculated by equation 4) for those same 2 concentrations, confirming that TAM should be classified as EA positive (Table 1). Other test substances with confirmed moderate AEA were clomiphene citrate and dibenzo[a,h]anthacene (Tables 1 and 2).
Weak AEA.
Test substances having a confirmed IC50 ≥ 10–7M were classified as having weak AEA. Hydroxyflutamide was the only test substance confirmed as having a weak AEA with an IC50 of 3.4×10−6M (Table 1). The AEA Range-Finder and Comprehensive assays showed that hydroxyflutamide had potential AEA and the Confirmation assay showed that High E2 produced a 109% and 101% Recovery as calculated by equation 4 (Fig. 3I and Table 1). An IC50 could not be calculated for 1 test substance (4-androstenedione) classified as AEA positive because its dose-response curve had no top plateau in 2 separate trials.
EA or AEA Assays Having Biphasic Dose-Response Curves
Some test substances gave more complicated MCF-7 concentration-response curves, often biphasic in EA and/or AEA assays. One such example was DBP that exhibited a biphasic curve that met all criteria to classify DBP as EA positive (Fig. 2B and Table 1) and a biphasic AEA curve that was not classified as positive for AEA because cell proliferation was never suppressed more than 50% until cytotoxic concentrations were reached (Fig. 2E and Table 1). Similar curves and conclusions were obtained for apigenin (Figs. 2C and 2F and Table 1). Biphasicity due to cytotoxicity at higher concentrations was seen for 20 other test substances (2-sec-butylphenol, 4-cumylphenol, 17β-trenbolone, bicalutamide, butylbenzyl phthalate, daidzein, dicofol, diethylhexyl phthalate, ethyl paraben, fenarimol, haloperidol, kaempferol, kepone, methyl testosterone, mifepristone, morin, p-n-nonylphenol, p-p-DDE, resveratrol, and testosterone). AEA assays that do not carefully check for toxicity could easily attribute toxic effects to AEA effects.
Repeatability and Reproducibility of MCF-7 EA Assays
As previously stated, these MCF-7 EA assay results were usually very repeatable when 3 samples of a given concentration of a test chemical were run in 3 separate wells on a 96-well test plate, as evidenced by the small SD shown by error bars in Figures 1–5. Figures 1B and 1C, Table 1, and Supplementary Figures 1–3 also show that multiple runs (on different days) of the same test chemical give very similar results. Supplementary Figure 5 shows that 4 runs of the same 10 test substances over a 4-month period give very repeatable results. Finally, MCF-7 data for 9 test substances for EA were very accurate and repeatable and compared well with ICCVAM (2003) meta-analysis data when assayed at least 3 different times in 3 different laboratories (CertiChem, Inc., University of Missouri-Columbia, and Northwestern University Medical School), each over a period of 2 or more months (Supplementary Figure 6).
MCF-7 EA/AEA Assay Accuracy Versus ICCVAM Meta-analyses
ICCVAM used 42 of 78 possible test substances (light gray highlighted data in Table 1) to assess the qualitative accuracy of the BG-1Luc EA transcriptional activation (TA) assay versus recent meta-analysis data (ICCVAM, 2010, 2011). Seven of these reference chemicals were classified as “inadequate” when tested in the BG-1Luc assays due to poor data quality and were omitted from further analyses (ICCVAM, 2011). Our MCF-7 assay has 3 chemicals classified as indeterminate, 2 of which (clomiphene citrate, TAM) were classified as “inadequate” by the BG-1Luc assay. Using 39 of 42 reference test substances for which meta-analyses and our EA assay results report positive or negative classifications, our robotic MCF-7 EA assay had 100% accuracy, with 0% false positives and 0% false negatives. The EA accuracy for 50 of the 78 (ICCVAM, 2011) test substances having a positive or negative classification (Tables 1 and 2) was 94% (47/50) with a 4% (2/50) false positive rate and a 2% (1/50) false negative rate. For 25 test substances (light gray highlighted data in Table 1) used for AEA accuracy analyses, our MCF-7 AEA assay had 100% accuracy, with 0% false negatives and 0% false positives.
Problematic Test Substances
Some test substances had a different meta-analysis classification than that given by MCF-7 EA or AEA assays. For example, 2,4,5-T classified as positive by ICCVAM (2011) clearly had no detectable EA in our MCF-7 EA assay (Fig. 2A). In Figure 1H, clomiphene citrate, L-thyroxin, and TAM were all classified as positive by ICCVAM but were classified indeterminate in our MCF-7 assay. One test substance having clearly confirmed weak EA (fluoranthene: Fig. 2D) in MCF-7 EA assays was classified as EA negative in the latest ICCVAM meta-analysis. One positive test substance (resveratrol) used by ICCVAM (2011) for congruence analyses exhibited an MCF-7 dose-response curve whose top plateau was not easily detected in MCF-7 EA assays. Two other test substances classified negative for EA by ICCVAM (2011) showed clearly positive, confirmable, MCF-7 EA responses (17β-trenbolone: Fig. 2A, fluoranthene: Fig. 2D).
We suspect that the MCF-7 classification is correct versus ICCVAM (2011) meta-analysis classification for most of these problematic test substances, especially for substances classified as positive by our MCF-7 assay. Firstly, ICCVAM (2003, 2006, 2010, 2011) meta-analysis classifications for in vitro assays of some test substances were often based on minimal data and have changed one or more times (Supplementary Table 3). Secondly, ICCVAM meta-analysis classifications were almost all based on assays for which no Confirmation assay was performed, often using cell lines having hormone receptors in addition to ERs and whose ER-binding affinity was much less than our MCF-7:WS8 cells. Thirdly, many studies used for ICCVAM AEA meta-analyses did not carefully distinguish between cytotoxicity and AEA suppression, as we have shown for some chemicals with biphasic concentration-response curves. Finally, some test substances classified as indeterminate or inadequate in MCF-7 EA, BG-1Luc, and other assays may have tissue-specific EA and/or AEA or may be specific for certain concentrations of a chemical having EA and/or AEA (ASRM, 2006; Barkhem et al., 1998; ICCVAM, 2011). For example, TAM is a selective ER modulator (SERM), behaving as an estrogen agonist in the endometrium and as an antagonist in breast tissue (Barkhem et al., 1998). Clomiphene citrate is a nonsteroidal triphenylethylene derivative that exhibits EA or AEA at lower or higher levels of endogenous estrogens (ASRM, 2006; Clark and Markaverich, 1981). L-thyroxine has EA in rat pituitary adenomas and HeLa (human cervical carcinoma) cells but not in MCF-7 (human breast adenocarcinoma) cells (Fujimoto et al., 2004; Takeyoshi, 2006).
ICI Versus RAL as an Antiestrogen Positive-Control Test Substance
RAL was chosen over ICI by ICCVAM (2010) as the positive control for AEA assays due to then-limited commercial availability of ICI. ICI is now easily available. Although widely accepted as an antiestrogen, RAL is a SERM with partial estrogenic actions in multiple cell lines (Barkhem et al., 1998). ICI is sometimes classified as a purer antiestrogen (Parker, 1993; Wakeling et al., 1991). Our MCF-7 data (Fig. 1I) show that ICI suppresses cell proliferation more effectively compared with RAL and exhibits no detectable estrogenic actions. We suggest that ICI would be a better inhibitor than RAL in EA Confirmation assays and a better positive control in AEA assays.
No False EA Positives Due to Nonspecific Proliferation of MCF-7:WS8 Cells
One oft-quoted previous study using a different, nonspecified MCF-7 cell line extrapolated from a progesterone dose-response curve suggest that MCF-7 cells in general had a problem with nonspecific proliferation (Jones, 1998). Nonspecific activation of MCF-7:WS8 cell proliferation was not observed in our MCF-7 EA assays for progesterone (Fig. 1G), any other test substance (Tables 1 and 2), any of more than 200 other chemicals, or for over several thousand chemicals or products assayed to date, for which data on over 500 have been previously published (Yang et al., 2011). Hence, the use of an EA Confirmation assay is no more necessary for the MCF-7:WS8 cell proliferation assay than for the BG1-Luc or any other transactivation assay. Rather, a Confirmation assay provides additional evidence that any EA assay is indeed providing a correct classification of a substance “having EA” versus “having no detectable EA.” In contrast, an AEA Confirmation assay is essential to distinguish between cytotoxic versus AEA effects for MCF-7 AEA assays—and for AEA assays using BG-1Luc cells or any other cell line.
Advantages of EA and AEA MCF-7 Assays Versus Other Assays
In vitro assays to detect EA can be classified as: (1) ER (competitive) binding assays that quantitatively measure the ER-binding affinity of a test substance but cannot discriminate between EA versus AEA; (2) reporter gene assays (eg, ER-CALUX, YES assays, BG1-Luc, CERI); and (3) cell proliferation assays (eg, MCF-7:WS8). ICCVAM (2003) recommended that ER-dependent TA assays, which included cell proliferation assays, use a stable mammalian cell and be developed in preference to binding assays or nonmammalian TA assays (eg, the YES assay based on a yeast cell line). Mammalian cell TA assays typically have higher sensitivity and can distinguish agonists from antagonists. The MCF-7:WS-8 line meets all these criteria and as a cell proliferation assays has some advantages over gene reporter assays, such an increased cellular metabolic responses and often increased sensitivity.
Compared with other assays, our robotic MCF-7 EA and AEA assays are at least as accurate as any other validated assay (CERI and BG-1Luc). For example, Table 1 presents median data for nonrobotized BG1-Luc EA assays that had 97% (34/35) concordance (accuracy) with ICCVAM meta-analysis data, exhibiting 4% (1/28) false negatives and 0% (0/7) false positives (ICCVAM, 2011). (As discussed above, the EA accuracy of the MCF-7 assay was 100% for similar analyses presented in Table 1.) The BG-1Luc manual assay and MCF-7 robotic assay agree for all 34 test substances in common used for concordance analysis. MCF-7 EC50s correlated well with ICCVAM (2011) meta-analyses of EC50s graphed by rank order (Fig. 4A) or EC50 values (Fig. 4B). MCF-7 EC50 values also correlated well with BG-1Luc EA EC50s for the same 24 test substance EC50s (Table 1 and Fig. 4C).
The concordance between the MCF-7 and CERI assays validated by the OECD was 97% (33/34), with morin classified as negative by the MCF-7 EA assay and positive by CERI (NIEHS, 2011). The EC50s obtained by both assays were also well correlated (Fig. 4D). CERI EC50s may have a higher regression score versus ICCVAM meta-analysis EC50 data (Supplementary Figure 6A) than BG-1Luc (Supplementary Figure 6B) or MCF-7 assays (Fig. 4B) in part because CERI data from an OECD validation study were used to calculate ICCVAM (2011) meta-analysis data.
Considering all these data, we conclude that EA and AEA assays using estrogen-responsive MCF-7:WS8 cells to detect EA and AEA provide repeatable, reproducible, sensitive (as defined by EC50s or IC50s), and accurate results in high concordance ICCVAM meta-analyses. That is, our robotized MCF-7 EA and AEA assays have accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values at least equivalent to validated test methods accepted by the U.S. EPA and the OECD.
Supplementary data are available online at http://toxsci.oxfordjournals.org/.
NIH/NIEHS (R43 ES011469, R44 ES011469, R43 ES011806, R4 ES014806 to C.Z.Y.); ICCVAM to CCI.
Supplementary Material
This article may be the work product of an employee or group of employees of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and National Institutes of Health (NIH). However, the statements, opinions, or conclusions contained therein do not necessarily represent the statements, opinions, or conclusions of NIEHS, NIH, or the government of the United States. C.Z.Y., M.A.S., G.J.K., and A.W.W. are (or were) employed by CCi. G.D.B. owns stock in, and is a consultant CEO of CCi. All authors had freedom to design, conduct, interpret, and publish research uncompromised by any controlling sponsor.
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