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. 2013 Jan 25;1(3):365–368. doi: 10.3892/br.2013.62

Frequent BRAFV600E mutation has no effect on tumor invasiveness in patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis

PMCID: PMC3917102  PMID: 24648950


The oncogenic BRAFV600E mutation in patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) has recently been reported. However, the reported frequencies were significantly inconsistent and were based on studies of populations of western ethnic origin. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of BRAFV600E mutation in a cohort of Chinese LCH patients and to determine its association with clinicopathological characteristics. Blocks were retrieved from 52 LCH patients and 12 samples were obtained from blood or bone marrow. These were tested for BRAFV600E by directly sequencing the entire exon 15 of the BRAF gene. To demonstrate the relationship between BRAFV600E and invasiveness of LCH, the single or multiple systems classification was used. BRAFV600E was the only genetic abnormality within exon 15 of the BRAF gene in patients with LCH. Its incidence was 56%, similar to that reported in a United States study, but higher than that reported in German studies. Additionally, the frequencies were similar between patients with single system diseases and those with multiple system diseases. Results of this study showed that BRAFV600E was present in a large number of the Chinese LCH patients, confirming the neoplastic nature of LCH. The frequency was similar to that of the USA study but distinctly higher than that from the Europe studies. No additional mutation were identified besides BRAFV600E. This mutation did not closely correlate with clinical severity or classification. The finding of BRAFV600E in LCH has important implications for both molecular diagnosis and targeted personalized therapy.

Keywords: Langerhans cell histiocytosis, BRAF mutation, Chinese, classification


Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a heterogeneous disease, characterized by the accumulation of dendritic cells that have similar features to epidermal Langerhans cells in various organs. LCH is regarded as a rare type of disease with an incidence of 5–6 per million children per year. However, this incidence may be historically underestimated (1). The disease can affect any organ of the human body, with the most frequently involved organs being bones, skin and pituitary (2). Other organs including liver, spleen, lungs, lymph nodes and the central nervous system (CNS), excluding the pituitary, are also involved (3). The clinical course may vary from a self-limiting disease to a rapidly progressive one that might lead to death. Preferentially involving younger people, its significant sequelae usually reduce their quality of lives severely (4).

Although the etiology of LCH was described over a century ago, it remains a controversial issue (57). The activating V600E mutation of BRAF, a member of the RAF family of serine threonine kinases, was recently found in 57% of LCH cases (8). As the gene mutation is crucial to pathophysiology and as a therapeutic target, recent studies have attempted to verify the presence of BRAFV600E mutation in LCH (9,10). Sahm et al(9) reported that the incidence of this mutation was 38% in patients with LCH. In a study with a smaller cohort of patients, Satoh et al(10) reported BRAFV600E mutation in 56% (9/16) LCH samples but with an extra 13% (2/16) BRAF600DLAT insertion. The above results were based on American, German and Australian populations, respectively. The reportedly inconsistent frequencies suggest that geographic distribution would alter the predilection of BRAF mutation in LCH patients. This hypothesis was supported by Xu et al(3), who showed a higher ratio of adults in Chinese LCH patients. As yet, there is no report concerning the presence of BRAFV600E mutation in LCH in an Asian population.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the presence of genetic abnormalities of exon 15 of BRAF gene in the Chinese population. To elucidate the relationship between LCH and the BRAF signaling pathway, we also investigated whether there are new BRAF mutations on exon 15 other than V600E. Twelve blood and marrow samples from 6 patients prior to treatment were tested to verify the hypothesis that the molecular study of monocytes from blood or bone marrow for BRAFV600E would contribute to the diagnosis of LCH.

Materials and methods

Patients and tissues

Paraffin blocks from 52 Chinese LCH patients were retrieved from the Department of Pathology at the Xiangya Hospital (Changsha, China). The patients included 24 males and 28 females with a median age of 15.4 (range, 1–42) years. Informed consent was obtained from all patients or the patient’s parents. Of the 52 samples obtained, 35 were from bone tissue, 7 from brain tissue and 10 from other soft tissue. Twelve blood and bone marrow samples from 6 patients who presented with aggressive multifocal or multisystem diseases were also tested. Institutional Review Board approval from both the Central South University and Xiangya Hospital were obtained for the analysis of the anonymized tissues. The samples were obtained between January, 2008 and December, 2011. Each case was verified by two experienced pathologists and positive results of CD1a or CD207 were routinely recorded by immunohistochemistry. Blocks with numerous lesions were selected to generate the sections. DNA was extracted using a commercial kit (Qiagen, Mainz, Germany) and quantified using a NanoDrop 1000 fluorometer (Thermo, Wilmington, DE, USA). For bone samples, eight 10-μm sections of decalcified tissue were used and 10 min grinding was added prior to DNA extracting.

PCR amplification and direct sequencing

For amplification of the whole sequence of BRAF exon 15, primers flanking a 161-bp amplicon of this exon encompassing the V600 codon were designed. The primer sequences used were 5′-TTTTCCTTTACTTACTACACCTCA-3′ and 5′-ATAGCCTCAATTCTTACCATCCA-3′. DNA (30 ng) was amplified in a final volume of 20 μl reaction mixture containing 2 μl of PCR buffer (Applied Biosystems, Monza, Italy), 2.5 mmol/l of magnesium chloride (Applied Biosystems), 5 μmol/l of each primer, 1.5 μmol/l of EvaGreen™ Dye (Biotium, Hayward, CA, USA) and 1 unit of Taq polymerase (Roche Diagnostics Ltd., Rotkreuz, Switzerland). PCR was performed in a LightCycler® 480 PCR system (Roche Diagnostics Ltd.) using the following cycling conditions: an initial denaturation at 95°C for 1 min followed by 50 cycles for 10 sec at 95°C, annealing at 60°C for 15 sec and elongation at 72°C for 25 sec. The samples were then denatured with an initial incubation for 1 min at 95°C and 1 min at 40°C. Sequences were determined by bidirectional direct sequencing on a semiautomatic sequencer (ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer; Applied Biosystem).

Statistical analysis

Prism 6 statistics software was used to analyze the samples. Age was compared by independent sample non-parametric tests. Constituent ratios of gender, organ involvement and clinical classification were compared by Chi-square tests. P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference.


Demographic characteristics of patients with LCH

We included 52 LCH cases in this pioneer study. There were 24 male and 28 female individuals with a median age of 15.4 (range, 1–42) years. The distribution of gender and age were similar between the patients with mutated and wild-type BRAF (P=1.000 and 0.888, respectively). The frequently involved organs were bones (38/52), CNS (10/52), skin (10/52) and other organs (6/52). Concerning clinical classification, uni-system disease (41/52, 79%) with unifocal involvement or multifocal lesions occurred more frequently than multisystem disease (11/52, 21%) in our study.

Frequency and mutation type of exon 15 of BRAF gene in lesions from patients with LCH

Of the 52 cases of LCH examined, 2 skin samples were not evaluable due to insufficient DNA content. Of the 50 cases tested, 28 (56%) carried a GTG to GAG mutation at codon 600 of BRAF (V600E), as identified by sequencing of the PCR product. To demonstrate the potential abnormalities within exon 15 of BRAF, the entire exon of the BRAF gene was sequenced. In 28 mutated LCH tissues, only BRAFV600E was identified (Table I).

Table I.

Sequencing results of exon 15 of BRAF.

Pt Age (years) Gender Organ involved Sequencing Pt Age (years) Gender Organ Sequencing
1 11 F Bone BRAFV600E 27 14 F Skin BRAFV600E
2 4 F Bone BRAFV600E 28 24 F Spleen BRAFV600E
3 7 M Bone BRAFV600E 29 18 F Bone WT
4 33 M Bone BRAFV600E 30 9 M Bone WT
5 2 M Bone BRAFV600E 31 2 M Bone, CNS, skin WT
6a 40 F Bone BRAFV600E 32 13 M Bone WT
7 8 M Bone BRAFV600E 33 8 F Bone WT
8 17 F Bone BRAFV600E 34 30 F Bone WT
9 1.5 M Bone BRAFV600E 35 15 F Bone, CNS WT
10 9 F Bone BRAFV600E 36 21 M Bone, CNS WT
11 19 M Bone BRAFV600E 37 19 F Bone, skin WT
12 17 F Bone BRAFV600E 38 2 M Bone WT
13 3 M Bone, skin BRAFV600E 39 5 M Bone WT
14a 22 M Bone, gum, CNS BRAFV600E 40 3 F Bone WT
15a 42 M Bone, skin, liver and pericardium BRAFV600E 41 17 M Bone WT
16 30 F Bone BRAFV600E 42 16 F Bone WT
17 5 M Bone BRAFV600E 43 31 F Bone WT
18 18 F Bone BRAFV600E 44 24 M Bone WT
19a 39 F CNS, bone BRAFV600E 45 11 M Bone WT
20a 16 M CNS, bone BRAFV600E 46 21 F CNS WT
21 7 M CNS BRAFV600E 47 6 M CNS WT
22 7 F CNS BRAFV600E 48 17 F Skin, bone WT
23 13 M CNS BRAFV600E 49 25 F LN WT
24 40 F Lung BRAFV600E 50 4 M Skin WT
25a 1 F LN, skin BRAFV600E 51 17 F Skin Insufficient
26 13 M Skin BRAFV600E 52 4 M Skin Insufficient

Both blood and bone marrow samples from these 6 patients were tested for BRAFV600E and all were negative. Pt, patient; M, male; F, female; CNS, central nervous system; LN, lymph node; WT, wild-type.

Correlation between clinically progressive stages and BRAFV600E

Since BRAFV600E is the first genetic abnormality identified in LCH, its impact on clinical characteristics has yet to be determined. Therefore, to determine the relationship between clinical parameters and the mutation, we compared the clinical characteristics between patients with or without BRAF mutation. The distributions of clinical classification revealed no difference between patients with wild-type or mutated type of BRAF (P=1.000). Furthermore, by analyzing data from our study and those of three previous studies (810) (Table II), we failed to identify the correlation of this mutation with progressive stages. In fact, 3 of 4 studies, including the present study, showed that more progressive disease stage is not associated with higher BRAFV600E mutation, although no statistical significance was detected.

Table II.

Clinical classification between patients with MT or WT BRAF.

Studies (Refs.) Origin Classification Total MT, n (%) WT, n (%) P-value
Present Chinese Single system 43 25 (58.1) 18 (41.9) 0.684
Multiple systems 7 3 (42.9) 4 (57.1)
Badalian-Very (8) United States Unifocal 44 27 (61.4) 17 (38.6) 0.700
Multifocal 8 4 (50.0) 4 (50.0)
Sahm (9) Germany and Austria Unifocal 85 31 (36.5) 54 (63.5) 0.154
Multifocal 4 3 (75.0) 1 (25.0)
Satoh (10)a UK and France Single system 9 6 (66.7) 3 (33.3) 0.615
Multiple systems 7 3 (42.9) 4 (57.1)

Classification was made based on the data shown in the original paper. MT, mutated type; WT, wild-type.


To the best of our knowledge this study has identified, for the first time, the presence of frequent BRAFV600E mutation in LCH patients in an Asian population. The incidence of BRAFV600E in this cohort of LCH patients was 56%, which was similar to the ratio reported by Badalian-Very et al(8) in a USA population (57%), but much higher than that from the Europe study (38%) (9). The exact reason for the inconsistency remains to be clarified, but it may be partly due to the small number of cases in each study or different ethnic origin.

BRAF is the most frequently mutated protein kinase gene in human tumors and exon 15 is the hot region for genetic aberrations (11). Besides BRAFV600E, Satoh et al(10) reported one somatic BRAF600DLAT insertion in one case. In order to obtain the signature of abnormalities within this special functional region, direct sequencing was used to analyze the entire BRAF exon 15 instead of site-specific PCR. However, no sequence abnormalities of exon 15 other than V600E were identified in this cohort of patients. The consistent association between BRAFV600E and LCH in this report indicated that it should be helpful to specifically detect the mutation of BRAFV600E when making a diagnosis of LCH.

Findings of the present and previous studeis failed to associate this mutation with invasiveness of clinical characteristics (810). However, the prognostic value of this mutation cannot be evaluated as these studies are not comparable with each other with regards to clinical parameters such as classification, age and original lesions. Additionally, no long-term follow-up data were included in any of these studies. Therefore, multicenter studies should be conducted to determine the exact incidence of this mutation in Chinese LCH patients and to examine the relationship between BRAFV600E and clinical implications.

The pathological features of lesions in LCH include various cell types, such as lymphocytes, macrophages, eosinophilic granulocytes and histiocytes. LCH has been characterized as either a benign reactive disorder or a neoplastic disease. Recent studies have shown that LCH might be malignant in certain cases. Firstly, it was observed that the original cells affected by LCH might arise from early myeloid precursors rather than mature Langerhans cells (9,12). Secondly and of note, our study (China) along with studies by Badalian-Very et al(8) (USA), Satoh et al(10) (France) and Sahm et al(9) (Germany and Austria) identified the BRAFV600E mutation in 31–57% of LCH cases. This finding provided the first molecular insight into the pathogenesis of LCH, likely rendering LCH a neoplastic disease harbouring the BRAF mutation. However, whether BRAFV600E is a driver- or passenger-mutation, as well as the origin of LCH cells (9,10) and mechanisms activating the MAPK/ERK/AKT cascade other than BRAF mutations (8,9) remain to be elucidated.

The finding of BRAFV600E has important implications for the diagnosis of LCH. Currently, the diagnostic standards for LCH require positive CD1a and/or CD207 in Langerhans cells from LCH lesions (2). Novel insights into the mechanisms of this mutation may lead the diagnosis of LCH into the molecular era. There are two ways to make the diagnosis of LCH in a large cohort of patients. The first involves testing the mutation directly either by regular mutation analysis or by a new high-resolution amplicon melting analysis method, effective for bone tissue, which is the most involved organ (unpublished data). The second involves immunohistochemically detecting the mutation in LCH with monoclonal antibody VE1, which has high specificity for the mutant BRAFV600E protein (9). Of note, the latter immunohistochemical system has already been applied to the diagnosis of hair cell leukemia, which also harbors a high ratio of BRAFV600E mutation (13).

In a real clinical environment, patients with multi-system lesions may not tolerate the invasive procedure required for diagnosis. Since LCH cells originate from myeloid precursors, it is a reasonable hypothesis that the molecular test of BRAFV600E may aid in the diagnosis of LCH in these patients. However, in this study, neither patients with single system disease nor patients with multisystem disease had positive BRAFV600E mutation in their mononuclear cells (MNCs) from blood and bone marrow. The fact that BRAFV600E yielded negative results in both blood and bone marrow, even in the multisystem LCH patients, suggests the presence of few continuous circulating precursor cells with BRAFV600E. Thus, the MNC test for BRAFV600E mutation in patients is not useful for making the diagnosis of LCH with regard to sensitivity by direct sequencing.

The test for this mutation may be significant for individualized treatment. It is not easy to treat refractory or relapsed LCH patients (14). The BRAF protein inhibitors, such as vemurafenib and dabrafenib, have shown therapeutic activity in metastatic melanoma and other types of cancer harboring the activation mutation of BRAF (15,16). Additionally, a recent report on the successful application of BRAF protein inhibitor to refractory hairy cell leukemia (17) emphasized that LCH can potentially be treated with targeted monotherapy.

In conclusion, we have demonstrated the presence of BRAFV600E in a large number of Chinese LCH patients. The frequency was similar to that identified in a USA study, but distinctly higher than that identified in European studies. No additional mutations were identified, with the exception of V600E, in the BRAF exon 15. This mutation did not closely correlate with clinical severity or classification. The finding of BRAFV600E in LCH has important implications for both molecular diagnosis and targeted personalized therapy.


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