In order to quantitatively describe the topography of natural surfaces Mandelbrot reintroduced the concept of fractal geometry [1], a non-Euclidean geometry that allows for non-integer dimensions in which fractal objects may exhibit both self-similarity (meaning that multiple features on an the surface of an object appear the same in each of the X, Y and Z axes) and scale invariance (meaning that objects appear the same at all scales of magnification) [2, 3]. Fractal objects are characterized by their fractal dimension, D, and by its fractal dimensional increment, D* [1]. For any given fracture surface, D lies somewhere between a value of 2.0 and 3.0. D* is equal to the non-integer portion of D and lies somewhere between 0 and 1 [4] (Fig. 1). D* represents the degree of tortuosity of the surface outside of the plane [3] and serves as a scaling factor for both the fracture energy and the surface area of the created fracture surface [5].
The ability of fractal geometry to simply describe otherwise complex surfaces has led to its application in many fields of chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science and materials science [3, 6]. The brittle fracture of materials has been shown to be a fractal process by numerous experiments [2, 5, 7-12]. The fracture process for brittle materials begins with the separation of primary bonds at the atomic level [5]. Due to the scale invariant nature of fractal geometry, the results of processes can be deduced on the atomic scale by examining specimens on the microscopic scale [2]. Having the ability to determine fracture surface geometry is necessary to gain increased understanding of the toughening mechanisms, fatigue resistance, and role of microstructure in the fracture processes of brittle solids [13]. In addition to describing the tortuosity of a fracture surface [14-17], the fractal dimension of the fracture surface can be used to determine fracture toughness [2, 8, 14, 18-20], impact energy [21], characteristic length [2, 12, 22, 23], and flaw/fracture mirror size ratio [20, 24, 25]. An advantage of fractal analysis is that it offers a method to analyze in vivo failures of dental biomaterials to distinguish whether failure of the prosthesis was due to mechanical overload or the fabrication process [6]. Traditional failure analysis of dental restorations often proves difficult because further damage is created during the clinical retrieval process, and important portions of the fracture surface (i.e. critical flaw/failure origin) are often lost [26]. This may be caused by applied iatrogenic pressure during retrieval of the broken prosthesis or by continued loading following the fracture event. The fractal dimensional increments, D*, of several dental ceramics have previously been investigated [27].
Fractal objects are either self-similar or self-affine. To differentiate, self-similar objects show the same dimensions in the Z direction scale as those in the X and Y; whereas, for self-affine objects the fractal dimension of the vertical direction is different from the lateral directions [24]. This results in a different D* value when measurements are made outside of the horizontal plane [22]. It is commonly accepted that fracture surfaces are self-affine [9, 22, 28].
Many different methods are used for measuring the fractal dimension of a surface. Some can measure an original fracture surface [22, 29-37], while others take a zero-set approach (slicing a cross-section of the original surface) [1, 38-40]. Zero-set methods have been the most commonly used methods for dental materials [23, 24, 27, 41]. The majority of researchers have used a zero-set method called slit-island analysis [3, 4, 23, 42-46] to acquire a horizontal section of a fracture surface followed by the Richardson method [38] to determine the fractal dimension. However, two major obstacles arise when using Slit-Island Richardson (SIR) method [9, 22, 42, 46-52]. First, the SIR method is an extremely tedious and labor intensive technique when human judgment is used to trace a micrograph of the cross-section, and no automated method has been validated [23]. Also, since the D* of a self-affine surface will only match the D* of a zero-set surface when the slicing angle is 0°, a fracture surface can only be analyzed accurately when measured in a plane exactly parallel to the surface, which is difficult to achieve manually [24].
Most methods for measuring fractal dimension have been used only on fracture surfaces of physical specimens [2, 3, 5, 13, 19, 23, 24, 27, 42, 53-55]. Here an obstacle arises because the true D* values of the analyzed surfaces are unknown since there is no standard reference material for the D* of fracture. Therefore, the present study sought to synthetically generate fractal surfaces with known D* values to determine which methods of fractal analysis are the most accurate, precise, and robust. Several other studies have used similar computer-generated surfaces to measure fractal dimension in a systematic way [56-59]. These studies used a limited number of fractal analysis methods to determine the most accurate methods, and none of them considered angle of inclination. While these studies have concentrated on finding the measurement methods with the greatest accuracy [56, 57, 59], one focus of this study is to find a method with the highest precision. Precision is advantageous over accuracy because a correction factor may be applied to compensate for lack of accuracy and hence to achieve an unbiased a result. The objective of this study is to develop a method for determining the fractal dimensional increment (D*) of a surface which is precise, accurate and insensitive to angle of inclination. Such a method would be a valuable tool for failure analysis, production, and development of new dental materials [60].
Materials and Methods
The FRACTALS program provided by Russ [22] was used to generate self-affine fracture surfaces (256×256 pixels) via Brownian interpolation [61] having known D* values of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. Various methods for generating the fracture surfaces are available, and after conducting a pilot study it was found that surfaces generated by the Fractal Brownian subroutine were representative of the appearance of ceramic fracture surfaces (Fig. 1). Figure 1a was generated using the same parameters used of the current study, and figure 1b was captured via atomic force microscope (Bioscope Catalyst, Veeco Instruments Inc., Plainview, NY) and translated to the FRACTALS software using MathCAD (Parametric Technology Corporation, Needham, MA). An alpha value of 1 minus the desired D* value was entered. For example, to obtain a surface having a known D* value of 0.2 an alpha value of 0.8 was entered. An interpolation rate of 0.5 was used for all generated surfaces. With a D* value of 0.1, the program generates a surface with a D value of 2.1. D* values ranging only from 0.1-0.4 were chosen because this is the range of D* values from ceramic fracture surfaces reported in the previous literature [23]. Ten surfaces that most closely represented real fracture surfaces were generated for each of the D* values for a total of 40 surfaces.
Individual surfaces were loaded into a custom script written using MathCAD. The surfaces were inclined at four angles of 0° (zero tilt), 3°, 5°, and 7° via a rotation matrix. The following Equation was used to rotate the surfaces about the x-axis:
(1) |
where θ is the desired angle of inclination, variables with a subscript of 1 represent the coordinates of points on the non-rotated surface, and variables with a subscript of 2 represent the inclined surface. In this study, a range of angles between 0° and 7° was used to account for angulation errors expected from mounting a clinically retrieved specimen, as well as those angles that would be considered acceptable to be accurately recorded via a surface imaging method that cannot be tilted more than a few degrees.
Each of the 160 MathCAD-modified surfaces (40 surfaces × 4 angles) was then loaded back into the FRACTALS program and analyzed by various methods to compare the measured D* value versus the actual D* value. These methods included Minkowski Cover (MC) [31], Root Mean Square Roughness vs. Area (RMS) [30], Kolmogorov Box (KB) [40], Hurst Exponent (HE) [29], Slit Island Box (SIB) [1], and Slit Island Richardson (SIR) [38].
The results of each method were appropriately recorded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The coefficient of variation (CV) and mean error were calculated to identify the methods with the best precision (lowest CV) and the best accuracy (lowest mean error), respectively. Three-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's HSD (α = 0.05) were used to identify significant effects. A least squares linear regression of the actual vs. measured D* was calculated to determine an unbiasing factor for each method.
Figure 2 compares the mean fractal dimension values measured using the different methods at a zero-degree angle of inclination versus the actual fractal dimension of the surface. The dotted black line shows the result that would be obtained using an unbiased measurement method (measured D* equal to actual D*). The KB method showed the least bias at a zero-degree angle of inclination, but the KB method had the largest bias for angled surfaces (Figure 3). All of the other methods had a negative bias (underestimated D*), so it was necessary to develop a bias correction relation for each method. All of the corrections fit well to linear relations (R > 0.99). Table 1 shows the correlation coefficient, slope, and intercept for each correction relation. They may be used to correct for bias, as follows:
Table 1.
Method | R | m | b |
KB | 0.9923 | 1.1826 | -0.0406 |
RMS | 0.9986 | 2.1890 | -0.1193 |
HE | 0.9973 | 0.4858 | 0.3043 |
MC | 0.9994 | 0.9756 | 0.2318 |
SIR | 0.9971 | 1.3917 | 0.0051 |
SIB | 0.9949 | 1.7361 | 0.1397 |
(2) |
The coefficient of variation (CV) is defined as the standard deviation divided by the mean. CV after bias correction was used to compare relative levels of precision in estimating fractal dimension, where lower CV corresponds to greater precision. Three-way ANOVA showed that the actual fractal dimension of surfaces significantly affected CV (p = 0.002), but CV did not consistently increase or decrease with increasing fractal dimension. The method of measurement also significantly affected CV (p < 0.001) with the MC method having significantly lower CV than all other methods, and hence the greatest precision. The SIB and SIR methods had significantly higher CV than all other methods and did not significantly differ from each other. The angle of inclination did not significantly affect CV (p = 0.765) across the range of angles studied.
The mean error after bias correction, which is the difference between the actual fractal dimensional increment and the calculated value averaged over 10 surfaces, was used to compare relative levels of accuracy in estimating fractal dimension, where lower mean error corresponds to greater accuracy. Three-way ANOVA showed that the actual fractal dimension, the method of measurement, and the angle of inclination all significantly affected the mean error (p < 0.001), and there was a significant three-way interaction between these factors (p < 0.001). This was primarily associated with the KB method, which was very sensitive to the angle of inclination. The other methods had fairly low mean errors after bias correction across the range of fractal dimension values and angles of inclination studied. The KB method had a low mean error only for a zero-degree angle of inclination, and the error at steeper angles was decreased as the actual fractal dimension increased.
The large negative bias shown in Figure 2 for most of the measurement methods emphasizes the importance of validating test methods using surfaces with known properties. It is also important to note that, when a large bias is detected, correction of that bias can alter the precision of estimates. For example, the RMS method had the lowest CV before bias correction but had one of the highest CV values after bias correction. This is because the CV is multiplied by the slope (m) of the bias correction relation (Table 1). Measurement methods with m greater than one decreased in precision, and methods with m less than one increased in precision when the bias was corrected.
One of the objectives of measuring the fractal dimension of a fracture surface is to estimate the fracture toughness of a material. An error in measuring D* corresponds to a larger error in estimating fracture toughness. Hill et al. showed that the fracture toughness values have three different square-root relations to D* values for the three families of ceramics (single crystal, polycrystalline, and glass-ceramic) [23]. Since the relations are not linear, an error in D* corresponds to less error in estimating fracture toughness when D = 2.1 than when D = 2.4. According to the slopes of those relations an error of 0.01 in D* value corresponds to an error of 0.12 MPa·m½ (D = 2.1) to 0.24 MPa·m½ (D = 2.4) in fracture toughness for polycrystalline ceramics or an error of 0.06 to 0.12 MPa·m½ in fracture toughness for glass-ceramics. Compare this to an error of 0.05 in D* value, which represents an error of 0.61 to 1.22 MPa·m½ in fracture toughness for polycrystalline ceramics or an error of 0.30 to 0.59 MPa·m½ in fracture toughness for glass-ceramics. This emphasizes the importance of using the most precise method to measure D*. The square of the ratio of the standard deviation values (Table 2) shows that the least precise method (HE) requires 7 times the sample size as the MC method to obtain the same size of confidence interval when D = 2.1, and the least precise method (SIB) requires 15 times the sample size as the MC method when D = 2.4.
Table 2.
Method | D = 2.1 | D = 2.2 | D = 2.3 | D = 2.4 |
KB | 0.1081 (0.0667) | 0.2035 (0.0508) | 0.2765 (0.0564) | 0.4119 (0.0696) |
RMS | 0.1010 (0.0845) | 0.1946 (0.0911) | 0.3093 (0.1111) | 0.3952 (0.0811) |
HE | 0.0918 (0.0951) | 0.2123 (0.0702) | 0.3026 (0.0874) | 0.3933 (0.0716) |
MC | 0.0970 (0.0359) | 0.2023 (0.0488) | 0.3048 (0.0415) | 0.3958 (0.0355) |
SIR | 0.1090 (0.0837) | 0.1927 (0.1044) | 0.2905 (0.0950) | 0.4078 (0.0968) |
SIB | 0.1118 (0.0834) | 0.1817 (0.0809) | 0.3063 (0.1613) | 0.4002 (0.1389) |
A limitation of this study was the use of virtual surfaces as a calibration reference. This was necessary to detect and correct the bias of the measurement methods. However, surfaces generated by Brownian interpolation are expected to be self-similar, whereas real-world fracture surfaces are expected to be self-affine. Zero-set methods, such as the SIR and SIB methods, that use a two-dimensional cross-section of the surface to be analyzed are sensitive to the angle of inclination when the surface is self-affine. In this study, only the KB method showed sensitivity to the angle of inclination, but the other methods may show a greater degree of sensitivity to the angle when used on fracture surfaces.
In this study, a method for analyzing fractal surfaces was identified which met the initial criteria of being precise, and accurate and is insensitive to angle of inclination. MC method was identified as the most promising method of the six tested based on repeatedly having the lowest coefficient of variation across the range of D* values commonly reported for ceramic fracture surfaces. Additionally, a technique was developed to level and import a set of 3D surface coordinates into the FRACTALS program for fractal dimensional analysis, which may serve as a platform for digital data importation and interpretation of actual fracture surfaces.
NIH-NIDCR Grant DE013358, NIH-NIDCR Grant DE017991, NIH-NIDCR Bloc Travel Award T14DE017284
The authors would like to thank Dr. Gaurav Joshi for scanning Figure 1b
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