Version Changes
Revised. Amendments from Version 1
This new version comprises several changes
The MethylExtract software was updated to version 1.5 including several important changes: i) compatibility to all Perl versions, ii) BAM files can be read directly (needs samtools installed), iii) several FLAG values can be given in order to suite for paired-end design
Several new benchmarking experiments were carried out like suggested by the referees: i) comparison of methylation profiling between MethylExtract and Bis-SNP using relaxed criteria (methylation values are considered as correct if they deviate only by 10% and 20% respectively from the real value), ii) analysis of artificial BS sequencing data for 5x and 35x coverage, iii) new runtime comparison which is based on the exactly same input files, iv) brief and descriptive comparison of results obtained from “real world” data (see comments to the referees)
The tutorial was completely revised including a new figure explaining how MethylExtract treats and indicates variant positions in the output files.
Whole genome methylation profiling at a single cytosine resolution is now feasible due to the advent of high-throughput sequencing techniques together with bisulfite treatment of the DNA. To obtain the methylation value of each individual cytosine, the bisulfite-treated sequence reads are first aligned to a reference genome, and then the profiling of the methylation levels is done from the alignments. A huge effort has been made to quickly and correctly align the reads and many different algorithms and programs to do this have been created. However, the second step is just as crucial and non-trivial, but much less attention has been paid to the final inference of the methylation states. Important error sources do exist, such as sequencing errors, bisulfite failure, clonal reads, and single nucleotide variants.
We developed MethylExtract, a user friendly tool to: i) generate high quality, whole genome methylation maps and ii) detect sequence variation within the same sample preparation. The program is implemented into a single script and takes into account all major error sources. MethylExtract detects variation (SNVs – Single Nucleotide Variants) in a similar way to VarScan, a very sensitive method extensively used in SNV and genotype calling based on non-bisulfite-treated reads. The usefulness of MethylExtract is shown by means of extensive benchmarking based on artificial bisulfite-treated reads and a comparison to a recently published method, called Bis-SNP.
MethylExtract is able to detect SNVs within High-Throughput Sequencing experiments of bisulfite treated DNA at the same time as it generates high quality methylation maps. This simultaneous detection of DNA methylation and sequence variation is crucial for many downstream analyses, for example when deciphering the impact of SNVs on differential methylation. An exclusive feature of MethylExtract, in comparison with existing software, is the possibility to assess the bisulfite failure in a statistical way. The source code, tutorial and artificial bisulfite datasets are available at and, and also permanently accessible from 10.5281/zenodo.7144.
DNA methylation at the cytosine carbon 5 position (5meC) is an important epigenetic mark in eukaryotic cells that is predominantly found in CpG or CpHpG (H = A,C,T) sequence contexts 1. Epigenetic modifications at the DNA level play important roles in embryonic development 2, 3, transcription 4, chromosome stability 5, genomic imprinting 6 and in the silencing of transposons in plants 7. Furthermore, aberrant methylation is involved in the appearance of several disorders as cancer, immunodeficiency or centromere instability 8. The methylation pattern along the genome sequence carries biologically relevant information. For example: methylated promoter regions are generally associated with silenced transcription and DNA methylation in the gene body of transcribed genes is often increased 8. Given these findings, the generation of high quality whole genome methylation maps at a single cytosine resolution is an important step towards the understanding of how DNA methylation is involved in the regulation of gene expression or the generation of a pathologic phenotype. In addition, methylation maps may provide new insights into how the methylation patterns themselves are established.
Several high-throughput techniques have been developed able to generate whole genome methylation maps. In general, the techniques consist of a methylation-sensitive pre-treatment and a read-out step. The pre-treatments generally consist of digestion by methyl-sensitive endonucleases, methyl-sensitive immunoprecipitation or bisulfite conversion, while the read-out of the methylation information is done by hybridization, amplification or sequencing 9. Recently, several promising techniques have been developed that link the bisulfite conversion with High-Throughput Sequencing (MethylC-Seq 10, BS-Seq 11 or RRBS 12). Briefly, the bisulfite treatment converts un-methylated cytosines into uracil (converted to thymine after PCR amplification) while leaving methylcytosines unconverted. After sequencing the bisulfite-treated genomic DNA, the methylation state can be recovered from the sequence alignments. Therefore, the methylation profiling from High-Throughput Bisulfite Sequencing data can be divided into two steps: the alignment of the reads, and the read-out of the methylation levels from the alignment. The alignment of bisulfite-treated reads is highly non-trivial due to the reduced sequence complexity given that all cytosines except methylcytosines are converted to thymines. This challenge has been extensively addressed over the last years and several algorithms are available that either align the reads in a 3-letter space or adapt the alignment scoring matrix in order to account for the C/T conversions. Among these algorithms are BSMAP 13, Bismark 14, MethylCoder 15, NGSmethPipe 16, BS Seeker 17, Last 18 and BRAT-BW 19. Note that some of these tools are not just alignment programs but can, in addition, perform the profiling of the methylation levels such as Bismark and MethylCoder. After alignment, the methylation states can be recovered: C/T mismatches indicate un-methylated cytosines while C/C matches reveal methylcytosines. However, several error sources−like sequencing errors, clonal reads, sequence variation, bisulfite failure and mis-alignments−can lead to a wrong inference of the methylation levels 16, 18, 20. For example, C→T or T→C (on converted cytosines) sequencing errors would be incorrectly interpreted as un-methylated or methylated respectively biasing the results towards lower or higher methylation levels. On the other side, bisulfite failures bias the methylation levels only to higher levels; un-methylated cytosines are not converted and therefore detected as methylcytosines. The existence of sequence variation is another important error source that was traditionally disregarded in the data analysis of whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) experiments. A C/T SNV would be interpreted as un-methylated cytosine. Given that over two thirds of all Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) occur in a CpG context, having two alleles: C/T or G/A 21, sequence variation needs to be addressed as an important error source. A C/T SNV manifests on the complementary DNA strand as an adenine, while bisulfite deamination does not affect the guanine on the complementary strand (see Figure 1). This fact allows in principle to distinguish between sequence variation and bisulfite conversion and therefore to i) avoid wrong inference of the methylation state due to sequence variation and ii) detect sequence variation in the same sample preparation as the methylation levels. Profiling the methylation levels and the genotype of the sample from one experiment will be a very important step towards "putting the DNA back into methylation” 22, as the impact and importance of certain DNA sequences on the methylation levels have been recently demonstrated 23. To our knowledge, the first program that performed a threshold-based detection of sequence variation in bisulfite sequencing experiments was NGSmethPipe 16. This program detects sequence variation mainly to avoid wrong inference of the methylation level reporting those genome positions in the output. Only recently, the first state-of-the-art SNP calling algorithm based on the Genome Analysis Toolkit ( GATK) 24 was implemented to detect both methylation levels and sequence variation at high precision in a single experiment ( Bis-SNP).
Here we present MethylExtract, a multi-threaded tool for methylation profiling and sequence variation detection from alignments in standard BAM/SAM format 25. The tool is able to generate high quality methylation maps taking into account SNVs, putative bisulfite failures, reducing also the contribution of sequencing errors by means of the base quality PHRED score 26, 27. In addition, it detects sequence variation based on VarScan methodology 28 reporting all detected SNVs in VCF format 29. Therefore, from a single sequencing experiment, MethylExtract obtains both the methylation levels and the sequence variation, which will increase the reliability of downstream analyses 23. We confirm its usefulness using extensive artificial BS data and a comparison to Bis-SNP. We show that while its SNV-calling performance is slightly less specific but more sensitive compared to Bis-SNP, MethylExtract performs better in methylation profiling, is easier to use and over twice as fast on a typical whole genome experiment.
Scope and workflow
MethylExtract is implemented in Perl and consists of one main script and two auxiliary scripts that are exclusively dedicated to the statistical assessment of the bisulfite error. In general, the program takes standard BAM/SAM file format as input (previously aligned reads) and performs methylation profiling and SNV calling taking into account several error sources like sequencing errors, clonal reads and bisulfite failures. MethylExtract writes two output files. First, the methylation information for each cytosine including the coordinates, sequence context (CG, CHG, CHH), number of methylcytosines, read coverage and mean base quality (PHRED) score. The second output file reports the sequence variation in standard VCF format 29.
Frequently, whole genome bisulfite experiments include the estimation of the bisulfite conversion rate through a completely un-methylated genome (lambda phage for example). If the bisulfite conversion rate is known, statistical tests can be applied to infer whether an observed methylation level might be only due to failures of bisulfite conversion. The two auxiliary scripts allow i) estimating the bisulfite conversion rate by mapping the bisulfite-treated reads from the un-methylated genome only and ii) to apply a binomial statistics based test to infer the probability that the “real” methylation value lies within a given interval of the observed value.
Duplicated reads
The PCR step can lead to duplicated (clonal) reads, thus causing a bias in the read coverage. This bias might lead to incorrect inference at positions with allele-specific methylation (genetic imprinting), sequence variation, hemi-methylation, sequencing errors, bisulfite failure or those that are heterogeneous over the cell population. Frequently, the start coordinates of the alignments are used to eliminate duplicates like in SAMtools 25, adding a criterion to keep the best read among the duplicates. However, those approaches do not take into account that at a heterozygous locus two reads with the same start coordinate could represent two different alleles, thus not being clonal reads. The same applies for loci with genetic imprinting or hemi-methylation. To avoid the elimination of meaningful biological information, MethylExtract groups all reads that start at the same position in the genome and that have the same seed nucleotides with Q ≥ ‘minQ’; and selects the read that has the highest number of bases with Q ≥ ‘minQ’ (by default ‘minQ’ = 20) and the longest read in case of equal number of high quality positions. Furthermore, if there are multiple reads with the same selection values, only one will be selected in a random way. Two non-identical reads that align to exactly the same position in the chromosome can represent either the existence of sequence variation or putative clonal reads with a sequencing error in at least one read (disregarding mis-alignments). To restrict the impact of sequencing errors we used only the seed region of the read, i.e. the region with the highest quality. The seed is defined as those nucleotides at the 5´ end of the read (first 26 nt by default) that have a higher PHRED score than ‘minQ’.
Note that the two types of methods, the ones that use only the coordinates and our method using the coordinates and the sequence, have advantages and disadvantages. If the sequence differences are considered, biological meaningful information like sequence variation, genetic imprinting or hemi-methylation is maintained; however, our approach will be vulnerable to sequencing errors and bisulfite errors. The default option is to not perform the detection of duplicated reads, and thus any of the publically available tools can be used optionally to remove clonal reads prior to run MethylExtract.
5´ end trimming
The first nucleotides can be removed from the 5´ end of the read (3 bp for the MspI restriction sites of non-directional representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) protocol), as also implemented by Bismark 14.
Eliminating reads with putatively high bisulfite conversion failure
The bisulfite conversion error probability of un-methylated cytosines is usually below 1% in modern protocols. However, even for such low values, some positions could be incorrectly profiled, i.e. some methylated cytosines are actually un-methylated. MethylExtract implements a method proposed by Lister et al. 30 to detect those reads with a high number of un-converted cytosines. By default, it eliminates reads with at least 90% of (presumably) unconverted cytosines in non-CpG contexts (Lister et al. used ≥ 3 methylated non-CpG cytosines). The default threshold is very conservative and only a rather small fraction of reads will be eliminated. Caution is needed if the user knows that the analyzed species (plants) or tissues (e.g. embryonic stem cells) contain an elevated number of DNA methylation in non-CpG contexts. In those cases, this step should be better skipped as otherwise a bias will be introduced into the analysis.
Controlling sequencing errors
Sequencing errors are another important cause of incorrect methylation profiling (and SNV calling). The contribution of the individual bases can be controlled by means of the assigned PHRED score (i.e. an upper limit of sequencing error contribution to the wrongly inferred methylation states). For example, when setting PHRED score ≥ 20, thus accepting bases with a probability < 0.01 to be incorrectly called, the contribution of sequencing errors to the overall error would be less than 1%. By default, MethylExtract sets the minimum PHRED score to 20 (‘minQ’ parameter) which is then used for both methylation profiling and SNV calling (see below on the determination of the default values).
SNVs detection
SNVs are the most disregarded error source in the analysis of whole genome bisulfite sequencing data. Most tools would interpret a C to T substitution as an un-methylated cytosine, although a certain number of them are actually SNVs, and therefore this inference would be wrong. A C/T SNV manifests on the complementary DNA strand as an adenine, while bisulfite deamination does not affect the guanine on the complementary strand 31 ( Figure 1). The SNVs detection algorithm implemented in MethylExtract is an adaptation of the widely used varScan algorithm 28. The main difference compared to SNV calling from non-bisulfite-treated DNA is the reduced amount of sequence information that can be used to detect sequence variation. The bisulfite treatment converts the un-methylated cytosines into thymines, and therefore, at cytosine positions nucleotides that might result from the bisulfite conversion cannot be used to detect sequence variation. For adenine and thymine, both strands can be used like in re-sequencing experiments. The algorithm works as follows: i) filter out positions that are covered by fewer reads than the minimum read depth (‘minDepthSNV’) – by default ‘minDepthSNV’ is set to 1, thus analyzing all positions that are covered by at least one read; ii) calculate the nucleotide frequencies including all base calls that pass the minimum PHRED score threshold (‘minQ’); iii) discard nucleotides with frequencies below a given threshold (‘varFraction’); iv) calculate a p-value for the variant positions (more than two nucleotides above ‘varFraction’) by means of Fisher’s exact test, v) only those positions with a p-value below a given threshold are considered as SNVs (‘maxPval’), and vi) the two nucleotides with the highest frequencies are determined as the putative genotype of the sample at this position. Detected sequence variation is reported in VCF output format, which can be used as input for SNP-annotation programs 32 or VCFtools 29.
Statistical assessment of the bisulfite conversion error
Bisulfite conversion failure has been addressed using binomial statistics for the two possible outcomes; methylated and un-methylated 33. However, intermediate biologically meaningful states exist like allele specific methylation (with expected methylation levels of 0.5, if both homologous chromosomes have the same sequencing depth), or the reported partial methylation levels 30. Therefore, we developed a statistical test for the methylation levels and not for the methylation state previously proposed 30, 34. To apply this test, the user needs to know the bisulfite conversion rate obtained in the experiment. This rate needs to be established using an un-methylated genome (lambda phage, chloroplast, etc). We supply two additional scripts to i) estimate the bisulfite conversion rate using the appropriate experimental data, and ii) associate a p-value, based on binomial statistics, to each of the extracted methylation levels, as well as a procedure to control the false discovery rate 35.
In order to calculate a p-value for a given methylation level, we first need to select an interval as we want to calculate the probability that the real methylation level lies within an interval of the observed methylation level. Once the interval is fixed, we can calculate the number of false methylcytosines that would not change the methylation level, e.g. the methylation level would stay within the error interval.
Once we have detected the maximum number of false methylcytosines that would maintain the methylation level within the error interval, we can calculate the p-value by means of the binomial distribution:
being: p the bisulfite error rate, mc the number of observed methylcytosines at a given position and fmc the maximum number of allowed false methylcytosines. The p-value corresponds then to the probability to find more than fmc false methylcytosines at this position, e.g. the probability that the real methylation level lies outside the defined error interval.
To illustrate the method, let’s assume that we have a position that is covered by 21 reads with 17 methylcytosines. In this situation, we would have a methylation level of 0.81. If we fix the error interval at 0.1, we could accept up to 2 false methylcytosines. For two false methylcytosines, the methylation level would be (17–2)/21 = 0.714 which lies within the error interval of 0.81–0.1 < 0.714 while 3 false methylcytosines would lead to a methylation level of 0.67 which lies outside the tolerated error interval. Note that the coverage depth of the position (number of reads) does not appear in the equation, but it does to calculate the maximum number of false methylcytosines. In this way, a higher coverage will lead to a higher number of allowed false methylcytosines and therefore to smaller p-values. Finally, we implemented the Benjamini–Hochberg step-up procedure 35 to control for the false discovery rate in multiple testing. This step can be optionally activated by the user.
General comparison to other available tools
MethylExtract is currently one of the programs with most implemented features related to quality control. Together with Bis-SNP it is the only program that detects sequence variation, both to avoid incorrect methylation profiling and to assess the genotype of the used sample. Table 1 shows a comparison of the main features of all programs that allow methylation profiling from aligned reads. Apart from the used method to call the sequence variation, another important difference between MethylExtract and Bis-SNP is the number of scripts involved to run a full analysis. Bis-SNP requires the execution of: i) 3 scripts to sort, add read group tags (required by GATK tools) and mark duplicates, ii) 4 scripts to realign the reads and recalibrate the base quality score, iii) 2 scripts to obtain and sort the SNVs and number of methylcytosines and iv) an additional script to calculate the methylation levels on a standard format. In summary, Bis-SNP needs 10 different scripts to process reads from bisulfite-treated experiments. On the other hand, MethylExtract unifies all analysis steps into a single program which makes it especially suitable for users without a bioinformatics background. Another feature that is currently unique to MethylExtract is the possibility to assess the bisulfite failure in a statistical way. In order to achieve this, MethylExtract provides an auxiliary script to estimate the bisulfite conversion rate, and a second script that calculates the probability that the observed methylation level lies outside the selected interval of the real methylation level due to bisulfite conversion failures.
Table 1. Comparison of MethylExtract with different programs for methylation profiling and SNV calling.
FEATURES #/SOFTWARE | MethylCoder | BS_SEEKER | BRAT-BW | BSMAP/RRBSMAP | Bismark | Bis-SNP | MethylExtract |
Input formats | * | * | * | Sam | Sam | Bam | Sam/Bam |
5´ Trim | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Bisulfite failure | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Minimum depth | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Base call errors | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
SNVs calling | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Methylation output
formats |
* | * | * | * | *, bed | vcf, bed, wig | *, bed, wig |
Variation output
formats |
- | - | - | - | - | vcf | vcf |
# Input formats: input formats used by each software. 5´ trim: allows the trimming of the 5´ end of the reads. Bisulfite failure: implementation of a step to discard reads where the bisulfite might have failed converting the un-methylated cytosines. Minimum depth: allows the user to discard positions with low coverage. Base call errors: discards positions that do not exceed a given minimum PHRED score value. SNVs calling: detects variation that can lead to wrong methylation levels or context estimation. Methylation output formats: available formats for the methylation results. Variation output formats: output formats for the sequence variation results. The asterisk (*) represents a non-standard input or output format, or the impossibility of extracting the methylation ratios from other alignment tools. The dash (-) represents the inexistence of SNV output format, because the software does not allow to detect them.
Impact of SNVs on methylation levels
As mentioned above, sequence variants can lead to incorrect inference of methylation values. Figure 2 illustrates the impact of C/T variation on the methylation values (C/(C+T) ratio) within CpGs contexts. Around 470,000 SNVs within CpG contexts (affecting to 2.08% of the CpG contexts on the genome) covered by at least 10 reads have been detected by MethylExtract in Lister’s H1 dataset 30. Figure 2 shows the methylation levels for non-variant positions (both alleles coincide with the reference) and for the variant sites, both in homozygosis and heterozygosis. The observed distribution of the methylation levels without variation has two maxima close to 0 and 1, which is similar to previous studies 30. However, for heterozygous positions detected by MethylExtract, the methylation levels present a local maximum at approximately 0.5 (the T allele on one of the parental chromosomes biases the methylation levels to intermediate values, if the C allele is methylated) and a peak at 0 (if the C allele is un-methylated). Finally, for the homozygous positions where both chromosomes present the T allele, most of the methylation values are exactly 0. However, we know that no cytosine exist at those locus in the analyzed sample and therefore these values are incorrect and should be eliminated from the analysis. The incorrectly inferred methylation values for variant positions, both in homozygosis and heterozygosis, stress the need to detect and remove them from the analysis. For example, a CpG position with C→T SNV on both homologous chromosomes is eliminated by MethylExtract, as actually at this position no CpG exists in the sample. Furthermore, MethylExtract outputs the detected genotype of all profiled positions and therefore heterozygotic loci can be detected easily by the user and treated apart if wished.
Methylation profiling and SNV calling quality
MethylExtract implements several quality controls and is among the programs with most implemented features. Main features of MethylExtract are compared in Table 1 to a number of other, widely used programs. The implementation was validated in several ways. MethylExtract takes aligned reads as input and therefore we first compared the methylation profiling quality achieved on artificial bisulfite data when using two different tools for aligning bisulfite-treated reads; NGSmethPipe 16 and Bismark 36. Next, we quantify the correctly profiled methylation levels and SNVs as a function of the main quality parameters using NGSmethPipe as aligner. Finally the predictive power of MethylExtract to detect methylation levels and sequence variation was compared to Bis-SNP 24, both in terms of sensitivity and positive predictive value as it was proposed for datasets for which the number of true negatives tend to be much higher than false positives 37.
Generation of artificial BS data. For all further comparisons we will use artificial bisulfite data. The usage of this kind of data for benchmarking has the advantage that the true methylation levels and genotypes are known for each position, which is not true when using other experimental methods like microarrays as a golden standard. Artificial sequencing data has been used before in other studies assessing the SNV prediction quality of different algorithms 38. To generate the artificial bisulfite data we used DNemulator 18. We obtained two datasets from the human contig GL000022.1 (11.2Mb), one with all CpGs completely methylated, and the other one with all CpGs completely un-methylated. DNemulator allows also simulating the genotypes of a diploid genome by introducing the sequence variation from a set of confirmed SNPs (dbSNP135) 39. Finally, we simulate a bisulfite conversion rate of 99%. The read quality scores are taken from real experimental data (Lister’s H1 dataset 30). All together, we generated artificial bisulfite sequencing datasets at two different coverages; 15× and 20× which corresponds to the coverage usually achieved in whole genome bisulfite sequencing experiments.
MethylExtract with NGSmethPipe and Bismark input. NGSmethPipe 16 is a tool to align bisulfite-treated reads which was developed by our group. It is based on the Bowtie aligner and uses a 3-letter alphabet to map the bisulfite-treated reads. The program implements a pre-processing to improve the mapping accuracy 18 and an alignment seed extension in order to increase the number of mapped reads.
We launched both, NGSmethPipe and the well-established Bismark tool with default options to obtain the SAM/BAM input. Next we used MethylExtract on both input files to obtain the number of covered CpGs and the number of correctly recovered methylation values. Note that we know the correct methylation value for each position due to the use of artificial bisulfite data. A position is considered as correctly profiled, only if the obtained methylation value is identical to the real value. Figure 3 shows the result of this comparison. It shows that the obtained CpG coverage and number of correctly profiled positions is nearly identical both as a function of read coverage (15× and 20×) and for the methylated and un-methylated input data. The only remarkable difference is that NGSmethPipe leads to a slightly higher CpG coverage at 20× for both data sets. Nevertheless, the main conclusion is that MethylExtract yields nearly identical results for input sets obtained from NGSmethPipe and Bismark.
Analysis of the MethylExtract quality parameters. Next, we aimed to assess the impact of certain quality parameters implemented in MethylExtract on the methylation profiling and SNV calling capacity. To detect sequence variation, MethylExtract relies on two main parameters, i) the relative nucleotide frequencies (‘varFraction’) and ii) the corresponding p-value. The ‘varFraction’ parameter determines if a position shows putatively variation: the position is analyzed only if at least one nucleotide that differs from the reference sequence has relative frequencies higher than ‘varFraction’. Only for these positions the corresponding p-value is calculated by means of a Fisher exact test. Figure 4 shows the impact of these parameters on the prediction sensitivity (Sn) and positive predictive value (PPV). Sequence variation is best detected by setting the ‘varFraction’ threshold close to 0.1 (yielding around 91% Sn and only 2% of false positives at a statistical significance of 0.05). If the ‘varFraction’ threshold is increased further, the probability to eliminate heterozygous loci increases steadily for positions with high bias in the read coverage between the two homologous chromosomes. If the p-value threshold is set to 0.01, a small increase in positive predictive value (PPV) is observed, but it causes a strong decrease in sensitivity. Therefore, we determined a ‘varFraction’ of 0.1 and a p-value threshold of 0.05 as the best (default) parameters to detect sequence variations.
The minimum base quality (‘minQ’) and the coverage depth (‘minDepthMeth’ for the methylation profiling) thresholds might be also important parameters to control de quality of methylation profiling and SNV calling. To analyze the impact of the minimum PHRED score parameter (‘minQ’) we fix the minimum read coverage (‘minDepthMeth’) in 3, as suggested by Laurent et al. 40, ‘varFraction’ = 0.1 and ‘maxPval’ = 0.05 (default values derived above). Figure 5 shows the fraction of correctly profiled methylation values and the PPV for SNVs. It can be seen that the correctly profiled positions increase approximately 31% (from 68% to 99%) and the SNVs around 71% (27% – 98%), when the minimum PHRED score is increased from 0 (all base calls are accepted) to 30 (0.001 error probability). The major difference between the methylated and un-methylated datasets is observed for the profiling of the methylation level for which the percentage increases only from approximately 52% to 86%. The simulated bisulfite conversion failures will affect mainly un-methylated positions which can explain the observed differences. These results confirm that the ‘minQ’ threshold is critical to obtain high quality methylation profiling and genotyping results. The default value was set to 20 as higher values will lead to a coverage reduction compromising the SNV calling sensitivity.
Comparison with Bis-SNP
The comparison between MethylExtract and Bis-SNP needs to be based on identical alignment input files in BAM/SAM format. We obtained these files in a two-step process: First, we trim the input reads as it was done by Lister et al. 30 and second, we align the bisulfite treated reads to the reference genome using Bismark 36 with default parameters. Note that we based this comparison on Bismark, as the realignment and recalibration steps implemented in Bis-SNP require the read mapping quality, which is currently not available in NGSmethPipe.
Both methods were used with default parameters. We first compared the detection of sequence variation (SNVs) in terms of Sn and PPV. Figure 6, shows that in general Bis-SNP is more specific (between 1.9% and 3.9% higher PPV), being MethylExtract more sensitive (between 1% and 3.1% higher Sn). This trend can be seen for both artificial bisulfite datasets as well as for both read coverages. However, when comparing the fraction of correctly recovered methylation values, drastic differences can be seen ( Figure 7). Furthermore, when the criteria for correctly profiled methylation values are relaxed, MethylExtract still yields higher fractions than Bis-SNP ( Supplementary Figure 1). While Bis-SNP yields a slightly higher number of covered positions (Fraction of covered CpGs), MethylExtract is more specific. In all four comparisons using the stringent criteria (no deviation from the real methylation values is allowed), MethylExtract yields over 20% more correctly profiled positions compared to Bis-SNP. One explanation for this difference might be the PHRED score quality threshold implemented in MethylExtract.
Runtime comparison to Bis-SNP
As mentioned before, only Bis-SNP and MethylExtract perform the detection of SNVs which constitutes an additional CPU demanding task. Therefore, we only compared these two programs in terms of CPU time using a reduced Lister’s H1 dataset 30 on a 24 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 2.67GHz machine. Available memory is crucial for both methods. In order to not bias the comparison, we limited the available memory to 15GB for both programs allowing up to 15 threads. Both programs were tested using a 11GB BAM input file. After aligning with Bismark, we carried out the entire process for both tools (from the aligned reads to the methylation and SNV profiling). MethylExtract needed 6 hours 2 minutes to process the entire dataset including the sorting by coordinates and the removal of duplicated reads. Bis-SNP spend 2 hours 47 minutes sorting the file and removing putative clonal reads, 9 hours and 36 minutes realigning and recalibrating the reads, and 15 hours 54 minutes genotyping and retrieving the methylation levels. Therefore, it seems that MethylExtract is notably faster than Bis-SNP (approximately 4.5 times on this whole genome data set).
We present a user-friendly tool for methylation profiling and SNV calling in whole genome bisulfite sequencing experiments. MethylExtract takes standardized input formats (BAM/SAM) and writes out likewise broadly used file formats like WIG, BED and VCF. To show its usefulness, we compared it to Bis-SNP, a recently published method that is very similar in scope. Although Bis-SNP is more specific (less false positive predictions) in the detection of SNVs, MethylExtract is more sensitive (higher number of recovered SNVs). However, the main advantages of MethylExtract when compared to Bis-SNP seem to rely in the higher percentage of correctly profiled methylation values, as it reaches values over 20% higher compared to Bis-SNP. Other aspects that favor MethylExtract are its user-friendliness (everything is implemented into one script) and the run-time in comparison to Bis-SNP (over 4 times faster in a whole genome bisulfite sequencing experiment).
Availability and requirements
MethylExtract is freely available. The source code, the tutorial and artificial bisulfite datasets can be downloaded from the page and are also permanently accessible from 10.5281/zenodo.8351 42.
List of abbreviations used
5meC: DNA methylation at cytosine carbon 5 position; SNV; Single Nucleotide Variation; WGBS: whole genome bisulfite sequencing; SNP: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism; PPV: positive predictive value; PHRED score: the quality score to each base call assigned by the program PHRED; SAM format: Sequence Alignment/Map format used for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments; BAM format: the compressed binary version of the SAM format.
Funding Statement
This work was supported by the Spanish Government [BIO2008-01353 to JLO and BIO2010-20219 to MH], and Basque country ‘AE’ grant (GB).
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
v2; ref status: indexed
Supplementary material
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