Figure 6.
Reporter activity of 273, 400, 489, 823, and 1000 bp regions of CHD5 promoter. A.) RKO cells were cotransfected with truncated versions of the CHD5 promoter luciferase construct and compared with untreated cells. CHD5-luciferase activity (RLU) was normalized against Rinella to determine the transfection efficiency and confirm the quality of the assay. RKO cells cultured in medium alone served as controls. Promoter regions containing putative transcription binding sites such as TCF/LEF, SP1, AP-2, CREB and E4F1 are indicated. The 3’ end constructs with lost luciferase activity correspond to the −823 to −400 region and contain the following putative elements SP1, AP-2, CREB and E4F1 binding sites.