The human APOBEC3 proteins are a family of DNA-editing enzymes that play an important role in the innate immune response and have broad activity against retroviruses and retrotransposons. APOBEC3G is a member of this family that inhibits HIV-1 replication in the absence of the viral infectivity factor Vif. Inhibition of HIV replication occurs by both deamination of viral single-stranded DNA and a deamination-independent mechanism. Efficient deamination requires rapid binding to and dissociation from ssDNA. However, a relatively slow dissociation rate is required for the proposed deaminase-independent roadblock mechanism in which APOBEC3G binds the viral template strand and blocks reverse transcriptase-catalyzed DNA elongation. Here we show that APOBEC3G initially binds ssDNA with rapid on-off rates and subsequently converts to a slowly dissociating mode. In contrast, an oligomerization-deficient APOBEC3G mutant did not exhibit a slow off rate. We propose that catalytically active monomers or dimers slowly oligomerize on the viral genome and inhibit reverse transcription.
Keywords: APOBEC, DNA binding, HIV-1, restriction factor, roadblock mechanism, optical tweezers, single molecule force spectroscopy
APOBEC3 proteins are DNA-editing enzymes that are part of the innate human immune response to viral pathogens, including retroviruses and retrotransposons1–4. Of all the A3 proteins, A3G5 is the most potent inhibitor of HIV-1 replication1,4,6, reducing viral infectivity by several orders of magnitude in the absence of the HIV-1 viral infectivity factor Vif7–9. In fact, the function of Vif is to specifically counteract the antiviral activity of A3G1,9.
Although A3G is the most studied of all the APOBEC proteins, the molecular mechanism for A3G-mediated HIV-1 restriction is still not fully understood. A3G is a deoxcytidine deaminase, which converts deoxycytidine bases in single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) to deoxyuridine5,10–14. A3G deamination of minus-strand viral DNA formed during reverse transcription results in G to A hypermutation in the plus-strand11,12,15, which effectively impairs viral replication. However, there are several lines of evidence that suggest that a deaminase-independent mechanism is also involved1,6,20. First, A3G catalytic mutants retain antiviral activity16–19. Second, A3G inhibits hepatitis B virus replication without G to A hypermutation21. Third, A3A inhibits LINE-1 and Alu retrotransposition22–28 and parvovirus replication24,29 independent of deaminase activity. Further evidence for a non-editing mechanism is based on the reduction of minus-strand viral DNA levels in HIV-1 particles during endogenous reverse transcription30, inhibition of reverse transcriptase (RT)-catalyzed viral DNA elongation in vitro by catalytic A3G mutants31,32, inhibition of strand transfer reactions in vitro and in cell-based assays32–34, and A3G-induced inhibition of reverse transcription in viruses from human CD4+ T cells35. A roadblock model, in which A3G molecules bind the template strand at one or a few locations and physically block viral DNA synthesis, has therefore been proposed as a molecular mechanism for deaminase-independent inhibition32.
Since only 7 (± 4) A3G molecules are incorporated into each vif-deficient virion36, RT inhibition by an A3G roadblock requires a slow A3G off-rate from single-stranded nucleic acids. In contrast, these few A3G molecules must have fast on-off rates to deaminate up to 1000 sites in several minutes14 using a rapid search mechanism on viral ssDNA37,38. To resolve this apparent paradox, we hypothesize that A3G exhibits fast binding kinetics as a monomer or dimer in order to function as an efficient enzyme, and slow kinetics upon oligomerization in order to block RT from elongating viral DNA. To test this idea, we used optical tweezers to monitor A3G binding kinetics on a single DNA molecule.
Single molecule measurements of A3G binding to ssDNA
For these studies, a single double-stranded λ-DNA molecule was tethered to two polystyrene beads, with one bead held in an optical trap and another on a micropipette tip. As the fixed bead is gradually moved away from the optically-trapped bead, the force on the DNA molecule is measured at each extension, yielding a force-extension curve (Fig. 1, solid black line). The solution surrounding the single DNA molecule can be exchanged in order to measure the effects of DNA binding ligands on the properties of DNA.
In the absence of binding ligands, force-induced melting occurs at a constant force of 61.0 ± 0.5 pN, generating ssDNA, either by peeling from the ends or forming melting bubbles39. Although a stretched form of dsDNA called S-DNA may form upon overstretching at high salt, it is well-established that overstretching is force-induced melting in the presence of ssDNA binding proteins and at the ionic strength used in this work39,40. At the end of the overstretching transition, the bead movement reverses direction and DNA tension is gradually released (Fig. 1, dashed black line). The minimal hysteresis, or mismatch between DNA extension and release, indicates that the ssDNA generated by force reanneals immediately into dsDNA during the return. At any given point along the transition, the molecule is a well-characterized combination of dsDNA and ssDNA (Supplementary Eq. S3)40. Pausing at fixed extension during the melting transition allows precise control of the fraction of ssDNA substrate available for protein binding.
The force-extension curve probes the length of the captured DNA molecule at a given force. At forces above 7 pN, ssDNA is longer than dsDNA. We exploit this force-dependent difference in length to measure the ssDNA binding properties of A3G. A3G-saturated ssDNA, obtained at high protein concentration by first overstretching DNA and allowing A3G to fully bind and stabilize the DNA in its single-stranded form, is longer than dsDNA and shorter than ssDNA (Fig. 1). Therefore, A3G bound to ssDNA increases the molecule in length by Δxb below the melting transition, and decreases the length by Δxa above the melting transition.
In the presence of 50 nM A3G, the extension curve follows the DNA-only curve before the melting transition, reflecting no measurable binding to dsDNA (Fig. 2, panel a, solid line). A3G only binds after force-induced melting generates ssDNA. Based on the observed hysteresis (Fig. 2, panel a, dashed line), most of the protein does not dissociate upon DNA release and prevents the two strands from fully reannealing. A3G-bound ssDNA is longer than dsDNA (Fig. 1), so the change in length at a given force (Fig. 2, panel a, Δxt) describes the total fraction of A3G bound to ssDNA (ftotal, see Supplementary Fig. 1, panel a online).
A second stretch of the same molecule does not retrace the release curve, revealing that some fraction of the protein has dissociated during the 30 s incubation at zero force between stretch-release cycles (Fig. 2, panel b). As soon as any A3G dissociates at forces below the force-induced melting transition, the two strands reanneal into dsDNA, which is shorter than A3G-bound ssDNA (Fig. 2, panel b, Δxf). Therefore the second stretch reflects the fraction of A3G that remains ssDNA-bound (fslow), which allows the fraction that dissociates quickly (ffast) to be quantified as ffast = ftotal − fslow. The DNA was held at zero force between the first release and the second stretch for 30 s, but longer wait times up to 120 minutes do not lead to further measurable dissociation (data not shown for clarity).
A3G was exposed to ssDNA for 50 s in this experiment. However, A3G oligomerization observed in bulk experiments occurs on much longer timescales37. To measure slow binding, A3G was incubated for 250 s with ssDNA generated by force-induced melting (Fig. 2, panel c). The DNA release curve obtained after this incubation exhibits a length increase relative to the initial release curve (Fig. 2, panel c, Δxi) because additional A3G binds ssDNA during incubation. This effect increases at longer incubation times (Fig. 2, panel d), approaching the A3G-saturated ssDNA curve (shown in Fig. 1).41 Fits to the DNA release curves at increasing incubation time yield ftotal(t), while the subsequent stretch (data not shown for clarity) quantifies fslow(t), and ffast(t) is the difference between the two. These measurements for 50 nM A3G are presented in Fig. 3, panel a.
Quantitative binding model
The slow binding component increases at the expense of the fast component, suggesting that the A3G-ssDNA reaction may be modeled as a two-step process:
1 |
in which an initial bimolecular process leads to a fast complex that converts to a slow, more stable complex in the second unimolecular step. Binding rates were obtained from fits to this model (Supplementary Eqs. S9–S11) at five A3G concentrations (Fig. 3, panel b). (A3G precipitates at high concentrations18, so experiments were calibrated using force-extension curves at known protein concentrations.) As expected, the observed fast rate kfast and the on rate k1c are both linear with A3G concentration (Fig. 3, panel c). The bimolecular rate constant k1 = 1.5 (± 0.1) × 105 M−1s−1 and off rate k−1 = 1.2 (± 0.1) × 10−2 s−1 are consistent with single molecule FRET42 and fluorescence spectroscopy37 measurements, considering differences in solution conditions. The observed slow rate kslow saturates at high A3G concentration (Fig. 3, panel d), and both the on and off rates for the second, unimolecular step are concentration-independent (k2 = 6.7 (± 0.6) × 10−3 s−1 and k−2 = 2.8 (± 0.5) × 10−5 s−1). Elementary reaction rates were obtained from the data in several different ways, and agreement of the resulting values (see Supplementary Table 2 online) supports the binding model.
Oligomerization is responsible for slow binding
To determine whether slow binding is due to A3G oligomerization, we expressed and purified the F126A/W127A A3G mutant (A3G FW), which is severely defective in oligomerization41. When this mutant was incubated with ssDNA for 1050 s, the release curve exhibited minimal hysteresis (Fig. 4, panel a), and all the bound protein dissociated prior to the subsequent stretch (Fig. 4, panel b). A direct comparison of the hysteresis observed for both wild type and mutant A3G is shown in Fig. 4, panel c. The lack of a slow ssDNA bound fraction observed for the mutant, along with the striking difference between the hysteresis observed for the two proteins, shows that the oligomerization-defective mutant does not exhibit slow ssDNA binding kinetics. Thus, we conclude that the slow kinetics observed for wild type A3G is due to oligomerization.
Here we use a single molecule method that allows us to quantify two distinct modes of A3G binding to ssDNA and characterize the conversion of a fast state into a slow state. These results suggest a binding mechanism in which monomers or dimers initially bind ssDNA and rapidly reach equilibrium (1/kfast = 24 ± 1 s at 200 nM), before slowly converting to oligomers (1/kslow = 206 ± 20 s) (Fig. 5, panel a). Previous bulk solution experiments have established that A3G oligomerizes in the presence of single-stranded nucleic acids41,43, which inhibits efficient deaminase activity41. We also demonstrate that an A3G mutant (F126A/W127A) that is severely compromised in oligomerization, but retains deaminase activity, does not exhibit slow binding kinetics. Furthermore, a recent study shows that a similar oligomerization-defective mutant (W127A) inhibits deamination-independent viral restriction44. These observations support the hypothesis that A3G oligomerization is responsible for deaminase-independent inhibition of viral replication.
In light of these quantitative results in vitro, we propose a model for A3G’s effects on HIV-1 replication. A3G oligomerizes on viral RNA when it is packaged inside the virion43,45, stalling RT during minus-strand synthesis. RT pauses until the oligomer dissociates, or switches to the other RNA template strand, circumventing the A3G roadblock and leading to partial inhibition of reverse transcription35. In contrast to our in vitro studies, the maximum size of the A3G oligomer may be limited by the small number of A3G molecules packaged in virions36. These limitations on oligomer size may lead to higher off rates in virio. Once the A3G oligomer dissociates during minus-strand synthesis, the monomers or dimers that are released have low affinity for the newly formed RNA-DNA duplex14,18. As RNase H activity exposes the minus strand, all A3G molecules bind the ssDNA template within a second, as indicated by 1/k1 = 0.7 ± 0.1 s when fast binding rates are extrapolated to the estimated 13 ± 8 μM A3G concentration in the virion32. A3G remains bound in a rapid sliding mode37,42 for 1/k−1 = 85 ± 5 s, which allows high deamination rates37,38 until oligomerization forms a roadblock to plus-strand synthesis after 1/k2 = 149 ± 13 s (Fig. 5, panel b).
The in virio model that we propose based on our measurements is consistent with the available data on A3G function. Recent cell-based experiments demonstrate that A3G uniformly blocks minus-strand synthesis in the absence of preferred RT termination sites along the viral template35. However, this does not necessarily indicate that A3G binds throughout the length of the genomic RNA. Oligomerization is nucleic acid sequence-independent and therefore we expect the roadblock to form at a small number of random sites along the viral genome, as observed in virio. Although A3G may bind RT in an RNA-independent interaction46, a recent report concludes that there is no direct interaction between A3G and RT31. In any case, this type of binding is equally probable for any of the 100 RT heterodimers present in the virion47 and the probability that one of 7 ± 4 A3G molecules binds and inhibits the catalytically active RT molecule is therefore less than 10%. Thus, a possible A3G-RT interaction appears unlikely to be primarily responsible for A3G-induced inhibition of reverse transcription.
The data we present resolve seemingly contradictory mechanisms for A3G inhibition of viral replication by demonstrating that A3G can function as both a fast deaminase and a slow nucleic acid binding protein. Regulation of enzymatic activity via protein oligomerization may be a general property of other APOBEC family members that inhibit replication of retroviruses and retrotransposons independent of deaminase activity. The single molecule method described here does not require labeling of DNA or protein and is optimal for measuring the biologically important process of slow protein oligomerization on ssDNA.
A3G preparation and purification
Recombinant WT A3G and A3G FW were expressed in a baculovirus expression system using an N-terminal glutathione S-transferase (GST) tag and purified. The GST tag was then removed using a Novagen Enterokinase Cleavage Capture Kit. The deaminase activity of purified wild type A3G was verified using a gel-based uracil DNA glycosylase assay after removal of the GST tag. A similar method was used to verify the enzymatic activity of purified GST-tagged A3G FW. Additional protein preparation details are supplied in the Supplementary Methods.
Single molecule experiments
Biotin-labeled bacteriophage λ DNA was captured between two streptavidin-coated polystyrene beads, one on a fixed micropipette tip and the other held in an optical trap, as described in Supplementary Methods. The DNA was extended by moving the micropipette tip at a rate of 100 nm/s, and the resulting force on the bead in the trap was recorded in order to obtain the force-extension curve for DNA alone. The buffer surrounding the DNA molecule was then exchanged for a solution of fixed protein concentration. Force-extension curves in the presence and absence of protein were fit to the Worm-Like Chain model for dsDNA (Supplementary Eq. S1) and the Freely-Jointed Chain model (Supplementary Eq. S2) for ssDNA. The A3G-saturated ssDNA force-extension curve was fit to Supplementary Eq. S4. Measurements of the fraction of ssDNA bound by protein were then determined by fitting force-extension curves to the linear combination of dsDNA extension and A3G-bound ssDNA extension, as shown in Supplementary Eqs S6 and S7.
Two-step binding model
The kinetics of protein-DNA binding was fit to a two-step binding model, in which it was assumed that an initial fast bimolecular binding event was followed by a slow unimolecular binding event, as described by Supplementary Eqs. S9–S11, yielding measured fast and slow binding rates kfast and kslow. By then fitting the concentration-dependent measurements of kfast and kslow to the reaction shown in Eq. 1, we determine the elementary reaction rates for each step k1, k−1, k2, and k−2, as well as the elementary equilibrium constants for each step K1 and K2, as described in Supplementary Methods.
Supplementary Material
The authors thank Darja Pollpeter, Michael H. Malim, and David Rueda for valuable discussions, and Myron F. Goodman for his generous gift of the F126A/W127A mutant clone. This work was supported in part by NIH [GM072462] and NSF [MCB-1243883] (MCW), NIH [GM065056] (KMF), and the NIH Intramural Research Program (NICHD) (JGL). KRC was supported by the NSF IGERT Program [DGE-0504331].
MCW, KRC, and IR designed experiments; KRC performed experiments and analyzed data; MM performed experiments with the mutant; HG performed preliminary experiments; SK, WW, DFQ, TW, YI, DC, and AH prepared the proteins; IR developed the binding model; KRC, MCW, IR, JGL, and KMF wrote the manuscript.
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