A. Representative traces from a typical experiment isolating for GABAergic activity to CVNs is shown in control conditions and while subsequently bath applying various doses of D2 like agonist Quinpirole (0.3 M – 100 M) for 5 minutes.
B. Cumulative probability distribution curves plotted for inter-event interval and amplitude of GABA IPSCs in control and Quinpirole (0.3-100 M). The synaptic events were averaged during the last 2 minute period of exposure in each condition. There is shift towards right for the probability distribution of inter vent interval in the presence of Quinpirole (0.3-100 M) suggesting a decrease in the frequency of synaptic events. However, the distribution of amplitude in quinpirole remains unchanged.
C. Histogram showing the dose dependent responses of Quinpirole on GABAergic (n=6) IPSC frequency and amplitude. **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.