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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2014 Feb 24;111(10):3727–3732. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1322778111

Crystal structures of human soluble adenylyl cyclase reveal mechanisms of catalysis and of its activation through bicarbonate

Silke Kleinboelting a, Ana Diaz b, Sebastien Moniot a, Joop van den Heuvel c, Michael Weyand a, Lonny R Levin b, Jochen Buck b, Clemens Steegborn a,1
PMCID: PMC3956179  PMID: 24567411


Soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) generates the ubiquitous signaling molecule cAMP in response to bicarbonate. In physiological systems, bicarbonate is in nearly instantaneous equilibrium with carbon dioxide and pH; therefore, sAC, and its evolutionarily related cyclases, serve as nature’s carbon dioxide/bicarbonate/pH sensors. In particular, bicarbonate regulation of mammalian sAC mediates numerous cellular processes, from sperm activation to pH homeostasis and mitochondrial ATP synthesis. We solved crystal structures of sAC’s catalytic domains in complex with substrate, products, and regulators. The structures reveal insights into sAC catalysis, how bicarbonate binds to and activates sAC, and how sAC can be inhibited by a drug. Our results reveal mechanisms that will facilitate the development of drugs targeting this signaling system.

Keywords: activation mechanism, bicarbonate signaling, catalytic mechanism, inhibition mechanism


cAMP is an evolutionary conserved, prototypic second messenger regulating numerous cellular functions. In mammals, cAMP is synthesized by one of 10 homologous adenylyl cyclases (ACs): nine transmembrane enzymes and one soluble AC (sAC). Among these, only sAC is directly activated by bicarbonate (HCO3); it thereby serves as a cellular sensor for HCO3, carbon dioxide (CO2), and pH in physiological functions, such as sperm activation, aqueous humor formation, and metabolic regulation. Here, we describe crystal structures of human sAC catalytic domains in the apo state and in complex with substrate analog, products, and regulators. The activator HCO3 binds adjacent to Arg176, which acts as a switch that enables formation of the catalytic cation sites. An anionic inhibitor, 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid, inhibits sAC through binding to the active site entrance, which blocks HCO3 activation through steric hindrance and trapping of the Arg176 side chain. Finally, product complexes reveal small, local rearrangements that facilitate catalysis. Our results provide a molecular mechanism for sAC catalysis and cellular HCO3 sensing and a basis for targeting this system with drugs.

The ubiquitous second messenger cAMP regulates diverse physiological processes, from fungal virulence to mammalian brain function (1, 2). In mammals, cAMP can be generated by any of 10 differently expressed and regulated adenylyl cyclases (ACs): nine transmembrane enzymes (tmACs) and one soluble AC (sAC) (3). TmACs reside in the cell membrane, where they mediate cellular responses to hormones acting through G protein-coupled receptors (4). In contrast, sAC functions in various intracellular locations, providing cell-specific spatial and temporal patterns of cAMP (57) in response to intracellular signals, including calcium, ATP, and bicarbonate (HCO3) (3, 810). HCO3 regulation of sAC enzymes is a direct effect on their catalytic domains and is conserved across bacterial, fungal, and animal kingdoms (1, 1113). Via modulation of sAC, and sAC-like cyclase activities, HCO3 serves as an evolutionarily conserved signaling molecule mediating cellular responses to HCO3, CO2, and pH (3, 14). In mammals, sAC acts as a CO2/HCO3/pH sensor in processes such as sperm activation (15), acid-base homeostasis (16), and various metabolic responses (10, 17, 18). sAC has also been implicated in skin and prostate cancer and as a target for male contraceptives (1921).

All mammalian ACs are class III nucleotidyl cyclases sharing homologous catalytic domains. Their catalytic cores are formed through symmetrical or pseudosymmetrical association of two identical or highly similar catalytic domains, C1 and C2 (2224); in mammalian ACs, both domains reside on a single polypeptide chain. Such C1C2 pseudoheterodimers form two pseudosymmetrical sites at the dimer interface: the active site and a degenerated, inactive pocket (3, 23). A conserved Lys and an Asp/Thr in the active site recognize the base of the substrate ATP, and two conserved Asp residues bind two divalent cations, normally Mg2+ (23). The ions, called ion A and ion B, coordinate the substrate phosphates and support the intramolecular 3′-hydroxyl (3′-OH) attack at the α-phosphorous to form cAMP and pyrophosphate (PPi) (3). In tmACs, the degenerate site binds forskolin (24), a plant diterpene that activates tmACs but has no effect on sAC (25). The forskolin activation mechanism and the existence of physiological ligands for this site in tmACs or in sAC remain unclear.

There are two sAC isoforms known to be generated by alternative splicing (26). Full-length sAC comprises N-terminal catalytic domains along with ∼1,100 residues with a little understood function except for an autoinhibitory motif and a heme-binding domain (3, 27, 28). Exclusion of exon 12 (26) generates a truncated isoform, sACt (residues 1–490), which comprises just the two sAC catalytic domains (sAC-cat) (25). sACt is widely expressed, and it is the isoform most extensively biochemically characterized (3, 8, 11). It is directly activated by Ca2+ and HCO3; Ca2+ supports substrate binding, and HCO3 increases turnover and relieves substrate inhibition (8), and this regulation is conserved in sAC-like enzymes from Cyanobacteria to humans (3, 13, 29). In a homodimeric, HCO3-regulated sAC homolog from Spirulina platensis, adenylyl cyclase C (CyaC), HCO3 appeared to facilitate an active site closure required for catalysis (13), but the HCO3 binding site and its mechanism of activation remained unknown.

Here, we present crystal structures of the human sAC-cat in apo form and in complex with substrate, products, bicarbonate, and a pharmacological inhibitor. The structures reveal insights into binding sites and mechanisms for sAC catalysis and for its regulation by physiological and pharmacological small molecules.

Results and Discussion

To identify its mechanism of activation by HCO3, we produced human sAC-cat (residues 1–469) in insect cells and first crystallized the purified apo protein (30). Because molecular replacement phasing trials with class III AC structures failed, we solved the structure at a resolution of 1.7 Å through “single isomorphous replacement and anomalous scattering” (SIRAS) phasing using native and mercury derivative data (Table S1). The sAC-cat apo structure comprises two structurally similar domains, C1 (residues 34–219) and C2 (residues 288–463), with a central seven-stranded β-sheet shielded from solvent by helices (Fig. 1A; C2 secondary structure elements underlined) consistent with known class III cyclase structures (23). C1 and C2 associate head to tail, resulting in a compact, pseudodimeric catalytic core. The 33 N-terminal residues form an extended tail (residues 1–12) and two helices (αN1 and αN2; Fig. 1A, Right), which form a death domain-like helix bundle along with two of the three α-helices within the ∼68-residue linker between C1 and C2. Three consecutive Pro residues (220–222) define the beginning of this linker; they are located at a corner of the core particle, close to a partially solvent-accessible hydrophobic patch formed by Ile88, Phe89/224/226/229/230, and Tyr240 (Fig. 1B). Poly-Pro stretches and hydrophobic surface areas are typically protein binding sites (31, 32), identifying this region as a potential interaction area for proteins or other sAC domains. In fact, in the crystal, part of this hydrophobic patch interacts with the extended N-terminal tail of a symmetry-related monomer (Fig. 1B), supporting its role in protein/domain interactions.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Crystal structure of human sAC-cat apo enzyme. (A) Overall sAC-cat structure, with C1 in cyan and C2 in pale cyan and secondary structures labeled (C2 labels underlined). (Right) This view highlights the N terminus (dark gray) and C1-C2 linker (green). (B) A sAC-cat apo surface region (colored according to electrostatic potential indicated in the scale bar) interacts with the N terminus of a symmetry mate (stick presentation). (C) An overlay of the active sites of sAC-cat apo (cyan; side chains colored according to atom type) and CyaC/ATPαS (orange; PDB ID code 1WC1) shows the overlap between human sAC Asp99 and ion site A (CyaC labels in italics). (D) Pseudosymmetrical sites of overlaid sAC-cat (cyan) and tmAC-C1C2 (yellow; PDB ID code 1AZS) structures, with the tmAC activator forskolin colored according to atom type.

As in other class III ACs, two pseudosymmetrical sites are formed at the sAC pseudodimer interface. In the active site (Fig. 1C), most of the seven conserved catalytic residues are arranged similar to other class III AC structures (23). However, one of the two conserved Asp residues responsible for coordinating magnesium, Asp99, is shifted from the catalytic position (13, 24, 33) in apo sAC (Fig. 1C; CyaC Asp1061 is shown as a reference). An Asp rotation opening the ion sites was observed in the guanylyl cyclase (GC) Cya2 (22), but in sAC, the whole Asp99-containing β2/3 loop is pulled away, toward Arg176, through an Asp99/Arg176 salt bridge. Asp99 and the β2/3 loop are thereby held in an inactive position overlapping the ion site region. In tmAC, the pseudosymmetrical, degenerate site binds the activating diterpene forskolin. In apo sAC, a four-residue insertion in the C2-β2/3 loop tightens the available space in this site compared with tmAC (Fig. 1D). This loop and the Arg176 side chain sterically prevent forskolin binding, explaining the insensitivity of sAC to this tmAC modulator (3, 25).

We next solved a structure of sAC-cat in complex with the ATP analog α,β-methylene–ATP (ApCpp). sAC was crystallized in the presence of MgCl2, CaCl2, and ApCpp, and the structure was solved through molecular replacement phasing with apo sAC-cat (Fig. 2A and Table S1). The structure was refined at a resolution of 2.2 Å, and the active site ligands, ATP analog and a divalent ion, were well defined by electron density (Fig. S1 A and B). Overall, the apo sAC structure and ATP analog complex are almost identical, but there are dramatic local rearrangements. The conserved ion-binding Asp47 tilts into position to form the ion sites and releases the Ser49 backbone, enabling an outward shift and partial unwinding of α1 starting immediately after Asp47 (Fig. 2B). Space to accommodate Asp47 and ions is provided through a flip of the β2/3 loop. It moves the second metal coordinating residue, Asp99, 4 Å away from Arg176, relieving their ionic interaction and positioning Asp99 for accommodating ions A/B and the associated ATP. The sAC-cat/ApCpp complex comprises only one metal ion, in position B, which supports substrate binding (3, 23). Coordination number and distances identify it as a Ca2+, consistent with results on the cyanobacterial homolog CyaC and biochemical data showing that Ca2+ stimulates sAC activity by increasing substrate affinity (8, 13). In tmACs, a Ser (Ser1028 in rat tmACII-C2) potentially contacts the ATP ribose ring oxygen (24, 33). In sAC and its homologs, the corresponding residue is Ala415 (Fig. 2B). Ala415 is unable to interact with the ribose oxygen, likely contributing to the lower apparent substrate affinity of sAC-like cyclases (KmATP of ∼11 mM compared with <0.5 mM for tmACs). Ca2+ then increases the apparent substrate affinity (KmATP of ∼1 mM) by providing a stronger interaction partner than Mg2+ for the ATP phosphates (13). In mammals, Ca2+-dependent sAC activation is physiologically relevant, for example, in insulin secretion (10, 17) and mitochondrial energy metabolism (34). The second ion, ion A, appears to bind transiently during catalysis to the ATP/metal B complex (13, 35), and the sAC-cat/Ca2+/ApCpp complex has a water bound in this position.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Crystal structure of sAC-cat with bound ATP analog. (A) Overall structure of the sAC-cat/Ca2+/ApCpp complex, with Ca2+ in yellow and ApCpp colored according to atom type. The chlorine in the pseudosymmetrical site is shown as an orange sphere. (B) Active site overlay of sAC-cat apo (cyan) and the ApCpp complex (blue), with relevant residues shown in stick presentation. (C) sAC product complex (cAMP, PPi/Mg2+) colored according to atom type and overlaid with 2Fo-Fc density contoured at 1σ. (D) An overlay of the active sites of the sAC-cat complex with both products cAMP and PPi (gray), the sAC-cat/PPi complex resulting from soaking with PPi (green), and the sAC-cat/PPi complex resulting from soaking with ATP and substrate turnover (yellow) highlights the local rearrangement of the β2/β3 loop around Asp339.

In the sAC-cat/Ca2+/ApCpp complex, Lys334, which is the conserved Lys in ACs distinguishing them from GCs by recognizing the ATP base (3), remains in its apo position, rotated away from the substrate site. It interacts with the Ade base only through a water molecule. Soaking apo sAC crystals with ATP/Mg2+ resulted in a 1.8-Å structure of a sAC/Mg2+/PPi complex (Fig. S1C and Table S2), showing that crystallized sAC-cat is catalytically active and that this Lys334 conformation is functional. Other AC/ATP-analog complexes show a Lys/Ade interaction (23), but with reaction-competent substrates, this interaction appears to form late during catalysis and is relevant for turnover rather than substrate binding (22, 36). The AC activity of sAC is inhibited by GTP (Fig. S1D) with a Ki of ∼1 mM (calculated based on competition), revealing that sAC binds GTP and ATP with comparable affinities and suggesting that it discriminates between the nucleotides only during turnover.

In our sAC/Ca2+/ApCpp complex, the triphosphate assumes a conformation suitable for the inline reaction similar to the previously solved CyaC/ApCpp/metal complex (13). The γ-phosphate sits in a pocket at the α1 N terminus; the β-phosphate interacts with Lys144, which might act as a PPi “receptor”; and the α-phosphate interacts with Arg416, which likely stabilizes the additional negative charge of the transition state. Finally, Arg176 is positioned next to the 3′-OH and might facilitate its deprotonation. To examine product interactions, we soaked apo crystals with the products PPi and cAMP, alone or in combination, which yielded sAC-cat/cAMP (Fig. S1E), sAC-cat/PPi (Fig. S1F), and sAC-cat/cAMP/PPi (Fig. 2C) complexes (resolutions of 1.9 Å, 1.85 Å, and 1.95 Å, respectively; Tables S2 and S3). The sAC-cat/cAMP and sAC-cat/cAMP/PPi structures represent previously unsolved complexes of an AC with cAMP. Comparison of these PPi and cAMP complexes with sAC/ApCpp (Fig. S1G) reveals that nucleoside and β/γ-phosphates hardly shift, suggesting that the α-phosphate swings toward the 3′-OH for product formation. In the cAMP complexes (Fig. 2 C and D), Lys334 again interacts with the base via a water, consistent with the transient direct interaction proposed above. Interestingly, the two PPi complexes, the sAC/Mg2+/PPi complex resulting from ATP turnover (ATP/Mg2+ soak, see above; Fig. S1C) and the sAC-cat/Mg2+/PPi complex resulting from soaking apo sAC with PPi, are clearly distinct (Fig. 2D). Although divalent ion and PPi occupy the same positions, Asp339 and the C2-β2/3 loop are in the apo conformation (same as sAC/ApCpp conformation) in the PPi soak but flip away from the active site in the complex, which resulted from ATP turnover. In this complex, the enzyme cyclized the soaked ATP into cAMP and PPi but the cAMP was not retained due to its lower affinity (see below). The conformational change is also seen in the sAC/cAMP/PPi complex that was formed by soaking with both products, cAMP and PPi (Fig. 2C), but not in the complex with cAMP alone. Thus, the C2-β2/3 loop flip only occurs in the presence of both products, suggesting that it reflects an intermediate catalytic state. Product release was speculated to be induced through a steric clash with Asn412 (23). In the sAC/cAMP/PPi complex (Fig. 2C), this residue assumes two conformations, oriented toward PPi as in the ApCpp complex and oriented toward the cAMP ring oxygen. It remains to be shown whether this change contributes to product formation or, more subtle than through steric overlap, to product release.

We next identified the activator binding site of sAC through soaking of apo sAC crystals with bicarbonate (resolution of 1.7 Å; Table S1). Excellent difference electron density adjacent to Val172 reveals that HCO3 binds between Lys95 and Arg176, almost coplanar with the Arg guanidinium group (Fig. 3 A and B and Fig. S2 A and B). The sAC/HCO3 complex confirms previous evidence that the bicarbonate anion, and not CO2, directly stimulates sAC (11, 13, 29). Soaking apo sAC with biselenite or bisulfite (resolution of 2.05 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively; Tables S1 and S2), both of which structurally resemble HCO3 and could be located unambiguously by their anomalous scattering signal (Fig. S2 C and D), identified the same site, confirming it as the bicarbonate binding site (BBS). This region corresponds to the entrance of the degenerate site, which accommodates forskolin in tmACs. Its identification as the BBS confirms speculations that the degenerate site accommodates physiological regulators and communicates with the active site (3). Presumably, this degenerated site with regulatory function represents an evolutionary remnant from homodimeric ancestor class III cyclases that can show cooperativity or half-of-the-site activity (22, 37).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

sAC-cat activation by bicarbonate. (A) Overall structure of the sAC-cat bicarbonate complex (gray), overlaid with the sAC-cat/ApCpp complex (blue). Ligands are shown as sticks (ApCpp, bicarbonate) or as a sphere (Ca2+). (B) Overlay of active site regions of apo sAC (yellow), sAC/ApCpp (blue), and the sAC/bicarbonate complex (gray) shows the HCO3-triggered Arg176 movement. (C) HCO3 concentration–response for AC activity of WT human sAC-cat (black dots) and for the mutants R176A (red squares), K95A (blue triangles), and K95A/R176A (magenta diamonds). (Inset) Data for K95A and K95AR176A with an expanded y axis. (D) Overlay of the regulatory sites of sAC shows the different geometries and binding details of HCO3 (gray), HSO3 (green), and HSeO3 (yellow) and illustrates the Arg176 movement uniquely triggered by HCO3. Ligands are shown as sticks colored according to atom type. (E) sAC/ApCpp complex with bisulfite bound in the regulatory site, overlaid with 2Fo-Fc density (1σ; cyan) and anomalous scattering density (3σ; blue). (F) Binding affinity to sAC-cat for ATP (Kd = 2.0 ± 0.4 mM), cAMP (Kd = 54.2 ± 13.4 mM), and PPi (Kd = 14.2 ± 0.3 mM). Addition of 50 mM HCO3 changed the Kd for ATP (0.9 ± 0.1 mM), cAMP (18.6 ± 6.1 mM), and PPi (30.7 ± 12.1 mM). Error bars indicate SD (n = 2).

Bicarbonate binding leaves the overall sAC structure unchanged, but an increased frequency of multiple side chain conformations suggests there may have been a “loosening” of the protein conformation, enabling catalytic motions. Upon activator binding, the Arg176 side chain tilts toward the HCO3, and it no longer traps Asp99 and the β2/β3 loop (Fig. 3B). The β2/β3 loop moves into a substrate binding-competent conformation, similar to the sAC/ApCpp complex; however, Asp99 is left in an “open” state, where ion sites are accessible but still require further rotation of the Asp side chain for binding (Fig. 3B). The sAC/HCO3 complex suggests that the Arg176 side chain performs a key function in HCO3 activation, acting as a lever connecting regulatory and active sites. Lys95, in contrast, remains unchanged upon HCO3 binding but may contribute to regulation as a positively charged HCO3 docking spot. We tested these roles by determining the HCO3 potencies on sAC-cat variants with Arg176 and Lys95 mutated to Ala (individually and in concert). Arg176Ala showed significantly decreased sensitivity for the activator, with the EC50 elevated to >30 mM compared with 12 mM for WT sAC (Fig. 3C), consistent with its role as a lever connecting regulatory and active sites. The Lys95Ala mutant exhibited diminished specific activity in the presence of Mg-ATP, suggesting it plays additional roles in catalysis, but it also showed decreased HCO3 affinity (EC50 = 19 mM), consistent with its role in coordinating HCO3. As expected, the Lys95Ala/Arg176Ala double mutant, which disrupted both HCO3 interacting side chains, showed no detectable HCO3 activation (no EC50 could be determined; Fig. 3C). Bisulfite and biselenite, whose geometry differs slightly from HCO3, do not activate the enzyme (Fig. S2E). Both bind in the BBS slightly differently from HCO3 (Fig. S2 C and D), and neither triggered release of the Arg176 lever (Fig. 3D), supporting that its rearrangement mediates activation. Other anions can occupy the BBS without triggering the Arg176 lever. In apo sAC, an acetate from the crystallization solution was bound in the BBS, whereas in sAC/ApCpp crystals, a strong spherical density observed next to Arg176 was modeled as a chloride anion (Fig. 2A) based on signal strength and crystallization drop content. High concentrations of chloride and acetate did not stimulate sAC but showed weak interference with sAC activation by HCO3 (Fig. S2E). Thus, of the BBS-binding anions tested, only HCO3 stimulates sAC activity and triggers release of the Arg176 lever and formation of the open state of the cation sites.

In contrast to the stable HCO3 complex obtained with apo sAC crystals, soaking the sAC/ApCpp crystals with HCO3 decreased diffraction power and resulted in an unchanged complex, with ApCpp and Cl, but not HCO3, bound in the active site and BBS and with Arg176 in the nonactivated conformation (Table S3). In contrast, soaking sAC/ApCpp crystals with bisulfite, which did not induce the Arg176 side-chain shift in apo sAC, resulted in well-defined additional density in the sAC/ApCpp complex (Fig. 3E); thus, nonactivating ligands can still occupy the BBS in the presence of substrate. This observation indicates that activator binding in the presence of substrate involves a protein conformation not compatible with the packing of our crystals, and we even conjecture that activator and substrate do not form stable complexes with sAC concomitantly. We rather speculate that (i) bicarbonate binds before the substrate, preparing the active site for productive ATP binding, and/or (ii) bicarbonate binding to the enzyme/substrate complex supports turnover and possibly product release. Active site preparation for productive ATP binding could explain how HCO3 relieves substrate inhibition (8). In this model, substrate binding might expel the activator, which would explain the relatively low affinity of HCO3, a feature required due to its high physiological concentrations. Binding measurements in presence of Ca2+, which does not support sAC activity in absence of Mg2+, show that HCO3 increases the ATP affinity of sAC-cat (Fig. 3F), consistent with the activator supporting substrate binding by enabling ion site formation. In addition to the Arg176 flip toward HCO3 in apo sAC, HCO3 induces Phe338 to insert into a pocket formed by Met300/419 (Fig. S2F). This conformational change widens the active site entrance, which could also facilitate substrate binding. The fact that HCO3 increases Vmax while leaving Km unchanged (8) would be consistent with a catalytic substrate distortion, already predicted to be responsible for discrimination between ATP and GTP, if the distortion starts during binding. Indeed, HCO3 increased the affinity for cAMP while decreasing the affinity for PPi (Fig. 3F), suggesting HCO3 changes binding of the adenosine and PPi moieties. Such changes would be expected if substrate stretching supports cAMP/PPi separation. Alternatively, the activator could stimulate turnover and/or product release after substrate binding. The loss in diffraction power for sAC/ApCpp upon HCO3 soaking might suggest a function in turnover but could also be a nonspecific effect, and the diminished PPi affinity in presence of HCO3 (Fig. 3F) would support a model where the activator facilitates product release. This model is most consistent with previous kinetic data suggesting PPi release as a potential rate-limiting step in tmACs (38), and with our observation that only PPi was retained in the active site when sAC-cat apo crystals were soaked with ATP/Mg2+. The models may not be mutually exclusive; bicarbonate may bind before the substrate to prepare for productive ATP binding and also after the substrate to support catalysis and PPi release.

Pharmacological sAC modulation has potential therapeutic applications (1921, 39), and because artificially manipulating the natural activator bicarbonate is problematic in physiological systems, sAC-selective modulators would facilitate in vivo studies. In tmAC, the space corresponding to the hydrophilic sAC BBS between Arg176 (Asn in tmAC) and Lys95 is blocked by a hydrophobic residue (Leu438 in tmACV-C1, interacting with Phe338). Such molecular differences result in a shifted, larger, and more hydrophobic tmAC site accommodating forskolin (Fig. 1D), and although the BBS should also allow targeting sAC with specific drugs, it appears to be too small for typical drug-like molecules. In an attempt to identify a pharmacological approach to exploit the sAC BBS, we therefore tested 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS), which has effects on cellular HCO3/pH systems normally attributed to inhibition of bicarbonate transporters (40). We speculated that DIDS’s sulfonates might mimic HCO3 and allow inhibitory binding to BBS and additional regulatory site regions. DIDS indeed inhibited sAC in a dose-dependent manner, with an IC50 of 43 ± 6 μM (Fig. 4A). In the presence of HCO3, the DIDS concentration–response was shifted to the right, resulting in a DIDS IC50 of 130 ± 9 μM in presence of 80 mM HCO3, which shows that DIDS inhibition is indeed competitive with HCO3. Soaking sAC-cat apo crystals with DIDS yielded strong difference density in three binding sites, which were all well modeled with the inhibitor (resolution of 1.9 Å; Fig. 4B and Table S3). Soaking at lower DIDS concentrations excluded a crystal contact site (labeled as III in Fig. 4B). Activity assays with varying ATP and DIDS concentrations showed competition between substrate and inhibitor (Fig. 4C), indicating that the internal DIDS site (labeled as I in Fig. 4B), blocking the active site entrance and overlapping with the ATP site, is relevant for inhibition (Fig. 4D). Although not reaching the BBS, the inhibitor blocks its access and traps the Arg176 side chain and the BBS-bound acetate (Fig. 4E). DIDS binds with its aromatic rings and stilbene unit to a hydrophobic cleft at the active site entrance formed by Phe296/336/338, Ala415, Leu345, and Val411 on one side and Phe45, Ala97/100, and Leu102 on the other side (Fig. 4E). The distortion of the DIDS aromatic rings from coplanarity might indicate a strained conformation, and thus potential for compound improvement. Electrostatic interactions to the sulfonyl groups are formed by Arg416 (4.8 Å) and Arg176 (3.8 Å); however, their interaction geometry does not yet appear optimal, and there are no specific H-bonds except to Asp339 (2.9 Å), again suggesting that the compound could be significantly improved. Interestingly, the sAC surface has mostly negative potential, except for the active site entrance environment (Fig. 4F and Fig. S3). This positive funnel likely supports binding of the anionic substrate ATP, and it could hinder PPi release consistent with product release being rate-limiting (38). This charge distribution should also channel bicarbonate toward its binding site and guide DIDS to the enzyme’s entrance, where it blocks access for substrate and activator (Fig. 4 D and F). These results reveal the sAC entrance region as a target site for pharmacological inhibition with hydrophobic/anionic compounds.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

sAC-cat inhibition by DIDS. (A) WT human sAC-cat activity assayed at the indicated concentrations of DIDS and in the presence of increasing amounts of HCO3. DIDS IC50 determination in 0 mM HCO3 (IC50 43 μM), in 10 mM HCO3 (44 μM), in 40 mM HCO3 (85 μM), and in 80 mM HCO3 (130 μM) is shown. Error bars indicate SD (n = 3). (B) Overall structure of sAC (C1, teal; C2, cyan; linker, blue) with all three DIDS molecules (sticks) overlaid with 2Fo-Fc density (1σ). (C) sAC activity at various ATP and DIDS concentrations yields a constant Vmax (24.6 ± 3.7 nmol⋅μg−1⋅min−1) and increasing apparent Km values for ATP [0 μM DIDS (1.7 ± 0.3 mM), 25 μM DIDS (2.4 ± 0.4 mM), 50 μM DIDS (4.1 ± 0.5 mM), 100 μM DIDS (7.3 ± 2.7 mM)]. Error bars indicate SD (n = 2). (Inset) Lineweaver–Burk plot of the same data. (D) Overlay of the sAC-cat/DIDS structure (cyan) and the sAC/ApCpp complex (blue). (E) Details of the DIDS binding site in sAC show the interacting hydrophobic and positively charged residues (stick presentation) and the acetate trapped in the regulatory site. The 2Fo-Fc density around the ligands is contoured at 1σ. (F) Protein surface of sAC-cat/DIDS colored according to electrostatic potential (indicated in scale bar), with DIDS (shown as spheres) partially blocking the active site entrance. Access to the regulatory site, behind the indicated DIDS sulfonyl group, is fully blocked.

In summary, our results reveal the molecular structure of the human sAC catalytic core and its binding site for the activator bicarbonate, and they reveal insights into the sAC catalytic mechanism and how it can be regulated by physiological and pharmacological modulators.

Materials and Methods


All chemicals were obtained from Sigma if not stated differently.

Cloning, Recombinant Expression, and Purification of Human sAC Protein.

For crystallization, sAC-cat was cloned in a baculovirus with C-terminal His-tag, expressed in the Helmholtz-Protein Sample Production Facility, and purified as described in detail elsewhere (30). Shortly, His-tagged sAC-cat was expressed in Hi5 cells and purified through nickel affinity, anion exchange, and size exclusion chromatography. For activity assays, either the His-tagged protein or a GST-tagged version was used. The GST construct was generated by cloning human sAC-cat (residues 1–469) in a baculovirus vector with N-terminal GST-tag. sAC-cat single-site variants were made with this construct using the QuikChange protocol. WT and mutant sAC-cat were expressed in Hi5 cells through infection for 48 h, followed by centrifugation at 5,000 × g for 15 min. Cells were lysed in 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 1 mM DTT, 150 mM NaCl, 10 μg/mL aprotinin/leupeptin, and 1 mM PMSF, and cytosol was generated at 50,000 × g for 30 min at 4 °C. The only AC activity remaining in the supernatant was due to the expressed sAC.

Crystallization and Structure Solution.

sAC-cat was crystallized in its apo form in hanging drops at 4 °C with 500 μL as reservoir solution. Further details are described by Kleinboelting et al. (30). Crystals were cryoprotected through soaking in 100 mM sodium acetate (pH 4.8), 200 mM trisodium-citrate, 18% (wt/vol) PEG 4000, 20% (vol/vol) glycerol, and a complete diffraction dataset for an sAC-cat apo crystal in space group P63 was collected at 100 K at the Berlin Electron Storage Ring Society for Synchrotron Radiation synchrotron beamline 14.1 (BESSY BL14.1) operated by Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (41). All diffraction data were processed with X-ray Detector Software (XDS) (42) (Tables S1S3). For phase determination, sAC-cat apo crystals were soaked with 0.05 mM thiomersal (5-h soak), 1 mM HgCl2 (1-h soak), and 10 mM Pb(II)-acetate (24-h soak) under various conditions (compound concentration, soaking time) at 4 °C in cryoprotection solution, and a complete diffraction dataset was collected at BESSY BL14.1 at the absorption maximum of the respective heavy atom. Heavy atom sites were identified with Phenix-Hyss (43) for a mercury (two sites) and lead derivative (one site), respectively. The quality of single anomalous diffraction phases from either derivative was insufficient for model building, but using native data and the isomorphous mercury derivative dataset for SIRAS phasing in Phenix-Autosol resulted in excellent experimental phases. An incomplete initial sAC-cat model (395 residues) could be built automatically using the Phenix Autobuild option with an overall model map correlation of 81.8% and crystallographic and free residuals (Rcryst and Rfree) values of 28% and 30%, respectively. Manual model building was done in Coot (44), and refinement was done in Refmac (45). Model quality was analyzed in Coot, and structure figures were generated in PyMOL (Schrödinger LLC). Electrostatic surfaces were calculated with the Adaptive Poisson–Boltzmann Solver algorithm (46) in PyMOL.

To obtain an sAC-cat structure in complex with ATP analog, the protein was cocrystallized with 7.5 mM ApCpp in 100 mM phosphate/citrate (pH 4.2), 200 mM NaCl, and 24% (wt/vol) PEG 8000 seeded with apo sAC-cat crystals (1:1,000 dilution of a seed stock prepared by vortexing sAC apo crystals in reservoir solution) in a 1:2:3 ratio (seeding solution/reservoir/protein). For solving a structure of sAC-cat in complex with HCO3, HSO3, or HSeO3, crystals were soaked with 40–60 mM of each substance for 4 h at 4 °C.

AC Assays.

HPLC activity assays were done with 100 ng of purified, His-tagged sAC-cat in 50 mM Tris⋅HCl (pH 8.0), 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 10 mM CaCl2, and 5 mM ATP at 37 °C. Reactions were stopped by flash-freezing and analyzed by reversed phase HPLC on a C18-column (3.5 μm, 4.6 × 50-mm XBridge columns; Waters) in 100 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.8) and 10% (vol/vol) acetonitrile, with cAMP eluting after 6.6 min at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Signal areas were integrated in LabSolutions software (Shimadzu). Measurements were done in duplicate, and data shown are representatives of at least two repetitions.

For the concentration–response experiments with bicarbonate and DIDS shown in Figs. 3D and 4A, GST-tagged sAC-cat lysate was used in a radioactivity-based assay in 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5) under the conditions indicated in a reaction containing ∼1,000,000 counts of α-32P–labeled ATP as described previously (47). Generated cAMP was purified using sequential Dowex and Alumina chromatography as described previously (48).

Binding Measurements.

Binding affinities to purified, His-tagged sAC-cats were determined by measuring microscale thermophoresis on a NanoTemper Monolith NT.label-free instrument (25% UV–light-emitting diode, 30% IR-laser power; NanoTemper Technologies). Assay buffer contained 50 mM Tris⋅HCl (pH 8), 50 mM NaCl, and 15 mM CaCl2. Kd determinations were performed in duplicate. Binding transitions were fitted with a single-site equation in GraFit (Erithacus Software).

Supplementary Material

Supporting Information


We thank the BESSY staff for technical assistance. This study was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grants STE1701/1 and STE1701/11 (to C.S.) and National Institutes of Health Grants GM62328 and HD59913 (to L.R.L. and J.B.).


Conflict of interest statement: J.B. and L.R.L. own equity interest in CEP Biotech, which has licensed commercialization of a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against sAC.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. C.W.D. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial Board.

Data deposition: The atomic coordinates and diffraction data have been deposited with the Protein Data Bank, apo (PDB ID code 4CLF), soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC)/α,β-methylene–ATP (ApCpp) (PDB ID code 4CLK), bicarbonate soak (PDB ID code 4CLL), biselenite soak (PDB ID code 4CLY), sAC/ApCpp bisulfite soak (PDB ID code 4CLW), apo bisulfite soak (PDB ID code 4CM2), apo ATP/Mg2+ soak (PDB ID code 4CLU), apo cAMP soak (PDB ID code 4CLP), apo cAMP/pyrophosphate (PPi) soak (PDB ID code 4CLT), apo 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid soak (PDB ID code 4CLZ), apo PPi soak (PDB ID code 4CLS), and sAC/ApCpp bicarbonate soak (PDB ID code 4CM0).

This article contains supporting information online at


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Supplementary Materials

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