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Tissue Engineering. Part B, Reviews logoLink to Tissue Engineering. Part B, Reviews
. 2013 Aug 22;20(2):147–162. doi: 10.1089/ten.teb.2013.0131

Tissue-Engineered Mandibular Bone Reconstruction for Continuity Defects: A Systematic Approach to the Literature

Nattharee Chanchareonsook 1,,, Rüdiger Junker 2,,3,,*, Leenaporn Jongpaiboonkit 4, John A Jansen 3
PMCID: PMC3967381  PMID: 23865639


Background: Despite significant surgical advances over the last decades, segmental mandibular bone repair remains a challenge. In light of this, tissue engineering might offer a next step in the evolution of mandibular reconstruction.

Purpose: The purpose of the present report was to (1) systematically review preclinical in vivo as well as clinical literature regarding bone tissue engineering for mandibular continuity defects, and (2) to analyze their effectiveness.

Materials and Methods: An electronic search in the databases of the National Library of Medicine and ISI Web of Knowledge was carried out. Only publications in English were considered, and the search was broadened to animals and humans. Furthermore, the reference lists of related review articles and publications selected for inclusion in this review were systematically screened. Results of histology data and amount of bone bridging were chosen as primary outcome variables. However, for human reports, clinical radiographic evidence was accepted for defined primary outcome variable. The biomechanical properties, scaffold degradation, and clinical wound healing were selected as co-outcome variables.

Results: The electronic search in the databases of the National Library of Medicine and ISI Web of Knowledge resulted in the identification of 6727 and 5017 titles, respectively. Thereafter, title assessment and hand search resulted in 128 abstracts, 101 full-text articles, and 29 scientific papers reporting on animal experiments as well as 11 papers presenting human data on the subject of tissue-engineered reconstruction of mandibular continuity defects that could be included in the present review.

Conclusions: It was concluded that (1) published preclinical in vivo as well as clinical data are limited, and (2) tissue-engineered approaches demonstrate some clinical potential as an alternative to autogenous bone grafting.


Mandibular continuity defects result from a variety of causes, including maxillofacial trauma, osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis, and resection of benign or malignant tumors.1,2 Unrepaired defects are associated with defacement, reduced masticatory capability, and loss of speech, which severely affect the patient's quality of life. Ideally, mandibular continuity defect reconstruction should not only restore the anatomical height and contour of the missing part, but should, in addition, allow re-establishment of oral function.1 Until now, autogenous bone transplantation—especially free vascularized tissue transfer—is considered a “gold standard of care” for mandibular reconstruction in patients undergoing major ablative surgery.2–4 In principle, autogenous bone grafts provide all critical factors for bone regeneration, such as a scaffold for osteo-conduction, growth factors for osteo-induction, and cells for osteogenesis.5 However, the major problem of this approach is the requirement of autogenous donor tissue, which results, for example, in donor-site morbidity.6 Moreover, despite the availability of various reconstructive methods by means of autogenous tissue, perfect mandibular reconstruction, including restoration of continuity, sensation, dentition, soft tissue, function, and aesthetics, is still not achievable.1,2 As a consequence, mandibular bone reconstruction still remains a challenge.2

However, development of reliable tissue engineering techniques might offer a next step in the evolution of mandibular reconstruction.2,7 By definition, tissue engineering was defined as an interdisciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and the life sciences toward the development of biological substitutes which restore, maintain, or improve tissue function.8 Bone tissue engineering is a relatively new method that uses scaffolds, bioactive substances, and/or cells/tissues with osteogenic potential.1 Ideally, the scaffolds should be (1) three dimensional and highly porous with an interconnected pore network for cell growth and flow transport of nutrients and metabolic waste as well as (2) biocompatible and bioresorbable with a controllable degradation and resorption rate to match cell or tissue growth. Furthermore, these scaffolds should possess (3) suitable surface chemistry for cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation, and (4) mechanical properties to match those of the tissues at the site of implantation.9 At present, a multitude of scaffolds made of various material10–19 in combination with bioactive substances or osteogenic bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs)10,20–26 to initiate or enhance bone formation15–17,19,27–33 are under study.

In 2006, Ikada defined a concept on methodology in tissue engineering as (1) placing the construct scaffold in a bioreactor to reconstruct an engineered tissue in vitro called in vitro (or ex vivo) tissue engineering and (2) implantation of the construct scaffold in the body until a new tissue is regenerated in vivo called in vivo (or in situ) tissue engineering.34 However, the construct completely lacks a pre-existing vasculature. Cell survival and tissue formation will depend on local vasculature and the speed at which a fully functional vascular supply will be developed.35 This makes that the reconstruction of large-volume defects, such as mandibular continuity defects, remains challenging. Therefore, vascularization concepts gain interest and the combination of tissue engineering approaches with flap prefabrication techniques. This may eventually allow application of bone-tissue substitutes grown in vivo with the advantage of minimal donor site morbidity as compared with conventional vascularized bone grafts.12 This review included the concepts of tissue engineering using axial vascularization in engineered bone tissues.

Nonetheless, to the best of the authors' knowledge, animal experiments as well as clinical case reports or studies on the subject of bone tissue engineering for mandibular continuity defects are currently neither systematically reviewed nor synopsized.

Therefore, the purpose of the present report was (1) to review systematically preclinical in vivo and clinical literature regarding bone tissue engineering for mandibular continuity defects, and (2) to analyze their effectiveness.

Materials and Methods

Study design

The scientific, preclinical in vivo and clinical literature regarding tissue engineered approaches for mandibular bone regeneration in continuity defects (i.e., segmental mandibular defects or total mandibular condyle replacements) was systematically reviewed.

Outcome variables

In principle, for animal experiments as well as human reports, macroscopical or histological or histomorphometric data on the amount of total bone defect bridging were chosen as a primary outcome variable. However, for human reports, clinical and/or radiographic evidence of the restoration of mandibular continuity was accepted as a surrogate outcome variable for the presently defined primary outcome variable. Concomitantly, histological or histomorphometric data of bone ingrowth, results of biomechanical testing, histological or histomorphometric records of scaffold degradation as well as clinical wound healing were selected as co-outcome variables.

Inclusion/exclusion criteria

In general, only animal in vivo experiments and human reports presenting macroscopical or histological or histomorphometric data on the amount of total bone defect bridging, histological or histomorphometric data of bone ingrowth, results of biomechanical testing, histological or histomorphometric data of scaffold degradation or information related to clinical wound healing, as well as human reports presenting clinical and/or radiographic evidence of restoration of mandibular continuity were included.

The following detailed inclusion criteria were used:

  • 1. Research paper presenting in vivo animal data;

  • 2. Research paper presenting human data;

  • 3. Defect characteristics should be clearly stated;

  • 4. Implantation site should be clearly mentioned;

  • 5. Reconstructive technique (i.e.: tissue engineering) should be clearly stated;

  • 6. Healing period should be clearly stated;

  • 7. The animal model used should be described conspicuously (species, age);

  • 8. Amount of total bone defect bridging, and/or percentage of bone ingrowths, and/or results of biomechanical testing, and/or percentage scaffold degradation, and/or information related to clinical wound healing had to be presented;

  • 9. For human reports, clinical and/or radiographic evidence of restoration of mandibular continuity had to be presented

Studies that did not meet all the inclusion criteria mentioned earlier, for example, ex-vivo studies or studies not addressing tissue-engineered approaches for mandibular bone regeneration in continuity defects, were excluded.

Search strategy

An electronic search in the database of the National Library of Medicine ( up to September 30, 2012 was carried out. Only publications in English were considered, and the search was broadened to animals and humans. The following search strategy was applied: ((“tissue engineering”[MeSH Terms] OR (“tissue”[All Fields] AND “engineering”[All Fields]) OR “tissue engineering”[All Fields]) OR (“tissue scaffolds”[MeSH Terms] OR (“tissue”[All Fields] AND ”scaffolds”[All Fields]) OR “tissue scaffolds”[All Fields] OR (“tissue”[All Fields] AND “scaffold”[All Fields]) OR “tissue scaffold”[All Fields]) OR (“reconstructive surgical procedures”[MeSH Terms] OR (“reconstructive”[All Fields] AND “surgical”[All Fields] AND “procedures”[All Fields]) OR “reconstructive surgical procedures”[All Fields] OR “reconstruction”[All Fields]) OR (“bone morphogenetic proteins”[MeSH Terms] OR (“bone”[All Fields] AND “morphogenetic”[All Fields] AND “proteins”[All Fields]) OR “bone morphogenetic proteins”[All Fields] OR (“bone”[All Fields] AND “morphogenetic”[All Fields] AND “protein”[All Fields]) OR “bone morphogenetic protein”[All Fields]) OR (“bone marrow cells”[MeSH Terms] OR (“bone”[All Fields] AND “marrow”[All Fields] AND “cells”[All Fields]) OR “bone marrow cells”[All Fields]) OR (“intercellular signaling peptides and proteins”[MeSH Terms] OR (“intercellular”[All Fields] AND “signaling”[All Fields] AND “peptides”[All Fields] AND “proteins”[All Fields]) OR “intercellular signaling peptides and proteins”[All Fields] OR (“growth”[All Fields] AND “factors”[All Fields]) OR “growth factors”[All Fields])) AND ((“mandible”[MeSH Terms] OR “mandible”[All Fields]) OR ((“mandible”[MeSH Terms] OR “mandible”[All Fields] OR “mandibular”[All Fields]) AND (“Continuity”[Journal] OR “continuity”[All Fields]) AND defect [All Fields])).

In addition, the ISI Web of Knowledge database was searched operating the same MeSH terms. Again, only publications in English reporting on animal experiments and human studies were considered.

Furthermore, the reference lists of related review articles and publications selected for inclusion in this review were systematically screened.

Study selection

Two independent reviewers (N.C. and L.J.) initially screened the publication titles and abstracts as identified by the electronic as well as manual search for possible inclusion. Full texts of all papers that were considered eligible for inclusion by one or both of the reviewers were obtained for further assessment against the stated inclusion criteria (Fig. 1). Both reviewers used an identical data extraction form to acquire the data independently. Any disagreement between the reviewers regarding inclusion of a certain publication or data extraction was resolved by discussion.

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

Selection process.


Study selection

The electronic search in the databases of the National Library of Medicine and ISI Web of Knowledge resulted in the identification of 6727 and 5017 titles, respectively.

As already mentioned, these titles were initially screened by two independent reviewers (N.C. and L.J.) for possible inclusion. In order not to exclude scientific reports unintended, title screening as well as abstract assessment was accomplished to identify articles reporting, in general, on mandibular defect reconstruction (i.e., noncontinuity as well as continuity defects). Title assessment and hand search resulted in the final selection of 128 abstracts, 101 full-text articles, and 40 scientific papers reporting on tissue-engineered reconstruction of mandibular continuity defects that could be included in the present review (Fig. 1, Tables 1–4). Regarding data extraction and interpretation, any disagreement between the reviewers was resolved by discussion.

Table 1.

Excluded Articles: Reporting on Noncontinuity Defects

No Year Authors Journal
 1. 1998 Schliephake et al.36 J Oral Maxillofac Surg 56, 616, 1998.
 2. 2002 Fisher et al.37 Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint 2002 Oct 1, pp. 827–828.
 3. 2002 Chu et al.38 Biomaterials 23, 1283, 2002.
 4. 2003 Gröger et al.39 Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 37, 129, 2003.
 5. 2003 Nakahara et al.40 Tissue Eng 9, 153, 2003.
 6. 2004 Abukawa et al.41 J Oral Maxillofac Surg 62, 601, 2004.
 7. 2004 Yamada et al.42 Cell Transplant 13, 343, 2004.
 8. 2004 Yamada et al.43 Clin Oral Implants Res 15, 589, 2004.
 9. 2005 Ito et al.44 J Biomed Mater Res Part A 73, 63, 2005.
10. 2005 Li et al.45 Aust N Z J Surg 75, 1017, 2005.
11. 2005 Marei et al.46 Tissue Eng 11, 751, 2005.
12. 2005 Meyer et al.47 Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 20, 882, 2005.
13. 2005 Ren et al.48 J Biomed Mater Res Part A 74, 562, 2005.
14. 2006 Ito et al.49 Clin Oral Implants Res 17, 579, 2006.
15. 2007 Mylonas et al.50 J Prosthodont 16, 421, 2007.
16. 2007 Ren et al.51 J Biomater Sci Polym Ed 18, 505, 2007.
17. 2007 Rai et al.52 J Oral Maxillofac Surg 65, 2195, 2007.
18. 2007 Wang et al.53 Biomaterials 28, 3338, 2007.
19. 2007 Zhang et al.54 Biomaterials 28, 4635, 2007
20. 2008 Kuznetsov et al.55 Biomaterials 29, 4211,2008
21. 2008 Tang et al.56 Cell Biol Int 32, 1150, 2008.
22. 2008 Wang et al.57 J Clin Rehab Tissue Eng Res 12, 9762,2008.
23. 2009 Abukawa et al.58 J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67, 335, 2009.
24. 2009 Appleford et al.59 J Biomed Mater Res Part A 89, 1019, 2009.
25. 2009 d'Aquino et al.60 Eur Cells Mater 18, 75, 2009.
26. 2009 Guo et al.61 Acta Biomater 5, 268, 2009.
27. 2009 Jiang et al.62 Biomaterials 30, 4522, 2009.
28. 2009 Schliephake et al.63 Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 38, 166, 2009.
29. 2009 Schuckert et al.64 Tissue Eng Part A 15, 493, 2009.
30. 2009 Shi et al.65 J Biomater Appl 23, 331, 2009.
31. 2009 Wang et al.66 Biomaterials 30, 2489, 2009.
32. 2009 Yao et al.67 J Biomed Mater Res Part B Appl Biomater 91, 805, 2009.
33. 2009 Yoshimi et al.68 J Craniofac Surg 20, 1523, 2009.
34. 2009 Zhang et al.69 Biomed Mater 4, 045007, 2009.
35. 2009 Zhang et al.70 J Controlled Release 136, 172, 2009.
36. 2009 Zhao et al.71 Bone 45, 517, 2009.
37. 2009 Zheng et al.72 J Dent Res 88, 249, 2009.
38. 2010 Gallego et al.73 Tissue Eng Part A 16, 1179, 2010.
39. 2010 Huang et al.74 J Biomed Mater Res Part A 95, 993, 2010.
40. 2010 Li et al.75 J Biomed Mater Res Part A 95, 973, 2010.
41. 2010 Parrilla et al.76 Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 137, 463, 2011.
42. 2010 Ribeiro et al.77 J Clin Periodontol 37, 1128, 2010.
43. 2010 Zhao et al.78 Oral Diseases 16, 46, 2010.
44. 2011 Dormer et al.79 J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69, e50, 2011.
45. 2011 Kohgo et al.80 Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 31, e9, 2011.
46. 2011 Ito et al.81 Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 26, 947, 2011.
47. 2011 Parrilla et al.82 Head Neck 32, 310, 2010.
48. 2011 Yamada et al.83 Cell Transplant 20, 1003, 2011.
49. 2011 Zhu et al.84 Osteoarthritis Cartilage 19, 743, 2011.
50. 2012 Yeo et al.85 Clin Oral Implants Res 23, 1322, 2012.
51. 2012 Vahabi et al.86 Chang Gung Med J 35, 28, 2012.
52. 2012 Zhou et al.87 Mater Sci Eng C 32, 994, 2012.
53. 2012 Zou et al.88 PLoS One 7, e32355, 2012.

Table 2.

Excluded Articles: Reasons Others Than Reporting on Noncontinuity Defects

No Year Authors Titles Journal Reason(s) for excluding Articles
1. 1997 Schliephake and Langner89 Reconstruction of the mandible by prefabricated autogenous bone grafts—an experimental study in minipigs. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 26, 244, 1997. Defect characteristics not clearly indicated
2. 2001 Terheyden et al.90 Mandibular reconstruction with a prefabricated vascularized bone graft using recombinant human osteogenic protein-1: an experimental study in miniature pigs. Part I: Prefabrication. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 30, 373, 2001. No mandibular reconstruction
3. 2003 Abu-Serriah et al.91 The role of ultrasound in monitoring reconstruction of mandibular continuity defects using osteogenic protein-1 (rhOP-1). Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 32, 619, 2003. Supplement report of Abu-Serriah et al.19
4. 2003 Marei et al.92 Fabrication of polymer root form scaffolds to be utilized for alveolar bone regeneration. Tissue Eng 9, 713, 2003. No mandibular reconstruction
5. 2008 Young et al.93 Development and characterization of a rabbit alveolar bone nonhealing defect model. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 86, 182, 2008. No mandibular reconstruction
6. 2008 Ko et al.94 In vitro osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells and in vivo bone formation in composite nanofiber meshes. Tissue Eng Part A 14, 2105, 2008. No mandibular reconstruction
7. 2010 Glied and Kraut.95 Off-label use of rhBMP-2 for reconstruction of critical-sized mandibular defects. N Y State Dent J 76, 32, 2010. Reconstruction technique not clearly mentioned
8. 2011 Matsushima et al.96 The nature and role of periosteum in bone and cartilage regeneration. Cells Tissues Organs 194, 320, 2011. No mandibular reconstruction

Table 3.

Characteristics of the Included Articles Reporting on Continuity Defects in Animal Experiments

        Defect   Osteogenic cells or tissues    
No Year Authors Species model Carrier BMPs→[total dosage] Healing period Considered outcome variables
 1. 1991 Toriumi et al.97 Dog Body Inactive dog bone matrix rhBMP-2 [0.25 mg] 3 and 6 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
 2. 1996 Boyne29 Monkey Body Collagen rhBMP-2 [not mentioned] 5 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
 3. 1999 Toriumi et al.98 Dog Body poly(lactide-co-glycolide) rhBMP-2 [not mentioned] 3 and 30 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
 4. 1999 Boyne et al.99 Monkey Body collagen sponge rhBMP-2 [not mentioned] 5 and 16 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
 5. 2001 Schliephake et al.100 Sheep Body Pyrolized bovine bone Autogenous osteoprogenitor cells 5 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone ingrowths
 6. 2001 Boyne101 Monkey Body Collagen rhBMP-2 [not mentioned] 5 and 6 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
 7. 2001 Seto et al.102 Monkey Body Poly-D,L-lactic coglycolic acid rhBMP-2 [3.0, 2.5, or 1.0 mg] 16 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
 8. 2002 Seto et al.31 Dog Body Poly-D,L-lactic coglycolic acid-coated gelatin sponge rhBMP-2 [not mentioned] 0, 4, 12, 24 and 48 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
 9. 2002 Marukawa et al.103 Monkey Body Poly-D,L-lactic coglycolic acid-coated gelatin sponge rhBMP-2 [9 mg] 15 and 30 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
10. 2004 Kontaxis et al.16 Sheep Body Collagen rhBMP-7 [not mentioned] 3 months Bone bridging
11. 2004 Wang et al.33 Minipigs Body Carboxymethylcellulose stabilized collagenous matrix rhBMP-7 [3 mg] 12 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
12. 2005 Fennis et al.104 Goat Angle Poly-(D,L- lactide) tray Autogenous particulate bone graft mixed with platelet-rich plasma 6 weeks Bone bridging
                Scaffold degradation
13. 2005 Abu-Serriah et al.19 Sheep Body Collagen rhBMP-7 [≈7 mg] 3 months Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
14. 2006 Xi et al.105 Goat Body Natural coral granules rhBMP-2 [not mentioned]-induced autogenous BMSCs 16 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
15. 2006 Wu et al.106 Dog Body β-TCP rhBMP-2 [2.1 mg]-induced autogenous BMSCs 12 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
16. 2006 Seto et al.18 Monkey Body Collagen beads Collagen sponge rhBMP-2 [2 mg]-induced BMCs 24 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
17. 2007 He et al.25 Dog Body β-TCP Osteogenic-induced autogenous BMSCs 3 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone ingrowths
18. 2007 Yuan et al.4 Dog Body β-TCP Osteogenic-induced autogenous BMSCs 32 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
19. 2007 Ayoub et al.17 Sheep Body Collagen rhBMP-7 [3.5 mg] (applied in muscle for prefabrication) 3 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
20. 2007 Spector et al.32 Dog Body Collagen sponge containing HA/TCP granules (compression-resistant matrix) rhBMP-2 [2 mg] 26 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
21. 2009 Nolff et al.107 Sheep Body β-TCP Autogenous bone marrow and cancellous bone 12 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
22. 2010 El-Bialy et al.108 Rabbit Condyle Collagen sponge inserted into biodegradable urinary bladder extracellular matrix Autogenous, osteogenic, and chrondrogenic-differentiated BMSCs 4 weeks Bone ingrowths
23. 2010 Nolff et al.11 Sheep Body β-TCP Autogenous bone marrow and morselized cancellous bone 12 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Scaffold degradation
24. 2010 Jégoux et al.26 Dog Body Biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic (HA/β-TCP)—wrapped in a resorbable porcine collagen membrane Autogenous bone marrow 24 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
25. 2010 Yuan et al.10 Dog Body Natural coral Osteogenic-induced autogenous BMSCs 12 and 32 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
26. 2010 Zhou et al.109 Monkey Body Demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft or Coralline hydroxyapatite rhBMP-2 [4.5 mg] (applied in muscle for prefabrication) 26 weeks Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
27. 2012 Busuttil Naudi et al.30 Rabbit Body β-TCP rhBMP-7 [400 ng] 3 months Clinical wound healing
                Bone bridging
                Bone ingrowths
                Scaffold degradation
28. 2012 Hussein et al.110 Dog Body Collagen sponge rhBMP-2 [1.6 mg] 12 weeks Bone bridging
29. 2012 Herford et al.15 Monkey Body Collagen sponge or Collagen sponge combined with HA/TCP or ceramic/collagen composite with HA/TCP (compression-resistant matrix) rhBMP-2 [0, 6, 12 or 16 mg] 6 months Bone bridging
                Scaffold degradation

BMSC, bone marrow stromal cell; β-TCP, beta-tri calcium phosphate; rhBMP-2, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2; rhBMP-7, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-7.

Table 4.

Characteristics of the Included Articles Reporting on Continuity Defects in Human Studies

No Year Authors Number of patients Carrier Osteogenic tissues/BMPs [total dosage]
 1. 2001 Moghadam et al.111 1 Allogenic demineralized bone matrix gel Native human BMPs [200 mg]
 2. 2002 Ferretti and Ripamonti112 6 Allogenic bone matrix Xenogeneic BMPs [2–8 mg]
 3. 2004 Warnke et al.113 1 Xenogeneic bone mineral blocks Autologous bone marrow/rhBMP-7 [7 mg]
 4. 2006 Warnke et al.114 Supplement report of Warnke et al.113
 5. 2007 Herford et al.115 2 Collagen sponge Autogenous bone/rhBMP-2 [8 mg] or rhBMP-2 [8 mg]
 6. 2008 Clokie and Sandor116 10 Allogenic demineralized bone matrix in a reverse-phase medium rhBMP-7 [not mentioned]
 7. 2008 Carter et al.117 4 Collagen sponge
Collagen sponge/allogenic bone
Autogenous bone marrow/rhBMP-2 [12 mg]
rhBMP-2 [8.4 mg]
 8. 2008 Herford and Boyne118 14 Collagen sponge rhBMP-2 [4.2–6 mg]
 9. 2010 Kokemueller et al.119 1 β-TCP Autogenous bone/autogenous marrow
10. 2010 Herford and Cicciù120 1 Collagen sponge Autogenous bone/rhBMP-2 [4.2 mg]
11. 2012 Cicciù et al.121 1 Collagen sponge/allogenic bone rhBMP-2 [not mentioned]

General characteristics of the included studies

In total, 29 papers reported on animal experiments. Twenty-seven of these articles presented data on segmental mandibular body reconstruction,4,10,11,15–19,25,26,29–33,97–103,105–107,109,110 one article reported on mandibular angle reconstruction,104 and another one presented data on mandibular condyle reconstruction.108 Research was done in rabbits,30,108 sheep,11,16,17,19,100,107 goats,104,105 as well as in minipigs,33 dogs4,10,25,26,31,32,97,98,106,110, and monkeys.15,18,29,99,101–103,109 In several studies, teeth were extracted in advance, and oral mucosa was allowed to heal completely before resective surgery and reconstructive therapy.4,26,105,106 Beside the diversity in animal models, study design as well as healing periods after reconstructive surgery (range: 4–48 weeks) were not uniform. The follow-up periods were related to differences in animal species; for example, dog (12–48 weeks), monkey (16–30 weeks), sheep (12–20 weeks), rabbit (12–16 weeks), goat (6–16 weeks), and minipigs (16 weeks).

Furthermore, 11 out of the 40 articles presented human data on mandibular reconstruction.111–121

The general characteristics of the included animal and clinical studies are summarized in Tables 3 and 4.

Animal studies

Autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous osteogenic tissues

As described, bone tissue engineering is an approach that combines scaffolds with osteogenic cells/tissues and/or bioactive substances. In preclinical animal models, in principle, two different strategies for bone reconstruction in continuity defects have been intensively investigated, that is, the implantation of autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous osteogenic tissues—which contain osteoprogenitor cells and/or mesenchymal stem cells—and the application of bone morphogenetic proteins. Both were combined with a range of different carrier biomaterials.

In total, 12 scientific papers4,10,11,18,25,26,100,104–108 reporting on autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous osteogenic tissues were finally appropriate for inclusion in the current systematic review. Due to their experimental diversity, these studies are briefly summarized (Details can be found in Addendum No. 1 in Supplementary Data; Supplementary Data are available online at

In summary, autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous osteogenic tissues were primarily combined with calcium phosphate ceramic scaffolds, such as beta-tri calcium phosphate (β-TCP)4,11,25,26,106 and biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic,26 or pyrolized bovine bone100 or calcium carbonate, such as natural corals.10,105 Considering the primary outcome variable bone bridging4,11,18,26,104–107,117 as well as the co-outcome variables bone ingrowth100 and biomechanical testing,4,10,25 autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous tissues seeded onto calcium phosphate ceramic scaffolds showed in preclinical animal studies the potential of an alternative to autograft bone for mandibular bone reconstruction in continuity defects. Moreover, autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous osteogenic tissues seeded onto or mixed with collagen sponges18,108 demonstrated in preclinical animal studies promising results in terms of the primary outcome variable bone bridging18 or the co-outcome variable bone ingrowths.108 In contrast, autogenous bone precursor cells containing tissues filled in preshaped poly–D, L–lactide trays did not show such a potential as an alternative to autograft bone for mandibular bone reconstruction.104

Bone morphogenetic proteins

Furthermore, in total, 15 scientific papers15,18,29,31,32,97–99,101–103,105,106,109,110 reporting on recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as well as five publications16,17,19,30,33 presenting data on recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-7 (rhBMP-7) were eventually included in the current systematic approach. Thereby, the brief summarized studies of Kontaxis et al.,16 Abu-Serriah et al.,19 Boyne,29,101 Busuttil Naudi et al.,30 and Toriumi et al.97 may give a good general impression of the effectiveness of rhBMPs regarding the quantity as well as quality of induced bone for the reconstruction of continuity mandibular defects (Details can be found in Addendum No. 2 in Supplementary Data).

In summary, rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-7 were studied in combination with collagen/collagen composite scaffolds,15–19,29,32,33,99,101,108,110 poly-D,L-lactide coglycolic acid based carriers.31,98,102,103 β-TCP30, as well as coralline hydroxyapatite109 and allogenic bone matrix.97 Regarding the primary outcome variable bone bridging15–19,29–33,97–99,101–103,109,110 as well as the co-outcome variables bone ingrowths17–19,29,30,32,33,97–99,109 and biomechanical testing,16,19,30,33,97 rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-7 demonstrated in preclinical animal studies their potential as an alternative to autograft bone for mandibular bone reconstruction in continuity defects. However, the published results were not uniform. It should be mentioned that in different reports, rhBMP-2 or rhBMP-7 combined with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft,109 polyglycolic co-lactic acid,102 and a bovine collagen type I carrier wrapped into a sterno-occipitalis muscle flap17 were not associated with predictable defect bridging.

In line with these results are the reported effects of rhBMP-215,31,32,98,99,103,110 and rhBMP-733 for mandibular bone regeneration in continuity defects. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that rhBMP-2, in the reports of Zhou et al.109 and Seto et al.,102 as well as rhBMP-7, in the paper of Ayoub et al.,17 have not always been associated with bony union. Likewise, in the paper of Ayoub et al.,17 rhBMP-7 was not in all animals associated with complete bone regeneration.

Human case report

In addition to animal experiments, bone tissue engineering for reconstruction of mandibular continuity defects has been investigated in humans. Similar to preclinical models, considerable interest for therapeutic use has been focused on the application of autogenous osteogenic tissues or bone morphogenetic proteins, both of which are combined with a range of different carrier biomaterials. In total, 11 scientific papers111–121 reporting on 10 different investigation entities were finally included in the current systematic review.

Autogenous osteogenic tissues and bone morphogenetic proteins (Details can be found in Addendum No. 3 in Supplementary Data)

In summary, transplantation of tissue-engineered autogenous osteogenic tissues without additional application of osteoinductive BMPs119 or in combination with rhBMP-2115,117,120 as well as rhBMP-7110,111 was associated with restored mandibular continuity in five cases, but in one case,117 no bony union was observed. Furthermore, in 16 patients in some reports,115,118,121 osteoinductive rhBMP-2 loaded onto different biomaterials without concomitant transplantation of autogenous osteogenic tissue was followed by restored mandibular continuity. Again, this did not occur in one subject.117 Moreover, in 10 patients rhBMP-7,116 in one patient native human BMPs111 and in two patients xenogeneic BMPs112 without concurrent transplantation of autogenous osteogenic tissue were associated with reconstructed mandibular continuity. However, this was not observed in four subjects treated with xenogeneic BMPs.112


Currently, bone tissue engineering can be considered a highly promising approach and as an alternative bone source. Well-performed in vitro and in vivo experiments are essential to determine the suitability of the chosen concept and to understand the risks before proceeding into the clinical trial.122,123 In vitro studies require a desired monitored environment that mimics the dynamics of the in vivo condition by a controlled homogeneity of nutrients media (also in terms of pH/osmolarity), additional osteogenic stimuli(s), and providing a physical stimulation as relevant key components for bone construction.124 However, the in vitro condition is unable to provide physiological function and is never exactly the same condition as the in vivo one.124 The results from in vitro studies do not give direct information or can be difficult to infer from the in vivo situation,125 but are rather considered baseline properties.126 For this reason, the use of animal models is often an essential step in the testing of tissue engineering before clinical use.

The aims of the present report were to review systematically preclinical in vivo as well as clinical literature regarding bone tissue engineering for mandibular continuity defects and to analyze the effectiveness of this approach for the treatment of mandibular continuity defects.

In total, 29 publications reporting on animal experiments and 11 papers presenting human cases could be included in the present systematic review. The evaluated articles of the first part of the current review report on tissue-engineered reconstructions of segmental mandibular body, angle, or condyle defects in different animal species. Thus, autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous osteogenic tissues were primarily combined with calcium phosphate ceramic scaffolds. Regarding bone bridging, bone ingrowth, as well as biomechanical testing, these tissue-engineered approaches demonstrated a certain potential as an alternative to autograft bone for mandibular bone reconstruction in continuity defects. In principle, these results were not unexpected and were in line with the literature for bone tissue engineering in general. It is well known that BMSCs are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into various osteogenic lineage cells.127 Furthermore, their osteogenic potential has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. Consequently, BMSCs became a major seed cell source for bone tissue engineering. Moreover, many previous studies have succeeded in repairing bone defects by using BMSCs in animal models as well as in humans.24,127–129

Besides, due to their compositional similarities to bone mineral, their excellent biocompatibility, osteoconductivity, as well as drug delivery potential, calcium phosphates, especially tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite, are the most widely used bone substitutes in bone tissue engineering.127 Moreover, BMSCs seeded onto calcium phosphate scaffolds induced ectopic bone formation in a mice model.129

However, the currently presented favorable data for bone tissue-engineered constructs as compared with scaffolds alone have to be interpreted with caution. In principle, sample size and thereby statistical power of the reviewed preclinical in vivo experiments tended to be low. For example, the compared 12 weeks of bone bridging and bone ingrowths106 originate from only two animals/segmental defects without statistical analysis. Another example is the 3 months data.25 Their statistically significant better biomechanical results (p<0.05) for tissue-engineered bone as compared with the scaffold alone originate from not more than three animals/segmental defects. Thus, with an assumed α-error of 0.05, post hoc analysis for, for example, compression strength reveals a statistical power as low as 0.385. Furthermore, next to autogenous bone precursor cells or autogenous osteogenic tissues, bone morphogenetic proteins (i.e.: rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-7) were studied. Predominantly, rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-7 were combined with collagen/collagen composite scaffolds. However, a few papers examined combinations with poly-D,L-lactide coglycolic acid as well as calcium phosphate carriers. Regarding bone bridging, bone ingrowth, as well as biomechanical testing, these tissue-engineered approaches displayed some potential as an alternative to autograft bone for mandibular bone reconstruction in continuity defects. However, the published results were not uniform. For example, rhBMP-2 or rhBMP-7 combined with a bovine collagen type I carrier,17 polyglycolic co-lactic acid102 as well as demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft109 were not associated with predictable defect bridging. Overall, the published outcomes for bone morphogenetic proteins were not surprising and were in line with the reports for bone tissue engineering in general. The osteoinductive potential of BMP-2 and BMP-7130 as well as the general importance of carrier selection in conjunction with growth factor application15,115,131–133 are well known. In addition, for these reviewed preclinical in vivo experiments, sample size and thereby transferability tended to be low. For instance, the 3 months bone bridging data and the found wide range of mechanical properties of Abu-Serriah et al.19 were obtained from not more than six animals/segmental defects. Another good example is the publication of Boyne.29 Their 5 months of bone bridging and bone histology data originate from only three animals/segmental defects. Unfortunately, a meta-analytical approach to increase the power of statistical analysis by pooling the results of all retrieved available trials was not feasible. Research of results that are combined in a meta-analysis should preferably be done in a similar manner. As shown in Table 3, this is clearly not the case for the presently included papers. The publications, which were eligible for inclusion in the present study, display experimental variability for the utilized animal model, the anatomical site of reconstruction, the used bone tissue engineering approach, the number of enrolled animals/defects, and the healing time after reconstruction.

Apart from BMPs, alternative growth factors may serve as potential therapeutic agents to enhance bone and cartilage formation; for example, recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), fibroblast growth factor, recombinant human growth/differentiation factor-5 (rhGDF-5), and insulin-like growth factor.134 PDGF is known to simulate angiogenesis through activation of the macrophages,134 which secrete factors cells to form new capillary sprouts. TGF-β1 has been proved to promote cartilage regeneration.79 rhGDF-5 has the potential to grow the same type of tissues as where it is naturally present. Its possibility of being used in a tissue engineering approach has been reported for the regeneration of dento-alveolar tissues.135,136

However, a single dose of an exogenous protein will not adequately induce a biologic response in compromised tissue conditions. Gene therapy is another concept in which genetic information is transferred into target cells. Subsequently, the cells synthesize the endogenous protein encoded by the gene.137 The process that involves the transfer of functional genetic information into the target cell is known as transduction. This is accomplished when the recombinant vector (virus) which contains the therapeutic DNA binds to the cell, usually via a receptor-mediated process, and then enters that cell. The DNA passes into the nucleus of the cell, where it may become integrated into the host genome or may remain extrachromosomal. The transduced cells can then produce and secrete the growth factor encoded by the DNA98-100.56,70 In this review, it was found that the use of gene therapy was being applied in the reconstruction of mandibular continuity defects in animals and humans. On the other hand, gene therapy has been reported for the repair of the mandibular condyle and temporomandibular joints and was found to support mineralized tissue formation.138–140

In the second part of the review, 11 papers, presenting human cases regarding tissue engineered reconstruction of mandibular continuity defects, were eventually included. The review included the reports on microvascular tissue transfer of prefabricated bones in the study. Although, these techniques belong to tissue regeneration, they are important for the reconstructive surgeon. Therefore, transplantation of tissue-engineered autogenous osteogenic tissues without additional application of osteoinductive BMPs or in combination with rhBMP-2/rhBMP-7 produced restored mandibular continuity in five out of six cases. Furthermore, in 29 out of 34 patients, the application of native human BMPs, xenogeneic BMPs, rhBMP-2, or rhBMP-7 without concomitant transplantation of autogenous osteogenic tissue was associated with complete bony defect bridging. Unfortunately, no direct comparison of the results with autogenous bone transplantation can be done due to lack of direct control. However, Herford and Cicciù120 stated that bone growth cytokines can be considered a predictable alternative to traditional grafting techniques. In general, these results were not astonishing and in line with the literature.15,115,141–144 Thus, it might be assumed that these tissue-engineered approaches may have, in certain selected patients, some potential as an alternative to autograft bone for mandibular bone reconstruction in continuity defects. However, it should be underlined that until now only a few successfully treated cases have been published. Furthermore, to date, the clinical predictability has to be questioned. An additional issue is the limited license of the use of rhBMP-2 in oral and maxillofacial surgery. According to the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), rhBMP-2 is not licensed for use in surgery of mandibular continuity defects and may only be applied for sinus augmentation and localized alveolar ridge augmentation.


The reviews showed a various study methodology, review period, and different control groups. Not all studies compared the finding with a reconstruction with autologous bone substitute. None of the human studies were performed as a randomized control trial study. Within the limits of this systematic approach to the literature regarding tissue-engineered bone reconstruction in continuity defects of the mandible, we conclude that (1) published preclinical in vivo as well as clinical data are limited, and (2) tissue-engineered approaches demonstrate some clinical potential as an alternative to autograft bone. The future research in this area needs to include process evaluation research in order to define the characteristics contributing to the success and failure of any intervention.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental data
Supp_Data.pdf (121.7KB, pdf)


This article was supported by the National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore.

Disclosure Statement

No competing financial interests exist.


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