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. 2014 Mar 27;9(3):e92846. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092846

Evidence of an Overweight/Obesity Transition among School-Aged Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review

Stella K Muthuri 1,2,*, Claire E Francis 1, Lucy-Joy M Wachira 3, Allana G LeBlanc 1,2, Margaret Sampson 1, Vincent O Onywera 1,3, Mark S Tremblay 1,2,3
Editor: Kaberi Dasgupta4
PMCID: PMC3968060  PMID: 24676350



Prevalence of childhood overweight/obesity has increased considerably in recent years. The transition to higher rates of overweight/obesity has been well documented in high income countries; however, consistent or representative data from lower income countries is scarce. It is therefore pertinent to assess if rates of overweight/obesity are also increasing in lower income countries, to inform public health efforts.


This systematic review aimed to investigate the evidence for an overweight/obesity transition occurring in school-aged children and youth in Sub Saharan Africa.


Studies were identified by searching the MEDLINE, Embase, Africa Index Medicus, Global Health, Geobase, and EPPI-Centre electronic databases. Studies that used subjective or objective metrics to assess body composition in apparently healthy or population-based samples of children and youth aged 5 to 17 years were included.


A total of 283 articles met the inclusion criteria, and of these, 68 were used for quantitative synthesis. The four regions (West, Central, East, and South) of Sub Saharan Africa were well represented, though only 11 (3.9%) studies were nationally representative. Quantitative synthesis revealed a trend towards increasing proportions of overweight/obesity over time in school-aged children in this region, as well as a persistent problem of underweight. Weighted averages of overweight/obesity and obesity for the entire time period captured were 10.6% and 2.5% respectively. Body composition measures were found to be higher in girls than boys, and higher in urban living and higher socioeconomic status children compared to rural populations or those of lower socioeconomic status.


This review provides evidence for an overweight/obesity transition in school-aged children in Sub Saharan Africa. The findings of this review serve to describe the region with respect to the growing concern of childhood overweight/obesity, highlight research gaps, and inform interventions.

PROSPERO Registration Number



Worldwide populations are facing “modern” health risks due to increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity (overweight/obesity), physical inactivity, and sedentary behaviours, which are associated with obesogenic environments. This has caused a shift in the major causes of death from “traditional” health risks associated with poverty such as undernutrition, unsafe water, and poor sanitation, to a growing burden of modifiable non-communicable diseases (NCDs) [1]. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies overweight/obesity as the fifth leading cause of global mortality, and one of the greatest health challenges and determinants for various chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and psychosocial problems, in the 21st century [1], [2][6]. This growing population health threat has garnered much attention in view of the declaration and global campaign on the prevention and control of NCDs signed by the United Nations in 2011 [7].

While the health benefits of maintaining healthy body weights and an active lifestyle are well established [6], consumption of calorie-dense foods, declines in habitual physical activity, and increases in sedentary behaviour have been on the rise across developing nations [8]. Traditional practices such as walking long distances, and habitual physical labour have been replaced by motorized transport, and sedentary activities, particularly in urban settings [9]. Furthermore, in many Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) countries, an increased level of body fat is associated with beauty, prosperity, health, and prestige, while in contrast, thinness is perceived to be a sign of ill health or poverty [9]. These factors are now leading to increases in the occurrence of overweight/obesity and related risk factors for NCDs in SSA's children and youth [1], [9].

The health risks associated with overweight/obesity are particularly problematic in children due to the potential for long-term health concerns. A growing body of evidence has shown that overweight/obesity in childhood is significantly associated with increased risk of obesity, physical morbidity, and premature mortality in adulthood [10], [11], [12]. Fortunately, children who are able to attain a normal weight by adolescence have better cardiovascular disease risk factor profiles when compared to those that remain overweight [10]. Childhood is therefore a crucial time to learn basic life skills, including proper nutrition, and how to accumulate sufficient levels of activity in order to attain healthy body weights.

While we must recognise the diversity of populations in SSA, there are certain long-term developmental problems in this region that tend to adversely affect most or all of its countries and peoples [13]. Being the poorest continent in the world, with the highest population growth rate, the concern for an immense double burden of disease due to persistent infectious diseases and modern risks such as an overweight/obesity transition is troubling. The need for population wide interventions to reduce or prevent the adoption of less healthy lifestyles and body weights, particularly for children in SSA has never been greater [9], [14].

The objective of this systematic review was to determine if SSA is indeed undergoing an overweight/obesity transition. Specifically, this review aimed to examine time trends in the proportions of overweight/obesity in school-aged children and youth in SSA, thereby highlighting any research gaps and identifying areas of need for healthy active living interventions.


Study inclusion criteria

Studies were included if they reported using either subjective (e.g., parent or self-report questionnaires) or objective (e.g., directly measured) measures of body composition (weight, height, body mass index, waist/hip circumference, skin-folds, or body image assessment) in children aged 5–17 years. No date or language limits were set, but due to feasibility, only studies presented in either English or French were included. In addition, only studies of populations from SSA countries were included.

Study exclusion criteria

All published, peer-reviewed studies were eligible for inclusion; however, in order to obtain information on a general population living under ordinary conditions, intervention programs and studies were excluded unless they conducted baseline assessments. Studies done on children with chronic conditions were excluded.

Search strategy

Studies were identified using the following electronic databases: Ovid MEDLINE (1948 to May, Week 4, 2013), Ovid Embase (1974 to Week 21, 2013), Africa Index Medicus (database dates not available, latest search on June 3, 2013), Global Health (1973 to June 3, 2013, through the CAB direct interface), Geobase (1884-June 3, 2013 through the Engineering Village interface), and EPPI-Centre database of health promotion research (Bibliomap) (dates of coverage not available, latest search on June 3, 2013). In addition, several open access journals relevant to SSA were identified and those journal web sites were searched for additional relevant papers. The search strategy for this systematic review was completed in tandem with a sister publication examining the evidence for a physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and physical fitness transition among school-age children and youth in SSA; hence, the inclusion of these terms in the search strategy. The search strategy was created and run by MS. The complete search strategy used for MEDLINE is presented in table 1 . The PRISMA flow chart in figure 1 accounts for the number of articles included to inform this systematic review. References were exported, de-duplicated and reviewed using Reference Manager Software (Version 11, Thompson Reuters, San Francisco, CA). Titles and abstracts of potentially relevant articles were screened by two independent reviewers (SKM and one of CEF or LJW), and full text copies were obtained for articles meeting initial screening criteria. Full text articles were screened in duplicate for inclusion in the review (SKM and one of CEF or LJW), and any discrepancies were discussed and resolved by the reviewers. This review is registered with the international prospective register of systematic reviews PROSPERO network (registration number: CRD42013004399); available at

Table 1. MEDLINE search strategy; Ovid interface.

1 exp “Africa South of the Sahara”/
2 (sub-sahar* or east afric* or south afric* or keny* or (south adj3 sahar*)).mp.
3 1 or 2
4 Inline graphic
5 Sedentary Lifestyle/
6 ((chair or sitting or car or automobile or auto or bus or indoor or in-door or screen or computer) adj time).tw.
7 low energy
8 (computer game* or video game* or ((television adj watch*) or tv watch*)).tw.
9 television/or computers/or video games/
10 (screen based entertainment or screen-based entertainment or screen time).tw.
11 physical inactivit*.tw.
12 bed
14 exp obesity/
15 (obesit* or obese).tw.
16 exp overweight/
17 (overweight or over weight).tw.
18 exp Body Fat Distribution/
19 exp body composition/
20 Waist Circumference/
21 waist
22 Skinfold Thickness/
23 (skin folds or skin fold*).tw.
24 (body composition* or BMI or body mass index).tw.
25 exp “body weights and measures”/
26 (bio-impedance analysis or BIA).tw.
27 Absorptiometry, Photon/
28 (absorptiometery or densitometry or photodensitometry or DXA or DEXA).tw.
29 Physical Fitness/
30 (physical conditioning or physical fitness).tw.
31 musculoskeletal
32 physical endurance/
33 cardiovascular
34 motor Inline graphic
35 physical exertion/
36 aerobic
37 exp sports/
38 play/
39 exp physical education/
40 musculoskeletal physiological processes/or exercise/or movement/or locomotion/or running/or swimming/or walking/or motor activity/
41 or/4-40
42 (child* or adolescent* or youth* or pediatric* or paediatric*).tw.
43 3 and 41 and 42

Note: The search strategy for this systematic review was completed in tandem with a sister publication examining the evidence for a physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and physical fitness transition among school-age children and youth in Sub Saharan Africa; hence, the inclusion of these terms in the search strategy.

Figure 1. PRISMA flow chart of search strategy results.

Figure 1

Data extraction, quality assessment, and synthesis

Data extraction was completed using a standardized data extraction template (SKM, CEF, AGL, and LJW). Study quality was assessed by SKM and CEF using a modified Downs and Black instrument [15]. Due to limitations in study design, questions selected from the Downs and Black quality assessment instrument excluded any questions that referred to intervention and trial study methodology. Ten out of the possible 27 questions were used for quality assessment as represented in table 2 . Table 3 provides the score out of ten for all studies included in this systematic review. Due to heterogeneity in study methodology and cut-points used to categorize samples into under, healthy, overweight, and obese, we were unable to carry out a meta-analysis in this review. However, quantitative syntheses were conducted by calculating the weighted averages (by sample size) of the prevalence of overweight/obesity. Our goal was to examine time trends and thereafter compute an overall prevalence of overweight/obesity in the region, by comparing the crude rates or prevalence of overweight/obesity in the individual populations or samples. As such, we attempted to standardize the crude rates by acknowledging and adjusting with respect to the sample sizes in each of the included studies, and indicating graphically the sample size upon which a particular data point was based. Findings from the quantitative synthesis were also complemented with narrative syntheses of the included studies.

Table 2. Modified Downs and Black checklist (Downs & Black, 1998).

Objective Clearly Stated Question 1 from full checklist (Y = 1/N = 0)
Main Outcomes Clearly Described Question 2 (Y = 1/N = 0)
Patient Characteristics Clearly Defined Question 3 (Y = 1/N = 0)
Main Findings Clearly Defined Question 6 (Y = 1/N = 0)
Random Variability in Estimates Provided Question 7 (Y = 1/N = 0)
Actual Probability Values Reported Question 10 (Y = 1/N = 0)
External Validity
Sample Targeted Representative of Population Question 11 (Y = 1/N = 0)
Sample Recruited Representative of Population Question 12 (Y = 1/N = 0)
Internal Validity/Bias
Statistical Tests Used Appropriately Question 18 (Y = 1/N = 0)
Primary Outcomes Valid/Reliable Question 20 (Y = 1/N = 0)

Table 3. Descriptive characteristics of included studies.

First Author Year Study Design Country Sample Size Age Range (Years) Body Composition Measure or Categorization System D&B Score
Prinsloo [104] 1964 Cross sectional South Africa 261 5–6 Weight, height 7
Sloan [105] 1967 Cross sectional South Africa 393 15–17 Weight, height 7
Smit [106] 1967 Cross sectional South Africa 2250 6–15 Weight, height, skin fold measures 7
Leary [107] 1969 Cross sectional South Africa 301 7–15 Weight, height 7
Areskog [108] 1969 Cross sectional Ethiopia 153 9–14 Weight, height, skin fold measures 7
Fisher [109] 1970 Cross sectional Zambia 195 7–16 Weight, height 7
Davies [266] 1971 Cross sectional Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) 252 7–15 Harvard standards 7
Davies [111] 1973 Cross sectional Tanzania 141 7–17 Weight, height 7
Davies [110] 1974 Cross sectional Tanzania 1038 7–16 Weight, height 7
Walker [112] 1974 Cross sectional South Africa 400 16–17 Weight, height 5
Margo [268] 1976 Cross sectional South Africa 195 5–16 None OW/OB 7
Booyens [113] 1977 Cross sectional South Africa 488 6–7 Weight, height 6
Richardson [267] 1977 Cross sectional South Africa 804 17 Harvard standards 7
Richardson [270] 1977 Cross sectional South Africa 6598 7–17 None OW/OB 6
Richardson [271] 1977 Cross sectional South Africa 4655 7, 12 and 17 None OW/OB 7
van Rensburg [272] a 1977 Cross sectional South Africa 488 6–7 None OW/OB 6
Clegg [114] 1978 Cross sectional Ethiopia 203 5–16 Weight, height 6
Coovadia [269] 1978 Cross sectional South Africa 5743 5–12 Weight, height 3
Walker [273] 1978 Cross sectional South Africa 705 10–12 None OW/OB 7
Sukkar [274] a 1979 Cross sectional Sudan 855 5–13 Tanner et al., 1966 7
Haller [154] 1980 Cross sectional Côte d'Ivoire 430 5–15 None OW/OB 6
Walker [115] 1980 Cross sectional South Africa 1240 16–17 Weight, height 7
Grassivaro [116] b , c 1980 Cross sectional Somalia 1206 6–17 Weight, height 9
Rao [117] b 1981 Cross sectional Zambia 2487 5–17 Weight, height 7
Carswell [275] 1981 Cross sectional Tanzania 238 10–14 Tanner et al., 1966 6
Singer [118] 1981 Cross sectional Namibia 306 5–17 Weight, height 7
Oyemade [276] 1981 Cross sectional Nigeria 353 6–14 None OW/OB 7
Griffin [277] 1982 Cross sectional Kenya 109 7–13 Other NCHS based system 7
Nnanyelugo [155] 1982 Cross sectional Nigeria 1347 6–15 Weight, height 7
Kulin [119] 1982 Cross sectional Kenya 656 10–17 Weight, height 7
Sukkar [278] 1982 Mixed Sudan 1864 5–14 Harvard standards 7
Power [279] b , c 1982 Cross sectional South Africa 790 6–8 Other NCHS based system 9
Richardson [280] b , c 1983 Cross sectional South Africa 1337 8, 11, 14, and 17 Harvard standards 9
Akesode [281] 1983 Cross sectional Nigeria 394 6–17 Other categorization system 7
Little [120] 1983 Cross sectional Kenya 265 5–17 Weight, height 7
Ng'andu [282] 1984 Cross sectional Zambia 374 7–14 Other WHO based system 6
Rekart [121] 1985 Cross sectional Sudan 227 13–17 Weight, height 6
Stephenson [122] 1985 Cross sectional Kenya 12 7–15 Weight, height, skin fold measures 7
Ndamba [123] 1986 Cross sectional Zimbabwe 147 8–15 Weight, height 7
Ogunranti [124] 1986 Cross sectional Nigeria 1165 5–12 Weight 7
Corlett [125] 1986 Cross sectional Botswana 721 6–14 Weight, height 7
Adams-Campbell [126] 1987 Cross sectional Nigeria 254 6–17 BMI 7
Wagstaff [243] 1987 Longitudinal South Africa 864 5–14 NCHS reference 6
Villiers [244] 1987 Cross sectional South Africa 375 10–17 NCHS reference 7
Ogunranti [127] 1987 Cross sectional Nigeria 600 5–10 Mid upper arm circumference 5
Corlett [128] 1988 Cross sectional Botswana 612 7–12 Weight, height 7
Corlett [129] 1988 Cross sectional Botswana 483 7–14 Weight, height 7
Adeniran [130] 1988 Cross sectional Nigeria 18 13–17 Weight, height, body fat % 7
Adeniran [131] 1988 Cross sectional Nigeria 23 13–17 Weight, height, body fat % 7
Jacobs [283] 1988 Cross sectional South Africa 430 5–10 Other NCHS based system 6
Sigman [16] 1989 Longitudinal Kenya 138 7 and 8 Weight z-scores 7
Prazuck [132] b , c 1989 Cross sectional Mali 844 15–17 Weight, height 9
Ekpo [17] 1990 Cross sectional Nigeria 1552 5–16 BMI 6
Walker [284] b , c 1991 Cross sectional South Africa 1015 14–17 Other NCHS based system 7
Neumann [18] 1992 Cross sectional Kenya 133 7–9 Weight, height 7
Ng'andu [133] 1992 Cross sectional Zambia 372 7–16 BMI 7
Benefice [19] 1992 Cross sectional Senegal 100 9–14 BMI 7
Goduka [134] 1992 Cross sectional South Africa 300 5–6 Weight, height 7
Adams-Campbell [20] 1992 Longitudinal Nigeria 208 6–17 Skin fold measures 7
Williams [21] 1992 Cross sectional Kenya and Nigeria 350 10–15 BMI 6
Ng'andu [285] 1992 Cross sectional Zambia 800 12–17 Nominal/adjusted classification system 7
Oli [135] 1994 Cross sectional Ethiopia 1850 7–14 Weight, height 7
McDonald [22] 1994 Longitudinal Kenya 138 7–8 Weight z-scores 8
Lawless [23] 1994 Longitudinal Kenya 86 6–11 Weight z-scores 7
Mabrouk [136] 1995 Cross sectional Sudan 400 7–12 Weight, height 7
Dufetel [137] 1995 Cross sectional Senegal 72 8–14 Weight, height 7
Walker [156] b , c 1996 Cross sectional Nigeria 1192 6–12 None OW/OB 8
Proctor [24] 1996 Cross sectional Cameroon 119 9–14 BMI 7
Benefice [25] 1996 Cross sectional Senegal 348 5–13 Weight, height, skin fold measures 7
Pettifor [26] 1997 Cross sectional South Africa 651 6–17 BMI z-scores 8
Brabin [138] 1997 Cross sectional Nigeria 914 14–17 Weight, height 7
Cole [286] 1997 Cross sectional Nigeria 22 11–17 Ketz 1990 system 7
Owa [287] 1997 Cross sectional Nigeria 904 5–15 US reference sample 8
Longo-Mbenza [27] 1998 Cross sectional Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo - DRC) 4848 5–16 BMI 6
Benefice [157] 1998 Cross sectional Senegal 348 5–13 None OW/OB 7
Prista [158] 1998 Cross sectional Mozambique 593 8–15 None OW/OB 8
Benefice [28] 1999 Cross sectional Senegal 221 12–13 BMI 8
Oelofse [159] 1999 Cross sectional South Africa 131 5–11 None OW/OB 6
Levitt [29] 1999 Prospective Cohort Study South Africa 818 5 BMI 7
Monyeki [245] 1999 Cross sectional South Africa 1149 5–10 NCHS reference 8
Nyirongo [160] 1999 Cross sectional Zimbabwe 930 5–16 None OW/OB 8
Akinkugbe [139] 1999 Cross sectional Nigeria 1076 11–15 Weight, height 8
Sellen [30] a 1999 Cross sectional Tanzania & Kenya 234 5–17 BMI 7
Hamidu [140] 2000 Cross sectional Nigeria 1712 5–16 Weight, height 7
Sellen [288] 2000 Cross sectional Tanzania 169 5–12 Seoane & Latham 1971 8
Dibba [141] 2000 Cross sectional Gambia 160 8–11 Weight, height 8
Zverev [161] 2001 Cross sectional Malawi 493 6–17 None OW/OB 7
Garnier [31] 2001 Cross sectional Senegal 80 13–15 BMI 8
Benefice [32] a 2001 Cross sectional Senegal 40 13 BMI 8
Benefice [33] a 2001 Cross sectional Senegal 40 13 BMI 8
Jinabhai [246] a 2001 Cross sectional South Africa 579 8–10 NCHS reference 7
Beasley [162] 2002 Cross sectional Chad 1024 6–15 None OW/OB 7
Pawloski [34] 2002 Cross sectional Mali 1056 10–17 Weight z-scores 7
Perzanowski [142] 2002 Cross sectional Kenya 265 8–15 Weight, height, body fat % 6
Underhay [187] a , b 2002 Cross sectional South Africa 1242 10–15 IOTF categories 9
Bhargava [35] 2003 Longitudinal Kenya 100 6–9 BMI 6
Eckhardt [36] 2003 Cross sectional South Africa 86 6–16 BMI 7
Garnier [37] 2003 Cross sectional Senegal 331 14–16 Weight z-scores 8
Grillenberger [38] 2003 Cross sectional Kenya 110 7 Weight z-scores 7
Mabalia-Babela [289] 2003 Cross sectional DRC 1087 6–13 BMI percentiles per Rolland-Cachera 1994 8
Mukundi [163] 2003 Cross sectional Kenya 851 10–17 None OW/OB 7
Prista [247] 2003 Cross sectional Mozambique 2316 6–17 NCHS reference 8
Leman [39] 2003 Cross sectional Nigeria 39 5–8 BMI 7
Jinabhai [184] b , c , d 2003 Cross sectional South Africa 29535 8–11 WHO and IOTF categories 9
Schutte [40] a , b 2003 Cross sectional South Africa 1244 10–15 BMI 9
Gray [143] 2004 Cross sectional Kenya 183 5–16 Weight, height 7
Micklesfield [290] 2004 Cross sectional South Africa 198 7–11 US reference sample 7
Larsen [41] 2004 Cross sectional Kenya 11 15–17 BMI 7
Benefice [188] 2004 Cross sectional Senegal 507 16 IOTF categories 6
Benefice [42] 2004 Cross sectional Senegal 40 13–15 Weight z-scores 7
Monyeki [43] 2004 Longitudinal South Africa 85 7 BMI 8
McVeigh [44] a 2004 Cross sectional South Africa 386 9 BMI 7
Cameron [144] a 2004 Cross sectional South Africa 214 9 Body fat % 7
Mukuddem-Petersen [164] a , b 2004 Cross sectional South Africa 1257 10–15 None OW/OB 9
Prista [45] 2005 Cross sectional Mozambique 2271 16–17 BMI 8
Agyemang [189] b , c 2005 Cross sectional Ghana 1277 8–16 IOTF categories 9
Garnier [165] 2005 Longitudinal Senegal 1806 5–17 CDC categories 7
Calvert [291] 2005 Cross sectional South Africa 393 8–12 BMI z-score 8
Monyeki [292] 2005 Longitudinal South Africa 855 7–14 US reference sample 8
Benefice [46] 2005 Cross sectional Senegal 99 10–13 BMI 8
Friedman [47] 2005 Cross sectional Kenya 272 10–13 BMI z-score 8
Jinabhai [190] b , c , d 2005 Secondary analysis South Africa 643 8–11 IOTF categories 9
Steyn [248] b , c , d 2005 Secondary analysis South Africa 544 7–8 NCHS reference 10
Underhay [192] a , b 2005 Cross sectional South Africa 1242 10–15 IOTF categories 9
Monyeki [191] a 2006 Longitudinal South Africa 1884 6–13 IOTF categories 8
Zerfu [249] 2006 Cross sectional Ethiopia 1208 9–17 NCHS reference 6
Armstrong [193] b , c , d 2006 Cross sectional South Africa 10195 6–13 IOTF categories 10
Kruger [194] b 2006 Cross sectional South Africa 1257 10–15 IOTF categories 9
Aandstad [48] 2006 Cross sectional Tanzania 156 9–10 BMI 7
Munday [49] 2006 Longitudinal Gambia 62 5–10 BMI z-scores 7
Djarova [50] 2006 Cross sectional Zimbabwe 49 6–14 BMI 6
Onyewadume [51] 2006 Cross sectional Botswana 30 11–14 BMI 8
Nyati [145] a 2006 Cross sectional South Africa 369 9 Weight, height 8
Vidulich [52] a 2006 Cross sectional South Africa 476 10 BMI 7
Micklesfield [146] 2007 Cross sectional South Africa 64 9 Weight, height 7
Micklesfield [53] 2007 Cross sectional South Africa 400 9 BMI 8
Ben-Bassey [54] 2007 Cross sectional Nigeria 1504 12–17 BMI 8
Longo-Mbenza [250] 2007 Cross sectional DRC 1535 5–17 NCHS reference 6
Rohner [166] 2007 Cross sectional Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 281 5–15 None OW/OB 7
Jinabhai [195] b , c , d 2007 Cross sectional South Africa 5322 13–17 IOTF categories 10
Madhavan [167] 2007 Cross sectional South Africa 117 5–14 None OW/OB 7
Vidulich [55] 2007 Cross sectional South Africa 476 10 BMI 7
Monyeki [56] 2007 Longitudinal South Africa 702 7–14 Weight z-score 8
Semproli [196] 2007 Cross sectional Kenya 1,383 5–17 IOTF categories 7
Andries [57] 2007 Longitudinal South Africa 702 7–14 Weight z-score 7
Bovet [197] b , c , d 2007 Cross sectional Seychelles 4343 12–15 IOTF categories 9
Goon [147] 2007 Cross sectional Nigeria 2015 Body fat % 8
Travill [293] 2007 Cross sectional South Africa 720 8–17 Waterlow et al., 1977 7
Makgae [198] a 2007 Longitudinal South Africa 1902 6–13 IOTF categories 8
Ejike [58] 2008 Cross sectional Nigeria 923 10–17 BMI 8
Ekpo [168] 2008 Cross sectional Nigeria 228 5–15 None OW/OB 8
Anyiam [169] b , c 2008 Cross sectional Nigeria 3802 5–13 None OW/OB 10
Nienaber [59] 2008 Cross sectional South Africa 195 15 BMI 8
Olivieri [170] 2008 Cross sectional Zimbabwe 982 6–17 None OW/OB 7
Monyeki [199] 2008 Longitudinal South Africa 1817 7–13 IOTF categories 7
Jeremiah [294] 2008 Cross sectional Nigeria 144 5–8 Other WHO based system 7
Funke [60] 2008 Cross sectional Nigeria 315 10–17 BMI 7
Lennox [61] 2008 Cross sectional South Africa 318 15 BMI 8
Goon [62] a 2008 Cross sectional Nigeria 2015 9–12 BMI 8
Alaofe [251] 2009 Cross sectional Benin 180 12–17 NCHS reference 7
Prista [227] 2009 Cross sectional Mozambique 256 6–16 WHO categories 8
Micklesfield [63] 2009 Cross sectional South Africa 400 9 BMI 8
Demerath [64] 2009 Secondary analysis South Africa 196 9 Other NCHS based system 8
Cameron [65] 2009 Secondary analysis South Africa 227 8–11 BMI 7
Hawley [66] 2009 Secondary analysis South Africa 1164 9–11 Weight z-scores 6
Berntsen [67] 2009 Cross sectional Tanzania 190 9–10 BMI 8
Dapi [255] 2009 Cross sectional Cameroon 581 12–16 CDC categories 7
Ayoola [171] 2009 Cross sectional Nigeria 349 7–16 None OW/OB 7
Senbanjo [68] 2009 Cross sectional Nigeria 392 5–14 BMI 8
Padez [228] 2009 Cross sectional Mozambique 1417 9–17 WHO categories 7
Mulugeta [148] 2009 Cross sectional Ethiopia 413 10–15 BMI z-scores 7
Naiho [69] 2009 Cross sectional Nigeria 200 5–10 BMI 6
Adegoke [70] 2009 Cross-sectional Nigeria 704 6–17 BMI 8
Amuta [172] 2009 Cross sectional Nigeria 600 6–17 None OW/OB 6
Poopedi [74] b , c 2009 Cross sectional South Africa 385 10 BMI 10
Kimani-Murage [252] b , c 2010 Cross sectional South Africa 1914 5–14 IOTF categories 9
Bamidele [173] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 139 5–15 Other WHO based system 7
Omigbodun [229] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 1503 10–17 WHO categories 7
Harmse [72] 2010 Cross sectional South Africa 221 13–17 BMI 7
Senbanjo [256] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 392 5–14 CDC categories 8
Goon [73] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 563 12–17 BMI 7
Mosha [230] 2010 Cross sectional Tanzania 428 6–12 WHO categories 5
Olumakaiye [174] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 315 10–17 Other NCHS based system 8
Goon [186] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 2015 9–12 CDC and IOTF categories 8
Goon [200] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 219 7–14 IOTF categories 7
Opara [231] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 770 5–14 WHO categories 7
Ejike [253] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 563 10–17 NCHS reference 7
Truter [254] 2010 Cross sectional South Africa 280 9–13 NCHS reference 7
Ansa [75] 2010 Cross sectional Nigeria 964 10–17 BMI 8
Bogale [175] 2010 Cross sectional Ethiopia 100 5 None OW/OB 7
Mulugeta [176] 2010 Cross sectional Ethiopia 413 10–15 None OW/OB 8
Hawkesworth [295] 2010 Cross sectional Gambia 171 5–10 BMI 8
Poopedi [71] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 385 10 BMI 7
Micklesfield [76] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 471 13 BMI 7
Salman [257] 2011 Cross sectional Sudan 304 6–12 CDC categories 7
Nagwa [232] 2011 Cross sectional Sudan 1138 10–17 WHO categories 7
Griffiths [77] 2011 Mixed South Africa 281 9–10 BMI 7
Dabone [233] 2011 Cross sectional Burkina Faso 649 7–14 WHO categories 7
Henry-Unaeze [78] b , c 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 200 12–17 BMI 9
Hadley [79] b , c 2011 Cross sectional Ethiopia 1943 13–17 BMI 8
Odenigbo [258] 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 119 6–12 CDC categories 7
Thrandrayen [80] b , c 2009 Retrospective longitudinal South Africa 672 10 and 15 BMI z-scores 8
Goon [81] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 1136 9–13 BMI 7
Kruger [82] b , c 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 582 and 462 7–9 Weight z-scores 6
Semproli [83] 2011 Cross sectional Kenya 1383 5–17 BMI z-scores 7
Koueta [201] 2011 Cross sectional Burkina Faso 204 13–16 IOTF categories 7
Stevens [84] 2011 Cross sectional Ghana 181 9–16 BMI 7
Peltzer [202] d 2011 Secondary analysis Ghana & Uganda 5613 13–15 IOTF categories 9
Goon [234] a , b , c 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 2015 9–12 WHO categories 9
Nwizu [85] 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 728 10–17 BMI 7
Naude [86] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 162 12–16 BMI z-scores 5
Abolarin [87] 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 560 6–12 BMI 8
Abrahams [88] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 717 10–12 BMI z-scores 8
Motswagole [89] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 919 9–15 BMI 8
Croteau [259] 2011 Cross sectional Kenya 72 8–12 CDC categories 8
Fetuga [226] 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 1690 6–16 CDC categories 7
Rankin [149] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 81 13–16 Weight 7
Larbi [260] 2011 Cross sectional Ghana 1482 6–15 CDC categories 8
Mchiza [90] 2011 Secondary analysis South Africa 201 9–12 BMI 6
Armstrong [203] b , c , d 2011 Secondary analysis South Africa 30365 8–11 IOTF categories 10
Benefice [91] 2011 Cross sectional Senegal 791 5–15 BMI 8
Kimani-Murage [204] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 944 10–14 IOTF categories 7
Dapi [92] 2011 Cross sectional Cameroon 227 12–16 BMI 8
Vidulich [150] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 419 10 Weight, height 8
Faye [296] b , c 2011 Cross sectional Senegal 2356 11–17 Rolland-Cachera et al., 1991 8
Fetuga [235] 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 1016 6–10 WHO categories 8
Cameron [93] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 119 9–10 BMI 6
Goon [151] b 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 1136 9–13 Weight, height 9
Amusa [205] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 409 7–13 IOTF categories 8
Ramos [177] 2011 Cross sectional Kenya 215 9–10 None OW/OB 7
Puckree [236] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 120 10–12 WHO categories 7
Armstrong [94] a , d 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 10295 6–13 BMI 10
Adamo [206] a 2011 Cross sectional Kenya 179 9–13 IOTF categories 7
Goon [261] 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 553 12–1 7 CDC categories 7
Kamau [237] b , c 2011 Cross sectional Kenya 5325 10–15 WHO categories 9
Ojofeitimi [297] 2011 Cross sectional Nigeria 280 10–14 Other similar study 8
Kemp [207] b , c 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 816 6–7 IOTF categories 10
Oldewage-Theron [238] 2011 Cross sectional South Africa 97 6–13 WHO categories 7
Okoh [262] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 1302 6–12 CDC categories 7
Naidoo [263] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 170 7–10 CDC categories 7
Ene-Obong [209] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 1,599 5–9 IOTF categories 7
Prentice [152] 2012 Longitudinal Gambia 80 8–16 Weight, height 7
Kramoh [239] 2012 Cross sectional Côte d'Ivoire 2038 12 WHO categories 7
Musa [95] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 3243 9–15 BMI 7
Adesina [96] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 884 10–17 BMI 8
Cordeiro [178] b , c 2012 Cross sectional Tanzania 670 10–15 None OW/OB 9
Monyeki [210] a 2012 Longitudinal South Africa 256 14 IOTF categories 8
Griffiths [211] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 358 16 IOTF categories 7
Onywera [185] 2012 Cross sectional Kenya 169 9–12 WHO categories 7
Bafor [97] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 369 5–10 BMI 7
Reddy [212] b , c , d 2012 Secondary analysis South Africa 9522 and 9371 14–17 IOTF categories 9
Opare-Addo [240] 2012 Cross sectional Ghana 720 7–17 WHO categories 8
Ojiambo [98] 2012 Cross sectional Kenya 200 12–16 BMI z-scores 7
Chinedu [264] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 926 6–16 CDC categories 5
Craig [179] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 1519 7, 11, and 15 None OW/OB 5
Amare [180] 2012 Cross sectional Ethiopia 100 5–15 None OW/OB 8
Moselakgomo [213] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 1172 10–16 IOTF categories 8
Micklesfield [214] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 381 11–15 IOTF categories 6
Monyeki [215] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 256 14 IOTF categories 8
Monyeki [298] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 153 14–15 Not indicated 8
Truter [216] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 280 9–13 IOTF categories 7
Musa [217] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 3240 9–16 IOTF categories 8
Bovet [218] b , c 2012 Cross sectional Seychelles 8462 9–16 IOTF categories 9
Fetuga [299] 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 1557 5–11 Weight standard deviation scores 8
Girma [100] 2012 Cross sectional Ethiopia 116 7–9 Weight z-scores 6
Motswagole [241] 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 2111 6–15 WHO categories 7
Wolff [101] 2012 Cross sectional Madagascar 1236 6–15 BMI 8
Toriola [265] a 2012 Cross sectional South Africa 1172 10–16 CDC categories 7
Wolff [102] a 2012 Cross sectional Madagascar 1236 6–15 BMI 7
Goon [153] a , b , c 2012 Cross sectional Nigeria 2015 9–12 Weight, height 10
Toriola [219] 2012 Longitudinal South Africa 283 14 IOTF categories 8
Feeley [208] 2013 Longitudinal South Africa 1298 13, 15, and 17 IOTF categories 7
Wilson [220] b , c , d 2013 Secondary analysis Seychelles 580 11–17 IOTF categories 8
Ginsburg [221] 2013 Cross sectional South Africa 1613 15 IOTF categories 7
Senbanjo [103] 2013 Cross sectional Nigeria 548 5–17 BMI 7
Malete [222] 2013 Cross sectional Botswana 756 13–16 IOTF categories 7
Neumann [181] 2013 Cross sectional Kenya 910 6–14 None OW/OB 7
Degarege [182] 2013 Cross sectional Ethiopia 403 5–15 None OW/OB 8
Puoane [242] 2013 Cross sectional South Africa 162 10–15 WHO categories 7
Amare [183] 2013 Cross sectional Ethiopia 405 9–14 None OW/OB 8
Mang'eni [223] a 2013 Cross sectional Kenya 200 13–16 IOTF categories 7
Onywera [224] a 2013 Cross sectional Kenya 179 9–13 IOTF categories 7
Heroux [225] a 2013 Cross sectional Kenya 179 9–13 IOTF categories 7
Average (D&B) score 7.4

Acronyms: D & B score (Downs & Black score); None OW/OB (none were overweight/obese); BMI (Body Mass Index); CDC-NCHS (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – National Center for Health Statistics); WHO (World Health Organization); IOTF (International Obesity Task Force).


 =  Identical study sample as used in another included manuscript (not included in quantitative synthesis) [n = 27].


 =  Article indicated targeting a sample size representative of the population of interest [n = 38].


 =  Article indicated recruiting a sample size representative of the population of interest [n = 31].


 =  Article indicated that the sample size was nationally representative [n = 11].


Figure 1 shows the PRISMA flow chart with numbers of included and excluded articles at each step of the review process, while table 3 provides a summary of all studies that met the inclusion criteria. A total of 2657 records were identified through database searches and other sources. Following de-duplication, 2242 articles were screened for eligibility, and 663 articles were selected for a full-text review. Of these, 283 articles met the inclusion criteria, and 68 of the studies (comprising 190,149 participants) were used in quantitative synthesis. Reasons for exclusion included: ineligible population (e.g., studies that did not involve children 5–17 years of age with no pre-existing condition) (n = 181); ineligible country (e.g., population living in a country/region outside of SSA) (10); ineligible outcome (n = 122); or ineligible study design (n = 67). It is important to note that all the studies included in this review were found to have used objective methods of collecting body composition data.

Regional representation

As shown in table 3 , which includes a summary of the 283 studies included in the review, the four regions of SSA were well represented, with 91 (32.1%) from West African countries - with Nigeria represented in 60 of these records; 7 (2.5%) from Central African countries; 75 (26.5%) from East African countries - with Kenya represented in 28 of these records; 108 (38.2%) from South African countries - with South Africa represented in 102 of these records; and 2 (0.7%) that were East and West combined. In total, 27 countries were captured in this review.

Publication rate

The earliest relevant record captured was published in 1964. There was a marked increase in the publishing rate from the earliest to the current studies: 5 articles between 1960 and 1969, 15 from 1970–1979, 32 from 1980–1989, 31 from 1990–1999, 92 from 2000–2009, and 108 articles from 2010 to May/June 2013.

Data quality assessment

The average modified Downs and Black score out of ten for all studies included in this systematic review was 7.4; indicative that data quality was fairly high among the included records, within the prescribed limitations of study designs included in this review. The majority of studies used in the quantitative synthesis scored 7 or higher. As presented in table 3 , the scoring process further revealed that only 38 (13.4%) of 283 included articles targeted a sample that was representative of their population of interest, and 31 (11.0%) recruited a sample that was representative of their population of interest. Only 11 (3.9%) articles explicitly mentioned using a nationally representative sample, one of which used the same study sample as that of another already included study.

Body composition measures

Of the 283 included studies, 88 (31.1%) articles [16][103] reported on mean BMI, BMI-z-score, and/or weight z-scores of the sample population, 50 (17.7%) articles [104][153] reported on body fat percentage, waist circumference, skin fold measures, and/or weight and height measures, and a total of 30 (10.6%) articles [154][183] reported finding no prevalence of overweight/obesity in their study samples. Of the remaining 115 (40.6%) records, 82 articles [184][265] used the more widely accepted international cut-points (namely, the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the most recent WHO cut-points) to further categorize their samples into underweight, normal-weight, and overweight/obese. The other 33 articles [266][298] mentioned using one of a number of other cut-points and reference standard groups including but not limited to Tanner et al., 1966, Seoane & Latham, 1971, Frisancho 1990, Rosner et al., 1998, Harvard Standards, Waterlow 1972/77, and various US and UK reference samples. Of the 30 studies reporting no prevalence of overweight/obesity, a majority had not used the more widely accepted international cut-points, while the reminder did not provide the required prevalence estimates to be included in the quantitative synthesis.

Quantitative synthesis

Of the 82 articles that used more widely accepted international cut-points, 11 studies [187], [191], [192], [198], [206], [215], [224], [225], [234], [246], [265] were removed due to having an identical study sample as an already included study, and 3 studies [214], [218], [264] were removed for having not indicated the sample sizes in the age range of interest. As represented in table 4 , the remaining 68 (24.0%) articles [184][186], [188][190], [193][197], [199][205], [207][213], [216], [217], [219][223], [226][233], [235][245], [247][263] were used in quantitative synthesis. Of these, the largest proportion (44.1%) used the IOTF cut-points [299], 30.9% used CDC cut-points [300], and 25.0% used the most recent WHO cut-points [301] for weight status. Briefly, the IOTF methodology involved obtaining the body mass index for children from six large nationally representative cross sectional surveys on growth from Brazil, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United States. Thereafter, centile curves for body mass index were constructed for each dataset by sex, and passed though the widely used cut off points of 25 and 30 kg/m2 for adult overweight and obesity at age 18 years. The resulting curves were averaged to provide age and sex specific cut off points for children 2–18 years of age [299]. In the case of the CDC cut-points, growth charts were developed based on data from five national health examination surveys conducted in the United States, including limited supplemental data. Smoothed percentile curves were created by first smoothing selected empirical percentiles, then creating parameters obtain the final curves, additional percentiles, and z-scores [300]. Finally, the WHO cut-points were developed after data from the 1977 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)/WHO growth reference for 1–24 years, were merged with data from the under-fives growth standards' cross-sectional sample to smooth the transition between the two samples. The new curves filled the gap in growth curves and provided an appropriate reference for the 5 to 19 years age group [301].

Table 4. Proportions of overweight/obesity as reported by studies used in quantitative synthesis.

Sample Size (n) Proportions in Males Proportions in Females Proportions in Both Males and Females
First Author Year Country Cut Off Age Range (years) M F Total UW NW OW OB UW NW OW OB UW NW OW OB
Villiers [244] 1987 South Africa 1 14–15 57 57 1.8 1.8
Wagstaff [243] 1987a (1981) South Africa 1 5–14 937 27.3 3.9 3.4
Wagstaff [243] 1987a (1983) South Africa 1 5–14 864 21.9 7.1 4.0
Monyeki [245] 1999 South Africa 1 5–10 595 557 1152 0.5 0.7 0.6
Prista [247] 2003 Mozambique 1 6–17 1094 1222 2316 21.9 4.8 10.0 7.7 15.6 6.3
Jinabhai [184] 2003 South Africa 2 8–11 17351 12025 29376 3.0 0.7 4.5 1.2 3.6 0.9
Benefice [188] 2004 Senegal 3 16 188 319 507 50.0 0.0 0.0 17.9 1.6 0.0 29.8 1.0 0.0
Agyemang [189] 2005 Ghana 3 8–16 616 661 1277 3.1 6.4 4.8
Jinabhai [190] 2005 South Africa 3 8–11 292 351 643 5.1 0.6
Steyn [248] 2005 South Africa 1 7–8 544 6.4 85.4 5.0 3.3
Zerfu [249] 2006 Ethiopia 1 9–17 918 23.8 3.5
Armstrong [193] 2006 South Africa 3 6–13 5603 4680 10283 10.8 3.2 13.0 4.9 11.8 4.0
Kruger [194] 2006 South Africa 3 10–15 608 649 1257 4.1 1.5 8.3 1.7 6.3 1.6
Longo-Mbenza [250] 2007 DRC 1 ≥12 362 124 486 24.0 68.5 35.5
Jinabhai [195] 2007 South Africa 3 13–17 2398 2924 5322 18.4 4.2 2.6 20.9 9.7 13.4
Semproli [196] 2007 Kenya 3 5–17 702 681 1383 10.6 6.3 3.2
Bovet [197] 2007 Seychelles 3 12–15 2202 2141 4343 8.1 3.1 13.1 4.4 10.6 3.7
Monyeki [199] 2008 South Africa 3 7–13 938 879 1817 1.1 2.1 1.6
Alaofe [251] 2009 Benin 1 12–17 180 180 8.0 81.0 8.0 3.0 8.0 81.0 8.0 3.0
Prista [227] 2009 Mozambique 2 6–16 139 117 256 1.1 0.0
Dapi [255] 2009 Cameroon 1 12–16 248 333 581 6.0 4.0 1.0 14.0 3.0 10.0
Padez [228] 2009 Mozambique 2 9–17 298 400 698 0.7 0.0 1.3 0.3 1.0 0.2
Goon [186] 2010 Nigeria 1 9–12 979 1036 2015 87.1 2.1 1.6 3.2 2.8 2.7 2.2
Kimani-Murage [252] 2010 South Africa 3 5–14 1884 6.5 5.0 1.5
Omigbodun [229] 2010 Nigeria 2 10–17 763 740 1503 22.3 1.2 15.5 3.9 19.0 2.5
Senbanjo [256] 2010 Nigeria 1 5–14 202 190 392 37.1 61.9 1.0 23.2 74.7 2.1 30.4 68.1 1.5
Mosha [230] 2010 Tanzania 2 6–9 60 145 205 21.4 68.8 5.8 4.0
Goon [200] 2010 Nigeria 3 7–14 107 112 219 2.7 1.0
Odenigbo [258] 2010 Nigeria 1 6–12 119 29.4 63.0 6.7 0.8
Opara [231] 2010 Nigeria 2 5–12.5 378 29.1 10.3
Ejike [253] 2010 Nigeria 1 10–17 337 226 563 5.3 23.7 2.7 7.2 4.3 17.1
Salman [257] 2010 Sudan 1 6–12 68 236 304 82.4 11.8 5.9 75.0 14.0 11.0 76.7 13.5 9.9
Truter [254] 2010 South Africa 1 9–12 128 152 280 78.9 15.6 5.5 77.6 15.1 7.2 78.2 15.4 6.4
Nagwa [232] 2011 Sudan 2 10–17 526 612 1138 17.7 61.0 9.9 11.4 10.6 69.6 11.6 8.2 13.9 65.6 10.8 9.7
Dabone [233] 2011 Burkina Faso 2 7–14 312 337 649 13.7 2.3
Koueta [201] 2011 Burkina Faso 3 13–16 204 3.9
Peltzer [202] 2011 Ghana & Uganda 3 13–15 2738 2875 5613 2.7 0.5 9.5 0.9 6.2 0.7
Croteau [259] 2011 Kenya 1 8–12 29 43 72 11.1 84.7 4.2
Fetuga [226] 2011 Nigeria 2 6–16 821 669 1690 2.5 3.3 2.5
Larbi [290] 2011 Ghana 1 6–15 706 776 1482 7.9 78.7 13.4
Kimani-Murage [204] 2011 South Africa 3 10–14 944 7.5
Fetuga [235] 2011 Nigeria 2 6–10 479 537 1016 23.8 3.8 20.8 3.3 22.2 3.5
Amusa [205] 2011 South Africa 3 7–13 193 216 409 2.6 2.9 2.8
Puckree [236] 2011 South Africa 2 10–12 48 72 120 66.2 28.8 5.0
Goon [261] 2011 Nigeria 1 12–17 0 553 553 5.4 77.0 11.1 5.4 5.4 77.0 11.1 5.4
Kamau [237] 2011 Kenya 2 10–15 2620 2705 5325 6.5 2.6 10.9 3.6 8.7 3.1
Kemp [207] 2011 South Africa 3 6–7 419 397 816 90.2 6.4 3.3 86.4 9.3 4.3 88.4 7.8 3.8
Oldewage-Theron [238] 2011 South Africa 2 6–13 43 54 97 4.7 90.7 2.3 2.3 5.7 90.5 3.8 0.0 5.2 90.7 3.1 1.0
Armstrong [203] 2011a (1994) South Africa 3 8–11 17756 12609 30365 1.1 1.4 1.2 0.2
Armstrong [203] 2011a (2004) South Africa 3 8–11 17756 12609 30365 9.5 2.2 16.5 4.4 12.4 3.1
Okoh [262] 2012 Nigeria 1 6–12 585 717 1302 11.7 76.7 5.7 5.9
Naidoo [263] 2012 South Africa 1 7–10 70 100 170 54.3 11.4 34.3 55.0 16.0 29.0 54.7 14.1 31.2
Ene-Obong [209] 2012 Nigeria 3 5–9 706 19.0 68.7 9.5 2.8
Kramoh [239] 2012 Côte d'Ivoire 2 12 856 1182 2038 1.8 6.8 64.0 27.0 4.0 5.0
Monyeki [210] 2012 South Africa 3 14 100 156 256 44.0 48.0 8.0 30.7 51.9 17.3 35.9 50.4 13.7
Griffiths [211] 2012 South Africa 3 16 190 168 358 6.3 3.7 22.2 8.4 13.3 5.7
Onywera [185] 2012 Kenya 2 9–12 85 84 169 6.8 16.7 12.0
Opare-Addo [240] 2012 Ghana 2 7–17 0 720 720 6.0 74.6 10.4 8.9
Moselakgomo [213] 2012 South Africa 3 10–16 541 631 1172 4.6 80.8 9.1 5.5 5.2 79.4 11.0 4.4 4.9 80.0 10.1 4.9
Truter [216] 2012 South Africa 3 9–13 128 152 280 15.6 5.5 15.1 7.2 15.5 6.5
Musa [217] 2012 Nigeria 3 9–16 1526 1,714 3240 88.5 9.7 1.8
Motswagole [241] 2012 South Africa 2 6–15 2111 34.2 0.6
Toriola [219] 2012 South Africa 3 14 111 172 283 34.2 48.6 17.1 26.2 41.0 32.4 29.3 44.0 26.4
Reddy [212] 2012a (2002) South Africa 3 14–17 4184 5338 9522 6.3 1.6 24.3 5.0 16.4 3.5
Reddy [212] 2012a (2008) South Africa 3 14–17 4565 4806 9371 11.0 3.3 29.0 7.5 20.2 5.5
Feeley [208] 2013 South Africa 3 13–17 607 616 1223 8.1 27.0 17.6
Wilson [220] 2013 Seychelles 3 11–17 278 302 580 13.4 15.6 7.7
Ginsburg [221] 2013 South Africa 3 15 773 840 1613 20.3 71.8 5.4 2.5 9.6 65.4 17.5 7.5 14.2 68.5 11.7 5.1
Malete [222] 2013 Botswana 3 13–16 464 292 756 5.0 78.4 11.6 5.1
Puoane [242] 2013 South Africa 2 10–15 0 162 162 2.4 61.4 36.2
Mang'eni [223] 2013 Kenya 3 13–16 98 102 200 5.0
95885 84455 190149 25.0 68.0 5.6 2.0 8.3 68.6 11.5 3.9 17.6 68.5 8.1 2.5
Sample totals (M) – weighted averages (F) – weighted averages (T) – weighted averages

Acronyms: M (male); F (female); UW (underweight); NW (normal weight); OW (overweight); OB (obese).

Weighted averages: Proportions may not add up to 100% for M, F, and T since some of the included studies did not report in each of the UW, NW, OW, and, OB categories.


Year of publication (year that corresponding data was collected included in brackets).

Figure 2 shows a distinctive time trend towards increasing proportions of overweight/obesity in school-aged children in SSA. The figure also shows a similar but less prominent trend towards increasing proportions of obesity over time. Figure 3 , shows increasing trends in proportions of overweight/obesity over time for both boys and girls; however, the proportions are consistently higher in girls than in boys. To determine the robustness of these findings, we examined the trends in overweight/obesity over time using the few studies that indicated having recruited a representative sample of the population. We similarly found a trend towards increasing proportions of overweight/obesity among school-aged children in this region. The findings were also similar when boys and girls were assessed separately. While not the focus of this manuscript, as shown in Figure 4 , we also examined trends in underweight over time for the included studies that had also reported this proportion. We found a trend towards decreasing proportions of underweight over time in boys, a trend towards increasing proportions over time in girls, and a largely unaltered trend over time - at approximately 20% - when boys and girls were considered together.

Figure 2. Proportions of overweight/obesity (combined) and obesity over time in Sub Saharan Africa.

Figure 2

Figure 3. Proportions of overweight/obesity (combined) in Sub Saharan Africa's boys and girls.

Figure 3

Figure 4. Proportions of underweight over time in Sub Saharan Africa.

Figure 4

The weighted averages (for the entire time period and all studies included in the quantitative analysis) of overweight/obesity proportions in boys and girls were calculated as 7.6% and 15.4% respectively. Weighted averages of obesity alone for boys and girls were 2.0% and 3.9% respectively. Weighted averages of overweight/obesity and obesity proportions for boys and girls combined were 10.6% and 2.5%. Weighted proportion of underweight was calculated as 25.0% for boys, 8.3% for girls, and 17.6% for boys and girls combined.

Narrative synthesis

Narrative descriptions of the relationship between body composition and age, sex, socioeconomic status (SES), and urban/rural differences are discussed below based largely on the studies not included in the quantitative synthesis:

Sex differences

Of the 96 studies [16][18], [20], [24][26], [29], [36], [39], [40], [43], [45], [46], [48], [51], [53][56], [59][61], [63][68], [70][72], [74], [76][80], [83], [85], [86], [89], [91], [92], [95], [96], [98], [103][105], [107], [109][114], [116][120], [123], [124], [126], [128], [129], [132], [133], [135], [136], [140], [143], [147], [149][152], [163], [169], [170], [214], [215], [218], [225], [281], [287], [289], [292], [293], [295] that reported their data by sex, 31 articles [20], [25], [29], [40], [45], [59], [67], [68], [70], [71], [74], [76], [78], [79], [85], [86], [89], [92], [95], [96], [103], [107], [124], [126], [132], [147], [151], [163], [170], [214], [215] reported that girls had higher body composition measures than boys, while 5 articles [265], [267], [289], [292], [293] reported that boys had higher body composition measures than girls. The remaining studies either found no significant difference or did not report a difference between boys and girls.

Urban/rural differences

Thirty-three articles compared body composition measures in urban and rural populations. Of these, 29 studies (including 7 studies used in the quantitative synthesis) [17, 24, 27, 31, 34, 37, 54, 58, 79, 84, 87, 98, 119, 128, 129, 138, 156, 163, 206, 212, 282, 298, (185, 189, 200, 217, 233, 240, 260)] reported significantly higher body composition measures in the urban compared to the rural sample, with the remaining studies [110], [111], [140], [280] reporting no significant difference between the two populations.

Socioeconomic status (SES) differences

Twenty four articles reported on outcomes of interest by some measure of socioeconomic status (e.g., income quartile, public/private school attendance). Of these, 19 articles (including 8 studies used in the quantitative synthesis) [45, 54, 61, 68, 75, 77, 84, 92, 99, 101, 156, 163, 169, 218, 296, 297, (212, 228, 231, 237, 247, 250, 255, 256)] reported that higher SES was associated with higher body composition measures, whilst the remaining articles [54], [75], [92], [169], [256] found no significant association of SES on body composition.

Age differences

Of the articles that reported on body composition measures by age, 15 studies found a largely positive relationship with age [287], [170], [70], [147], [103], [95], [151], [20], [42], [242], [256], [229], [230], [199], [297], while 7 studies found a largely negative relationship with age [83], [264], [233], [19], [190], [196], [245]. In some cases, the relationship between age and body composition measures differed between sexes; as such, we may conclude that there was no convincing or consistent evidence of an independent age effect.


To our knowledge, this systematic review is the first to comprehensively examine if there is evidence supporting an overweight/obesity transition in school-aged children and youth in SSA.

An overweight/obesity transition

Due to vast heterogeneity in types of measurement, classification, and analysis, both narrative and quantitative analyses (weighted proportions and bubble plots of overweight/obesity) were presented in this review. Quantitative synthesis was completed using 68 studies that categorized children and youth based on internationally accepted cut-points for weight status. The weighted averages of overweight/obesity proportions in boys and girls was 7.6% and 15.4% respectively, while obesity proportions in boys and girls was 2.0% and 3.9% respectively. Weighted averages of overweight/obesity, and obesity for the total population were 10.6% and 2.5%. Current evidence revealed a clear transition of increasing proportions of overweight/obesity in school-aged children in SSA, and a similar, but less prominent trend towards increasing proportions of obesity over time. This transition to higher proportions of overweight/obesity is similar to observed trends in developed countries; however, the weighted averages fall far below proportions in various high income countries. For example, in Canada, research has shown that the prevalence of overweight/obesity has more than doubled (14% to 29%) and the obesity rate has tripled (3% to 9%) over the last 25 years in children and youth 5 to 17 years of age [302], [303]. In the USA, 33% of children and youth 6–19 years are considered to be overweight/obesity, and 18% are considered to obese [304].

It is important to note that across all age groups, WHO cut-points yield higher proportions of boys and girls classified as overweight/obesity than do the IOTF, or CDC cut-points [305]. While studies that used any of the three cut-points were analysed together in this review, when interpreting prevalence estimates of overweight/obesity, it is important to consider the choice of cut-point used in each study. With the largest proportion of included studies using IOTF cut-points, it could be argued that this may “dilute” the weighted average of the proportions of overweight/obesity calculated for SSA. Nonetheless, these results indicate that while there is an imminent threat of continued increases in levels of childhood overweight/obesity in SSA, implementing viable population health interventions may mitigate the associated health risks in these earlier stages.

Persistence of underweight

In discussing an overweight/obesity transition, it is important to recognize that child under-nutrition remains one of SSA's most fundamental challenge for improved human development [306], [307], [308]. This is particularly concerning when considering the school-aged child population as malnutrition affects their education outcomes, and consequently opportunities for success in later years [306]. Inadequate access to food and health services as a result of poverty and broader social determinants of health are some of the underlying determinants of child under-nutrition. The underweight trend over time was largely unaltered at approximately 20% for boys and girls combined, providing the evidence of a persisting underweight problem among SSA's children and youth, and substantiating the emergence of a public health double-edged sword. This persistence in underweight coupled with an overweight/obesity transition may place undue strain on the limited healthcare resources in SSA countries [14]. As such, frameworks for interventions to improve the nutritional status of SSA children will have to account for broader concepts such as societal organization, economic structures, and political ideologies [306]. We would however like to caution the reader that describing an underweight trend was not an objective of this systematic review; as such, pertinent articles reporting on underweight may have been omitted during the literature search thereby skewing these results.

Sex differences

Both quantitative and narrative synthesis revealed that there were increasing trends in proportions of overweight/obesity over time for both boys and girls; however, body composition measures and the proportions of overweight/obesity were proportionally higher in girls than in boys. In contrast, in North America, obesity is more common in boys than in girls, with the most significant differences observed among younger children 5–11 years [304], [309]. Higher proportions of overweight/obesity in SSA girls may be related to differences in gender roles particularly those requiring higher physical exertion (e.g., boys participating in higher energy expending roles/activities); and, cultural desirability whereby being overweight (i.e., “rounder”) is an admired trait and seen as a sign of wealth and prestige, particularly in girls.

Urban/rural and SES differences

Narrative synthesis revealed higher body composition measures in the urban compared to the rural population. In addition, higher SES was associated with higher body composition measures, pointing to a positive SES relationship. Factors associated with overweight/obesity span various behavioural, social, environmental, and biological constructs making them difficult to ascertain; however, urban residence and higher SES may be positively associated with overweight/obesity in SSA owing to improved access to governance, health care, education, employment and income, in addition to increased availability of packaged foods high in saturated fats and sugars and increased sedentary behaviour, all of which are more accessible to and/or affordable for those of higher SES or individuals living in urban areas.

Strengths, limitations, and future directions

The main strength of this review was the use of high quality standards to conceptualize and conduct the methodology and synthesis. Further, as many decisions as possible were made a priori to limit possible bias, and all levels of the review process were conducted in duplicate, ensuring a higher level of accuracy. Our assessment indicated that the quality of included studies was relatively high. The main limitation of this study lies in the vast heterogeneity in study methodology. The variety in the types of body composition measurements, analyses, definitions of SES, and reference standards limited our interpretation and presentation of the results. Quantitative synthesis was limited to those using the more widely accepted cut-points to further categorise study samples by weight status. It is also unclear if any material relevant for this review may have been published in un-indexed journals and hence not captured by the literature search.

Recognizing that future studies may increasingly employ WHO cut-points, since they represent a more robust criterion-based standard, we recommend that studies use the WHO cut-points for categorizing childhood overweight/obese in SSA, as this would allow for improved comparability and time trend analyses as attempted in this paper. A repository of studies, particularly those that are representative may be set up to this end, to allow for periodic comparative analysis for the whole of SSA. Measurements on more population representative samples are also required e.g., a multi-country survey using common measurement techniques and sampling procedures would be most desirable.


This systematic review provides evidence for an overweight/obesity transition in school-aged children in SSA. While the weighted averages of overweight/obesity in SSA are lower, this transition to higher proportions of overweight/obesity is similar to findings in various developed countries. The weighted average of overweight/obesity was higher in girls than in boys, and higher in those with higher SES. The review also revealed a persisting problem of underweight in the region, underpinning a double burden of risk factors. Findings of this review indicate that more nationally representative studies are needed to strengthen this field of research, and that interventions and strategies to address the growing threat of childhood overweight/obesity should focus on the higher SES and urban populations, with greater attention placed on girls.


The authors are grateful to Alison McFarlane and Afekwo Mbonu for their contributions towards locating the full text articles and for assistance with manuscript formatting.

Supporting Information

Checklist S1

PRISMA checklist.


Funding Statement

The authors have no support or funding to report.


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