Table 2.
Overview of characterization of ENMs. While class 1 properties are intrinsic to a nanomaterial itself, the class 2 properties are dependent on the interplay between ENM and assay system.
Nanomaterial property | Available analytical techniques |
Class 1: “As-produced” -morphology and structure | |
Primary particle size, shape, and size distribution | TEM, SEM, AFM, ESEM, FIB-SEM, cryo-TEM |
Fractal structure | TEM, SAXS, SANS |
Pore size, porosity, and surface area | BET, SAXS, SANS |
Crystallinity, framework structure, and crystal size | XRD, Raman, SAXS, NMR |
Chemical composition | Raman, NMR, EDAX, FTIR, XPS, ICP |
Elemental speciation and redox state | Raman, XAFS, XANES, NMR |
Electronic, magnetic, and photonic properties | SAXS, Mossbauer, ESR, Raman, UV-Vis |
“Dustiness” or tendency to aerosolize | EMPS, SMPS |
Class 2: “As Dispersed” - interfacial properties | |
Dispersed size and size distribution | DLS, EMPS, SMPS, laser diffraction |
Aggregate size | DLS, electro-acoustics |
Charge density, pKa, PZC, ionization fraction | Direct titration in various suspending media |
Surface (zeta) potential and IEP | EPM measurements in various suspending media |
Surface tension components (LW, γ +, γ −) | Multiple probe liquid contact angle measurment |
Roughness and chemical heterogeneity | AFM, CFM, FTIR, XPS, NMR, Raman |