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. 2014 Apr 18;9(4):e94998. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094998

Structural Controllability and Controlling Centrality of Temporal Networks

Yujian Pan 1, Xiang Li 1,*
Editor: Angel Sánchez2
PMCID: PMC3991624  PMID: 24747676


Temporal networks are such networks where nodes and interactions may appear and disappear at various time scales. With the evidence of ubiquity of temporal networks in our economy, nature and society, it's urgent and significant to focus on its structural controllability as well as the corresponding characteristics, which nowadays is still an untouched topic. We develop graphic tools to study the structural controllability as well as its characteristics, identifying the intrinsic mechanism of the ability of individuals in controlling a dynamic and large-scale temporal network. Classifying temporal trees of a temporal network into different types, we give (both upper and lower) analytical bounds of the controlling centrality, which are verified by numerical simulations of both artificial and empirical temporal networks. We find that the positive relationship between aggregated degree and controlling centrality as well as the scale-free distribution of node's controlling centrality are virtually independent of the time scale and types of datasets, meaning the inherent robustness and heterogeneity of the controlling centrality of nodes within temporal networks.


The recent outbreak of the A(H7N9) bird flu has caused much panic in China, and most of us still remember the financial crisis stretching from the USA to the world just a few years ago. These two impressive events are typical examples of complex networks in our economy, nature and society. Fortunately, considerable efforts have been dedicated to discovering the universal principles how structural properties of a complex network influence its functionalities [1][4]. Not limited to understanding these statistical mechanics, another urgent aspect is to improve the capability to control such complex networks [5][10], and recent years have witnessed the blossoming studies on structural controllability of complex networks [11][21]. Classically, a linear time-invariant (LTI) dynamical system is controllable if, with a suitable choice of inputs, it can be driven from any initial state to any desired final state within the finite time [22][24]. Structural controllability of a linear time-invariant system, initiated by Lin [25] and further developed by other researchers [26][30], assumes free (non-zero) parameters of matrices Inline graphic and Inline graphic in

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e003.jpg (1)

cannot be known exactly, and may attain some arbitrary but fixed values. A directed network, denoted as Inline graphic, associated with the above LTI system Inline graphic is said to be structurally controllable, if Inline graphic is controllable with the existence of matrices Inline graphic and Inline graphic structurally equivalent to Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively. Noting that matrices Inline graphic and Inline graphic can be arbitrarily close to Inline graphic and Inline graphic when Inline graphic is structurally controllable, and structural controllability is a general property in the sense that almost all weight combinations of a given network are controllable, except for some pathological cases with zero measure that occur when the parameters satisfy certain accidental constrains [12], [25], [26]. In the existing literatures [11], [12], extensive efforts have been focused on the minimum number of input signals of such a network. Based on Lin's structural controllability theorem [25], Liu et al. [12] stated that the minimizing problem can be efficiently solved by finding a maximum matching of a directed network, regarding a topologically static network as a linear time-invariant system. That is to say, a maximum subset of edges such that each node has at most one inbound and at most one outbound edge from the matching, and the number of nodes without inbound edges from the matching is the number of input signals required for maintaining structural controllability. With the minimum input theorem, many contributions to structural controllability of complex networks have been presented [13][21]. Wang et al. [13] proposed to optimize the structural controllability by adding links such that a network can be fully controlled by a single driving signal. Liu et al. [14] further introduced the control centrality to quantify the controllability of a single node. Nepusz et al. [15] evaluated the controllability properties on the edges of a network. Besides, controlling energy [16], effect of correlations on controllability [18], evolution of controllability [19], controllability transition [20] and controlling capacity [21], have flourished very recently.

In our daily life, many networks fundamentally involve with time. The examples include the information flow through a distributed network and the spread of a disease in a population. Development of digital technologies and prevalence of electronic communication services provide a huge amount of data in large-scale networking social systems, including face-to-face conversations [31], [32], e-mail exchanges and phone calls [33], [34] and other types of interactions in various online behaviors [35], [36]. Such data are collectively described as temporal networks at specific time scales, where time-stamped events, rather than static ones, are edges between pairs of nodes (i.e. individuals) [37]. More and more evidences indicate that the temporal features of a network significantly affect its topological properties and collective dynamic behaviors, such as distance and node centrality [38], [39], disease contagion and information diffusions [40], [41], characterizing temporal behaviors and components [42][44] and scrutinizing the effects and characteristics within different time resolutions [45][47], which are interdependent on the edge activations of temporal networks. However, to our best knowledge, a systematic study on structural controllability as well as its characteristics of temporal networks is still absent. In this paper, similar to the description of a static network by a LTI system [12], [25], a temporal network is associated with a linear time-variant (LTV) system as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e016.jpg (2)

where Inline graphic denotes the transpose of the adjacency matrix of a temporal network, i.e., Inline graphic, Inline graphic captures the time-dependent vector of the state variables of nodes, Inline graphic is the so-called input matrix which identifies how external signals are fed into the nodes of the network, and Inline graphic is the time-dependent input vector imposed by the outside controllers. Meanwhile, by finding and classifying Temporal Trees of a temporal network into different types with a combinational method of graph theory and matrix algebra, we introduce an index as the so-called controlling centrality to quantify the ability of a single node in controlling the whole temporal network. With analytical and experimental bounds, we point out the independence of the relationship between aggregated degree and controlling centrality, as well as the distribution of this centrality, over different time scales. Besides, our method reserves as much temporal information as possible on structural controllability of temporal networks, which may shade new light on the study of structural controllability as well as its characteristics without wiping out information of the temporal dimension.


A temporal network may include a sequence of graphs defined at discrete time points. Given a set of Inline graphic nodes, we denote the sequence of graphs as Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the sequence length, and Inline graphic is a static graph sampled at time point Inline graphic. The adjacency matrix of a temporal network, Inline graphic, can be denoted by a Inline graphic time-dependent adjacency matrix Inline graphic, Inline graphic, where Inline graphic are the elements of the adjacency matrix of the Inline graphic graph, Inline graphic.

For example, a temporal network, Inline graphic, with the set of contacts in Table 1 can be sampled as a sequence of graphs at time points Inline graphic, denoted as Inline graphic and shown in Fig. 1. We illustrate the propagation process taking place on the temporal network as shown in Fig. 2. Actually, a message can only arrive at nodes B, C and F (dotted nodes in Fig. 2) if its source is located on node A, though each node can receive the same message if the source is located on node D. This asymmetry (node D reaches node A, while not vice versa) mainly due to the direction of time evolution, highlights a fundamental gap between static and temporal networks.

Table 1. The temporal network in Fig. 1 with the node pairs and active contacts.

Node Pair(Contact) Active Time Points Node Pair(Contact) Active Time Points
(A, B) [1], [2], [3], [4] (B, C) [4], [6]
(C, D) [2], [3] (D, E) [3], [4], [5], [6]
(E, F) [1], [3] (B, F) [5], [6]
(C, F) [4], [5], [6]

Figure 1. The sequence of graphs representation of the contacts in Table I.

Figure 1

In each discrete time point, the network has a different formation shown as Inline graphic.

Figure 2. The illustration of information propagation on a temporal network.

Figure 2

(a), (b), (c) and (d) denote different networks at different time points, respectively. Red (gray) time points on edges denote the elapsed time, and the black (dark) time points denote the forthcoming time.

2.1 Structurally Controlling Centrality of Temporal Networks

Generally, non-zero entries of a matrix Inline graphic are free, and Inline graphic is structured if the free entries are (algebraically) independent. Two matrices Inline graphic and Inline graphic are same structured if their zero entries coincide. Matrices Inline graphic are independent if all free entries of these matrices are (algebraically) independent. In particular, any independent matrix must be structured, and any two entries of two matrices must be distinct [25], [30]. A temporal network is said to be structurally controllable at time point Inline graphic if its associated LTV system described by Eq.(2), with a suitable choice of inputs Inline graphic, can be driven from any initial state to any desired final state within the finite time interval Inline graphic, where the initial and finial states are designated at time point Inline graphic and Inline graphic Inline graphic, respectively.

For simplicity, we focus on the case of a single controller and reduce the input matrix Inline graphic in Eq. (2) to the input vector Inline graphic with only a single non-zero element, and rewrite Eq. (2) as

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e051.jpg (3)

With non-periodic sampling of Eq. (3), we get its discrete version with the recursive relationship for any two neighboring state spaces of a temporal network

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e052.jpg (4)

Define Inline graphic the structurally controlling centrality of node Inline graphic in a temporal network:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e055.jpg (5)

where Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic is the transpose of the adjacency matrix of the Inline graphicth graph, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are the identity matrix and the sampling interval, respectively. Inline graphic is a measure of node Inline graphic's ability to structurally control the network, i.e. the maximum dimension of controllable subspace (see Methods), and in this paper, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are structured matrices of size Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively.

2.2 Graph Characteristics

Given a temporal network Inline graphic, where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are the collection of nodes and interactions, respectively, we associate Inline graphic with another acyclic digraph Inline graphic. The vertex set of Inline graphic consists of Inline graphic copies, i.e., Inline graphic and Inline graphic, of each vertex Inline graphic, and Inline graphic copies, i.e., Inline graphic and Inline graphic, of the single controller Inline graphic, denoted as the red ones in Fig. 3 (b). The edge set of Inline graphic consists of three types of edges: (i) the edges connecting node Inline graphic at neighboring time points, i.e., Inline graphic, for each node Inline graphic, (ii) the edges Inline graphic, where Inline graphic and (iii) the edges connecting the controller Inline graphic, i.e., Inline graphic, where Inline graphic denotes the directly controlled node. These aforementioned three types of edges are denoted as the red dotted ones, the blue ones and the black ones in Fig. 3 (b), respectively. Such interpretation of a temporal network is called the Time-Ordered Graph (TOG) model in [39], which transforms a temporal network into a larger but more easily analyzable static version. For example, we translate the temporal network of Fig. 3 (a) to the corresponding time-ordered graph as shown in Fig. 3 (b). With the TOG model, we first give the definition of input reachability in a temporal network.

Figure 3. The illustration of transformation of a temporal network to a static one.

Figure 3

(a) Temporal Network with a single controller located on node A, (b) The Time-Ordered Graph (TOG), (c) The temporal trees of (a) at time points 1, 2, 3 and 4, (d) the BFS spanning trees of TOG. The red (dashed), black (dark) and blue (light) lines stand for the flows of time order, the connection with the single controller and the interactions of individuals, respectively. The numbers with parenthesis in (c) denote time stamps. Weights of interactions (the blue ones) are labeled by characters Inline graphic in (b), (c) and (d), and without loss of generality, we denote the weight of other edges (the red and black ones) as “1”.

Definition 1

Consider subset Inline graphic and node Inline graphic of Inline graphic, which correspond to node Inline graphic and node Inline graphic of Inline graphic, respectively. If in Inline graphic there exists a path to Inline graphic, whose tail Inline graphic, then node Inline graphic of Inline graphic is reachable from node Inline graphic at time Inline graphic, and the set of such reachable nodes in Inline graphic is the reachable subset of the input signal Inline graphic of Inline graphic.

Proposition 1

The reachability of the input signal of Inline graphic is equivalent to the reachability of subset Inline graphic, i.e. the Inline graphic row of Inline graphic power of adjacency matrix of Inline graphic, and the controlled rows of dynamic communicability matrices of Inline graphic starting at different time points Inline graphic, denoted as Inline graphic, where Inline graphic.


Denote partitioned matrix Inline graphic (size Inline graphic) as the adjacency matrix of Inline graphic, and for each block Inline graphic (size Inline graphic) of matrix Inline graphic, if there's a directed edge Inline graphic in Inline graphic, where Inline graphic, then we have Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Recall the dynamic communicability matrix [40] to quantify how effectively a node can broadcast and receive messages in a temporal network, defined as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e127.jpg (6)

Here, matrix Inline graphic is the adjacency matrix of the Inline graphic graph, and Inline graphic (Inline graphic denotes the maximum spectral radius of matrices). Similarly, we define the communicability matrix starting at different time points to quantify the reachability of the controller, written as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e132.jpg (7)

where Inline graphic is the adjacency matrix of the Inline graphic graph with a single controller Inline graphic located on node Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. Note that a non-zero element Inline graphic of a product of matrices, such as Inline graphic, is the reachability from node Inline graphic to node Inline graphic if Inline graphic, and the length of paths in graph Inline graphic is never more than Inline graphic. Therefore, the reachability of node Inline graphic in Inline graphic is the Inline graphic row of Inline graphic power of Inline graphic, i.e., Inline graphic, where Inline graphic. For each column of matrix Inline graphic, we have Inline graphic, and with the definition of matrix Inline graphic, we know that Inline graphic describes the reachability from node Inline graphic to node Inline graphic. Therefore, the rechability of controller Inline graphic at time Inline graphic is equivalent to the controlled row, i.e. the Inline graphic row, denoted as Inline graphic, of matrix Inline graphic.

With Proposition 1, we rewrite matrix Inline graphic in the form of reachability as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e164.jpg (8)

where Inline graphic denotes the reachability of the controller at time point Inline graphic, and we have Inline graphic. As shown in Fig. 3, we easily get Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic Inline graphic. According to Proposition 1, Inline graphic Inline graphic, Inline graphic

Definition 2

A temporal tree, denoted as Inline graphic, of a temporal network Inline graphic is a Breadth-First Search (BFS) spanning tree, denoted as Inline graphic, of its corresponding static network Inline graphic (TOG model) rooted at node Inline graphic.


The Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a classical strategy for searching nodes in graph theory, and a BFS spanning tree contains all the nodes and edges when the BFS strategy is applied at some node. A distinctive property of Inline graphic is that there's no cycles in it, and each path's length is no more than Inline graphic, so it's easy to apply the BFS strategy to find trees rooted at some designated nodes in Inline graphic. Obviously, the one-one mapping between a temporal tree of a temporal network and a BFS spanning tree of the TOG is guaranteed by the one-one mapping between Inline graphic and Inline graphic. For the temporal network in Fig. 3 (a), each of the three temporal trees, as shown in Fig. 3 (c), of this temporal network exists a unique corresponding BFS spanning tree, as shown in Fig. 3 (d).

Proposition 2

Denote Inline graphic and Inline graphic Inline graphic as the reachability vector of each temporal tree from the controller Inline graphic, and matrix Inline graphic, we have Inline graphic.


With Proposition 1 and Definition 2, we know there's a temporal tree Inline graphic of each Inline graphic in TOG, and each Inline graphic is a leading tree when compared with Inline graphic (refer to the definition of BFS spanning tree with the TOG model). Therefore, each temporal tree Inline graphic is a leading tree when compared with Inline graphic. Two strategies are adopted to yield a leading temporal tree: i) Adding new nodes into Inline graphic, i.e., we have Inline graphic, ii) Adding new paths to the existing nodes, i.e., we have Inline graphic. In the case of strategy i), if there's only one temporal tree, we obviously have Inline graphic; if the number of temporal trees is Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, then when the number of temporal trees is Inline graphic, we have Inline graphic Inline graphic, where (Inline graphic) denotes a nonzero vector. In the case of strategy ii), each new interaction in leading tree Inline graphic, which isn't included in temporal tree Inline graphic, contributes to new paths to the existing nodes. By some linear superposition of columns of matrix Inline graphic and Inline graphic, we find there's no impact on the maximum rank of matrix Inline graphic if we cut down and drop those “old” interactions, which means we only need to take the leading temporal tree, i.e. Inline graphic, into consideration. Therefore, we have Inline graphic, where Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are properly defined linear transformation matrices.

For example, according to Definition 2, the reachability of temporal tree Inline graphic of Fig. 3 (c) is Inline graphic. Similarly, we have Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic for temporal trees Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively. Therefore, we easily reach Inline graphic, and Inline graphic.Obviously, Inline graphic, which is consistent with Proposition 2.

Definition 3

Temporal trees Inline graphic are homogeneously structured if their corresponding adjacency matrices, denoted as Inline graphic, are same structured. Otherwise, they are heterogeneously structured.

We rewrite matrix Inline graphic as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e230.jpg (9)

In Eq. (9), matrix Inline graphic of size Inline graphic denotes the part of heterogeneously structured trees, and matrix Inline graphic of size Inline graphic denotes the part of homogeneously structured trees, respectively. Obviously, Inline graphic.

2.2.1 Heterogeneously Structured Trees

Definition 4

If heterogeneous trees Inline graphic consist of same nodes, i.e., Inline graphic, then they are called heterogeneous trees with same nodes. Otherwise they are heterogeneous trees with different nodes.

To determine the rank of matrix Inline graphic, we rewrite it as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e239.jpg (10)

In Eq. (10), each Inline graphic, Inline graphic, of size Inline graphic denotes a collection of heterogeneous trees with same nodes (Inline graphic for Inline graphic), and Inline graphic of size Inline graphic denotes heterogeneous trees with different nodes. Inline graphic.

Case 1

Heterogeneous trees with same nodes.

Proposition 3

Given matrix Inline graphic as a collection of heterogeneous trees with same nodes, we have Inline graphic, Inline graphic, where Inline graphic denotes the number of nodes in matrix Inline graphic.


According to the definition of heterogeneous trees with same nodes, these trees always have the same reachability with different paths to reach the same node, which means for each heterogeneously structured temporal tree with same nodes, there exists at least one independent parameter (interaction). When Inline graphic, Inline graphic. When Inline graphic, we get a triangular matrix with its diagonal elements non-zeros by some linear transformations. Therefore, we have Inline graphic. Similarly, when Inline graphic, we get Inline graphic. In short, we reach Inline graphic.

Case 2

Heterogeneous trees with different nodes.

Proposition 4

Given matrix Inline graphic as heterogeneous trees with different nodes, we have Inline graphic.


When Inline graphic, we easily have Inline graphic. If Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, then when Inline graphic, it's equivalent to add a tree with different nodes into matrix Inline graphic to get matrix Inline graphic. Therefore, there always exists at least one new nonzero entry with its column index Inline graphic and row index Inline graphic in matrix Inline graphic, and Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic, where (Inline graphic) denotes a nonzero vector. That means for any Inline graphic, we have Inline graphic. Note that if we cannot find such a nonzero entry, we claim that this new tree must have a collection of nodes coincident to some other tree, which is not allowed in this case.

Theorem 1

Given matrices Inline graphic, Inline graphic, as the heterogeneously structured trees and Inline graphic as the maximum-structurally controllable subspace of heterogeneously structured trees, we have

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e280.jpg (11)


Firstly, we prove the left part of inequality (11), i.e. Inline graphic. Compared with the trees, denote as Inline graphic, in matrix Inline graphic (Inline graphic), those trees in matrices Inline graphic have different nodes, i.e., Inline graphic, and Inline graphic for Inline graphic. Therefore, Inline graphic when there exists a matrix consists of all nodes, and it has the maximum rank. For the right part, i.e. Inline graphic, we reach the equality when matrix Inline graphic is written as:

Inline graphic, where row vector Inline graphic, i.e, the Inline graphic row of matrix Inline graphic, denotes node Inline graphic, and matrices Inline graphic denote the other part of these trees. This means there's no intersection of nodes between any two matrices of Inline graphic except node Inline graphic, i.e., Inline graphic for Inline graphic. In this case, each matrix Inline graphic contributes Inline graphic to Inline graphic. Therefore, Inline graphic.

2.2.2 Homogeneously Structured Trees

Definition 5

Consider homogeneously structured trees Inline graphic. If their corresponding adjacency matrices Inline graphic are independent, then they are called independent trees. Otherwise they are interdependent trees.

We rewrite matrix Inline graphic as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e309.jpg (12)

and each Inline graphic denote a collection of homogeneously structured trees (Inline graphic for Inline graphic), which is written as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e313.jpg (13)

In Eq. (13), each Inline graphic, Inline graphic, of size Inline graphic denotes a collection of interdependent trees with same interactions (Inline graphic for Inline graphic, where Inline graphic denotes the collection of same interactions in matrix Inline graphic), and Inline graphic of size Inline graphic denotes independent trees. For homogeneously structured trees, we have Inline graphic and Inline graphic, Inline graphic, where Inline graphic and Inline graphic denote the number of nodes in matrices Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively.

Case 1

Independent trees.

Proposition 5

Given matrix Inline graphic as independent trees, we have Inline graphic, where Inline graphic denotes the number of nodes in matrix Inline graphic.


According to the definition of independent matrices, the matrix having the reachability vectors of independent trees from the controller Inline graphic, i.e. Inline graphic, is a structured matrix. For such a structured matrix, we can always find a square sub-matrix of size Inline graphic, whose elements are all non-zero. Therefore, it's obvious that Inline graphic.

An illustrative example is given with Fig. 4 (a). The corresponding matrix Inline graphic is written as: Inline graphic, whose rank is 2, i.e., Inline graphic. More generally, if Inline graphic, matrix Inline graphic is written as: Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

Figure 4. Three examples of the homogeneously structured temporal trees.

Figure 4

(a) Independent trees, (b) and (c) Interdependent trees. For the two homogeneously structured trees in (b), there are three same interactions, i.e (B,C,5), (B,D,5) and (B,E,5), but there are only two such interactions, i.e (B,C,5) and (B,D,5), for the trees in (c). The trees in (b) and (c) are both interdependent according to our definition. The numbers in parenthesis denote active time points of interactions and characters Inline graphic denote the weights of interactions.

Case 2

Interdependent trees.

Proposition 6

Given matrix Inline graphic as a collection of interdependent trees, we have Inline graphic, where Inline graphic denotes the number of nodes, and Inline graphic is the number of same interactions in Inline graphic.


Without loss of generality, we firstly prove the case of two trees as shown in Fig. 4 (b). Here Inline graphic, i.e. interaction Inline graphic and Inline graphic. The corresponding matrix Inline graphic, and it's obvious that the dependence of elements in matrix is caused by the interdependent of trees in some interactions. Thus Inline graphic. More generally, when extending to the case of Inline graphic trees, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. Similarly, for the trees in Fig. 4 (c), Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. Similarly, when extending to the case of Inline graphic trees, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic.

Theorem 2

Given matrices Inline graphic, Inline graphic, as homogeneously structured trees, we have

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e366.jpg (14)

where Inline graphic is the number of nodes, and Inline graphic is the number of same interactions in Inline graphic, Inline graphic.


The outsider function Inline graphic ensures that the rank of matrix Inline graphic never exceeds the number of independent rows, i.e., the number of nodes in matrix Inline graphic. Next we focus on the number of independent columns. From the proof of Proposition 5, we know there always exists a structured square matrix of size Inline graphic in matrix Inline graphic, so there always exists Inline graphic independent columns compared with interdependent matrix Inline graphic, which means matrix Inline graphic always contributes Inline graphic to matrix Inline graphic, i.e., Inline graphic in Eq. (14). Now we focus on the part of

Inline graphic, which deals with the rank of all interdependent trees, i.e. the rank of matrix Inline graphic. Without loss of generality, for trees shown in Fig. 4 (b) and (c), we have Inline graphic,and Inline graphic. More generally, when extending to the case of Inline graphic trees, we similarly have Inline graphic Inline graphic. When Inline graphic, it's easy to verify that Inline graphic. So the rank of matrix Inline graphic is Inline graphic.

With Eq. (12) and Theorem 2, we directly give the following Lemma 1 for homogeneously structured trees.

Lemma 1

Given matrices Inline graphic, Inline graphic, as collections of homogeneously structured trees and Inline graphic as the maximum-structurally controllable subspace of homogeneously structured trees, we have

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e396.jpg (15)

With Theorem 1, Theorem 2 and Lemma 1 above, we straightly get Theorem 3:

Theorem 3

Given Inline graphic and Inline graphic as the maximum controlled subspace of heterogeneously structured and homogeneously structured temporal trees in Eq. (11) and (15), respectively, we have

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e399.jpg (16)

2.3 Numerical Simulations

We firstly verify the feasibility and reliability of Theorem 3. As shown in Fig. 5, four different networks with sizes of 40, 60, 80 and 100 are studied, respectively. For each of the four networks, we randomly generate an interaction between a pair of nodes with probability 0.002, and repeat it for all the Inline graphic pairs of nodes at a specified time point. Repeat this process for 100 rounds at 100 different time points, i.e. Inline graphic. As shown in Fig. 5, all the calculated values of controlling centrality of the four networks (denoted as 'Calculated') are between the upper and lower bounds (denoted as 'Upper Bound' and 'Lower Bound', respectively) given by our analytical results in Eq. (16). Besides, the gaps (numerical calculations) between upper and lower bounds are very minor in these artificial networks.

Figure 5. Controlling centrality of artificial networks.

Figure 5

(a), (b), (c) and (d) denote network with 40, 60, 80 and 100 nodes, respectively. For each of the four networks, we randomly generate an interaction between a pair of nodes with probability 0.002, and repeat it for all the Inline graphic pairs of nodes at a specified time point. repeat this process for 100 rounds at 100 different time points, i.e. Inline graphic. The value of controlling centrality, denoted as 'Calculated', is straightly calculated by the computation of matrix Inline graphic in Eq. (19), and the upper and lower bounds, denoted as 'Upper Bound' and 'Lower Bound', respectively, are given by the analytical results in Eq. (16).

We further investigate three empirical datasets, i.e., 'HT09', 'SG-Infectious' and 'Fudan WIFI' (Details of the datasets see Methods) [31], [35], [36], [43]. For the dataset of 'HT09', two temporal networks are generated: i) a temporal network (113 nodes and 9865 interactions) with all nodes and interactions within record of dataset, denoted as 'all range', ii) a temporal network (73 nodes and 3679 interactions) with nodes and interactions after removing the most powerful nodes (nodes with the largest controlling centrality) in the temporal network of i), denoted as 'removed'. For the dataset of 'SG-Infectious', three temporal networks are generated: i) a temporal network (1321 nodes and 20343 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the first week, denoted as 'Week 1', ii) a temporal network (868 nodes and 13401 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the second week, denoted as 'Week 2', iii) a temporal network (2189 nodes and 33744 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the first two weeks, denoted as 'Week 1&2'. For the dataset of 'Fudan WIFI', three temporal networks are generated: i) a temporal network (1120 nodes and 12833 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the first day, denoted as 'Day 1', ii) a temporal network (2250 nodes and 25772 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the second day, denoted as 'Day 2', iii) a temporal network (1838 nodes and 27810 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded at Access Point No. 713, denoted as '713 point'. With these three types of eight temporal networks, we calculate their upper and lower bounds of controlling centrality given by our analytical results (it's difficult to directly calculate the rank of matrix Inline graphic for large-scale networks). The aggregated degree of a node in Figs. 6 and 7 is the number of neighbored nodes whom it interacts within the corresponding temporal network. As shown in Fig. 6, although the sizes of these networks range from 73 to 2250, the gaps of the upper and lower bounds remain very tiny, indicating the feasibility and reliability of Eq. (16) in both artificial (refer to Fig. 5) and empirical networks. Fig. 7 shows us the positive relationship between the aggregated degree and controlling centrality of nodes. When removing the most powerful nodes (nodes with the largest controlling centrality), as shown in Fig. 7 (a), and considering temporal networks with different time scales and types, as shown in Fig. 7 (b) and (c), the observed positive relationship remains unchanged. This indicates the robustness of this relationship of temporal network, regardless of the structural destructions or time evolutions of the network. Further more, Fig. 8 reveals some nodes with rather larger (smaller) controlling centrality but smaller (larger) aggregated degree, which suggests that although there's a positive relationship between aggregated degree and controlling centrality, controlling centrality is a measurement inherently different from the aggregated degree.

Figure 6. The gap of upper and lower bounds of controlling centrality.

Figure 6

(a) HT09 (b) SG-Infectious (c) Fudan WIFI. For the dataset of 'HT09', two temporal networks are generated: i) a temporal network (113 nodes and 9865 interactions) with all nodes and interactions within record of dataset, denoted as 'all range', ii) a temporal network (73 nodes and 3679 interactions) with nodes and interactions after removing the most powerful nodes (nodes with the largest controlling centrality) in the temporal network of i), denoted as 'removed'. For the dataset of 'SG-Infectious', three temporal networks are generated: i) a temporal network (1321 nodes and 20343 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the first week, denoted as 'Week 1', ii) a temporal network (868 nodes and 13401 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the second week, denoted as 'Week 2', iii) a temporal network (2189 nodes and 33744 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the first two weeks, denoted as 'Week 1&2'. For the dataset of 'Fudan WIFI', three temporal networks are generated: i) a temporal network (1120 nodes and 12833 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the first day, denoted as 'Day 1', ii) a temporal network (2250 nodes and 25772 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded in the second day, denoted as 'Day 2', iii) a temporal network (1838 nodes and 27810 interactions) with nodes and interactions recorded at Access Point No. 713, denoted as '713 point'. The upper and lower bounds of the controlling centrality are given by analytical results in the main text, and the gap is given by the absolute value of the difference of the upper and lower bounds. The aggregated degree of a node is the number of neighbored nodes whom it interacts within the corresponding temporal network. All the gaps are minor when compared with the sizes of these temporal networks.

Figure 7. The statistical relationship between node's aggregated degree and the average controlling centrality.

Figure 7

(a) HT09 (b) SG-Infectious (c) FudanWIFI. All the temporal networks are the same as those in Fig. 6. Each point in this figure is an average controlling centrality of nodes with the same aggregated degree, and there's a positive relationship between the aggregated degree and its controlling centrality, even with some structural destructions or time evolutions.

Figure 8. The specific relationship between node's aggregated degree and controlling centrality.

Figure 8

(a) and (b) Temporal networks generated by the dataset of 'SG-Infectious' (c) and (d) Temporal networks generated by the dataset of 'Fudan WIFI'. Although big nodes (node with larger aggregated degree) tend to own larger controlling centralities, there exist many nodes with larger (smaller) aggregated degree but smaller (larger) controlling centrality, such as circled points in (a), (b) and (d).

Besides, Fig. 9 focuses on the datasets of 'SG-Infectious' and 'Fudan WIFI' to visualize the distribution of controlling centrality of different temporal networks. The scale-free distribution of node's controlling centrality is virtually independent of the time period and network scale, which is similar to the distribution of node's activity potential [47]. However, these two studied datasets are inherently different. The dataset of 'SG-Infectious' collected the attendee's temporal activity information during an exhibition, where the attendee generally do not appear again after the visit. Therefore, the interactions among nodes in the temporal networks generated from 'SG-Infectious' present more randomness than those of 'Fudan WIFI', while the latter presents weekly rhythm of the scheduled campus activities in a university.

Figure 9. The distribution of node's controlling centrality.

Figure 9

(a) Temporal networks generated by the dataset of 'SG-Infectious' (b) Temporal networks generated by the dataset of 'Fudan WIFI'. For each dataset, three different temporal networks are generated within different time scales, denoted as 'Week 1', 'Week 2' and 'Week 1&2' for SG-Infectious and 'Day 1', 'Day 2' and '713 point' for Fudan WIFI, respectively.


Many problems on networks involving time are raised by some common themes, especially on communication in distributed networks, epidemiology and scheduled transportation networks. In some earlier literatures, authors studied a model with each edge of a graph associating with a single active time point (or equivalently a single starting and ending time points). So each edge has a reaction time, i.e. the delay, to transmit an information to the other end of the edge. This simple model had raised a number of interesting open questions about the basic properties of the original graph. However, such a simplified model is far enough for the cases in our information society, where relationships are varying, they are strengthened or weakened, even disappeared or created, and the exchange of information happens frequently, i.e. a pair of node exchanges information for far more than just once. Although, with the record of temporal networks being available by digital technologies, many attentions have been attracted to this area [37], little work has been carried out on the structural controllability.

In this paper, we propose a framework from graphic perspective to address the structural controllability of temporal networks, especially focusing on the ability of a single node to control the whole network (controlling centrality), which allows us analyzing large-scale networks more convenient and efficient. Noting that the single node here does not necessarily to be driven node as the one in the seminal paper of Liu et al. [12], it is randomly chosen from the whole network and we mainly focus on its controlling centrality – a measurement of its importance from the perspective of control theory. Although there's a positive relationship between controlling centrality and aggregated degree, these two centralities are obviously not equivalent in neither definition nor methodology. Frankly, more steps can be taken on the structural controllability of temporal networks in the near future. For example, one of opening problems, untouched in this paper and waiting for endeavor studies and explorations elsewhere, is the multi-inputs case. Whether or not the LTV framework still suitable for the analysis, we are looking forward for the answers.


4.1 Notation

The symbols used in the main text are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Notations in the paper.

Notations Description
Inline graphic the Inline graphic formation of temporal network Inline graphic
Inline graphic and Inline graphic the set of nodes and the cardinality of set Inline graphic
Inline graphic the adjacency matrix of graph Inline graphic
Inline graphic the transpose of adjacency matrix Inline graphic
Inline graphic the Inline graphic power of adjacency matrix Inline graphic
Inline graphic an element of matrix Inline graphic with position Inline graphic (row index) and Inline graphic (column index)
Inline graphic the Inline graphic row of matrix Inline graphic
Inline graphic the controller located on node Inline graphic of temporal network Inline graphic
Inline graphic dynamic communicability matrix of temporal network Inline graphic at time Inline graphic
Inline graphic reachability matrix of input signal within the temporal network Inline graphic
Inline graphic reachability vector of input signal within a temporal tree Inline graphic
Inline graphic reachability vector of input signal within heterogeneously structured
temporal tree Inline graphic
Inline graphic reachability vector of input signal within homogeneously structured
temporal tree Inline graphic
Inline graphic reachability matrix of input signal within temporal trees extracted from
temporal network Inline graphic
Inline graphic reachability matrix of input signal within heterogeneously structured
temporal trees
Inline graphic reachability matrix of input signal within homogeneously structured
temporal trees
Inline graphic the maximum controlled subspace of temporal network Inline graphic
with single controller located on Inline graphic
Inline graphic the maximum controlled subspace of heterogeneously structured
temporal trees with single controller located on Inline graphic
Inline graphic the maximum controlled subspace of homogeneously structured
temporal trees with single controller located on Inline graphic

4.2 Controlling Centrality

With a sampling interval properly chosen, we write Eq. (3) as follow:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e451.jpg (17)

Generally, Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the sampling interval. From Eq. (17), we get the recursive relationship of two neighboring states as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e454.jpg (18)

Where Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are the transpose of the adjacency matrix of the Inline graphicth graph and the identity matrix, respectively. Define

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e460.jpg (19)

and the final state is written as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e461.jpg (20)

If there exists a sequence of inputs denoted as Inline graphic such that Inline graphic in Eq. (20), then the temporal network is structurally controllable at time point Inline graphic, i.e. Inline graphic. Otherwise, we may split Inline graphic into two parts, written as:

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e467.jpg (21)

and if there exists a sequence of inputs denoted as Inline graphic such that Inline graphic in Eq. (21), then the Inline graphic subspace of the network is structurally controllable at time point Inline graphic, which is equivalent to the condition Inline graphic. Therefore, we define controlling centrality as

graphic file with name pone.0094998.e473.jpg (22)

i.e. the maximum dimension of controllable subspace, as a measure of node Inline graphic's ability to structurally control the network: if Inline graphic, then node Inline graphic alone can structurally control the whole network. Any value of Inline graphic less than Inline graphic provides the maximum dimension of the subspace Inline graphic can structurally control.

4.3 Datasets

We mainly investigate three temporal networks with three empirical data sets in this paper. The first data was collected during the ACM Hypertext 2009 conference, where the 'SocioPatterns' project deployed the Live Social Semantics applications. The conference attendees volunteered to wear radio badges which monitored their face-to-face interactions and we name this data as 'HT09'. The second is a random data set containing the daily dynamic contacts collected during the art-science exhibition 'INFECTIOUS: STAY AWAY' which took place at the Science Gallery in Dublin, Ireland, and we name it as 'SG-Infectious'. These two data are both available from the website of 'SocioPatterns' [31] ( The third data set was collected from Fudan University during the 2009-2010 fall semester (3 whole months), which is named as 'FudanWIFI' [35], [36], [43]. In this data set, each student/teacher/visiting scholar has a unique account to access the Campus WiFi system, which automatically records the device' MAC addresse, the MAC address of the accessed WiFi access point (APs), and the connecting (disconnecting) time as well. Table 3 summaries some characteristics of the aforementioned three empirical datasets.

Table 3. Characteristics of the three empirical datasets.

HT09 SG-Infectious FudanWIFI
Area Conference Mesume Campus
Technology RFID RFID WiFi
Collection 3 days 62 days 84 days
Number of 113 10970 17897
Number of 9865 198198 884800
Spatial Inline graphic2 Inline graphic2 Inline graphic8
Types of Strangers Acquaintances Acquaintances
contacts with repeat without repeat with repeat

Funding Statement

This work was partly supported by National Key Basic Research and Development Program (No. 2010CB731403), the National Natural Science Foundation (No. 61273223), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No. 20120071110029) and the Key Project of National Social Science Fund (No. 12&ZD18) of China. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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