Table 1.
Definition of major symbols and terms
Symbol or abbreviation | Description | Units | Value |
s,n,w | Subscripts: s, solute; n, non-permeating; w, water | None | None |
Lp | Hydraulic conductivity in the presence of cryoprotectant | μm min-1 atm-1 | Parameter |
Ps | Solute permeability | μm min-1 | Parameter |
Ea | Activation energy | kcal mol-1 | Parameter |
T | Temperature | K | 295 |
A | Cell surface area | μm2 | Parameter |
V | Total cell volume | μm3 | Variable |
Vb | Osmotically inactive cell volume | μm3 | Parameter |
W | Intracellular water volume | μm3 | Variable |
S | Moles of internal permeating solute at time t | Moles | Variable |
t | Time | Seconds | Variable |
πiso | Osmolality of initial (isotonic) intracellular nonpermeating solutes | Osm kg-1 H2O | 0.290 |
πn | Osmolality of extracellular nonpermeating solutes | Osm(kg H2O)-1 | Variable |
Ms | Molality of extracellular permeating solutes | Mol (kg H2O)-1 | Variable |
N | Osmoles of intracellular salts | Osm | Variable |
V̄ | Partial molal volume of solute | L mole-1 | Variable |
R | The universal gas constant | kcal mole-1 K-1 | 1.987 × 10-3 |