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Applied and Environmental Microbiology logoLink to Applied and Environmental Microbiology
. 2014 Apr;80(7):2317–2325. doi: 10.1128/AEM.04283-13

In-Feed Use of Heavy Metal Micronutrients in U.S. Swine Production Systems and Its Role in Persistence of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonellae

Julius J Medardus a,c,d, Bayleyegn Z Molla a,d, Matthew Nicol a, W Morgan Morrow b, Paivi J Rajala-Schultz a, Rudovick Kazwala c,d, Wondwossen A Gebreyes a,d,
Editor: H L Drake
PMCID: PMC3993138  PMID: 24487542


The study aimed to characterize the role of heavy metal micronutrients in swine feed in emergence of heavy-metal-tolerant and multidrug-resistant Salmonella organisms. We conducted a longitudinal study in 36 swine barns over a 2-year period. The feed and fecal levels of Cu2+ and Zn2+ were measured. Salmonella was isolated at early and late finishing. MICs of copper sulfate and zinc chloride were measured using agar dilution. Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested using the Kirby-Bauer method, and 283 isolates were serotyped. We amplified pcoA and czcD genes that encode Cu2+ and Zn2+ tolerance, respectively. Of the 283 isolates, 113 (48%) showed Cu2+ tolerance at 24 mM and 164 (58%) showed Zn2+ tolerance at 8 mM. In multivariate analysis, serotype and source of isolates were significantly associated with Cu2+ tolerance (P < 0.001). Fecal isolates were more likely to be Cu2+ tolerant than those of feed origin (odds ratio [OR], 27.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.8 to 250; P = 0.0042) or environmental origin (OR, 5.8), implying the significance of gastrointestinal selective pressure. Salmonella enterica serotypes Typhimurium and Heidelberg, highly significant for public health, had higher odds of having >20 mM MICs of Cu2+ than did “other” serotypes. More than 60% of Salmonella isolates with resistance type (R-type) AmStTeKm (32 of 53) carried pcoA; only 5% with R-type AmClStSuTe carried this gene. czcD gene carriage was significantly associated with a higher Zn2+ MIC (P < 0.05). The odds of having a high Zn2+ MIC (≥8 mM) were 14.66 times higher in isolates with R-type AmClStSuTe than in those with R-type AmStTeKm (P < 0.05). The findings demonstrate strong association between heavy metal tolerance and antimicrobial resistance, particularly among Salmonella serotypes important in public health.


Nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica serotypes are among the most important food-borne bacterial pathogens, with a broad host range, including food animals and humans. Salmonella enterica remains one of the leading causes of food-borne illness (11%), hospitalization (35%), and death (28%) in the United States (1). In addition, most strains of the commonly occurring serovars, such as Typhimurium, have been shown to exhibit multidrug resistance, resistance to two or more antimicrobials (24). Previous studies on antimicrobial resistance have shown the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella in swine production systems even when there was no history of using antimicrobials, either as therapeutics or as growth promoters (57). The emergence and persistence of MDR Salmonella serovars in a swine production environment where there is no history of antimicrobial use suggest the presence of other risk factors such as selective pressure, including the use of heavy metal micronutrients in intensive swine production units.

Micronutrients such as copper and zinc, among many others, are included in swine feed and other livestock to achieve growth promotion and increase feed efficiency (8, 9). Zinc and copper are essential trace elements for prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular metabolic functions. Zinc is a cofactor of more than 300 metalloenzymes, including alkaline phosphatases, whereas copper is needed for activation of several oxidative enzymes required for normal cellular metabolism (10, 11). Due to the proven and anticipated beneficial effects of zinc and copper in swine production, in-feed supplementation of zinc and copper in commercial production systems has been very common (12, 13).

On the other hand, tolerance to various chemicals among bacterial pathogens, mediated by different mechanisms, has also been on the rise. Multidrug efflux systems have been shown to be important mechanisms of resistance against antimicrobial agents and other structurally unrelated compounds, including heavy metals and biocides. The mechanisms of heavy metal resistance to copper in Enterococcus faecium isolates from pigs have been associated with the carriage of a conjugative plasmid carrying copper resistance determinants such as tcrB (1416). Another efflux system that has also been associated with copper tolerance reported in Gram-negative organisms is the PCO operon, which mediates resistance to Cu2+.

Resistance to Zn2+ and other metals such as Co2+ and Cd2+ is conferred by genetic determinants often carried by a plasmid such as pMOL30. In the CZC operon system, the products of the czc gene clusters function as a main component of an efflux protein (CzcA), a cation funnel (CzcB), a modulator of substrate specificity (CzcC) (1720), and a protein involved in regulation of the operon (CzcD). The CzcD gene is involved in the regulation of a zinc, cobalt, and cadmium efflux system, the Czc system, which mediates resistance to these heavy metal cations (19, 21).

Coselection of heavy-metal-tolerant and antimicrobial-resistant phenotypes often occurs when the genes are colocated on genetic elements such as a plasmid, transposon, or integron (2224). The efflux pump in bacteria plays a major role in development of resistance to several classes of antimicrobial agents. The presence and significance of resistance factors against micronutrients among Salmonella strains in the United States are poorly understood, and their association with antimicrobial resistance in the production environment has not been investigated. The present study was conducted to characterize the role of heavy metal micronutrient interventions (such as those by copper and zinc) in the emergence of heavy-metal-tolerant Salmonella and also its coselective association with multidrug-resistant Salmonella. Further, we investigated the association with carriage of specific efflux gene markers.


Study design and sample collections.

This study was part of a large longitudinal group-randomized controlled study designed to investigate the association of heavy metal micronutrients in swine feed with the occurrence and persistence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella. Briefly, three vertically integrated commercial swine production systems (systems 1, 2, and 3) selected based on their history of Salmonella occurrence were included. From each system, three farms were selected (total of 9 farms). At each farm, four barns were randomly selected for further follow-up in this study, and all barns used standardized disinfection systems to limit introduction of additional potential confounding effects. We visited each farm at two stages (early finishing and late finishing) in four replicates (repeated visits to the same barns during the study period of October 2007 to November 2009). Each replicate visit consisted of sampling assigned barn floors before and after disinfection, pigs at early and late finishing stages, and pooled feed samples (25). Sampling was done from all the 36 barns for a period of more than 2 years. A total of 48 fresh fecal samples (25 g) were aseptically collected from each barn in four replicates at the early finishing stage (6 to 9 weeks of age) (n = 6,842) and at late finishing stages (26 to 28 weeks of age) of production (n = 6,093) from individual pigs. Some samples were lost/missed at different stages of the study (48 samples/barn × 36 barns × 4 replicates = 6,912 samples). Approximately 100 g of pooled feed samples (1 sample per barn collected from all 36 barns at 2 stages and 4 replicates with 13 losses to follow-up) was aseptically collected from 36 barns (n = 275) over a period of 2 years. Each pooled feed sample per barn was aseptically collected from the feeder bin in sterile Whirl-Pak bags and shipped to the laboratory on the same day as collection. For each farm, a survey assessment including questions about basic production, herd health management, biosecurity, and in-feed use of heavy metals (copper and zinc) was done.

Salmonella isolation and identification.

Salmonellae were isolated and identified according to conventional methods as described previously (26, 27). Briefly, a 10-g portion of each fecal and feed sample was preenriched in 90 ml of buffered peptone water (BPW; Becton, Dickinson, Sparks, MD), and 90 ml of BPW was added to each Whirl-Pak bag containing individual drag swabs and incubated at 37°C overnight. The remaining portions of fecal and feed samples were stored at −20°C. After overnight incubation, 100 μl of the preenriched suspension was added into 9.9 ml of Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) enrichment broth (Becton, Dickinson, Sparks, MD) and incubated at 42°C for 24 h. A 10-μl portion of the suspension was inoculated onto xylose-lactose-Tergitol 4 (XLT-4) agar (Becton, Dickinson, Sparks, MD) plates and incubated at 37°C for 24 h, and incubation was extended to 48 h in cases where colonies were doubtful. Three presumptive Salmonella colonies were selected from each positive plate for biochemical testing. Each selected presumptive Salmonella colony was then inoculated onto triple sugar iron (TSI) agar slants (Becton, Dickinson, Sparks, MD), lysine iron agar (LIA) slants (Becton, Dickinson, Sparks, MD), and urea broth (Becton, Dickinson, Sparks, MD) and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. All biochemically confirmed Salmonella isolates were then stored at −80°C until further testing.


Salmonella isolates recovered from swine feed (n = 30), swine barn floors (n = 1,628), and swine feces (n = 4,504) were serogrouped using commercially available polyvalent O and group-specific antisera (Mira Vista, Copenhagen, Denmark) according to the recommendations of the manufacturer. Of all Salmonella isolates biochemically confirmed (n = 6,162), 283 Salmonella isolates were systematically selected based on origin and phenotypic characteristics (serogrouping and antimicrobial resistance profiles) and submitted to the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (USDA-NVSL, Ames, IA) for serotyping. Salmonella isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility to a panel of 12 antimicrobials using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method according to the guidelines of the CLSI (28). The antimicrobials used and their respective disc potencies were as follows: ampicillin (Am; 10 μg/ml), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (Ax; 30 μg/ml), amikacin (An; 30 μg/ml), ceftriaxone (Ce; 30 μg/ml), cephalothin (Ch; 30 μg/ml), chloramphenicol (Cl; 30 μg/ml), ciprofloxacin (CIP; 5 μg/ml), gentamicin (Gm; 10 μg/ml), kanamycin (Km; 30 μg/ml), streptomycin (St; 10 μg/ml), sulfisoxazole (Su; 250 μg/ml), and tetracycline (Te; 30 μg/ml). We used Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 as control strains. Salmonella isolates showing resistance to three or more antimicrobials were classified as multidrug resistant (MDR), and those isolates showing intermediate resistance profiles were considered susceptible.

Copper and zinc level determinations in swine feed and fecal samples.

Pooled feed and fecal samples were shipped to the Ohio State University soil analytic laboratory for copper and zinc level determinations. The concentrations of copper and zinc in pooled feed and fecal samples were measured by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (PerkinElmer Optima 2000) using a method adapted from the work of Luo et al. (29). Quality control samples included a negative control (blank), positive control (two matrix spikes), and one standard reference material per batch of 20 samples. The methods have been modified from those of Lindsey et al. (30), Ollers et al. (31), Zhu et al. (32), and USEPA 3051b (33).

MIC of copper sulfate and zinc chloride.

Three hundred forty-nine Salmonella isolates, from 283 samples, recovered from floor swabs (n = 179 samples), feces (n = 94 samples), and feed samples (n = 10 samples) with different antimicrobial resistance patterns were systematically selected for tests of tolerance to different concentrations of zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and copper sulfate (CuSO4). The agar plate-dilution method was used to determine the MIC against Salmonella as described before (34). The susceptibilities were determined on Mueller-Hinton II (MH-II) agar plates with a dilution range for zinc chloride of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 mM, with the pH of the medium adjusted to 5.5. Copper sulfate solutions contained the dilution range of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 mM with the pH of the medium adjusted to 7.2. Briefly, 25 ml of MH agar was aseptically dispensed and allowed to solidify. Bacterial suspensions were adjusted to 107 CFU/ml (100 μl of each inoculum at a 0.5 McFarland standard plus 900 μl of sterile 0.85% NaCl solutions). Each of the 400-μl suspension was aseptically aliquoted to a corresponding well of the replicator inoculum block. All test Salmonella isolates and control strains were tested in triplicate. The inoculated plates were incubated at 37°C for 16 to 20 h. Plates were assessed for growth, and the MIC was determined. The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration that inhibits the visible growth of Salmonella. Enterococcus faecium A17 sv 1 HHA 210, S. aureus C10682, S. aureus ATCC 29213, and S. aureus SO385 were used as reference strains. The reference strains were generously provided by Henrik Hasman (Technical University of Denmark).

Identification of heavy metal micronutrient (Cu2+ and Zn2+) tolerance genes.

The 283 Salmonella isolates were tested for the carriage of selected tolerance genes (pcoA for copper tolerance and czcD for zinc tolerance) using PCR. Briefly, Salmonella isolates were inoculated onto tryptic soy agar (TSA) plates and incubated at 37°C overnight. The genomic DNA was extracted using the Qiagen DNeasy tissue kit according to the manufacturer's instructions (Qiagen Ambion, Austin, TX, USA). Primers used for amplification of the pcoA gene included Forward (5′-CGTCTCGACGAACTTTCCTG-3′) and Reverse (5′-GGACTTCACGAAACATTCCC-3′). The thermocycling conditions included Hot Start Taq activation at 95°C for 5 min, denaturation at 95°C for 1.5 min, annealing at 57°C for 1.5 min, and extension at 72°C for 2 min, and amplification was done in 34 cycles (35). Primers used for amplification of the czcD gene included Forward (5′-TTTAGATCTTTTACCACCATGGGCGC-3′) and Reverse (5′-TTTCAGCTGAACATCATACCCTAGTTT-3′) (36). The PCR amplification conditions were initial denaturation at 94°C for 2.5 min, annealing at 60°C for 1 min, and extension at 72°C for 1 min, and then the amplification cycle was repeated for a further 28 cycles and final extension was done at 72°C for 5 min. Ten microliters of the PCR product of each isolate tested was electrophoresed on a 1% agarose gel stained with 5 μl of 10-mg/ml ethidium bromide for 1 h at 120 V using 0.5× Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) as running buffer. A 1-kb Plus DNA ladder was used as a molecular size marker.

Data analysis.

Data were first summarized descriptively: levels of Salmonella prevalence in different samples, proportions of isolates that were resistant or were carrying heavy metal tolerance genes, and copper and zinc MICs were calculated. To explore the role of heavy metals and heavy metal tolerance in Salmonella in swine production, the data were analyzed with SAS v.9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) using a generalized linear mixed model approach (PROC GLIMMIX), with binary distribution and logit link. The clustered data structure was accounted for by testing and including production company, farm, and barn as random effects in the models. Only one isolate per sample was included in the statistical modeling. Isolates were categorized based on their heavy metal (Zn and Cu) MIC values into high- or low-MIC groups (Zn MIC equal to 8 = high; Cu MIC equal to 24 mM = high), as well as on carriage of the zinc (czcD) or copper (pcoA) tolerance gene (yes/no). These characteristics were used as outcomes in the statistical analysis, and separate models were run for Cu and Zn.

Isolates were categorized into three groups based on their serotype: Typhimurium, Heidelberg, and “other.” Based on their resistance patterns (R-type), isolates were also categorized into four groups: AmClStSuTe, AmStTeKm, resistant to any other combination of drugs, or pansusceptible. Associations between the above-mentioned outcomes and feed and fecal levels of the metals, source of the isolates (fecal, feed, or floor swab), different serotypes, and resistance patterns were assessed. Initially, all factors were individually modeled against the outcome in a univariate screening, and all that were associated with the outcome with P of <0.2 were included in a full model. Nonsignificant (P > 0.05) variables were dropped one at a time until all variables remaining in the model were significant. Of the 283 isolates selected for further characterization, 100% of serovar Heidelberg and Typhimurium isolates were multidrug resistant; thus, no further statistical modeling was performed on multidrug resistance.


Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella.

Salmonella isolates were detected in 17.2% (1,180/6,842) and 7.1% (431/6,093) of the pigs at early and late finishing stages, respectively. Interestingly, in each of the three production companies different Salmonella serovars appeared to dominate: Typhimurium was found most frequently in production system 1 (61.8% of all isolates), Heidelberg was found most often in production system 2 (50.3%), and “other” serovars were isolated most commonly in production system 3 (56.5%). Antimicrobial resistance was very common among the isolates, with 90% (27 of 30) of Salmonella isolates that originated from feed samples, 92.3% (1,503 of 1,628) of isolates from drag swabs, and 98.02% (4,415 of 4,504) of isolates from swine fecal samples showing resistance to one or more of the antimicrobials tested. Almost two-thirds, 60% (18 of 30), of the Salmonella isolates recovered from feed samples, 51.4% (836 of 1,628) of the isolates from barn floor drag swabs, and 76.1% (3,428 of 4,504) of the isolates from swine fecal samples were multidrug resistant (MDR). Table 1 summarizes the phenotypic properties of Salmonella serotypes (n = 283) further characterized using phenotypic and genotypic approaches.


Summary of phenotypic properties of Salmonella isolates (n = 283)

Serotype (no. of strains) Resistance pattern (R-type), no. of strains Source Zn
MIC (mM) Presence of czcD (no. of strains)a Level in sample (mg/kg)
MIC Presence of pcoA (no. of strains)a Level in sample (mg/kg)
Feed Fecal Feed Fecal
Schwarzengrund (3) AmStTeAxChKm (1) Swab 8 0 196 1,436 24 0 14 260
Pansusceptible (2) Swab 8 0 196 1,436 24 0 14 260
Mbandaka (7) AmClStSuTeAx (1); AmSuChCe (1); StSuTe (2) Swab 8 0 196–527.3 1,436–4,167.2 20–24 0 14–194.7 260–1,209.8
AmStTe (1); AmClStSuTeAxCh (1) Fecal 4–8 0 109.0–144 674–9,027.2 20–24 0 (1), + (1) 157.7–173 1,142–1,704.2
SuTe (1) Feed 8 0 1,668 10,530 16 1 268 1,852
Anatum (9) AmTeAxChCeXNL (1); AmTeAxChXNL (1); AmStTeAxCh/XNL (3) Swab 8 0 140.1–171.3 774–1,383.1 20–24 0 11.9–97 137.8–742
Pansusceptible (2) Swab 4–8 0 171.3–201 1,017–1,691 20 0 34 406
AmStTeAxCh (2) Fecal 8 0 96 787 24 0 146 1,496
Derby (17) StSuTe (4) Swab 4–8 0 132.7–201 939.9–11,631 20 0 9.4–34 112.9–406
AmStSuTeAxChCe/XNL (6); AmClStSuTe (1); AmStSuTe/Km (2) Fecal 4–8 0 108.8–2,000 865.9–11,185 20–24 0 8.3–316 110.6–1,911
AmStSuTe (1); AmStSuTeAxCh (1) Swab 4–8 0 1,389.1–1,393.2 8,714.8–10,146.2 20 1 249.3–268.3 1,645.5–1,875.3
Pansusceptible (1) Fecal 4 0 91.4–166.3 639.2–1,229.4 20–24 0 (6), + (1) 6.2–173 95–143.9
Te (1) Feed 8 0 147.6 719.7 16 0 146.2 919.2
Heidelberg (72) AmStTeKm (1) Feed 4 0 127.2 736.1 20 1 20.9 86.7
AmStTeKm (12); AmStTeKmGm (2); AmStSuTeKmGm/Ax (2) Swab 4–8 0 93.4–7,383.7 710.8–8,494.7 20–24 0 (7), + (9) 18.7–1,384.3 106.6–1,564.3
AmStTeKm/AxChkmXNL (31); AmStSuTeKm/Gm (10); AmClStSuTeKm (1) Fecal 4–8 0 79–2,000 675.3–11,631 20–24 0 (17), + (25) 135.4–308 137.3–2,130.7
AmStTeAxChKmXNL (5); AmStTeAxChKmGm (4) Fecal 4–8 0 92.9–1,549.1 675.3–8,952 20–24 0 (4), + (5) 203.2–291.1 12,176–1,839.1
AmStTeAxChKmAnXNL (1); AmStTeAxChKm (2) Fecal 8 0 178–191 1,059–1,197 24 0 14–87 160–172
AmStTeKm (1) Feed 4 0 1,330.3 948.6 20 0 229.5 1,412.7
Typhimurium (122) AmClStSuTe (28); AmStSuTeKm/Ax (4); AmClStSuTeAx/Ch (3) Swab 4–8 0 (2), + (12) 109.5–183.1 541–970 16–24 0 (10), + (4) 7.8–173 81.9–1,142
AmClStSuTe/Ch (2); AmClStSuTeKm/Gm (2) Swab 4–8 0 (5), + (14) 97.5–1,685 541–11,365 16–24 0 (18), + (1) 7.3–271 89.3.1–2,001
AmClStSuTe (39); AmClStSuTeAx (9); AmStSuTeKm (4) Fecal 4–8 0 (7), + (45) 81.3–1,762.2 787–11,365 16–24 0 (47), + (5) 9.9–262 90.7–2,001
AmStTeKm (8); AmClStSuTeKm (3) Fecal 4–8 0 (11) 89.1–1,728.2 692.6–7,852.4 20–24 0 (2), + (9) 7.5–365.2 152.3–1,703
AmClStSuTeAxCh (6); AmClStSuTeAxChKmXNL (2) Fecal 4–8 0 (1), + (7) 140–161.1 674–1,383.1 20–24 0 (7), + (1) 7.6–173 119.1–1,142
AmClStSuTeAxChXNL (4); AmClStSuTeAxChKmGm (1); AmClStSuTeCh (1) Fecal 4–8 0 (4), + (1) 144–160.9 674–1,063.6 20–24 0 14.4–173 123.8–1,142
AmClStSuTeAxKmGm (1); ClStSuTe (2); AmClStSuTeChKmGm (2) Fecal 4–8 0 (3), + (2) 99.1–1,347.5 541–8,952.0 4–24 0 (3), + (2) 3.2–203.2 101.8–1,543.4
AmClStSuTe (1) Feed 8 1 116.2 761.3 20 0 19.4 87.8
Worthington (8) AmTeAxChCeXNL (2) Fecal 8 0 115.2–134.4 1,066.7–1,463.5 24 2 9.3–31.4 126.8–177
AmStTeAxChKmGm (1) Swab 8 0 81.9 732.1 24 1 133 935.7
AmStTeAxChKmXNL (1) Fecal 8 0 1,645 12,325 24 1 302 2,397
AmStTe (1) Feed 8 0 1,685 11,365 24 1 271 2,001
AmTeAxChCe (1); AmTeAxChCeXNL (1) Swab 8 0 119.6 734.6 20 1 7.3 89.3
AmStTeAxChKmGmXNL (1) Swab 8 0 81.9 732.1 24 0 133 935.7
Rissen (1) AmStTeKm (1) Swab 8 0 129.6 1,254.7 20 1 15.7 138.7
Enteritidis (1) AmClStSuTe (1) Swab 8 0 140 774 16 0 97 742
Infantis (9) AmClStSuTeAxChKmXNL (2); AmClStSuTe (1) Fecal 4–8 0 (2), + (1) 86.4–146.9 1,383.1 16–20 0 11.9–16.2 135.6
AmClStSuTeAxChKmGm (2); AmClStSuTeAxChKmGmXNL (1); AmAxChXNL (1) Fecal 4–8 0 111–169.1 674–1,266 16–20 0 17–173 149.2–1,142
AmClStSuTeChKmGmXNL (1); AmAxChXNL (1) Swab 8 0 97.5–160.9 990.5–1,063.6 20 0 11.7–15.2 123.8–144.4
Agona (5) StSuTeKmGm (2); AmStSuTeAxChKmGmXNL (1) Fecal 4 0 105.1–177.3 991-.9–1,007.7 16–20 0 8.5–14.9 133.9–140.5
AmStSuTeAxChKmGmXNL (1) Swab 8 0 173.6 883.2 20 1 10.1 133.9
Te (1) Feed 8 0 1,375 6,895.0 16 0 279.2 1,391.4
Senftenberg (7) AmClStSuTeAxChGmKmXNL (4); AmClStSuTeGm (1); StSuTeKmGm (1) Fecal 4–8 0 178–1,636.2 657.8–8,364.9 20–24 0 (1), + (4) 14–291.1 172–1,643.1
Pansusceptible (1) Swab 8 0 191 1,059 24 1 87 160
Amsterdam (1) Pansusceptible (1) Swab 8 0 198 1,048 20 0 21 161
London (1) Te (1) Feed 4 0 1,558 12,120 20 1 262 2,144
Ohio (2) Pansusceptible (1) Swab 8 0 191 1,059 24 0 87 160
AmClStSuTeKmGm (1) Fecal 4 0 155.2 1,043.7 24 1 10.9 107.8
Inverness (1) Pansusceptible (1) Feed 8 0 131 924 20 0 4.8 99
Muenchen (3) AmStTeKm (1) Fecal 8 0 147 1,691 24 0 138 406
Pansusceptible (2); AmStTeKm (1) Fecal 8 0 192 1,183 20 0 15 120
Rough_Ob:e,n,x (1) Pansusceptible (1) Fecal 8 0 192 1,183 20 0 15 120
Serogroup E (5) AmStSuTeChCeGm (1); AmStTeKmGm (1); AmClStSuTeChKmGm (1); ClStSuTe (1) Fecal 4–8 0 139.5–1,393.2 855.2–1,215.9 16–24 0 (2), + (2) 23.1–249.3 85.5–1,875.3
Te (1) Feed 8 0 119.9 731.4 16 0 14.1 102.0
Serogroup A-I+ (3) AmStTeKmGm (1); AmStTe (1) Swab 8 0 81.9–1,552.1 732.1–8,629.2 16 + (2) 133–229.2 935.7–1,498.1
AmStSuTeKmGm (1) Fecal 8 0 111 675.4 16 1 17 78.2
Serogroup B (5) AmClStSuTeChKmGm (2); AmClStSuTe (1); AmStTeKmGm (1) Fecal 4–8 0 116.2–1,393.2 761.3–10,146.2 16 + (4) 8.8–249.3 87.8–1,875.3
StSuTe (1) Swab 8 0 1,389.1 8,714.8 20 1 268.3 1,645.5
Serogroup A-S+ (2) AmClStSuTe (1); AmStTeKmGm (1) Fecal 8 0 119.6–155.2 734.6–1,142.1 16 + (2) 7.3–10.3 89.3–127.8

0, negative; +, positive.

Fecal and feed levels of heavy metal micronutrients (Zn2+ and Cu2+).

The level of zinc in the pooled feed samples varied between 77 mg/kg and 2,000 mg/kg of feed with a median of 139.8 mg/kg. The levels of Zn2+ in fecal samples were found to be significantly higher than the in-feed levels, ranging between 536.5 mg/kg and 12,557.2 mg/kg with a median of 941.1 mg/kg. Copper levels were found to range between 3.2 mg/kg and 365.2 mg/kg in pooled feed samples, with a median of 31.5 mg/kg. Copper levels in fecal samples were also higher, ranging from 71.2 mg/kg to 2,397 mg/kg with a median of 137.6 mg/kg. Table 2 depicts the levels of copper and zinc in feed and fecal samples. Overall, the Zn2+ levels in feed or fecal samples were not associated with the occurrence of high tolerance of Zn2+ (≥8 mM). On the other hand, copper tolerance was significantly associated with the Cu2+ levels found in fecal matter but not in feed.


Zinc and copper levels in swine feed and fecal samplesa

Heavy metal Type of sample Level (mg/kg)
Dietary Zn and Cu requirement (mg/kg)
Median Minimum Maximum 95% CI of
Zinc Feed 139.8 79 7,383.7 563.14 ± 79.57 50–100
Feces 941.1 541 12,325 3,070.17 ± 393.47
Copper Feed 31.5 3.2 1,384.3 123.33 ± 13.64 3–6
Feces 137.6 71.2 2,397 806 ± 73.89

Dietary requirements are based on the guidelines of the National Research Council, 2012 (8).

Analysis of copper (Cu2+) tolerance.

Source of the isolates (fecal, feed, or floor swab sample), serotype, the resistance pattern that the isolates exhibited, and the copper level in fecal matter were associated with Cu2+ MICs in the univariate screening (P < 0.2). Forty-seven percent (134 of 283) of the isolates showed tolerance to Cu2+ at 24 mM, while the remaining 53% showed tolerance ranging from 4 mM to 20 mM. Carriage of the pcoA gene (P = 0.8473), copper level in the swine feed (P = 0.6501), or stage of sampling was not significantly associated with copper tolerance of Salmonella isolates. The carriage of the pcoA gene versus Cu MIC in Salmonella isolates recovered from fecal matter, feed, and barn floors is shown in Tables 1 and 3. When using multivariate analysis, two variables, serotype (P = 0.0006) and source of the isolates (P < 0.0001), remained significant in the model (Table 4). Resistance pattern became nonsignificant, and its effect appeared to be explained by the serotype when the two were included in the model simultaneously.


Heavy metal micronutrient (Zn2+ and Cu2+) phenotypes, genotypes (czcD and pcoA), and association with resistance types (R-types)

Heavy metal micronutrient MIC (mM) Heavy metal tolerance genea R-type, n (%)
AmClStSuTe/Ax/Ch AmStTeKm/Gm AmStSuTeKm/Gm AmStTeAxChKm/Gm AmStTeAxChKmXNL StSuTe Te Pansusceptible Others Total
Zinc 4 czcD (+) 11 (9.1) 11 (3.8)
czcD (−) 4 (3.5) 42 (37.5) 4 (3.5) 3 (2.7) 5 (27) 1 (0.9) 4 (3.5) 38 (34) 101 (35.6)
8 czcD (+) 67 (39.2) 7 (4.1) 74 (31.1)
czcD (−) 10 (8.3) 18 (14.9) 11 (6.4) 2 (1.2) 1 (0.6) 7 (4.1) 3 (1.8) 8 (4.7) 37 (21.6) 97 (34.2)
Copper 1 pcoA (+)
pcoA (−)
2 pcoA (+)
pcoA (−)
4 pcoA (+) 1 (0.5) 1 (0.3)
pcoA (−)
8 pcoA (+)
pcoA (−)
16 pcoA (+) 1 (0.5) 3 (1.5) 94 (47.5) 98 (35)
pcoA (−) 3 (3.0) 3 (3.0) 94 (47.5) 100 (35.3)
20 pcoA (+) 10 (13.9) 2 (2.6) 1 (1.4) 2 (2.8) 1 (1.4) 12 (16.7) 28 (9.9)
pcoA (−) 5 (6.9) 6 (8.3) 1 (1.3) 5 (6.9) 7 (9.7) 20 (2.8) 44 (15.5)
24 pcoA (+) 2 (1.9) 25 (24.8) 11 (10.9) 4 (3.9) 4 (3.9) 1 (1.0) 9 (8.9) 56 (19.8)
pcoA (−) 3 (2.9) 16 (15.8) 19 (18.8) 2 (1.9) 1 (1.0) 4 (3.9) 45 (15.9)

+, detected; −, not detected.


Multivariable model with copper tolerance (Cu MIC = 24 mM) as outcome

Serotype/sample Estimate SE OR (95% confidence interval) P value
Serotype 0.0006
    Typhimurium 0.2373 0.3311 1.27 (0.66–2.43) 0.4741
    Heidelberg 1.7212 0.4486 5.59 (2.31–13.52) 0.0002
    Other Reference
Sample type <0.0001
    Fecal 1.7633 0.3266 5.83 (3.07–11.09) <0.0001
    Feed −1.5257 1.1477 0.22 (0.02–2.08) 0.1849
    Floor swab Reference

The odds of Salmonella isolates having high Cu2+ MICs (≥20 mM) were 5.8 times higher if the isolates originated from fecal samples rather than from floor swabs (95% confidence interval [CI] for an odds ratio [OR] of 3.1 to 11.1, P = 0.0002), indicating the significance of selective pressure in the gut ecosystem. Isolates of fecal origin were also significantly more likely to be tolerant to Cu2+ (MIC, ≥20 mM) than were those originating from feed samples (OR, 27.0; 95% CI, 2.8 to 250; P = 0.0042) (Table 4).

We found that serotype Heidelberg had 5.6-times-higher odds (95% CI for OR, 2.3 to 13.5; P = 0.0002) of having a MIC higher than 20 mM MIC than did “other” serotypes. Similarly, Typhimurium isolates were 1.3 times as likely to have high Cu2+ MICs (>20 mM) as were the “other” serotypes, but the difference was not statistically significant (95% CI for OR, 0.7 to 2.4; P = 0.4741). Also, serotype Heidelberg was 4.4 (95% CI for OR, 1.8 to 10.5; P = 0.0009) times as likely to have a MIC higher than 20 mM as was serovar Typhimurium (results not shown).

The copper extrusion efflux gene, pcoA, was detected in 35% (99/283) of the Salmonella isolates (Table 3). More than 60% of Salmonella isolates with R-type AmStTeKm (32 of 53) carried the pcoA gene, while 5% of those with R-type AmClStSuTe (4 of 84) carried pcoA. The pcoA gene was detected in all three categories of serotypes regardless of their MDR status (Table 3). Of the detected pcoA genes, 40% were found in serovar Heidelberg and 22% were found in serovar Typhimurium. A lower proportion of these genes was also detected in the following serotypes: Senftenberg, Worthington, Derby, Ohio, Mbandaka, London, Agona, and Rissen. This finding implies the common occurrence of the gene in Salmonella (Table 3).

Analysis of zinc (Zn2+) tolerance.

In the univariate screening, carriage of the czcD gene, serotype, resistance pattern, and source of the isolates were all significantly associated with high Zn2+ MICs. However, neither Zn2+ levels in the feed (P = 0.9613) nor those in the feces (P = 0.8043) were significantly associated with high Zn2+ MIC levels. Sixty percent (171 of 283) of the isolates showed zinc tolerance at 8 mM, and the remaining 40% (112 of 283) showed tolerance at 4 mM. The carriage of the czcD gene versus Zn MIC in Salmonella isolates recovered from fecal samples, feed, and barn floors is shown in Tables 1 and 3. In the final model, carriage of the czcD gene, serotype, and source of the isolates remained significantly associated with high Zn2+ tolerance (Table 5). Isolates carrying the czcD gene had 10.6-times-higher odds of having a Zn2+ MIC of 8 mM or more than did those not carrying the gene (95% CI for OR, 4.0 to 27.8; P < 0.0001), adjusting for the serotype. “Other” serotypes had 4.5 (95% CI for OR, 2.2 to 9.5; P < 0.0001)- and 2.4 (95% CI for OR, 1.0 to 5.6; P = 0.0504)-times-higher odds than serotype Typhimurium of having a high Zn2+ MIC, whereas Heidelberg isolates were only approximately half as likely to have a high Zn2+ MIC as were Typhimurium isolates (OR = 0.52; 95% CI for OR, 0.211 to 1.289), but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.1578) (Table 5). In the model with serotypes, resistance pattern became nonsignificant and its effect appeared to be explained by the serotype. In contrast to the findings with copper tolerance, isolates from floor swabs had 6.5-times-higher odds (95% CI for OR, 3.2 to 12.9; P < 0.0001) of having high tolerance for Zn2+ than did fecal isolates. Also, isolates from feed samples had 3.0-times-higher odds of having a Zn2+ MIC of >8 mM than did fecal isolates, even though the difference was not significant (95% CI for OR, 0.7 to 13.5; P = 0.1546) (Table 5).


Multivariable model with zinc tolerance (Zn MIC = 8 mM) as outcome

Serotype, sample type, or carriage Estimate SE OR (95% confidence interval) P value
Serotype 0.0003
    Heidelberg −0.6507 0.4594 0.52 (0.211–1.289) 0.1578
    Others 0.8609 0.4379 2.37 (0.999–5.602) 0.0504
    Typhimurium Reference
Sample type <0.0001
    Feed 1.095 0.7672 2.99 (0.66–13.54) 0.1546
    Floor swabs 1.8727 0.3493 6.51 (3.27–12.94) <0.0001
    Fecal Reference
czcD carriage <0.0001
    Yes 2.3576 0.4912 10.57 (4.02–27.79) <0.0001
    No Reference

Assessment of association between tolerance and gene carriage showed that isolates with a high Zn2+ MIC also were more likely to carry the czcD gene (Table 3). The odds of czcD gene carriage were 5.2 times higher for isolates with high Zn2+ MICs than for those with low Zn2+ MICs (OR = 5.2; 95% CI, 2.4 to 11.5; P < 0.0001). However, 9.8% of the Salmonella isolates (11/112) with low Zn2+ MICs also carried the czcD gene, suggesting that carriage of this gene is not always associated with a Zn2+-tolerant phenotype. Of the high-zinc-tolerant isolates, 52% belonged to serovar Typhimurium and 12% belonged to serovar Heidelberg. No Salmonella serovar Heidelberg carried the czcD gene, indicating a different mechanism for tolerance, whereas 69% of the Typhimurium isolates carried the czcD gene. Interestingly, none of the pansusceptible Salmonella isolates (12 of 283, 4.2%) were found to carry the czcD gene even though 66.7% (8/12) were tolerant to Zn2+ at 8 mM (Table 3). This indicates the presence of other mechanisms apart from the czcD gene. While the finding is just in contrast to the carriage of the pcoA gene encoding copper tolerance, it shows the occurrence of a strong association between distinct heavy metal tolerance and antimicrobial resistance (R-types).

The Zn2+ tolerance gene, czcD, was detected in 30% (85 of 283) of the Salmonella isolates. None of the Salmonella isolates with R-type AmStTeKm carried the czcD gene, while 84% of those with R-type AmClStSuTe (71 of 84) carried czcD. The czcD gene was almost exclusively detected in serotype Typhimurium (84 of 85); none of the Heidelberg isolates carried the gene and only one of the isolates belonging to the “other” serotypes carried the gene.


The magnitude of multidrug resistance in Salmonella and other pathogens at the human-animal and ecosystem interface has been a major concern globally. As we previously reported (25), in addition to isolation of Salmonella from feces and barn floor swabs, in the current study, Salmonella was also detected in 3.6% (10/275) of the commercially processed swine feed samples. Besides the direct selective pressure of antimicrobial resistance, coselection due to other structurally related or unrelated chemical agents has also been a concern for the rising trend in multidrug resistance. However, there have been very limited studies conducted in this area. The current study attempts to fill the knowledge gap, mainly focusing on the use of heavy metal micronutrients. Previous studies have identified genetic elements among Salmonella strains that render some strains resistant to heavy metal micronutrients, including copper (3739) and zinc (39, 40). Such resistant strains were shown to carry genes associated with multiple antimicrobial resistance factors (34, 38).

Heavy metal micronutrients such as Zn2+ at relatively low concentrations are essential for microorganisms since they provide vital cofactors for metalloproteins and enzymes (2, 41). The use of copper in swine feed has also been repeatedly shown to have a positive effect in production performance (42, 43), especially when dietary Cu2+ is supplemented above the National Research Council (NRC) (8) requirement of 5 mg Cu2+/kg (44). Copper and zinc are considered two of the most widely researched alternatives to growth promotion antibiotics to enhance swine performance and maintain health (45). In the current study, we found a wide range in the levels of copper and zinc used in swine feed and concentrations often much higher than the NRC recommendations, as depicted in Table 2. In addition, it is worth noting that the concentrations of both micronutrients were higher in the fecal samples than in the feed. This is expected, and it was previously reported that as the various feed ingredients are absorbed within the gastrointestinal tract, a few elements such as heavy metal micronutrients tend to be more concentrated in the feces, and as a result, a large percentage of the consumed dietary copper and zinc ends up in feces (8), indicating a relatively low retention in the intestine and significant excretion of these minerals in feces. Previous reports (46) also showed that this phenomenon is particularly more significant in swine and poultry feces and reported that the concentration of zinc in swine feces is 10 to 100 times higher than that in dairy manure and that liquid swine manure had six times as much copper as did liquid dairy manure. In addition, the recent NRC report (8) indicated that even though high levels of dietary copper and zinc have been shown to improve animal performance, a large percentage of consumed minerals such as copper and zinc (approximately 90 to 95%) is excreted in the feces and ends up as environmental contaminants. In this study, we observed that the level of micronutrients, particularly zinc, in the swine feed is much higher than the NRC daily requirements. While we cannot confirm it, the high level of use could potentially ameliorate the coselective pressure and its association with antimicrobial resistance. This area may need further investigation.

A few studies have reported different tolerance levels of important food-borne pathogens such as Salmonella and E. coli to different concentrations of Zn2+ and Cu2+ (34, 47). This study has reported up to 8 mM as the highest level of tolerance of Salmonella isolates to Zn2+, which is higher than the level reported by Aarestrup and Hasman (39). The highest level of tolerance of Salmonella isolates to Cu2+ reported in our study was 24 mM. This is smaller than the maximum tolerance reported by the same study (39). The increased tolerance level of Salmonella isolates to Zn2+ and Cu2+ is attributable to the use of the respective micronutrients in swine feed. Zinc is known to inhibit some of the bacterial populations in the intestinal tract and thereby improve the health or feed conversion ratio of the food animals (39, 48, 49).

Carriage of the pcoA gene or level of copper in swine feed was not significantly associated with copper tolerance of Salmonella isolates. This may have different implications. One clear reason might be the presence of various other mechanisms that may result in copper tolerance besides pcoA and associated operon systems. Other genes, including cuiD and scsC, and other mechanisms have also been reported to encode copper tolerance in Salmonella (50, 51).

The PCR results on the level of czcD gene carriage by Salmonella isolates were consistent with the increase in the level of the Zn2+ MIC of Salmonella isolates. The PCR results on the level of pcoA gene carriage by Salmonella isolates were also consistent with the increase in the level of the Cu2+ MIC of Salmonella isolates. The two multidrug-resistant R-types AmClStSuTe and AmStTeKm were observed to be the highest-occurrence resistance types in the Salmonella isolates in this study; however, their occurrence varied by the type of heavy metal tolerance gene carriage. It should be noted that Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains of phage type DT104, often containing the R-type AmClStSuTe, are some of the major strains reported worldwide and are commonly isolated from humans and food animals (52, 53). While there have been very limited studies conducted to date investigating the association between heavy metal tolerance and specific antimicrobial resistance patterns, a study in 1984 in drinking water reported the overall association between copper and zinc tolerance and antimicrobial resistance (54). Heavy metal tolerance was more common among isolates from the fecal samples than among those of environmental origin (drag swabs).

In summary, the findings in this study clearly demonstrated the presence of a strong association between decreased susceptibility to heavy metals and antimicrobial resistance among Salmonella serovars isolated from swine, swine feed, and barn floors. The detection of decreased susceptibility to heavy metal micronutrients (copper and zinc) and associated genetic determinants among various Salmonella strains has implications for the control of multidrug-resistant Salmonella strains, which are of public health and veterinary medicine significance. However, further studies investigating the role of coselection and mechanisms of genetic linkage could shed further light on the relationship and its significance.


This work was funded by the USDA-NRI, Epidemiological Approaches for Food Safety (grant no. 2007-01778). J.J.M. was financially supported through a fellowship from the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University.

We thank members of the Infectious Diseases Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory (IDMEL) for technical assistance.


Published ahead of print 31 January 2014

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