Fig. 1. Genetic landscapes of low-grade gliomas and their patient-matched recurrences.
(A) Total number of mutations private to or shared between the initial and first recurrent glioma of 23 patients. (B to D) Shared and private somatic mutations in paired initial and recurrent tumors (x and y axes respectively) as a function of the estimated fraction of tumor cells carrying the mutant allele. Mutations present in all the cells in both tumors are represented by a single point whose radius is scaled by the log count of such mutations. Shared and private CNAs are indicated (red and blue are gains and losses respectively, white is copy-neutral). In panel C, clonal TP53 and ATRX mutations in the initial tumor were not identified in the recurrent tumor, but different clonal mutations in these two genes were acquired. (D) Inset shows the DNA sequence encompassing BRAF V600E in the normal tissue and in 15 geographically distinct samples of the initial and recurrent tumors.