The prevalence study was conducted on gastrointestinal parasites of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and poultry belongs to in and around Korutla, Karimangar district (Telangana region) of Andhra Pradesh. The prevalence of Fasciola sp., Amphistome sp., Eimeria sp. and Toxocara vitulorum in cattle and buffaloes were 5.3, 8.0, 10.0, 16.7 % respectively. The prevalence of Moniezia sp., Trichuris sp., Amphistome sp., Strongyle sp., Eimeria sp. in sheep and goat were 10.7, 8.0, 6.0, 9.3,4.7 % respectively. The prevalence of Capillaria sp. and Eimeria sp. in poultry was 7.0 and 6.0 % respectively. The overall prevalence of gastro intestinal parasites in cattle and buffaloes was 40.0 %, 38.7 % in sheep and goat and 13.0 % in poultry. Two species of Eimeria were identified in sheep viz. Eimeria granulosa and Eimeria parva.
Keywords: Prevalence gastrointestinal parasites, Incidence of Helminth parasites, Helminth eggs
Gastro intestinal parasites which include various helminthes and protozoan parasites affect the health of the farm animals including poultry. In heavy infections they drastically decrease the economic returns from the animals like reduced milk yield in cattle and buffaloes due to parasites which also interfere with the digestion by mal absorption of essential minerals like calcium and vitamins for the milk production in the mammary glands. The wool quality and yield is reduced in sheep due to deficiency in essential amino acids which is required for the growth of the wool and grease fleece. In Poultry the layers are affected and production of abnormal eggs and increasing the clutch size. Whereas in broilers there is poor weight gain due to decreased feed conversion ratio and mortality. To combat these parasitic problems it is important for the veterinarians to become aware about the commonly prevalent gastrointestinal parasites in their respective geographical locations. This will expedite the diagnosis and treatment process and prevent economic losses to the poor farmers who depend on the livestock for their livelihood. With the above initiative a prevalence study was planned on gastrointestinal parasites of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and poultry belonging to Korutla region, Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh (Location: 18°49′N, 78°43′E and elevation 286 m). Korutla has ample of livestock resources and farmers to rear cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goat and poultry for their livelihood. The aim of this present study was to know the prevalence of various gastrointestinal parasites by fecal examination.
Materials and methods
Sample collection
A total of 400 fecal samples were collected from cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and poultry in and around Korutla region in sample containers and were brought to the Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Korutla. Further the samples were subjected and screened for parasitic ova to know the prevalence of gastro intestinal parasites.
Qualitative coproscopy
The fecal samples were subjected to simple qualitative techniques like direct smear examination, sedimentation technique and floatation analysis like willi’s and Lane’s method (MAFF 1984). All the samples processed by these methods were screened for the presence of parasitic eggs and oocysts and percentage prevalence was recorded.
Results and discussion
Qualitative coproscopy
The species were identified based on the morphological characters of their eggs as Fasciola species, Amphistome species, Eimeria zurnii (Cattle), Moniezia expansa, Trichuris ovis, Strongyle species, Eimeria parva and Eimeria granulosa (Sheep), Capillaria plica (Poultry), Eimeria tenella (Poultry). The results were tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1.
The species wise prevalence of various parasitic eggs and oocysts
Sl.no | Species | No. faecal samples | Gastrointestinal parasites | No. positive | No. negative |
1 | Cattle & buffallo | 150 | Fasciola sp. | 8 | |
Amphistome sp. | 12 | ||||
Toxocara vitulorum | 25 | ||||
Eimeria zurnii | 15 | ||||
Total | 60 | 90 | |||
2 | Sheep & goat | 150 | Amphistome sp. | 9 | |
Trichuris sp. | 12 | ||||
Moneizia sp. | 16 | ||||
Strongyle sp. | 14 | ||||
Eimeria parva & E.granulosa. | 7 | ||||
Total | 58 | 92 | |||
3 | Poultry | 100 | Capillaria plica. | 7 | |
Eimeria tenella. | 6 | ||||
Total | 13 | 87 |
The percent prevalence of Fasciola sp., Amphistome sp., Toxocara vitulorum and E.zurnii in cattle and buffaloes were 5.3, 8.0, 16.7 and 10.0 respectively. The percent prevalence of Amphistome sp., M.expansa, Trichurisovis, Strongyle sp., Eimeria sp. in sheep and goat were 6.0, 10.7, 8.0, 9.3 and 4.7 respectively. The percent prevalence of C. plica and E. tenella in poultry was 7.0 and 6.0 respectively. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in cattle and buffaloes was 40.0, 38.7 % in sheep and goat and 13.0 % in poultry.
The prevalence studies carried out were in correlation with similar gastrointestinal parasites reported elsewhere (Haque et al. 2011; Yadav et al. 2005; Muraleedharan 2005). Haque et al. (2011) reported the percentage prevalence as follows Eimeria sp. (13.42 %), M. expansa (5.57 %), Amphistomes (3.80 %), Strongyloides papillosus (1.01 %), Trichuris sp. (0.76 %) and Fasciola sp. (0.51 %). The prevalence of Fasciola sp., Amphistome sp. in the present was higher than the report of Haque et al. (2011) in the present study. The reason could be due to the agro climatic conditions in Korutla region with the presence of lush green pastures near water bodies and abundant intermediate hosts during the rainy season.
Yadav et al. (2005) reported that the prevalence of Amphistomes (26.56 %) were predominant followed by Strongyles (8.43 %) in bovines belonging to Jammu region. (Muraleedharan 2005), who reported the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among cattle (18.22 %), buffaloes (20.85 %), sheep (39.34 %) and goats (46.12 %) of southern taluks of central dry zone of Karnataka during drought period has been reported by authors. They reported Strongyles, Toxocara, Fasciola, Amphistomes, Moniezia, Trichuris and Entamoeba infections.
The prevalence studies were not in correlation with Wadhwa et al. (2011) exclusively identified only strongyle sp. infection in cattle. In case of sheep and goat the prevalence results were coherent with previous results (Pant et al. 2009; Pathak and Pal 2008). The Eimeria species identified in sheep viz. E. granulosa and E. parva were identical to the morphological characters of these species reported earlier (Levine 1985; Reginsson and Richter 1997). The prevalence studies were in correlation with the earlier studies elsewhere in India (More et al. 2011; Bandyopadhyay 2004).
The prevalence of C. plica was in correlation with previous reports (Yadav and Tandon 1991) in India and elsewhere (Permin et al. 2008; Rayyan et al. 2010; Mukaratirwa and Khumalo 2010) and the prevalence of Capillaria infection in poultry was not correlated to Puttalakshmamma et al. (2008) the nematodes viz. Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum and Subuluria sp. in chicken in and around Bangalore region.
The prevalence of E. tenella in poultry was in correlation with previous reports (Rao et al. 2012; Sairabanu et al. 2009; Puttalakshmamma et al. 2008). It is therefore obligatory for the veterinarians to educate the farmers about healthy farming practices through extension programmes. They should emphasize on the etiologies of commonly occurring gastrointestinal parasites and other infectious diseases and play a responsible role by organizing deworming and vaccination programmes.
The authors thanks to the Associate Dean, College of Veterinary Science, Korutla for providing the necessary facilities to carry out the prevalence study at Department of Veterinary Parasitology.
Contributor Information
G. S. S. Murthy, Email: gssmurthy26@rediffmail.com
P. V. Rao, Email: venkateshrao22@gmail.com
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