Reaction schemes, sequence alignment, and constructs
of guinea
pig ASNase3. (A) Reaction scheme whereby asparaginase hydrolyzes asparagine
into aspartate and ammonia. (B) Sequence alignment using Clustal Omega25 of gpASNase3 (H0VQC8_CAVPO), hASNase3 (ASGL1_HUMAN), E. coli type III (IAAA_ECOLI), gpAGA (H0UZ36_CAVPO), and
hAGA (ASPG_HUMAN). The hAGA signal peptide and the uncharacterized
peptide at the N-terminus of gpASNase3 are denoted in green. Conserved
active site residues are in red. The black dashed line separates the
α- and β-subunits after autoproteolytic cleavage. The
cartoon β-strands and helices in cyan and light cyan represent
the secondary structural elements of the α- and β-subunits,
respectively, of gpASNase3. (C) Scheme of the uncharacterized H0VQC8_CAVPO
UniProt entry. We refer to gpASNase3 as the catalytic domain (gray),
lacking the preceding 23 residues (green). (D) Cleavage reaction scheme.
GpASNase3 is cleaved between Gly167 and Thr168 through autoproteolysis
(very slow) or accelerated by glycine (see text). The freed amino
group of Thr168, the first residue of the β-subunit, is required
for its l-asparaginase activity.