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British Journal of Pharmacology logoLink to British Journal of Pharmacology
. 2014 Apr 28;171(10):2537–2551. doi: 10.1111/bph.12502

TRP channels in lower urinary tract dysfunction

J Franken 1, P Uvin 1, D De Ridder 1, T Voets 2,
PMCID: PMC4008998  PMID: 24895732


Lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTd) represents a major healthcare problem. Although it is mostly not lethal, associated social disturbance, medical costs, loss of productivity and especially diminished quality of life should not be underestimated. Although more than 15% of people suffer from a form of LUTd to some extent, pathophysiology often remains obscure. In the past 20 years, transient receptor potential (TRP) channels have become increasingly important in this field of research. These intriguing ion channels are believed to be the main molecular sensors that generate bladder sensation. Therefore, they are intensely pursued as new drug targets for both curative and symptomatic treatment of different forms of LUTd. TRPV1 was the first of its class to be investigated. Actually, even before this channel was cloned, it had already been targeted in the bladder, with clinical trials of intravesical capsaicin instillations. Several other polymodally gated TRP channels, particularly TRPM8, TRPA1 and TRPV4, also appear to play a prominent role in bladder (patho)physiology. With this review, we provide a brief overview of current knowledge on the role of these TRP channels in LUTd and their potential as molecular targets for treatment.

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Keywords: TRP channel, lower urinary tract, urology


Lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTd)

While reading this text, most of you are probably unaware of the fact that your bladder is constantly filling. At a certain moment, you will suddenly sense that urine is accumulating, and if you are in an unfamiliar location, you will probably start looking around for a toilet. Still, you can postpone the actual voiding for an extended period of time, until an urgent desire to void will make further delay impossible. Or perhaps you may decide to go earlier, before the bladder is completely full, just because it is a convenient time for you. In the majority of the population, this process repeats itself a couple of times per day, seemingly automatically and probably without problems.

The situation is much less obvious when you are one of roughly 1 billion people worldwide suffering a form of LUTd. Achieving the task to store urine until it is socially acceptable and desirable to expel it requires perfect synchronization and integration of the bladder, the urethral sphincter, the afferent and efferent innervation, the spinal cord and the brain, and dysfunction at any level can lead to LUTd, with symptoms depending on the aetiology of the problem. A never-diminishing urge to run for the bathroom, having to void more than 10 times per day or pain with every void are only a few examples of how this simple physiological process can turn into a real handicap.

Severe dysfunction of the bladder or urethra indeed has a significant impact on the quality of life. Disability can range from slight social disturbances to being almost unbearable. In addition, these conditions are costly to treat, both for patients and for society. As an example, the direct cost of urinary incontinence in only the United States amounts yearly to $16.3 billion. Often, patients are being treated for prolonged periods of time, mostly only symptomatically, because the underlying pathophysiology is still obscure. It is evident that better insight and new treatments are needed to tackle LUTd-related problems at the root.

Targeting transient receptor potential (TRP) channels to treat LUTd

Only late in the 20th century, urological research started to pay attention to the concept of sensation in the lower urinary tract. Before that, the bladder was widely depicted as a muscular bag, merely able to contract and to expel urine when the brain would command so. However, today it is generally accepted that correct bladder function critically depends on correct sensory information about the filling state and the content of the bladder, and that many pathologies arise from a dysfunctional afferent pathway.

Together with this change of view emerged the interest in TRP channels. These channels are ubiquitously expressed throughout the body and exert a plethora of functions, many of which are probably still to be discovered. Several TRP channels have been attributed a role in stimulus detection and sensory signalling, for which they have been put forward as the prime cellular sensors. Indeed, all five senses are – to a certain extent – regulated by TRPs. However, classifying TRP channels as mere sensors would understate the diversity of their functions because also diverse functions such as bowel movement, regulation of core body temperature and cardiac contractility depend on these channels.

At this point, it has been reported that genetic deletion of two TRP channels in mice, TRPV1 and TRPV4, leads to specific alterations in the functional parameters of the bladder, suggesting that they are crucial for normal bladder physiology. In this review, we only discuss those TRP channels (of a total 28 mammalian TRP channels) whose relevance to the field of urology has been described, and focus on the current knowledge about function and therapeutic potential of TRP channels related to LUTd.

LUTd with bladder overactivity

The terminology to describe LUTd associated with an increase in real or perceived bladder activity is not always used in an unambiguous manner. Detrusor overactivity (DO) can be objectively identified based on urodynamic observations of increased activity of the detrusor muscle (Figure 1). In contrast, overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) is a symptom complex, where the defining symptom is the subjective sensation of urgency in a patient (Abrams et al., 2003). There is a good reason to distinguish both terms in the context of this review. One can find many reports that extrapolate conclusions from animal models directly to human OAB. However, one should be cautious with such interpretations as urgency, the key symptom of OAB, cannot be assessed in current animal models (Parsons and Drake, 2011). Although OAB patients often have objectively identified urodynamic patterns of DO, urgency can also be present without any objective DO. Depending on the underlying cause, a further distinction can be made between idiopathic DO (IDO) and neurogenic DO (NDO).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Schematic traces of video-urodynamic recordings, as seen in patients with different types of LUTd. LUTd can often be objectively measured by video-urodynamic recording. Although Pdetrusor, a measure of the force generated by the bladder muscle, cannot be measured directly, it can be calculated by subtracting abdominal pressure (measured by a rectal catheter) from intravesical pressure (measured by an intravesical catheter). Qflow visualizes the flow of urine through the urethra. In the EMG trace, activity of the urethral sphincter is measured. Top figure: Normal filling and voiding, as one would expect to see in a healthy person. Second: In patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO), the bladder often has an altered shape, desire to void is less prominent due to the loss of afferent input and the detrusor muscle is overactive. Third: NDO is often accompanied by detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (DSD). The same features of NDO are present, but during voiding, the sphincter fails to relax, causing high intravesical pressure and reduced emptying of the bladder. Fourth: In patients with overactive bladder syndrome (OAB), bladder pressure, urine output, bladder shape and EMG recording are all normal, but patients report a strong desire to void at much lower volumes than normal controls. Maximal bladder volume is often also lower. Last: In contrast to OAB, idiopathic detrusor overactivity (IDO) does not cause earlier desire to void, but the detrusor is more active during the filling phase. OAB and IDO are often present simultaneously in patients.


This specific form of DO encompasses all pathologies in which a neurological problem causes measurable overactivity of the detrusor muscle. Surprisingly, little data exist on its overall prevalence, but estimations can be made from the prevalence of underlying conditions and their relative risk to develop NDO (Table 1). Suprasacral neurological lesions almost invariably cause NDO (Madersbacher, 1990). There is a general consensus that this is due to the emergence of a spinal reflex arc caused by disinhibition of otherwise silent C-fibre afferents in the suburothelial layers (de Groat, 1997; Fowler, 2002). More recently, it has been suggested that the urothelial layer itself could also be involved in this reflex mechanism. There is indeed growing evidence that a large portion of the afferent signal in the bladder is generated by urothelial cells, and that deregulation of this signalling could contribute to the development of NDO (Birder and Andersson, 2013).

Table 1.

Most prevalent aetiologies of neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTd), with their incidences and their relative risk to develop NLUTd

Cause Incidence RR (%) References
Pontine glioma 5–10/1 000 000 71 Renier and Gabreels (1980); Freeman and Farmer (1998)
Alzheimer dementia 5–8/1000 23–48 Cacabelos et al. (1996); Di Carlo et al. (2002)
Mental retardation 1/1000 12–65 Mitchell and Woodthorpe (1981); Katusic et al. (1996)
Parkinson 13/100 000 38–70 Campos-Sousa et al. (2003); Van Den Eeden (2003)
Multiple sclerosis 2.8/100 000 50–90 Giannantoni et al. (1999); Dua et al. (2008)
Spinal cord lesions 30–40/1 000 000 99 Burns et al. (2001)
Spinal stenosis 90/100 000 61–62 Kawaguchi et al. (2001); Steurer et al. (2010)
Diabetes 10–16/1000 50 Ellenberg (1980); Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group et al. (2009)

Although the mechanisms causing NDO are not fully understood, a variety of therapeutic strategies have already been employed. The current gold standard in first-line treatment is antimuscarinic drugs (De Ridder et al., 2005), which primarily aim to inhibit the activity of the detrusor muscle by blocking muscarinic ACh receptors. Lately, reports have been emerging about its potential effect on afferent signalling as well (Andersson, 2011). However, these drugs have only limited effectivity and, especially in NDO patients, some bothersome side effects, including constipation, dryness of the mucosae and cognitive impairment. Therefore, instead of inhibiting the efferent signal to the detrusor muscle, interest has increased in interrupting the afferent limb of the C-fibre reflex. In this respect, significant interest has gone to the potential involvement of TRP channels.

TRPV1 – a heat- and vanilloid-sensitive TRP

Several years before the cloning of the first TRP channel gene, it was already known that capsaicin, the pungent compound in hot chilli peppers, modulates the micturition reflex in both rats and humans (Maggi et al., 1986; 1989). In particular, intravesical administration of capsaicin had led to a disappearance or marked reduction of symptoms in NDO patients (Maggi et al., 1989). After the cloning of TRPV1, originally described as the vanilloid receptor, and its characterization as a heat- and capsaicin-activated non-selective cation channel in sensory neurons in 1997, this channel has been a logical choice in the quest for a new NDO treatment.

Many groups have investigated the site of expression of TRPV1 in the normal bladder. Whereas there is general consensus that the channel is expressed in C-fibres innervating the bladder, there is ongoing debate whether there is also (physiologically relevant) expression in urothelial cells. Birder et al. (2001) were the first to describe the formerly called vanilloid type 1 receptor (VR-1) in rat and mouse urothelial cells, using reverse transcription PCR, calcium imaging and immunofluorescence. In 2004, immunofluorescence performed on human urothelium revealed TRPV1 expression as well (Lazzeri et al., 2004). However, Yiangou et al. (2001) had performed similar experiments in human bladder before, using Western blot and immunocytochemistry, but they only described the suburothelium to be positive, while urothelium was not mentioned. Next, Avelino et al. (2002) provided a full description of VR-1 in the rat urinary tract, but again, only suburothelial staining of the nerve fibres was described. In addition, three other papers casted doubt on the expression of TRPV1 in the urothelium. In these articles, mouse and guinea pig urothelium was investigated for functional expression of TRPV1 using calcium imaging, but no responses were recorded (Xu et al., 2009; Yamada et al., 2009). Furthermore, commercially available antibodies used for immunohistochemistry proved to be unreliable for detection of TRPV1 as they produced the same staining in TRPV1 knockout (KO) mice (Everaerts et al., 2009). One recent and very interesting paper seems to tip the balance in favour of the latter findings. Cavanaugh et al. (2011) investigated TRPV1 expression in TRPV1 reporter mice, which revealed a highly restricted brain distribution and expression in arteriolar smooth muscle cells, but no expression in urothelium. Analysing these discrepancies in the literature, they may reflect methodological approaches, antibody specificity issues and probably also species differences. We believe more and stronger evidence of TRPV1 expression in human urothelium is needed before we can make a firm statement that the channel is functionally present in these cells.

Despite the fact that the sites of TRPV1 expression in normal human bladder are not unambiguously known, a multitude of studies have further investigated the therapeutic potential of TRPV1 agonists to treat NDO. The leading theory is that strong activation of TRPV1 with agonists such as capsaicin is followed by prolonged desensitization of the channel and of the C-fibres, including depletion of neuropeptide stores in the nerve endings (Maggi, 1990). This way, the afferent limb of the spinal reflex arc would be impaired and thereby reduce symptoms in NDO. In addition, it has been suggested that capsaicin might also work via TRPV1 on urothelial cells, although the mechanism whereby activation/desensitization of urothelial cells would affect NDO symptoms is unclear. Moreover, capsaicin may induce cell death independently of TRPV1 (Bley, 2012) by interfering with mitochondrial electron transport (Athanasiou et al., 2007).

Clinically, the first results of intravesical capsaicin treatment in NDO patients were quite spectacular, resulting in increased bladder capacity, reduced urinary frequency and less urge incontinence (Maggi et al., 1989; Fowler et al., 1992; Barbanti et al., 1993; Geirsson et al., 1995; Chandiramani et al., 1996; Cruz et al., 1997; De Ridder et al., 1997; de Sèze et al., 1998; Wiart et al., 1998). In fact, 84% experienced significant improvement of their complaints (de Sèze et al., 1999). Unfortunately, patients invariably suffered from severe side effects, including bladder pain, suprapubic burning and strong overactivity, which in many cases made the therapy hardly bearable and raised questions about potentially irreversible neurotoxicity. In addition, due to its low aqueous solubility capsaicin was difficult to apply, requiring high concentrations of ethanol (up to 30%), which is not an inert vehicle (Ost et al., 2003).

To overcome these side effects, other TRPV1 agonists have been investigated. At this point, resiniferatoxin (RTX), a natural compound from the Euphorbia resinifera plant, is the most promising alternative to capsaicin. In comparison with capsaicin, RTX can activate and desensitize TRPV1 at 1000-fold lower concentrations, which results in less side effects (Maggi et al., 1990; Cruz, 1998). In a multicentre, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial (RCT) including 36 NDO patients, RTX was administered intravesically in doses ranging from 0.005 to 1 μM. Although results did not reach significance due to small sample size, bladder capacity increased on average by 50%. Patients with a capacity lower than 300 mL at baseline showed the greatest improvement, even up to 500% in some cases. Only modest discomfort was observed (Kim et al., 2003). In comparison with capsaicin, RTX provided a larger improvement of NDO symptoms in spinal cord injury patients, whereas side effects were indeed less apparent (Giannantoni et al., 2004). Several more trials were performed, investigating a total number of 196 patients. Although trial design, RTX concentration, vehicles and outcome parameters differed significantly, all studies reported symptom improvement after RTX instillation (Lazzeri et al., 2000; Kuo, 2003a,b2003b; Watanabe et al., 2004; Silva et al., 2005; Kuo et al., 2006). Even the least optimistic study still reported that 30% of NDO patients responded to treatment with RTX (Kuo, 2005). Interestingly, it was recently shown that botulinum toxin A, which is used as a second-line treatment for NDO, reduced TRPV1 expression in bladder biopts of patients (Giannantoni et al., 2013). This might indicate that, in addition to its known effects on the release of ACh by efferent neurons, reduction of TRPV1-mediated afferent signals could contribute to the beneficial effects of botulinum toxin A in NDO patients.

In addition to the use of TRPV1 agonists to treat NDO, several studies have addressed the question whether TRPV1 expression in the bladder is altered in NDO patients. In a small series, immunoreactivity in the suburothelium and in the basal urothelial layers was increased in comparison with control patients (Brady et al., 2004), and a significant reduction in immunoreactivity was observed in NDO patients that responded positively to RTX treatment (Apostolidis et al., 2005). However, some caution may be warranted when interpreting these data, given the questionable specificity of several commercially available TRPV1 antibodies (Everaerts et al., 2009).

As an alternative to TRPV1 agonists, which cause desensitization of TRPV1-expressing (neuronal) cells, several preclinical studies have also evaluated the potential of TRPV1 antagonists. Such drugs may be expected to reduce TRPV1-dependent afferent activity, without causing pain and burning associated with the use of TRPV1 agonists. In a rat model of NDO, the TRPV1 antagonist GRC-6211 was indeed effective in reducing detrusor muscle contraction frequency (Santos-Silva et al., 2012). However, clinical trials in humans have not yet been performed because the first generations of TRPV1 antagonists caused hyperthermia and impaired noxious heat sensation, which have hampered their further development. A comprehensive review on pharmacology and clinical trials with TRPV1 antagonists can be found in Brederson et al. (2013).

In conclusion, promising results in treatment of NDO were obtained with intravesical capsaicin and RTX. However, their mechanism of action is not yet fully elucidated, and controversy remains about their general usefulness and long-term safety in treatment of NDO. An important reason for this lack of general adaption may have been the surging popularity of antimuscarinics as a relatively tolerable and harmless first-line treatment. However, given that the long-term efficacy of antimuscarinics is a questionable one, further research into TRPV1 as a molecular target is certainly warranted (Uvin et al., 2013b).

TRPA1 and TRPM8 – cold- and menthol-sensitive TRP channels

TRPA1 was first characterized as a cold-activated cation channel activated at noxiously cold temperatures (Story et al., 2003). Although the overall evidence is currently much weaker than in the case of TRPV1, recent research has started to focus on the potential implications of TRPA1 in NDO. Besides cold, TRPA1 can be activated by a huge variation of irritant/noxious chemicals, including plant-derived compounds such as mustard oil, cinnamaldehyde, nicotine, menthol or allicin, and by various electrophiles such as formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, acrolein, 4-hydroxynonenal, hydrogen sulphide, tear gasses and more (Fernandes et al., 2012; Vay et al., 2012). In the bladder, TRPA1 has been located in sensory nerve terminals (Nagata et al., 2005) and in the urothelium in rats, but not in mice (Streng et al., 2008; Everaerts et al., 2010a). Retrograde tracing studies confirmed that about 50% of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons that innervate the bladder express TRPA1 (Madersbacher, 1990; Du et al., 2008). The findings that many sensory neurons coexpress TRPA1 and TRPV1 (Du et al., 2008), and that TRPA1 and TRPV1 can be functionally coupled (Akopian et al., 2008), made TRPA1 a logical target for NDO research.

However, in contrast to TRPV1, where capsaicin and RTX are highly selective agonists that can be used in vivo and even in patients, tools for studying TRPA1 are much less potent and versatile. Whereas bladder instillation of TRPA1 agonists contracts isolated rat urinary bladder strips (Andrade et al., 2006) and causes DO (Du et al., 2007; Streng et al., 2008), it is not always clear that this represents a TRPA1-dependent effect. For instance, the frequently used TRPA1 agonist mustard oil (allyl isothiocyanate) also activates TRPV1, thereby contributing to the observed DO (Everaerts et al., 2011), and also has a direct effect on L-type calcium channels (Capasso et al., 2012). Data concerning the functional role of TRPA1 should thus be interpreted with care, and TRPA1 KO animals should be used for validation whenever possible. Interestingly, pharmacological inhibition of TRPA1 using HC030031, a widely used TRPA1 antagonist with high specificity versus other sensory TRP channels (McNamara et al., 2007), ameliorates bladder overactivity in a rat model of spinal cord injury (Andrade et al., 2011). The mechanisms by which TRPA1 may affect NDO remain largely unknown but may be related to its role in initiating the afferent signal from the bladder, similar to what was described earlier for TRPV1.

The bladder-cooling reflex (BCR) represents another potential but poorly understood link between NDO and cold-activated TRP channels such as TRPA1 and TRPM8. In 1957, Bors and Blinn1957 first described that injection of ice-cold water in the bladder (the so-called ice-water test) elicited a bladder contraction in patients with upper motor neuron lesions, but not healthy subjects or patients with lower motor neuron lesions. In the era before MRI and CT scans were available, the ice-water test served as a diagnostic tool to identify neurologic lesions as the cause of DO.

Today, MRI has largely abolished the diagnostic value of the BCR, and BCRs have also been found in patients lacking obvious neurological lesions. However, understanding its mechanisms may provide important clues about bladder physiology and NDO. Multiple studies have investigated the ice-water test in animals. A BCR could successfully be elicited in anaesthetized cats, but not in awake animals (Fall et al., 1990; Jiang et al., 2002; Lindström et al., 2004; Maziéres et al., 2006). This strengthened the hypothesis that C-fibres, which are suppressed by CNS control in healthy awake animals, are responsible for the effect. Given that TRPA1 and TRPM8 have been put forward as the main cold sensors in our somatosensory system and are expressed in sensory neurons innervating internal organs including the bladder, they are prime molecular candidates for initiating the BCR response. Tsukimi et al. were the first to suggest that TRPM8 could be the receptor activating the reflex. They found that the BCR is present in guinea pigs, but only after intravesical pretreatment with the archetypical TRPM8 agonist menthol (Tsukimi et al., 2005). Similarly, infusion of ice-cold saline in the bladder of anaesthetized guinea pigs (but not awake animals) lowered threshold volume, an effect that was enhanced by menthol exposure (Jiang et al., 2008). Nomoto et al. (2008) also found that the intravesical infusion of menthol facilitated the micturition reflex in rats, whereas capsaicin pretreatment had no effect on this response.

Although these studies all concluded that TRPM8 is a key sensor for triggering the BCR, some caution is certainly warranted. First, it is now well established that cold and menthol activate both TRPM8 and TRPA1, so the latter channel should not be disregarded (Karashima et al., 2007) in this context. Second, although the hypothesis that the BCR results from a C-fibre reflex arc has almost been considered a fact, there are reports showing that cooling induces contraction of isolated rat detrusor muscle (Mustafa and Thulesius, 1999; Atalik et al., 2010). Obviously, in this experimental setting all communication with the spinal cord is interrupted, which seems to argue against a purely C-fibre reflex arc-mediated phenomenon. The question then remains why the BCR is absent in healthy awake subjects. Preliminary results from our laboratory indicate that stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors can effectively reduce cold-induced contractility of bladder strips. These findings may indicate that constant orthosympatic stimulation of the bladder may be the mechanism whereby the BCR is suppressed in healthy awake subjects (Uvin et al., 2013a). Clearly, further research is needed to understand the mechanisms that trigger the BCR and the role of TRP channels therein.

Overactive bladder and IDO

OAB exists in different forms and severities but always includes the defining symptom of urgency. Although sometimes an objective cause (e.g. a neurological lesion or cystitis) can be identified, the aetiology is mostly unknown. Because OAB is often associated with DO, OAB and IDO are closely related. Until now, first-line treatment has been limited to anticholinergic drugs. Recently, β3-receptor agonists have come to strengthen the urologist's armoury. These treatments are mainly aimed at relaxing the detrusor muscle. However, there is growing evidence that TRP channels may also have therapeutic value in IDO and/or OAB. The underlying rationale is to target the afferent signal generation in the bladder, in which TRPs are believed to be highly involved. Unfortunately, there are currently no established animal models for OAB, which is due to the fact that the feeling of urgency cannot (yet) be measured in animals. Unravelling the expression pattern, function and role of these channels will not only provide us with new therapeutic options, but it will also help us in our understanding of IDO and OAB pathogenesis.

TRPV1, jack of all trades?

Hypothesizing that TRPV1 may be involved in abnormal bladder sensation in response to otherwise harmless stimuli, Liu et al. (2007) investigated an alteration of TRPV1 expression in bladder samples of both OAB and IDO patients. They found that TRPV1 mRNA expression was up-regulated in OAB patients, and found a correlation between a low volume at first sensation of filling and TRPV1 expression levels. The same authors later showed that also a small portion of IDO patients had higher TRPV1 mRNA levels, and these were more likely to benefit from RTX treatment than IDO patients without TRPV1 up-regulation (Liu and Kuo, 2007). In addition to these reported changes in TRPV1 expression, there are also indications for altered TRPV1 function in OAB. Li et al. (2011) reported increased calcium influx and larger whole-cell currents in response to 6 μM capsaicin in primary urothelial cell cultures from two OAB patients, and these responses were blocked by the TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine. Similarly, Birder et al. (2013) showed significantly higher TRPV1 protein expression and capsaicin-induced release of ATP in urothelial cells from OAB patients compared with control samples.

Although these data are indicative of a potential role of TRPV1 as a target to treat OAB and selected IDO patients, to our knowledge only one clinical trial with RTX instillations has been conducted to address this possibility (Silva et al., 2007). In this study, 23 OAB patients with refractory urgency were included, although, unfortunately, a clear subdivision between OAB, IDO and NDO was not made. First, all patients received an instillation of the vehicle (10% ethanol in saline), and after 30 days, RTX 50 nM was administered. Data were based on self-made voiding charts before and after RTX instillation, and on the subjective impression of patients after treatment. The authors reported a significant improvement of voiding symptoms, and two-thirds of patients were willing to repeat the RTX instillation. These data are promising, but clearly further investigation is needed.

In summary, given the lack of high-level evidence, vanilloids currently have very limited use in the treatment of OAB and IDO. Again, development of selective antagonists with reduced side effects could provide us with new options to treat selected OAB or IDO patients in the future.


The expression pattern of the cold- and menthol-sensitive TRPM8 in the normal human bladder is not yet fully established, whereas its expression in a subset of DRG neurons is widely acknowledged. TRPM8 expression has also been reported in the urothelium of both humans and rats (Stein et al., 2004; Kullmann et al., 2009), but we were unable to confirm molecular or functional TRPM8 expression in mouse urothelium (Everaerts et al., 2010a). Although Du et al. (2008) found TRPM8 mRNA expression in the human urothelium, they also questioned its physiological relevance, noting that expression was more than 3000-fold lower than in prostate tissue. Again, methodological variances, lack of antibody specificity and species differences have been teaming up to cause confusion.

TRPM8 is known as the predominant thermoceptor for cellular and behavioural responses to cold temperatures (Knowlton and McKemy, 2011) and it has been implicated in pain sensation (Colburn et al., 2007). Mukerji et al. investigated changes in TRPM8 expression in bladder biopsies from patients having painful bladder syndrome (see below) or IDO compared with healthy controls. They not only found that patients with bladder pain syndrome (BPS) showed a marked increase in expression, but also noted that both density and intensity of immunoreactivity were increased in IDO patients. Immunoreactivity was linearly correlated with frequency and pain, but not with urgency symptoms, as reported by the patient through validated scores (Mukerji et al., 2006c).

However, at this point, the consequences of increased TRPM8 expression and/or function in the bladder remain unclear. Menthol and the more potent agonist icilin have been used to probe TRPM8, either in isolated bladder strips or upon intravesical instillation (Nomoto et al., 2008; Vahabi et al., 2013), leading to altered carbachol-induced contractions, but also lower micturition thresholds and increased frequency. However, given the lack of specificity of menthol and icilin, interpretation of these results is ambiguous (Karashima et al., 2007; Story et al., 2003). Overall, evidence for a specific role for TRPM8, both in healthy bladder and in OAB or IDO, remains sparse.

Recently, TRPM8 has also been put forward to play a role in a specific form of bladder overactivity, namely, cold urgency. OAB patients frequently present with uncontrollable desire to void when exposed to environmental cold (cold weather, air conditioning or bare feet on a cold floor). Although this is also sometimes observed in healthy subjects, it is more frequent in OAB patients, where 46% claim that cold weather aggravates their symptoms (Ghei and Malone-Lee, 2005). External cold can also elicit measurable DO in animals. When conscious rats were transferred to a lower temperature, voiding interval and bladder capacity significantly decreased (Imamura et al., 2008). Spraying menthol (50–99%) on the back or hindpaw also elicited DO (Chen et al., 2010). By retrograde labelling of DRG neurons, Shibata et al. found that many sensory afferents are dichotomizing, innervating both skin and bladder. In situ hybridization showed TRPM8 mRNA in 8% of these cells, which led the authors to suggest that these axons could be responsible for the urinary urgency evoked by cold sensation (Shibata et al., 2011). These promising results suggest that selective and safe TRPM8 antagonists may cause benefits in the large group of patients with cold-aggravated OAB.

TRPV4 – a stretch sensor in the bladder?

TRPV4 is a ubiquitously expressed cation channel with multiple functions in different organ systems. It is activated by hypotonicity-induced cell swelling, moderate heat, several chemical substances and importantly also by stretch and shear stress, although it is highly debatable whether the channel itself is mechanosensitive (Liedtke et al., 2007b). In a comprehensive review, Nilius and Voets (2013) summarized the puzzling results obtained from previous research on TRPV4.

Interest in TRPV4 as a therapeutic target for LUTd grew with the discovery that mice lacking TRPV4 have a clearly altered LUT function (Gevaert et al., 2007). In urinary spotting experiments, TRPV4 KO mice tended to void more and bigger spots, suggesting higher bladder capacity. In addition, more spots were seen in the centre of the cage, suggestive of incontinence. Cystometry confirmed these findings, with more non-voiding contractions during storage and longer periods between two voids. Spontaneous activity of detrusor preparations was also altered: TRPV4 KO mice seemed to have a decrease in frequency, but an increase in amplitude of autonomous contractions. These findings led to the idea that TRPV4 functions as a stretch sensor in the bladder. As such, increased expression/sensitivity of the channel could thus contribute to DO and possibly OAB, whereas inhibition of the channel may provide symptomatic improvement of urinary frequency in various forms of LUTd. Everaerts et al. (2010b) provided proof of principle that pharmacological inhibition of TRPV4 can indeed reduce voiding frequency in healthy rats and mice, as well as in animals with increased frequency due to cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced cystitis.

Another potential link between TRPV4 and OAB is provided by the recent discovery that gain of function mutations in TRPV4 are the direct cause of several hereditary human diseases, including various forms of skeletal dysplasias as well as motor/sensory neuropathies (Nilius and Voets, 2013). Although not studied in great depth, there is apparently a high incidence of LUTd in subsets of patients with such TRPV4 mutations. This was particularly the case in patients with Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2c, which not only exhibit progressive muscle wasting and loss of sensory function, but also a high incidence of OAB – sometimes with incontinence (Landouré et al., 2010). It remains to be determined, however, whether these symptoms are a consequence of increased TRPV4 activity in the bladder wall or represent a mere consequence of the axonal damage in these patients.

LUTd with pain and irritation

According to the definition of the International Continence Society, painful bladder syndrome (PBS), also known as BPS, is ‘the complaint of suprapubic pain related to bladder filling, accompanied by other symptoms such as increased day-time and night-time frequency, in the absence of proven urinary infection or other obvious pathology’ (Abrams et al., 2003, p. 40). The term PBS thus describes a symptom complex, as subjectively experienced by patients. PBS is often equalled to interstitial cystitis (IC). However, IC is a specific diagnosis that requires confirmation based on typical cystoscopic and histological features, such as Hunner's ulcer, thickening of the bladder wall, urothelial denudation and intense subepithelial reaction. By far, the most prevalent cause of bladder-related pain is cystitis due to bacterial infection. In addition, bladder pain and irritation can also result from non-infectious aetiologies such as radiation cystitis, drug-induced cystitis and foreign body cystitis. Both infectious and non-infectious forms are difficult to treat and easily relapse.

Painful bladder syndrome, BPS and IC

These forms of LUTd are pain syndromes. Given the well-established role of several TRP channels in various forms of acute and chronic pain, a contribution of these channels to PBS or IC is not unexpected.


Defining a general role for TRPM8 in pain is not straightforward. On the one hand, TRPM8-activating stimuli such as cold and menthol are known for ages to provide analgesia, and there is indeed evidence that this represents a TRPM8-dependent effect (Proudfoot et al., 2006; Jordt and Ehrlich, 2007; Klein et al., 2010). On the other hand, TRPM8 is also (at least partially) responsible for cold-induced pain and cold hyperalgesia following nerve injury or inflammation (Colburn et al., 2007; Xing et al., 2007; Knowlton and McKemy, 2011).

In the bladder, TRPM8 immunostaining of suburothelial C-fibres was significantly enhanced in a group of PBS patients (Mukerji et al., 2006c). In addition, the density of positive nerve fibres showed a clear correlation with urinary frequency and pain scores in these patients. In a second study from the same researchers, 17 patients with PBS were subjected to an ice-water test (Mukerji et al., 2006a). Although the test did not elicit the same reflex contraction as it did in NDO and IDO patients, 13 out of 17 patients experienced substantially more discomfort from filling with ice-cold saline than from normal temperature filling. Based on these results, the authors proposed that TRPM8 could be involved in the pain symptoms of PBS patients, and that pain during the ice-water test could represent a useful predictive marker for clinical trials with TRPM8 antagonists.


In patients with PBS, the number of suburothelial TRPV1-positive nerve fibres increases, and the relative TRPV1-positive nerve density in the urothelial layer correlates with pain scores in these patients (Mukerji et al., 2006b). This may be a consequence of changes in inflammatory mediators in the bladder, as nerve growth factor (NGF), which has been shown to stimulate TRPV1 expression (Bonnington and McNaughton, 2003), is significantly increased in the urine and the urothelium of these patients. Taken together, it is likely that NGF contributes to hyperproliferation of TRPV1 nerve fibres in patients with PBS (Everaerts et al., 2008). Lazzeri et al. (2000) performed a small RCT, treating PBS patients with RTX, with good results, but this was not corroborated in larger studies (Payne et al., 2005; Ham et al., 2012; Matsuoka et al., 2012).

In a recent study, Homma et al. (2013) reported small but significant changes in mRNA levels for TRPA1, TRPM2, TRPM8, TRPV1, TRPV2 and TRPV4 in different subtypes of IC compared with normal tissue. However, because only one endogenous control was used in the quantitative PCR assays and the cellular composition of the tissue samples may vary strongly, further confirmation of these results is definitely needed.

Other forms of cystitis

Essential symptoms in all forms of cystitis are pollakisuria (frequent urination of small volumes), dysuria, lower abdominal pain and urgency, symptoms that closely resemble what we see in OAB. Again, only part of these symptoms can be objectively assessed, and therefore it is difficult to investigate cystitis in animal models. However, different models for various forms of cystitis have been developed, which are comprehensively reviewed elsewhere (Bjorling et al., 2011).


As described earlier for NDO, activation of TRPV1 may contribute to C-fibre activity and DO, and inhibition of TRPV1 function may thus reduced cystitis symptoms. For instance, it has been shown that TRPV1-deficient mice do not develop bladder overactivity in response to LPS treatment (Charrua et al., 2007). In addition, spinal c-fos expression was also lower in TRPV1-deficient mice than in wild-type (WT) controls. However, histological examination of the bladder showed similar inflammatory changes in both genotypes. This indeed suggests that TRPV1 is not involved in initiating cystitis but in initiating bladder overactivity in response to cystitis. Charrua et al. (2009) also demonstrated that GRC-6211, a specific TRPV1 antagonist, effectively decreases bladder overactivity and c-fos expression in the spinal cord of rats and mice with CYP- and LPS-induced cystitis. In addition, Wang et al. (2008) revealed that CYP-induced cystitis induces mechanical hypersensitivity in the hindpaws of mice, whereas TRPV1 KO mice seemed to lack this hypersensitivity. Histological examination again showed inflammation in both WT and KO animals. Adding to this information, patch clamp recordings revealed enhanced TRPV1-mediated currents in bladder-innervating DRG neurons from rats with CYP-induced cystitis (Dang et al., 2013). In conclusion, cystitis seems to be yet another interesting field of research where TRPV1 antagonists could be tested in clinical trials.


There is evidence from animal models that inhibition of TRPV4 function may help in reducing the pollakisuria symptoms in cystitis (Everaerts et al., 2010b). Mice lacking the TRPV4 receptor developed the same clear signs of haemorrhagic cystitis as their WT counterparts upon treatment with CYP, but failed to develop pollakisuria. Moreover, the selective TRPV4 antagonist HC-067047 was able to improve the symptoms in CYP-treated mice and rats (Everaerts et al., 2010b). TRPV4 activation can mediate ATP release from urothelial cells in response to stretch (Gevaert et al., 2007; Mochizuki et al., 2009; Birder and Andersson, 2013), which may in turn activate purinergic receptors such as P2X3 on the afferent nerve fibres, paving the way for the afferent signal to travel up to the brain (Cockayne et al., 2000). Knowing the exact effect of TRPV4 activation in the urothelium could greatly enhance our understanding of pathophysiology in multiple LUTd.


Sometimes, cystitis is due to neurogenic inflammation (Jasmin et al., 1998; Schaeffer, 1999). It is described as an inflammatory response triggered by the activation of primary sensory neurons and the subsequent release of inflammatory neuropeptides, such as substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (Geppetti et al., 2008). Likely, CYP-induced cystitis is partly caused by neurogenic inflammation by acrolein, the renaly excreted metabolite of CYP. We know that TRPA1 is a crucial mediator to induce this inflammatory reaction to acrolein (Bautista et al., 2006). Indeed, blocking of TRPA1 by HC-030031 effectively lowered nociceptive responses in mice with CYP-induced cystitis. However, histological evaluation showed the same haemorrhagic oedema as in vehicle-injected animals (Pereira et al., 2013). Furthermore, it seems that nocifensive behaviour in mice with CYP cystitis is not changed after treatment with TRPA1 antagonists (Matsunami et al., 2012).


Several TRPCs have been implicated in neuronal cell growth, remodelling, axon guidance and growth cone signalling (Liedtke et al., 2007a). Both in patients and in animal models of cystitis a deep remodelling of bladder-innervating neurons has been observed (Vizzard et al., 1996; Okragly et al., 1999; Vizzard, 2001). To our knowledge, only one report has been published investigating the link between both phenomena. In this study, repeated CYP injections induced a specific increase in the expression of TRPC1 and TRPC4 in bladder- innervating sensory neurons and the sprouting of sensory fibres in the bladder mucosa. Interestingly, CYP- treated TRPC1/C4 double KO mice no longer exhibited increased bladder innervation, and concomitantly, the development of bladder overactivity was diminished.

In conclusion, improvements seen from antagonizing TRPV1, V4 as well as A1 in animal models of cystitis reduced accompanying bladder overactivity, but histologically, cystitis never improved and mice still showed the same nocifensive behaviour when treated with TRPA1 antagonists. Therefore, it is to be expected that these TRP channel antagonists will only be able to provide symptomatic relief in cystitis. However, simultaneous action of TRPC1 and TRPC4 could be important in pathogenesis of cystitis due to neural remodellation.

LUTds with bladder outlet dysfunction

In the literature on lower urinary tract function, focus is mostly on the bladder. However, already 30 years ago it was suggested that defective urethral function could be one of the primary causes of LUTd (Hindmarsh et al., 1983). Under normal conditions, a complex combination of reflex mechanisms keeps the sphincter and the bladder synchronized. When a person voluntarily wants to empty his or her bladder, the spino-bulbo-spinal reflex and sympathetic outflow reflexes are inhibited, whereas parasympathetic outflow to the urethra and the bladder is activated. NO is released in the urethral smooth muscle and the urethra relaxes. Then, after initiation of voiding, the flow of urine through the urethra is thought to initiate a urethra-to-bladder reflex, which further promotes emptying. This reflex is thought to be under pontine control, which probably contributes to why NDO patients with a lesion between the sacral region and the pons often have detrusor–sphincter dyssynergia. Furthermore, bladder outlet dysfunction can have secondary effects on the bladder. For example, OAB or DO often develop after prolonged bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) and can remain even after the obstruction is removed. Pathophysiological mechanisms of how the urethra and the bladder outlet can influence storage and voiding, both directly and indirectly, remain unclear.

Detrusor–sphincter dyssynergia

In patients with detrusor–external sphincter dyssynergia, the urethra fails to relax during a voiding attempt. A limited number of studies have implicated TRP channels in functional defects of the urethra and the bladder outlet in a similar way they purportedly act in the bladder.


As outlined earlier, TRPV4 has been proposed to act as a stretch sensor in the bladder. However, as TRPV4 is also expressed in the urothelium lining the urethra (Birder et al., 2007), it has been suggested to function as a flow and stretch sensor involved in the urethra-to-bladder reflex. In awake ewes, Combrisson et al. found that instillation of body warm saline into the urethra induced a bladder contraction. This effect linearly decreased when lowering temperature of the infusion (Combrisson et al., 2007). Knowing that TRPV4 is activated by shear stress at body temperature, it was put forward as a good candidate to serve as the initiator of the urethra-to-bladder reflex. This represents an interesting topic of future research.

Other TRP channels

TRPV1 immunoreactivity has been shown in urethral nerve endings, and capsaicin acts on both urethral and striated muscles (Everaerts et al., 2008). Therefore, it is conceivable that TRPV1 can play a role in the urethra-to-bladder reflex. In addition, TRPA1 agonists were shown to induce relaxation in precontracted human urethral preparations (Gratzke et al., 2009; Weinhold et al., 2010). This relaxation seemed to work in cooperation with TRPV1-mediated signals (Weinhold et al., 2010). Both channels thus present as possible mediators of urethral function, but little evidence has been gathered.


Different pathologies can cause BOO. The most frequent aetiology is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Not only can BPH have bothersome effects due to direct mechanical obstruction (problems with voiding initiation, decreased force of urination and post-void leakage), but it can also cause secondary bladder overactivity. Especially long-lasting BOO can cause OAB symptoms and DO, but the molecular mechanisms behind this are unknown.

Currently, treatment options are limited to symptomatic treatment. 5α-Reductase inhibitors are used to reduce prostate size and α-adrenergic receptor antagonists to relax the bladder outlet. When medical therapy fails, the prostate volume can be surgically reduced. Clearly, new non-invasive therapies are needed for this extremely frequent condition.

TRP channels have been explored as molecular candidates that might play a role in the pathogenesis of overactivity symptoms in response to BOO. Du et al. (2008) reported that TRPA1 mRNA levels are higher in bladders of BOO patients. In a rat model of BOO, TRPM8 protein levels were increased, and menthol had stronger effect on urodynamic parameters than in control animals (Hayashi et al., 2011; Jun et al., 2012). Similarly, expression of TRPV1 and TRPV4 was found to increase in rats with BOO (Ha et al., 2011). Cho et al. (2013) showed an increased TRPV4 expression in the urothelium and detrusor of rats with BOO. At this point, it is difficult to determine to what extent BOO-induced LUTd differs from other forms of DO. Involvement of TRP channels might play a role in this form of LUTd, but more well-designed studies are definitely needed before any conclusion can be drawn.

Conclusions and future perspectives

From the above it seems clear that TRP channels are involved in bladder function and dysfunction (Figure 2). However, our understanding is still very limited, and TRP channels have proven to be hard pharmacological nuts to crack. Despite tremendous efforts, no TRP channel modulator has yet been able to make it to the pharmacy around the corner. And even in highly specialized clinical settings, only a few applications target TRP channels. Still, they remain very appealing as therapeutic targets. Other ion channels have already been targeted successfully, even though subtype selectivity could not be attained.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

TRP channels in LUTd. Overview of all forms of LUTd that are discussed in this review, with their respective links to TRP channels that have been implicated in their treatment or pathogenesis.

Unfortunately, current literature on TRP channels in the lower urinary tract is replete with unclarity and inconsistency. So far, it seems that we have not been able to come to a full understanding of how any TRP channel is involved in bladder or urethral (patho)physiology.

Progress in our understanding about TRP channels in the lower urinary tract has been hampered by the lack of unambiguous experimental tools. Multiple TRP channel antibodies have been proven to be unspecific, and pharmacological agents that were once regarded as highly selective later appeared to be almost unusable. Basic knowledge about localization, structure and function is therefore still lacking and should be addressed. Moreover, most information we have comes from animal research, and confirmation of these findings in human samples is definitely needed in the future. Finally, current experimental approaches do not allow to reproduce and/or quantify aspects such as urgency, which is a hallmark of OAB.

In parallel with basic research, clinical trials have already been developed to explore the potential of TRP channels in practice. With the use of capsaicin to target TRPV1 for the treatment of NDO, the field of urological research has actually been one of the earliest – not to say the first – domains where TRPs were tested as drug targets. Currently, a major portion of clinical TRP channel research is focusing on (neurogenic) pain treatment, so it may be expected that our knowledge on the involvement of TRPs in urological pain syndromes such as PBS and IC will see an upsurge in the coming years. Further development of selective antagonists will provide us with interesting tools to further explore the potential of these channels to relieve LUTd.

Disregarding the practical issues we are facing, TRP channels remain increasingly interesting drug targets, and their real breakthrough in LUTd is probably still to come.



acetyl choline


bladder-cooling reflex


bladder outlet obstruction


bladder pain syndrome




dorsal root ganglion


interstitial cystitis


idiopathic detrusor overactivity


lower urinary tract dysfunction


neurogenic detrusor overactivity


nerve growth factor


overactive bladder syndrome


painful bladder syndrome



Conflict of interest

D. D. R. is a senior clinical researcher of the FWO Vlaanderen and is a group leader of the TRUST FP 7 programme. The work was supported by grants from the Belgian Federal Government (IUAP P7/13), the Research Foundation – Flanders (G.0825.11), the Research Council of the KU Leuven (PF-TRPLe) and by an unconditional grant from Astellas.


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