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American Journal of Public Health logoLink to American Journal of Public Health
. 2014 Jun;104(Suppl 3):S481–S489. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.301879

Health Behaviors and Risk Factors Among American Indians and Alaska Natives, 2000–2010

Nathaniel Cobb 1, David Espey 1,, Jessica King 1,
PMCID: PMC4035866  PMID: 24754662


Objectives. We provided contextual risk factor information for a special supplement on causes of death among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). We analyzed 11 years of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data for AI/AN respondents in the United States.

Methods. We combined BRFSS data from 2000 to 2010 to determine the prevalence of selected risk factors for AI/AN and White respondents residing in Indian Health Service Contract Health Service Delivery Area counties. Regional prevalence estimates for AI/AN respondents were compared with the estimates for White respondents for all regions combined; respondents of Hispanic origin were excluded.

Results. With some regional exceptions, AI/AN people had high prevalence estimates of tobacco use, obesity, and physical inactivity, and low prevalence estimates of fruit and vegetable consumption, cancer screening, and seatbelt use.

Conclusions. These behavioral risk factors were consistent with observed patterns of mortality and chronic disease among AI/AN persons. All are amenable to public health intervention.

American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) experience a disproportionate burden from a variety of diseases that may be linked to risk behaviors such as tobacco use, diet, and physical inactivity.1 Although several AI/AN communities conducted local surveys of the prevalence of such risk factors,2–4 composite data at the national or regional level depends on population-based surveys, such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which is conducted annually by state health departments in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There were 2 previous reports of personal risk factors among AI/AN people that used similar methods: 1 that summarized BRFSS data by region for 1997 to 2000,5 and 1 that focused on cancer risk factors for 2000 to 2006.6 BRFSS data for AI/AN persons were also reported in various Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports from the CDC,7,8 and other publications.9 None of these previous publications restricted the study population to the Indian Health Service (IHS) Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA) as we did in this study. Because the prevalence of these behaviors might be changing, and some, such as obesity and tobacco use, have significant effects on the health of this population, we updated and refined the estimates using more recent data, and included some survey questions not previously reported for AI/ANs. We supply demographic characteristics and health risk data to inform and provide context for the disease-specific mortality articles in this special supplement. Although our primary objective was not to compare risk factors directly with any other racial or ethnic group, we included risk behavior data for the US White population for readers who wish to compare such risk factors.


The BRFSS is a state-based, cross-sectional telephone survey that is conducted annually by all states using a standardized questionnaire with technical support from the CDC. The questionnaire includes a core set of questions that are asked annually and 2 sets of questions that are alternated biannually. There are also optional modules and state-added questions that were not used for this analysis. The survey uses a multistage cluster design and random-digit dialing to select a representative sample of the US civilian noninstitutionalized population aged 18 years and older.10 All information collected, including race/ethnicity, is by informant self-report and is not otherwise validated. Survey median response rates ranged from 48.9% to 58.3% during the 11 years included in this article. Because AI/AN people constitute less than 2% of the US population, the number of AI/AN persons included in the survey sample is small, and single year and single state estimates may vary considerably. To approximate the time frame and geographic divisions of the analysis of death records published in this special supplement issue, we combined BRFSS data from 2000 to 2010 and grouped states into the 6 IHS regions (Alaska, East, Northern Plains, Pacific Coast, Southern Plains, and Southwest) used in other articles in this supplement. Within these regions, we used only data for AI/AN and non-Hispanic White respondents residing in IHS CHSDA counties. CHSDA counties contain federally recognized tribal reservations or off-reservation trusts or lands that are adjacent to them. CHSDA residence is used by the IHS to determine eligibility for services not directly available within the IHS. Analyses restricted to CHSDA counties make risk factor estimates more comparable with other publications in the supplement, which also drew their data from this set of counties.11,12 Additional details about CHSDA counties and IHS regions, including population coverage, are provided elsewhere in the supplement.12 It should be noted that previous BRFSS-based reports used the entire US population and were not restricted to the CHSDA counties.

Our sample included BRFSS respondents who chose “American Indian or Alaska Native” in response to the question: “Which one of these groups would you say best represents your race?” We included only non-Hispanic AI/AN persons (hereafter referred to as simply AI/AN persons) to improve comparability with the other publications in this supplement reporting mortality patterns, for which analyses are similarly restricted.12,13 For comparison, we used BRFSS data for non-Hispanic White respondents (hereafter referred to simply as Whites) for all IHS regions combined. In some cases, sample sizes for specific questions were too small to report results for AI/AN persons. We followed the BRFSS-recommended suppression rule of suppressing items based on less than 50 respondents or a relative SE of greater than 0.30.

Edited BRFSS files were processed by CDC staff according to their standard protocols, which include weighting to the respondents’ probability of selection and to the age- and gender-specific population or race-, age-, and gender-specific population from the intercensal population estimates for the state.14 Prevalence estimates for AI/AN and White persons were age adjusted to the 2000 projected US population. We used SAS callable SUDAAN version 9.0.1 (Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC) to calculate prevalence estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). In comparing populations with respect to any item, we used nonoverlap of the 95% CIs to suggest a difference worth noting. It should be understood that this was not a formal statistical comparison.15

We analyzed the following demographic characteristics and health indicator variables: gender, age, marital status, educational attainment, employment status, and annual household income. All results were stratified by gender because risk behaviors vary considerably between men and women. We also assessed health status (excellent or very good or good were combined, as were fair–poor), access to health care (i.e., have insurance coverage and a personal health care provider), and diabetes status (i.e., ever told by a health care provider that you have diabetes). We assessed some risk factors: the prevalence of consuming 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily and of relating no leisure-time physical activity (i.e., not participating in any physical activities or exercises during the past 30 days). We used body mass index (BMI; measured as kilograms divided by meters squared) to calculate overweight (BMI 25–29.9 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) in individuals aged 20 years and older. We assessed 2 alcohol consumption patterns: (1) binge drinkers were defined as adults who reported that they drank in the past 30 days and had 4 or more drinks (for women), 5 or more drinks (for men), on 1 or more occasion in the past month; and (2) heavy drinkers were men who had more than 2 drinks per day or women who had more than 1 drink per day in the past 30 days. Drinking and driving was considered positive if the respondent reported at least 1 incident of driving after having too much to drink in the past 30 days. Seatbelt use was considered positive if it was reported as “always or nearly always.” Hypertension was counted if the respondent reported having ever been told they had high blood pressure outside of pregnancy, and cholesterol was counted if they had ever been told their cholesterol was high. Current smokers were those who reported having smoked at least 100 cigarettes (5 packs) in their lifetime and smoked either every day or some days; former smokers were those who reported 100 lifetime cigarettes, but no longer smoked. We also assessed the use of cancer screening tests: women aged 40 years and older who reported a mammogram within the past 2 years; any woman with an intact uterus who reported having a Papanicolaou (Pap) test within the previous 3 years; males aged 50 to 75 years who reported having a prostate-specific antigen test within the past year; and adults aged 50 years or older who had either used a fecal occult blood test within the past year or had undergone endoscopy (sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy) within the past 5 years were identified as having been screened for colorectal cancer. Because the BRFSS does not include questions about reasons for getting tested, the data could not be interpreted as a direct measure of routine use of screening tests for these cancers.

The exact text of each standard question can be found on the CDC Web site.16 BRFSS creates calculated variables for some of the more commonly used measures, and we used these calculated variables when possible, merging them over time for compatibility. Tables 1 to 3 include detailed footnotes describing the inclusion years for each variable. When variable definitions were changed, we used only the data from years after the change. For example, the definition of “binge drinking” was changed in 2006, so only 2006 and subsequent years were analyzed.


Prevalence Estimates of Selected Sociodemographic Characteristics, Access to Health Care, and Selected Health Indicators Among American Indian/Alaska Native and White Adults: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Contract Health Service Delivery Areas, United States, 2000–2010

Total AI/ANs
Northern Plainsa
Southern Plainsc
Pacific Coaste
Characteristic No.g % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI)
Age group, y
 18–49 303 933 54.8 (54.6, 55.0) 18 155 67.8 (66.5, 69.1) 3287 71.9 (70.0, 73.7) 5593 73.3 (70.9, 75.5) 2920 65.9 (64.3, 67.5) 1800 59.1 (54.7, 63.3) 928 65.0 (60.6, 69.3) 3627 75.6 (73.7, 77.5)
 ≥ 50 451 048 45.2 (45.0, 45.4) 12 502 32.2 (30.9, 33.5) 1573 28.1 (26.3, 30.0) 3541 26.7 (24.5, 29.1) 2600 34.1 (32.5, 35.7) 1633 40.9 (36.7, 45.3) 897 35.0 (30.7, 39.4) 2258 24.4 (22.5, 26.3)
 Male 300 783 48.8 (48.6, 49.1) 12 088 50.1 (48.7, 51.5) 3521 48.2 (45.3, 51.1) 2188 48.8 (46.6, 51.0) 1996 50.2 (48.4, 51.9) 2203 44.7 (42.3, 47.1) 1395 51.7 (47.5, 55.9) 785 56.7 (52.3, 61.0)
 Female 458 134 51.2 (50.9, 51.4) 18 785 49.9 (48.5, 51.3) 5653 51.8 (48.9, 54.7) 2754 51.2 (49.0, 53.4) 3545 49.8 (48.1, 51.6) 3724 55.3 (52.9, 57.7) 2053 48.3 (44.1, 52.5) 1056 43.3 (39.0, 47.7)
Marital status
 Married 442 422 61.5 (61.3, 61.7) 13 123 48.0 (46.6, 49.3) 3346 44.0 (41.2, 46.7) 2163 48.2 (46.1, 50.4) 2786 56.1 (54.4, 57.7) 2497 44.5 (42.2, 46.9) 1504 46.6 (42.9, 50.3) 827 50.3 (45.7, 55.0)
 Divorced/widowed/separated 217 328 16.7 (16.6, 16.8) 9390 24.4 (23.2, 25.6) 3052 24.8 (22.7, 26.9) 1079 19.6 (18.0, 21.3) 1925 24.3 (22.9, 25.6) 1516 20.6 (18.8, 22.5) 1155 27.1 (23.5, 31.0) 663 26.9 (23.6, 30.4)
 Never married/member of an unmarried couple 97 198 21.8 (21.6, 22.0) 8252 27.7 (26.6, 28.8) 2750 31.3 (28.9, 33.8) 1674 32.2 (30.6, 33.8) 822 19.7 (18.4, 21.0) 1888 34.9 (33.0, 36.9) 772 26.4 (23.3, 29.6) 346 22.8 (19.2, 26.9)
 < high school 51 379 6.8 (6.6, 6.9) 5672 20.0 (18.9, 21.2) 1821 23.7 (21.4, 26.2) 1006 24.8 (23.0, 26.7) 936 17.0 (15.7, 18.4) 959 18.5 (16.7, 20.4) 555 18.8 (15.8, 22.4) 395 24.7 (20.8, 29.0)
 High school 218 309 28.2 (27.9, 28.4) 10 989 36.7 (35.3, 38.1) 2916 35.9 (33.0, 38.8) 2388 44.8 (42.9, 46.9) 1981 36.9 (35.2, 38.7) 2044 34.5 (32.3, 36.8) 1047 35.3 (31.4, 39.4) 613 35.9 (31.6, 40.5)
 Some college/technical school 224 817 30.4 (30.1, 30.6) 9205 28.1 (26.9, 29.3) 2913 27.1 (24.7, 29.6) 1126 21.5 (19.8, 23.3) 1594 28.2 (26.7, 29.9) 1929 31.7 (29.4, 34.2) 1158 28.4 (25.3, 31.8) 485 26.2 (22.4, 30.5)
 College graduate 263 156 34.7 (34.5, 34.9) 4941 15.2 (14.3, 16.1) 1507 13.3 (11.7, 15.1) 407 8.8 (7.6, 10.3) 1024 17.8 (16.6, 19.2) 987 15.3 (13.6, 17.1) 676 17.4 (14.7, 20.5) 340 13.1 (10.7, 16.0)
Income, $
 < 15 000 60 122 7.7 (7.6, 7.9) 6290 19.1 (18.0, 20.2) 2324 20.2 (18.2, 22.3) 910 20.8 (18.8, 22.9) 1005 17.3 (15.9, 18.7) 1140 19.7 (17.8, 21.8) 568 19.1 (16.2, 22.5) 343 17.5 (14.5, 21.0)
 15 000–34 999 200 405 26.8 (26.6, 27.0) 11 777 43.3 (41.8, 44.8) 3673 47.6 (44.7, 50.4) 1655 40.0 (37.6, 42.5) 2152 44.4 (42.5, 46.3) 2370 44.0 (41.3, 46.7) 1259 37.0 (32.9, 41.3) 668 46.3 (41.4, 51.3)
 35 000–74 999 242 465 37.2 (36.9, 37.4) 6860 27.8 (26.4, 29.2) 1770 25.1 (22.7, 27.6) 1076 26.7 (24.4, 29.1) 1290 27.3 (25.7, 29.0) 1364 27.9 (25.4, 30.6) 917 31.2 (27.2, 35.5) 443 28.5 (24.1, 33.3)
 ≥ 75 000 163 268 28.3 (28.0, 28.5) 2374 9.9 (9.1, 10.7) 446 7.2 (5.8, 8.8) 463 12.5 (11.1, 14.1) 496 11.1 (10.0, 12.2) 444 8.3 (7.0, 9.9) 363 12.7 (10.2, 15.7) 162 7.7 (5.9, 9.9)
Employment status
 Employed 414 701 62.6 (62.4, 62.8) 17 063 53.2 (51.9, 54.4) 5096 51.7 (48.9, 54.4) 2862 52.8 (50.6, 54.9) 2908 55.6 (54.0, 57.2) 3476 54.7 (52.5, 56.9) 1761 51.6 (48.0, 55.3) 960 54.1 (49.8, 58.3)
 Unemployed 65 797 9.0 (8.9, 9.2) 6399 20.5 (19.3, 21.8) 1938 22.2 (19.6, 25.0) 1215 25.7 (23.9, 27.6) 998 17.4 (16.1, 18.8) 1018 18.2 (16.4, 20.2) 794 21.5 (18.4, 25.1) 436 21.4 (17.9, 25.5)
 Homemaker/student/retired 276 774 28.4 (28.2, 28.6) 7270 26.3 (25.1, 27.5) 2115 26.2 (24.2, 28.3) 803 21.5 (19.9, 23.2) 1625 27.0 (25.7, 28.3) 1404 27.1 (25.3, 28.9) 883 26.8 (23.1, 30.9) 440 24.5 (21.5, 27.7)
Health care coverage
 Yes 682 122 87.7 (87.5, 87.8) 22 721 76.8 (75.8, 77.8) 6347 73.7 (71.3, 76.0) 3748 79.5 (77.8, 81.0) 4386 77.2 (75.6, 78.7) 3947 68.8 (66.7, 70.8) 2849 86.9 (84.7, 88.9) 1444 75.3 (71.2, 79.0)
 No 75 151 12.3 (12.2, 12.5) 7936 23.2 (22.2, 24.2) 2786 26.3 (24.0, 28.7) 1092 20.5 (19.0, 22.2) 1143 22.8 (21.3, 24.4) 1940 31.2 (29.2, 33.3) 584 13.1 (11.1, 15.3) 391 24.7 (21.0, 28.8)
Have personal provider
 Yes 618 262 81.3 (81.1, 81.5) 20 282 71.7 (70.5, 73.0) 5802 71.8 (68.9, 74.5) 2657 63.9 (61.8, 65.9) 4249 77.5 (75.9, 79.0) 3628 61.3 (58.8, 63.8) 2549 76.8 (73.1, 80.1) 1397 73.4 (69.0, 77.3)
 No 103 111 18.7 (18.5, 18.9) 8694 28.3 (27.0, 29.5) 2756 28.2 (25.5, 31.1) 1768 36.1 (34.1, 38.2) 1081 22.5 (21.0, 24.1) 1983 38.7 (36.2, 41.2) 748 23.2 (19.9, 26.9) 358 26.6 (22.7, 31.0)
Health status
 Excellent/very good/good 636 493 88.0 (87.8, 88.1) 23 038 75.6 (74.4, 76.8) 6773 75.5 (73.2, 77.6) 3918 78.5 (76.6, 80.3) 4017 76.0 (74.6, 77.4) 4568 77.0 (74.8, 79.0) 2494 74.9 (71.4, 78.1) 1268 74.3 (70.7, 77.6)
 Fair–poor 119 887 12.0 (11.9, 12.2) 7671 24.4 (23.2, 25.6) 2368 24.5 (22.4, 26.8) 987 21.5 (19.7, 23.4) 1497 24.0 (22.6, 25.4) 1312 23.0 (21.0, 25.2) 944 25.1 (21.9, 28.6) 563 25.7 (22.4, 29.3)

Note. AI/ANs = American Indians/Alaska Natives; CI = confidence interval. All prevalence estimates are weighted. Except for age group, estimates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. “Refused” and “don’t know” responses are excluded. Analyses are limited to persons of non-Hispanic origin.


AI/AN persons in IN, IA, MI, MN, MT, NE, ND, SD, WI, and WY.


AI/AN persons in AK.


AI/AN persons in KS, OK, and TX.


AI/AN persons in AZ, CO, NV, NM, and UT.


AI/AN persons in CA, ID, OR, and WA.


AI/AN persons in AL, CT, FL, LA, ME, MA, MS, NY, NC, RI, and SC.


Limited to data from 2001 to 2010.


Prevalence Estimates of Selected Chronic Disease Risk Behaviors and Risk Factors Among American Indian/Alaska Native and White Adults: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Contract Health Service Delivery Areas, 34 US States, 2000–2010

Total AI/ANs
Northern Plainsa
Southern Plainsc
Pacific Coaste
Risk Factor/Behavior No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI)
≥ 5 servings/day of fruits and vegetablesg
 Male 157 411 19.2 (18.8, 19.6) 6350 20.5 (18.3, 22.9) 1802 18.4 (13.9, 24.0) 1165 19.3 (15.8, 23.2) 1230 13.3 (10.8, 16.3) 1038 22.8 (19.5, 26.6) 738 23.1 (17.2, 30.4) 377 24.6 (18.1, 32.4)
 Female 237 842 28.4 (28.0, 28.8) 9881 24.3 (22.3, 26.4) 2914 24.0 (20.2, 28.3) 1467 21.5 (18.2, 25.3) 2143 17.4 (15.2, 19.8) 1776 29.1 (25.3, 33.1) 1075 27.8 (21.8, 34.8) 506 23.5 (18.0, 30.1)
No leisure time physical activity
 Male 299 467 18.0 (17.8, 18.3) 11 994 27.2 (25.4, 29.1) 3506 27.6 (23.9, 31.6) 2150 26.6 (24.0, 29.4) 1987 29.0 (26.6, 31.5) 2185 21.7 (19.1, 24.5) 1388 27.0 (22.3, 32.2) 778 30.2 (25.2, 35.6)
 Female 454 733 20.8 (20.6, 21.0) 18 608 31.8 (30.3, 33.3) 5616 33.7 (30.6, 36.9) 2689 36.1 (33.3, 39.0) 3531 35.6 (33.6, 37.6) 3687 28.7 (26.0, 31.6) 2040 25.4 (21.3, 30.0) 1045 35.9 (30.3, 41.9)
Overweight (BMI = 25.0–29.9 kg/m2)
 Male 297 231 44.2 (43.8, 44.5) 11 862 41.9 (39.8, 44.0) 3478 38.8 (34.3, 43.5) 2127 43.3 (40.2, 46.5) 1967 39.7 (37.0, 42.4) 2155 40.7 (37.3, 44.2) 1371 42.8 (37.4, 48.4) 764 44.5 (38.0, 51.3)
 Female 430 245 27.9 (27.7, 28.2) 17 815 31.5 (29.9, 33.2) 5418 33.7 (30.4, 37.2) 2551 33.8 (30.8, 36.9) 3360 29.1 (27.2, 31.1) 3554 33.8 (30.8, 37.0) 1936 29.5 (24.8, 34.6) 996 29.9 (24.9, 35.5)
Obese (BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m2)
 Male 297 231 23.3 (23.0, 23.6) 11 862 33.9 (32.0, 35.9) 3478 39.7 (35.2, 44.4) 2127 27.7 (25.0, 30.7) 1967 35.7 (33.0, 38.4) 2155 34.0 (30.8, 37.5) 1371 32.6 (27.5, 38.0) 764 30.2 (24.7, 36.4)
 Female 430 245 21.0 (20.8, 21.3) 17 815 35.5 (33.7, 37.3) 5418 37.6 (34.5, 40.9) 2551 35.8 (32.8, 38.9) 3360 33.3 (31.3, 35.4) 3554 34.3 (31.6, 37.1) 1936 38.8 (33.9, 43.9) 996 30.5 (25.0, 36.5)
Binge drinkerh
 Male 157 146 23.2 (22.7, 23.7) 5782 21.1 (18.9, 23.5) 1690 23.1 (17.8, 29.4) 849 20.1 (16.8, 23.9) 803 19.6 (16.4, 23.3) 1311 19.1 (15.6, 23.1) 721 21.6 (16.5, 27.9) 408 23.6 (15.6, 34.0)
 Female 247 244 12.7 (12.4, 13.0) 9367 13.0 (11.4, 14.8) 2765 18.0 (14.2, 22.6) 1042 13.8 (11.2, 16.7) 1505 9.9 (8.3, 11.9) 2372 8.9 (6.5, 12.0) 1106 17.4 (12.7, 23.2) 577 15.3 (9.4, 23.9)
Heavy drinkeri
 Male 278 413 6.9 (6.7, 7.2) 10 866 7.6 (6.3, 9.2) 3176 8.1 (5.8, 11.0) 1846 4.3 (3.4, 5.4) 1851 5.3 (4.2, 6.7) 1995 6.4 (4.8, 8.4) 1282 8.1 (5.0, 12.7) 716 10.5 (6.7, 16.1)
 Female 427 490 5.9 (5.8, 6.1) 17 214 4.2 (3.5, 5.1) 5150 5.0 (3.4, 7.3) 2347 4.9 (3.8, 6.5) 3357 2.5 (1.9, 3.3) 3467 2.6 (1.7, 3.9) 1915 6.1 (3.8, 9.6)
Current smoker
 Male 298 639 21.6 (21.3, 21.9) 11 945 33.6 (31.7, 35.5) 3497 42.1 (37.9, 46.4) 2132 41.4 (38.6, 44.3) 1981 34.5 (31.8, 37.3) 2177 18.8 (16.5, 21.4) 1382 33.5 (28.4, 38.9) 776 40.4 (34.5, 46.5)
 Female 453 293 20.2 (19.9, 20.4) 18 542 29.5 (28.0, 31.0) 5605 42.1 (39.0, 45.4) 2671 36.8 (34.0, 39.7) 3523 31.6 (29.7, 33.7) 3675 14.8 (12.5, 17.5) 2029 27.7 (23.3, 32.5) 1039 36.3 (30.9, 42.2)
Former smoker
 Male 298 639 29.8 (29.5, 30.0) 11 945 29.9 (28.0, 31.8) 3497 28.3 (24.7, 32.1) 2132 33.1 (30.2, 36.1) 1981 26.8 (24.5, 29.2) 2177 29.0 (25.8, 32.4) 1382 35.1 (29.9, 40.6) 776 27.4 (22.3, 33.1)
 Female 453 293 23.6 (23.3, 23.8) 18 542 22.9 (21.1, 24.7) 5605 22.7 (20.1, 25.6) 2671 27.9 (25.3, 30.6) 3523 20.5 (18.9, 22.2) 3675 15.4 (13.1, 18.1) 2029 30.6 (25.1, 36.7) 1039 22.3 (17.9, 27.5)
Never smoked
 Male 298 639 48.7 (48.3, 49.0) 11 945 36.5 (34.6, 38.6) 3497 29.7 (25.2, 34.6) 2132 25.5 (22.9, 28.4) 1981 38.8 (36.1, 41.5) 2177 52.2 (48.6, 55.8) 1382 31.5 (26.6, 36.8) 776 32.3 (26.6, 38.5)
 Female 453 293 56.3 (56.0, 56.6) 18 542 47.6 (45.8, 49.4) 5605 35.2 (31.9, 38.6) 2671 35.3 (32.5, 38.2) 3523 47.8 (45.7, 50.0) 3675 69.7 (66.5, 72.8) 2029 41.8 (36.5, 47.2) 1039 41.3 (35.5, 47.4)
Ever been told you have diabetesj
 Male 221 726 7.3 (7.1, 7.4) 8595 15.1 (13.4, 17.0) 2521 14.7 (11.8, 18.3) 1349 6.7 (4.8, 9.4) 1424 15.2 (13.2, 17.4) 1676 15.3 (12.6, 18.5) 1049 17.9 (13.7, 23.1) 576 11.7 (8.6, 15.8)
 Female 344 617 5.8 (5.6, 5.9) 13 588 14.3 (13.2, 15.6) 4024 18.6 (15.8, 21.7) 1631 6.0 (4.6, 7.8) 2598 16.1 (14.3, 17.9) 2931 14.5 (12.6, 16.8) 1617 13.5 (10.5, 17.2) 787 10.9 (8.0, 14.7)
Ever been told you have high cholesterolk
 Male 117 339 32.8 (32.2, 33.3) 3819 31.4 (28.3, 34.6) 1059 33.8 (26.7, 41.6) 543 26.8 (21.9, 32.3) 819 32.4 (28.3, 36.8) 619 25.8 (21.1, 31.2) 489 34.6 (27.2, 42.7) 290 29.5 (23.0, 36.9)
 Female 183 412 28.9 (28.5, 29.3) 6417 28.5 (25.9, 31.3) 1832 31.6 (26.5, 37.3) 743 23.6 (20.1, 27.4) 1550 29.6 (27.0, 32.5) 1130 21.2 (17.7, 25.1) 772 30.6 (23.2, 39.1) 390 32.3 (24.9, 40.6)
Ever been told you have high blood pressurek
 Male 141 930 26.5 (26.1, 26.9) 5763 31.3 (28.7, 34.0) 1595 31.9 (27.1, 37.1) 1050 27.3 (23.6, 31.4) 1103 36.0 (32.5, 39.7) 970 26.5 (22.6, 30.9) 673 33.7 (27.2, 40.9) 372 28.2 (21.6, 35.9)
 Female 215 048 22.4 (22.1, 22.7) 8959 28.2 (25.9, 30.6) 2568 25.1 (21.5, 29.0) 1284 29.8 (26.3, 33.5) 1977 33.6 (31.2, 36.2) 1637 23.7 (20.1, 27.7) 1005 27.9 (22.3, 34.2) 488 30.9 (25.6, 36.8)
Seatbelt use: always or nearly alwaysl
 Male 93 855 92.7 (92.3, 93.0) 3450 87.0 (84.0, 89.5) 1044 75.3 (66.3, 82.5) 486 66.4 (60.9, 71.5) 479 89.8 (86.2, 92.6) 764 90.5 (86.9, 93.2) 437 94.0 (86.9, 97.4) 240 78.4 (67.0, 86.6)
 Female 147 079 96.9 (96.7, 97.1) 5551 92.2 (90.6, 93.6) 1714 89.6 (85.9, 92.5) 607 80.7 (77.0, 84.0) 854 93.9 (91.5, 95.7) 1376 90.4 (84.6, 94.2) 665 96.0 (92.1, 98.0) 335 95.8 (91.9, 97.9)
Ever drive after too much to drinkm
 Male 87 983 5.7 (5.4, 6.1) 2408 5.9 (4.6, 7.5) 781 9.9 (6.6, 14.5)
 Female 107 779 2.4 (2.2, 2.7) 2647 2.5 (1.9, 3.3) 878 9.5 (7.3, 12.2)
Have you fallen in the last 3 mo, age ≥ 45 yn
 Male 85 030 15.4 (15.0, 15.9) 2381 24.3 (19.7, 29.6) 691 22.5 (15.4, 31.7) 341 17.6 (10.9, 27.1) 372 20.2 (15.9, 25.2) 454 15.7 (11.2, 21.5) 334 33.9 (23.4, 46.3)
 Female 134 178 16.7 (16.4, 17.1) 3881 23.4 (20.2, 26.8) 1134 19.7 (15.4, 24.8) 398 23.2 (17.4, 30.2) 699 17.9 (15.1, 21.2) 852 24.2 (18.9, 30.5) 518 34.3 (26.2, 43.4) 280 21.0 (14.2, 30.0)
Have you ever been tested for HIV, younger than 65 y
 Male 201 293 39.1 (38.6, 39.5) 9278 42.9 (40.6, 45.2) 2747 38.7 (34.1, 43.5) 1671 40.8 (37.3, 44.4) 1462 38.2 (35.0, 41.5) 1747 34.2 (30.6, 38.1) 1066 49.9 (43.6, 56.3) 585 57.0 (50.1, 63.6)
 Female 291 626 43.8 (43.5, 44.2) 14 249 50.7 (48.9, 52.6) 4303 50.8 (47.1, 54.5) 2100 54.3 (50.9, 57.7) 2600 44.4 (42.0, 46.9) 2913 41.5 (38.1, 44.9) 1569 62.2 (57.0, 67.1) 764 58.4 (51.3, 65.2)

Note. AI/ANs = American Indians/Alaska Natives; BMI = body mass index; CI = confidence interval. Dash indicates that data was suppressed because count < 50 or the relative SE > 0.30. All prevalence estimates are weighted. Except for age group, estimates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. “Refused” and “don’t know” responses are excluded. Analyses are limited to persons of non-Hispanic origin.


AI/AN persons in IN, IA, MI, MN, MT, NE, ND, SD, WI, and WY.


AI/AN persons in AK.


AI/AN persons in KS, OK, and TX.


AI/AN persons in AZ, CO, NV, NM, and UT.


AI/AN persons in CA, ID, OR, and WA.


AI/AN persons in AL, CT, FL, LA, ME, MA, MS, NY, NC, RI, and SC.


Limited to data from 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009.


Limited to data from 2006 to 2010.


Limited to data from 2001 to 2010.


Limited to data from 2004 to 2010. Heavy drinking defined as > 2 drinks/day in the past 30 days for men or > 1 drink/day in the past 30 days for women.


Limited to data from 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009.


Limited to data from 2006, 2008, and 2010.


Limited to data from 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010.


Limited to data from 2003, 2006, 2008, and 2010.


Prevalence Estimates of Use of Cancer Screening Tests Among American Indian/Alaska Native and White Adults: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Contract Health Service Delivery Areas, 34 US States, 2000–2010

Total AI/ANs
Northern Plainsa
Southern Plainsc
Pacific Coaste
Screening Test No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI)
Mammography within 2 y, women aged ≥ 40 yg 185 498 76.0 (75.7, 76.4) 5885 67.8 (65.0, 70.5) 1820 69.0 (63.1, 74.3) 743 72.9 (67.3, 77.8) 1021 73.0 (69.6, 76.1) 1220 61.5 (54.9, 67.7) 677 62.9 (54.9, 70.3) 404 72.5 (63.9, 79.6)
Papanicolaou (Pap) test within 3 y, women without hysterectomyg 160 794 83.8 (83.5, 84.2) 7115 79.2 (76.8, 81.4) 2311 81.7 (77.5, 85.3) 1111 84.9 (81.4, 87.8) 992 78.4 (75.2, 81.2) 1617 76.0 (71.0, 80.4) 728 80.2 (73.5, 85.5) 356 80.1 (71.4, 86.7)
Prostate specific antigen test within 1 y, men aged 50–75 yh 67 051 54.6 (53.9, 55.2) 1902 42.5 (36.7, 48.6) 574 47.0 (37.4, 56.8) 260 20.4 (14.5, 27.8) 304 53.0 (46.1, 59.9) 348 35.1 (27.5, 43.7) 260 44.0 (32.4, 56.3) 156 38.5 (24.8, 54.4)
Fecal occult blood test within 1 y or endoscopy within 5 y, aged ≥ 50 yh
 Male 83 651 61.5 (60.8, 62.2) 2162 44.3 (36.2, 52.7) 625 30.9 (23.0, 40.2) 305 35.7 (25.8, 47.1) 371 47.9 (40.7, 55.1) 389 36.6 (27.8, 46.5) 296 49.6 (32.0, 67.2) 176 40.4 (28.6, 53.5)
 Female 132 213 56.1 (55.6, 56.5) 3566 46.7 (42.9, 50.6) 1041 48.0 (40.1, 55.9) 366 51.5 (43.3, 59.7) 677 44.6 (40.3, 49.0) 754 35.1 (29.0, 41.7) 466 51.5 (41.1, 61.8) 262 50.8 (41.2, 60.4)

Note. AI/ANs = American Indians/Alaska Natives; CI = confidence interval. All prevalence estimates are weighted. Except for age group, estimates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. “Refused” and “don’t know” responses are excluded. Analyses are limited to persons of non-Hispanic origin.


AI/AN persons in IN, IA, MI, MN, MT, NE, ND, SD, WI, and WY.


AI/ANs in AK.


AI/ANs in KS, OK, and TX.


AI/ANs in AZ, CO, NV, NM, and UT.


AI/ANs in CA, ID, OR, and WA.


AI/ANs in AL, CT, FL, LA, ME, MA, MS, NY, NC, RI, and SC.


Limited to data from 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010.


Limited to data from 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010.


Prevalence estimates of selected sociodemographic characteristics, access to health care, and selected health indicators are summarized in Table 1.

Our AI/AN sample included 12 088 men and 18 785 women, with 67.8% aged 18 to 49 years and 32.2% aged 50 years and older. The US White comparison group included 300 783 men and 458 134 women, with 54.8% aged 18 to 49 years and 45.2% aged 50 years and older. Compared with Whites, AI/AN respondents were younger, less likely to be married, had attained a lower educational level, had lower household income, were more likely to be unemployed, and were more likely to describe their health as fair or poor.

Despite the fact that all respondents included in our analysis lived in CHSDA counties served by IHS funded facilities, 23.2% of AI/AN persons reported that they had “no health plan” and 28.3% that they had “no personal doctor.” This compares with 12.3% and 18.7%, respectively, for the same measures for Whites in the same geographic area. When asked about personal health status, fewer AI/AN individuals reported good to excellent health compared with Whites, and AI/AN persons reported poor–fair health at nearly double the rate of Whites.

Risk Factors and Behaviors

Prevalence estimates of selected chronic disease risk behaviors and risk factors among AI/AN people are shown in Table 2 and are summarized briefly here.

Consumption of fruits and vegetables.

AI/AN men reported consuming about the same number of portions of fruits and vegetables as White men, with only the Southern Plains region reporting significantly lower consumption by approximately one third. AI/AN women in all regions ate more fruits and vegetables than AI/AN men, but AI/AN women ate less in the Southern Plains and Alaska than White women nationally.

Leisure-time physical activity.

AI/AN men and women in all regions reported less recreational activity than Whites. In general, AI/AN and White women reported less activity than men.

Overweight or obese.

AI/AN men were more likely to be overweight than AI/AN women in all regions, except the Northern Plains, whereas they had a similar prevalence of obesity as AI/AN women, except in Alaska, where women were more obese. Compared with Whites, AI/AN men and women had a higher prevalence of obesity than their White counterparts (33.9% vs 23.3% for men and 35.5% vs 21.0% for women, respectively, for AI/AN and White persons).

Binge drinking, heavy drinking, and driving drunk.

For all regions combined, the prevalence of binge and heavy drinking was similar between AI/AN men and White men. In Alaska, AI/AN men reported lower prevalence estimates of heavy drinking than White men nationally. AI/AN women in the Northern Plains were more likely to report binge drinking than White women, whereas AI/AN women in the Southern Plains and Southwest reported lower prevalence estimates of binge drinking than White women. Both AI/AN men and women in the Northern Plains were more likely to have driven a vehicle after having too much to drink compared with Whites.

Current smoker, former smoker, never smoked.

AI/AN men and women in all regions except the Southwest were more likely than White men to be current smokers, and the smoking prevalence estimates reported were nearly double the rates in Whites. In the Southern Plains, AI/AN people of both genders were less likely than Whites to report being a former smoker, whereas AI/AN people of both genders in Alaska and males in the Pacific Coast region had higher prevalence estimates of former smoking compared with Whites. Both AI/AN men and women were less likely to report never having smoked in all regions, except the Southwest, where both AI/AN men and women had higher prevalence estimates of never having smoked compared with Whites.


Compared with White men and women, AI/ANs were more than twice as likely to report having diabetes in all regions, except Alaska.

High cholesterol.

Both AI/AN men and women in the Southwest and AI/AN women in Alaska were less likely than Whites to have been told that they had elevated cholesterol.

High blood pressure.

Compared with White men, AI/AN men overall and in the Northern Plains, Southern Plains, and Pacific Coast regions reported a higher prevalence of hypertension. AI/AN women had a higher prevalence of hypertension compared with White women overall, and in Alaska, the Southern Plains, and East regions.

Seatbelt use.

AI/AN men and women overall had lower rates of seatbelt use compared with US Whites. AI/AN men in the Southern Plains and Pacific Coast, AI/AN women in the East, and AI/ANs of both genders in the Southwest had prevalence estimates that were similar to Whites. AI/AN women in all regions were more likely than AI/AN men to report using a seatbelt when driving.

Fall in the past 3 months.

Overall, for those aged 45 years and older, AI/AN people were more likely than White people to have had a fall in the past 3 months. Prevalence estimates for AI/AN men were higher in the Pacific Coast compared with White men, whereas prevalence estimates for AI/AN women were higher in the Alaska, Pacific Coast, and Southwest regions compared with White women.

Tested for HIV.

For persons aged younger than 65 years, both AI/AN men and women overall were more likely to have been tested for HIV compared with Whites. AI/AN men in the Southwest were the only group less likely than Whites to have been tested for HIV.

Cancer Screening

Prevalence estimates for cancer screening are shown in Table 3 and are summarized briefly here. AI/AN women older than 40 years were overall less likely to have had a mammogram in the past 2 years than White women (67.8% vs 76.0%). By region, prevalence estimates were lower in the Northern Plains, Pacific Coast, and Southwest compared with White women. AI/AN women overall and in the Southern Plains and Southwest were less likely than White women to have had a Pap test in the past 3 years. AI/AN men aged 50 to 75 years overall, and in Alaska and the Southwest, were less likely than White men to have had a prostate specific antigen test within the past year. Compared with White men, AI/AN men in all regions except the Pacific Coast were less likely to have had colorectal cancer screening (fecal occult blood test within 1 year or endoscopy within 5 years). AI/AN women overall, and in the Northern Plains, Southern Plains, and Southwest were also less likely to have been screened than White women.


This update of BRFSS findings for AI/AN people was specifically undertaken to complement and inform the analysis of AI/AN causes of death that are the focus of this supplement issue. Native people in the United States continue to have high prevalence estimates of health behaviors that might contribute to excess deaths from chronic diseases, injuries, and cancer. These notable risk factors and health behaviors are tobacco use, obesity, lack of physical activity, not using seatbelts, and lower prevalence estimates of cancer screening compared with Whites.

To be consistent with other articles in this supplement that focus on mortality reporting, this analysis was restricted to the IHS CHSDA counties. Reasons for this geographic restriction are explained elsewhere in this supplement.12 Because previous BRFSS publications did not include this geographic restriction, we did not attempt to report risk factor trends related to earlier publications cited in this article.

A relatively high proportion of AI/AN people reported having no health plan and no personal doctor, despite living in counties generally served by IHS. This could mean that the barriers to treatment at IHS clinics were so significant (distance, wait times, shortage of staff) that respondents did not consider it a viable “health plan.” It was also possible that many respondents simply did not understand the term “health plan” to include their right to use IHS services. Another likely contributing factor for the high percentage of AI/AN persons reporting no personal doctor was the high turnover rate of providers, particularly in facilities in remote regions of the country. It was also likely that some respondents identified themselves as AI/AN persons, but were not eligible for IHS care, because one had to be an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe. It was likely that less access to health care and fewer persons reporting having a personal provider contributed, along with risk factor burden, to the poorer health status reported by many AI/AN persons, as reflected in Table 1. Questions in the BRFSS related to access were not designed to reflect the unique IHS health care system, and we felt that further analysis of these questions would not be reliable. This is clearly an area for focused study with more precise surveys, especially given the increased participation in tribal self-governance and the Affordable Care Act.

Risk behaviors affected death rates with varying lag times. For example, excess alcohol use might influence deaths in motor vehicle accidents in the short term, and deaths from liver disease only after 10 years or more. Although some of the risk behaviors we reported in this article might not directly influence death rates from the same time period, we felt that it was important to present the most current risk behavior estimates available.

Low intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is considered to be a risk factor for cancer, obesity, and diabetes. Native American diets have changed dramatically over the past century, because subsistence farming and hunting has largely been replaced by fast food and the mainstream American diet.17 Commodity food assistance programs, common on reservations, have provided high-calorie, high-fat foods that often replace a more healthy menu for low-income populations.18

The relatively high prevalence estimates of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension reported in this study were consistent with other studies.19,20 Although we found some geographic variability, there were few AI/AN communities that were not severely affected by these manifestations of the metabolic syndrome (the co-occurrence of central adiposity, an unfavorable cholesterol profile, and insulin insensitivity), which raises the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.21,22 Although we found that relatively low numbers of AI/AN respondents reported that they had been told they had elevated cholesterol, more in-depth studies would seem to indicate that hypercholesterolemia is a prevalent problem.23 With the increasing incidence of heart disease among AI/AN people, improvements in diet and exercise habits might be achieved through more education, testing, and community-based interventions.24

Although there were some regional differences for the alcohol-related questions—heavy drinking, binge drinking, and drinking too much before driving—the overall prevalence in AI/AN persons was similar to that for Whites for all 3 measures. The questions related to binge drinking were changed in 2006, and we included only responses from 2006 onward, which resulted in wide CIs around the prevalence estimates, although we knew that AI/AN communities continued to have a disproportionately high prevalence of alcohol-related mortality.25,26 It was suggested that socially stigmatizing questions might be better addressed by trained interviewers in personal, face-to-face interviews, or by self-administered questionnaires under controlled conditions.27 It was also possible that patterns of some behaviors, such as drinking and smoking, were different in AI/AN communities and should be addressed with differently worded questions.28

Relatively high estimates of HIV screening, particularly for women, might be in part a result of IHS policies and practices concerning prenatal care. Prenatal HIV screening is among a group of core Government Performance and Results Act externally reported performance measures, which makes it a highly visible outcome for which facilities are accountable.29,30 In addition, practices such as bundling HIV into existing prenatal laboratory panels and improved documentation of HIV tests in the IHS standardized electronic health record are believed to have contributed to improvements in both clinical practice and data management of prenatal HIV screening.31,32

The prevalence estimates of cancer screening among AI/AN persons continue to improve, although they still lag behind the White estimates. Programs like the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program and the CDC Colorectal Cancer Control Program have focused significant resources on AI/AN communities, and cancer screening is becoming more widely available.32,33

The high prevalence of tobacco use among AI/AN persons everywhere, except the Southwest, was particularly troubling, because this is a powerful contributor to heart disease, lung cancer, and vascular complications of diabetes. Despite the fact that tobacco use is the largest preventable cause of death for AI/AN people, the IHS does not currently have a funded tobacco control program.34

Study Limitations

Several limitations must be considered when interpreting our findings. First, phone surveys like the BRFSS are problematic in AI/AN communities, where a single landline phone might serve several families, and many may have no phone at all.6 This might bias the sampled population toward the more urban and economically advantaged groups. BRFSS also focuses on risk factors measured on the individual level and does not capture social and environmental factors that might be contributing to these patterns in risk factors. Second, to be consistent with the death certificate analyses presented in other papers in this supplement, the Hispanic AI/AN population was excluded (7.7% of the sample). This exclusion might disproportionately affect some states. Third, several measures (e.g., driving after having too much to drink, ever being told that cholesterol was elevated, a fall in the last 3 months) have limited usefulness as a result of unstable estimates because of a small number of respondents for these questions. Finally, given the limited number of observations for AI/AN persons in BRFSS for individual years, it was not practical to include time trends. Future analyses of BRFSS for this population would benefit from a focus on time trends where data permit.


AI/AN people in general continue to be at higher risk for chronic diseases, cancer, and injury than Whites. The Guide to Community Preventive Services35 and the United States Preventive Services Task Force Guide to Clinical Preventive Services36 are valuable resources for planning interventions to address many of the disparities in the risk behaviors reported here. However, additional research is needed to expand the evidence base for these interventions to address the social and environmental determinants of many of these risk factors and risk behaviors.37 There is a need to adapt such interventions to the unique context of AI/AN populations. This context includes the complex challenges of chronic unemployment, poverty, cultural beliefs and practices, historical trauma, and remote and rural locations. Federal and tribal agencies charged with improving the health of AI/AN people should consider devoting appropriate attention to strengthening primary prevention in AI/AN communities because the fiscal and human costs of chronic disease and premature death are enormous.


Note. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or that of the Indian Health Service.


We would like to acknowledge Cheryll Thomas’ valuable comments on the draft of the article.

Human Participant Protection

No human participants review is required for Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which is considered public health practice.


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