A great deal of research has investigated the biochemical factors that regulate angiogenic sprouting, but less is known about the role of fluid shear stress. Some studies have suggested distinct regulation by luminal flow within the vessel vs. transmural flow through its walls. In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of a shear stress threshold that when surpassed, induces angiogenic sprouting regardless of whether the shear is applied by primarily luminal or transmural flow. In addition to identifying matrix metalloproteinase 1 as the relevant downstream effector, we use finite-element modeling to predict spatial distributions of shear stress within 3D geometries that experimentally caused localized patterns of sprouting. Together, these studies demonstrate a means by which fluid flow can guide vasculature architecture.
Keywords: angiogenesis, force, mechanotransduction, migration, morphogenesis
The density and architecture of capillary beds that form within a tissue depend on many factors, including local metabolic demand and blood flow. Here, using microfluidic control of local fluid mechanics, we show the existence of a previously unappreciated flow-induced shear stress threshold that triggers angiogenic sprouting. Both intraluminal shear stress over the endothelium and transmural flow through the endothelium above 10 dyn/cm2 triggered endothelial cells to sprout and invade into the underlying matrix, and this threshold is not impacted by the maturation of cell–cell junctions or pressure gradient across the monolayer. Antagonizing VE-cadherin widened cell–cell junctions and reduced the applied shear stress for a given transmural flow rate, but did not affect the shear threshold for sprouting. Furthermore, both transmural and luminal flow induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase 1, and this up-regulation was required for the flow-induced sprouting. Once sprouting was initiated, continuous flow was needed to both sustain sprouting and prevent retraction. To explore the potential ramifications of a shear threshold on the spatial patterning of new sprouts, we used finite-element modeling to predict fluid shear in a variety of geometric settings and then experimentally demonstrated that transmural flow guided preferential sprouting toward paths of draining interstitial fluid flow as might occur to connect capillary beds to venules or lymphatics. In addition, we show that luminal shear increases in local narrowings of vessels to trigger sprouting, perhaps ultimately to normalize shear stress across the vasculature. Together, these studies highlight the role of shear stress in controlling angiogenic sprouting and offer a potential homeostatic mechanism for regulating vascular density.
The density of capillary blood vessels varies widely across different organs and tissues and is determined by the ability of unmet local metabolic needs to trigger angiogenesis. Perhaps most well characterized is the induction of VEGF expression by parenchymal hypoxia, leading to angiogenesis that persists until the hypoxia is relieved by subsequent enhanced tissue perfusion (1). Indeed, significant advances have been made in understanding the mechanisms by which numerous biochemical stimuli induce endothelial sprouting (2). Importantly, excess metabolic demand also triggers enhanced local circulation by relaxation of upstream arterioles (3) and results in increased blood flow to these regions. In addition to enhanced delivery of nutrients, the increased blood flow also increases shear stress on the luminal surface of the endothelium, which in some studies has been shown to induce capillary growth in skeletal muscle (4, 5), whereas others showed shear stress enhances endothelial barrier function and inhibits sprouting (6–9).
Unlike luminal shear, transmural flow, or fluid flow exiting the wall of the vessel, is universally accepted to induce sprouting of endothelial cells into the extracellular matrix, at least in in vitro models (9–11). Transmural flow is directed normal to the surface of cells and thus simultaneously exerts both a pressure stress against the apical surface of the cell and a shear stress concentrated at the cell membrane adjacent to intercellular junctions (12–14). The present study seeks to elucidate the reasons that transmural flow consistently induces sprouting whereas the effects of luminal flow are more controversial, despite both flows exerting shear stress on the endothelium.
Here, we use a series of microfabricated microfluidic devices to demonstrate that a threshold of shear stress exists above which cells will sprout regardless of whether the shear is exerted by transmural or luminal fluid flow. Moreover, we demonstrate how the shear threshold can guide enhanced sprouting at regions of constricted diameter and focus sprouting in the direction of transmural flow. These results underscore the importance of shear stress as a crucial parameter for the initiation of angiogenesis and the regulation of structures within a vasculature bed and highlight the interplay between mechanical, structural, and biochemical signals that cells use to organize and adapt the vasculature to meet its many functional demands.
Both Transmural and Luminal Flow-Induced Sprouting Are Triggered by a Common Threshold of Shear Stress.
To test the effect of transmural flow on sprouting, we first seeded cells on a constrained 2-mg/mL collagen gel of known permeability (15) formed as a plug within a flow chamber (Fig. S1 B, i), allowed them to attach and develop a confluent monolayer over 36 h, and then applied transmural flow to the monolayer. After 24 h of transmural flow resulting in junctional velocities greater than 5 μm/s, we observed copious sprouting of cells into the collagen gel along the monolayer of seeded cells (Fig. 1 A and B). Quantifying the length of sprouts, it was evident that this effect depended sharply on the junctional velocity (Fig. 1C). However, changing the junctional velocity impacts both the pressure force normal to the luminal face of the endothelial cells and the shear stress on cell–cell junctions.
Fig. 1.
(A and B) Schematic and representative image of a mature endothelial cell monolayer plated on the surface of a collagen gel (A) and sprouting in response to perfusion with transmural flow (B). (Scale bar, 50 µm.) (C and D) Mean sprout length of mature untreated and VEΔ monolayers and immature monolayers exposed to transmural flow of several junctional velocities (C) and pressure drops (D). Linear ANOVAs followed by Tukey tests were used to determine that the sprouting responses of control and VEΔ groups were significantly different (*P < 0.05). (E–G) Monolayer of mature untreated (E) and VEΔ (F) and immature (G) conditions. Green, β-catenin; blue, nucleus; red, 1-µm beads. The white arrowheads point to the distributed beads accumulated on the monolayer surface. (Scale bar, 10 µm.) (H) Mean sprout length as a function of transmural shear for nontreated mature, VEΔ mature, and immature monolayers. Again, post hoc Tukey tests were conducted to calculate the significant difference in the reduced serum group (*P < 0.05). (I) Surface of cylindrical channel for static (I, i) and luminal flow (I, ii) conditions. Green, F-actin; blue, nucleus. (Scale bar, 100 µm.) (J) Mean sprout length as a function of luminal shear for nontreated and VEΔ cells and cells exposed to 0.5% serum.
To distinguish whether the sprouting response was dictated by velocity, pressure, or shear, we modulated junctional integrity to decouple these effects. That is, varying the distance between cells by loosening cell–cell junctions would allow us to reduce applied pressure drop and shear stress for a specified junctional velocity. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to determine the precise geometry and spacing of the junctions between cells to estimate the relationship between pressure drop, junctional velocity, and shear stress magnitude at the cell–cell junctions (Figs. S2 and S3). Cells were transduced to express a mutant VE-cadherin lacking its β-catenin binding domain (VEΔ). We chose VE-cadherin because of its modulation of vascular permeability and angiogenesis (16) and involvement in fluid shear mechanotransduction (17). We verified the effects of VEΔ by immunofluorescence of monolayers exposed to perfusion with media containing suspended 1-µm beads (Fig. 1 E–G). Control monolayers exhibited localization of β-catenin to the cell–cell junctions (green), and the fluorescent beads (red) settled throughout the monolayer (Fig. 1E), whereas VEΔ-treated monolayers exhibited β-catenin only partially localized to cell–cell junctions with substantial perinuclear staining, and beads again were scattered homogeneously (Fig. 1F). Cells treated with VEΔ required a higher junctional velocity to sprout, but a lower applied pressure drop compared with control monolayers (Fig. 1 C and D). These results suggest that neither pressure drop nor junctional velocity is the universal quantity that determines sprouting. Because direct inhibition of VE-cadherin function could impact other signaling functions such as modulation of VEGF receptor signaling, we also altered junctional geometry by examining flow-induced sprouting from immature monolayers. Here, we applied flow 30 min after cell seeding, rather than waiting 36 h for a mature monolayer to form. The resulting immature monolayers exhibited hydraulic conductivities several orders of magnitude greater than values calculated for the mature monolayers of control and VEΔ-treated cells (5.91E-8 and 1.03E-6 cm⋅s−1⋅cm−1 H2O), which are within the range of previous values reported for endothelial monolayers (18). Indeed, for the immature monolayers, beads accumulated in large gaps within the monolayer (Fig. 1G). The immature monolayers sprouted in response to substantially higher junctional velocities and lower pressure drops compared with controls (Fig. 1 C and D), again suggesting that these are not the physical factors transduced by cells to induce sprouting. Instead, replotting our results as a function of shear stress indicated that sprouting occurred at the same shear stress threshold (∼ 10 dyn/cm2) in all three conditions (Fig. 1H).
To test whether luminal shear stress had similar or distinct effects on sprouting, we seeded cells in a cylindrical channel within the collagen hydrogel, using a method adapted from Tien and coworkers (19) (Fig. S1 B, ii). In this configuration, computational modeling verified that flow along the channels resulted in primarily luminal shear with minimal transmural shear (Fig. S4). We again observed a threshold for sprouting similar to that of transmural flow (Fig. 1 I, i and ii). This finding indicates that the location where shear stress was exerted, whether at cell–cell junctions or along the luminal (apical) face of the cell, did not affect the threshold required for sprouting. Moreover, VEΔ-treated monolayers sprouted at the same threshold of luminal shear as untreated, mature monolayers, confirming our previous conclusion that widening cell–cell junctions suppressed transmural flow-induced sprouting for a given junctional velocity by decreasing shear stress at the cell–cell junctions, not by disrupting the ability of cells to respond to mechanical cues.
The observed shear threshold of ∼10 dyn/cm2 is lower than the physiological shear that occurs in nonsprouting vessels in vivo, suggesting that additional aspects of the in vivo context may increase the threshold for the sprouting response. One possibility is that in vitro culture uses a high level of serum, which contains proangiogenic factors from lysed platelets, whereas in vivo plasma is relatively replete of growth factors. We therefore perfused flow using medium with reduced serum (0.5% vs. 2%) and observed an increase in the threshold of shear above which sprouting occurs (20–30 dyn/cm2) (Fig. 1J). These results suggest that although we have identified a previously unappreciated shear stress threshold for inducing angiogenic sprouting, the value of that threshold may shift, depending on the environmental context.
The Downstream Effector for Flow-Induced Sprouting Is Matrix Metalloproteinase 1.
Because luminal flow acts on the apical surface of the endothelial cell whereas transmural flow acts on the cell–cell junctions, it was not clear whether the mechanisms for sprouting in the two settings were shared or distinct. Here, we explored by quantitative (q)RT-PCR whether transmural and luminal flows altered expression of selected members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family, whose expression is critical in 3D cell migration and sprouting (20). Cells first were exposed to different levels of transmural flow for 24 h in the same configurations detailed in Fig. 1 and lysed for analysis of MMP expression. MMP1 was the only member of the MMP family significantly up-regulated in response to flow (Fig. 2A). Importantly, the degree of MMP1 expression was sensitive to the level of applied shear stress such that it increased most dramatically at the same threshold when sprouting became substantial. None of the other measured MMPs changed expression in response to shear stress. Interestingly, in cells exposed to reduced serum, MMP1 up-regulation again mirrored the sprouting response. More luminal shear stress was required to significantly increase MMP1 expression in cells treated with reduced serum (Fig. 2B). Luminal shear stress also up-regulated MMP1 only at the established shear threshold of ∼10 dyn/cm2 for 2% serum. (Fig. 2C). These results confirmed that not only do both transmural and luminal shear stresses induce sprouting at the same threshold, but also the up-regulation of MMP1 correlated with the sprouting response.
Fig. 2.
(A) MMP message levels for MMP1, MMP2, MMP9, MMP10, and MMP14 double normalized to GAPDH and static controls in response to transmural shear stress. Two-sample t tests were performed for each MMP primer to determine statistical significance between the applied shear and static controls (*P < 0.05). (B) MMP message levels for cells exposed to luminal flow and reduced serum (*P < 0.05). (C) MMP message levels in response to luminal flow (*P < 0.05). (D) Mean sprout length for cells treated with MMP1 DsiRNA, a scrambled DsiRNA control, and Mamaristat. Two-sample t tests were calculated to test for a significant change from untreated controls (*P < 0.05). (E) Validation of successful knockdown by qRT-PCR. Transmural flow only significantly increases message levels of MMP1 (*P < 0.05).
To examine whether the shear stress-induced MMP1 up-regulation was causally required for the sprouting response, we transiently transfected a dicer substrate interference RNA (DsiRNA) targeting MMP1 into endothelial cells and exposed cells to 22 dyn/cm2 of transmural shear stress. Silencing the MMP1 message blunted the increased sprout length in response to transmural shear. Conversely, a scrambled DsiRNA construct did not have any significant effect on the sprouting response (Fig. 2D). Mamaristat, a broad spectrum MMP inhibitor (21), similarly blocked flow-induced sprouting and confirmed that MMP1 is the crucial matrix metalloproteinase for flow-induced sprouting. To validate the knockdown of the DsiRNA, we used qRT-PCR to analyze the expression of MMP1 in response to control and 22 dyn/cm2 transmural shear stress conditions. Fig. 2E indicates that in response to flow, the siRNA knockdown prevents the augmented expression of MMP1, whereas a scrambled construct does not.
Transmural Flow Is Required to Sustain Sprouts.
Having established the role of shear stress in inducing endothelial cells to sprout from a monolayer, we next examined whether flow is necessary to sustain a sprout after it has already initiated. We therefore applied transmural flow to cells for 24 h at a flow rate resulting in 11 dyn/cm2 of shear stress, a quantity known to induce sprouting. After quantifying sprout length, we halted the flow for 8 h. We observed a significant retraction of the sprouts (Fig. 3 A and C). After restarting flow for an additional 24 h, the sprouts recovered and continued to grow. Because we identified MMP1 as the downstream effector of transmural shear stress, we sought to determine whether blocking MMP activity could produce the same dynamic response as the stop/restart response. After applying 11 dyn/cm2 of transmural shear stress for 24 h, we added Mamaristat to the perfusing medium for 8 h. Unlike the flow-stop response, Mamaristat simply prevented further extension of sprouts without apparent retraction (Fig. 3 B and D). After washing out the inhibitor, application of transmural flow for an additional 24 h rescued continued extension.
Fig. 3.
(A and B) Mean sprout length after stopping and restarting fluid flow (A) and temporary Mamaristat treatment (B). Two-sample t tests were calculated to determine a significant change from the initial 24-h sprouting response (*P < 0.05). (C and D) Representative image of sprouts after 8 h of static conditions (C) or Mamaristat treatment (D). Green, F-actin; blue, nucleus. (Scale bar, 50 µm.) (E and F) Representative image of sprouts after the 24-h period following resumption of flow (E) or washing out of Mamaristat (F). White arrowheads point to one of the single-cell sprouts observed in the halted-flow group (E) and to the multicellular structures observed in the continuous-flow group (F). Green, F-actin; blue, nucleus. (Scale bar, 50 µm.)
Confocal microscopy indicated that the structure of the dynamic sprouting response also differed between changes in flow vs. MMP inhibition. Following resumption of flow, endothelial cells recommenced sprouting into the collagen gel, as shown in Fig. 3 A and E, but mostly as single cells or sprouts containing only two cells (Fig. 3E). In contrast, after washing the Mamaristat from the system, the endothelial cells also continued to sprout but did so in the same classical multicellular structures as observed in control sprouts (Fig. 3 B and F). This result indicates that the action of stopping and resuming fluid flow disrupted the coordinated migration of endothelial cells required to form a multicellular sprout. Interestingly, at the end of both protocols (stop/restart flow, transient Mamaristat treatment), the final mean sprout lengths at 56 h were not significantly different from each other or from those of sprouts under uninterrupted flow (Fig. 3 A and B). This implies that the rate of sprouting following resumption of flow was greater than the rate during the initial 24 h of transmural flow application. Overall, these results suggest that shear stress from fluid flow not only induces endothelial sprouting but also sustains the sprout and prevents retraction.
Three-Dimensional Focusing of Transmural and Luminal Flows Causes Directed Sprouting.
Because one can engineer spatially focused patterns of flow and shear, we explored whether shear-induced sprouting can drive spatial patterns of sprouting. To focus transmural flow, we generated closed-ended voids on opposing sides of a collagen gel such that flow would follow the shortest path across the gel, entering the closed-end, cell-seeded channel, and exit through the wall closest to an acellular void. We constructed finite-element models to predict the fluid shear stress distributions for the different configurations. Fig. 4A shows the resulting shear stress distribution of one geometry: two acellular voids placed opposite the cell-seeded void, focusing flow on two corners of the void. Cells were seeded in this geometry and subjected to transmural flow for 48 h. The computational model verified that transmural shear stress exceeded luminal shear stress by approximately two orders of magnitude (Fig. S5). Sprouting appeared to track along the predicted regions of highest transmural shear (Fig. 4D) symmetrically along the two corners of the void. Because the frequency of sprouting is somewhat limited, we stacked multiple images of different constructs into a single plot (Fig. 4G), showing the increased frequency of sprouting at both corners symmetrically in response to fluid flow. To further illustrate this effect, we generated a second geometry in which only one acellular void is placed opposite the cell-seeded void, such that the transmural flow is focused asymmetrically at only one corner, and the inlet velocity was tuned so that the peak shear stress matched that of the first configuration (Fig. 4B). As before, experimental measurements of endothelial sprouting in this configuration again matched the flow profile, in which the highest sprouting frequency was skewed to the corner adjacent to the acellular void (Fig. 4E). Stacking multiple images of different constructs again demonstrated the increased frequency of sprouting at the corner adjacent to the void (Fig. 4H).
Fig. 4.
(A–C) Finite-element model predictions of shear stress for the two-void, transmural flow configuration (A), the single-void configuration (B), and the endothelial-lined nozzle (C). (D–F) Representative images of the flow-induced sprouting for the three configurations: two-void (D), single-void (E), and nozzle (F). Green, F-actin; blue, nucleus. (Scale bar, 200 µm.) (G–I) Frequency plots generated by at least five images of sprouting in the three configurations: two-void (G), single-void (H), and nozzle (I).
We were also able to spatially pattern the magnitude of luminal flow, by using a channel with a progressively decreasing radius (henceforth referred to as a “nozzle”). In this configuration, shear stress changes continuously as a function of the radius, allowing for focusing of luminal shear at certain regions of the nozzle surface. The finite-element model indicated that luminal shear stress exceeded unintended transmural shear stress by about an order of magnitude (Fig. S5). Fig. 4C shows the shear stress exerted by luminal flow within the nozzle. We used an input flow rate that resulted in the shear threshold occurring approximately midlength of the nozzle. The images and resulting contour plot (Fig. 4 F and I) show that the frequency of sprouting was substantially increased once the shear stress threshold was surpassed within the nozzle. These results have important implications for flow-induced sprouting in vivo, in addition to verifying the existence of a shear stress threshold, using a different geometry.
This study reveals the existence of a shear stress threshold above which sprouting is induced. This threshold response occurs regardless of whether the flow is transmural or luminal, in apparent contrast to previous studies that have reported enhanced sprouting with transmural flow (9–11, 22, 23), but reduced sprouting with luminal shear (9, 24). It is now clear that the reason for the distinct responses was that transmural shears were high whereas the luminal shear used was low. Given that we observed sprouting whether the shear was applied across the apical surface or at cell–cell junctions, it is not surprising that junctional proteins such as VE-cadherin do not participate in transducing the shear stress into the sprouting response, beyond impacting the width between cells through which shear is generated. Although this shear-induced sprouting shares some superficial similarities to the luminal shear stress-induced alignment response of endothelial cells, in that both involve transduction of shears into cytoskeletal reorganization, luminal shear transduction requires a VE-cadherin–containing complex (17, 25). Interstitial flows around single cells embedded within matrices also trigger directed migration, but in such settings, shear stresses as low as 0.1 dyn/cm2, two orders of magnitude below our reported threshold, are sufficient to drive the response (26–29). Taken together, these studies suggest the conservation of a fundamental link whereby cell movement is stimulated by flow, although the detailed triggers and mechanisms have diverged for different situations.
The mechanisms by which shear stress induces sprouting are likely multifaceted. Here we show that shear stress above the 10 dyn/cm2 threshold specifically up-regulates the expression of MMP1 but not that of other MMPs. Interestingly, interstitial flow has been reported to up-regulate MMP1 also in migrating smooth muscle cells (30, 31), although several previous reports have shown that shear stress decreases expression of MMP2 and MT1-MMP (32–35). Again, this disparity may result from differences in the levels of shear stress applied to cells or the context in which they have been applied. Nonetheless, the MMP1 response we observed in our studies is clearly relevant, as the up-regulated MMP1 was necessary for shear-induced sprouting. Although it is possible that MMP1 expression is also sufficient to drive sprouting, it is more likely that the development of the complex cytoskeletal structures that give rise to directed invasion is independently triggered by shear stress, and sprouting occurs through the coordination of both processes, matrix degradation and cellular invasion. What remains unclear is how the cytoskeletal processes are regulated and what the molecular basis is for the sharp threshold-like response to shear stress.
The localized concentration of sprouts in different flow patterns reveals the potential significance of this shear-induced response. Our computational model revealed that transmural flow into underlying matrix is highest along the shortest paths (corresponding to least resistance) between a source channel (artery) and a sink channel (lymphatic or venous drain), providing a mechanism for how vessels could sprout along low paths of flow resistance to bridge previously unconnected vessels. For luminal flow, our results suggest that endothelial cells sprout once a threshold of wall shear is surpassed. Thus, if the metabolic needs of a tissue increase, then blood flow is redirected to the area, resulting in enhanced shear stress from both luminal and transmural flows, which in turn triggers endothelial cells to sprout, create collaterals, and reduce the shear stress. Our results also predict that if flow to a certain region is reduced, then the sprouting vessels would prune and retract, also consistent with what occurs in vivo (36). Although this mechanism provides the basic structure for regulating vessel densities in tissue, the presence of other cell types, matrices, and soluble factors in different settings likely can modulate these effects, as exemplified by the effects of low serum on the shear stress threshold reported here. Taken together, these results demonstrate the dynamic and complex interplay between mechanical, geometric, and biochemical factors that endothelial cells use to regulate the remodeling of vascular architecture.
Materials and Methods
The device used in this study consists of a bilayer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold adhered to a glass coverslip and perfused with a linear syringe pump. Bovine collagen is polymerized within the device, and 400-μm needles are used to create voids in the hydrogel where necessary. Endothelial cells are seeded on the surface of the gel or within the voids, allowed to attach for 30 min or 36 h, and then perfused with flow rates determined from the finite-element simulation used to model the system. Detailed explanations of the materials and methods can be found in SI Materials and Methods.
Supplementary Material
We thank Lin Gao, Dewight Williams, and Ray Meade for technical assistance and Christopher Yu, Evangelia Bellas, Mike Yang, Sarah Stapleton, Jeroen Eyckmans, and Anant Chopra for helpful discussions. This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants EB00262, EB08396, and EB017103 and the Penn Center for Engineering Cells and Regeneration. P.A.G. acknowledges postdoctoral fellowship support from Grant HL007954.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
This article contains supporting information online at
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