Semithin sections and electron microscopy of MPCS (A–F) and CCNG (G–K)-implanted rats after 40 days. The collagen tube is absorbed and substituted by normal endoneurium and perineurium (A, arrow); many fibers have thin myelin (B, arrows) and few normal myelin thickness (B, arrows); electron microscopy shows different stages of myelination: axons enwrapped by few myelin sheaths (D), others with compact myelin (E). F: ultrastructural analysis of perineurium displaying typical pinocytic vesicle (arrowhead). In CCNG group, the collagen tube is still present (G, asterisk), with inflammatory cells (H, arrowhead); minifascicles (H, arrows) composed by thin myelinated fibers are present; electron microscopy shows thin myelinated fibers (J) and naked axons (K, ax 1/4 axon). L, GE pattern of molecules relevant in the early phases of myelination and structural integrity of PNS. Scale bar: 100 μm F; 20 μm A and G; 10 μm B and H; 2 μm C, D, E, I and J.