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. 2014 Jun 19;10(6):e1003610. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003610

Historical Pedigree Reconstruction from Extant Populations Using PArtitioning of RElatives (PREPARE)

Doron Shem-Tov 1,*, Eran Halperin 1,2,3
Editor: Alon Keinan4
PMCID: PMC4063675  PMID: 24945698


Recent technological improvements in the field of genetic data extraction give rise to the possibility of reconstructing the historical pedigrees of entire populations from the genotypes of individuals living today. Current methods are still not practical for real data scenarios as they have limited accuracy and assume unrealistic assumptions of monogamy and synchronized generations. In order to address these issues, we develop a new method for pedigree reconstruction, Inline graphic, which is based on formulations of the pedigree reconstruction problem as variants of graph coloring. The new formulation allows us to consider features that were overlooked by previous methods, resulting in a reconstruction of up to 5 generations back in time, with an order of magnitude improvement of false-negatives rates over the state of the art, while keeping a lower level of false positive rates. We demonstrate the accuracy of Inline graphic compared to previous approaches using simulation studies over a range of population sizes, including inbred and outbred populations, monogamous and polygamous mating patterns, as well as synchronous and asynchronous mating.

Author Summary

Learning the correct relationships between individuals from genetic data is a basic theoretical problem in the field of genetics, and has many practical consequences. A wide variety of statistical methods for genetic analysis assume the relationships between individuals are known, and can manifest relatedness information to improve inference. The current state-of-the-art methods for relationship inference consider pair-wise genetic similarity, and use it to infer the relationship between each pair of individuals. Reconstructing the pedigrees of an entire population directly has the potential to use more elaborate relationship information, and thus obtains a better prediction of the familial relationships in the population. In contrast to the full set of pair-wise relationships in a population, genetic pedigrees provide a lossless and conflict-free structure for depicting the relationships between individuals. In an effort to make pedigree reconstruction practical we developed a new method, which is an order of magnitude more accurate than previous methods, and is the first method that has the ability to reconstruct polygamous pedigrees.

This is a PLOS Computational Biology Methods article.


Pedigree reconstruction is an important problem in the field of computational genetics, with many potential applications such as genealogy inference, heritability estimation, and victim identification [1][4]. Additionally, it has the potential to improve the accuracy of current state-of-the-art relationship inference methods as it uses family structure in a broader sense than just using pairwise genetic similarity information. [5], [6]. There are two main variants of the problem, which require different algorithmic approaches. In the first variant, considered by many classical and contemporary papers, the genotypes of several generations are given, and an attempt is made to estimate the pedigree which best explains the observed individuals, as might be the case in wild animal populations. [7][10]. In this paper we consider a more difficult variation of the problem, where we are given the genotypes of the currently living population only, and try to reconstruct the historical pedigree of unobserved ancestors. This variant suits well the scenario of reconstructing the pedigrees of living human populations. [11]. This variant of pedigree reconstruction was previously studied in several theoretical works [12], [13]. These papers focus on presenting theoretical bounds on the length of sequence required for reconstructing pedigrees under various combinatorial and stochastic heritability models, but in contrast to our work, do not aim to provide practical solutions for the problem.

The level of difficulty of the problem is highly dependent on the pedigree in consideration. Particularly, small inbred populations pose a considerable challenge since the probability for multiple mating events within any two families is high, and therefore individual pairs usually have more than two last common ancestors (LCAs). Moreover, in small inbred populations there is a complex relationship pedigree graph due to mating within the family.

Recently, three methods tackling pedigree reconstruction from the genotypes of extant individuals were proposed[11], [14]; these methods assume monogamy, and synchronized generations. Although unrealistic, these assumptions provide a starting point for developing tools that offer useful methodology. The original paper addressing pedigree reconstruction from the genotypes of extant individuals, presented the methods COP/CIP [11]. Inline graphic assumes infinite population size, and Inline graphic tries to reconstruct the pedigree of small inbred populations. Inline graphic is a follow-up method, similar in principal to Inline graphic, but with improved efficiency [14]. The main idea behind these methods is to construct the pedigree, generation at a time, starting with the given population. In each generation they identify sibling groups using genetic similarity measures, and assign two common parents to each sibling group.

In this work, we point out an important and naturally arising issue of pedigree reconstruction from extant populations, overlooked by all previous methods. We observe that the mother and father of a sibling-group have exactly the same descendants (as must be the case for monogamous couples). Since the genotypes of the parents are unobserved, a pairwise relationship analysis relying on the extant descendants will result in maternal relatives having the same likelihood of being related to the mother and to the father, and vice versa (see Fig. 1). Thus, partitioning the relatives into maternal and paternal relatives is required. Undoubtedly, ignoring this issue has a great potential influence on the quality of inferred pedigrees. We discuss a new framework to help understand and correctly deal with this issue, and present a highly efficient algorithm under this framework - Inline graphic (Pedigree Reconstruction of Extant populations using PArtitioning of RElatives). We extend our method to the case of polygamous pedigrees, and show that our approach results in a considerable improvement in accuracy compared to existing tools, both on monogamous and polygamous pedigrees. Thus, Inline graphic presents a method that is capable of dealing with more realistic pedigree reconstruction problem as compared to previous methods.

Figure 1. Attempting to reconstruct the simple pedigree on the left, from the genotypes of extant generation (bright blue).

Figure 1

Considering observed genetic similarity of extant descendants only, we cannot distinguish which of the four parents in the second generation are siblings (Correctly inferred sibling relationship are colored blue, and wrong potential sibling-relationships in dashed red).


Similarly to previous methods, we reconstruct the pedigree generation by generation, starting with the last generation, and assuming all of the genotypes of the population come from the same generation. In iteration Inline graphic, we take the partial Inline graphic generations pedigree, which we call Inline graphic, and build Inline graphic by adding parents to all of the founder individuals in Inline graphic. In order to construct the correct pedigree, full-siblings should have two common parents in the pedigree, and half-siblings should have a single common parent. First, we attempt to detect all founder-individual pairs in Inline graphic which are most likely to be full-siblings, leaving the detection of half-sibling to a later stage. In previous methods, a sibling graph Inline graphic is constructed, where Inline graphic includes the set of all founders in Inline graphic, and Inline graphic corresponds to the set of pairs of individuals that are likely to be full siblings. Pairs of individuals are considered as potential siblings based on the genetic similarity of the pair's extant descendants. Sibling groups are then detected by finding maximum cliques or proper vertex coloring of the graph Inline graphic. This approach is problematic, since individuals with equivalent descendant sets, such as parent couples, are completely indistinguishable in the graph Inline graphic since they have exactly the same set of neighbors. As a result, the siblings graph includes many redundant edges, and fails to represent the true relationship structure.

In contrast with previous methods, we present an alternative graph representation that accounts for the above-mentioned ambiguity, and uses the transitive property of the full-sibling relationship to correctly find the full-sibling groups. We begin each iteration by constructing a contracted siblings graph Inline graphic. The set of vertices Inline graphic is composed of disjoint subsets of Inline graphic. Particularly, each Inline graphic corresponds to a subset of Inline graphic, so that for each Inline graphic we have Inline graphic, where Inline graphic represents the set of extent descendants of Inline graphic (see Fig. 2). Since vertices of Inline graphic correspond to subsets of Inline graphic, we refer to vertices in Inline graphic as super-vertices. The set of edges Inline graphic corresponds to potential sibling relationship between the corresponding super-vertices, i.e., Inline graphic if there are Inline graphic such that Inline graphic. Note that in such case, for every Inline graphic, we will have Inline graphic. Edges have weights Inline graphic representing the confidence of the relationship. For a vertex Inline graphic, we define Inline graphic for every Inline graphic. We provide the details for the construction of the set Inline graphic and Inline graphic in section 2.1.

Figure 2. Four examples of vertex contractions, typical for first, second, and third generations.

Figure 2

Founders are filled with Grey. Extant individuals are outlined in blue. Green arrows stand for the contraction action.

The key idea of our method lies in a procedure for the assignment of the edges in Inline graphic to edges in Inline graphic in a consistent way. In principle, we are interested in assigning every super-edge Inline graphic to an edge Inline graphic that corresponds to the true sibling pair among all pairs in Inline graphic. In doing so, we need to take into consideration a set of constraints on the assignments of neighboring super-edges. Ideally, we would like to find the assignment of super-edges to the edges of Inline graphic, which maximizes the likelihood of the observed population genotypes. In section 2.2, we formulate this problem as an optimization problem using graph terminology, and propose a greedy algorithm which solves it in practice. The assignment algorithm generates an expanded siblings graph Inline graphic, where Inline graphic, denotes the proposed full-sibling pairs, and forms a disjoint clique-cover of the graph.

Under the monogamy assumption, we finish reconstructing the current generation by adding two common-parents to each sibling clique in Inline graphic. In order to account for potential polygamy we add another step that identifies half-siblings and incorporate these into a second graph formulation. Our approach for the reconstruction of polygamous pedigrees relies on two key observations. First, we note that we can treat the full-sibling relation as an equivalence relation, and the half-sibling relation as a relation between equivalence classes. This is true, since if Inline graphic and Inline graphic are full siblings, and Inline graphic and Inline graphic are half-siblings, then Inline graphic and Inline graphic are also half-siblings. According to this observation, we construct a half sibling graph Inline graphic where Inline graphic corresponds to the equivalence classes defined by the full-sibling relation, and Inline graphic correspond to the half-sibling relation. Second, we observe that the children of every parent in the founder group of Inline graphic correspond to a clique in Inline graphic. We formulate the half-sibling detection problem, as a second graph optimization problem. To solve it, we develop a heuristic algorithm which attempts to find the maximal-weighted set of edges in Inline graphic. The edge set has to satisfy a set of constraints, which represent natural constraints that govern half-sibling relationships.(see section 2.3).

2.1 Constructing the Contracted Sibling Graph

We now describe the construction of the graph Inline graphic. Recall that the set of super-vertices Inline graphic consists of subsets of Inline graphic that share the same set of extant descendants. For every pair Inline graphic we have to decide whether Inline graphic. In order to do so, we pick a representative pair Inline graphic, where Inline graphic, and calculate three scores, corresponding to three putative relations of Inline graphic and Inline graphic: unrelated, siblings, and cousins. For each such relationship Inline graphic, we construct a pedigree Inline graphic by adding the relevant ancestry structure. For example, when considering the siblings relationship we construct Inline graphic by adding two common parents for Inline graphic and Inline graphic. For unrelated pairs we construct Inline graphic by adding a different pair of parents to each node (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Examples for possible ancestry structures created for individuals Inline graphic and Inline graphic in order to test the relationship between them.

Figure 3

The triangles under Inline graphic and Inline graphic represent their existing descendants, edges represent parent-offspring relationship.

We proceed by simulating inheritance on Inline graphic; that is, the founders in Inline graphic are assigned unique haplotypes and we simulate the recombination process from top to bottom, with a recombination rate of Inline graphic. We then calculate IBD segments between each pair of extant descendants in Inline graphic and Inline graphic and calculate two IBD features: The number of IBD segments, and the total length of IBD sharing (we note that these features of IBD sharing were also considered by Inline graphic [15], a method for the inference of pair-wise family relationships). We repeat these simulations Inline graphic times for a specified parameter Inline graphic, thus obtaining an empirical estimate for the distribution of the IBD features. Using the above empirical distributions, we estimate the probability of observing the IBD features for each pair in Inline graphic under the relationship Inline graphic. Since the observed IBD features are typically not observed in any of the Inline graphic simulations, we use a smoothed form of the distribution using Gaussian kernel smoothing. Formally, let Inline graphic Inline graphic be the simulated IBD features in the Inline graphic simulations for a hypothesized relationship r. The density Inline graphic at point Inline graphic is calculated as:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003610.e101.jpg

Empirical tests led us to the conclusion that scaling the features to have equal variance and using a diagonal bandwidth matrix Inline graphic with a parameter Inline graphic in the range 1 to 8 gives the best results. The parameter Inline graphic compensates running time and accuracy. The accuracy stops improving near Inline graphic = 50, which ends up with a very efficient analysis (See section 2.4 for more details).

Let Inline graphic be the observed IBD features between extant individuals Inline graphic and Inline graphic. The above procedure results in a probability Inline graphic, for every Inline graphic and every relationship Inline graphic in Inline graphic.

For each relationship Inline graphic, we define

graphic file with name pcbi.1003610.e114.jpg

We note that Inline graphic can be intuitively interpreted as a composite likelihood of Inline graphic. If Inline graphic is larger than Inline graphic and Inline graphic we add Inline graphic to Inline graphic with the weight

graphic file with name pcbi.1003610.e122.jpg

Fig. 4 shows the distribution of Inline graphic under different true relationships. Notice that cases where Inline graphic are distantly related (cousins, 2nd-cousins etc.) will tend to have a maximal score under Inline graphic. This is desirable, since we only seek to distinguish siblings from non-siblings at this point.

Figure 4. Distribution of relationship scores under specific true relationships.

Figure 4

2.2 The Assignment Algorithm

In the assignment stage, we are given the contracted siblings graph Inline graphic, and we search for an assignment of a sibling relation between super-vertices, depicted by an edge Inline graphic to a single sibling-relation between two individuals Inline graphic. Our assignment needs to obey the transitivity constraint of the full sibling relation. Recall that the weight of an edge Inline graphic corresponds to the strength of evidence for the existence of a sibling pair Inline graphic, where Inline graphic. We therefore formulate the edge assignment problem as follows:

Problem 1. Maximum weight disjoint clique cover edge assignment

Given the contracted graph Inline graphic, find the maximal-weight set of edges Inline graphic, such that Inline graphic is a legal assignment of Inline graphic, under the constraint that the set of assigned edges Inline graphic forms a clique cover of the graph Inline graphic, i.e., Inline graphic is composed of an edge-disjoint set of cliques.

We first show that the above problem is NP-hard:

Theorem 1

The maximum weight disjoint clique cover edge assignment is NP-hard.

Proof. We will show a reduction from maximum clique. In [16] it is shown that it is NP-hard to decide whether a graph Inline graphic has a clique of size Inline graphic or if its largest clique is smaller than Inline graphic, where Inline graphic. Consider an instance Inline graphic to the clique problem, and let Inline graphic be its largest clique. We define Inline graphic, where Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. Thus, any clique cover of Inline graphic is a legal assignment of Inline graphic. Note that if Inline graphic then the optimal clique cover is necessarily of size at least Inline graphic. On the other hand, if Inline graphic then it is easy to see that the optimal clique cover is obtained in case all cliques in the cover are of size Inline graphic, and thus the clique cover size is of size at most Inline graphic. Thus, if the Maximum Weight Disjoint Clique Cover Edge Assignment was polynomial, then we could decide in polynomial time between the case where the maximum clique is of size Inline graphic and the case where the maximum clique is of size Inline graphic, which is an NP-hard problem.

We therefore apply the following greedy algorithm. We will need to introduce a few notations. First, we treat vertices Inline graphic as vertices in Inline graphic, as well as subsets of Inline graphic, depending on the context. For each Inline graphic, we denote by Inline graphic the set of neighbors of Inline graphic in Inline graphic. Moreover, we define Inline graphic, i.e., the set of super-vertices corresponding to the neighbors of Inline graphic in Inline graphic. Finally, let Inline graphic.

We start by setting Inline graphic. The algorithm proceeds by traversing all super-edges Inline graphic in decreasing weight order. In each iteration the set Inline graphic consists of a set of disjoint cliques of Inline graphic, and Inline graphic consists of a set of yet to be assigned edges. For each Inline graphic and Inline graphic we say that Inline graphic can be added to the clique of Inline graphic if for every Inline graphic we have that Inline graphic. Similarly, we say that Inline graphic can be added to the clique of Inline graphic if for every Inline graphic we have Inline graphic. When traversing an edge Inline graphic we search for a pair Inline graphic where Inline graphic has the maximal clique size, Inline graphic, from within Inline graphic, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic can be added to the clique of Inline graphic (or in a symmetric manner that Inline graphic can be added to the clique of Inline graphic and Inline graphic is maximized). We then assign Inline graphic to Inline graphic by adding Inline graphic to Inline graphic, and removing Inline graphic from Inline graphic. We also assign Inline graphic to Inline graphic for every Inline graphic.

Fig. 5 summarizes the contraction and assignment stages with an example. Note that cases such as 3-cliques in Inline graphic (Fig. 5-B) can have multiple assignments with the same score (3 siblings from one parent couple, or 3 pairs of siblings from 3 different parent couples). In such cases our algorithm chooses the more parsimonious solution in which there is a smaller number of parents.

Figure 5. Intuition for sibling assignment, depicting the potential-siblings graph Inline graphic, the contracted graph Inline graphic, and assigned graph Inline graphic.

Figure 5

In both examples Inline graphic,Inline graphic,Inline graphic are parent couples with extant descendants in the observed population. A. For the case where Inline graphic,Inline graphic are full-siblings, the contraction will end in Inline graphic composed of three super-vertices, connected by two edges; the assignment algorithm will assign each edge to a disjoint clique. B. If Inline graphic are also full-siblings, a 3-clique is formed in Inline graphic; the assignment algorithm assigns all edges to a corresponding 3-clique of siblings.

2.3 Half-sibling Detection

In the following stage we define the half-sibling detection problem, where we attempt to detect groups of individuals with a single common-parent. First, we define the full-sibling relation, on individuals: Inline graphic. Notice that Inline graphic is defined as being reflective, and thus it is an equivalence relation on Inline graphic. Inline graphic is the quotient set of Inline graphic on Inline graphic, which in this case is simply the set of disjoint groups of full-siblings. We obtain Inline graphic from the edges in Inline graphic computed in section 2.2. Inline graphic is a clique cover, and so naturally describes an equivalence relation.

We define Inline graphic, which is the half-sibling relation, as a relation between equivalence classes in V, in respect to Inline graphic. Assuming the pedigree is known, HS is defined properly since if Inline graphic and Inline graphic are full siblings, and Inline graphic and Inline graphic are half-siblings, than Inline graphic and Inline graphic are half siblings. This allows us to simplify the half-sib detection problem, by constructing the polygamy graph Inline graphic, where Inline graphic s.t each vertex Inline graphic, represents a group of full-siblings, and each edge Inline graphic represents a half-sibling relation between Inline graphic and Inline graphic (see Fig. 6). The edges are added to Inline graphic, with a similar stage to 2.1, only the hypotheses tested this time are made for siblings groups Inline graphic, and are relevant to the half-sibling case (half-siblings,cousins,unrelated).

Figure 6. An example for the construction of Inline graphic in the first generation.

Figure 6

The graph Inline graphic has the convenient property that if a group of individuals Inline graphic have a single-common-parent then Inline graphic form a clique in Inline graphic. We thus assume by parsimony, that each clique Inline graphic in Inline graphic connects all of the children of a single parent Inline graphic, such that each Inline graphic is a full-sibling-group which contains the children of Inline graphic and a single mate. We therefore formulate the half-sib detection problem, as follows:

Problem 2. Maximum weight, two-color clique cover

Given the graph Inline graphic, find sets of edges Inline graphic, such that both Inline graphic and Inline graphic consist of an edge-disjoint set of cliques, Inline graphic, and the total weight of Inline graphic and Inline graphic is maximized.

Theorem 2

The Maximum Weight Two Color Clique Cover is NP-hard.

Proof. We will show a reduction from maximum clique. Consider an instance Inline graphic to the clique problem, and let Inline graphic be its largest clique. If Inline graphic we can set Inline graphic and Inline graphic, and therefore the optimal solution to the coloring problem has at least Inline graphic edges. On the other hand, if Inline graphic then the size of each of Inline graphic and Inline graphic is at most Inline graphic, and thus the total size of both of them is bounded by Inline graphic. Thus, by solving the Maximum Weight Two Color Clique Cover in polynomial time we can decide between graphs with clique size at most Inline graphic and graphs with clique size at least Inline graphic, hence the problem is NP-hard.

Informally, we try to color all edges Inline graphic in two colors, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, s.t each color creates a set of disjoint cliques. Inline graphic colored cliques, represent full-sibling-group cliques with a single common father, and Inline graphic colored cliques, represent full-sibling-group cliques with a single common mother.

This problem is also NP-hard and we therefore use the following greedy approach. For simplicity, we assume Inline graphic is connected. The algorithm begins by setting Inline graphic. We will denote by Inline graphic and Inline graphic the set of vertices induced by Inline graphic and Inline graphic respectively. The algorithm proceeds in iterations. In each iteration we search for the heaviest clique Inline graphic such that Inline graphic, and the heaviest clique Inline graphic such that Inline graphic. Without loss of generality, assume that the heaviest among those is a clique Inline graphic in Inline graphic. If Inline graphic contains only one vertex, we search instead for the heaviest clique Inline graphic in Inline graphic. We add the edges of Inline graphic to Inline graphic and remove these edges from the graph. Clearly, both Inline graphic consist of a set of disjoint cliques of Inline graphic.

Notice that we try to minimize the number of arbitrarily colored cliques, by choosing cliques adjacent to cliques that are already colored. Simulation studies show that choosing this coloring order increases the half-sibling sensitivity from 85% to 97% on average (see table 1). It is easy to see that sub-graphs that are composed of a connected list of cliques will be colored optimally by our coloring scheme. An example for such a graph is depicted in Fig. 7.

Table 1. Sensitivity and PPV scores (as defined in the results section) of half-siblings using two coloring order schemes.
Population size Sensitivity PPV Sensitivity PPV
200 1.0 0.91 0.91 0.91
300 0.91 0.88 0.79 0.85
400 0.97 0.88 0.85 0.88
500 1.0 0.88 0.88 0.91

(1) PREPARE's greedy coloring scheme as described in section 2.3. (2) Coloring cliques from the heaviest to lightest; if possible color with Inline graphic, else if possible color with Inline graphic.

Figure 7. An example for a case where the coloring order we purpose enables coloring more cliques with two colors than coloring the same graph with an arbitrary order.

Figure 7

The coloring order is depicted near the cliques. In the left graph we follow the depicted order and color the clique blue if possible, else we color it dashed-orange. The fourth click cannot be colored since it touches a blue and a dashed-orange clique. In the right graph we use our coloring scheme, which prefers coloring cliques touching cliques that are already colored. Using this order we are able to color all four cliques.

The graph formulation of the half-sibling detection assumes that each edge in Inline graphic represents a unique half-sibling relationships. We notice, that in some cases Inline graphic might contain redundant edges. In order to simplify the explanation, we extend the definition of Inline graphic to nodes in Inline graphic: Inline graphic. The problem arises, when there exists a pair of nodes Inline graphic from the same generation, such that Inline graphic. In such a case, an edge Inline graphic may be added to Inline graphic, as a result of a relationship Inline graphic. Trying to contract Inline graphic and Inline graphic is not sound, since different relationships can be detected for Inline graphic, and Inline graphic to a third vertex Inline graphic, by testing them separately. Instead, we apply a preprocessing to Inline graphic, in the form of a set of parsimonious rules. The rules aim at filtering all the edges, except the ones that explain the observed features in the simplest way.

The first rule we apply concerns the case depicted in Fig. 8-A. In this case, an individual Inline graphic, with a half-sibling Inline graphic, has children with two mates Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. Since Inline graphic do not have full siblings, each of them is represented in Inline graphic as a sibling-group of one individual. Since Inline graphic and Inline graphic have children only with a, their descendant sets are contained in Inline graphic's descendant set. As a result, half-sibling edges should form between Inline graphic and Inline graphic, additionally to the correct edge Inline graphic. To deal with this case, if we find a node a, in Inline graphic that has two mates, Inline graphic and the following holds: Inline graphic, we remove Inline graphic (we do the same for Inline graphic). A similar rule is applied to the contracted graph Inline graphic, where redundant full-sibling edges result from an equivalent case to the one just mentioned, and are removed in the same manner (see Fig. 8-B). A third rule is applied to Inline graphic to deal with a case similar to the one in rule 1, only the mates Inline graphic are not the mates of a single individual Inline graphic, but instead Inline graphic is the mate of Inline graphic, Inline graphic is the mate of Inline graphic and Inline graphic are full-siblings (see Fig. 8-C). In such a case, a true relation Inline graphic may cause redundant half-sibling edges Inline graphic. These cases are characterized by mates Inline graphic that have few or no full-siblings. Thus, we look for edges Inline graphic) where Inline graphic, such that Inline graphic is the mate of Inline graphic, and remove Inline graphic from Inline graphic. Finally, we observed half-sibling edges forming between two mates Inline graphic, of Inline graphic such that Inline graphic are full-siblings. This results from the fact that most of Inline graphic and Inline graphic's descendant similarity was already explained by the formation of the full-sibling relationship Inline graphic. The difference between the half-sibling hypothesis and the null hypothesis for Inline graphic becomes small. As a result, noisy decisions are made. To handle this final case, we remove half-sibling edges between mates of full siblings Inline graphic if they have a half-sibling edge Inline graphic in Inline graphic(see Fig. 8-D).

Figure 8. Depicting cases where edge removal rules are required in polygamous pedigree reconstruction.

Figure 8

Redundant graph edges are dashed red, correct edges in solid black.

2.4 Efficiency Considerations

Simulating inheritance for the descendants of every two individuals during the graph constructions is very time consuming, and is the reason Inline graphic is impractical for large populations, or pedigrees deeper than 4 generations. Notice that if a pair of extant descendants has exactly the same ancestor structure in the pedigree, than the simulated IBD features are sampled from the same distribution. Inline graphic purposes caching individual pairs with identical inheritance paths, and introduces an accompanying dynamic programming algorithm for minimizing the number of operations.

In Inline graphic, we use a simplified version of this idea. For every pair Inline graphic of extant descendants, we calculate a least-common-ancestors (LCAs) vector Inline graphic, which is a list of the meiosis distances between Inline graphic and their least common ancestors. For example, all full-siblings will have the Inline graphic = [1,1], since full-siblings always have two common ancestors, with one separating meiosis. We hash the simulated distribution for this LCA vector, where the key represents the vector itself, and the value is the distribution. We simulate inheritance only when needed, i.e. when Inline graphic have at least one descendant pair, without a hashed distribution, thus saving most of the redundant computation. Practically, the running time of Inline graphic is equivalent to the running time of Inline graphic, and is even slightly faster (see Table. 2). Although Inline graphic does not capture completely the ancestry structure for Inline graphic, we observed empirically (data not shown) that running simulations for each ancestry structure does not improve the reconstruction accuracy. Apparently, pairs of individuals Inline graphic with the same LCAs vector have similar IBD distributions. The similarity is large enough to make the repetition of inheritance simulation for two such pairs redundant.

Table 2. Running times of PREPARE on 1.6GHz Intel Core i5-2467M machine with 4G RAM using a single thread.

Population Size monogamous polygamous
100 31s 4m 18s
200 53s 9m 21s
500 4m 55s 56m 40s
1000 10m 27s 93m 41s

The two parameters affecting the running time of prepare is the population size, and whether PREPARE is run on monogamous or polygamous mode. Most of the running time is spent on reconstructing the fifth generation.

2.5 Availability

The Inline graphic method, inheritance simulators, and quality evaluation tools are available at Inline graphicheran/cozygene/software.shtml


We compare the accuracy of our method to previous pedigree reconstruction methods on numerous simulations. Different simulations include combinations of population size and inheritance modes (monogamous and polygamous). Smaller population sizes correspond to inbred populations with multiple relationships between families. Larger populations correspond to outbred populations, with simpler pedigree structures. We also study the effect of population bottlenecks on the reconstruction quality. In order to test Inline graphic on a more realistic scenario, we run it on a realistic simulation starting from HapMap phaseIII Inline graphic and Inline graphic populations as founders. The simulation simulates polygamous random mating in this population for 200 years, reaching to a final population size of 1000. Finally, we apply PREPARE on the HapMap Inline graphic population as a feasibility test for application of our method for real populations.

3.1 Simulations

Similarly to previous methods, we use a Wright-Fisher (WF) simulator that includes recombination and genders. We add several new features, which makes this simulator more flexible. First, we add the ability to control polygamy through a polygamy probability parameter Inline graphic, which controls the probability for an individual to have a child with more than one mate. Second, we add an option to simulate dynamic population sizes by specifying an initial population size and a final population size. The simulator calculates the required population change per generation and modifies the population size with that ratio in every generation.

Additionally, we experiment with a more realistic forward simulator that does not assume synchronized generations, and allows polygamy. We simulate inheritance as a function of time, where individuals can have children after the age of 20, and die at an age drawn from a capped exponential distribution with mean 50. The birthrate is changed according to the current population size, and is tuned to reach a predefined target population size. This simulator produces actual recombined haplotypes, from the haplotypes of 160 Inline graphic and Inline graphic HapMap representatives. More specifically, the simulation runs in 5 year iterations, and a pool of unmated mature individuals is maintained at all times. Every iteration, individuals from the pool are matched to uniformly drawn mates. A matching has probability Inline graphic to succeed. Every mated pair has a probability Inline graphic to have a child, where Inline graphic is initialized to be 1, and is modified in every iteration by +0.2 or -0.2 depending on whether the current population size is smaller or larger than the target population size. Polygamy is achieved through second-marriage, which can occur since once a mate dies, the individual is added back to the unmated pool. Finally, in order to include possible IBD detection errors, we detect IBD segments from simulated genotypes using Inline graphic, [17], and extract the IBD-features information from its output. This simulator also has the advantage of having a possible dynamic population size. The population grows or shrinks depending on the initial and target population sizes.

3.2 Quality Evaluation

Many different measures can be accounted in evaluating the quality of reconstructed pedigrees. We first use a previously defined score, to compare Inline graphic to previous methods. For the large part of the presentation, we define and use other natural evaluation scores, which we deem as more relevant, and interpretable. In previous methods, a consensus-accuracy score, which counts the number of extant individual-pairs with the same minimal meiosis-distance as in the true pedigree was used [14]. This score treats correct detection of unrelated pairs and related pairs identically. This is problematic since the number of unrelated pairs dominates the score. For example, a trivial algorithm that outputs a pedigree where all individuals are unrelated receives a high consensus-accuracy score (see Fig. 9). As a new standard for pedigree-reconstruction evaluation, we suggest three types of scores: sensitivity, positive-predictive-value (PPV), and IBD-length prediction error.

Figure 9. Example for the problematic nature of the consensus-accuracy score, in contrast with the sensitivity score we propose.

Figure 9

Notice how the unrelated pedigree structure receives similar consensus-accuracy scores to Inline graphic and Inline graphic reconstructions. Still, Inline graphic scores are significantly higher. Shown are average scores over 5 simulations, and standard deviation bars. (Some error bars are too small to be visible).

We define sensitivity as the fraction of correctly constructed (distance wise) related pairs from the total number of related pairs in the original pedigree. PPV is defined as the fraction of correctly constructed related pairs from the total number of related pairs in the reconstructed pedigree. More formally, define Inline graphic as the reconstructed pedigree, Inline graphic as the original pedigree, Inline graphic as the minimal number of meiosis separating Inline graphic and Inline graphic in pedigree Inline graphic, and Inline graphic as the set of extant-individuals, which are related according to pedigree Inline graphic. Let Inline graphic. Then,

graphic file with name pcbi.1003610.e396.jpg

We run Inline graphic for Inline graphic generation, and compare the scores of reconstructed pedigrees for every generation Inline graphic against the first Inline graphic generations of the original pedigree. This way we can assess the accuracy of different relatedness degrees (Inline graphic = 2 corresponds to siblings, Inline graphic = 3 to siblings and first-cousins, etc.)

Scores such as sensitivity and PPV have the disadvantage of not weighing mistakes according to their magnitude. A second disadvantage is that the minimal meiotic distance does not capture the full complexity of a real pedigree (for example, double cousins detected as cousins will get a full scoring). For these reasons, we suggest to alternatively measure pedigree quality by calculating the root mean square IBD-length error (Inline graphic):

graphic file with name pcbi.1003610.e404.jpg

where Inline graphic is the set of extant individuals in the population, Inline graphic is the observed total length of IBD segments between individuals Inline graphic and Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is the total length of IBD segments between individuals Inline graphic and Inline graphic, as given from simulating inheritance on the reconstructed pedigree Inline graphic. Since this score is dependent on the randomized scoring-simulation, we average the score of 5 runs. The Inline graphic can be interpreted as the expected prediction error (in Mbp) of the typical pair-wise total-IBD-length, given the reconstructed pedigree.

3.3 Comparing Inline graphic and Competing Methods on Monogamous Simulations

We tested the competing methods on monogamous Wright-Fisher simulated population, of constant sizes: 100, 200, 500, and 1000. When it was possible, we ran Inline graphic (up to 4 generations due to its high runtime complexity), and for larger populations we ran Inline graphic. Inline graphic was run in monogamous mode. Results on 100 and 200 individuals were similar, as well as results for 500 and 1000 individuals. In Fig. 10, we compare the three methods for small populations (200) and larger populations (1000). In all the scenarios we tested, Inline graphic was the most sensitive; for pedigrees of up to 5 generations (corresponding to 3rd cousins) and populations as small as 100 individuals. For the larger populations, the improvement in sensitivity is highest, where Inline graphic is able to build a pedigree which correctly predicts the minimal meiosis distance of more than 95% of 1st and 2nd degree relatives and more than 60% of relatives up to 3rd degree. At the same time, Inline graphic has a higher PPV up to pedigrees of 4 generations. In the 5th generation it gets a lower PPV than the other methods, but this disadvantage is not meaningful, since the sensitivity of these methods in the 5th generation is very low. Inline graphic gives better quality of results for larger populations, which is natural, since they tend to form simpler pedigrees with less multi-relationships between families, and less inbred families.

Figure 10. Comparison of pedigree reconstruction methods for monogamous populations, using Sensitivity, PPV, and Inline graphic.

Figure 10

Populations were simulated with Wright-Fisher simulations of 5 generation. Shown are average scores over 5 simulation, with standard deviations bars. The optimal Inline graphic score is calculated by scoring the true k-generation pedigree. The first generation pedigree in the Inline graphic figures, is the score of the pedigree where all individuals are unrelated, and is shown as reference. (Some error bars are too small to be visible).

Considering Inline graphic scores, Inline graphic gets much better scores than the second best method, and is close to the optimal score, especially for larger populations. Inline graphic gets worse Inline graphic scores than Inline graphic/Inline graphic as a result of its practical tendency to over-predict inbreeding, which we observed during our experiments. An important feature of Inline graphic's score is that it is non-increasing in the number of generations, similarly to the optimal score. In contrast, we do not see this behavior in other methods. Interestingly, the optimal scores decrease as the population size increases. We attribute this mainly to the increasing proportion of unrelated pairs in larger populations, which are easier to predict.

3.4 The Effect of Population Expansion on the Success of Pedigree Reconstruction

The simplified Wright-Fisher model that was used in pedigree reconstruction methods up to this day assumes a constant population size. Real populations sizes are obviously not constant, and it is known that population bottlenecks and expansion affect the IBD distribution in the population. We have conducted an experiment to test the effect of population size shifts on the distribution of chosen IBD features, and as a consequence on the quality of the resulting pedigree. We have run the Wright-Fisher simulation with changing initial population sizes of 100,200,300,400,500 and fixed the final population size at 500. By looking at the distribution of IBD features between all pairs of individuals, it is clear to see that the number of IBD segments and the mean IBD segment length have an inverse relationship with the initial population size. This corresponds to a higher proportion of relatives in the populations with smaller initial size. We have found that populations that grow from 100 to 500 individuals in five generations have similar IBD feature distributions to populations with constant population size of size 200. Interestingly the quality of the resulting pedigree of these populations remains unchanged when the initial population size is gradually decreased from 500 to 200. Only at initial size of 100 does the quality decrease. Sensitivity levels for initial population size of 100 are 0.96,0.75, and 0.54 for 2,3 and 4 generations. The largest decrease is for 3-generation pedigrees where the sensitivity is decreased by 10% on average. The PPV remains above 0.95 for generation 2,3 but is decreased from 0.85 to 0.71 in generation 4.

3.5 Comparing Inline graphic and Competing Methods on Polygamous Simulations

To asses the quality of Inline graphic on polygamous populations, we simulated polygamous populations of sizes 200 and 1000 with the Wright-Fisher model. In the simulated populations 33% of the siblings are half-siblings on average. Details regarding the execution of previous methods are the same as in section 3.3. Inline graphic was run with the polygamous mode. The results are summarized in Fig. 11. Once again Inline graphic is generally superior in terms of sensitivity, PPV and Inline graphic. A notable exception is Inline graphic's relatively high sensitivity in generations 4 and 5 in smaller population sizes (200). Note however that this sensitivity comes at the cost of very low PPV and very high Inline graphic in these generations. The Inline graphic of Inline graphic is not shown in the graph since it is out of the charts, getting as high as 1500 Mbp. This result suggests that Inline graphic has a strong tendency to over-predict relationships in small polygamous populations.

Figure 11. Comparison of pedigree reconstruction methods for polygamous populations.

Figure 11

Populations were simulated with polygamous Wright-Fisher simulations of 5 generation. Shown are average scores over 5 simulation, with standard deviations bars. (Some error bars are too small to be visible).

Similarly to the monogamous case, Inline graphic achieves higher performance on larger, and as a result, more simply related populations. For a population size of 1000, Inline graphic is able to build a polygamous pedigree which correctly predicts the minimal meiosis distance of more than 97% of 1st degree relatives and more than 80% of 2nd degree relatives while maintaining a PPV greater than 80%. Polygamous populations pose a much greater challenge for pedigree reconstruction, and the performance is decreased in comparison to monogamous populations. According to our analysis, the difficulty in reconstructing polygamous pedigrees stems from the fact that the IBD feature distributions for the range of possible polygamous relationships have greater overlap than in monogamous relationships (See Fig. 12).

Figure 12. Simulated IBD feature distribution in monogamous and polygamous populations.

Figure 12

The overlap in polygamous distributions is the main challenge in reconstructing pedigrees of real populations.

3.6 Reconstructing Realistically Simulated HapMap Descending Population

We test the performance of Inline graphic on populations produced by the polygamous, asynchronous forward simulator. We run the simulator for hundreds of simulation years, resulting in the mixing of the different generations, and reconstruct the last five generations. We use un-phased IBD segments, to account for the fact that our input is genotypes, and not haplotypes. As a necessary step, we aim to filter out cross-generation relationships, which are not currently modeled, by taking the genotypes from the youngest age stratum (Ages 0-20). We used the Inline graphic and Inline graphic HapMap genotypes as the founder population for our simulation. The results show a comparable success to the Wright-Fisher simulation, increasing our confidence that Inline graphic can be run on real populations. All accuracy measures show a decrease in accuracy compared to the Wright-Fisher simulation results. This is expected due to the addition of several factors (as discussed above), which adds to the complexity of the analysis (see Fig. 13).

Figure 13. The performance of PREPARE on realistic simulation is comparable to polygamous Wright-Fisher simulations.

Figure 13

The simulated population grew from 160 individuals of the Inline graphic and Inline graphic HapMap populations to 846 individuals in 200 years. This simulation accounts for IBD detection errors, asynchronous mating and dynamic population size.

3.7 Application for the HapMap MEX Population

We next use Inline graphic to reconstruct the historical pedigree for the HapMap MEX population. This population is of interest to us since it is known to contain several relatives, including a single 4-generation pedigree [5]. Age information is not publicly available for this dataset. Instead, we use known parent-offspring relationships to separate the population into three generations. The correct pedigree is not known, so we use previous relationship inference results by Stevens et al. to validate our results[18].

Running Inline graphic on the parent generation of HapMap phaseII+III Inline graphic genotypes, we are able to detect a single sibling relationship (NA19662,NA19685), three first-cousin relationships (NA19662,NA19664), (NA19664,NA19685), (NA19657,NA19786) and two second-cousin relationships (NA19657,NA19785), (NA19785,NA19786). We are able to reconstruct correctly the pedigree found by Kyriazopoulou et al. We do this fully automatically and without using the genotypes of the two known grandparents: (NA19662,NA19685) which makes the reconstruction a significantly harder task(see Fig. 14). Further more, all of the relationships inferred by Inline graphic except (NA19785,NA19786) are confirmed by Stevens et al.[18]. (NA19657,NA19786) are inferred as Third degree instead of first cousins, and (NA19657,NA19785) as Unknown degree instead of second cousins.

Figure 14. PREPARE successfully isolates the 4 generation pedigree found by CARROT.

Figure 14

Nodes correspond to individuals, and edges to parent offspring relationships. The last generation individuals are real HapMap individuals, and the other nodes are ancestors predicted by PREPARE.


In this paper, we take a step towards making pedigree reconstruction from present living populations, a realistic objective. By developing better quality assessment tools, we were able to come to the conclusion that our method reconstructs pedigrees with significantly higher quality then previous methods, and in comparable running times. Inline graphic is the first method to our knowledge to address polygamy, and paternal/maternal relative partitioning. Although we succeed partitioning the relatives, there is no way to know which relatives are really related to the father, and which to the mother by considering autosomal data alone. We are not worried about this lack in specificity, as we do not strive to learn the ancestral genders. Instead, we are interested in inferring the pedigree structure, which provides the relatedness structure. Our graph framework, brings to the surface several ambiguous cases that cannot be solved without utilizing additional subtle information. For example, the assignment of a 3-clique (see Fig. 5-B) might be decided better by considering three-way IBD sharing. The chance of having triple IBD sharing diminishes much faster than the chance of pair-wise IBD sharing and limits the theoretical possibility to correctly reconstruct these cases in advanced generations. Reconstructing inbred relationships correctly remains an unmet challenge by all methods in the present. It seems that an approach to deal with inbreeding will need to utilize additional inbreeding imprints on the data, such as homozygosity levels and other IBD-features not used today. Additionally, current methods do not include inbreeding options in the hypothesis testing stage, which might lead to the wrong conclusions when inbreeding exists. Despite the above, our method is able to reconstruct high quality pedigrees by dealing correctly with the most frequently arising cases in randomly mating populations. We believe that improving the performance on such rare aspects will probably have a small impact on the pedigree quality. More importantly, in order to further improve the reconstruction quality of polygamous populations, it seems that a better set of IBD features needs to be found, with higher separating power between different relationship types. Theoretically, the size of a family can influence the scores of its founders since larger families will contribute more extant individuals to the score computation. Simulating populations with differing typical family sizes show little effect on the quality of reconstruction. The current Inline graphic method can be applicable for real populations, with the setback that only a specific age-range must be taken as input, such that most inter-generation relationships will be excluded.


We would like to thank Bonnie-Kirkpatrick and Dan He for their aid in successful compilation and running of the CIP/COP and IPED tools. Additionally, we would like to thank Moshe Einhorn and Roni Vilenchick, who worked with us on a project on the pedigree-reconstruction subject, which was the starting point for this research.

Funding Statement

This study was supported in part by a fellowship from the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics at Tel-Aviv University. EH is a Faculty Fellow of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics at Tel Aviv University. EH and DST were supported by the German-Israeli Foundation (grant 1094-33.2/2010). URL: EH was also partially supported by National Science Foundation grant III-1217615. DST was also partially supported by the Israel Science Foundation grant no. 1425/13. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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