Fig. 16.
Androgen receptor (AR) (A, B, E), estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) (C and F) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERD) (D and G) immunohistochemistry of 62-day hyena clitoris. In (B) the preputial lamina circumscribes the clitoris, which contains a corporal body dorsally, and a UGS ventrally. The preputial lamina (PPL) is AR-positive (A), ERβ-positive (C), and ERα-negative (D). AR, ERα, and ERα were detected in cells of the corporal body (E-G). The tunica albuginea, which is apparent by virtue of its blue color in (B) and indicated by arrowheads in (E and G), exhibits reduced or negative staining for AR and ERα.