Figure 5. Inflammatory soup does not illicit interictal allodynia.
A) Primary division allodynia: Withdrawal scores in response to monofilament (4g) stimulation of the periorbital region. B) Secondary division allodynia. Withdrawal scores in response to monofilament (4g) stimulation of the perimasseter region. Change calculated as difference between post-surgical baseline and treatment day 8. Over the course of testing the withdrawal scale measures the maximum withdrawal as a score of 15 and no response as a score of 0. For each animal, 10µl or 20µl PBS (closed circles) or IS (open circles) was delivered to the surface of intact dura via cannula. Male 10µL PBS group, n=5; male 10µL IS group, n=5 ; female 10µl PBS group, n=9 ; female 10µl IS group, n=7 ; male 20µl PBS group, n=3 ; male 20µl IS group, n=5; female 20µl PBS group, n=3, female 20µl IS group, n=5. Standard error is shown in error bars. # indicates a statistical significance with P < .05, * indicates P < .005. Data are shown as a box plot with a line within the box representing the 50th percentile or median, while the boundary of the box closest to zero indicates the 25th percentile and the boundary of the box farthest from zero indicates the 75th percentile. The whiskers mark the 10th and 90th percentiles. Outlying data points are shown.