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. 2014 Jul 15;107(2):373–383. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2014.05.036

Characterization of Nucleosome Unwrapping within Chromatin Fibers Using Magnetic Tweezers

Fan-Tso Chien 1,, Thijn van der Heijden 2
PMCID: PMC4104046  PMID: 25028879


Nucleosomal arrays fold into chromatin fibers and the higher-order folding of chromatin plays a strong regulatory role in all processes involving DNA access, such as transcription and replication. A fundamental understanding of such regulation requires insight into the folding properties of the chromatin fiber in molecular detail. Despite this, the structure and the mechanics of chromatin fibers remain highly disputed. Single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments have the potential to provide such insight, but interpretation of the data has been hampered by the large variations in experimental force-extension traces. Here we explore the possibility that chromatin fibers are composed of both single-turn and fully wrapped histone octamers. By characterizing the force-dependent behavior of in vitro reconstituted chromatin fibers and reanalyzing existing data, we show the unwrapping of the outer turn of nucleosomal DNA at 3 pN. We present a model composed of two freely-jointed chains, which reveals that nucleosomes within the chromatin fiber show identical force-extension behavior to mononucleosomes, indicating that nucleosome-nucleosome interactions are orders-of-magnitude smaller than previously reported and therefore can be overcome by thermal fluctuations. We demonstrate that lowering the salt concentration externally increases the wrapping energy significantly, indicative of the electrostatic interaction between the wrapped DNA and the histone octamer surface. We propose that the weak interaction between nucleosomes could allow easy access to nucleosomal DNA, while DNA unwrapping from the histone core could provide a stable yet dynamic structure during DNA maintenance.


Chromatin fibers are composed of strings of nucleosome core particles that are connected by several 10s of basepairs (bp) of linker DNA (1). The nucleosome core particle consists of an octamer of histone proteins and 147 bp of DNA wrapped in 1.65 turns around the histone core (2). The tails of the histone proteins mediate the nucleosome-nucleosome interactions, which stabilize folding into higher-order chromatin structures, such as the 30-nm fiber (3–5). Insight into the physical mechanisms that drive the higher-order folding of chromatin is essential for understanding the role of chromatin organization in all processes involved in the maintenance, transcription, and replication of the eukaryotic genome.

In vivo, the chromatin structure can be regulated by DNA-sequence (6–8), ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers (9), posttranslational modifications (10), linker histones (11), and any other factors that bind to DNA or histones (12). The possible variations in size, composition, chemical, and mechanical properties of chromatin fibers render native chromatin fibers challenging substrates for obtaining structural information (13).

Reconstitution of chromatin fibers from purified histones and arrays of nucleosome positioning elements results in highly regular, stoichiometric fibers (10). This system provides a controlled in vitro system for evaluating the contribution of individual components to folding independently of one another. For example, by varying the linker length between positioning elements, a solenoidal folding was observed for linker lengths of 50 bp (14), whereas for shorter linker lengths of 20 bp a zig-zag structure has been proposed (15). Furthermore, incorporating H5 linker histones not only stabilizes wrapped DNA in individual nucleosomes (16), but also contributes significantly to chromatin compaction (14). Conversely, the higher-order folding of chromatin fibers is inhibited by both ubiquitylated H2B (17) and acetylated H4 (3). Besides this variation in internal components, chromatin compaction, at least in vitro, increases with ionic strength of the buffer conditions and/or increasing amounts of divalent magnesium ions (4).

Single-molecule force spectroscopy has been used successfully to resolve force-induced transitions in chromatin fibers, in particular the transition from partially unwrapped to fully unwrapped nucleosomes, which occurs at forces >10 pN (18–21). The release of the inner wrap of DNA occurs in 25-nm steps corresponding to 74 bp. All these force spectroscopy studies consistently demonstrate a plateau at 3 pN for both native and reconstituted fibers. It has been suggested that the observed plateau is a characteristic of the breaking of the bonds that hold neighboring nucleosomes together, termed “unstacking” (21,22). However, force spectroscopy studies on mononucleosome complexes also show a transition at 3 pN, even though there are no nucleosome-nucleosome bonds to break. In the case of mononucleosome complexes, the transition has instead been attributed to unwrapping of the outer turn of DNA from the histone core (23,24).

To understand the force extension behavior of reconstituted chromatin fibers in a magnetic tweezers setup, Kruithof et al. (21) introduced an unstacking model to quantify the force plateau based upon both a Hookean and a wormlike-chain description for the chromatin fiber and the unstacked configuration, respectively. This model assumed that

  • 1.

    all bound nucleosomes within the fiber are fully wrapped and stacked, and

  • 2.

    all nucleosome positioning elements are occupied by histone octamers.

Moreover, this model contains two interesting and testable phenomena:

  • 1.

    the model assumes that the average distance between the extremities of the chromatin fiber is nonzero in the absence of force; and

  • 2.

    for forces >5 pN, the end-to-end distance of the tether decreases because the model predicts reentering of the higher-folding domain by the chromatin fiber.

Finally, Kruithof et al. (21) concluded from their unstacking model that the higher-order folding in chromatin fibers follows a solenoid structure for forces up to 3 pN. Based on a reanalysis of the same experimental data using a two-angle model, Victor et al. (25) suggested that chromatin fibers follow a zig-zag instead of a solenoid configuration. Like Kruithof et al. (21), they assumed that all nucleosome positioning elements were occupied by fully wrapped and stacked histone octamers. That these two studies reached different conclusions from the same data indicate that the interpretation of the structure of higher-order nucleosome folding varies greatly with the model and assumptions applied.

We now present an alternative model of chromatin extension with the same number of fit parameters as used by Kruithof et al. (21) that predicts the correct behavior even without defining a priori the numbers of bound single-turn and fully wrapped histone octamers. This model (2FJC, for two freely-jointed chains) contains two freely-jointed chains describing the mechanical properties of fully wrapped nucleosomes and nucleosomes with only one turn of wrapped DNA. We feel that the data analyzed with 2FJC resolves some of the seemingly conflicting results in the field to date. We reanalyzed the data obtained by Kruithof et al. and collected single-molecule force spectroscopy data at higher forces for chromatin fibers reconstituted using the same experimental conditions as in Kruithof et al. However, a key difference is that in our experiments we built-in longer naked DNA spacers to increase the distance between the chromatin fiber and the bead/glass. As the tether is aligned with the force-axis in a magnetic tweezers setup, the position of the magnetic bead has moved laterally due to an off-center attachment to the tether through which the observed tether length decreases (26). Using longer naked DNA spacers, we are able to compensate for this decrease without affecting the accuracy of the measured length of chromatin fibers.

Using the model of 2FJC generated from these analyses, we attribute the force-induced transition at 3 pN to a noncooperative extension that results from 0.65 turns of DNA unwrapping from the fully wrapped nucleosomes. This results in a fiber with octamers that contain only a single wrap of DNA. At forces above 15 pN, this inner wrap of DNA is also released. Furthermore, we show that minutes of exposure to forces as small as 4 pN leads to progressive and irreversible unwrapping of the outer DNA turn likely caused by dissociation of H2A/H2B dimers.

Finally, the previously reported interaction (21,22) between nucleosomes to induce higher folding within chromatin fibers is not observed in our model, suggesting that thermal fluctuations are sufficient to induce unstacking of nucleosomes. Based on these findings, we therefore propose that nucleosome-nucleosome interactions are weak in reconstituted chromatin fibers, at least in the buffer conditions utilized during in vitro chromatin pulling experiments. The weak interactions could allow regulatory elements such as transcription factors easy access to nucleosomal DNA, while DNA unwrapping from the histone core could provide a stable yet dynamic structure during DNA maintenance.

Materials and Methods

DNA and chromatin fibers

The DNA construct for fibers with short 251-bp DNA spacers was prepared as described in Kruithof et al. (21). The DNA spacers comprise the distance between the chromatin fiber and the surface of either the magnetic bead and/or bottom glass slide. For fibers with long DNA spacers, pUC18 containing 25 copies of 197 bp of the 601-nucleosome positioning sequence was applied (4). After digestion with BsaI and BseYI, the single-stranded overhangs were filled with digoxigenin-labeled dUTP at the BsaI extremity and biotin-labeled dUTP at the BseYI extremity. Chromatin fibers were reconstituted through salt dialysis with competitor DNA (147 bp) and histone octamers purified from chicken erythrocytes (4). Using an elution profile and a protein-denaturing gel, only the fractions containing the well-formed histone octamers were used, thus avoiding histone tetramers in subsequent fractions (see Fig. S8 in the Supporting Material).

Magnetic tweezers

The details of the magnetic tweezers setup and the preparation of the flow cell are as described in Kruithof et al. (21). The position of the bead was measured by real-time image processing using the software LABVIEW (National Instruments, Austin, TX) with an accuracy of 10 nm in three dimensions. The force applied to the magnetic bead was calibrated by analyzing the power spectrum of measured lateral fluctuations (13). Based on that analysis, we estimate the uncertainty in the measured force to be 10%.

Data analysis

All data analysis was implemented in the software LABVIEW (National Instruments). The uncertainty mentioned for each value is the standard deviation in the mean of the fitted parameter.


Here, we first review the unstacking model from Kruithof et al. (21) and the two-angle model from Victor et al. (25), which both describe the force-extension of a chromatin fiber connected to bare double-stranded (ds)DNA spacers.

In Kruithof et al. (21), the stacked chromatin fiber modeled as a Hookean spring (HK) undergoes a force-dependent transition into a beads-on-a-string (BoS) configuration consisting of only 1.65 turns wrapped, i.e., fully wrapped, histone octamers connected to neighboring wrapped histone octamers by linker DNA. The force-dependent extension z follows

z=zDNA(WLC)+nHKzHK+(MnHK)z1.65(WLC), (1)


nHK=αM,zHK=l+fk,α=[1+exp(βf(z1.65zHK)ε)]1, (2)

where both the DNA spacers and the BoS configuration are modeled using the well-established wormlike-chain model described by their respective contour, LDNA and LBoS, and persistence length, pDNA and pBoS (27). Furthermore, the index 1.65 indicates the outer-turn wrapped configuration, zDNA is the end-to-end distance of the DNA spacers, nHK is the number of the stacked nucleosomes, zHK is the end-to-end distance of the stacked chromatin fiber, and z1.65 is the end-to-end distance of the outer-turn wrapped configuration, f is the exerted force, l is the nucleosome line density, k is the spring constant, M is the number of fully wrapped histone octamers, ε is the free energy difference between both configurations, and β is the inverse thermal energy kBT.

In the two-angle model from Victor et al. (25), the chromatin fiber undergoes a force-dependent transition from state v1 where the opening angle between the entering and exiting DNA linkers of the nucleosome is larger than 20° to state v2, where the opening angle is smaller than 20°. The force-dependent extension z follows

z=zDNA(WLC)+nv1(dv1+fkv1)+(Mnv1)(dv2+fkv2), (3)


nv1=Mexp(βΔG)exp(βΔG)+1, (4)


ΔG=12f2(1kv21kv1)+f(dv2dv1)ε, (5)

where dvi and kvi are the rest length and stiffness, respectively, of states vi in the absence of force, with i denoting the two different states.

Both Kruithof’s model and Victor’s model are based on the assumption that all nucleosomes in the chromatin fibers are fully wrapped. Here we explore the possibility that chromatin fibers are composed of both fully wrapped nucleosomes and histone octamers wrapped with only one turn of DNA. In our description of the force-dependent extension of the chromatin fiber, we therefore consider three structures:

  • 1.

    dsDNA spacers,

  • 2.

    histone octamers with a single turn, or

  • 3.

    1.65 turns of dsDNA connected to neighboring wrapped histone octamers by linker DNA in a BoS configuration (Fig. 1 A).

We consider the BoS configuration to be a flexible polymer with M elements in the fully wrapped configuration with length d0, able to release independently the outer turn of wrapped DNA into a longer form d1, i.e., the inner or single-turn wrapped configuration under a free energy cost of ε kBT (28). Furthermore, the BoS configuration contains N inner-turn wrapped histone octamers, which are unable to transform into the outer-turn wrapped configuration.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Force spectroscopy on chromatin fibers. (A) Schematic drawing of outer- and inner-turn unwrapping from a nucleosome octamer causing different end-to-end distances of the involved configurations. (Red) Start and end of the nucleosome positioning element. (B and C) Force-extension traces (black lines) with long and short DNA spacers, respectively, are fit with the model of 2FJC (red line). The force-extension of chromatin fibers with short or long DNA spacers behaves similarly. To see this figure in color, go online.

We model the BoS configuration as a freely-jointed chain where the linker DNA acts as an inextensible rod and the bound histone octamers as free swivel points. Because the linker DNA between nucleosomes is much shorter than the persistence length of DNA, i.e., 50 and 150 bp, respectively, we assume that thermal bending fluctuations of the linker DNA are negligible compared to the breathing dynamics of a nucleosome allowing different entry and exit angles of the wrapped DNA, especially when the BoS configuration is aligned in the presence of an external force. The force-dependent extension of such a BoS configuration was derived by Cocco et al. (28), yielding

z=zDNA+z1.65+z1.0=zDNA(WLC)+ln(Z1.65Z1.0)(βf), (6)


z1.65=2πMd1βf011dt2exp[βMd1f2t22f0+βMd0ft](1+exp[βft(d1d0)ε])M, (7)
z1.0=2πNd1βf011dt2exp[βNd1f2t22f0], (8)

and t = cosθ, where θ is the polar angle between the linker DNA and the direction of the applied force. The index 1.0 corresponds to the inner-turn wrapped configuration and f0 is an elastic constant that gives the BoS configuration some elastic stretching due, for instance, to elastic bending deformation of the linker DNA and peeling dsDNA of the histone octamers.


In the force-spectroscopy experiments by Kruithof et al. (21), the length of the DNA spacer, and therefore the distance between the nucleosomes and the surface of either the magnetic bead and/or bottom glass slide, was 251 bp. The obtained end-to-end distance of the tethered chromatin fiber was used to extract changes in the higher-order structure without taking into account the off-center binding position on superparamagnetic beads (26). This off-center binding always results in a shortening of the observed end-to-end distance of the tether up to the radius of the applied bead size due to a (small) misalignment between the tether and the center of the magnetic bead (26), and therefore influences the reported end-to-end distance of both the DNA spacer and the chromatin fiber.

We hypothesized that longer DNA spacers would allow us to obtain the actual length of chromatin fibers despite underestimating the length of the DNA spacers themselves. Therefore, we used the same array containing 25 copies of 601 positioning elements (29) but increased the length of the DNA spacers from the 251-bp spacer used by Kruithof et al. (21) to 2035 bp; this corresponds to a contour length of 85 and 6.9 × 102 nm, respectively, by using a conversion of 0.34 nm/bp. These longer DNA spacers could provide potential binding sites for histone octamers and hence could influence the reconstitution process of the chromatin fiber itself, therefore we carefully controlled for this as outlined below. Although histone octamers do prefer a nucleosome positioning element over a random DNA sequence (29), previous force spectroscopy studies did not experimentally confirm the absence of histone octamers on the DNA spacers (18,24,30).

To confirm the absence of histone octamers on the long DNA spacers, we performed a parallel reconstitution on a construct with 25 copies of 197 bp of 601 positioning elements with long (2035-bp) DNA spacers. After reconstitution, the construct with the long spacers appeared as a thick band in lane 1 followed by a gradual transition into a slower migration species in lanes 2–8 in the native gel at increasing histone octamer/DNA ratios (see Fig. S1 A), which is consistent with the fibers with short spacers (4). In addition, we also performed a postreconstitution digestion of the long DNA spacers. The subsequent native gel electrophoresis showed that the EcoRI restriction sites were well accessible and a band shift was absent, indicating that the spacers were nucleosome-free (see Fig. S1 B). These data demonstrate that during reconstitution, the histone octamers have a high preference for the 601 positioning sequences, leaving nucleosome-free DNA at the extremities of long (2035-bp) DNA spacers.

To determine any influence of the long DNA spacers on the conformation of the chromatin fibers, we measured the force-extension (FE) behavior of the construct in a magnetic tweezers setup (21). We used samples with a histone octamers/DNA ratio of 0.6 (see lane 4, Fig. S1 A). The construct was anchored between a glass surface and a superparamagnetic bead. A pair of external magnets allowed us to exert a force on the tethered superparamagnetic bead. The constructs with short and long DNA spacers showed a similar force extension behavior, albeit with a larger-length offset for the long spacer construct. In both cases, we observed a linear extension of the molecule at forces below 3 pN followed by a force plateau between 3 and 4 pN, as observed previously (18,21,22). Subsequently, the extension becomes linear again, until at high forces (F > 10 pN), where we observe distinct stepwise extensions. Because both constructs show a similar behavior under these conditions, we summarize that the presence of longer spacers did not influence the conformation of the chromatin fiber (Fig. 1, B and C).

Evaluation of the unstacking model

We will first show the shortcomings of the unstacking model (21) by highlighting a discrepancy in the fit results for the number of stacked nucleosomes, and the inability of the unstacking model to correctly describe the force-extension behavior above the force plateau. For this, we obtained the force-extension behavior of individual fibers with short and long spacers up to forces of 3 pN. All pulling curves were repeated three times yielding overlapping FE traces indicative of an equilibrated system. This indicates that the observed variations are intrinsic to the specific fiber and do not represent alternative conformations within each fiber. Moreover, individual chromatin fibers have subtle variations in the position of the appearance of the plateau (see Fig. S6 and Fig. S7). The results after fitting the unstacking model to the short- and long-spacer constructs are summarized in Table S1 in the Supporting Material.

A typical fitting result is shown in Fig. S2, A and B, with the experimental data in black and the obtained fit result in red. In the fitting process, we kept the persistence length of DNA constant at 50 nm (31). Furthermore, data points below 0.2 pN were discarded in this analysis because in the case of 2.8-μm-sized beads, at these small forces, the extension of the fiber in a dynamic force spectroscopy experiment is dominated by the viscous drag on the superparamagnetic bead (32). Although the chromatin fiber constructs differ only by the length of their DNA spacers (see above), the unstacking model yields significantly different values for the number of nucleosome positioning elements and the persistence length of a beads-on-a-string array. Surprisingly, the change in DNA spacer length from 85 to 6.9 × 102 nm is not observed in the fitted values.

Furthermore, the value we obtained for the nucleosome line density is 8 ± 4 nm per nucleosome, which is not in agreement with the values reported previously for chromatin fibers containing short DNA spacers (21) nor with values obtained from electron microscopy images (10) (see Table S1). Subsequently, the obtained contour length for the fully wrapped but unstacked state by fitting the model of 2FJC to our experimental data is 38 ± 2 nm, which is much larger than the expected value of 17 nm, i.e., the length of the linker DNA (50 bp) between nucleosome positioning elements. Finally, the unstacking model predicted a shortening in the end-to-end distance at forces larger than 6 pN because the chromatin fiber reenters the higher-folding configuration due to continuous stretching of the Hookean spring (see Fig. S5). This behavior is not observed in the experimental data; instead, it shows an increase in end-to-end distance above 6 pN (Fig. 2 A).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

FE traces obtained from stretching individual chromatin fibers with 197-repeat 601 arrays. (A) The chromatin fibers were tethered to 2.8-μm superparamagnetic beads, allowing forces up to 28 pN. The FE traces display five representative characteristics: an entropic extension below 1 pN followed by a linear extension until a force plateau is reached at 3 pN. The plateau ends at 4 pN and a linear extension appears. Finally, above 8 pN, the FE trace shows stepwise rupture events with an ∼30-nm step size, revealing the number of nucleosomes in the fiber. (B) Closeup of the stepwise rupture events in the high force regime between 12 and 18 pN. (Arrows) Individual rupture events. (C) The number of counted rupture events with respect to the total number of bound histones as obtained from the model of 2FJC. The high correlation of 0.95 between both methods indicates that the number of bound nucleosomes can be obtained accurately by fitting the model of 2FJC to an FE trace below 6 pN.

Absence of higher-order folding

As described above, we therefore concluded that the unstacking model contains shortcomings and cannot describe the experimental data we generated. The unstacking model assumed that all nucleosomes within the chromatin fiber are initially fully wrapped but also stacked by nucleosome-nucleosome interactions creating a higher-order folding of chromatin fibers (14). Applying an external force allows the nucleosome-nucleosome interactions to be overcome, eventually removing the higher-order folding and creating a string of (fully) wrapped nucleosomes. We now address the possibility of absence of higher-order folding in a chromatin fiber with a 50-bps linker length between adjacent nucleosomes for the force range probed here. Based on their experimental data and unstacking model, Kruithof et al. (21) suggested that such a chromatin fiber behaves as a solenoid.

Interestingly, Victor et al. (25) showed that using a two-angle model, the original data obtained by Kruithof et al. also allowed the existence of a zig-zag structure as a higher-order folding. The results after fitting the two-angle model to our experimental data for the short- and long-spacer constructs are summarized in Table S3. A typical fitting result is shown in Fig. S3 with the experimental data in black and the obtained fit result in red. Although the two-angle model yields similar values for the different constructs, the obtained spring constants are at least 10-fold larger than expected, i.e., 0.3 vs. 0.02, respectively. This significant increase in the stiffness reflects a large change of the opening angle (>180°), indicating that nucleosome unwrapping occurs in the linear extension regime (25). Such an outcome cannot explain the existence of a force plateau.

Furthermore, the obtained contour lengths for both the stacked and unstacked state are 32 ± 2 nm and 15 ± 3 nm, respectively, which are much larger than the expected values of 17 and 1.8 nm. The latter is the nucleosome density for a single nucleosome in a zig-zag structure (14). For our experimental data, Kruithof’s unstacking model and Victor’s two-angle model both yielded fitted structural parameters significantly different from what is expected for a solenoidal or zig-zagged higher-order folding structure, respectively. This indicates that such a higher folding is also absent in the force regime below 3 pN. Thus we conclude that the force plateau in the experimental data is not caused by a structural transition from a stacked to an unstacked state, where the higher-order folding structure is disrupted by an external force.

Force plateau represents outer-turn unwrapping

Because both models fail to describe the force-extension behavior of reconstituted chromatin in our setup, we introduce here the model of 2FJC, which is based on the assumption that there is no higher-order folding caused by nucleosome-nucleosome interactions present (3). Moreover, the model includes the possibility that the chromatin fiber consists initially of not only fully wrapped nucleosomes ((ii) in Fig. 1 A), but also histone octamers wrapped with one turn of DNA ((iii) in Fig. 1 A). With the increase of force, a nucleosome transits from a fully wrapped state to an inner-turn wrapped state while the initially bound one-turn wrapped histone octamers remain intact (18,24,33). The results of this model of 2FJC on the short- and long-spacer constructs are summarized in Table 1. Typical fitting results are shown in Fig. 1, B and C.

Table 1.

The mechanical properties of chromatin fibers with a 197-bp repeat length of the nucleosome positioning element 601 connected to short or long DNA spacers

Properties 197 long spacers 197 short spacers
Number of FE traces 23 4
M + N (nucleosomes) 24 ± 3 23 ± 6
d0 (nm) 18.2 ± 1.7 20 ± 7
d1 (nm) 38.2 ± 0.9 36 ± 2
ε (kBT) 15.2 ± 1.4 11 ± 4
f0 (pN) 8 ± 3 11 ± 7
LDNA (nm) (5.6 ± 1.5) × 102 (7 ± 4) × 101
Goodness of fit χ2 1.1 1.6

The average and standard error of the mean of the fitted parameters of the alternative model are shown.

We will first discuss the obtained parameters for the long DNA spacer constructs. The model of 2FJC discriminates between two types of bound histone octamers, outer- and inner-turn wrapped, yielding 16 ± 2 and 8 ± 2, respectively. Their sum represents the total number of bound histone octamers, and is therefore 24 ± 3, which is close to the expected value of 25. Furthermore, the model of 2FJC fits the length of the DNA spacer yielding a value of (5.6 ± 1.5) × 102 nm, which is shorter than the expected value of 6.9 × 102 nm due to off-center attachment to the surface of the superparamagnetic bead (26). Subsequently, the elastic constant obtained is 8 ± 3 pN.

Finally, the fit yielded values for the contour length of the fully wrapped and one turn wrapped state. The obtained contour length for the outer-turn wrapped configuration is 18.2 ± 1.7 nm. This is in good agreement with the 50-bp length of the linker DNA between the 601 repeats, which is equivalent to 17 nm, being the contour length of a fully wrapped nucleosome (Fig. 1 A). Unwrapping of the outer turn results in the release of (0.65/1.65) × 147 = 58 bp or 20 nm (Fig. 1 A). Thus, the expected contour length of such a configuration is 37 nm, in good agreement with the experimentally obtained value of 38.2 ± 0.9 nm. Furthermore, the change in free energy between both states is 15.2 ± 1.4 kBT, close to the reported value of 12 kBT for the change in free energy during first-turn unwrapping of a mononucleosome (24). Taken together, the concordance between the model of 2FJC values and either our data obtained from chromatin fibers with long DNA spacers, or values reported in the literature, strongly indicates that the observed force plateau in the force-extension behavior of a chromatin fiber responds to outer-turn unwrapping of the bound histone octamers.

In the case of the short-spacer construct, we obtained similar fitted values for the different parameters using the model from 2FJC. The obtained contour length of the DNA spacer was (7 ± 4) × 101 nm, in good agreement with the expected value of 85 nm. Becaused only the fitted value for the DNA spacer differed between the short and long spacer constructs, we can conclude that the length of the spacers does not influence the conformation of the chromatin fiber. More importantly, we are able to show that the model of 2FJC is able to describe the obtained force-extension behavior as expressed in the goodness-of-fit value, i.e., 1.6 and 1.1 for the chromatin fiber with short and long DNA spacers, respectively, where values are close to 1.0 (Table 1).

Attachment position on the magnetic bead

In the force-extension data analysis presented by Kruithof et al. (21), the end-to-end distance of the chromatin fibers was obtained directly from the length measurements by assuming that the attachment position of the chromatin fiber to the magnetic bead was at the closest position to the glass surface. An extension in end-to-end distance was interpreted as incomplete coverage of the nucleosome positioning elements by histone octamers (see Fig. S4 A). However, a decrease in bound histone octamers should result in a stiffening of the spring in the linear extension regime (Eqs. 1 and 2). Instead, all our traces show an identical behavior in this regime. Klaue and Seidel (26) showed that the magnetic beads applied in a typical magnetic tweezers setup are not superparamagnetic, but do contain a small magnetic moment causing an off-centered attachment point to the magnetic bead. As a result, variations up to the radius of the bead can be observed in the end-to-end distance although a uniform DNA construct is applied.

Kruithof et al. (21) did not measure experimentally the offsets of the tethered chromatin fibers so their data could contain unknown offsets. To address the consequence caused by the off-center attachment, we took Kruithof’s data and speculated that the chromatin fiber has the largest offset, which equals to 0.5 μm, the radius of the magnetic beads used. Fitting the model of 2FJC to Kruithof’s original data (see Fig. S4 A) resulted in a description of a chromatin fiber with only nine bound histone octamers and a negative value for the length of the DNA spacers (see Table S2), where a value of 25 bound histone octamers and at least a positive value for the contour length was expected. Adding an offset of 0.5 μm, the model of 2FJC fitting these corrected Kruithof’s data (see Fig. S4 B) yielded values in complete agreement with the values obtained for our chromatin fibers with short DNA spacers as summarized in Table S2. This clearly shows that the off-center binding to the magnetic bead influences the outcome of the contour length measurement, and, therefore, any result directly obtained from this, such as the number of bound nucleosomes (21).

Inner-turn unwrapping

The model of 2FJC allows us to fit the number of bound histone octamers below 6 pN. In the force regime above 10 pN we observe stepwise extension (see Fig. 2 B). Due to the high stiffness of DNA at these forces, the Brownian fluctuations of the tether are small compared to the observed stepwise extensions, allowing us to directly count the number of nucleosomes in an individual chromatin, as shown in Fig. 2 A (18). For this batch of reconstituted fibers with a repeat length of 197 bp, we have, on average, 25 ± 2 inner-turn unwrapping events and therefore 25 ± 2 bound nucleosomes. This is in excellent agreement with the expected number of 25 of 601 nucleosome positioning elements in the DNA construct. Furthermore, the obtained average step size for an unwrapping event above 10 pN is 30.1 ± 0.7 nm, obtained by dividing the increase in length by the number of counted steps. This is in excellent agreement with the release of the inner wrap of a nucleosome containing 147/1.65 = 89 bp equivalent to 30 nm (2).

Although the force measurements above 10 pN resolve the number of nucleosomes in a fiber, these forces also induce histone dissociation (18). To resolve the fiber composition in a potentially less-destructive manner, we used the model of 2FJC to fit the FE curves between 0.5 and 7 pN. From the fits we obtained 25 ± 2 bound nucleosomes in excellent agreement with the numbers obtained above from the inner-turn unwrapping events and the expected value of 25 601-nucleosome positioning elements. We also observed a small fraction of fibers containing a significantly different number of bound nucleosomes (Fig. 2 C). A possible reason is that a small fraction of the DNA arrays may contain a different number of nucleosome positioning elements, which could not be detected with partial digestion experiments.

Furthermore, when seeking tethered fibers, we tend to use those with the largest spatial fluctuations, which are inherently also the longest ones. We therefore skew the obtained distribution of nucleosome positioning elements present within a fiber. For this fraction, the obtained numbers of bound nucleosomes from the model of 2FJC and the inner-turn unwrapping events showed a high correlation coefficient of 0.95, confirming the consistency between both methods.

Outer-turn unwrapping is salt-dependent

Having established a model for describing the FE behavior of single chromatin fibers, we were able to evaluate the salt dependence of outer-turn DNA unwrapping in detail. By measuring the same chromatin fiber multiple times, we minimized heterogeneities in terms of fiber composition. Fig. 3 shows three FE traces at increasing salt concentration [K+]. These traces were obtained as follows: starting at a concentration of 10 mM, three consecutive force cycles were applied to test for hysteresis in the force-extension behavior. Absence of any hysteresis indicated that the chromatin fiber was in equilibrium with its present buffer conditions.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

The impact of ionic strength on the outer-turn unwrapping from histone octamers within a chromatin fiber. In the presence of 10 mM Na+, a single chromatin fiber was stretched in 10, 100, and 200 mM K+. The extension of the chromatin fiber is shown (black lines) in the FE plots. (Solid red lines) Fits obtained from the model of 2FJC. An increase in ionic strength not only reduces the height but also the size of the force plateau. To see this figure in color, go online.

Subsequently, a new buffer with an increased salt concentration was introduced into the flow cell and the measurements were repeated. Increasing the salt concentration from 10 to 200 mM decreased the force plateau at which unwrapping occurs from 3.5 to 2.3 pN. We also observed a decrease in the compaction of the folded fiber being proportional to the shortening of the plateau. Furthermore, the change in free energy dropped from 19 ± 3 kBT at 10 mM to 11.1 ± 1.7 kBT at 200 mM. All other mechanical properties remained constant and within the range that we observed under standard conditions (Table 2). Although the salt concentrations changed by an order of magnitude, we kept the persistence length of DNA fixed at 50 nm, because the persistence length of DNA does not change significantly over this concentration range (31).

Table 2.

The mechanical properties of a chromatin fiber in different monovalent salt conditions as obtained from the model of 2FJC

[K+] (mM) M N d1 (nm) d0 (nm) f0 (pN) ε (kBT) LDNA (nm)
10 24 3 36.9 17.5 8.7 18.6 4.1 × 102
100 16 7 36.8 16.4 8.2 15.4 5.3 × 102
200 7 18 38.0 17.6 6.7 11.1 3.1 × 102

Thus the 2FJC description of the nucleosome, being wrapped by DNA by one or 1.65 turns, holds over a wide range of salt conditions. The free energy between both states decreases for an increase in ionic strength, possibly reflecting the enhanced screening of electrostatic interactions between DNA and the histone octamer surface.

Irreversible outer-turn DNA unwrapping

To probe the stability of the inner-turn wrapped state, we applied 15 successive stretching cycles up to 4 pN to a single chromatin fiber containing long DNA spacers. The linear extension between 0.5 and 2.5 pN showed a gradual shift toward a more extended structure unable to maintain its original conformation while the size of the plateau at 3 pN decreased, but the end-to-end distance at 4 pN converged for all traces (Fig. 4 A).

Figure 4.

Figure 4

The change of the number of fully wrapped histone octamers in repeated force-cycle experiments. (A) A single chromatin fiber was stretched for 15 times displaying a shift in the start of the force plateau at 3 pN of 0.4 μm between the first and last force cycles while the length converged at 4 pN. The individual FE traces of the sequential pulling cycles are plotted in different colors. (Dashed arrow) Progression of the 15 pulling cycles. The quantification of the subsequent FE traces by the model of 2FJC is shown in panels BF. All parameters remained constant throughout the force cycles except for the number of inner- and outer-turn wrapped histone octamers showing an opposite behavior. (B) Total bound nucleosomes (solid red circles) are the sum of fully wrapped nucleosomes (solid black circles) and one-turn wrapped nucleosomes (open circles). (C) Contour length shown: (solid black circles) fully wrapped nucleosomes; (open black circles) one-turn wrapped nucleosomes. (DF) Elastic force, change in free energy, and contour length of the DNA spacers, respectively. The error bars shown represent the uncertainties in the fit parameters. To see this figure in color, go online.

The successive traces were fit with the model of 2FJC and the resulting outcome with respect to the number of applied stretching cycles is displayed in Fig. 4, BF, for, respectively, the following:

  • Fig. 4 B, the number of bound histone octamers;

  • Fig. 4 C, the contour length of one-turn and fully wrapped histone octamers;

  • Fig. 4 D, the elastic force;

  • Fig. 4 E, the change in free energy; and

  • Fig. 4 F, the contour length of the DNA spacers.

All parameters shown in Fig. 4, BF, remain constant, even the total number of bound histone octamers. Interestingly, the number of outer-turn wrapped histone octamers decreases with respect to the number of applied force cycles, whereas the number of inner-turn wrapped histone octamers shows the reversed behavior (solid and open circles in Fig. 4 B, respectively). This indicates that long-term exposure of the unwrapped state leads to irreversible outer-turn DNA unwrapping likely caused by H2A/H2B dimer dissociation in agreement with other force spectroscopy experiments where only histone tetramers remain bound to the DNA molecule (34).

Discussion and Conclusions

We characterized the conformation of reconstituted chromatin fibers by quantifying their FE traces in the force regime below 4 pN and fitting the data to the model of 2FJC. The fibers display a force plateau at 3 pN, indicating force-dependent outer-turn unwrapping events. We conclude that chromatin fibers lack higher-order folding in the experimental conditions utilized. Instead, the chromatin fibers are composed of histone octamers with either one or 1.65 turns of wrapped DNA. As a result, both previously published models—the unstacking model featuring a solenoid (21) and the two-angle model using a zig-zag structure (25)—are not supported by the data obtained from stretching chromatin fibers containing 50 bp of linker DNA, either as previously published (21) or from the study in hand (see Table S1 and Table S3).

This is in contrast to the unstacking behavior proposed by Kruithof et al. (21), as based on their data. Their unstacking model predicted a shortening in end-to-end distance for forces above 5 pN, which was not observed in our experimental data (Fig. 2 A). Furthermore, their model did not take into account the degeneracy of states, where different configurations of (un)stacked nucleosomes within a chromatin fiber have identical free energy levels. Therefore, the observed extension of a chromatin fiber becomes a mixture of configurations instead of a single defined configuration. Subsequently, Kruithof et al. reported that the values of the nucleosome line density obtained from applying the unstacking model to their data are consistent with the values reported by Routh et al. (14), suggesting the existence of a solenoidal folding up to the force plateau of 3 pN. However, fitting the unstacking model to our data revealed a dramatic increase in the nucleosome line density, being nonconsistent with the reported values obtained from analyzing electron microscope images of chromatin fibers (14). Moreover, the mechanical properties of the fiber obtained from the unstacking model vary between the chromatin fibers with short and long DNA spacers. Finally, applying a two-angle model did not reveal the existence of a zig-zag structure for a chromatin fiber with a 197-bp repeat.

Kruithof et al. (21) argued that chromatin fibers with a repeat length of 167 bp have a zig-zag structure because they observed an increase in stiffness of 2.7 for the tethered molecule where a factor 4 was expected. Here, we note three discrepancies in their arguments.

  • 1.

    They assume that the stiffness of a single ribbon of the zig-zag folding is identical to that of the solenoidal folding, which has a denser-packed configuration.

  • 2.

    The obtained rest lengths for 167- and 197-bp repeat fibers are 79 ± 21 nm and 50 ± 6 nm, respectively, which do not differ significantly.

  • 3.

    In both discrepancies 1 and 2, all nucleosome positioning elements are assumed to be occupied with fully wrapped and stacked histone octamers, but this is not experimentally supported; therefore, the changes in rest length and stiffness may be a product of chromatin fiber heterogeneity.

In summary, the claim of a highly compliant helical folding cannot be substantiated by the models and data presented by Kruithof et al. (21).

Our analysis showed that nucleosomes in a chromatin fiber unwrap in two distinct steps in response to increasing stretching forces as observed for single nucleosomes (23,27), releasing first 0.65 turns followed by a full turn. This implies that the model presented here is independent of the linker length present between adjacent nucleosomes, because the amount of DNA released from the histoneoctamer remains constant resulting in identical force-extension curves. However, we would like to note that, to stretch a beads-on-a-string array, the DNA length between nucleosomes needs to be larger than the diameter of a nucleosome, i.e., 11 nm or 32 bp (2), to overcome any steric hindrance. Therefore, for chromatin fibers with a repeat length shorter than 179 bp, this can result in a force-extension behavior different than presented here.

The FE description for the chromatin fiber included a freely-jointed chain (FJC) contribution. Does an FJC mimic the structure of chromatin fibers? Electron microscopy studies have shown that nucleosomes in the presence of linker histone H5 are able to form a 30-nm chromatin fiber forming either a solenoid or zig-zag structure (14). However, fibers in the absence of H5 resulted in a beads-on-a-string configuration lacking regular higher-order folding and showing a lower compaction (14). This resembles our assumption above for an FJC description for the BoS configuration: the dsDNA linkers between histone octamers act as stiff rods due to their short length compared to the persistence length of dsDNA, whereas the bound histones act as a free swivel point at the DNA entry point.

What, then, happens to the nucleosome-nucleosome interactions to induce higher-order folding? In this study, the observed force plateau at 3 pN resembles first-turn unwrapping within the chromatin fiber in agreement with the force spectroscopy behavior of mononucleosomes (24). Furthermore, the FE behavior is well described by two FJCs in a force regime from 0.2 to 7 pN with a χ2 value at ∼1.0. Any nucleosome-nucleosome interaction in this force regime should have resulted in a higher value for χ2, indicating that not all force-dependent characteristics were captured by the model. This allows us to provide an upper limit for the nucleosome-nucleosome interactions. The typical distance overcome between adjacent histone octamers is the linker DNA: 50 bp for 197-repeat fibers.

Because the lowest force described with the model is 0.2 pN, the free energy difference between stacked and unstacked nucleosomes is at most 0.83 kBT, indicating that thermal fluctuations are sufficient to overcome nucleosome-nucleosome interactions. This estimation is smaller than previously published values on nucleosome-nucleosome interactions ranging between 3.8 and 14 kBT (21,22), where 14 kBT describes the free energy change of outer-turn unwrapping as discussed here. The former value, 3.8 kBT, is based upon estimation for the average distance between adjacent nucleosomes, which was not experimentally verified.

The model of 2FJC presented here can be expanded to include nucleosome-nucleosome interactions, to unravel the higher-order folding of chromatin in the subpiconewton force regime. Differences in spring constant between a solenoid and zig-zag superstructure should then be reflected in the force-extension behavior or in the thermal fluctuations at a given force due to constant stacking and unstacking between adjacent nucleosomes (14,35,36).

Posttranslational histone modifications have been suggested to play an important role in the regulation of DNA-based activities (37). We have shown that a combination of low-force pulling experiments and quantitative analysis can characterize the properties of outer-turn unwrapping events within chromatin fibers. This method of analysis can be used to unravel the effects of such histone modifications on chromatin folding, bringing us closer to a structural understanding of the regulatory role of chromatin organization.


The experimental work described in this article was performed in the group of Dr. Ir. S.J.T. van Noort at the Leiden institute of Physics, Leiden University, the Netherlands. We thank Daniela Rhodes for generous gifts of the DNA constructs, Andrew Routh for help with chromatin reconstitutions and the postreconstitution digestion, and Derek Stein, Paige Shaklee, and Elizabeth Gaskell for valuable discussions.

This work was financially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).


Fan-Tso Chien and Thijn van der Heijden contributed equally to this work.

Supporting Material

Document S1. Eight figures and three tables
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mmc2.pdf (2.4MB, pdf)


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