Whole-genome duplication events (polyploidy events) and gene loss events have played important roles in the evolution of legumes. Here we show that the vast majority of Hsf gene duplications resulted from whole genome duplication events rather than tandem duplication, and significant differences in gene retention exist between species. By searching for intraspecies gene colinearity (microsynteny) and dating the age distributions of duplicated genes, we found that genome duplications accounted for 42 of 46 Hsf-containing segments in Glycine max, while paired segments were rarely identified in Lotus japonicas, Medicago truncatula and Cajanus cajan. However, by comparing interspecies microsynteny, we determined that the great majority of Hsf-containing segments in Lotus japonicas, Medicago truncatula and Cajanus cajan show extensive conservation with the duplicated regions of Glycine max. These segments formed 17 groups of orthologous segments. These results suggest that these regions shared ancient genome duplication with Hsf genes in Glycine max, but more than half of the copies of these genes were lost. On the other hand, the Glycine max Hsf gene family retained approximately 75% and 84% of duplicated genes produced from the ancient genome duplication and recent Glycine-specific genome duplication, respectively. Continuous purifying selection has played a key role in the maintenance of Hsf genes in Glycine max. Expression analysis of the Hsf genes in Lotus japonicus revealed their putative involvement in multiple tissue-/developmental stages and responses to various abiotic stimuli. This study traces the evolution of Hsf genes in legume species and demonstrates that the rates of gene gain and loss are far from equilibrium in different species.
Whole-genome duplication, or polyploidy, is a common phenomenon in the evolution of plants and is particularly widespread in angiosperms [1], [2]. Many modern diploid plants have experienced one or more episodes of polyploidy and possess vestiges of multiple rounds of polyploidy [3], [4]. Recently, comparisons between legume genomes have revealed that legumes of the large Papilionoideae subfamily (papilionoids) have undergone whole-genome duplication [5]. This older shared polyploidy event is estimated to have occurred 56 to 65 million years ago (Mya) [6], [7]. A second, more recent genome duplication event occurred only in the lineage leading to Glycine up to 13 Mya [8]. Over time, the genomes of these plants diploidized, accompanied by rearrangements and loss of genes and chromosomal segments; this eliminated much of the evidence of the original duplication. Genome duplication and subsequent fractionation have played key roles in shaping present-day legume genomes [9].
A gene family is a group of similar genes resulting from wholesale or partial gene duplication; the size of a gene family reflects the number of duplicated genes (paralogs) in each species [10]. Whole-genome duplication causes each gene in the genome to be present in two copies. However, after duplication, not all categories of genes respond the same way to polyploidy; gene loss often occurs independently in different gene families. Some gene families, such as NBS-LRR resistance genes, show rapid rates of turnover among family members, with the loss of major gene lineages in some plant families [11], [12]. Alternatively, most genes are retained in other families with highly conserved amino acid sequences, such as transcription factors [13]. In the Arabidopsis genome, three whole-genome duplications that have occurred in the past 350 million years have brought about a greater than 90% increase in the number of transcription factor, signal transduction and developmental genes [14]. Genes retained after polyploidy may buffer critical functions, but over time, a gradual erosion of this capacity of duplicated genes may contribute to the cyclicality of genome duplication [15].
Here, we examine the evolution of the heat shock transcription factor (Hsf) family in legume species. Hsfs serve as the terminal components of signal transduction and are the central regulators of the expression of heat shock proteins and other heat shock-induced genes that confer thermotolerance to all eukaryotes [16]–[21]. Like many other transcription factors, Hsfs have a modular structure [22]. Hsf proteins share a well-conserved DNA binding domain (DBD) at their N termini, an adjacent bipartite oligomerization domain (HR-A/B region) composed of hydrophobic heptad repeats, a nuclear location signal (NLS), a nuclear export signal (NES) and a C-terminal activation domain (AHA motifs) [16], [23]–[26]. In contrast to the small number of Hsf genes found in Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans, yeasts and animals [27]–[33], the Hsf system is more complex in plants than in any other organisms investigated thus far. To date, on the basis of genome-wide analysis, 21 [34], approximately 25 [35], [36] and 25 [37] Hsf genes have been identified in the model plants Arabidopsis, rice and maize, respectively. On the basis of sequence divergence, three Hsf classes (A, B and C) and several subgroups are currently recognized [22]. Previous studies have shown that there are no apparent tandem duplications, and no clustered organization, in the Hsf families of several monocot and eudicot species [35], [37]. How did the members of this gene family arise, and how are the copy numbers of genes in this family maintained? Multiple rounds of genome duplication and extensive gene loss in different plant lineages may have led to the generation of independent growth and evolution models of Hsf family genes.
In this study, we analyzed the Hsf gene families from six papilionoid legume species for which substantial information about genomes or transcriptomes was available, namely Lotus japonicus (birdsfoot trefoil), Medicago truncatula (barrel medic), Cicer arietinum (chickpea), Glycine max (soybean), Cajanus cajan (pigeonpea) and Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean). The aim of this investigation was to determine which genes were derived from genome duplication, subsequently giving rise to paralogs, which genes descended from speciation events, giving rise to orthologs and which genes have undergone gene loss. In addition to examining the phylogeny of the Hsf family, we performed a comprehensive examination of the legume genome structure anchored by Hsf genes. Furthermore, we searched for gene microsynteny within and between the genomes of the legumes to investigate the evolutionary history of the Hsf regions. Our data show that extensive synteny remains in the homeologous regions within/between legume species. In addition, most Hsf regions can be traced to ancient papilionoid-specific whole-genome duplication or recent Glycine-specific whole-genome duplication. However, different rates of gene loss in the Hsf family have occurred along separate lineages of legume. Our results may help facilitate the extrapolation of Hsf gene function from one lineage to another.
Materials and Methods
Data retrieval and sequence analysis
The most recent versions of genome, protein and cDNA sequences of each species were downloaded from the respective genome sequence sites as follows: L. japonicus (version 2.5) from the L. japonicus Genome Sequencing Project (http://www.kazusa.or.jp/lotus/), M. truncatula (version 3.5) from the M. truncatula Genome Sequencing Project (http://www.medicagohapmap.org/?genome), G. max (version 1.01) from the Soybean Genome Sequencing Project (http://www.phytozome.net/soybean.php), C. cajan (version 1.0) from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (http://www.icrisat.org/gt-bt/iipg/Genome_Manuscript.html), P. vulgaris (version 0.9) from the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (http://www.phytozome.net/commonbean.php), P. patens (version 1.6) from the Joint Genome Institute (http://www.phytozome.net/physcomitrella), S. moellendorffii (version 1.0 filtered model 3) from the Joint Genome Institute (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Selmo1/Selmo1.download.ftp.html) and C. reinhardtii (version 4.3) from the Joint Genome Institute (http://www.phytozome.net/chlamy.php). Although information about the whole genome of C. arietinum is not currently available, the C. arietinum transcriptome has been sequenced using next-generation sequence technology [38] and was obtained from the Chickpea Transcriptome Database (http://www.nipgr.res.in/ctdb.html). The downloaded nucleotide and protein sequences of each species were in turn used to build local databases using DNATOOLS software. Published Hsf protein sequences [34], [35], [39] were used to search the Pfam database [40], and an integrated and exactly conserved Hsf-type DBD domain sequence based on the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) was obtained. The Hsf domain (PF00447) in the Pfam HMM library was then used in BLASTP searches to identify Hsfs from the local databases. For the C. arietinum transcriptome, a TBLASTN search was performed, and the identified full-length cDNAs were translated in the correct frame. Only hits returning E-values of less than 0.001 were considered for further analysis. This step was crucial for finding as many similar sequences as possible. Moreover, on the basis of BLASTN search results in the genome databases using the predicted cDNA sequences of Hsf genes, information was obtained about the chromosome locations of these genes. Redundant sequences with different identification numbers and the same chromosome locus were eliminated from the data set. To confirm the presence of both Hsf-type DBD domain and HR-A/B regions in the sequences obtained, the predicted protein sequences of Hsf genes were analyzed in the Pfam HMM database and the SMART tool [41] to find the DBD domain, and proteins without these regions were excluded from the data set. Following this step, the remaining sequences were examined for the HR-A/B regions using the MARCOIL program [42] and the SMART tool, both of which can recognize the coiled-coil structure representing the core of the HR-A/B region; proteins without HR-A/B regions were removed from the data set.
In addition to the DBD and HR-A/B domains, many Hsfs also contain an NLS and an NES domain, and most plant class A Hsfs contain one or several AHA motifs. To identify the NLS domain in the Hsfs, the program PredictNLS [43] (from the website) was used. In addition, the NetNES 1.1 server [44] was used to detect the NES domain in all of the Hsfs. Moreover, since the highly conserved amino acid sequence of AHA motifs has been elaborated previously, and detailed investigations of these motifs have been reported [25], [26], [34], the AHA motifs could be predicted based on sequence comparisons and their characteristics. Information about the AHA motifs was further verified by alignments with published Hsf sequences.
Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis
Multiple sequence alignments using ClustalX (version 1.83) [45] were performed on the N-terminal domains of the Hsfs obtained, including the DBD domains, the HR-A/B regions and parts of the linker between these regions. The alignment was then adjusted manually by Jalview. A phylogenetic tree was constructed with the aligned protein sequences using MEGA (version 4.0) [46] using the NJ method with the following parameters: Poisson correction, pairwise deletion and bootstrap (1,000 replicates; random seed). The Hsf of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScHsf1), and the Hsfs of C. reinhardtii, S. moellendorffii and P. patens, were used as the outgroup. In order to analyze the classes and subgroups of the legume Hsf families, 25 maize Hsfs (ZmHsfs) [37], 25 rice Hsfs (OsHsfs) [35] and 21 Arabidopsis Hsfs (AtHsfs) [34] were included in the phylogenetic analysis by generating a NJ tree (Poisson correction, pairwise deletion and bootstrap = 1,000 replicates). To confirm the robustness of the NJ tree, we built the ML tree using maximum likelihood method (MEGA 6.0; bootstrap = 1,000 replicates, amino acid substitution model, Jones-Taylor-Thornton matrix).
Intraspecies microsynteny analysis
To categorize the expansion of the Hsf gene families, the physical locations of all members of this family were examined in L. japonicus, M. truncatula, G. max and C. cajan. Tandem duplication is characterized by multiple gene family members occurring within either the same or neighboring genomic regions. Tandem duplicated genes were defined as genes in any gene pair, T1 and T2, that (1) belong to the same gene family, (2) are located within 100 kb each other, and (3) are separated by zero, one or fewer, five or fewer, or 10 or fewer nonhomologous (not in the same gene family as T1 and T2) spacer genes [47]. A method similar to that of Maher et al. [48] and Zhang et al. [49] was implemented to identify large-scale duplication events. To classify two Hsf genes as residing within a duplicated block, their neighboring protein-coding genes must be highly similar at the amino acid level. First, all Hsf genes in each family were used as the original anchor points. Next, 15 protein-coding sequences upstream and downstream of each anchor point were compared by pairwise BLASTP analysis to identify duplicated genes between two independent regions. The software then counted the total number of protein-coding genes flanking any anchor point that had the best nonself match (E-value <10−10) with a protein-coding gene neighboring another anchor point. When four or more such gene pairs with syntenic relationships were detected, the two regions were considered to have originated from a large-scale duplication event.
Interspecies microsynteny analysis
The analysis of microsynteny across species was based on comparisons of the specific regions containing Hsf genes. Similarly, the Hsf genes of L. japonicus, M. truncatula, G. max and C. cajan were set as the anchor points according to their physical locations. The protein-coding sequences assigned to the flanking regions of each Hsf gene in one species were aligned with those in the other species by pairwise comparisons. A syntenic block is defined as the region in which three or more conserved homologs (BLASTP E-value <10−20) were located within a 100 kb region between genomes [50].
Duplication event dating and adaptive evolution analysis
The duplicated gene pairs within each duplicated block were used to calculate Ks and to analyze Ka/Ks ratios. Protein sequences of the gene pairs were aligned using MUSCLE [51], and the results were used to guide the codon alignments by PAL2NAL [52]. The generated codon alignments were subjected to computation of Ks and divergence levels (Ka/Ks ratios) using DnaSP software (version 5.10). A sliding window analysis of Ka/Ks ratios was performed with the following parameters: window size, 150 bp; step size, 9 bp.
When dating large-scale duplication events, Ks can be used as the proxy for time. For each pair of duplicated regions, the mean Ks of the flanking conserved genes were calculated, and these values were then translated into divergence time in millions of years assuming a rate of 6.1×10−9 substitutions per site per year. The divergence time (T) was calculated as T = Ks/(2×6.1×10−9) 10−6 Mya [53].
Codeml program is available under PAML (phylogenetic analysis maximum likelihood) V. 4.7 software [54]. To further assess whether positive selection acts upon specific sites, six site models that allow ω ratios (Ka/Ks ratios) to vary among sites, as implemented in the program Codeml, were used based on the coding sequences of Hsf genes [55]. These models are the one-ratio model (M0), the nearly neutral model (M1a), the positive-selection model (M2a), the discrete model (M3), the β model (M7) and the β & ω model (M8). The likelihood ratio tests (LRT) were performed to compare the corresponding models with and without selection (ie, M0 vs M3, M1a vs M2a, and M7 vs M8) [55]. M0–M3 comparison can be used to test whether ω values vary among sites. Both M1a–M2a and M7–M8 comparisons can be used to test positive selection acting on sites [55]. The Bayes empirical Bayes (BEB) were used in the M2a and M8 models to calculate the Bayesian posterior probability (BPP) of the codon sites under a positive selection [56].
Microarray data
The data for evaluating Hsf gene expression in various tissues of L. japonicus acquired with the Lotus 52 K Affy chip were obtained from the Lotus Transcript Profiling Resource [57]. The locus names of Hsf genes in the L. japonicus Genome Sequencing Project were used to query the corresponding probe set IDs in the GeneChip. The log transformed expression values for the retrieved probe sets were then used to perform cluster analysis by Cluster [58].
Plant material and stress treatments
L. japonicus plants (Miyakojima MG-20) were grown in a greenhouse at 25±2°C with a 14/10 h (light/dark) photoperiod. Four-week-old seedlings were prepared for abiotic stress treatments. For temperature treatments, the uniform-sized seedlings were transferred to the temperature-controlled growth chambers, which were maintained at 42±1°C for heat stress and at 4±1°C for cold stress. For oxidative stress, seedling leaves were sprayed with 10 mM H2O2 solution. After each treatment, the leaves of the seedlings were harvested at 0, 1 h and were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at −80°C pending the extraction of RNA.
Quantitative real-time PCR
Total RNA was extracted from the collected samples using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, USA), followed by Dnase I digestion to remove residual genomic DNA contamination. The quality and quantity of the total RNA was measured by electrophoresis on 1% (w/v) agarose gels and examined with a NanoDrop ND-1000 UV-Vis spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Inc.). For each sample, the first strand cDNA was reverse transcribed from 1 µg total RNA using the QuantiTect Rev. Transcription Kit (Qiagen, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Quantitative real-time PCR was conducted on an ABI PRISM 7300 real-time PCR system (Applied Biosystems, USA). All the gene-specific primer sequences for quantitative real-time PCR were designed by Primer Express Version 3.0 software (Applied Biosystems, USA) and are listed in Table S1. Each PCR reaction mixture contained 2.0 µL transcription product, 400 nM primers, and 12.5 µL 2×SYBR Green Master Mix Reagent (Applied Biosystems, USA) in a total volume of 25 µL. The thermal cycle used was as follows: 50°C for 2 min, 95°C for 10 min, 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s, and 60°C for 1 min. Melting curve analysis was then used to verify the identity of the amplicons and the specificity of the reaction. To normalize the variance among samples, β-tubulin was used as an endogenous control. The relative expression of each gene was calculated as the ΔΔCT value in comparison to unstressed samples (Applied Biosystems, USA). These experiments were independently replicated at least three times for each sample.
Hsf genes form a complex family in legume genomes
Papilionoids represent all major legume crops and model legume species. Most papilionoid species fall into one of two large clades, i.e., the temperate galegoid clade (cool season legumes) and the Millettioid clade (tropical season legumes). To determine the number of full-length Hsf proteins in the six legumes, BLAST and HMM searches were performed against the annotated genomes of L. japonicus, M. truncatula, G. max, C. cajan and P. vulgaris as well as transcriptome data for C. arietinum. A total of 11, 19 and 13 Hsfs were identified in the cool season legumes L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. arietinum, respectively, while 46, 22 and 29 Hsfs were identified in the tropical season legumes G. max, C. cajan and P. vulgaris, respectively (Table 1, Table S2). To obtain a broader perspective on the evolutionary history of the legume Hsf family, we also searched for Hsf genes in the single-celled green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii and the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens, which contain only two, one and seven Hsfs, respectively (Table 1, Table S2). Sequence alignment and domain analysis of the deduced Hsfs showed that the highly structured N-terminal DBD domain of each Hsf is the most conserved region, and the adjacent HR-A/B region, with a heptad pattern of hydrophobic amino acid residues, leads to the formation of a helical coiled-coil structure (Figure S1 and Figure S2; Table S3). These data indicate that the Hsf gene family has expanded in legumes relative to the basal plant taxa analyzed here, and to a greater extent in tropical season legumes than in cool season legumes.
Table 1. The number of Hsfs identified in the legume species and lower plants.
Class | LjHsf | MtHsf | CaHsf | GmHsf | CcHsf | PvHsf | SmHsf | PpHsf | CrHsf |
A | 9 | 12 | 8 | 26 | 14 | 17 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
B | 2 | 7 | 4 | 19 | 7 | 11 | 1 | 4 | 1 |
C | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 11 | 19 | 13 | 46 | 22 | 29 | 1 | 7 | 2 |
Lj = L. japonicus, Mt = M. truncatula, Ca = C. arietinum, Gm = G. max, Cc = C. cajan, Pv = P. vulgaris, Sm = S. moellendorffii, Pp = P. patens, Cr = C. reinhardtii.
Combining the six legume protein sequences, we constructed a phylogenetic tree using neighbor-joining analysis (Figure 1). The legume Hsfs were grouped into three major classes, A, B and C. Class A and B were further divided into nine (A1–9) and five (B1–5) subgroups with well-supported bootstrap values (Figure S3). Accordingly, previously defined classes and subgroups [22], [34] were identified from legume Hsfs (Figure S3).
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of 140L. japonicus, M. truncatula, C. arietinum, G. max, C. cajan and P. vulgaris.
This tree was constructed based on amino acid sequence comparison of the conserved N-terminal regions of Hsfs including the DNA-binding domain, the HR-A/B region and parts of the linker between them, using the neighbor-joining method with 1,000 bootstrap replicates. The Hsf of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScHsf1) and the Hsfs of C. reinhardtii, S. moellendorffii and P. patens were used as the outgroup. The colors indicate the species background of the Hsfs. The tree was divided into 18 shared clades (Clades 1–18) according to evolutionary distances. The bootstrap values of both neighbor-joining (NJ) tree (first number; 1000 replicates) and maximum likelihood (ML) tree (second number; 1000 replicates) were shown on the branches leading to each of the clades. The clades were supported by high bootstrap values in neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood analyses. Different subclasses of Hsfs are indicated in brackets. Gene names are presented in Table S2. The scale bar represents 0.1 amino acid changes per site.
Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis showed that the Hsf genes from the six legume species could be delineated into 18 well-supported ancient gene lineages (clades 1–18 in Figure 1), and strong amino acid sequence conservation was proven from the short branch lengths at the tips of the clades, indicating close evolutionary relationships among members. In each clade, branches with more than one Hsf gene from the same species are likely to have undergone gene duplication events, whereas the absence of representatives in some species is probably attributable to gene losses. In most cases, Hsf genes from tropical season legumes were more abundant than Hsf genes from cool season legumes. It is worth noting that in almost every clade, at least one extra copy of the Hsfs from G. max was present compared with that from the other species. On the other hand, in each clade, the members of different species may have evolved from a common ancestral gene by divergence of the lineage. Therefore, the 18 defined clades provide a framework for inferring parologs and orthologs of Hsfs. The phylogenetic relationships based on the ML tree were largely consistent with these results (Figure S4).
Genome duplication played an important role in the expansion of the Hsf family
To examine the relationship between the genetic divergences within each legume Hsf family and the corresponding expansion patterns, we further surveyed gene duplication events in the legume Hsf families (Figure 2; Table 2). P. vulgaris and C. arietinum were excluded from this analysis due to the lack of information about the locations of their Hsf genes. We characterized Hsf paralogs as being cluster or scattered. Chromosomal location analyses showed that the majority of Hsf genes are randomly scattered in the genomes, with tandemly clustered genes occurring in several places (Table S2). Legumes have experienced one or more polyploidy events. Thus, large-scale duplication events may have played an important role in the evolution of the legume Hsf families.
Figure 2. Idealized gene trees of the duplication groups of Hsf genes in G. max, L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. cajan.
Each tree represents a duplication group from large-scale gene duplication. As shown in the trees, every Hsf gene of G. max was expected to be present in four copies after two rounds of whole-genome duplication (early and recent). Similarly, the number of Hsf genes in L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. cajan will have doubled after the early-legume whole-genome duplication. The five duplicated gene pairs (LjHsf-06/LjHsf-11, GmHsf-09/GmHsf-34, GmHsf-18/GmHsf-24, GmHsf-18/GmHsf-46 and GmHsf-21/GmHsf-45) were classified in the flexible set. The question marks indicate possible gene loss events. The GmHsf-18/GmHsf-38 pair could be formed by a segmental duplication that predated the recent whole-genome duplication, and both the GmHsf-18 and GmHsf-38 lost homoeologs from the recent whole-genome duplication.
Table 2. Estimates of the dates for the large scale duplication events in legume species.
Duplicated Hsf gene pairs | Number of conserved flanking protein-coding genes | Ks (mean ± s.d.) | Date (mya) |
GmHsf-05 & GmHsf-26 | 14 | 0.12±0.02 | 9.84 |
GmHsf-25 & GmHsf-45 | 15 | 0.12±0.01 | 9.84 |
GmHsf-06 & GmHsf-33 | 16 | 0.13±0.01 | 10.66 |
GmHsf-13 & GmHsf-15 | 16 | 0.13±0.02 | 10.66 |
GmHsf-04 & GmHsf-27 | 14 | 0.14±0.02 | 11.48 |
GmHsf-01 & GmHsf-20 | 16 | 0.15±0.01 | 12.30 |
GmHsf-11 & GmHsf-16 | 15 | 0.15±0.02 | 12.30 |
GmHsf-24 & GmHsf-46 | 16 | 0.15±0.02 | 12.30 |
GmHsf-34 & GmHsf-42 | 12 | 0.16±0.02 | 13.11 |
GmHsf-32 & GmHsf-36 | 11 | 0.16±0.01 | 13.11 |
GmHsf-12 & GmHsf-17 | 14 | 0.16±0.01 | 13.11 |
GmHsf-23 & GmHsf-30 | 7 | 0.17±0.02 | 13.93 |
GmHsf-29 & GmHsf-39 | 16 | 0.17±0.03 | 13.93 |
GmHsf-03 & GmHsf-28 | 16 | 0.18±0.02 | 14.75 |
GmHsf-07 & GmHsf-43 | 6 | 0.18±0.03 | 14.75 |
GmHsf-09 & GmHsf-14 | 16 | 0.18±0.03 | 14.75 |
GmHsf-35 & GmHsf-41 | 7 | 0.18±0.06 | 14.75 |
GmHsf-18 & GmHsf-38 | 5 | 0.38±0.10 | 31.15 |
GmHsf-08 & GmHsf-23 | 4 | 0.57±0.02 | 46.72 |
GmHsf-10 & GmHsf-41 | 7 | 0.58±0.11 | 47.54 |
GmHsf-10 & GmHsf-35 | 6 | 0.59±0.10 | 48.36 |
GmHsf-09 & GmHsf-42 | 4 | 0.62±0.04 | 50.82 |
GmHsf-21 & GmHsf-25 | 5 | 0.62±0.08 | 50.82 |
GmHsf-08 & GmHsf-30 | 4 | 0.65±0.07 | 53.28 |
GmHsf-14 & GmHsf-34 | 4 | 0.65±0.06 | 53.28 |
GmHsf-22 & GmHsf-44 | 8 | 0.65±0.07 | 53.28 |
GmHsf-14 & GmHsf-42 | 5 | 0.66±0.04 | 54.10 |
GmHsf-24 & GmHsf-38 | 5 | 0.71±0.10 | 58.20 |
GmHsf-38 & GmHsf-46 | 6 | 0.72±0.10 | 59.02 |
GmHsf-12 & GmHsf-32 | 6 | 0.77±0.04 | 63.11 |
GmHsf-17 & GmHsf-32 | 6 | 0.77±0.06 | 63.11 |
GmHsf-12 & GmHsf-36 | 6 | 0.79±0.04 | 64.75 |
GmHsf-17 & GmHsf-36 | 6 | 0.80±0.06 | 65.57 |
GmHsf-28 & GmHsf-40 | 4 | 0.85±0.17 | 69.67 |
GmHsf-03 & GmHsf-40 | 4 | 0.91±0.12 | 74.59 |
MtHsf-11 & MtHsf-19 | 5 | 0.77±0.10 | 63.05 |
MtHsf-03 & MtHsf-16 | 5 | 0.80±0.03 | 65.66 |
CcHsf-10 & CcHsf-11 | 5 | 0.74±0.14 | 60.66 |
The Hsf gene pairs from flexible sets were not used for calculation.
To investigate this possibility, we searched for gene similarity in the Hsfs flanking regions. If four or more of the 15 up- and downstream genes flanking two Hsf genes achieved a best non-self match using BLASTP (E-value <10−10), we considered these gene pairs to be conserved and defined these two regions as derived from a large-scale duplication event. We also defined a flexible set as a set of genes in which the flanking regions of an Hsf pair contained two or three conserved genes to avoid the possibility that pairs of Hsf genes resided within more divergent blocks.
We identified three conserved genes flanking the pair LjHsf-06/LjHsf-11 in L. japonicus. Therefore, this pair is considered to have evolved from large-scale duplication, based on our flexible set. In C. cajan, one gene pair (CcHsf-10/CcHsf-11) was found to have involved large-scale duplication. However, it should be noted that approximately 45% of the Hsf family could not be assigned to any chromosome. In M. truncatula, genes flanking both pairs, MtHsf-03/MtHsf-16 and MtHsf-11/MtHsf-19, were found to be conserved. In addition, two gene pairs (MtHsf-04/MtHsf-05 and MtHsf-08/MtHsf-09) were located near each other on chromosomes 2 and 4, and thus most likely resulted from tandem duplication. Moreover, we found that the DNA sequences for MtHsf-08 and MtHsf-09, as well as their four flanking genes (within an approximately 40-kb region) were completely identical to each other. In G. max, no tandem duplication was identified, but 42 out of 46 Hsf genes (approximately 91.3%) were arranged into duplicated chromosomal regions. These 42 genes were classified into 16 duplication groups; each group had two to four members that had conservation between their flanking genes (Figure 2). In the duplication groups of G. max Hsfs, the relationships between four putative duplicated gene pairs (GmHsf-09/GmHsf-34, GmHsf-18/GmHsf-24, GmHsf-18/GmHsf-46 and GmHsf-21/GmHsf-45) were judged according to the flexible set.
Assuming that synonymous silent substitutions per site (Ks) occur at a constant rate over time, the conserved flanking protein-coding genes were used to estimate the dates of the large-scale duplication events [48]. In this analysis, the duplicated blocks (excluding the flexible set) were used to date duplication events. The mean Ks values for each duplication event, and the estimated date, are shown in Table 2. The duplicated regions of G. max were divided into two groups (except for GmHsf-18 and GmHsf-38) based on the Ks values of paralogs flanking the Hsf pair (Table 2). The Ks values distribution of each pair of genes in duplicated blocks is shown in Figure 3A. In one group, the paralogs flanking 17 Hsf pairs yielded a mean Ks value of 0.155 (the first peak in Figure 3A), corresponding to an event approximately 13 Mya. This estimate is consistent with the timing of a recent Glycine-lineage-specific tetraploidization event [8]. In the other group, the paralogs flanking 17 pairs had a mean Ks value of 0.701 (the second peak in Figure 3A), corresponding to an event roughly 57 Mya, concordant with the early-legume duplication that occurred near the origin of the papilionoid lineage [59]. For GmHsf-18 and GmHsf-38, the duplication event was estimated to have occurred approximately 31 Mya, which is between the two rounds of genome duplication. In addition, GmHsf-38 and GmHsf-24 or GmHsf-46 are all related via the ancient genome duplication, but the relationships between GmHsf-18 and GmHsf-24 or GmHsf-46 are uncertain. Therefore, GmHsf-18 may be the product of a segmental duplication of GmHsf-38. From these results, we conclude that two whole-genome duplications played a key role in the expansion of the G. max Hsf family.
Figure 3. Estimates of Ks and Ka/Ks ratios in pairwise comparisons.
(A) Distribution of synonymous distances (Ks) between paralogous genes flanking duplicated Hsf genes in G. max. The histogram shows the number of duplicate gene pairs (y-axis) versus synonymous distance between pairs (x-axis). The Ka/Ks ratios of the duplicated Hsf genes (B) and their flanking paralogs (C) in G. max are shown in the scatter plots; the y and x axes denote the Ka/Ks ratio and synonymous distance for each pair, respectively.
In the G. max Hsf duplicated network, when two duplicated genes from recent duplication could not be found simultaneously, we reasoned that a possible ancient gene loss event occurred. As shown in Figure 2, in the ancestor of G. max lineage, ancient genome duplication should have produced at least 32 Hsf genes. However, eight of these lines lacked both copies, which would have been obtained from recent genome duplication, suggesting that approximately 25% of the ancient duplicates were lost over millions of years. Moreover, taking ancient gene losses into account, the number of G. max Hsf genes derived from recent genome duplication should be 50. Among these, eight pairs lost one copy of the gene, indicating that only about 16% of recent duplicates were lost. On the contrary, in L. japonicas, M. truncatula and C. cajan, only a few Hsf-containing segments could be matched in duplicated pairs. What is the origin of the remaining Hsf genes in these species?
Massive losses of duplicated Hsf genes in L. japonicas and M. truncatula
To identify the evolutionary origins and orthologous relationships within the Hsf genes of legumes, Hsf family members were used as anchor genes to study the molecular history of the chromosomal regions in which they reside. Using a stepwise gene-by-gene reciprocal comparison of the regions hosting the Hsf genes, we observed strongly conserved microsynteny among these regions across L. japonicus, M. truncatula, G. max and C. cajan (Figure 4 and Figure S5). After this interspecies microsynteny analysis, we were able to assemble 78 out of 86 Hsf-containing genomic segments from these four species into 17 groups (Figure S5 A–Q). We propose that all of the segments within a group descended from a single Hsf-containing segment in the genome of the last common ancestor of the legumes, and thus, we refer to these groups as orthologous groups. All of the groups contain at least one cool season legume and one tropical season legume segment with an Hsf gene. A total of 79 Hsfs (11 from L. japonicus, 16 from M. truncatula, 40 from G. max and 12 from C. cajan) were present in the 17 orthologous groups of segments. A representative synteny diagram for three of these groups is shown in Figure 5. L. japonicas-M. truncatula-G. max-C. cajan microsynteny also allowed us to verify the 18 ancient gene lineages inferred from the phylogenetic analysis. These results demonstrate that there is a one-to-one correspondence between syntenic orthologous groups and ancient gene lineages, except for the ancient gene of clade 18 (class C Hsfs).
Figure 4. Extensive microsynteny of Hsf regions across L. japonicus, M. truncatula, G. max and C. cajan.
G. max chromosomes, labeled Gm, are indicated by red boxes. The L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. cajan chromosomes, shown in different colors, are labeled Lj, Mt and Cc, respectively. Numbers along each chromosome box indicate sequence lengths in megabases. The whole chromosomes of these four legumes, harboring Hsf regions, are shown in a circle. Black lines represent the syntenic relationships between Hsf regions.
Figure 5. Comparative maps of representative Hsf genes and their flanking genes within syntenic chromosomal intervals across selected legume species.
The relative positions of all flanking protein-coding genes were defined by the anchored Hsf genes, highlighted in red. The chromosome segments are shown as gray horizontal lines, with arrows corresponding to individual genes and their transcriptional orientations. All genes are numbered from left to right, in order, for each segment. Where several duplicated genes were present within a region, these genes were given the same number, with the letters a, b, c… appended in order. Conserved gene pairs among the segments are connected with lines. (A) The syntenic chromosomal intervals containing MtHsf-17, LjHsf-07, CcHsf-09, GmHsf-13 and GmHsf-15 across M. truncatula, L. japonicus, C. cajan and G. max. (B) The syntenic chromosomal intervals containing MtHsf-03, MtHsf-16, LjHsf-06, LjHsf-11, GmHsf-12, GmHsf-17, GmHsf-32 and GmHsf-36 across M. truncatula, L. japonicus, and G. max. (C) The syntenic chromosomal intervals containing MtHsf-12, GmHsf-01 and GmHsf-20 across M. truncatula and G. max. The full microsynteny maps of the regions containing Hsf genes within M. truncatula, L. japonicus, C. cajan and G. max are shown in Figure S5.
Each orthologous group of segments includes between four and 24 orthologous groups of genes (average of 11; including Hsfs) with representation in at least two species. These groups are shown connected by black lines in Figure 5 and Figure S5; most of these groups include genes that obtain ‘best hits’ in BLASTP searches of entire genomes across species. To estimate the extent of conserved gene content and order, synteny quality was counted for those genes falling into syntenic intervals in L. japonicus, M. truncatula, G. max and C. cajan. Synteny quality was calculated as twice the number of matches divided by the total number of genes in both segments; this process discounts gene amplification but counts conservation of genes between species [5]. The average synteny quality of regions orthologous across these four species was 61.32% (Table 3). The lowest synteny quality, 48.97%, was between M. truncatula and G. max syntenic regions. The G. max and C. cajan comparison exhibited the highest conservation, 70.91%. These results support the orthology of the segment groups used in this study.
Table 3. The synteny quality of regions orthologous across L. japonicus, M. truncatula, G. max and C. cajan.
L. japonicus | M. truncatula | G. max | C. cajan | |
L. japonicus | ||||
M. truncatula | 58.06% | |||
G. max | 68.00% | 48.97% | ||
C. cajan | 70.79% | 51.16% | 70.91% |
In each orthologous group, high levels of microsynteny were maintained between the members of three legume species (L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. cajan) and networks of duplicated regions in G. max, each anchored by the Hsf gene. Within an orthologous group, segments of different legume species are thought to have shared the ancient legume whole-genome duplication that occurred outside of the papilionoid lineage. In many groups, only one region of L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. cajan was comparable to homoeologous regions of G. max, suggesting that one member of the Hsf gene pair produced from ancient genome duplication was lost in their ancestral lineages. For example, the MtHsf-17/LjHsf-07/CcHsf-09 anchored regions showed microsynteny with two G. max duplicated regions containing GmHsf-13/GmHsf-15 (Figure 5A). In only a few groups, two duplicated regions of L. japonicus, M. truncatula or C. cajan were syntenic to the G. max duplicate regions. In one instance (Figure 5B), where the LjHsf-06/LjHsf-11 anchored regions were putative duplicated regions in L. japonicus, and the MtHsf-03/MtHsf-16 anchored regions were duplicated regions in M. truncatula, these four regions could be aligned with four duplicated regions in G. max that contained syntenic counterparts of Hsf genes (GmHsf-12/GmHsf-17/GmHsf-32/GmHsf-36). The four G. max segments arose from two rounds of whole-genome duplication. Moreover, the Hsf orthologs were usually found in the syntenic regions of the three legume species, and there were no counterparts in one species of L. japonicus, M. truncatula or C. cajan, indicating that two Hsf copies produced from ancient genome duplication were lost in its ancestral lineage. We also uncovered four cases in which the regions containing Hsf orthologs was syntenic between only two legume species. MtHsf-12 were conserved with those of G. max (GmHsf-01/GmHsf-20), while the orthologs of MtHsf-12/GmHsf-01/GmHsf-20 were missing in L. japonicus and C. cajan (Figure 5C).
Because the 17 orthologous groups of Hsf-containing segments indicate that there are at least 17 Hsf genes in this ancestor, after ancient whole-genome duplication, 34 Hsf genes should have been produced in their progenitor. In nine orthologous groups, only one Hsf-containing region of L. japonicus showed microsynteny with the regions of other legumes, and in seven groups, the syntenic intervals anchored by Hsf genes were missing in L. japonicus. This indicates that 23 out of 34 ancient duplicated genes (approximately 68%) were lost in the L. japonicas Hsf family. Moreover, there were 11 orthologous groups with the single orthologous region in M. truncatula and four groups without sharing microsynteny with Hsf anchored regions in M. truncatula. This suggests that 19 out of 34 ancient duplicated genes (approximately 56%) were lost in the M. truncatula Hsf family. In C. cajan, all 12 mapped Hsf genes were found to possess conserved microsynteny among the species investigated, and Hsf orthologs were found in nine groups located in the single syntenic region compared with other legume species, but 10 other Hsfs in this species could not be localized on the genome, and their regions were not used for comparison. Therefore, the number of duplicated Hsfs that remain in C. cajan is uncertain.
Strong purifying selection for Hsf genes in G. max
Almost the entire Hsf family of G. max has been expanded by two genome duplications. To better understand the evolutionary constraints acting on this gene family, we measured the Ka/Ks ratios for 35 unambiguous pairs of Hsf paralogs (not including paralogs from the flexible set) in the network of duplicated regions of G. max. The resulting pairwise comparison data showed that all the paralog pairs have Ka/Ks ratios <1 (Figure 3B), suggesting that the Hsf family has mainly undergone strong purifying selection, and the Hsf genes are slowly evolving at the protein level. Given the important role of the two rounds of whole-genome duplication in the evolution of the G. max Hsf family, the significance of changes in the strength of selection over evolutionary time was also stressed, and the Ka/Ks ratios were sorted into two sets on the basis of the Hsf paralogs that arose from either the recent or earlier whole-genome duplication. The average Ka/Ks ratio for the recent -duplicated Hsfs (0.30) was higher than that of the early-duplicated Hsfs (0.25), but there was no significant difference between these ratios (t-test, P>0.05). Moreover, the variance of the Ka/Ks ratios for the recent-duplicated Hsfs (0.013) was not significantly different from that of the early-duplicated Hsfs (0.006; F-test, P>0.05). This indicates that the younger and older proteins in the Hsf family are under similarly stable evolutionary constraints, which supports the notion that this family is essential for the regulation of cellular processes in G. max.
To assess the potential for selection on the regions surrounding Hsfs, pairwise Ka/Ks ratios were also calculated for the duplicated non-Hsf genes (flanking genes) between the duplicated regions containing Hsfs in G. max. Interestingly, all Ka/Ks values for 322 pairs of duplicated non-Hsf genes were lower than 1 (Figure 3C), clearly indicating that these genes are evolving under purifying selection. There was no significant difference in average Ka/Ks ratio between the recent-duplicated non-Hsf genes (0.29) and the early-duplicated non-Hsf genes (0.27; t-test, P>0.05). However, the variance of these ratios for the recent-duplicated non-Hsf genes (0.032) was significant greater than that for the early-duplicated ones (0.013; F-test, P<0.01). Duplicated non-Hsf genes have likely evolved in a more “dynamic” regime than that of the Hsf genes.
Since positive selection at a few individual codon sites can be masked by overall strong purifying selection, we performed a sliding-window analysis of Ka/Ks between each pair of Hsf paralogs, which were derived from gene duplication events in G. max. As expected from the basic Ka/Ks analysis, sliding window analysis clearly showed that numerous sites/regions are under moderate to strong negative selection (Figure S6). As shown in Figure 6, the conserved domains of Hsfs, such as the DBD domains, HR-A/B regions and NLS motifs, are mainly subjected to strong purifying selection, with Ka/Ks ratios <<1. Moreover, the domains of Hsfs generally had lower Ka/Ka ratios (valleys) than the regions outside of them (peaks), which is consistent with functional constraint being dominant in these domains. There were a few exceptions to the generally low Ka/Ka ratios in domains. For instance, the comparison between GmHsf-25 and GmHsf-45 revealed sites with Ka/Ka ratios >>1 in the DBD domain, indicating positive selection in this region.
Figure 6. Sliding window plots of representative duplicated Hsf genes in G. max.
As shown in the key, the gray blocks, from dark to light, indicate the positions of the DBD domain, HR-A/B region, NLS, NES and AHA motifs, respectively. The window size is 150 bp, and the step size is 9 bp. The data for all pairs of duplicated Hsf genes of soybean are shown in Figure S6.
To further identify possible positive selection acting at specific sites, six site models that allow ω ratios to vary among sites were used based on the coding sequences of G. max Hsf family. To detect whether some sites along particular Hsf classes were under positive selection, the hypothesis testing on the class A and B G. max Hsfs was also performed by site models. In G. max Hsf family, the discrete model M3 fit better than the one-ratio model M0, suggesting that ω ratios vary among sites (Table S4; LRT, P<0.01). Both M1a–M2a and M7–M8 comparisons suggested that the most codon sites were under a strong constraint and no reliable positive selection sites were detected in G. max Hsf family (Table S4; LRT, P<0.01). In class A and B G. max Hsfs, M3 model also appears to be a better fit to the data than the M0 model, and the models M2a and M8 were not significantly better than the null hypothesis models M1a and M7 (Table S4; LRT, P<0.01). Only one positively selected site, listed in Table S4, was detected based on posterior probability in class A Hsfs of G. max. The results showed that G. max Hsf genes were highly conserved and the majority of sites were dominated by purifying selection.
The expression patterns of Hsf genes in L. japonicus
In order to gain insight into the possible functions of Hsf genes, we comprehensively examined information about the expression of all L. japonicus Hsf genes using microarray data and quantitative real-time PCR analysis. We first analyzed the expression of L. japonicus Hsf genes in nodule, root, stem, leaf and flower from the microarray data (Figure 7). Out of 11 of these genes, the expression data for LjHsf-05 were not included in the database. The ten remaining genes were expressed in all the tissues investigated, but they exhibited differential patterns in terms of both specificity and expression level. According to their expression profiles, L. japonicus Hsf genes can be classified into four types. The transcripts of the first type (LjHsf-03 and LjHsf-11) were highly accumulated in both underground (nodule and root) and aerial (stem, leaf and flower) parts, but the expression level was higher in the underground parts (Figure 7A). In the second type, LjHsf-04 showed maximum expression in the root and LjHsf-06 had a similar pattern. However, LjHsf-06 was much more highly expressed than LjHsf-04 (Figure 7B). The genes of the third type (LjHsf-02 and LjHsf-10) were expressed preferentially in stem and flower, and LjHsf-02 showed higher expression than LjHsf-10 (Figure 7C). The fourth type has four members (LjHsf-01, LjHsf-07, LjHsf-08 and LjHsf-09), the genes predominantly expressed in leaves (Figure 7D). LjHsf-01 and LjHsf-09 were also expressed at higher levels in flowers than nodule, root and stem. Although the Hsf genes of the fourth type had similar expression pattern across a range of tissues, their transcript levels were quite diverse. LjHsf-07 was the most highly expressed gene and LjHsf-09 the lowest.
Figure 7. L. japonicus Hsf genes expression in various plant tissues.
The type of tissue (nodule, root, stem, leaf and flower) and the gene name are shown on the y-axis and x-axis, respectively. Hierarchical clustering based on average log signal values in various tissues grouped 10 of the L. japonicus Hsf genes into four types (A–D).
Quantitative real-time PCR analysis was then performed to evaluate the response of the L. japonicus Hsf gene family to abiotic stress. RNA was isolated from the leaves of 4-week-old L. japonicus seedlings subjected to heat, cold and H2O2 stress treatment and was used for the experiments. The results showed that a total of ten genes were significantly up- or down-regulated compared to controls (>2 or <0.5) in at least one of the stress conditions examined (Figure 8). Among these genes, most were responsive to more than one stress treatment. Two genes (LjHsf-04 and LjHsf-11) were significantly up-regulated by all three stresses. Three (LjHsf-01, LjHsf-02 and LjHsf-09) were expressed at remarkably high levels in response to both heat and H2O2 stress. LjHsf-08 was induced by heat stress but was suppressed by H2O2 stress. LjHsf-07 was significantly down-regulated upon exposure to heat and H2O2 stresses. A few genes were primarily responsive to one stress treatment. LjHsf-05 and LjHsf-10 responded specifically to heat stress, while LjHsf-06 was distinctively up-regulated under H2O2 stress. In contrast, LjHsf-03 showed minor fluctuations during all three stresses. It is worth noting that five genes (LjHsf-01, LjHsf-02, LjHsf-04, LjHsf-09 and LjHsf-10) were strongly heat-inducible in our experiments, suggesting that they could have important roles in the heat shock regulatory network.
Figure 8. Expression of L. japonicus Hsf genes in response to abiotic stress measured by quantitative real-time PCR.
The mRNA level of each gene in L. japonicus seedlings given heat (HS: 42°C), cold (4°C) and oxidative (OS: 10 mM H2O2) stress for 1 h was plotted relative to the value obtained for the unstressed contral. Error bars represent standard errors.
In this study, we identified 11, 19 and 13 Hsfs in the cool season legumes L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. arietinum, respectively, and 46, 22 and 29 Hsfs in the tropical season legumes G. max, C. cajan and P. vulgaris, respectively. Before reconstructing the gene gain/loss history of legume Hsf families, it is necessary to trace the Hsf genes in different legume genomes back to a common ancestor. Phylogenetic trees are quite informative for inferring the number of Hsfs in the most recent common ancestor of the six legume species analyzed in this study [60]. There are 18 well-supported clades representing legume Hsfs (Figure 1), although the representatives of one or two species are missing from some clades. These clades are perceived as shared, and the genes in a shared clade are assumed to be descendants of an ancestral Hsf gene. Therefore, there are at least 18 Hsf genes in the most recent common ancestor of legumes. A large fraction of variability in the clades suggests lineage-specific gene gain and loss. For instance, in almost every clade, Hsfs from G. max are present in at least an extra copy compared with the other species, and the extra copy is very close to its potential paralog. These results are consistent with the well-documented fact that G. max has undergone an additional WGD not shared with by the other three species [8]. However, there are not simply twice as many Hsf genes in G. max vs. the other legumes, which indicates that differential gene loss events may have occurred in different species. Furthermore, all of the clades were confirmed by the following interspecies microsynteny analysis (except for the shared clade representing class C Hsfs), indicating most duplicates of class C Hsfs have been lost in legumes. When we compared the number of ancestral genes with those in the extant legumes species, it appeared as though the Hsf family had contracted in most of the cool season legumes and expanded in the tropical season legumes. For example, compared with the number of ancestral genes, the number of Hsf genes was nearly halved in L. japonicus but increased approximately 2.5-fold in G. max. These results most likely reflect the complex evolutionary history of the Hsf family in legume species.
In G. max, most Hsf genes were assigned to the duplicated segments, and these segments could be divided into two groups based on Ks values. The members of one group were supported with an average Ks value of 0.701, which corresponds to the second peak in Figure 3A. In L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. cajan, a few Hsf-containing segments were matched in pairs. The Ks values for these pairs were included in Table 2, such as MtHsf-03/MtHsf-16 (0.80) and MtHsf-11/MtHsf-19 (0.77). All of these Ks values from G. max and other legumes probably represent the same polyploidy that occurred in all members of Papilionoideae subfamily approximately 59 Mya. Thus, the rate of synonymous substitution in M. truncatula appears to be greater than that in G. max. In a previous study of Rxp regions, higher rates of synonymous substitution were also detected in M. truncatula compared with G. max [61].
After the shared polyploidy event and following divergence from the other legumes, the lineage leading to present-day G. max is known to have undergone a second whole-genome duplication approximately 13 Mya; this duplication did not occur in L. japonicus, M. truncatula or other legume lineages. Two whole-genome duplications in the ancestor of G. max lead to the expectation of a maximum of four homoeologs in G. max genome [62], [63]. As illustrated in Figure 2, Hsf genes doubled twice in G. max and formed two pairs of paralogs, accordingly. In some cases, these four homoeologous Hsf regions were retained. For instance, GmHsf-12, GmHsf-17, GmHsf-32 and GmHsf-36 are located in four homoeologous regions, respectively. More conserved flanking protein-coding genes were identified between the two paralogous Hsf-containing segments derived from the recent duplication event than those from the ancient duplication (Table 2). This suggests that high levels of sequence conservation were maintained between recently duplicated regions in G. max, which is similar to previous observations [62], [64]. Furthermore, 17 pairs of Hsf genes of G. max generated by recent genome duplication were retained, while in eight pairs, one copy was lost (Figure 2). A higher, sharp peak was produced (the first peak in Figure 3A) when the number of gene pairs within these 17 pairs of recent duplicated regions was plotted against Ks values. These results indicate that many younger Hsf genes from recent genome duplications tended to be retained in G. max genome. By contrast, it has been demonstrated that massive gene losses occurred after tetraploidization in the maize ancestral lineage, and approximately 50% of the duplicated copies of genes have been removed or severely damaged over the past 12 million years [65], [66]. In Glycine, the large number of duplicate genes in homeologous regions indicates that the process of diploidization is a slow and ongoing process [67].
In light of the two above-mentioned rounds of genome duplication and the fact that genome duplication should double the number of genes, the G. max and other papilionoid legume genomes should show a 2∶1 relationship regarding the Hsf-containing regions. Each pair of G. max regions should have a corresponding orthologous region in L. japonicas, M. truncatula and C. cajan. In this study, by aligning Hsf-containing regions into paralogous pairs produced by ancient polyploidy, only one pair was detected in L. japonicas and C. cajan, with two pairs in M. truncatula. However, more than 90% of the chromosome regions hosting Hsf genes in G. max fell into pairs, triples or quadruples. Further analyses including estimates of the dates of duplications indicated that these duplicated regions arose from two polyploidy events in the Glycine lineage. A high degree of microsynteny between the genomes of the two model legumes has previously been found in a comparison of the genomic regions around the apyrase genes [68]. The analysis of microsynteny can help unravel the actual evolutionary relationships between Hsf regions among the legume species by taking advantage of the surrounding genomic sequences. When the Hsf-containing regions in L. japonicas, M. truncatula and C. cajan were compared to those in G. max, we found that significant synteny was maintained, although small insertions/deletions and inversions were observed between regions (Figure 4 and Figure S5). Almost all Hsf-containing regions in L. japonicas, M. truncatula and C. cajan showed close relationships with the orthologous duplicated regions in G. max. Syntenic regions are thought to share a common origin derived from ancient legume duplication. In most cases, a single region of L. japonicus, M. truncatula and C. cajan was syntenic to two or three duplicated regions in G. max, and in many cases, two paralogons appeared to be missing in L. japonicus or M. truncatula. This indicates that the duplicated copies of Hsf genes in these genomes have been removed or severely damaged after the genome duplications occurred. Approximately half of the Hsf genes of C. cajan were not included in the map-based analyses because these genes could not be localized to the genome owing to their unknown chromosome positions. These results may therefore not hold true for C. cajan.
One possible mechanism behind this phenomenon, that many Hsf genes produced by the ancient genome duplication have been lost in L. japonicus and M. truncatula, is diploidization following the early legume genome duplication. Previous studies have demonstrated that there was substantially less conservation within internal duplications in either M. truncatula or L. japonicus than in synteny blocks between the two genomes [5]. The fate of these duplicate genes is more likely to be under the control of natural selection (nonrandom loss) than for genes that are not dosage dependant [69].
Duplicated genes undergo a short period of shared “relaxed” selection during their early evolutionary lives, evolving in a neutral way. Following this selection, most paralogs are lost within a few million years, and only a few paralogs are preserved and undergo purifying selection [10], [53], [70]. Although many gene loss events were found to have occurred in legume Hsf families, two Hsf regions of L. japonicus (LjHsf-06/LjHsf-11) and the two Hsf regions of M. truncatula (MtHsf-03/MtHsf-16) were found to have conserved microsynteny to the four Hsf regions of G. max (GmHsf-12/GmHsf-17/GmHsf-32/GmHsf-36; Figure 5B). This suggests that these sets of Hsf genes may perform a basic, important role in legumes and have remained intact after genome duplications.
The observation that multiple copies of Hsf were retained in G. max is reasonable from an evolutionary perspective because Hsfs confer various abiotic and biotic resistance traits to plants [71]–[77]. The dosage of protein may have increased due to the presence of numerous Hsf genes, thereby leading to a corresponding increase in resistance. Previous studies have demonstrated the advantages of increased dosage of genes involved in plant resistance, for instance, resistance to glyphosate in plants [78]. Furthermore, strong purifying selection was detected between the paralogs produced from the recent genome duplication and the ancient duplication in G. max. Purifying selection probably plays a key role in maintaining the long-term stability of biological structures of G. max Hsfs by removing deleterious mutations, thus ensuring that gene functions are maintained as long as they are needed.
Moreover, G. max is a member of tropical season legumes; natural selection may have played a role in determining the number of duplicates within the Hsf gene family in the tropical season legumes, which are better adapted to more tropical climates. On the contrary, L. japonicus and M. truncatula are cool season legumes, and they may therefore require fewer Hsf genes. Thus, many copies of these genes may have been lost during the long-term evolutionary process.
Although the legume species differ in genome size, basic chromosome number and ploidy level, comparative genomics can be used for a bridging model with other legume species in view of their close phylogenetic relationships and extensive genome conversation [79]. L. japonicus was selected as a model system for gene function characterization because of its small genome size and improving knockout and over-expression techniques, and efforts were made to translate information gained from it into exploration to other legume species. L. japonicus maintained only 11 Hsf genes and this number is probably the lowest among the reported Hsf gene families of higher plants. In our study, the orthologs of the 11 Hsf genes were unambiguously defined in the other legumes through microsyntenic analysis. These directed our interest towards further understanding of the expression characteristics of these Hsf genes in different tissues and their responses to abiotic stresses. In several plants, Hsf gene expression has been found to be tissue- and stage-specific [80]–[82]. Our study revealed that none of the L. japonicus Hsf genes examined was expressed only in a particular tissue type, suggesting they play regulatory roles at multiple developmental stages; nevertheless, selected L. japonicus Hsf genes exhibited higher levels of expression in particular tissue types, indicating that members of this family might take part in different biological processes in this species. In particular, the member of class B and the member of class A showed similar expression patterns in tissues, e.g. LjHsf-02 and LjHsf-10 were expressed at a higher level in stem and flower than other tissues, supporting the assumption that they could co-operate with each other. In Arabidopsis and rice, the expression of Hsf genes was strongly induced by heat, cold, salt and osmotic stress [81], [83]. In our study, we also found that the Hsf genes of L. japonicus were responsive to diverse abiotic stresses, and heat induced their expression more strongly than oxidation and cold. LjHsf-01 of subclass A2, LjHsf-02 of subclass B2 and LjHsf-04 of subclass B1 were strongly and transiently up-regulated by heat shock. Among all Hsf genes in Arabidopsis, HsfA2 was most highly expressed under high temperature conditions and was identified as a key positive regulator of the heat stress response [84], [85]. Arabidopsis HsfB1 and HsfB2b repressed the general heat shock response in the absence of excessive heat but were necessary for the development of acquired thermotolerance under heat stress conditions [86]. It is noteworthy that many Hsf genes of L. japonicus induced by heat stress were also induced by oxidative stress, and LjHsf-04 and LjHsf-11 were induced by all three stresses tested. These findings could support the notion that Hsfs serve as important sensors for H2O2 in plants and could be pivotal in linking the heat shock response with other stress-responsive signaling networks [87]. The expression pattern described can provide a basis for identifying the roles of the retained members of the L. japonicus Hsf family, and would give clues for studying their syntenic counterparts in other legume species.
Supporting Information
DBD domain alignment of Hsf proteins from L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan , P. vulgaris and three lower plants.
HR-A/B region alignment of Hsf proteins from L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan , P. vulgaris and three lower plants.
NJ phylogeny of A. thaliana , O. sativa , Z. mays , L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan and P. vulgaris Hsf proteins.
ML phylogeny of L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan and P. vulgaris Hsf proteins.
The full syntenic maps of chromosome regions containing Hsf genes across L. japonicus , M. truncatula , G. max and C. cajan genes.
Sliding window analysis employed to estimate selective pressures on 35 pairs of duplicated Hsf genes in G. max .
Primers used in quantitative real-time PCR.
Information about Hsfs in L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan , P. vulgaris , S. moellendorffii , P. patens and C. reinhardtii .
Domain and motif survey of legume and three lower plant Hsfs.
Likelihood ratio tests and parameter estimations for the six site models based on the coding sequences of G. max Hsf genes.
We thank the members of the Key Lab of Crop Biology of Anhui Province and Dr. Xin Zhang for discussing and editing the manuscript. We are also grateful to Dr. Jia-Xing Yue (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University, Houston, USA) for helpful comments on the manuscript.
Funding Statement
This work was supported by grants from the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (Grant No. 201303001) and the Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects (Grant No. 2011ZX08003-002). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
DBD domain alignment of Hsf proteins from L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan , P. vulgaris and three lower plants.
HR-A/B region alignment of Hsf proteins from L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan , P. vulgaris and three lower plants.
NJ phylogeny of A. thaliana , O. sativa , Z. mays , L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan and P. vulgaris Hsf proteins.
ML phylogeny of L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan and P. vulgaris Hsf proteins.
The full syntenic maps of chromosome regions containing Hsf genes across L. japonicus , M. truncatula , G. max and C. cajan genes.
Sliding window analysis employed to estimate selective pressures on 35 pairs of duplicated Hsf genes in G. max .
Primers used in quantitative real-time PCR.
Information about Hsfs in L. japonicus , M. truncatula , C. arietinum , G. max , C. cajan , P. vulgaris , S. moellendorffii , P. patens and C. reinhardtii .
Domain and motif survey of legume and three lower plant Hsfs.
Likelihood ratio tests and parameter estimations for the six site models based on the coding sequences of G. max Hsf genes.