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Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety logoLink to Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety
. 2013 Apr;4(2):73–90. doi: 10.1177/2042098613477125

Systems that prevent unwanted represcription of drugs withdrawn because of adverse drug events: a systematic review

Carolien MJ van der Linden 1,, Paul AF Jansen 2, René JE Grouls 3, Rob J van Marum 4, Marianne AJW Verberne, Lieke MA Aussems 5, Toine CG Egberts 6, Erik HM Korsten 7
PMCID: PMC4110831  PMID: 25083253


Represcription of medication that was withdrawn after the occurrence of an adverse drug event (including allergy), is a recognized medication safety issue on a patient level. We performed a systematic review to identify systems (electronic and nonelectronic) that can prevent the represcription of drugs withdrawn because of an adverse drug event and the effects of these systems. The review was performed using PRISMA and Cochrane guidelines. PubMed and Embase were searched for articles describing systems that can prevent represcription of drugs that had been withdrawn for causing an adverse drug event. Information on the characteristics of the studies, systems, and if present results achieved with such systems, was extracted. The results showed that of 6793 articles screened, 137 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility. A total of 45 studies describing 33 systems (28 electronic) were included. The five nonelectronic systems used allergy bracelets or allergy labels on hospital medical records or on drug orders. Systems differed in the way adverse drug events were documented and how users were alerted to drug represcription. Most systems functioned within a specific healthcare setting. Of 12 studies that compared pre- and post-intervention periods or wards with and without intervention, 7 showed a reduction in represcription after adverse drug event. In conclusion, several systems have been developed that can prevent the represcription of drugs that elicited an adverse drug event, but the evidence that these systems are effective is limited.

Keywords: adverse drug event, allergy, computerized physician order entry, clinical decision support


While medications usually improve patients’ quality and/or duration of life, they can also cause considerable harm, especially if prescribing clinicians fail to take relevant patient characteristics, such as known allergies, into consideration [Kuperman et al. 2007]. In the Institute of Medicine’s report ‘To Err is Human’ from 1999, the death rate associated with medication errors was estimated at 7000 per year in the United States [Kohn et al. 1999]. A subsequent report published in 2006 estimated that in the United States between 380,000 and 450,000 preventable adverse drug events (ADEs) occur annually in a hospital setting, at a cost of US$3.5 billion [Aspden et al. 2006]. An ADE is defined as: ‘an injury resulting from medical intervention related to a drug’ [Bates et al. 1995]. In a previous study, our group showed that ADEs that occurred and were documented during hospitalization and which required withdrawal of the causative drug were poorly communicated to general practitioners (GPs) and not at all to pharmacists, and that only 22% of the ADEs mentioned in discharge letters were incorporated into GP patient files. The rate of represcription of medication withdrawn during hospitalization because of an ADE was 27% in the first 6 months after discharge [Van der Linden et al. 2006]. Poor documentation and communication probably contributed to this high rate of represcription. One condition, amongst others, that needs to be met to prevent prescription of medication to which patients earlier experienced an allergic reaction or another ADE, is that ADEs (including allergies) are well documented. In a study of 400 hospitalized patients, we found that the reasons for medication discontinuation were not reported in as many as 40% of the cases of medication discontinuation [Van der Linden et al. 2010]. Khalil and colleagues found in their study that details of allergy were accurately reported in only 3 of 521 patients (0.6%), and that written records of ADEs were ineffective because insufficient information was recorded or because handwriting was illegible [Khalil et al. 2011]. Information technology consisting of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) and clinical decision support (CDS) has the potential to address the problem of unwanted represcription of drugs earlier withdrawn because of an ADE. We performed a systematic review to identify systems (electronic and nonelectronic) that may prevent the represcription of drugs that caused ADEs at a patient level, and the effectiveness of these systems.


This review was performed using the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analysis [Moher et al. 2009] and the Cochrane guidelines (see where applicable.

Data sources and search strategy

Titles and abstracts in the PubMed and Embase databases were searched from inception to November 2011 using the terms ‘drug’ and ‘event’, ‘allergy’ or ‘hypersensitivity’ combined with ‘systems’, ‘surveillance’ or ‘alerts’, and synonyms. No limits were used in the searches. The search syntax used is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Search syntax in PubMed and Embase.

Study selection and eligibility

Duplicate articles were excluded and the title and abstract of remaining articles were screened by one reviewer (MV) and confirmed by another reviewer (CvdL) using the following exclusion criteria: (a) language other than English, German, French or Dutch; (b) animal studies or nonhuman studies; (c) study describing systems that do not function at the patient level; (d) study not concerning ADEs; (e) study describing a system not related to prevention of represcription; and (f) review articles. Criterion (c) means that the systems should be able to prevent prescription of a drug to a patient, when this drug was earlier withdrawn because of an ADE in this same patient. So, systems only enhancing reporting or documenting ADEs in a database were excluded. If the title and abstract were not sufficiently conclusive, full-text articles were retrieved. All relevant full-text articles were then screened by LA (confirmed by CvdL) using the same exclusion criteria. References of included articles were screened for relevant articles.

Data extraction

One reviewer (LA) extracted information on the characteristics of the study (design, setting, population and country) and of the systems studied (electronic or nonelectronic, custom-designed or commercial), which was confirmed by CvdL. We also retrieved information about how ADEs were documented (by whom, when, voluntary or obligatory, automatic detection present or absent), how users were alerted to potential represcription of a discontinued drug (trigger, receiver and possible actions after the alert) and to whom information on the ADEs was available. If present, data on results on represcription after the occurrence of an ADE were also extracted.

Data synthesis

Data were synthesized using narrative and tabular methods. As eligible studies were expected to differ substantially in terms of patient population, intervention and measurements methods, pooling of data was considered inappropriate. Results were judged as beneficial if a statistically significant (p < 0.05) decrease in represcriptions after ADE was reported.


A total of 9903 articles were identified in the initial search. After elimination of duplicate studies, 6793 articles were screened for exclusion criteria (see Figure 2), leaving 137 full-text articles that were assessed for eligibility. Of these 137 articles, 96 articles were excluded, mainly because these studies describe systems that do not prevent represcription of drugs withdrawn because of an ADE. A total of 41 articles were included; an additional 4 were included after screening of the reference lists of the included articles.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Search results with reasons for exclusion.

Characteristics of the studies

The characteristics of the studies are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies.

Characteristic Number (%) of studies
Year of publication
 Before 1990 4 (9%)
 1990–2000 12 (27%)
 After 2000 29 (64%)
Geographic location
 USA 29 (64%)
 UK 5 (11%)
 other in Europe 3 (7%)
 Canada 3 (7%)
 Asia 3 (7%)
Australia 1 (2%)
 Israel 1 (2%)
Study design
 Pre-/post-intervention 16 (36%)
 Descriptive 13 (29%)
 Retrospective 9 (20%)
 Interrupted time series 2 (4%)
 Cohort studies 2 (4%)
 Trend analysis 1 (2%)
 User interviews 1 (2%)
 Randomized controlled trial 1 (2%)
Age of studied population
 Not reported 30 (67%)
 Adults 12 (27%)
 Children 3 (7%)

Most studies (64%) were published after the year 2000. The studies concerning electronic systems were published between 1976 and 2011, those concerning nonelectronic systems between 1967 and 2007. Of the 45 studies, 16 had a pre-/post-intervention design, 13 were descriptive studies, 9 were retrospective studies, 2 were cohort-studies, 2 had a time-series design (interrupted or prospective), 1 was a trend analysis, 1 performed user interviews and 1 was a randomized controlled trial. Most studies were performed in the United States (n = 29, 64%), and the majority (n = 30, 67%) did not report patient age; 12 studies (27%) involved adults and 3 (7%) children.

Characteristics of the systems

The 45 articles described 33 different systems, 28 (85%) of which were electronic.

Commercially available or custom designed

Nine of the electronic systems (32%) were commercially available and 18 were custom designed; one study did not report whether a commercial or custom-designed system was used. Eight studies investigated the Brigham Integrated Computing System (BICS) and five the Health Evaluation through Logical Processing (HELP) system. The characteristics of the studies and systems are shown in Table 2 (electronic systems) and Table 3 (nonelectronic systems).

Table 2.

Characteristics of studies and systems: electronic.

System name Characteristics of the system
Characteristics of the study
On represcription after the occurrence of an ADE
C/H* Documentation of the ADE
Alert in case of represcription
Availability ADE information Country Design Setting Population
By whom When O/V^ Automatic detection** Trigger^^ Receiver # Action N = Baseline/intervention # # Mean age Gender
BICS (Brigham Integrated Computing System) H Physician At admission O
lab results, antidotes
Phy Stop order or override alert (+reason) Inside hospital USA 1: Retrospective record analysis
2-5: Descriptive
6: Trend analysis
7: Retrospective Time series
8: Pre-/post-intervention
720-Bed academic tertiary-care hospital, part of Partners HealthCare System 1: 1150 patients
2-6: NR
7: 10,070/14,352 orders
8: 2,491/4220 admissions
1: 56
2-7: NR
8: 52.5/53.2
1: 68
2-7: NR
8: 50.9/54.3
1-6: No results
7: 10 ‘known allergy errors’ in baseline period, 1 in intervention period, p < 0.0001
8: Rate of errors because of known allergies decreased 56% from 0.65 to 0.29/1000 patient days, p = 0.009
1: Hsieh et al. [2004]
2: Kuperman et al. [2003a]
3: Kuperman et al. [2003b]
4: Kuperman et al. [2001]
5: Kuperman et al. [1998]
6: Abookire et al. [2000]
7: Bates et al. [1999]
8: Bates et al. [1998]
HELP (Health Evaluation through Logical Programming) H Physician
Pharmacist Nurse
At time of ADE V
lab results, drug level in blood, antidotes, antihistamines, abrupt drug stops
Pha Pharmacist warns physician NR USA 9: Descriptive10-13: Prospective pre-/post- intervention 520-bed private tertiary care hospital 9: 13,727 patients, 88,505 orders
10: 120,213/107,868 patient-days
11: 25,142 patients
12: 25,142/21,963
13: 878 patients
NR 9-12: NR
13: 60
9: 112 alerts on drug allergies
10: During the first year of computerized surveillance in 13/56 (23%) of type B ADEs a previous allergy was documented. In the following 2 years none of the 8 ADEs was due to known allergy.
12: Out of 373 ADEs 56 were type B in the first year of computerized surveillance without alerts. In the next year (with computer alerts) 8 of 560 ADEs were type B. (15% versus 1.4%, p < 0.001)
11 and 13: No results
9: Hulse et al. [1976]
10: Evans et al. [1994]
11: Evans et al. [1992]
12: Evans et al. [1993]
13: Classen et al. [1992]
MGH’s (Massachusetts General Hospital) CPOE H Physician NR NR X A Phy Stop order or override alert (+reason) NR USA 2: Descriptive
3: Descriptive
General hospital, part of Partners HealthCare System NR NR NR No results 2: Kuperman et al. [2003a]
3: Kuperman et al. [2003b]
Longitudinal Medical Record H Physician, nurses and medical assistants NR V X A Phy Stop order or override alert NR USA 2: Descriptive
3: Descriptive
Outpatient practices, part of Partners HealthCare System NR NR NR No results 2. Kuperman et al. [2003a]
3. Kuperman et al. [2003b]
(Computerized Patient Record System) VA Puget Sound
H Physician Pharmacists
A Phy Stop order or override alert (only without reason in low-risk alert) NR USA 14: Prospective comparison 2001 and 2006
15: Descriptive
VA Puget Sound Health Care System (incl. a teaching hospital, primary
and tertiary care facilities, outpatient clinics and a nursing home)
14: 2001: 42,621 orders. 2006: 37,040 orders
15: NR
NR NR 14: In 2001 0.25% (105/42,621) generated an allergy alert, of which 72 (69%) were overridden. In 2006 420 of 37,040 (1.13%) orders generated an allergy alert. Of these, 341 (81.2%) were overridden.
15: No results
14: Lin et al. [2008]
15: Payne et al. [2000]
Pocketscript C Physician Member of the clinician’s
office staff
NR V X A Phy Stop or change order or override alert NR USA 16: Interview users
17:Retrospective analysis alerts
Small and medium- size group general practices 16: NR
17: 3,570,378 orders
NR NR 16: No results
17: Allergy alerts accounted for 1.7% of all alerts (3874/233,537). 23% of allergy alerts were accepted.
16: Weingart et al. [2009]
17: Isaac et al. [2009]
Sunrise Clinical Manager C Physician
Pharmacist (via an pharmacist system that is linked)
Before prescription O X A Phy Stop order or override alert (+reason) 18: Within healthcare facilities
19: NR
18: USA
19: Canada
18: Descriptive
19: Retrospective cohort, pre-/post-intervention
18: Tertiary care academic healthcare facility (incl. 3 hospitals, 40 health care centres, 120 outpatient clinics, university, nursing school)
19: Paediatric hospital, 2 wards
18: NR
19: 6674/5786 patients
18: NR
19: 5.5/6.0
18: NR
19: 45/47
No results 18: Chaffee and Zimmerman [2010]
19: King et al. [2003]
MOXXI (Medical Office for the Twenty First Century) C Physician Moment of discontinuing medication NR X A Phy Pha Stop or change order or override alert (+ reason) Within setting Canada Cluster randomized controlled trial General practices 3449 patients 67 61 No results 20: Tamblyn et al. [2008]
PowerChart, linked to Millennium Pharmnet C Physician
Other staff
At admission V X A Phy
Stop order or override alert (with override reasons for physicians) NR USA Retrospective Academic hospital 49,887 orders 66 65 Allergy alerts were triggered for 643/49,887 (1.3%) prescriptions, of which 625 (97%) were overridden. 21: Hunteman et al. [2009]
ADE surveillance system H Physician
At admission O X A
Phy NR The patient receives an allergy card to prevent represcription outside the hospital. Korea Pre-/post-intervention Hospital 20,564/55,432 admissions 51/53 47.5/48 Occurrence rate of re-administration of the agent previously suspected as culprit drug, decreased from 15% to 1%. 22: Park et al. [2008]
Centricity Critical Care Clinisoft, GE Healthcare Europe C NR NR V X A Phy NR NR Belgium Prospective controlled cross-sectional trial 22-Bed intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospitals 90 patients 2510 orders 54/61.5 NR 1 med. error by known allergy on the computerized unit versus 0 on the paper based unit 23: Colpaert et al. [2006]
Online Medical Record (OMR) H Physician Pharmacist
NR V X A Phy Stop order or override alert Database is linked to inpatient,
ambulatory and home care settings.
USA Retrospective 5 Primary care practices and a teaching hospital GPs: 24,034 orders NR 70 352/24,034 (1.5%) of GP orders generated allergy alerts, of which 91.2% were overridden 24: Weingart et al. [2003]
Clinical Event Manager (Sunquest) C Pharmacist At admission V X A
Warn physician Information is sent to the pharmacy, laboratory, radiology within healthcare system USA Descriptive Large healthcare system (incl. hospitals and ambulant settings) NR NR NR No results 25: Young [2001]
Siemens Medical Solutions linked to Pharmacy
Clinical Workstation
C NR NR NR X A Phy Pha Stop order or override alert Inside hospital USA Pre-post intervention Two hospitals 1.452,346/1.390,789 medication orders NR NR 833 pre- versus 109 post-implementation prescriptions of medication to which the patient has a known allergy. OR 0.14 (0.11–0.17), p < 0.001 26: Mahoney et al. [2007]
CPOE system Mayo Clinic H NR NR NR X A Pha NR NR USA Retrospective Outpatient setting of an academic centre 4527 orders NR NR No results 27: Varkey et al. [2007]
MUPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-programming System) H Pharmacist (asked by nurse) At admission O X A
Pha Send printed advisory report to physician Inside hospital USA Pilot, descriptive Inpatient setting of an academic centre NR NR NR No results 28: Tatro et al. [1979]
EADES (electronic ADE management system) NR All medical staff (reviewed by pharmacist) NR V X A
NR NR Inside hospital Taiwan Pre-post intervention Academic hospital 108/394 ADE reports NR 44/50 No results 29: Yen et al. [2010]
Medicator + Theriak C + H NR NR NR X A Phy Stop order or override alert Inside hospital The Netherlands Interrupted time-series design Two wards in an academic hospital and two wards in another hospital; Internal med, Geriatrics
592/603 admissions
7286/7058 orders
65.5/65.1 54.7/56.6 No results 30: Van Doormaal et al. [2009]
System by the ministry of health H Physician NR V X No alert
NR NR Government hospitals are linked to a central allergy database Singapore Descriptive Nationwide system NR NR NR No results 31: Tan and Lee [1990]
EP system (JAC Computer Services Ltd) C Physician Mandatory field on the prescription O X A Phy Stop order or override alert (reason optional) Systems of the pharmacy and the hospital are linked UK 32. Retrospective
33. Pre-/post-intervention
32. Tertiary care paediatric hospital
33. Renal outpatient clinic
32. 26,836 orders
33. 451/176 patients, 1142 orders
32. NR 33. 8.8/8.9 32. NR
33. 40.2/35.6
32. 71/16,182 (4.4%) of alerts were allergy alerts, of which 45 (63.4%) were overridden.
33. No results
32: Jani et al. [2011]
33: Jani et al. [2008]
HELP+ antibiotics management program H Physician
Pharmacist Nurse
At time of ADE V X A
Phy Stop order or override alert NR USA Prospective study, pre-/post-intervention (anti-infectives) 26-Bed paediatric intensive care unit in an academic hospital 809/949 patients 6.2/5.3 41.5/
Each group 12 ADEs, with 1 being preventable secondary to known allergy 34: Mullet et al. [2001]
Computerized anti-infectives management program H NR NR NR X A Phy Stop order or override alert (+reason) Program linked to the computer-based
Patient records at hospital
USA Prospective, pre-/post- intervention (anti-infectives) 12-Bed intensive care unit in a teaching hospital 1136/545
Patients . 942 orders in intervention period
47/48 41/41 146 pre- and 35 post-implementation orders of medications to which patients had reported allergies p < 0.01 35: Evans et al. [1998]
Pharmacy information system Duke Hospital H Physician
Pha NR Inside hospital USA Descriptive University medical centre NR NR NR No results 36: Mackowiak and Hayward [1998]
Unknown H Physician NR NR X A Pha NR Online system between hospital, pharmacy and general practices USA Descriptive Hospital (68 beds), GPs. pharmacists NR NR NR No results 37: Johnston and Mole [1980]
Unknown H Physician At admission O X A Phy Stop order or override alert (not possible if alert is high risk) Inside hospital UK Retrospective Nephrology ward of a teaching hospital 1646 patients, 87,789 orders 54.4 41.8 37 prescriptions disallowed because of known allergy 38: Nightingale et al. [2000]
Unknown H NR At admission O X A
Phy NR Inside hospital Israel Cohort study
(Handwritten and computerized drug order entry)
2 Internal medicine wards of an academic hospital 641/709 patients 70.7/70.8 NR Drug-allergy prescription errors were similar in handwritten and computerized department: 0.02 errors per patient. 39: Oliven et al. [2005]
Unknown H Physician
Phy NR Inside hospital Germany Cohort study, retrospective University hospital 200 patients 59 52.5 20% of patients with ICD-10 coded allergy documentation versus 21.6% of patients with manual allergy documentation were prescribed the same culprit drug (p = 1.0) 40: Benkhaial et al. [2009]

Numbers mentioned in columns refer to the study references (listed in the right-most column).

NR, not reported.


C, commercial; H, custom designed.


√, present; X, absent.


V, voluntary; O, obligatory.


A, allergy; CA, cross-allergy; ADE, adverse drug event; RA, reverse allergy checking.


Phy, physician; Pha, pharmacist; N, nurse.


if more than one intervention period: data are from last intervention period.

Table 3.

Characteristics of studies and systems: nonelectronic.

System method Characteristics of the system
Characteristics of the study
On represcription after the occurrence of an ADE
Documentation of ADE
Availability ADE information Country Design Setting Population
By whom When How O/V^ N = Baseline/intervention Mean age Gender
Allergy bracelets and allergy field on drug order Pharmacy (gets information from physician and nurse) At admission A red bracelet for people with an allergy: patient name and medicine on it.
Introduction of an allergy field on each drug order
O Inside hospital Canada Pre-post intervention General hospital NR NR NR No results Liguori [1967]
ADE labels Physician
During admission ADE labels on the cover of medical records or drug charts V Inside hospital Australia Retrospective Hospital 587 records reviewed NR NR In 31 (20%) of identified ADRs patients were represcribed the culprit medicine despite a ADR label. Dartnell et al. [1994]
Interview by pharmacist Pharmacist Within 24 hours after admission After an interview by the pharmacist a note was made in the medical record and the allergy label on front was corrected O Inside hospital USA Descriptive 14 Wards and one outpatient clinic of a hospital 195 patients NR Range 17-87 64 No results Pilzer et al. [1996]
Bracelets and allergy box on drug charts Nurse (bracelets)
Pharmacist (allergy box)
At admission White identification bracelets for every patient and red bracelets for allergic patients.
Red allergy box on front of drug chart.
O Inside hospital UK Two cross-sectional studies, pre-post intervention 436-Bed general hospital 186/250 patients 66.8/68.7 62.9/54 No results Ismail et al. [2008]
Allergy information on drug charts and note in medical record Physician Before prescription Allergy information on drug charts and note in medical record O Inside hospital UK Descriptive 2 Oncology wards of a university hospital NR NR NR No results Mawby [2006]

ADE, adverse drug event; NR, not reported.


V, voluntary; O, obligatory.


Most systems (21/33 = 64%) were used in an inpatient hospital setting. Five systems were used in general practice or outpatients outpatient departments, six systems were used in combined inpatient and outpatient settings and one was used nationwide in Singapore [Tan and Lee, 1990].

Documentation of ADEs

The systems differed in how ADEs were documented and how possible represcription of a withdrawn drug was signalled. Eight of 28 electronic systems used automatic detection of ADEs, mostly on the basis of laboratory results and antidotes being ordered.

In most cases, doctors or pharmacists recorded ADEs. A total of 11 of 33 systems recorded known ADEs at admission, and 6 recorded ADEs when the event occurred, when drugs were discontinued or when drugs were ordered. Studies on 12 systems did not mention the timing of ADE registration. The documentation of ADEs was obligatory in 12 systems, such that access to the electronic medication record was blocked until the patients’ ADE history was reported [Park et al. 2008].

Availability of information on ADEs

The information on documented ADEs was mostly available within one healthcare setting (11 systems). Six systems shared this information with different healthcare settings, one system offered an allergy card to the patient [Park et al. 2008] and in one system the information on ADEs was registered in a central allergy database [Tan and Lee, 1990]. Nine systems did not describe to whom the information on ADEs was made available.

Alerts in case of represcription

In all systems a documented allergy triggered the alert in case of represcription. In seven systems, also a cross-allergy triggered an alert and in five systems other ADEs triggered an alert. Two systems incorporated a reverse allergy check: the current medication list was checked when a new allergy was reported. In the case of represcription after the occurrence of an ADE, 16 systems alerted the physician, 6 systems alerted the pharmacist and 4 systems alerted both physician and pharmacist. In 16 systems, the receiver of the alert could stop the medication order or override the alert (7 with mandatory reporting of the reason to override, 9 without or optional reporting of the reason to override).

The five nonelectronic systems used allergy bracelets or allergy labels on hospital medical records or on drug orders and, as such, information about ADEs was available in the hospital setting.

Results on prevention of represcription after the occurrence of an ADE

A total of 19 studies (one involving a nonelectronic system) investigated the effect of these systems for preventing drug represcription after an ADE, with two studies reporting results using BICS [Bates et al. 1998, 1999] and two studies reporting results using the HELP system [Evans et al. 1993, 1994]. Seven of these studies were retrospective or descriptive studies and did not present results for comparisons of pre- and post-intervention period or wards with and without intervention. In these studies, the frequency of allergy alerts ranged from 1.35% to 4.4% of drug orders, and override rates ranged from 44% to 97%. In the study by Dartnell and colleagues in which adverse drug reaction labels were attached to the cover of medical records, the culprit medicine was represcribed in 20% of identified ADEs [Dartnell et al. 1994].

A total of 12 of the 19 studies reported pre- and post-intervention comparisons or compared wards with and without intervention implementation: 7 studies reported that intervention was beneficial and 5 reported that it was not beneficial. None of the studies reported harmful results. The seven studies that reported beneficial results concerned five systems. These systems had no striking shared characteristics.

In a study of the BICS used in a large tertiary care hospital the rate of medication errors in case of known allergy was reduced from 0.65 to 0.29 per 1000 patient-days after introduction of the BICS (p = 0.009) [Bates et al. 1998]. A study of the HELP system used in a 530-bed private tertiary care hospital investigated type B ADEs (aberrant effects that are not to be expected from the known pharmacological actions of a drug when given in the usual therapeutic dose; type A effects are predictable and dose dependent) [Rawlins, 1981]. In this study by Evans and colleagues, a previous allergy was documented in 23% of 56 type B ADEs during the first year of computerized surveillance without alerts [Evans et al. 1994]. In the following 2 years with computerized surveillance with alerts, none of the eight type B ADEs was due to a known allergy. The study by Park and colleagues, involved a ADE surveillance system in which reporting patients’ ADE history was mandatory at admission [Park et al. 2008]. The rate of ADEs caused by re-administration of the suspected culprit drug decreased from 15% (8/54 events) to 1% (1/100 events) after introduction of the surveillance system. After implementation of integrated clinical information technology for CPOE in two hospitals, there were 109 prescriptions of medications to which the patient had a known allergy, compared with 833 such prescriptions before implementation of the system (odds ratio 0.14, 95% confidence interval 0.11–0.17, p < 0.001) [Mahoney et al. 2007].

Results of the studies on prevention of represcription after ADE are shown in Table 2 (electronic systems) and Table 3 (nonelectronic systems).


We identified 45 articles that described 33 systems that can prevent the represcription of drugs that were withdrawn because they caused an ADE. Five of these systems were nonelectronic and 28 electronic. The nonelectronic systems used allergy bracelets or allergy labels on hospital medical records or on drug orders. The systems differed in the way ADEs were documented (when, by whom, obligatory or voluntary) and in the alerts that occurred if drugs were represcribed after an ADE. The represcription alerts were mostly triggered by allergies and cross-allergies only and not by other ADEs. In 11 systems the information on ADEs was available in one setting only, in 6 systems the information on ADEs was shared with different healthcare settings. None of the studies on nonelectronic studies showed results comparing pre- and post-intervention. Twelve of the studies on electronic systems reported pre- and post-intervention comparisons or compared wards with and without intervention implementation, with seven studies reporting beneficial results. These studies differed substantially in terms of patient population, intervention and measurements methods, which made it difficult to compare results of the studies. Only nine studies were primarily designed to measure results on prevention of represcription after the occurrence of an ADE.

Preventable ADEs, of which known allergic reactions represent an important fraction, frequently occur. In a study of inpatient medication errors, 8% of errors were preventable because it was known at the time of prescription that the patient was allergic to the medication being ordered [Leape et al. 1995]. In a comparable study involving outpatients, 13% of ADEs were caused by patient receiving medications to which they had a known allergy [Gandhi et al. 2000]. One study [Kuperman et al. 2003a] even recommended the development of a computer system that can prevent reactions due to known allergies. The current study reviewed systems that can help to prevent the represcription of drugs withdrawn because they caused an ADE.

Differences in the terminology used to describe the various systems made it difficult to search the literature. Furthermore, many of the studies retrieved investigated surveillance systems from a much broader objective than only prevention of represcription of withdrawn drugs, for example the effect of a CPOE system on medication errors in general. It was not possible to fully follow PRISMA and Cochrane guidelines because of the strong heterogeneity of the studies for example in design and outcome measures. More studies involved electronic systems. There might be a reporting bias in two ways: more recently, more attention has been paid to the described problem and more recent studies focus on electronic systems. A limitation of the current study is the fact that bias was not assessed in all studies.

To prevent represcription of drugs withdrawn because of an ADE at a patient level we suggest to improve quality of documentation of ADEs, preferably including causality assessment, which necessitates cooperation between physicians and pharmacists. Underreporting of ADEs is a known risk and we suggest that the effect of compulsory documentation and timing is researched, with a view to minimizing underreporting. Automatic detection of ADEs on the basis of laboratory results or antidotes orders might also be of help to prevent underreporting. As most systems only document and flag allergies, but not other types of ADEs, it is important to report all ADEs in patient files. Only two systems allowed reverse allergy checking which would seem a logical step optimize medication safety. Future systems should function in more than one setting and make information on ADEs and alerts available to all relevant healthcare professionals (GP, pharmacist, specialist) and the patient. Another concern is the high rate of alert override rates in the case of allergy. Reasons to override mentioned by physicians in the selected studies are for example: ‘patient previously tolerated medication’ and ‘benefit outweighed the risk’. [Hunteman et al. 2009]. Van der Sijs and colleagues concluded in their review of drug safety order check studies that insufficient sensitivity and specificity of order checks results in high override rates [Van der Sijs et al. 2006]. We think the reasons to override an alert should be documented, so that pharmacotherapeutic choices can be evaluated retrospectively. Alerts should be given in a selective and effective way, preventing alert fatigue and overriding.


Multiple systems, mostly electronic combining CPOE with DSS, have been developed to prevent the represcription of drugs withdrawn because of an ADE, but there is limited evidence that these systems are effective. Future systems should optimize the quality and frequency of ADE documentation, the availability of such information to all relevant healthcare providers, and the flagging of represcription of drugs withdrawn because they caused an ADE. Future research will have to show the value of these systems to patient care.


C.M.J. van der Linden was financially supported by Catharina Hospital’s Science Fund. The Catharina Hospital’s Science Fund had no role in any of the following: design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the manuscript.


Conflict of interest statement: All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest, including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations relevant to the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript.

Contributor Information

Carolien M.J. van der Linden, Catharina Hospital, PO Box 1350, 5602 ZA, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Paul A.F. Jansen, Department of Geriatrics, University Medical Centre Utrecht, and EPHOR Expertise Centre Pharmacotherapy in Old Persons, the Netherlands

René J.E. Grouls, Catharina Hospital Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Rob J. van Marum, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

Lieke M.A. Aussems, Medical Student, Maastricht University, the Netherlands

Toine C.G. Egberts, Hospital Pharmacist, University Medical Centre Utrecht and Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences Utrecht, the Netherlands

Erik H.M. Korsten, Anesthesiologist, Catharina Hospital Eindhoven and Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands


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