Figure 6.
Phylogenetic relationships between SIVmus-09Gab-OI81 and SIVmus-11Gab-Pts02 with other representative SIV lineages infecting arboreal cercopithecus along the full-length genome. Phylogenetic analyses were done according to the bootscan analyses (Figure 5). We defined eight fragments (A to H) for SIVmus-09Gab-OI81 and seven fragments (A–C, d, F–H) for SIVmus-11Gab-Pts02. Phylogenies were inferred using both Bayesian (run for 1,000,000 generations) and Maximum Likelihood methods implemented in Mr Bayes and PhyML, respectively, under the GTR + Γ4 + I model of evolution. Stars and crosses at nodes represent posterior probability (≥90%) and bootstrap (≥70%) values, respectively. Scale bars indicate substitution per site. The new SIVmus strains are highlighted in red.