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. 2014 Jul 31;9(7):e105177. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105177

Correction: Genetic and Metabolomic Dissection of the Ergothioneine and Selenoneine Biosynthetic Pathway in the Fission Yeast, S. pombe, and Construction of an Overproduction System

The PLOS ONE Staff
PMCID: PMC4117592

There are formatting errors in Tables 1, 3, and 4 of the published article. The correct tables can be viewed here.

Table 1. Normalized peak areas of the four compounds composing the EGT biosynthetic pathway obtained by metabolomic analysis of WT and newly constructed strains. Values were measured from metabolome samples of three different S. pombe strains in three different cultivation conditions, as indicated. Mass values (m/z) and LC retention times (min) of each peak are included for reference.

Strain Cultivation condition Histidine, 156.077 m/z @12.4 min Trimethyl histidine (hercynine), 198.124 m/z @10.3 min Hercynylcysteine sulfoxide, 333.123 m/z @12.2 min Ergothioneine, 230.096 m/z @12.6 min
WT 972 EMM2 14.4 1.7 0 0.1
WT 972 EMM2-N (24 h) 2.2 3.2 2.2 13.7
WT 972 EMM2-LG (24 h) 55.4 65.9 3.5 6.7
Δegt1 EMM2 10.7 0.3 0 0
Δegt1 EMM2-N (24 h) 2.8 0.1 0 0
Δegt1 EMM2-LG (24 h) 54.1 0 0 0
Δegt2 EMM2 11.4 0.9 3.9 0
Δegt2 EMM2-N (24 h) 1.9 1.8 58.2 3.1
Δegt2 EMM2-LG (24 h) 61.1 64.7 44.1 1.6

Table 3. Absolute intracellular EGT concentrations (µM) in S. pombe cells. Intracellular concentrations were derived from measured normalized peak areas using a calibration curve generated by injections of pure EGT in 10-fold dilution steps. The detailed calculation method is described in Figure S6.

Cell condition Culture medium Intracellular EGT (µM)
WT vegetative EMM2 0.3
WT nitrogen starvation EMM2-N (24 h) 157.4
WT glucose starvation EMM2-LG (24 h) 41.6
P81nmt1-egt1+ EMM2 32.4
P41nmt1-egt1+ EMM2 181.2
P3nmt1-egt1+ EMM2 1606.3

Table 4. S. pombe strains used in this manuscript. Strains from the Bioneer haploid deletion mutant collection [24] were backcrossed with WT 972 to remove auxotrophic markers.

Strain name Genotype Source
972 h- (WT) Leupold (1950) [52]
975 h+ (WT) Leupold (1950) [52]
KS1366 h- Δsty1::ura4+ ura4-D18 Shiozaki and Russell (1995) [53]
TP1701 h- Δnfs1::kanMX4 Bioneer collection [24]
TP1704 h- ΔSPBC660.12c::kanMX4 Bioneer collection [24]
TP1705 h- ΔSPAC11D3.10::kanMX4 Bioneer collection [24]
TP1706 h+ ΔSPCC777.03c::kanMX4 Bioneer collection [24]
TP1707 h- ΔSPAC11D3.10::hphMX6 Marker switch of TP1705 to hphMX6
TP1732 h- ΔSPBC660.12c::natMX6 Marker switch of TP1704 to natMX6
TP1733 h+ ΔSPBC660.12c::natMX6 TP1732 crossed with WT 975
TP1736 h- ΔSPBC660.12c::natMX6 Δnfs1::kanMX4 TP1701 crossed with TP1733
TP1737 h- ΔSPBC660.12c::natMX6 ΔSPCC777.03c::kanMX4 TP1706 crossed with TP1732
TP1739 h+ ΔSPBC660.12c::natMX6 ΔSPAC11D3.10::hphMX6 TP1707 crossed with TP1733
TP1740 h- ΔSPCC777.03c::kanMX4 ΔSPAC11D3.10::hphMX6 TP1706 crossed with TP1707
TP1743 h- ΔSPBC660.12c::natMX6 ΔSPAC11D3.10::hphMX6 ΔSPCC777.03c::kanMX4 TP1739 crossed with TP1740
TP1770 h- Δegt1::kanMX6 Constructed as part of this study
TP1771 h- Δegt2::kanMX6 Constructed as part of this study
TP1857 h- egt1::P81nmt1-egt1+ Constructed as part of this study
TP1855 h- egt1::P41nmt1-egt1+ Constructed as part of this study
TP1803 h- egt1::P3nmt1-egt1+ Constructed as part of this study
TP1813 h- Δegt2::hphMX6 Marker switch of TP1771 to hphMX6
TP1814 h+ Δegt2::hphMX6 TP1813 crossed with WT 975
TP1879 h- egt1::P3nmt1-egt1+ Δegt2::hphMX6 TP1803 crossed with TP1814


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