Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the leading cause of food-borne illnesses associated with the consumption of raw shellfish worldwide. Here, we report 45 draft genomes of V. parahaemolyticus. Thirty-five of them are strains that were isolated from clinical cases in the state of Maryland from 2010 to 2013. The remaining 10 strains were historical isolates, isolated mostly from the West Coast of the United States during the period of 1988 to 2004. The availability of these genomes will allow for future phylogenetic analyses with other V. parahaemolyticus strains.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a natural inhabitant of temperate and tropical coastal waters and is the leading cause of seafood-borne gastroenteritis in the United States (1). Cases of the illness are usually associated with eating raw or undercooked seafood. Strains of V. parahaemolyticus carrying genes for thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and/or thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin (trh) are associated pathogenic strains (2) and represent <1% of the environmental V. parahaemolyticus strains (3). During the last two decades, V. parahaemolyticus infections and outbreaks have increased in number throughout the world. Most of these new cases belong to the pandemic clonal complex 3 (CC3) (4–7).
The emergence of CC3 has elevated public health concerns of the worldwide spread of V. parahaemolyticus, previously uncharacteristic of this pathogen. The existence of other V. parahaemolyticus CCs (CC36 and CC34) has been observed among the coastal United States strains (4). Although infections in the United States are typically caused by strains from the CC36 endemic to the West Coast (4, 8), an outbreak in Maryland in August 2012 (7) was caused by strains belonging to the pandemic clonal complex 3 (CC3). A total of 56 cases associated with V. parahaemolyticus were reported between 2010 and 2013 in the state of Maryland. We sequenced 35 of these V. parahaemolyticus outbreak strains isolated from those cases to better understand the potential changes in the V. parahaemolyticus populations on this coastal state (Table 1). Ten additional historical V. parahaemolyticus strains from different sources (clinical and environmental) were also sequenced (Table 1).
List of the V. parahaemolyticus strains sequenced in this study and their GenBank accession no.
Strains | WGS accession no.a | CFSAN no. | No. of contigs | ST | State of isolation | Yr of isolation | Sourceb |
VP1 | JNSM00000000 | CFSAN007429 | 285 | 631 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP8 | JNSN00000000 | CFSAN007430 | 298 | 631 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP9 | JNSO00000000 | CFSAN007431 | 278 | 631 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP31 | JNSP00000000 | CFSAN007432 | 273 | 631 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP35 | JNSQ00000000 | CFSAN007433 | 319 | 631 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP41 | JNSR00000000 | CFSAN007434 | 233 | 631 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP44 | JNSS00000000 | CFSAN007435 | 223 | 631 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP45 | JNST00000000 | CFSAN007436 | 214 | 631 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP2 | JNSU00000000 | CFSAN007437 | 243 | 651 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP3 | JNSV00000000 | CFSAN007438 | 212 | 652 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP4 | JNSW00000000 | CFSAN007439 | 184 | 653 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP34 | JNSX00000000 | CFSAN007440 | 249 | 653 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP5 | JNSY00000000 | CFSAN007441 | 286 | 113 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP7 | JNSZ00000000 | CFSAN007442 | 287 | 113 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP11 | JNTA00000000 | CFSAN007443 | 283 | 113 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP6 | JNTB00000000 | CFSAN007444 | 135 | 677 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP10 | JNTC00000000 | CFSAN007445 | 203 | 43 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP13 | JNTD00000000 | CFSAN007446 | 137 | 678 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP14 | JNTE00000000 | CFSAN007447 | 214 | 162 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP15 | JNTF00000000 | CFSAN007448 | 232 | 679 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP16 | JNTG00000000 | CFSAN007449 | 147 | 3 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP17 | JNTH00000000 | CFSAN007450 | 157 | 3 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP18 | JNTI00000000 | CFSAN007451 | 129 | 3 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP19 | JNTJ00000000 | CFSAN007452 | 304 | 8 | MD | 2010 | C |
VP20 | JNTK00000000 | CFSAN007453 | 186 | 8 | MD | 2010 | C |
VP39 | JNTL00000000 | CFSAN007455 | 217 | 896 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP12 | JNTM00000000 | CFSAN006129 | 284 | 36 | MD | 2012 | C |
VP32 | JNTN00000000 | CFSAN006131 | 281 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP33 | JNTO00000000 | CFSAN006132 | 283 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP36 | JNTP00000000 | CFSAN006133 | 276 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP38 | JNTQ00000000 | CFSAN006134 | 215 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP40 | JNTR00000000 | CFSAN006135 | 250 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP42 | JNTS00000000 | CFSAN007460 | 279 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP43 | JNTT00000000 | CFSAN007461 | 185 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
VP30 | JNTV00000000 | CFSAN006130 | 269 | 36 | MD | 2013 | C |
029-1(b) | JNTW00000000 | CFSAN001611 | 120 | 36 | OR | 1997 | E |
48057 | JNTX00000000 | CFSAN001612 | 111 | 36 | WA | 1990 | C |
K1198 | JNTY00000000 | CFSAN001614 | 130 | 59 | AK | 2004 | E |
10292 | JNTZ00000000 | CFSAN001617 | 126 | 50 | WA | 1997 | C |
48291 | JNUA00000000 | CFSAN001618 | 105 | 36 | WA | 1990 | C |
F11-3A | JNUB00000000 | CFSAN001619 | 104 | 36 | WA | 1988 | E |
NY-3483 | JNUC00000000 | CFSAN001620 | 125 | 36 | NY | 1998 | E |
K1203 | JNUD00000000 | CFSAN001173 | 209 | 59 | AK | 2004 | E |
98-513-F52 | JNUE00000000 | CFSAN001160 | 120 | 34 | LA | 1998 | E |
10290 | JNUF00000000 | CFSAN001613 | 151 | 36 | WA | 1997 | C |
WGS- NCBI whole-genome shotgun assembly database.
C, clinical; E, environmental; ST, sequence type.
The genomes were sequenced using Ion Torrent, and in silico multilocus sequence typing (MLST) (4) showed that these isolates exhibited diverse sequence types (STs) (Table 1). DNA from each strain was isolated from overnight cultures with the DNeasy blood and tissue kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). The genomes were sequenced using the Ion Torrent (PGM) sequencing system. The 36 strains from Maryland were sequenced using 300-bp read chemistry (Life Technologies), while the 10 historical strains were sequenced using 200-bp read chemistry, according to manufacturer’s instructions, at 17 to 68× coverage using the Ion PGM 200 or 300 sequencing kit, respectively, depending of the template used, according to manufacturer’s instructions. The genomic sequence contigs for each strain were de novo assembled using the CLC Genomics Workbench version 5.5.1 (CLC bio, Germantown, MD, USA). The G+C mol% of the strains was between 45.1 and 45.4%, which is similar to the reported G+C contents for other V. parahaemolyticus strains. The sequences were annotated using the NCBI Prokaryotic Genomes Automatic Annotation Pipeline (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/static/Pipeline.html) (9). A detailed report of a full comparative analysis between these V. parahaemolyticus genomes will be included in a future publication.
This large data release contributes to the efforts of a newly created V. parahaemolyticus BioProject (no. PRJNA245882) at the NCBI, spearheaded by the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)-FDA and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) of the state of Maryland, in order to improve the detection of new strains or track the emergence of new clonal strains in geographical regions where these strains are not endemic.
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers.
The draft genome sequences of the 45 V. parahaemolyticus strains are available in GenBank under the accession numbers listed in Table 1.
This project was supported by the FDA Foods Program Intramural Funds.
We thank Lili Fox Vélez for her editorial assistance on this genome announcement.
Citation Haendiges J, Timme R, Allard M, Myers RA, Payne J, Brown EW, Evans P, Gonzalez-Escalona N. 2014. Draft genome sequences of clinical Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated in Maryland (2010–2013). Genome Announc. 2(4):e00776-14. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00776-14.
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