Figure 1. Choroid Explant Tissue VEGF Stimulated Outgrowth.
(A–E) DIC images of explant outgrowth across treatments after four days of cell culture incubation with the corresponding fluorescence images of the same outgrowth labeled with isolectin B4 (F–J). (K) Representative image of explant outgrowth labeled with isolectin 488 (green) and the nuclear label, Hoechst (blue). Panel (L) is a representative image labeled with isolectin 488 (green) demonstrating the network of sprout-like endothelial cells projecting outward from the explant tissue that was measured as outgrowth across all treatment groups after 4 days of cell culture incubation. (M) Monolayer of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells (N) labeled with isolectin (green) and Hoechst (blue) demonstrating specificity of the labeling procedure. (O) Area of outgrowth for choroid explants treated as indicated for 4 days. * p < 0.05 from VEGF group, n=6. (P) Total cell count measured by the product of nuclei density and area of growth, n=6. (Q) Nuclei density of outgrowth, represented as nuclei per mm2, * p < 0.05 from VEGF group, n=6. E; explant, O; Outgrowth.