Figure 5.
Colitis was exacerbated in anti-CD20 treated younger dnTGF-βRII mice.
A. Sections of colon at 20–22 weeks of age after 16 week treatment showing severe inflammation in all layers in anti-CD20 treated dnTGF-βRII mice contrasting with mild inflammation in dnTGF-βRII mice. B. Degree of colon inflammation was significantly greater in anti-CD20 treated mice (n = 7) than control mice (n = 9). C. Some of anti-CD20 treated colon at 36–38 weeks of age after 16 week treatment demonstrated severer inflammation in anti-CD20-mAb-treated dnTGF-βRII mice contrasting with no inflammation in some of control-mAb treated colon, however, those did not differ significantly. (H&E staining. Scale bar 100 μm in A, **: p < 0.01 in Mann-Whitney Test)