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. 2014 Aug 14;10(8):e1003781. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003781

Logarithmic and Power Law Input-Output Relations in Sensory Systems with Fold-Change Detection

Miri Adler 1, Avi Mayo 1, Uri Alon 1,*
Editor: Jorg Stelling2
PMCID: PMC4133048  PMID: 25121598


Two central biophysical laws describe sensory responses to input signals. One is a logarithmic relationship between input and output, and the other is a power law relationship. These laws are sometimes called the Weber-Fechner law and the Stevens power law, respectively. The two laws are found in a wide variety of human sensory systems including hearing, vision, taste, and weight perception; they also occur in the responses of cells to stimuli. However the mechanistic origin of these laws is not fully understood. To address this, we consider a class of biological circuits exhibiting a property called fold-change detection (FCD). In these circuits the response dynamics depend only on the relative change in input signal and not its absolute level, a property which applies to many physiological and cellular sensory systems. We show analytically that by changing a single parameter in the FCD circuits, both logarithmic and power-law relationships emerge; these laws are modified versions of the Weber-Fechner and Stevens laws. The parameter that determines which law is found is the steepness (effective Hill coefficient) of the effect of the internal variable on the output. This finding applies to major circuit architectures found in biological systems, including the incoherent feed-forward loop and nonlinear integral feedback loops. Therefore, if one measures the response to different fold changes in input signal and observes a logarithmic or power law, the present theory can be used to rule out certain FCD mechanisms, and to predict their cooperativity parameter. We demonstrate this approach using data from eukaryotic chemotaxis signaling.

Author Summary

One of the first measurements an experimentalist makes to understand a sensory system is to explore the relation between input signal and the systems response amplitude. Here, we show using mathematical models that this measurement can give important clues about the possible mechanism of sensing. We use models that incorporate the nearly-universal features of sensory systems, including hearing and vision, and the sensing pathways of individual cells. These nearly-universal features include exact adaptation-the ability to ignore prolonged input stimuli and return to basal activity, and fold-change detection- response to relative changes in input, not absolute changes. Together with information on the input-output relationship-e.g. is it a logarithmic or a power law relationship-we show that these conditions provide enough constraints to allow the researcher to reject certain circuit designs; it also predicts, if one assumes a given design, one of its key parameters. This study can thus help unify our understanding of sensory systems, and help pinpoint the possible biological circuits based on physiological measurements.


Biological sensory systems have been quantitatively studied for over 150 years. In many sensory systems, the response to a step increase in signal rises, reaches a peak response, and then falls, adapting back to a baseline level, Inline graphic (Fig. 1a upper panel). Consider a step increase in input signal from Inline graphic to Inline graphic, such that the relative change is Inline graphic. There are two commonly observed forms for the input-output relationship in sensory systems: logarithmic and power law. In the logarithmic case, the relative peak response of the system Inline graphic is proportional not to the input level but to its logarithm Inline graphic. A logarithmic scale of z versus I, namely Inline graphic, is often called the Weber-Fechner law [1], and is related but distinct from the present definition Inline graphic. In the case of a power-law relationship, the maximal response is proportional to a power of the input Inline graphic (Fig. 1a lower panel) [2]. In physiology this is known as the Stevens power law; the power law exponent Inline graphic varies between sensory systems, and ranges between Inline graphic [2]. For example the human perception of brightness, apparent length and electrical shock display exponents Inline graphic respectively.

Figure 1. Input/output relationships of sensory systems can be described by a logarithmic law or a power law.

Figure 1

a) In many sensory systems the dynamical response to a step increase in input signal, I, is a transient increase of output Z followed by adaptation to a lower steady state. The relative maximal response is Inline graphic. Two laws are often found. The first is a logarithmic law, Inline graphic. The second law is a power law, Inline graphic with different exponent Inline graphic for each system. b) Fold change detection (FCD) describes a system whose response depends only on the relative change in input signal and not the absolute level. Therefore, for a step increase from 1 to 2 and then from 2 to 4 the system response curve is exactly the same.

Both logarithmic and power-law descriptions are empirical; when valid, they are typically found to be quite accurate over a range of a few decades of input signal. For example, both laws emerge in visual threshold estimation experiments [3]. In that study, the logarithmic law was found to describe the response to strong signals and the power-law to weak ones. However the mechanistic origins of these laws, and the mechanistic parameters that lead to one law or the other, are currently unclear. Theoretical studies have suggested that these laws can be derived from optimization criteria for information processing [4], [5], such as accounting for scale invariance of input signals [6]. Both laws can be found in models that describe sensory systems as excitable media [7]. Other studies attempt to relate these laws to properties of specific neuronal circuits [8], [9]. Here we seek a simple and general model of sensory systems which can clarify which mechanistic parameters might explain the origin of the two laws in sensory systems.

To address the input-output dependence of biological sensory systems, we use a recently proposed class of circuit models that show a property known as fold-change detection [10], [11]. Fold change detection (FCD) means that, for a wide range of input signals, the output depends only on the relative changes in input; identical relative changes in input result in identical output dynamics, including response amplitude and timing (Fig. 1b). Thus, a step in input from level 1 to level 2 yields exactly the same temporal output curve as a step from 2 to 4, because both steps show a 2-fold change. FCD has been shown to occur in bacterial chemotaxis, first theoretically [10], [11] and then by means of dynamical experiments [12], [13]. FCD is thought to also occur in human sensory systems including vision and hearing [11], as well as in cellular sensory pathways [14][17].

FCD can be implemented by commonly occurring gene regulation circuits, such as the network motif known as the incoherent feed-forward loop (I1-FFL) [10], as well as certain types of nonlinear integral feedback loops (NLIFL) [11]. Recently, the response of an FCD circuit to multiple simultaneous inputs was theoretically studied [18]. Mechanistically, FCD is based on an internal variable that stores information about the past signals, and normalizes the output signal accordingly. We find here, using analytical solutions, that simple fold-change detection circuits can show either logarithmic or power law behavior. The type of law, and the power-law exponent Inline graphic, depend primarily on a single parameter: the steepness (effective Hill coefficient) of the effect of the internal variable on the output.


Analytical solution for the dynamics of the I1-FFL circuit in its FCD regime

We begin with a common gene regulation circuit [19] that can show FCD, the incoherent type 1 feed-forward loop (I1-FFL) [10]. In transcription networks, this circuit is made of an activator that regulates a gene and also the repressor of that gene. More generally, we can consider an input X that activates the output Z, and also activates an internal variable Y that represses Z (Fig. 2). We study a model (Eq. 1, 2) for the I1-FFL with AND logic (that is, where X and Y act multiplicatively to regulate Z), which includes ordinary differential equations for the dynamics of the internal variable Y and the output Z [20][22]. We use standard biochemical functions to describe this system [23].

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e018.jpg (1)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e019.jpg (2)

The production rate of Y is governed by the input X according to a general input function Inline graphic (in cases where X is a transcription factor, X denotes the active state). The maximal production rate of Y is Inline graphic. The repressor Y is removed (dilution+degradation) at rate Inline graphic (Eq. 1). We assume here that saturating signal of Y is present, so that all of Y is in its active form. The product Z which is repressed by Y and activated by X is produced at a rate that is a function of both X and Y, denoted Inline graphic. An experimental survey of E. coli input functions suggested that many are well described by separation of variables: the two-dimensional input function separates to a product of one dimensional functions, Inline graphic [24], where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are Hill functions (for more explanation see the Methods section). We therefore use a general form for the X dependence, Inline graphic, and multiply it by a repressive Hill function of Y (Eq. 2), with a maximal production rate Inline graphic. The removal rate of Z is Inline graphic. Here we consider step input functions in which X changes rapidly from one value to another. The values of Inline graphic and Inline graphic is determined by the step size in input.

Figure 2. A model for the incoherent feed-forward loop includes three dimensionless parameters.

Figure 2

In the incoherent type 1 feed-forward loop (I1-FFL) input X regulates an internal variable Y and both X and Y regulate Z. The repression of Z by Y is described by a Hill function with steepness n and halfway repression point Inline graphic.

For clarity, upper case letters relate to the elements in the circuit and lower case letters describe normalized model variables. The two-equation model (Eq. 1, 2) has 6 parameters. Dimensional analysis (fully described in Methods) reduces this to three dimensionless parameters (Eq. 3, 4).

The first parameter, Inline graphic, is the normalized halfway repression point of the output, defined by Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the pre-step steady state level and Inline graphic is the level of Y needed to half-way repress Z. The second parameter is the cooperativity or steepness of the input function, Inline graphic. The final parameter is the ratio of decay rates of Z and Y, Inline graphic. The normalized variables, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, are the new dimensionless variables in the model. Table 1 summarizes the parameters in the model for the I1-FFL.

Table 1. A parameter table for the I1-FFL model.

Parameter Biological meaning Definition
βy Maximal production rate of Y
αy Removal rate of Y
βz Maximal production rate of Z
αz Removal rate of Z
Kyz Halfway repression point of Z by Y
n Steepness of input function
Inline graphic Pre-signal steady state of Y Inline graphic
γ Normalized halfway repression point of Z by Y (dimensionless) Inline graphic
ρ Removal rates ratio (dimensionless) Inline graphic

This model for the I1-FFL describes the response to a step increase in input, starting from fully adapted conditions. We consider a change between an input level of Inline graphic, to a new level Inline graphic. The step is thus characterized by the fold change F equal to the ratio between the initial and final input levels, Inline graphic.

In order for FCD to hold, the production rate of Z must be proportional to Inline graphic (Inline graphic), where the power law exponent Inline graphic is the same as the Hill coefficient that describes the steepness of the input function. In this way, the internal variable, Y, can precisely normalize out the fold change in input (see Methods). The model thus reads:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e051.jpg (3)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e052.jpg (4)

The higher Inline graphic, the more Y is needed to repress Z. The parameter Inline graphic - the Hill coefficient of the input function - is important for this study, and determines the steepness of the regulation of the output Z by the internal variable Y (Fig. 2). The higher Inline graphic the more steep the repression of Z by Y. The limit Inline graphic resembles step-like regulation. Biochemical systems often have Hill coefficients in the range Inline graphic [23]. The ratio between the removal rates, Inline graphic, describes the relative time scale between Y and Z. For Inline graphic, Y and Z have the same removal rates, and for Inline graphic, the output Z is much faster than Y.

Goentoro et al. [15] showed, using a numerical parameter scan, that this circuit can perform FCD provided that threshold of the Z repression, Inline graphic, is small: that is Inline graphic. We therefore further analyze the limit of Inline graphic, meaning strong repression of Z, where the equation for the product Z (Eq. 4) becomes:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e064.jpg (5)

In this limit, the system exhibits fold change detection since it obeys the sufficient conditions for FCD in Shoval et al (2010) (see Methods). We analytically solved the model (Eqs. 3, 5), in the limit of small Inline graphic, for all values of Inline graphic, with initial conditions corresponding to steady state at the previous signal level, Inline graphic (in the limit Inline graphic). The solution (derived in Methods) is a decaying exponential multiplied by a term that contains a Beta function (Fig. 3a):

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e069.jpg (6)

where the Beta function is Inline graphic. The dynamics of the output z shows a rise, reaches a peak Inline graphic, and then falls to the pre-signal steady state (Fig. 3a). At Inline graphic the solution is approximately linear with a slope that depends on F, Inline graphic and Inline graphic:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e075.jpg (7)

At Inline graphic the solution decays exponentially:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e077.jpg (8)

As in all FCD systems, exact adaptation is found. The error of exact adaptation, Inline graphic goes as Inline graphic and vanishes at Inline graphic.

Figure 3. The I1-FFL shows FCD in the limit Inline graphic.

Figure 3

a) Response to a step increase in input from Inline graphic to Inline graphic, which can be described by Inline graphic where Inline graphic. The output dynamics show three features of interest: the amplitude of the peak response Inline graphic the timing of the peak, Inline graphic and the adaptation time Inline graphic. b) The time scales of the response, the timing of the peak Inline graphic and the adaptation time Inline graphic, mildly decrease with the relative change in the input signal, Inline graphic. The steepness, n, does not have a dramatic affect on this decrease.

We explored how three main dynamical features depend on the input fold change F and the dimensionless parameters Inline graphic and Inline graphic. The first feature is the amplitude of the response, defined as the maximal point in the output z dynamics, Inline graphic. The second dynamical feature is the timing of the peak, Inline graphic. The third feature is the adaptation time, Inline graphic [25], [26] which we define as the time it takes z to reach halfway between Inline graphic and its steady state (Fig. 3a). We denote Inline graphic as the relative change in the input signal, Inline graphic and Inline graphic as the relative maximal amplitude of the response. Since Inline graphic has only mild effects, we discuss it in the last section, and begin with Inline graphic, namely equal timescales for the two model variables.

A power law relation emerges when the cooperativity n of the input function is larger than one; Logarithmic behavior occurs when n equals one

We tested the effects of cooperativity in the input function, Inline graphic, on the dynamics of the response. Cooperativity seems to have a weak effect on the timescales of the response: The adaptation time Inline graphic and the peak time Inline graphic decrease mildly with the fold F. For Inline graphic, the analytical solution of the time of the peak Inline graphic for all values of Inline graphic is: Inline graphic (see derivation in Methods). Substituting the corresponding relative response, Inline graphic, we receive a mildly decreasing function (Fig. 3b).

In contrast to the mild effect of cooperativity on timescales, cooperativity has a dramatic effect on the response amplitude. The maximal amplitude of the output z relative to its basal level, Inline graphic, increases with the fold and behaves differently for each Inline graphic. For low steepness, Inline graphic, Inline graphic increases in an approximately logarithmic manner with Inline graphic (for Inline graphic), Inline graphic (normalized root-mean-square deviation, Inline graphic for fitting to Inline graphic compared to Inline graphic for fitting to Inline graphic- see Methods). More precisely the analytical solution is Inline graphic (see Methods) (Fig. 4a). The function Inline graphic is defined as the solution to the equation Inline graphic. The productlog function is approximately linear at Inline graphic, and approximately Inline graphic at Inline graphic.

Figure 4. The response amplitude follows an approximately logarithmic law for n = 1 and a power law at n>1.

Figure 4

a) The numerical solution of the amplitude of the response, Inline graphic, with n = 1, is shown (blue dots) as well as its analytical solution Inline graphic (blue curve) in a log-linear plot. A fit to Inline graphic (red curve) captures the behavior better than a fit to Inline graphic (green curve). b) For n>1 the numerical solution of the amplitude of the response, Inline graphic, is shown (in dots) as function of Inline graphic in a log-log plot. A fit to a power law behavior Inline graphic with only one parameter (solid lines) describes the numerical results better than a fit to a logarithmic behavior Inline graphic (dashed lines). At the limit of large Inline graphic, Inline graphic.

For Inline graphic, the peak response increases linearly Inline graphic. For Inline graphic, the increase is approximately quadratic, Inline graphic (Fig. 4b). We find that for any Inline graphic, the increase is approximately a power law with exponent Inline graphic in the limit of large Inline graphic: Inline graphic (see Methods) (Inline graphic for fitting to Inline graphic compared to Inline graphic for fitting to Inline graphic for Inline graphic respectively). Note that the pre-factor in the power law is also predicted to depend simply on the Hill coefficient for Inline graphic, namely to be equal to Inline graphic (for Inline graphic). Indeed in fitting the numerical solution the best fit parameter is approximately Inline graphic: Inline graphic for Inline graphic respectively. The dependence of output amplitude on input fold-change is thus a power law, similar to Stevens power law, except for Inline graphic where the output dependence is logarithmic.

One point to consider regarding step input functions is that realistic inputs are not infinitely fast steps; however, a gradual change in input behaves almost exactly like an infinitely rapid step, as long as the timescale of the change in input is fast compared to the timescale of the Y and Z components. To demonstrate this, we computed the response to changes in input that have a timescale parameter Inline graphic that can be tuned to go from very slow to very fast: Inline graphic (Fig. 5a). When Inline graphic, the behavior of the relative maximal amplitude of the response, Inline graphic, as a function of the relative change in the input signal, Inline graphic, is very similar to the infinitely fast step solution (less than 5% difference for Inline graphic and Inline graphic, Fig. 5b). When the change in input is much slower than the typical timescales of the circuit, the response is very small, since the signal is perceived almost as a steady-state constant. For slow changes in input, the I1-FFL response can be shown to be approximately proportional to the logarithmic temporal derivative of the signal [27][30].

Figure 5. Rapidly changing input signal leads to responses similar to a step increase in signal; slowly changing input leads to weak response.

Figure 5

a) Input signal with a tunable timescale, Inline graphic with Inline graphic. This signal goes form level 1 to level F, with a halfway time that goes as Inline graphic. b) The relative maximal amplitude, Inline graphic, as a function of the relative change in the input signal Inline graphic, is plotted for various values of the input timescale Inline graphic. When the signal changes much faster than the timescale of the circuit, Inline graphic, the response is similar to the analytical solution for an infinitely fast step in input (Full red curve). When the timescale is slow, Inline graphic, the response of the circuit is weak.

A nonlinear integral feedback mechanism for FCD also shows a power law behavior

In addition to the I1-FFL mechanism, a non-linear integral feedback based mechanism (NLIFL) for FCD at small values of Inline graphic has been proposed by Shoval et al [11] (see Methods section) (Fig. 6a). This mechanism is found in models for bacterial chemotaxis [28]. The full model is described by:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e174.jpg (9)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e175.jpg (10)

Its dimensionless equations following dimensional analysis (fully described in Methods) are:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e176.jpg (11)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e177.jpg (12)

Where the new variables are: Inline graphic, Inline graphic and the dimensionless parameters are defined as: Inline graphic and Inline graphic (Methods). Table 2 summarizes the parameters in the model for the NLIFL.

Figure 6. A different circuit showing FCD, the non-linear integral feedback loop (NLIFL), also exhibits a power law behavior.

Figure 6

a) The NLIFL mechanism. b) The amplitude of the response is a power law of the relative change in input signal. c) The power-law exponent Inline graphic increases linearly with n. d) The time-scales decrease faster with the fold change of the signal, Inline graphic, and with n than in the incoherent feed-forward loop case (Fig. 3b).

Table 2. A parameter table for the NLIFL model.

Parameter Biological meaning Definition
Z 0 Steady state level of Z
βz Maximal production rate of Z
αz Removal rate of Z
Ky Halfway repression point of Z by Y
n Steepness of input function
Inline graphic Pre-signal steady state of Y Inline graphic
γ Normalized halfway repression point of Z by Y (dimensionless) Inline graphic
ρ Timescale ratio (dimensionless) Inline graphic

We solved the NLIFL model (Eqs. 11, 12) numerically for the limit Inline graphic and find that the maximal response increases with the relative change in the signal in a power-law manner, Inline graphic (Fig. 6b). The best-fit power law exponents increase with Inline graphic, namely Inline graphic at Inline graphic for Inline graphic. A Inline graphic dependence does not fit the data at Inline graphic (Inline graphic for fitting to Inline graphic compared to Inline graphic for fitting to Inline graphic for Inline graphic respectively). To a good approximation, the power law is linearly related to the steepness parameter Inline graphic, by Inline graphic (Fig. 6c).

The time scales in this circuit seem to decrease faster with the fold F for Inline graphic than in the I1-FFL case, Inline graphic where Inline graphic and Inline graphic at Inline graphic (Fig. 6d, all the fits of Inline graphic have Inline graphic).

Given the results so far, one can use the present approach to rule out certain mechanisms. If one observes a logarithmic dependence, one can draw at least two conclusions: (i) the NLIFL model addressed here can be rejected, (ii) if the I1-FFL model addressed here is at play, its steepness coefficient is Inline graphic.

If one observes a linear dependence of input on output, the I1-FFL and NLIFL mechanisms cannot be distinguished. The steepness can be inferred to be about Inline graphic for both circuits.

Logarithmic law in eukaryotic signaling FCD

We applied the present approach to data from Takeda et al [17] on Dictyostelium discoideum chemotaxis. In these experiments, the input is cAMP steps applied to cells within a micro-fluidic system, and the output is a fluorescent reporter for Ras-GTP kinetics. The output showed nearly perfect adaptation and FCD-like response to a wide range of input cAMP steps. We re-drew the peak amplitude (Fig. 7a) and the time of peak (Fig. 7b) as a function of the added cAMP concentrations and find that it is well described by the analytical solution of the maximal response and time of peak for an I1-FFL circuit with Inline graphic. The peak amplitude (Inline graphic) as a function of the relative input Inline graphic is well described by a logarithmic relationship (mean-square weighted deviation, Inline graphic for fitting the data to Inline graphic considering the error-bars – see Methods). Fitting it to a power law Inline graphic results in a small exponent Inline graphic (Inline graphic) (Fig. 7c). Such a small power law exponent can only be obtained with a negative cooperativity in the NLIFL model considered here. Such negative cooperativity is rare in biological systems [31], [32]. If we consider only positive cooperativity (Inline graphic), as found in most biological systems, the NLIFL model considered here provides a poor fit to the data (Inline graphic) (Fig. 7c).

Figure 7. A mechanism of eukaryotic signaling FCD illustrates this theory.

Figure 7

a) The response of Ras-GTP to different concentrations of added cAMP in Dictyostelium discoideum chemotaxis is re-plotted together with the timing of the peak (b). A logarithmic function describes the data well. The black lines are our fit to the data. c) The response of Ras-GTP is re-plotted as function of the different fold changes in cAMP concentrations. The solid line is a fit to Inline graphic, the black dashed line is a fit to Inline graphic and the green dashed line is a fit to a power law with exponent Inline graphic. d) The corresponding solution for the timing of the peak for I1-FFL with n = 1 explains well the data.

Thus, the present analysis is most consistent with an I1-FFL mechanism considered here with Inline graphic. The same is found when plotting the observed time-to-peak (Inline graphic) versus the analytical solution of the I1-FFL model (Inline graphic) with Inline graphic (Inline graphic for fitting to Inline graphic) (Fig. 7d). This agrees with the numerical model fitting performed by Takeda et al, who conclude that an I1-FFL mechanism is likely to be at play (they used Inline graphic in their I1-FFL model, which is based on degradation of component Z by Y, rather than inhibition of production of Z by Y as in the present model).

In this analysis we assumed that the experimentally measured fluorescent reporter is in linear relation to the biological sensory output, Ras activity. If this relation turns out to be nonlinear, the conclusions of this analysis must be accordingly modified.

Effect of timescale separation between the variables

In the eukaryotic chemotaxis system, the two model variables Y and Z have similar timescales (Inline graphic). We also studied the effect of different timescales (Inline graphic), and find qualitatively similar results. A logarithmic dependence of amplitude on F is found when Inline graphic, and a power law when Inline graphic. The power law Inline graphic increases weakly with Inline graphic (Fig. 8a). In the limit of very fast Z (Inline graphic), the solution approaches an instantaneous approximation (obtained by setting Inline graphic) in which the power law is Inline graphic instead of Inline graphic (Fig. 8b). There is a cross over from the Stevens power law Inline graphic when Inline graphic, to the instantaneous model power law Inline graphic when Inline graphic (Fig. 8c). An analytical solution that exemplifies this crossover can be obtained at Inline graphic, where Inline graphic (Methods). Because of the limit behavior of the productlog function mentioned above, at small fold values Inline graphic, and at large values Inline graphic. In summary, the instantaneous approximation, commonly used in biological modeling, must be done with care in the case of FCD systems.

Figure 8. The instantaneous approximation does not capture the correct amplitude behavior.

Figure 8

a) The power law for n = 1 increases mildly with Inline graphic to a value between 1 and 2. b) The instantaneous approximation (in red) and the full model solution (in black) are plotted as function of time for Inline graphic. c) The maximal response Inline graphic normalized to Inline graphic is plotted for different folds and for n = 1. The error between the maxima of the instantaneous approximation and the full model increases with the fold F.


This study explored how two common biophysical laws, logarithmic and power-law, can stem from mechanistic models of sensing. We consider two of the best studied fold-change detection mechanisms, and find that a single model parameter controls which law is found: the steepness Inline graphic of the effect of the internal variable on the output. We solved the dynamics analytically for the I1-FFL mechanism, finding that logarithmic-like input-output relations occurs when Inline graphic, and power-law occurs when Inline graphic, with power law Inline graphic, and prefactor Inline graphic at Inline graphic. The nonlinear integral feedback loop (NLIFL) mechanism - a second class of mechanisms to achieve FCD - can only produce a power law. Thus, if one observes logarithmic behavior, one can rule out the specific NLIFL mechanism considered here. This appears to be the case in experimental data on eukaryotic chemotaxis [17], in which good agreement is found to the present results in the I1-FFL mechanism with Inline graphic in both peak response and timing.

This theory gives a prediction about the internal mechanism for sensory systems based on the observed laws that connect input and output signals. Thus, by measuring the system response to different folds in the input signal one may infer the cooperativity of the input function and potentially rule out certain classes of mechanism. For example, if a linear dependence of amplitude on fold change is observed (power law with exponent Inline graphic), one can infer that the steepness coefficient is about Inline graphic for both the specific I1-FFL and NLIFL circuits considered here, with slight modification if the timescales of variables are unequal. Such a linear detection of fold changes may occur in drosophila development of the wing imaginal disk [33][35].

The problem of finding the FCD response amplitude shows a feature of technical interest for modeling biological circuits. In many modeling studies, a quasi-steady-state approximation, also called an instantaneous approximation, is used when a separation of timescales exists between processes. In this approximation, one replaces the differential equation for the fast variables by an algebraic equation, by setting the temporal derivative of the fast variable to zero. This approximation results in simpler formulae, and is often very accurate, for example in estimating Michaelis-Menten enzyme steady states [36]. However, as noted by Segel et al [36], this approximation is invalid to describe transients on the fast time scale. In the present study, we are interested in the maximal amplitude of the FCD circuits. In some input regimes, namely Inline graphic, the instantaneous approximation predicts an incorrect power law. To obtain accurate estimates, the full set of equations must be solved without setting derivatives to zero.

It would be interesting to use the present approach to analyze experiments on other FCD systems, and to gain mechanistic understanding of sensory computations.


The two dimensional input function can be considered as a product of one dimensional input functions

Consider a general partition function for an input function with an activator and a repressor: Inline graphic. The regime in which FCD applies is that of strong repression, Inline graphic and non-saturated activation Inline graphic [10]. In this limit, Inline graphic, and is thus well approximated by a product.

More generally, G(X,Y) is a product of two functions whenever binding is independent, Inline graphic, which occurs when the relation Inline graphic holds. The biological meaning of the relation is that X and Y bind the Z promoter independently so that the probability of X to bind the promoter and the probability of Y to unbind equals the multiplication of the probabilities:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e270.jpg

In the NLIFL case, one can show from the MWC model chemotaxis by Yu Berg et al [28] that in the FCD regime it is simply a power law.

Dimensional analysis of the full model for I1-FFL and NLIFL

We performed dimensional analysis of the full model of the I1-FFL (Eq. 1, 2) by rescaling as many variables as possible. The rescaled variables:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e271.jpg (M1)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e272.jpg

Where Inline graphic is the pre-signal steady state of Y, derived by taking Inline graphic: Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is the steady state of Z derived by taking Inline graphic. Substituting these rescaled variables we receive:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e278.jpg (M2)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e279.jpg

Since we assume that Inline graphic is determined by the step size in input, we can consider merely the fold change F in input, Inline graphic. For FCD to hold we consider Inline graphic. Defining the rescaled repression threshold Inline graphic we receive in the new rescaled variables (lower case letters y and z):

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e284.jpg (M3)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e285.jpg

Rescaling the time to Inline graphic and defining Inline graphic yields to Eq. 3, 4 in the main text.

We also performed dimensional analysis of the full model of the NLIFL (Eqs. 9, 10) by rescaling as many variables as possible. The rescaled variables:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e288.jpg (M4)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e289.jpg

Where Inline graphic is the pre-signal steady state of Y, derived by taking Inline graphic and assuming Inline graphic : Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. Substituting these rescaled variables we receive:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e295.jpg (M5)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e296.jpg

After algebraic manipulation and in the new rescaled variables (lower case letters y and z):

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e297.jpg (M6)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e298.jpg

We consider here also Inline graphic.

Rescaling the time to Inline graphic and defining Inline graphic yields to Eqs. 11, 12 in the main text.

Proof that FCD holds in the model for I1-FFL and NLIFL

Given a set of ordinary differential equations with internal variable y, input F and output z:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e302.jpg (M7)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e303.jpg (M8)

According to Shoval et. al. (2010), FCD holds if the system is stable, shows exact adaptation and g and f satisfy the following homogeneity conditions for any Inline graphic:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e305.jpg (M9)
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e306.jpg (M10)

In the model for I1-FFL (Eq. 3, 4) at the limit of strong repression Inline graphic:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e308.jpg
graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e309.jpg

Exact adaptation also holds at Inline graphic, Inline graphic. This holds also for the NLIFL (Eqs. 9, 10).

Analytical solution for the I1-FFL

The solution for y is an exponent:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e312.jpg (M11)

The general solution for the ODE Inline graphic with the initial condition Inline graphic is:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e315.jpg (M12)

For our model Eq. M12 reads:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e316.jpg (M13)

By changing the variable in the integral in Eq. M13: Inline graphic we get:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e318.jpg (M14)

Which is by definition the solution in Eq. 6.

Analytical solution for the time of peak for the I1-FFL

At the time of peak Inline graphic, therefore from Eq. 5 in the main text we get:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e320.jpg (M15)

From our definition of the relative response Inline graphic we have:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e322.jpg (M16)

Substituting the solution of y (Eq. M11) and by algebraic manipulation we receive the analytical solution for Inline graphic:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e324.jpg (M17)

Analytical solution for the maximal response

The analytical results were derived by taking the derivative of the solution for Inline graphic (Eq. 6 in the main text) and substituting time of the peak (Eq. M17), Inline graphic. This provides an equation for the amplitude of the maximal response, Inline graphic, yielding an intractable equation:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e328.jpg (M18)

Where we used the identity: Inline graphic. This identity can be easily proven by using the change of variable, Inline graphic, in the integral of the Beta function.

For Inline graphic Eq. M18 becomes:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e332.jpg (M19)

Using the Series function of Mathematica to expand Eq. M19 in the limit of large Inline graphic and keeping high orders in Inline graphic yields:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e335.jpg (M20)

Using Inline graphic in the limit of large x we receive:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e337.jpg (M21)

Taking the exponent of this Eq. M21 yields:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e338.jpg (M22)

The solution for Eq. M22 is by definition the productlog function: Inline graphic.

For Inline graphic Eq. M18 becomes:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e341.jpg (M23)

Since Inline graphic, Eq. M23 yields:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e343.jpg (M24)

By algebraic manipulation Eq. M24 becomes Inline graphic. Taking the exponent of this equation yields:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e345.jpg (M25)

The solution for Eq. M25 is by definition the productlog function: Inline graphic.

For Inline graphic we define Inline graphic, substituting this new variable into Eq. M18 we have:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e349.jpg (M26)

Using the Series function of Mathematica for large Inline graphic and Inline graphic yields:

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e352.jpg (M27)

Keeping the highest order in Inline graphic and Inline graphic we receive: Inline graphic. Recall that Inline graphic for large Inline graphic and Inline graphic, and therefore Inline graphic.

The instantaneous approximation does not capture the correct amplitude behavior

For the instantaneous approximation to be true at large Inline graphic, the error, Inline graphic (Fig. 8a), between the maximal amplitude in the instantaneous approximation and the full model should vanish at Inline graphic.

graphic file with name pcbi.1003781.e363.jpg (M28)

Where Inline graphic decrease with F slower than Inline graphic, therefore Inline graphic with f(F) a monotonic increasing function of F. This proves that even at large Inline graphic, the error increases with F (Fig. 8b) and can be very large.

Fits and numerical simulations

All the numeric simulations and fits were made in Mathematica 9.0.

The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) [37] calculated for comparing the goodness of fit between the two models is defined as: Inline graphic.

The data points from Takeda et al were extracted by using the ‘ginput’ function of MATLAB. The fits for the data were made using the NonlinearModelFit function considering the error-bars, Inline graphic, as weights, Inline graphic.

The goodness of fit was tested using the mean-square weighted deviation (MSWD) [37] which sums the residuals (r) - sum of squares of errors with weights of Inline graphic: Inline graphic.

Note on biophysical law terminology

We define logarithmic response as Inline graphic. In contrast, traditional definition of the Weber-Fechner law (also called the Fechner law) in biophysics is (e.g. ref. [3]) as Inline graphic. Thus the present definition concerns relative change in input and output, whereas the Weber-Fechner law concerns absolute input and output. Note also that the Weber-Fechner law is distinct from Weber's law, on the just noticeable difference in sensory systems, whose relation to FCD was discussed in Ref [11].


We thank all members of our lab for discussions.

Funding Statement

We would like to acknowledge support for this work from the Israel Science Foundations and the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant agreement n° 249919. Uri Alon is the incumbent of the Abisch-Frenkel Professorial Chair. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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