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. 2014 May 7;39(10):2366–2375. doi: 10.1038/npp.2014.84

Role of Dopamine D2 Receptors in Human Reinforcement Learning

Christoph Eisenegger 1,2,*, Michael Naef 3, Anke Linssen 4, Luke Clark 1,5, Praveen K Gandamaneni 6, Ulrich Müller 1,7, Trevor W Robbins 1,5
PMCID: PMC4138746  PMID: 24713613


Influential neurocomputational models emphasize dopamine (DA) as an electrophysiological and neurochemical correlate of reinforcement learning. However, evidence of a specific causal role of DA receptors in learning has been less forthcoming, especially in humans. Here we combine, in a between-subjects design, administration of a high dose of the selective DA D2/3-receptor antagonist sulpiride with genetic analysis of the DA D2 receptor in a behavioral study of reinforcement learning in a sample of 78 healthy male volunteers. In contrast to predictions of prevailing models emphasizing DA's pivotal role in learning via prediction errors, we found that sulpiride did not disrupt learning, but rather induced profound impairments in choice performance. The disruption was selective for stimuli indicating reward, whereas loss avoidance performance was unaffected. Effects were driven by volunteers with higher serum levels of the drug, and in those with genetically determined lower density of striatal DA D2 receptors. This is the clearest demonstration to date for a causal modulatory role of the DA D2 receptor in choice performance that might be distinct from learning. Our findings challenge current reward prediction error models of reinforcement learning, and suggest that classical animal models emphasizing a role of postsynaptic DA D2 receptors in motivational aspects of reinforcement learning may apply to humans as well.


Animals and humans flexibly choose actions in pursuit of rewards on a trial-and-error basis by forming stimulus–outcome associations that optimize the likelihood of obtaining future rewards, a process known as reinforcement learning. The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) is thought to be central to this process, as evidenced by research in both non-human species (Bayer and Glimcher, 2005; Glimcher, 2011; Schultz, 1998; Schultz et al, 1997; Wise, 2004; Wise and Rompre, 1989) and humans (Chowdhury et al, 2013; Glimcher, 2011; Pessiglione et al, 2006). Mechanistic accounts hold that such learning is driven by a so-called ‘prediction error' signaling the difference between expected and obtained events, which is then used to update predictions for events in the environment (Sutton and Barto, 1998). A putative neurobiological substrate of the prediction error signal for reward is the phasic firing of DA neurons in the midbrain (Montague et al, 1996) projecting to the striatum, one of the major input structures of the basal ganglia. Midbrain dopaminergic reward prediction error signals are assumed to regulate the plasticity of cortico-striatal synaptic transmission by enhancing NMDA-receptor-mediated postsynaptic currents (Calabresi et al, 2000; Seamans et al, 2001; Wang and O'Donnell, 2001). In doing so, they are thought to contribute to the strengthening of associations leading to rewarding, but not aversive, outcomes (Schultz et al, 1997).

So far, human evidence for this account has derived mainly from clinical studies on the effects of dopaminergic medications in Parkinson's disease (eg, Frank et al, 2004; Palminteri et al, 2009; Voon et al, 2010) and Tourette's syndrome (Palminteri et al, 2009). Studies of DA agonists or antagonists in healthy volunteers have produced inconclusive results, likely due to a reliance on low doses of available agents (Cohen et al, 2007; Jocham et al, 2011; Kirsch et al, 2005; McCabe et al, 2011; Mehta et al, 2005; Pessiglione et al, 2006; Pizzagalli et al, 2008; Riba et al, 2008; van der Schaaf et al, 2012), which do not cause a necessary level of postsynaptic DA D2 receptor occupancy. Low doses of amisulpride (similar to sulpiride, both are selective for DA D2/3 receptors) may also exert greater functional blockade of cortical and limbic DA receptors, rather than striatal receptors (Bressan et al, 2003; Xiberas et al, 2001). Thus, sufficiently high doses of sulpiride have to be administered in order to achieve an effective level of postsynaptic DA D2 receptor occupancy in the striatum. Previous studies have shown that a single dose of 400 mg of sulpiride occupies ∼30% of striatal DA D2 receptors (Mehta et al, 2008), whereas 800 mg results in ∼60% occupancy levels, without causing side effects in healthy volunteers (Takano et al, 2006). Thus, a dose of 800 mg should allow a direct test of striatal postsynaptic DA D2 receptor involvement in reinforcement learning.

Striatal DA D2 receptor density is assumed to be influenced by genetic factors, with the DA D2 receptor Taq1A polymorphism being the most widely investigated variation, as the minor A1 allele has been associated with a reduction in striatal DA D2 receptor density of up to 30% (Jonsson et al, 1999; Pohjalainen et al, 1998; Ritchie and Noble, 1996, 2003; Thompson et al, 1997). One might expect these A1+ carriers to be disproportionately sensitive to DA D2 receptor antagonism in terms of behavioral impairments during reinforcement learning. Such a pharmacogenetic approach (Eisenegger et al, 2010, 2013; Frank and Fossella, 2008), targeted to the D2 receptor, augments previous behavioral genetic studies that have been conducted without drug administration (Jocham et al, 2009; Klein et al, 2007). We investigate how behavioral impairments during reinforcement learning following DA D2/3 receptor antagonist administration are modulated by genetically determined differences in striatal DA D2 receptor occupancy. This approach provides a means of addressing specificity for the DA D2 receptor.

Although the role of the dopaminergic system in reward prediction has been widely investigated in animals and imaging studies in humans, the functions of this system extend well beyond reinforcement learning. One of the classical functions associated with DA is its control of the motivational aspects of behavior (Ahlenius et al, 1977; Bardgett et al, 2009; Beninger and Phillips, 1981; Berridge and Robinson, 1998; Lex and Hauber, 2010; Niv, 2007). For instance, studies in rodents have shown that administration of DA antagonists disrupts the ability to associate a reward with the actions necessary to obtain it, but leaves consummatory behavior unaffected (Ikemoto and Panksepp, 1999; Wise, 2004). Therefore, it is important to bear in mind the role of DA not only in reinforcement learning but also in the modulation of the expression of such learning in performance (Salamone, 1994; Shiner et al, 2012; Smittenaar et al, 2012).

In sum, whereas neurocomputational models emphasize DA as a neurochemical correlate of reinforcement learning via prediction errors, and impaired learning following DA antagonism as a consequence, animal models suggest impairments in expression of learned associations.

Therefore, it is important to clarify whether a high dose of a DA D2/3-receptor antagonist impairs behavior during the acquisition phase of reinforcement learning or during the expression and maintenance of accurately learned associations. Furthermore, by investigating the influence of genetic differences in striatal DA D2 receptor density, we are able to determine the specificity of any behavioral effects of the high-dose DA D2/3 receptor antagonist during reinforcement learning.

We administered 800 mg of sulpiride or placebo to 78 volunteers, genotyped for the DA D2 receptor Taq1A polymorphism, in a behavioral genetic study of reinforcement learning. We studied learning using an established instrumental conditioning paradigm (Pessiglione et al, 2006), during which volunteers are required to choose between two visual stimuli that are probabilistically associated with monetary gains and losses. In our version of the paradigm, there were two pairs of stimuli, one pair was associated with monetary gains (winning £1 with a probability of 75% or winning nothing with a probability of 25%), and a second pair was associated with a monetary loss (losing £1 with a probability of 75% or losing nothing with a probability of 25%). For the first pair, volunteers should seek out the symbol associated with a higher likelihood of winning £1 (ie to choose the ‘correct' symbol), whereas for the other pair volunteers should avoid the symbol associated with a higher likelihood of losing £1 (ie to avoid choosing the ‘incorrect' symbol).

We hypothesized that sulpiride would produce behavioral impairments during reinforcement learning, and that these effects should vary as a function of individual differences in drug absorption. Furthermore, we expected volunteers with genetically determined reductions in striatal DA D2 receptor density would show the most pronounced behavioral impairments following sulpiride administration.



Seventy-eight healthy male participants with an age range of 19–44 years (mean=32.1) participated in the study. All participants were recruited from the Cambridge BioResource, a large community-based panel of volunteers that agreed to take part in research linking genotype with phenotype ( All volunteers were right-handed European or North American caucasians. Participants were stratified based on their DA D2 receptor Taq1A genotype, with one group consisting of individuals carrying one or two copies of the A1 allele and the other group consisting of A2 allele homozygotes.

All participants' mental and physical health was screened prior to genotyping using a detailed medical history questionnaire used by Cambridge BioResource. This revealed no history of neurological disease or psychiatric disorders. In addition, the psychiatrist on site performed another structured interview, confirming that volunteers had no significant general psychiatric, medical, or neurological disorder and were not currently taking any prescription medicine, nor drugs of abuse. All volunteers were required to perform an alcohol test upon arrival to the laboratory using a commercially available breath alcohol analyzer. This confirmed that no volunteer had consumed alcohol on the study day.

The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the National Research Ethics Committee of Hertfordshire (11/EE/0111). All participants were included in the study after having provided written informed consent. Data collection for two volunteers was unsuccessful, because one did not understand the instructions to the task (placebo group, A1−), and the other because he felt uncomfortable in the testing room (sulpiride group, A1−).

Experimental Design

Volunteers were assigned to receive a single oral dose of either 800 mg of sulpiride or a respective placebo in a randomized and double-blind manner. The resulting four groups of participants (A1+ with sulpiride, n=21; A1+ with placebo, n=17; A1− with sulpiride, n=20; A1− with placebo, n=18) were all matched for age and BMI; post hoc tests revealed that there was no difference in general intelligence across groups (Mann–Whitney tests, p>0.459).


Upon arrival (between 0830 and 1000), volunteers completed the National Adult Reading Test assessing general intelligence and visual analog scales (VAS) assessing alertness (Bond and Lader, 1974). They gave a first blood sample (10 ml), underwent assessments of heart rate and blood pressure and were then required to ingest either the placebo or the sulpiride pill. Volunteers then entered a waiting period during which they were required to stay in the premises in separate and quiet rooms, and were allowed to read newspapers. To increase absorption of sulpiride, volunteers were required to ingest a small snack.

Three hours after drug loading (Mehta et al, 2003), when sulpiride plasma levels reached their peak, volunteers had to fill out a comprehensive side-effects questionnaire (Rush et al, 2003) and again a VAS assessing alertness. They then provided a second blood sample, and blood pressure and heart rate were measured again. At the end of the study, we asked volunteers to guess whether they received sulpiride or the placebo (Supplementary Information).

The reinforcement learning task was implemented in Visual Basic software and presented on computer screens. Instructions were first presented on-screen, then they were summarized orally, and following this volunteers performed the practice block, to get used to the task.

All volunteers received a flat fee of £50 for participation in the study and an additional payment of 5% of their earnings in the reinforcement learning task. Each volunteer received payment in cash in private at the end of the study.

Sulpiride and Prolactin Serum Concentration Measurements

Serum sulpiride was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography utilizing fluorescence endpoint detection with prior solvent extraction. The excitation and emission wavelengths were 300 and 360 nm, respectively. Both intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) were <10% and the limit of detection was 5–10 ng/ml.

Serum prolactin was measured by a commercial immunoradiometric assay (MP Biomedicals, UK), which utilized 125I as the ligand. The intra- and inter-assay CVs were 4.2% and 8.2%, respectively, and the limit of detection was 0.5 ng/ml.

Reinforcement Learning Task

The task contained a total of 104 trials, and employed different pairs of geometrical shapes as visual stimuli. The first 24 trials were practice trials, after which new pairs of stimuli appeared. Following this, the main task started, which consisted of 40 trials of a ‘gain' domain, randomly interspersed with 40 trials of a ‘loss' domain amounting to a total of 80 trials.

Each of the two pairs of stimuli was associated with pairs of outcomes, ie a win of £1 or nil in the ‘gain' domain and a loss of £1 or nil in the ‘loss' domain. In the ‘gain' domain, one stimulus was associated with a probability of winning £1 of 75% and a probability of winning nil of 25%, whereas the other stimulus was associated with a probability of winning £1 of 25% and winning nil of 75%. In the ‘loss' pair, one stimulus was associated with a probability of losing £1 of 75% and a probability of losing nil of 25%, whereas the other stimulus was associated with a probability of losing £1 of 25% and losing nil of 75%. Volunteers were unaware of these percentages.

On each trial, one pair was randomly presented and the two stimuli were displayed on the screen, right and left of a central fixation cross, their relative position being counterbalanced across trials. The volunteer was required to choose one of the two stimuli by pressing a corresponding keyboard button. Immediately after the decision, the choice was framed in bold and afterwards £1 coin was displayed in case of a gain, a crossed-out coin was displayed in case of a loss and an empty white circle was displayed in case of the outcome nil. Volunteers were required to select between the two stimuli within a restricted time frame of 1700 ms. If volunteers did not respond within 1700 ms, they were penalized with a loss of £1, in both domains, along with text on-screen showing ‘too late'. Thus, in order to accumulate money, volunteers had to learn, by trial and error, the stimulus–outcome associations.

Statistical Methods

We used non-parametric Mann–Whitney tests to test for group differences in the distribution of behavioral choices in the learning task. As a robustness check of our results, we fitted a log growth curve model to the data (Supplementary Table S1).

We used parametric Student's t-tests to compare differences in the associated average response latencies. These were log transformed to meet statistical distributional assumptions (Judd and McClelland, 1989). We used raw response latencies for graphical representation and for reporting averages.

To investigate whether a high dose of a DA D2/3-receptor antagonist impairs behavior during the acquisition phase of reinforcement learning and/or during the expression of accurately learned associations, we tested whether the learning rate changes over the 40 trials. We used a method developed by Bai and Perron (1998), which endogenously identifies the number and location of structural breaks in the learning rate over the 40 trials. Using E-views 8.0, the Bai–Perron multiple structural break test identified three basic phases of learning in our data. In the gain domain, we identified pronounced and significant learning in early trials (trials 1–8), less pronounced but significant learning in the middle (9–24) and absent learning in later trials, ie, we found that learning reached asymptote in trials ⩾25. The according three phases in the loss domain were trials 1–12 (early), 13–30 (middle) and reaching asymptote in trials ⩾31 (see Supplementary Figure S1).

Q-Learning Model

To reveal the nature of the observed behavioral impairments, we then applied to the data a Q-learning model that also takes feedback processing into account and thus allows a more sophisticated interpretation of the data. The Q-learning model assumes that each volunteer forms a subjective value for each stimulus and updates this value based on the feedback received in each trial (Sutton and Barto, 1998). For each trial, we calculated the subjective value volunteers assign to each pair of stimuli A and B, indicated as Inline graphic and Inline graphic. This can be interpreted as the expected reward for choosing a certain stimulus A or B. Inline graphic and Inline graphic are updated with the feedback volunteers receive (Rt−1) in each trial. Note that (Rt−1) is not indexed with A and B, because if a volunteer for instance chooses A and feedback indicates it was the ‘correct' choice, this feedback implies that B is the ‘incorrect' choice, simply because there are only two symbols to choose from. The following updating rule is used: Inline graphic. The extent to which feedback (ie, +£1, 0,−£1) influences the subjective values of the chosen stimulus is referred to as the learning rate and captured by model parameter α (Sutton and Barto, 1998). The higher the learning rate α, the higher the influence of recent feedback on Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Thus, a low α estimate reflects a relatively small impact of prior feedback on the current decision, whereas a higher α estimate indicates a larger impact of feedback. In other words, the current subjective value of each stimulus is updated with the difference between feedback in the previous trial and its previous subjective value, ie with the prediction error term Inline graphic.

We then used the softmax function Inline graphicInline graphic to estimate the probability (Pt) with which each stimulus is chosen, and maximum likelihood methods to estimate the learning rate (α) and temperature (β). The starting values are Inline graphic, which implies equiprobable choices at the beginning Inline graphic.

The temperature parameter (β) specifies noise that reflects on the accuracy of response choice (Sutton and Barto, 1998). For example, for a volunteer who chooses randomly between the two stimuli, and thus whose choices do not correlate with the subjective value of the two stimuli, the β estimate is high. Vice versa, if a volunteer always chooses the stimulus with the higher subjective value, then parameter β will be close to zero. Note that this implies that volunteers who are more likely to switch their choice when receiving an unexpected feedback show a higher β.

Earlier research suggests that DA neurons might be differentially involved in learning from positive and negative feedback (Daw et al, 2002; Frank et al, 2004). Hence, we estimate separate parameters (α and β) for the gain and loss domains. To test whether a model with separate parameters is indeed a better specification than models with combined or partially combined parameters (eg separate α and combined β), we compare these different models using the Bayesian Information Criteria. This model comparison confirms that separate parameters give a better fit than combined or partially combined parameters (Supplementary Table S3).

All reported p values are based on two-sided z-tests. The detailed results for the Q-learning model can be found in the (Supplementary Table S2).


Sulpiride Decreases Frequency of Correct Choices

We found that volunteers successfully learned over 40 trials to choose the high-probability gain symbol and avoid choosing the high-probability loss symbol (Figure 1a). Although the probability of the volunteers choosing the ‘correct' symbol increased over the task, sulpiride impaired this selectively for gains: ie for choosing a stimulus indicating a high probability of monetary gain, but not for avoiding the stimulus associated with monetary loss (Figure 1a).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Sulpiride effects on reinforcement learning. The learning curves depict the ratio of volunteers that chose the ‘correct' stimulus in the gain domain (upper graph, solid lines), and the ‘incorrect' stimulus in the loss domain (lower graph, dashed lines). In the gain domain, the ‘correct' stimulus is associated with a probability of 0.75 of winning £1, whereas in the loss domain the ‘incorrect' stimulus is associated with a probability of 0.75 of losing £1. (a) Sulpiride (red) compared with placebo (blue) induces behavioral impairments in the gain domain after learning has plateaued (Mann–Whitney test, p=0.016, n=76). (b) Sulpiride group divided by serum values through median split. Higher serum levels (red) relate to more prominent impairments in the gain domain when compared with volunteers with lower serum levels (blue, Mann–Whitney test, p=0.031, n=39).

Significant drug effects were not apparent until learning had reached a stable level (trials⩾25). In this asymptotic phase, identified via a multiple break-point analysis (Bai and Perron, 1998), volunteers receiving sulpiride chose the high-probability gain symbol (85% ‘correct' choices) less often compared with those receiving placebo (94% ‘correct' choices, Mann–Whitney test, p=0.016, n=76). No such effects were observed in the earlier phases of learning, and in the loss domain (all p>0.15). Together this suggests that sulpiride affected behavior in the asymptotic phase of learning, selectively in the gain, but not in the loss domain.

To reveal the nature of the observed behavioral impairments, we applied to the data a Q-learning model that distinguishes two major components of reinforcement learning, ie the learning rate and choice performance.

Sulpiride Selectively Affects Choice Performance

We did not observe any significant differences between the placebo and the sulpiride group on the learning rate α (Figure 2a, Supplementary Table S2), neither in the gain (placebo α=0.06, sulpiride α=0.06, p=0.819) nor in the loss domain (placebo α=0.15, sulpiride α=0.13, p=0.389). In contrast, β was 57% higher in the sulpiride group compared with the placebo group (placebo β=0.14, sulpiride β=0.22, p=0.005). This effect was selective for the gain domain (treatment × domain interaction term=−0.10, p=0.008), with sulpiride having no effect on β in the loss domain (placebo β=0.32, sulpiride β=0.30, p=0.368). These results suggest that sulpiride impairs learned choice performance of symbols indicating a high probability of monetary gain.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Parameter estimates of the Q-learning model across drug, serum value and genotype groups, separately for the gain and loss domain. (a) Temperature parameter βgain is significantly higher in the sulpiride group (57% increase compared with the placebo, p=0.005), but the learning rate αgain is not affected, and there are no effects in the loss domain (αloss, βloss). (b) Higher sulpiride serum values selectively affect the temperature parameter βgain (183% increase in high compared with low serum values, p=0.001), with no effects on either αgain, αloss or βloss. (c) Pronounced sulpiride effects on βgain are observed in A1+ genotype carriers (211% increase following sulpiride compared with placebo administration, p<0.001), but not in A1− genotype carriers.

Analysis of response latencies revealed a similar pattern of results (Figure 3 and Supplementary Table S5). Sulpiride induced a significant prolongation of response latencies in the gain domain, when learning had converged (566 vs 611 ms, t-test, p=0.044). The increase in response times was not significant in the loss domain (767 vs 792 ms, t-test, p=0.621).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Response latencies over trials. (a) Whereas response latencies decrease over trials in both groups, volunteers in the sulpiride (red) compared with the placebo (blue) group show higher response latencies in the gain domain in the plateau phase of learning (t-test, p=0.044, n=76). (b) Response latencies in the loss domain are higher than in the gain domain, and there is no significant difference between the sulpiride group (red) and the placebo group in the loss domain (blue).

We also found no apparent side effects on heart rate, blood pressure and self-reported neurovegetative symptoms, as well as alertness, calmness and contentedness (Supplementary Table S4). Moreover, volunteers were at chance levels in guessing whether they had received sulpiride or placebo (Supplementary Information). Furthermore, as an indication of postsynaptic DA D2 effects, we found that sulpiride administration induced a significant rise in serum prolactin values (Supplementary Information).

Serum Sulpiride Values Predict Impairments in Choice Performance

Substantial individual differences were observed in serum-sulpiride concentrations (range: 164–1782 ng/ml, median=426 ng/ml), providing a means of estimating possible dose-response effects (Dodds et al, 2009). To reduce noise, we aggregated these values in two groups by median split. Note that Taq1A genotype was not significantly associated with the two groups (below median: A1+ (n=9) and A1− (n=11); above median: A1+ (n=12) and A1− (n=7) carriers, t-test, p=0.27).

If the sulpiride effects observed above are in fact primarily a result of postsynaptic DA D2/3 blockade, then these effects should be most pronounced in those who have high serum levels.

Indeed, we found that the above reported sulpiride effect was driven by volunteers with higher serum levels (Figure 1b). In the asymptotic phase of learning, volunteers with higher serum levels choose the high-probability gain symbol less frequently (75% on average) than volunteers with low serum values (94% on average, Mann–Whitney test, p=0.031, n=39).

Analysis of model parameters showed that effects were linked to a higher parameter β (Figure 2b, Supplementary Table S2), with higher serum levels being associated with a substantial 183% increase in β (lower sulpiride β=0.12, higher sulpiride β=0.34, p=0.001), selectively in the gain domain (serum level group × domain interaction term=−0.17, p=0.029), with effects on β being absent in the loss domain (lower sulpiride β=0.28, higher sulpiride β=0.33, p=0.168). There were no significant effects on α (main and interaction effects, all p>0.190). Furthermore, we find that volunteers with lower serum levels do not behave differently than volunteers receiving placebo. In the asymptotic phase, volunteers with lower serum levels (<426 ng/ml ) chose the correct symbol as often as volunteers receiving placebo (94% on average in both groups, Mann–Whitney test, p=0.44, n=57). The estimated parameters of the Q-learning model are also not different between volunteers receiving placebo and those receiving sulpiride and low serum levels (placebo β=0.14, lower sulpiride β=0.12, p=0.403; placebo α=0.06, lower sulpiride α=0.05, p=0.948). Thus, earlier studies used DA D2 antagonist doses that were probably insufficiently high to occupy a substantial proportion of postsynaptic striatal DA D2 receptors (Jocham et al, 2011; Mehta et al, 2005, 2008; Pessiglione et al, 2006; van der Schaaf et al, 2012). Our results indicate that high-dose sulpiride impairs learned choice performance, driven by those who achieve higher serum levels, thus indicating that effects are driven by blockade of postsynaptic DA D2/3 receptors.

Impairments in Choice Performance are Linked to DA D2 Receptor Genotype

Although sulpiride has higher selectivity for the DA D2 type receptors (with no significant binding to DA D1 type, α adrenergic, histaminergic or serotoninergic receptors), it does not distinguish between DA D2 and D3 receptors. Stratification of our sample by a D2 receptor-specific genetic polymorphism, the Taq1A genotype, provided a means of addressing specificity for the DA D2 receptor. We tested whether volunteers who carry a genotype associated with a ∼30% reduction in DA D2 receptor density showed a more marked impairment in learned choice performance following sulpiride administration. This pharmacogenetic approach also sheds light on the issue of whether this polymorphism is involved in generating behavioral variation or whether it is only spuriously correlated with it.

We found that volunteers carrying at least one copy of the A1 allele (A1+) drove the sulpiride effect (Figure 4a and b). These volunteers showed a prominent behavioral impairment during learning about reward-predicting stimuli, with A1+ carriers receiving placebo choosing the high-probability reward symbol on average 99% of the time in the asymptotic phase, whereas A1+ volunteers receiving sulpiride chose this symbol less often (82% on average, Mann–Whitney test, p=0.048, n=38). However, there was no significant effect in volunteers who were not carrying a copy of the minor A1 allele (A1−, Mann–Whitney test, p=0.165, n=38).

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Pharmacogenetic interaction of sulpiride and DA D2 receptor Taq1A polymorphism on reinforcement learning. (a) Volunteers with a genetically determined reduction in DA D2 receptor density (A1+ allele carriers) show behavioral impairments during reinforcement learning following sulpiride (red) compared with placebo (blue) administration in the gain domain (upper graph, solid lines, Mann–Whitney test, p=0.048, n=38), but not in the loss domain (lower graph, dashed lines). (b) Sulpiride (red) compared with placebo (blue) has no significant effect in either the gain (upper graph, solid lines) or the loss (lower graph, dashed lines) domain in volunteers who carry the common variant (A1−) of the polymorphism.

Q-learning model results showed that sulpiride significantly affected A1+, but not A1−, volunteers' choice performance (treatment × genotype interaction term=−0.20, p=0.001, Figure 2c, Supplementary Table S2). A1+ volunteers receiving sulpiride showed a 211% increase in β (placebo β=0.09, sulpiride β=0.28, p<0.001), selectively in the gain domain (treatment × domain interaction term=−0.24, p<0.001), with effects on β being absent in the loss domain (placebo β=0.34, sulpiride β=0.29, p=0.190). There were no significant effects on α (main and interaction effects, all p>0.172).


Administration of a high dose (800 mg) of the selective DA D2/3-receptor antagonist sulpiride had no effect on reinforcement learning, but impaired the expression of this learning in choice performance for gains, though not monetary losses. This effect was mirrored in response time slowing and was behaviorally selective with no side effects of the drug on blood pressure, heart rate or self-report measures of sedation. The impairment in choice performance was dose dependent in the sense that volunteers who had higher levels of serum sulpiride (based on a median split) showed the most prominent deficits. We also found that the sulpiride effect was greater in volunteers carrying at least one copy of the minor allele of the DA D2 receptor Taq1A polymorphism, which is known to be associated with a 30% reduction in striatal DA D2 receptors. These results bear on the precise functions of different DA receptors in reinforcement learning and performance, with the DA D2 receptor being implicated primarily in appetitive performance.

Our main finding is that postsynaptic DA D2 receptor blockade affects the asymptote of correct percentage choice performance. We used a Q-learning algorithm with a learning parameter α and temperature β reflecting choice performance in the task to model behavioral choices. Although these two parameters are mathematically not entirely independent of each other, our results show that sulpiride selectively increased β, suggesting impairments in choice performance.

The lack of effect of DA D2 receptor blockade on the learning rate α in our data is at first sight difficult to reconcile with the postulated role of DA in learning through reward prediction errors (Montague et al, 1996; Pessiglione et al, 2006; Schultz, 1998). However, the DA D1 receptor could be hypothesized to have a more specific role in learning, because it has a relatively low affinity for DA binding, and is more closely associated with phasic DA release following receipt of unexpected rewards (Dreyer et al, 2010). Hence, the DA D1 receptor is implicated in the phasic DA surges that result from unexpected rewards obtained in the initial phase of the reinforcement learning task and might facilitate learning via NMDA-dependent long-term plasticity (Lovinger, 2012; Zweifel et al, 2009). In contrast, the DA D2 receptor has high affinity (Rice and Cragg, 2008) for DA binding and is more closely related to tonic dopaminergic activity, which has been linked to response vigor and motivational effects (Robbins and Everitt, 1992). Consequently, blockade of the DA D2 receptor may spare learning from reward predictions, but results in impairments in expression of such learning, in the form of choice performance impairments and response time slowing.

Apparently consistent with the reward prediction error account of DA function, Pessiglione et al (2006) reported that administration of a low dose of the non-selective DA D2 antagonist haloperidol decreased the sum of correct choices in a reinforcement learning task compared with administration of L-DOPA (the biochemical precursor of DA), which leads to a non-specific increase in brain DA levels. However, as statistical tests against a placebo group were not significant, their results precluded deriving conclusions regarding the role of the DA D2 receptor in reinforcement learning and performance.

The fact that we did not observe effects in the loss condition is relevant in the light of a basal ganglia model of DA function proposing that avoidance learning is mediated by DA D2 receptors. The model suggests that the DA decreases below baseline (‘dips') that occur when an outcome is worse than expected (Schultz, 2002) would release otherwise tonically activated D2 receptors on striatopallidal neurons (Frank, 2005). Accordingly, release of D2 receptors is thought to facilitate learning from losses via the so-called ‘indirect' pathway (Frank, 2005). The prediction then is that a pharmacological blockade of postsynaptic D2 receptors (simulating a lack of D2 receptor stimulation during dips) would enhance avoidance learning. Although this model has received support from studies in Parkinson's disease patients (Frank et al, 2004) and from behavioral genetic studies of the DA D2 receptor without drug administration (Jocham et al, 2009; Klein et al, 2007), we found neither a main effect of sulpiride, a serum-sulpiride dependent, nor a pharmacogenetic interaction effect on avoidance learning. This clearly points to the DA D2 receptor as being less critically implicated in aversive instrumental learning than predicted by this model (Frank, 2005) and adds psychopharmacological evidence in healthy humans to the general discussion of the relative involvement of DA in reward over punishment processing (Brischoux et al, 2009; Lammel et al, 2011; Matsumoto and Hikosaka, 2009; Mirenowicz and Schultz, 1996).

The lack of behavioral effects and absence of response time slowing in the loss condition, together with a general absence of physiological and self-reported side effects, excludes general impairments in sensorimotor coordination and attention in accounting for the sulpiride effects in the gain condition. This is consistent with animal research showing that DA receptor blockade can impair appetitive performance both by diminishing incentive motivation as well by impairing the initiation and selection of action (Berridge and Robinson, 1998; Blackburn et al, 1987; Ikemoto and Panksepp, 1999; Robbins and Everitt, 1992; Wise, 2004), and with the findings that tonic DA acting on DA D2 receptors primarily affect late-stage performance, via modulating PFC-NAcc information processing (Goto and Grace, 2005). Sulpiride might also have affected performance through effects on the matching versus maximization trade-off (Morris et al, 2006). For example, volunteers treated with sulpiride could be less motivated to maximize their rewards in the probabilistic reinforcement task and rather tend to match reinforcement rates across the two options. Overall, the findings raise the interesting issue of how motivational factors interact with reinforcement learning to generate not only the performance of a task but also its initial acquisition. Specifically, dopaminergic medication altered the ability to apply instructions concerning which outcomes were rewarding to existing stimulus–outcome associations.

Our study has limitations in that we restricted our study to investigating male participants, owing to the rationale that menstrual cycle effects in females is an unwanted source of variance. Thus, future studies might investigate whether the same results can be obtained in healthy young females. Finally, the stratified genotype groups were comparatively small. Thus, although our pharmacogenetic approach goes beyond mere genotype behavior correlations, independent replication is warranted.

In sum, our results shed new light on the role of DA D2 receptor blockade in reinforcement learning in healthy volunteers by showing that DA D2 receptor blockade impairs measures of choice performance rather than the learning rate. Our findings might have relevance in the context of pharmacological treatment of psychosis, by pointing to genetic susceptibilities in causing impairments in motivation as a result of DA receptor antagonist administration. The results may have implications for understanding the behavioral mechanisms of action of anti-psychotic drugs and may, for example, be consistent with the view that they reduce ‘aberrant motivational salience' of stimuli hypothetically contributing to positive symptoms (Kapur, 2003). Furthermore, our findings may have relevance in the context of anhedonia, which is characterized by a low motivation to provide effort for rewards (Treadway and Zald, 2013), and is a common symptom in schizophrenic patients treated with DA receptor blockers.


This research work was funded by a Core Award from the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust to the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute (MRC Ref G1000183; WT Ref 093875/Z/10/Z). CE was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (PA00P1_134135) and the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF VRG13-007). AL is an employee of Medpace Medical Device B.V. LC is a Principal Consultant for Cambridge Cognition. UM discloses consultancy for Janssen-Cilag, Lilly, Heptares and Shire, and educational funding from AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen-Cilag, Lilly, Lundbeck and Pharmacia-Upjohn. TWR discloses consultancy with Lilly, Lundbeck, Teva, Shire Pharmaceuticals, ChemPartners and Cambridge Cognition Ltd and research grants with Lilly, Lundbeck and GlaxoSmithKline. The remaining authors declare no conflict of interest.


We gratefully acknowledge the participation of all NIHR Cambridge BioResource (CBR) volunteers. We thank the Cambridge BioResource staff for their help with volunteer recruitment. We also thank members of the Cambridge BioResource SAB and Management Committee for their support given to our study and the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre for funding. Access to CBR volunteers and their data and samples is governed by the CBR SAB. Documents describing access arrangements and contact details are available at We thank Violetta Dalla and Rudolf Cardinal for their support in the statistical analysis.


Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on the Neuropsychopharmacology website (

Author Contributions

CE, MN, UM, LC and TWR designed the research; CE, MN, AL, and UM performed the research; UM and PKG provided medical cover; MN analyzed the data; CE, MN and TWR wrote the paper.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Information


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