Fig 2.
(A) Difference in maximum amplitude (MA) stratified by transfusion requirement. The dotted line at 55 represents our institution’s threshold for platelet transfusion. Patients who did not require a transfusion had no statistical difference in the change in MA with respect to T-ACT dichotomization. Comparison of patients who received a transfusion or MT showed decreased MA correlating to prolonged T-ACT. All 11 patients with a T-ACT >140 seconds and who required an MT had an MA indicative of platelet transfusion. No blood, no transfusion; Transfusion, patient received >1 unit of red blood cells; MT, massive transfusion (patients received 10 or more units of red blood cells in the first 6 hours); T-ACT, TEG-activated clotting time. *P <.01. (B) Difference in angle stratified by transfusion requirement. The dotted line represents our group’s transfusion threshold for cryoprecipitate. The same trend was seen with MA as angle. Patients who did not require a transfusion did not have a difference in angle, whereas patients requiring a transfusion or MT had an association with prolonged. Again, all 11 patients who required an MT had an angle indicative of a cryoprecipitate transfusion. No blood, no transfusion; Transfusion, patient received >1 unit of red blood cells; MT, massive transfusion (patients received >6 or more units of red blood cells in the first 6 hours); *P < .01.