Excision of uracil introduced into the immunoglobulin loci by AID is central to antibody diversification. While predominantly carried out by the UNG uracil‐DNA glycosylase as reflected by deficiency in immunoglobulin class switching in Ung−/− mice, the deficiency is incomplete, as evidenced by the emergence of switched IgG in the serum of Ung−/− mice. Lack of switching in mice deficient in both UNG and MSH2 suggested that mismatch repair initiated a backup pathway. We now show that most of the residual class switching in Ung−/− mice depends upon the endogenous SMUG1 uracil‐DNA glycosylase, with in vitro switching to IgG1 as well as serum IgG3, IgG2b, and IgA greatly diminished in Ung−/−Smug1−/− mice, and that Smug1 partially compensates for Ung deficiency over time. Nonetheless, using a highly MSH2‐dependent mechanism, Ung−/−Smug1−/− mice can still produce detectable levels of switched isotypes, especially IgG1. While not affecting the pattern of base substitutions, SMUG1 deficiency in an Ung−/− background further reduces somatic hypermutation at A:T base pairs. Our data reveal an essential requirement for uracil excision in class switching and in facilitating noncanonical mismatch repair for the A:T phase of hypermutation presumably by creating nicks near the U:G lesion recognized by MSH2.
Keywords: Class switching, DNA deamination, Somatic hypermutation, Uracil
In B cells, functional immunoglobulin genes are generated by gene rearrangement (V–D–J joining), giving rise to a primary repertoire of B cells producing antibodies of moderate specificity and affinity for many potential antigens. Upon antigen encounter, cells from this primary repertoire undergo further diversification in man and mouse by a process of somatic hypermutation (SHM) in which successive rounds of nontemplated nucleotide substitutions in the IgV gene are linked with antigen‐mediated selection to drive antibody affinity maturation, resulting in the production of antibodies with higher affinity. In addition, antigen encounter also leads to a shift in antibody isotype (from IgM to IgG3, IgG1, IgG2b, IgG2a, IgE, or IgA in the mouse, and analogously in other species) to change the antibody effector activity. All processes of postrearrangement antibody diversification (IgV SHM, IgC class switch recombination (CSR), and IgV gene conversion, which is not observed in mice and humans) are dependent on the activity of the enzyme AID, which acts by deaminating the DNA base cytosine (C) to uracil (U) in different regions of the immunoglobulin locus 1.
The initiating U:G lesion is recognized either owing to the fact that it constitutes a base mismatch (implicating the MSH2/MSH6 mismatch recognition heterodimer 4) or by virtue of the fact that uracil is an inappropriate base in DNA and therefore a target for base excision repair (BER) by uracil‐DNA glysosylases. Several such enzymes that have the ability to excise uracil from DNA have been described in mammalian cells (UNG; SMUG1; MBD4; TDG; 13), among which UNG appears to play the dominant role in class switching, since the efficiency of the process is reduced severalfold in UNG‐deficient mouse 16, human 17 and chicken cells 18. Nevertheless, substantial diversification still occurs in the absence of UNG, with UNG‐deficient mice showing normal levels of IgG1 in their serum despite very inefficient switching in vitro, pointing at the existence of a second pathway. Previous results from our group have revealed that the alternative CSR pathway can be essentially abolished by removal of MSH2 19, and others have shown similar effects for MSH6 deficiency 12, leading us to propose that direct recognition of the U:G lesion by MSH2/MSH6 mediated a glycosylase‐independent backup pathway 3. Although SMUG1, when heavily overexpressed, was able to catalyze class switching in Ung−/−Msh2−/− mice, the low endogenous levels of SMUG1 were seemingly insufficient to do so, and the lack of effect of enforced overexpression of SMUG1 in UNG‐deficient mice prompted speculation that SMUG1 might preferentially initiate error‐free repair at recognized lesions 19.
In SHM, recognition of the U:G mismatch by MSH2 results in recruitment of the translesion synthesis pathway, leading to resection and mutagenic DNA synthesis by polymerase η (Polη), which is largely responsible for the mutations at A:T pairs 9. In the absence of Polη, alternative translesion polymerases such as Polκ can contribute to this mutagenic mismatch repair (MMR) and give rise to mutations at A:T pairs 22. In the absence of MSH2, however, alternative translesion synthesis polymerases do not seem to support A:T mutagenesis with the recruitment of Polη being absolutely dependent on UNG, leading to the suggestion that UNG provides a backup to MSH2 for the recruitment of Polη during SHM 22.
The picture becomes more complicated when trying to reconcile the mechanistic insights gained from mouse models with data from human patients with immunoglobulin diversification pathologies, particularly when looking in detail at class switching to different immunoglobulin isotypes. Patients with deficiency in PMS2, the endonuclease immediately downstream of mismatch recognition by the MSH2/MSH6 heterodimer and absolutely necessary for conventional MMR, showed low serum levels of IgG2 and IgG4 and impaired CSR in vitro 27 with no effect on the pattern of SHM. However, Pms2−/− mice have a class switching deficit to IgG1 in vitro, while switching to IgG3 is hardly affected, but CSR in these mice is very dependent on the microhomology end‐joining pathway 28.
With regard to the role of UNG, the very rare (three so far) human patients again recapitulate the in vitro B‐cell phenotype of Ung−/− mice, but additionally show severe deficiency of switched isotypes in serum, which is less apparent (and for IgG1, not the case) in mice. Patients with intrinsic class switch deficit in vitro, often accompanied with residual IgG or IgA levels, have been identified in association with preferential use of microhomology at switch junctions, radiosensitivity, and tumor predisposition, hinting at an as yet unidentified DNA repair deficiency 29.
Thus, it appears that the subtle redundancies in the mechanistic pathways (MMR and BER) that promote both class switching and SHM have distinct effects on the different Ig subclasses in vivo both in mice and in human patients. Here, we test the contribution of endogenous SMUG1 to antibody diversification using Smug1−/− mice alone and in combination with Ung−/− mice in order to clarify the contribution of uracil excision to the secondary pathways of class switching and SHM.
SMUG1 deficiency does not impair CSR in the presence of UNG
Based on its biochemical activity on double‐stranded DNA, SMUG1 is assumed to be the uracil glycosylase dealing with the products of deaminated cytosine in mammals 30. At the immunoglobulin locus, UNG appears to be the main glycosylase accessing the enzymatically generated uracil, and it has been suggested that the fate of the U:G lesion might depend on competition between SMUG1 and UNG. Di Noia 21 and others 31 have put forward the idea of competition between faithful repair and mutagenesis, specifically that recognition by SMUG1 would lead to faithful repair of a double‐stranded substrate, whereas recognition by UNG during S phase of the cell cycle could create exposed breaks in single‐stranded regions of the replicating genome and promote class switching. It was therefore interesting to ascertain whether in the absence of SMUG1, accumulation of unrepaired uracil would lead to enhanced CSR, particularly in light of the observation that mutagenesis at the Ig locus by UNG is restricted to the G1 phase where it would have to compete with SMUG1 32. That is not the case, however, as in vitro class switching induced by LPS and IL‐4 in B cells from Smug1−/− mice 34 was indistinguishable from that observed in SMUG1‐proficient B cells and proceeded with the same kinetics (Fig. 1A). Equally, neither switching to IgG3 nor IgG2b was impaired in the absence of SMUG1 (not shown). This suggests that the accumulation of uracils induced by AID is not limited by the activity of SMUG1. Consistent with this, and in contrast to UNG‐deficient mice, Smug1−/− mice do not accumulate IgM in their serum as evidenced by the ratios of μ heavy chains versus γ chains purified by immunoprecipitation of kappa light chains by protein L (Fig. 1B).
SMUG1 deficiency on an Ung−/− background reduces serum IgG and IgA
To find out whether SMUG1 was responsible for the residual isotype switching in Ung−/− mice, we established a line of Ung−/− Smug1−/− double‐knockouts. The Smug1 gene ablation in these mice has previously been shown to lead to loss of the Smug1 transcript and loss of biochemically detectable backup uracil glycosylase activity in nonlymphoid cells 34; we confirmed that this also applies to activated B lymphocytes (Supporting Information Fig. 1).
Analysis of serum immunoglobulin levels in Ung−/− mice confirmed and extended what we and others have seen previously 16, namely that UNG deficiency reduces the abundance of switched isotypes, with a marked accumulation of IgM that is even more pronounced in mice also lacking SMUG1 (Fig. 2A). Quantitation of serum immunoglobulin at 6 months by electrochemilumescent immunoassay confirmed that SMUG1 deficiency on its own does not increase the levels of IgM (Fig. 2B), nor does it affect the accumulation of switched isotypes (although as in the case of UNG deficiency, individual titers are quite scattered) (Fig. 2C). While Ung−/− mice show a reduction in serum IgG3 (from 270 to 35 μg/mL), IgG2b (from 111 to 97 μg/mL), and IgA (from 24 to 9.9 μg/mL), serum IgG1 levels are not diminished (mean value of 150 μg/mL in WTs compared with 280 μg/mL in Ung−/− mice). Quantitative analyses of serum from 26‐week‐old Ung−/− Smug1−/− mice reveal that SMUG1 is necessary for most of the residual switching to IgG3, IgG2b, and IgA in UNG‐deficient mice, with loss of SMUG1 in this background causing a further reduction of IgG3 titers from 35 to 8.2 μg/mL, IgG2b from 97 to 11 μg/mL, and IgA from 9.9 to 4.2 μg/mL (Fig. 2C). Serum levels of IgG1 again are little affected by deficiency in both UNG and SMUG, although the hyper‐IgM phenotype is readily apparent in the double‐knockout (Fig. 2B).
To see if differences in the kinetics of SMUG1‐dependent switching had allowed mice to compensate for UNG deficiency over time, we repeated the serum immunoglobulin analyses on younger, 3‐month‐old mice. We reasoned that if switching by the secondary pathway was dramatically less efficient, it should only give rise to switched cells very occasionally, but once switched these cells could contribute to serum Ig levels for a considerable time, due to cell proliferation, life time, and the half‐life of Ig protein. Thus, an intrinsically inefficient class switching mechanism would be expected to be able to compensate appreciably only over time. We found that at 3 months (Fig. 2D), SMUG1 does contribute to the residual switching to IgG3, IgG2b, and IgA in UNG‐deficient mice (with loss of SMUG1 in this background causing a further reduction of IgG3 titers from 9.3 to 4.9 μg/mL, IgG2b from 13 to 8.5 μg/mL, and IgA from 7.2 to 5.3 μg/mL); however, this is a rather modest depression compared with the effect at 6 months. Nevertheless, the accumulation of IgM is already apparent in both Ung−/− and Ung−/−Smug1−/− genotypes (average 380 and 280 μg/mL, respectively, versus 180 μg/mL in controls, Supporting Information Fig. 2) and, again, IgG1 serum titers seem to be little affected by loss of UNG or of both UNG and SMUG1. We do note that there is still a small degree of switching to all isotypes in the absence of both glycosylases, relative to AID‐deficient mice.
Thus, loss of SMUG1 removes much of the residual switching to IgG2b, IgG3, and IgA in UNG‐deficient mice, and the age‐correlated partial restoration (Fig. 2E) of switched isotypes in the serum of UNG‐deficient but not SMUG1/UNG double‐deficient mice shows that the SMUG1‐dependent pathway does partially compensate for UNG deficiency.
SMUG1 deficiency reduces the residual class switching to IgG1 in Ung−/− mice in vitro
The finding that serum IgG1 levels are scarcely affected by glycosylase deficiency in mice, although consistent with previous observations from us and others, is in stark contrast to IgG1 switching observed in vitro by culturing splenic B cells in the presence of LPS + IL‐4. Analysis of such cultures using B cells from WT, Ung−/−, Smug1−/− and Ung−/−Smug1−/− mice over 7 days of culture confirms that UNG deficiency does indeed reduce switching to IgG1 in this assay severalfold, as reported previously. In addition, we now find that the residual switching observed in UNG‐deficient mice is reduced a further severalfold (though not entirely ablated) if the cells are also deficient in SMUG1 (Fig. 3A–C). Similar effects are found on the residual in vitro switching to other isotypes (Supporting Information Fig. 3). Thus, the picture emerges that SMUG1 is a major contributor to UNG‐independent switching.
SMUG1 deficiency reduces the residual class switching to IgG1 in Ung−/− mice in vivo
In view of our findings that SMUG1‐proficient Ung−/− mice accumulate greater levels of some switched isotypes between 3 and 6 months of age compared with SMUG1‐deficient Ung−/− mice, and given the strong effect of SMUG1 deficiency on switching in vitro, we were puzzled by the lack of effect observed in vivo with respect to IgG1.
This could either mean that switching to IgG1 proceeded via an entirely different mechanism in vivo, or that while still uracil glycosylase‐dependent, serum accumulation occurred with faster kinetics so that the effects were masked at 3 months. To discriminate between the two alternatives, we tested serum IgG1 levels in 6‐week‐old Ung−/− and Ung−/−Smug1−/− littermates born to AID‐deficient mothers (to exclude maternal transmission of switched isotypes). The results reveal that indeed switching to IgG1 in vivo is greatly reduced in the absence of uracil excision (13 μg/mL compared with 160 μg/mL in controls) and that SMUG1 can provide a significant back up activity (from 13 μg/mL in the double‐deficient to 36 μg/mL in solely UNG‐deficient mice, Fig. 3D), well above the background levels observed in even older Aid−/− mice (<0.2 μg/mL).
We have previously shown that simultaneous deficiency in both UNG and MSH2 causes a near total block on switching to IgG as judged by both in vitro switching to IgG1 in LPS + IL‐4 cultures as well as in vivo by SDS/PAGE analysis of the protein L‐binding serum immunoglobulin fraction 19. We suspect our new findings reflect that both UNG‐ and SMUG1‐initiated switching can be facilitated by the downstream action of MSH2, with the SMUG1‐pathway being especially sensitive to loss of MSH2 (whereas UNG can lead to robust MSH2‐independent switching). Indeed, given its low abundance 19, biochemical activity (compared with UNG, Supporting Information Fig. S1), and particularly low activity on AID hotspot motifs 36, it is likely that SMUG1 may excise fewer uracils than UNG during the switching process, resulting in an increase in the average distance between abasic sites (and consequently nicks) on the two DNA strands. Consistent with this model, we observe a tendency for the switched γ1 junctions obtained in vitro from Ung−/− Smug1−/− B cells to show greater junctional homology than is observed in WT controls (Fig. 3E).
SMUG1 deficiency reduces mutation accumulation at A:T pairs during hypermutation in Ung−/− mice
The findings that endogenous SMUG1 does access the immunoglobulin switch regions and provide a backup for UNG led us to ask whether deficiency in SMUG1 also impacted SHM of the IgV gene. Sequence analysis of the rearranged IgVH 3′‐flanking region from Smug1−/−, Ung−/−, and Ung−/− Smug1−/− double‐knockout mice revealed that whereas UNG deficiency causes a substantial skewing in the nucleotide substitution pattern (abolishing transversions at C:G pairs), deficiency in SMUG1, whether in an UNG‐proficient or ‐deficient background, causes no major additional perturbation in the pattern or distribution of nucleotide substitutions (Fig. 4A and B). Detailed analysis, however, reveals that SMUG1 deficiency in an Ung−/− background causes a further perturbation of the distribution of mutations across the four bases (Fisher's exact test for mutation counts: Smug1−/− Ung−/− versus Ung−/−, p = 0.00008796), which we attribute largely to a reduction in the mutation frequency at A:T pairs. This is reflected in the decreased ratio of mutations at A:T base pairs relative to C:G pairs, which goes beyond that attributable to UNG deficiency alone (Fig. 4C and Supporting Information Fig. 4). A similar analysis of the Igκ light chain locus, focusing on the Jκ5 3′‐flanking region of productively rearranged Vκ segments, yielded broadly similar conclusions (Fig. 4D and E), namely a reduction of mutations at As and Ts in the absence of uracil excision. The contribution of SMUG1 in an Ung−/− background was not apparent in the kappa locus (Fisher's exact test Smug1−/− Ung−/− versus Ung−/−, p = 0.09784), likely due to the overall lower mutation accumulation. A summary of the statistical comparison of mutation distributions between all four genotypes is presented in Figure 4F.
We have previously proposed that there are two main pathways of class switching — one (the major pathway) initiated by UNG recognition of the U:G lesion with its efficiency dependent on a downstream role of MSH2, while we envisaged the other (minor) pathway to be initiated by MSH2 recognition of the U:G mismatch and also resolved by the MMR pathway 3. Curiously, while enforced overexpression of hSMUG1 in an Ung−/− Msh2−/− background resulted in CSR above that observed in UNG‐deficient mice, overexpression in Ung−/− Msh2+/+ mice did not further increase class switching 21, suggesting that SMUG1 operated independently of and possibly competed with the MSH2‐dependent pathway. The results presented here clearly show that endogenous SMUG1 provides sufficient uracil glycosylase activity in the relevant B‐cell population and is required for efficient MSH2‐dependent switching in the absence of UNG, placing uracil BER upstream of the MMR pathway (Fig. 5).
However, in contrast to UNG/MSH2 double‐knockouts, some level of switching remains in the SMUG/UNG mice, particularly when looking at serum levels of IgG1, which are only affected by deficiency in UNG and/or SMUG1 very early in life. Thus, the MMR pathway can promote CSR independent of the uracil glycosylases UNG and SMUG1, either via a true MMR‐only pathway, possibly exploiting low levels of endogenous or induced nicks 37 or by relying on very low levels of uracil excision activity provided by further backup glycosylases that are not readily detectable in biochemical assays 5.
We think the most plausible model (see Fig. 5A) to explain the particular MSH2 dependence of SMUG1‐initiated class switching is that the role of MSH2 in downstream processing becomes especially apparent when the uracil excision does not initially generate double‐strand breaks because, for example, the uracil base excision events are quite rare and distantly spaced and thus require further processing (i.e. resection): this would account for the slight shift toward microhomology‐mediated switching in these mice, analogous to what has been observed in switch junctions from human UNG‐deficient patients 40, consistent with the proposal of Stavnezer and colleagues 1. This model could also explain why the IgG1 isotype, having the largest contiguous repetitive switch region that like all switch repeats has an abundance of AID hotspots (see Ensembl GRCm38 genome build), might be most easily switched to in the absence of UNG, with a very high density of lesions making up for SMUG1's relative inefficiency.
Several curious anomalies come out of this work. Deficiency in UNG and SMUG1 affects all switched isotypes studied, but to different extents. In particular, there is a striking contrast between switching to IgG1 as monitored in in vitro cultures (where an effect of UNG and SMUG1 deficiency is readily discerned) from what is observed when serum accumulation is examined (where the MSH2‐dependent pathway quickly and fully compensates for SMUG1/UNG double deficiency). Also curiously, it is known that human patients with UNG deficiency have very low serum IgG levels, much lower than those observed in UNG deficient or even what we now see in (UNG + SMUG1)‐deficient mice.
All these findings could in principle be reflecting differential contributions of the switching pathways at different developmental or immunological stages; in particular, the effects of SMUG1 deficiency are more apparent with age, as the relative inefficiency of the SMUG1 pathway is only able to compensate for UNG deficiency over time. Similarly, Di Noia and colleagues 35 have investigated the antibody response of Ung−/− mice and found that while total serum IgG1 levels were unaltered, production of switched isotypes upon antigen encounter was markedly delayed in vaccination models.
Our data from Smug1−/− Ung−/− and Ung−/− mice born to AID‐deficient mothers clearly show that in vivo such B cells do rely on SMUG1, suggesting that the deficiency of CSR in vitro truly reflects that expected in an acute immune response and suggesting that even a small starting population of switched cells can accumulate and expand in vivo to normal levels but only over time. More importantly, this also reveals that uracil excision is still the main pathway for class switching to all isotypes, including IgG1 in vivo.
Finally, the difference that emerges from a comparison between the data from mouse and humans could reflect a species difference in the biochemical activity of SMUG1 42 and/or the operation of the MSH2‐initiated pathway. However, it could be also very well that the few UNG‐deficient patients analyzed so far represent a clinical ascertainment bias as they were identified on the basis of their immunological phenotype.
With regard to SHM, our results suggest that, in the absence of UNG, SMUG1 only rarely or inefficiently accesses the initiating U:G lesion before it is either replicated over (to give C‐>T and G‐>A transitions) or recognized by MSH2 (leading to phase 2 mutations largely at A:T pairs), so that the pattern of nucleotide substitutions is not substantially perturbed. Nonetheless, removal of SMUG1 in an UNG‐deficient background results in a small, but convincing, diminution in the proportion of mutations at A:T pairs. This would fit well with a model where a glycosylase‐provided nick, possibly away from the primary U:G lesion, facilitates entry and/or licensing of the MMR machinery to initiate long‐patch resection for mutagenesis at A:T pairs (Fig. 5B). This model would also account for the known lack of direct association between C:G mutation hotspots and A:T mutations and our observation that transversion mutations at C:G pairs are not further diminished in the UNG/SMUG1 double‐knockout below the levels observed in the UNG knockout. Inefficient uracil excision (e.g. at 1–2% of Us) might not be detectable as transversions in the SHM assay, but could nevertheless lead to significant switching, which may require excision of only a small proportion of U:G mispairs.
Whatever the explanation, the reduced mutation at A:T pairs in the absence of both UNG and SMUG1 support the idea that the catalytic activity of the glycosylase, more than its structural properties, facilitates recruitment of the protein factors that matter for hypermutation, and similarly (but more robustly) for CSR.
Our data reveal that uracil excision by endogenous SMUG1 contributes to antibody diversification in the absence of UNG, and place uracil excision upstream of the MSH2 pathway. The extent of SMUG1's contribution (always much less than that of UNG) differs according to the readout measured but it is clear that class switching strongly depends on SMUG1 in the absence of UNG. Inefficient class switching still occurs in the absence of both glycosylases, presumably triggered by MSH2 recognition of the initiating lesion and exploiting other sources of nicks.
With regard to SHM, we show that the amount of SMUG1 activity in a UNG‐deficient hypermutating cell is not sufficient to excise uracil from many of the AID‐generated U:G lesions before the replication fork passes but reveal that even a small contribution from UNG or SMUG1 to uracil excision (while not providing the sole route of entry into phase 2) impacts on the efficiency of mutations at A:Ts. An attractive possibility is that glycosylase‐catalyzed uracil excision at another U:G lesion licenses the MSH2/PMS2 complexes to promote an efficient mutagenic repair.
Materials and methods
The generation of Smug1−/− mice and their intercrossing have been described previously 34. Ung−/− mice 43, Msh2−/− mice 44, and Aicda−/− mice 45 have been described before. Mice used for analysis of switched isotype serum levels in the absence of maternal immunoglobulins were produced by crossing Aicda−/− Ung−/+ Smug1−/+ females with Aicda+/+ Ung−/+ Smug1−/+ males. Animal studies were performed under the EU directives and UK Home Office Project Licence 70/7571 with consent of the LMB Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body.
In vitro CSR assay
This assay was performed as described previously 21, with modifications. Briefly, resting naïve B cells were isolated from splenocyte suspensions after erythrocyte lysis with ammonium chloride via depletion of CD43+ cells using anti‐CD43 microbeads and LD columns (Miltenyi Biotec). Cells were cultured in RPMI1640 with 10% FBS (Hyclone), 1× penicillin/streptomycin (Gibco), and 50 μM β‐mercaptoethanol. To induce CSR to IgG1, cells were cultured in the presence of 40 μg/mL LPS (Sigma L4391), 25 ng/mL recombinant murine (rm) IL‐4 (R&D Systems, 404‐ML‐010), and 20 ng/mL rmBAFF (R&D Systems, 2106‐BF‐010). CSR to IgG3 was induced by 40 μg/mL LPS, to IgG2b by a combination of LPS, BAFF, and 2 ng/mL rmTGF‐β1 (Cell Signaling Technology), and CSR to IgA was induced by culturing with LPS, IL‐4, BAFF, TGF‐β1, and 1.5 ng/mL rmIL‐5 (eBioscience), as described in 46.
Flow cytometric analysis
Cells were harvested, washed with PBS, stained with eF780‐conjugated viability dye (eBioscience), and Fc receptors blocked using 2% rat serum in PBS. Surface staining for IgG1 was performed using FITC‐conjugated rat anti‐mouse IgG1 (clone A85–1, Becton Dickinson) in the presence of 1% rat serum. For class switching to IgG3, IgG2b, and IgA, cells were fixed and permeabilized using the Cytofix/Cytoperm kit (Becton Dickinson), stained intracellularly with biotinylated anti‐IgG3 (clone R40–82, Becton Dickinson), biotinylated anti‐IgG2b (clone R12–3, Becton Dickinson) or biotinylated anti‐IgA (clone C10–1, Becton Dickinson), and Streptavidin‐allophycocyanin (Becton Dickinson). Switching was calculated as the percentage of FITC or allophycocyanin positive singlet viable cells in the lymphocyte gate.
Serum immunoglobulin immunoprecipitation
IPs were performed essentially as described previously 19. Briefly, 20 μL protein L‐conjugated sepharose beads (BioVision) were blocked in 500 μL 2% glycine/PBS, washed in PBS, and then 5 μL of serum diluted to 500 μL in PBS were added and rotated for 1 h at room temperature. Beads were washed thrice in PBS/0.05% Tween‐20, then boiled in 1× SDS loading buffer (Life Technologies) supplemented with β‐mercaptoethanol and separated on 4–12% SDS/PAGE gels (Life Technologies) before Coomassie staining (InstantBlue, Expedeon).
Serum immunoglobulin quantification
Analysis of mouse immunoglobulin isotypes in serum was performed using a multiplexed immunoelectrochemiluminescent mouse isotyping kit (Meso Scale Discovery, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions with exclusion of IgG2a results as there was significant (∼0.9%) cross‐reactivity with IgM (data not shown). For IgG1 in mice from AID‐deficient mothers, we performed a conventional ELISA using A85–3 as capture and biotinylated A85–1 as detection antibody (both BD Biosciences). 10% FBS in PBS‐T (0.05% Tween‐20 in PBS) was used for blocking and PBS‐T for washing.
Isolation of GC B cells and analysis of SHM
Germinal center B cells were isolated from Peyer's patches of mice ∼6 months of age, essentially as described 5. Cells were lysed for PCR using DirectPCR cell lysis reagent (Viagen Biotech) and the 3′ flanking intron of VHJ558(D) Jh4 rearrangements amplified using KOD Hotstart DNA polymerase (Merck Millipore). Jκ5 introns were amplified using degenerate primers 48. PCR product bands of the correct size were gel purified, digested with SpeI and EcoRI, and cloned into Bluescript II SK(+), then sequenced with M13‐FP. Three C57BL/6J mice were used as controls for the Jκ5 intronic sequences in addition to littermate controls.
Sequence quality clipping and alignment was performed using GAP4 49 and clonally related sequences removed on the basis of CDR3 divergence of <3% if they shared mutations in the intronic region.
Microhomology analysis of immunoglobulin switch junctions
Cultured splenocytes were lysed and switch junctions amplified from diluted template as described 28. PCR products were cloned into pCR‐Blunt using the ZeroBlunt kit (Invitrogen) and sequenced using M13 primers. Switch junctions were scored according to the extent of perfect homology.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no financial or commercial conflict of interest.
base excision repair
class switch recombination
mismatch repair
- Polη
polymerase η
somatic hypermutation
Supplementary Material
This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC reference number MC_U105178806) and an MRC Centenary Award (to F.A.D.). We thank Gareth Williams for helpful comments on the manuscript, Maria Daly and Fan Zhang for help with flow cytometry, Rachel Blackburn‐Stout, the staff at the LMB animal facility, and the LMB Genotyping lab for expert help and animal husbandry. We are grateful for the support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Cambridge European Trust (stipends to K.K.). Ung−/− mice had been kindly provided by Deborah Barnes and Tomas Lindahl (London Research Institute, CRUK, UK), and Msh2−/− mice were a gift provided by Hein te Riele through K. Brown (CRUK Beatson Laboratories, University of Glasgow).
See accompanying commentary by Maul and Gearhart
See accompanying article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eji.201444813
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